Top 10 IoT Applications in 2020

What Are the Hottest Application Areas for the Internet of Things Right Now?

IoT Analytics continues to track in which verticals most IoT projects are happening. The latest 2020 analysis shows that most IoT projects still happen in Manufacturing/Industrial settings, with verticals such as Transportation/Mobility, Energy, Retail, and Healthcare having also increased their relative share in comparison to past analyses.

The 2020 analysis is based on 1,414 actual IoT projects that were explored as part of IoT Analytics' research tracking IoT platforms and the underlying data is included in the 2020 list of 620 IoT platforms. The fact that more than 1,000 publicly announced IoT projects now make use of an IoT platform highlights the importance and pervasiveness of IoT platforms in bringing IoT solutions to market.

A little bit of plain Javascript can do a lot

Julia Evans:

I decided to implement almost all of the UI by just adding & removing CSS classes, and using CSS transitions if I want to animate a transition.

An awful lot of the JavaScript on sites (that aren’t otherwise entirely constructed from JavaScript) is click the thing, toggle the class — which is why jQuery was so good and libraries like Alpine.js are finding happy developer audiences.

I once did a screencast called “Hey designers, if you only know one thing about JavaScript, this is what I would recommend which was basically: learn to toggle classes. From that:

Sometimes, to start a journey into learning something huge and complex, you need to learn something small and simple. JavaScript is huge and complex, but you can baby step into it by learning small and simple things. If you’re a web designer, I think there is one thing in particular that you can learn that is extremely empowering.

This is the thing I want you to learn: When you click on some element, change a class on some element.

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Capture IoT Devices Data Via RabbitMQ


The purpose of this article is to give you an overview of how to capture events from MQTT enabled IoT sensors/devices and monitors it via ELK stack.

After capturing events, you could either store it in event-stores or in time-series database for further processing.

Top 13 GitHub Alternatives in 2020 [Free and Paid]

If the black cat doesn’t seem cute enough, and you are looking for a reliable yet powerful GitHub alternative, this article unveils some of the top GitHub alternatives you can find today.

Every tool on this list is discussed in detail to help you make a better decision whether to switch over to another git platform or stick with GitHub.

AI Chatbots – Challenges and Opportunities

Perhaps one of the most extensive and prominent use cases for the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the industry is the increasing use of AI chatbots across service lines. Chatbots have become an integral part of both the internal and external communication strategies of all large organizations. Chatbots are being used as a human alternative for first-level query resolution for a host of industries. In all cases, end users have direct interaction with chatbots.

What Is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is a rules-based computer program, which simulates human interaction with end-users via a chat interface. In other words, a chatbot can have a conversation with you just like a real person, ask questions, and answer queries based on pre-defined rules and logic.

Chatbot Integrations – Adding an Integration in Teneo

If you want your chatbot to be able to know the answer to more than just the things you teach it about your business you can integrate to other services. Why invent the wheel twice? With integrations, you can have loads of information that might change from day to day without having to constantly update your solution manually.

Let’s look into how you add an integration in Teneo Studio.

WebAuthn: A Great Solution…With Problems

A Quick WebAuthn Refresher

I think we can all agree that passwords suck. They’re difficult to remember, which leads to people simply reusing the same, weak, words/phrases over and over. They’re also easily phishable,  with ever more subtle and believable attacks happening all the time

WebAuthn (Web Authentication) promises to fix web passwords with a strong, simple. un-phishable standard for secure authentication. It is a credential management API built into modern web browsers. allowing web applications to strongly authenticate users. It is now a World Wide Web Consortium standard.

Jetpack 8.7 Adds New Tweetstorm Unroll Feature, Improves Search Customization

Jetpack 8.7 was released this week with an exciting new feature that allows users to “unroll” a tweetstorm and publish it in a post. The feature works inside the Tweet block. After a user embeds a tweet, it will automatically detect a tweetstorm and display a prompt to fetch the rest of the tweets. It functions in a similar way to the Thread Reader app, except the unrolled thread is hosted on your WordPress post.

Tweetstorms remain a controversial way to get a lengthy point across. Twitter users with large followings will often get wider exposure and more traction and interaction on their ideas when they share them in a series of bite-size tweets. Although tweetstorms might be better as a blog, especially for those who are consuming and sharing them, a link to a blog post doesn’t carry the same weight as tweets for capturing Twitter users’ immediate attention.

You may not be able to convince people to stop posting tweetstorms, but with Jetpack 8.7 you can make sure that these tweets are available inside a blog post.

Gary Pendergast, who has been working on the unroll feature for several months, tweeted a demo video of how it works.

If you’re looking to compose and publish tweetstorms from a blog post, with your post as the point of origin, John James Jacoby’s Publishiza plugin performs the opposite function of Jetpack’s new unroll feature. Pendergast said he is also investigating how to add the ability to publish a tweetstorm using the block editor, which seems like an ideal use case for writing content in blocks.

Jetpack 8.7 also brings updates to the recently revamped Search feature, adding more customization options for the search overlay:

  • Choose between minimal and expanded results
  • Change the default sorting to options — like chronological
  • Hide the sort option to reduce the size of the interface

This release also gives users easier access to their Google Photos and the free Pexels library. Access to these services was previously integrated with media library but is now also accessible via the block editor.

Version 8.7 introduces a WhatsApp Button block to allow visitors and customers to get in touch easily. The Jetpack team has also added more customization options to the Calendly, Mailchimp, Eventbrite, and Payment blocks. Check out the release post for a full list of improvements in this update.

“Too Many Meetings”… A Dev’s Cry For Help: 5 Things Team Leads Can Do

It's the law. Software engineers have to hate meetings. If you're caught enjoying yourself in a meeting you can get your dev card pulled. So be careful out there. And stay classy, San Diego.

We're bad at articulating the negative effects of meetings

I knew right away as a junior developer out of college I was in too many meetings. Even though I had nothing to compare it to. As I took on more visible projects, the number of meetings went up. I felt the pain.

5 Factors to Consider Before Choosing an API Management Platform

The remarkable growth of the API (Application Programming Interface) economy has resulted in a corresponding rise in the need for API management platforms. 

These solutions assist in creating, implementing, monitoring, analyzing, securing, and managing APIs — throughout their entire lifecycle.

Orchestrating Puppeteer From Lambda With Zero Lines of Code

In this article, we will look into the details of how to use the Kumologica Puppeteer node to capture website content. For those who are not familiar with Kumologica, let me give a quick overview.

Kumologica is a free low-code development tool to build serverless integrations. Kumologica provides drag and drops visual designers to build your integration flows or micro-services that can be tested and deployed on to a serverless infrastructure (AWS Lambda).

Running a Java App With MySQL in Any Docker Environment

We very often use a container for the deployment of a microservices application/java app. Using containers has various advantages, and Docker is one of the first choices to implement containerization. But for a beginner, using Docker with proper configuration is a tedious job, particularly if we use using a database as backends. Since containerization means isolation of any application to the external world, an application cannot access any of the services, which are running in a container. 

An application needs any kind of backend service. So the backend needs to expose to the external world. But, exposing the port of the database for the external world, is not a good idea. But this problem can be solved by connecting the container through Docker networking. By connecting the database with the java application through the docker network is the best option. This way, we can solve the portability issues in different environments like Dev, QA, and Prod.

Can your API Gateway Tango to Open API Spec?

Open API Spec — an API-First Approach

Enterprises today use an API first approach towards application development and sharing data. This API based approach is used under several scenarios like — breaking up a monolith into microservices, adopting cloud, and adopting Kubernetes.

APIs are also a popular choice to adopt Service Oriented Architectural approach. API also forms a key tenant to support data sharing and logic reuse. An API in an application can be compared to a function in the imperative programming paradigm.

Micronaut in the Cloud: PostgreSQL with JPA

Micronaut is an open-source, JVM-based framework for building full-stack, modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications.

Unlike reflection-based IoC frameworks that load and cache reflection data for every single field, method, and constructor in your code, with Micronaut, your application startup time and memory consumption are not bound to the size of your codebase. Micronaut's cloud support is built right in, including support for common discovery services, distributed tracing tools, and cloud runtimes.

After 11 Years, Users Will Be Able to Update Themes and Plugins via a ZIP File

It has been a long road. Eleven long years. WordPress will finally allow end-users to update an installed plugin or theme by uploading a ZIP file. After over a decade, most people who had hoped to see this day have likely moved on. However, for those of us still waiting for this long sought after feature, it will land in WordPress 5.5.

A little patience never hurt anyone. Over the years, we have seen plugins crop up to handle this missing feature. There has been a clear and present need for it. Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades by Chris Jean has over 200,000 active installs. Update Theme and Plugins from Zip File by Jeff Sherk has another 20,000. The community owes the developers of these plugins at least a small bit of thanks for taking on a job that should have long ago been a part of the core experience.

There was a time when this feature would have been one of the most important tools to land in WordPress. This was a time when one-click updates were not a thing. This was long before the idea of automatic theme and plugin updates, a feature that is also coming in WordPress 5.5, was conceived. While it is still exciting to finally get a feature that has long been on the waiting list, it is far less useful than it once was.

This missing feature has also likely at least partially spurred commercial theme and plugin shops to come up with custom solutions. This represents arguably one of the largest segments of users that still need the feature, at least for those using products from shops that do not provide one-click or automatic updates.

Updating themes via a ZIP file is a bit old-school, but there are scenarios where that is the better or preferred option for some users.

I routinely use a third-party plugin to handle this for various sites I am involved with where I might maintain a custom theme. This is particularly true if I don’t have FTP or other access to the server. It is simple to upload a ZIP file in those cases.

Despite less of a need for this feature in 2020 than in 2009, I can still use it. Judging by the download numbers of existing plugins, a couple hundred thousand others can too.

How Updating via ZIP Works

The new feature is not immediately apparent. However, it is more of a power-user feature that users will need to know about before attempting to use.

Updating a theme or plugin works in the same fashion as uploading a new one. By visiting the Add New plugin or theme screen in the WordPress admin and clicking the upload button, users can drop the ZIP file from their computer. After clicking the Install Now button, WordPress will direct users to a new screen that compares the currently-installed extension with the uploaded versions. Users can then choose between continuing with the installation or canceling.

After clicking the “Upload Plugin” button via the new plugin screen, the uploader currently reads, “If you have a plugin in a .zip format, you may install it by uploading it here.” There is no mention that users may upload a plugin that is already installed. A tweak to the language could help make it clear.

The comparison feature is a welcome addition, which should curb users accidentally uploading something they already have installed or rolling back when they already have a newer version active on the site. Some of the existing solutions from third-party plugins do not handle this feature, so this should make for a good upgrade.

Vericred Provides Level-Funded Health Insurance Plans Via API

Vericred, a data services company simplifying the exchange of information between health insurance and employee benefit carriers and InsurTech companies, today announced the immediate availability of level-funded plans through its Group Rating API. With this new functionality, Vericred is facilitating the distribution and quoting of these attractive alternatives to fully insured group plans.