Trends in Enterprise Software Development – 2019 and Beyond

Organizations on the cutting edge, the trendsetters, define the way others approach and conduct business, no matter the industry. Software companies are not immune to this phenomenon. Even the largest of enterprises define their roadmaps by what’s happening in the industry.

It is critical to stay ahead of software delivery trends. What is enterprise software and the trends that are shaping the way it is developed, distributed, and tested? Let’s explore…

How to Create Clear Project Roles and Responsibilities

Sorting out who does what on a project would appear to be pretty basic. Clear tasks, with clear responsibilities and deadlines, is Project Management 101. But in too many projects, it remains unclear who is responsible for a deliverable until it’s too late.

The Circle Dot Chart addresses this issue. It’s a tool for getting clear on what deliverables are due, when, and who is responsible for them. The chart consists of lines that represent tasks, and circles at the intersection of tasks and functional responsibilities. It identifies key deliverables on the horizontal axis and key roles or key individuals on the vertical axis. Open circles indicate that an individual function is involved, while solid circles represent the directly responsible individual (DRI) for a given deliverable. It is essential that there be one and only one DRI.

How Time Reports Help Manage Teams and Projects

Companies that implement time-tracking in their workflow procedure are usually using the collected data for customer billing – however, this is not the only way this data can be used. Running reports on time data and on time-based costs helps get insights into how efficient the workflow is, what can be improved, and what needs urgent attention.

Time reports are often used by team or project managers, executives and business owners to understand important trends within their teams. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how time reporting can provide insights into team dynamics, help plan better, and increase work efficiency.

How to Get Your Engineering Team Involved in Product Efforts

At Anaxi, we don’t have a product manager. Seem weird? We’re not the only ones to do that. For instance, that’s also the case at Apple. But in our case, this role is spread out across our remote engineering team. In this article, I will detail why we do this and how we do it. To be honest, there are many things we’re still iterating on, and refining our processes will just be a constant effort, as it should be in every company. Note that our process works for any engineering team, working together in the same office or remotely.

Why You Want Your Dev Team Involved in Your Product Definition Efforts

In our particular case, our target customers are developers and engineering managers (and later on, product managers). So our engineering team also happens to represent our own customers. It stands to reason that they should have deep insights on what has value and what has less, probably more than a non-technical product manager who thinks they can understand the audience.

The Path to Scrum Mastery: Top 5 Common Scrum Master Traps to Avoid

For my career, I have had the great privilege to witness different companies undergo many different phases of Agile transformations. I've met many amazing Scrum Masters along the way that have evolved to take on major responsibilities in their organizations. However, I have also seen many Scrum Masters who fall into common traps that impede the Scrum team, impede delivery, and inadvertently slow down their own career growth by falling into five common traps that I have identified. I'll identify these common mistakes and offer ways to best avoid them or get out of an invisible sinking tar pit that frequently pulls new Scrum Masters into their demise and show you how to get back on the path towards becoming a great Scrum Master.

Trap #1: You're the Only One Typing Notes for Every Meeting

Are you always the one doing the typing in every Scrum event? Being a Scrum Master doesn't make you the team secretary. Anyone who can type can take the keyboard or laptop and write user stories, take notes, update hours and change Outlook appointments. If you want a self-organizing and empowered development team, you cannot do everything for them, including taking notes. I often get asked if a Scrum Master is a full-time role because all they have seen are Scrum Masters that run all the meetings and take all the notes. If that's all you do, it's understandable why one would see it as a part-time job.

Showing Error :Index Was Out Of Range. In Datagridview Please Help….

getting error when run the loop and going to last value of row count
please help

and i can not use the 2nd loop in the place of cells(?????) number how can i use this

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

What I have tried:***

Dim aa As Integer
       For Z1 = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount

           If Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(2).Value = True Then
               aa = 1
               aa = 0
           End If
           Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(7).Value = aa
           If Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(3).Value = True Then
               aa = aa & 1
               aa = aa & 0
           End If
           Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(7).Value = aa
           If Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(4).Value = True Then
               aa = aa & 1
               aa = aa & 0
           End If
           Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(7).Value = aa
           If Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(5).Value = True Then
               aa = aa & 1
               aa = aa & 0
           End If
           Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(7).Value = aa
           If Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(6).Value = True Then
               aa = aa & 1
               aa = aa & 0
           End If
           Me.DataGridView1.Rows(Z1).Cells(7).Value = aa

Detect Noise Level Audio Decibels in MXChip Azure IoT DevKit


Playing with Azure IoT DevKit MXChip is always fun; the device has many capabilities. For the past few days, I have been working with some of the capabilities of this device like atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity through its sensors. In this article, I will show you how you can calculate noise level using the microphone of AZ3166 IoT Device. Now, let’s get started!


In our last article, we have already seen how to read the temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure from the MXChip AZ3166 sensors and send those to our Azure IoT Hub. In this article, we will perform the following tasks.

JVM Calendar: Java Is Still Free

I traditionally write up a retrospective on the year from the perspective of the Java Ecosystem. But this past year, there were some major announcements by Oracle on their positioning around Java support and subscription licensing, which has sent the ecosystem into a bit of a tailspin.

The information by Oracle was often misread, misinterpreted, and misunderstood with the added complication of many folks not understanding their options going forward.

Migrating Spring Java Applications to Azure App Service (Part 1: DataSources and Credentials)

Originally published July 23, 2019

Running on the cloud is not only for cool new applications following 12-factor principles and coded to be cloud-native. Many applications could be converted to be cloud-ready with minimal adjustments — just to be able to run in the cloud environment. In the following few articles we will demonstrate how to address the most common migration items in legacy Spring applications — handling JNDI, and credentials, externalizing configuration, remote debugging, logging, and monitoring.

Knative Log Analysis With LogDNA on IBM Cloud

In this post, you will learn how to use the IBM Log Analysis with LogDNA service to configure cluster-level logging for an app named "Knative-node-app" published in IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service. Refer to this post to set up a Node.js app.

IBM Log Analysis with LogDNA offers administrators, DevOps teams, and developers advanced features to filter, search, and tail log data, define alerts, and design custom views to monitor application and system logs.

From the moment you provision a cluster with IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service, you want to know what is happening inside the cluster. You need to access logs to troubleshoot problems and pre-empt issues. At any time, you want to have access to different types of logs such as worker logs, pod logs, app logs, or network logs. In addition, you want to monitor different sources of log data in your Kubernetes cluster. Therefore, your ability to manage and access log records from any of these sources is critical. Your success in managing and monitoring logs depends on how you configure the logging capabilities for your Kubernetes platform.

Java Language Keywords: Top 4 Keywords in Java (Part 2)

What Is an Abstract Keyword in Java?

In Java, an abstract keyword is a non-access modifier that is applicable for classes and methods, but it is not applicable to variables. These Java language keywords are used to achieve abstraction in Java, which happens to be a key feature of OOP.

Let us study some of these different contexts in greater detail.

7 Fantastic Landing Page Designs

What is a landing page? Knowing this can help you generate leads and retain more customers when you design a website. Simply put, a landing page is where someone “lands” after clicking on a search result, call to action, or advertisement. These pages have one core focus: converting people into customers. Any page on your site can be a landing page for certain search terms.

These awesome landing pages are a great source of inspiration when you’re trying to improve your own. Take a look and see why they work so well!



If you’re going to make your homepage your landing page, take a tip from Spotify. While navigational elements exist, they’re overshadowed by the huge background banner and noticeable button asking you to register. The pitch may be only three sentences long, but it says all it needs to.



Netflix opens with an absolutely huge call to action button that’s just begging to be clicked on. When you do, you’re taken to a clean page, free of distractions but for a simple footer. Walking through the sign-up process doesn’t take long, and it even saves your progress if you leave the page.

Mango Languages

Mango Languages

Mango Languages does a great job on its landing pages. The sign-up link is very prominent and posted multiple times on the homepage. Clicking it leads you to a page free of distracting navigation. Just choose your language and sign up!

Web Profits

Web Profits

Sometimes it’s impossible to condense your landing page down to a single action for users to take. The best thing you can do is make the distinction clear, and that’s what Web Profits does. The homepage is very simple with just three distinct links. Click one, and you’ll be directed to a landing page more suited to what you’re looking for. The page may be long, but the inclusion of at least four identical CTAs makes sure there’s always a button in sight when you’re ready to get started.

Google Store

Google Store

Google’s full-screen, animated page already does a great job putting the focus on the products. Click one of the calls to action and you’ll be presented with a page that gets right to the point. Pricing and order buttons are always visible in the header as you scroll through videos and feature lists. And, advertisements for other products are kept at the bottom of the page.



When you’re creating a landing page, it’s extremely important that you waste no time. Upwork’s sign-up dialogue exemplifies this quality. An eye-grabbing header and title draw your eye towards the Get Started button, which immediately begins walking you through creating a job post and the sign-up process. You may only have a few seconds to grab a visitor’s attention, so make sure you waste no time. This is also a fantastic example of above-the-fold content, with the site features all being below it and the important CTA above.



If you visit Facebook without an account, they keep their pitch simple. With three concise bullet points explaining what the site is and an obvious sign-up form right on the page, it’s easy for anyone to get started. They also keep the form short and leave the in-depth questions for later, which is a good practice.

Design Great Landing Pages

The best landing pages are concise, have few distractions, and get the visitor to take the action you want them to take. Remember that when you’re designing your next landing page for your email campaign or advertising banner! Make your argument short, compelling and tailored to the audience likely to click on the landing page. Accomplish that and you’ll be converting in no time.

Generic Extension Method to Map Objects From One Type to Another

Let me start with one scenario. Just imagine we have an object which has lots of public properties and we need to use only some properties of it for the user profile method. For example, we have a class Teacher_Interview and another class named Teacher_College.

Public class Teacher_Interview  
    Public int UID {get; set;}  
    Public string Name {get; set;}  
    Public string Email {get; set;}  
    Public string Subject {get; set;}  
Public class Teacher_College  
    Public int TID {get; set;}  
    Public string Name {get; set;}  
    Public string Email {get; set;}  

Here, we have written both the classes. As we can see, we have a Teacher_Interview class that contains its public properties. Now, we need to use the Teacher_College class object and want the same values from the Teacher_Interview class object.

Collective #488

Collective #488 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.