Applicant Tracking System Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Streamline your recruiting process today with BambooHR, an intuitive, all-in-one HR software that seamlessly combines application tracking and HR management capabilities. Sign up for a free trial today and try out BambooHR risk-free for seven days. 

The typical recruiting process has multiple moving parts, including updating job specifications, preparing recruitment material, sourcing and attracting candidates, screening candidates, and conducting interviews. These tasks can be challenging to coordinate. Yet, despite the workload, recruiters and HR managers are expected to find qualified candidates and fill positions quickly and efficiently. Therefore, an applicant tracking system (ATS) is a must-have solution in a recruiter’s toolkit, allowing them to automate most of these tasks. 

The 4 Best Applicant Tracking Software Tools 

We tested more than two dozen applicant tracking systems to find the best one. Ultimately, four software tools made it to our list, which you can check out in our best applicant tracking software post. Below we have the best applicant tracking systems:

  • BambooHR – Best for HR Teams that Handle Recruiting Themselves
  • Workable – Best for Filling A Niche Position Quickly
  • BreezyHR – Best for Lowering Your Cost to Hire 
  • JazzHR – Best for Companies That Are Always Recruiting 

What is an Applicant Tracking System?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a computer software program designed to automate and streamline an organization’s entire recruitment process. The software features may vary depending on the provider. However, one of the software’s basic capabilities is tracking candidates throughout the hiring process, from reviewing resumes, scheduling interviews, compiling feedback, and extending offers to successful candidates. 

For example, even the most basic ATS has database functionality to store candidate information. The system also makes the data searchable, so recruiters or hiring managers can easily pull relevant information on demand. Similarly, the ATS can pre-screen applicants and automatically recommend candidates to proceed to the next phase of the hiring process. 

Finally, ATS features primarily focus on improving the hiring process for recruiters and candidates. For example, the software can help recruiters create compelling job descriptions to attract high-quality candidates. Likewise, a sound system creates a positive candidate experience and likely increases top applicants’ job offer acceptance rate. 

How Does an Applicant Tracking System Work? 

Remember that a good applicant tracking system should digitize, automate, and streamline as much of the hiring process as possible. So the following section looks at how the ideal ATS works. 

The typical talent acquisition process starts with a job requisition. For example, a department manager may create a job requisition to formally request new hires or create a new position in the company. The document may include details like justification for a new hire, the department that needs the new employee, job responsibilities, ideal start date, pay and benefits, and other information.

Most advanced ATS lets you create job requisitions. Then HR approves the requisition. Next, the software may create a candidate profile using details in the requisition form. Alternatively, the hiring manager may generate the candidate profile manually. 

The ATS software also helps create job descriptions, usually from built-in templates. The software also allows you to post the openings on multiple mediums, including internally, on the corporate website, and on public job boards.  

Screenshot from BambooHR's applicant tracking web page of a job description for their customer service team lead.
BambooHR lets you create job description templates.

Next, candidates submit their applications which the ATS collects and stores in a database. The candidates may be asked to answer specific questions such as their education and work experience. Most ATS allows you to set parameters to automatically reject candidates that don’t meet the minimum job requirements. 

Additionally, most ATS automatically parse resumes and rank applicants based on how well they match the job requirements. From here, it’s easy for recruiters to sort the applications and invite qualified candidates for interviews manually. 

Again, the ATS lets you invite qualified candidates for interviews. The software can also automatically send rejection letters to unqualified candidates at the click of a button. You may also enter notes in the ATS for each corresponding candidate during interviews to review later. 

Finally, you can send offer letters to qualified candidates from the ATS. The candidates can also use the software to accept the job offer, usually without signing up or registering for the software. Many advanced applicant tracking systems also let you onboard new hires. 

Who Needs an Applicant Tracking System? 

Most organizations have no trouble justifying acquiring marketing, accounting, sales, and messaging software. However, it’s not always clear if an applicant tracking system should be a priority. Fortunately, there are multiple signs that it is time to invest in an ATS. 

The first obvious sign that you need an ATS is if your recruitment process takes too much time. You can quickly eliminate manual tasks like posting ads to job boards, checking, categorizing, and filing applications, sending receipts of application emails, and weeding out irrelevant candidates. If you spend too much time on these tasks, an ATS can save you time and effort. 

Similarly, an ATS is helpful if you’ve noticed an influx of irrelevant or unqualified resumes and applications. An applicant tracking system can help you set up screening questions to identify candidates that meet your core or minimum requirements. This way, you don’t have to spend unnecessary time on unwanted applications. 

You should also consider investing in an ATS if you’re having trouble collecting recruitment data or creating reports. Recruitment reports are critical for identifying challenges and areas of improvement, streamlining future talent acquisition, and predicting ROI for each hiring decision. An ATS quickly generates reports with essential metrics like time-to-disqualify, cost and time saved, time-to-fill, and quality-per-hire. 

Screenshot from BammbooHR's applicant tracking web page of their candidate funnel with metrics for applicants.
BambooHR has excellent tracking metrics you can use to see how your recruitment process works.

Consider also using an applicant tracking system if you don’t have a career site or want to improve an existing one. A good career site can help optimize recruitment and attract new talent directly. In addition, most ATS help you create and customize a career site or page to highlight your brand. 

Finally, consider using an applicant tracking system if you use external recruiters for all your hiring needs. External recruiters are helpful for high-level or difficult-to-fill positions. However, using an ATS can save costs for low to mid-level hires. In addition, the software helps create a streamlined hiring process to increase the quality of your hiring pipeline for these positions.  

Key Features of an Applicant Tracking System 

Some applicant tracking systems offer more robust features than others. So it is essential to know what you want the system to do. Below are some of the most sought-out ATS features. 

Job Distribution – One core feature of ATS is distributing job postings to as many job boards and recruitment sites as possible. Casting a wide net helps to improve your applicant pool and the chances of finding the best candidate. It will also save you time and effort copying and pasting the postings to various sites. 

This integration is also helpful for screening resumes. The ATS should let you access applications from various job boards within the system. It will save you time logging into disparate boards to screen resumes. 

Keyword Filters – Filters are another basic ATS functionality. You should be able to define criteria such as location, application date, assessment status, and qualifications. Candidates matching your criteria appear on top, allowing you to review candidates quickly. 

It’s worth noting that the system doesn’t disqualify candidates based on keywords. Instead, these keywords allow you to search applicants based on criteria like availability, education, work experience, and travel preferences. It’s a convenient feature for narrowing down the candidate pool. 

Career Pages – Many applicant tracking systems provide a customizable career page layout. You can easily embed the page on your website and let candidates submit applications from the company website. These applications immediately appear in your ATS dashboard. 

The careers page builder should also be customizable. For example, you should be able to simplify application steps, add sections, and include your company logo and branding. This feature should also offer analytics to track the careers page’s performance. 

Interview Management – The ideal ATS lets you communicate with shortlisted candidates directly from the platform. Additionally, most software integrates with supporting tools like Google Meet, Zoom, and Google Calendar to help schedule and conduct interviews. Ideally, the software should allow you to take notes during interviews to review in the next stage of the recruitment process. 

Similarly, you want an interview management feature with alerts and notifications. For example, the alert may be an email or message reminding the recruiter and interviewee of the upcoming interview. More advanced software uses AI to translate schedules and determine the optimal interview times. 

Collaboration – The recruitment process has multiple people, including the recruiter, HR manager, direct supervisor, CEO, and hiring manager. An ATS system should support communication and collaboration among interested parties. For example, email integration or a team chat feature can optimize information sharing during the recruitment process. 

Smart Analytics and Reporting – Analytics and reporting are essential for improving and streamlining the recruitment process. Most ATS offers critical insights into the process, including metrics like the cost of acquisition, time to hire, and diversity compliance. It’s a valuable feature for determining what works and what could be improved. 

Onboarding Features – A robust ATS helps eliminate the need for a separate software stack. For example, an onboarding feature means you don’t need additional HR software. The onboarding features may include a welcome email, an overview of employee benefits, and document signing.

Data Privacy Compliance – Many organizations implementing applicant tracking systems overlook data privacy and compliance. Many data privacy laws govern the collecting, storing, and disseminating of personal information. These include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). So it is vital to choose a secure system. 

Therefore, look for an ATS with built-in security. These features may include access control, HTTPS enabled, and data encryption. Knowing the specific data protection laws governing your industry and choosing software with built-in compliance is also helpful. 

You can start by listing the challenges you want to solve in your recruitment process. Then assess the software’s features to determine whether it fits well. If more features lead to higher costs, identify the must-haves and set your budget accordingly. 

Best Practices for Hiring With an Application Tracking System 

An applicant tracking system is not a magic wand to solve all your recruiting problems. Instead, it is a supporting tool that helps optimize a well-thought-out talent acquisition process. Despite automation, there’s still the human element involved in the hiring process. 

The first step is to choose the best applicant tracking system for your use case. This process involves identifying the high-priority features and selecting a system that aligns with your unique needs and requirements. 

It’s also helpful to identify specific hiring goals, such as improving candidate interview review results, reducing new hire failure rates, accelerating the hiring process, or increasing job acceptance rates. Then, choose software that supports achieving these goals. 

Secondly, most applicant tracking systems offer a free trial or demonstration. The trial period allows you to test the software risk-free. So take advantage of the opportunity and try two or three software before purchasing. 

Third, involve key people in the software implementation. Employee buy-in is crucial when implementing software likely to change or interrupt the current workflow. Therefore, involve key stakeholders such as hiring managers, recruiters, direct supervisors, and HR leaders when assessing, testing, and purchasing the system. 

Furthermore, ATS can help create and distribute job postings quickly. However, it is not designed to refine or improve the quality of job descriptions and postings. Therefore, ensure that your job descriptions are thorough and accurate to increase your chances of matching with the best candidates. 

Finally, use broad and versatile keywords when using keywords to filter candidates. Some strong candidates may fail to integrate exact keywords in their resumes despite being qualified. Therefore, use filters cautiously and cast a wide net with your keywords.

Final Thoughts About Applicant Tracking Systems   

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) have multiple benefits, including time-saving, simplified job posting, improved cost per hire, and high-quality analytics. However, you can only leverage these benefits by choosing the best ATS for your specific usage. Therefore, it’s crucial to identify recruitment goals and challenges to help determine the best software for your needs. 

It’s also worth remembering that an ATS won’t solve all your recruiting needs. For example, you still have to create compelling and detailed job postings, present your company culture positively, and adjust your application process to the prevailing recruitment market to attract the best candidates. 

Finally, take advantage of free trials or demos before committing to the ATS. Check that the software makes your job easier rather than more complicated. Also, ensure that the software integrates with your existing software stacks, such as e-signature apps, file storage apps, business communication platforms, and employee onboarding tools. 

Below are two more related QuickSprout posts to supplement this guide to applicant tracking systems. 

3 Examples of OKR Templates

The secret to long-term business success is knowing what you want to achieve and why. OKRs serve as an excellent goal-setting tool to communicate your goals and lay out milestones to accomplish them with your team. 

Business leaders traditionally use OKR templates to pair their objectives with key results, as well as set and enact strategies. The only catch? Creating a reliable template for your team can be a tedious task, especially if you don’t know where to begin.

This guide will go into the basics of creating an effective OKR template for your business and list pre-made templates you can use if you want to skip the hard work.

What Is an OKR?

Initially pioneered by John Doerr, the concept of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is a proven goal-setting and leadership framework that individuals, team leaders, and organizations use to set ambitious goals and track outcomes. 

It pairs the objectives you want to achieve with the key results you’ll use to measure progress, effectively tying your goals to your team’s daily workflows and activities.

What are OKR Templates?

OKR templates are pre-made performance management frameworks to simplify setting team objectives and tracking results. It clearly lays out the objective you want to achieve along with key results to measure your progress.

Think of it as filling in the following blanks:

I will achieve (objective) as measured by (key result).

Your objective is the goal(s) you want to achieve. Ideally, it should be clear, short, defined, organized, and actionable which leads to significant positive changes in your organization. Examples include increasing brand awareness, driving employee engagement and impact, and creating delightful customer experiences.

The key result is the metric you’ll use to measure your progress toward achieving the objective. Examples include optimizing 50 articles each month, getting an order rating of 4.6/5 or better, and driving 1 million web visitors this year.

Often, an objective is followed by 3 to 5 key results (rather than just one) that are measurable, specific, verifiable, and time-bound to help in its accomplishment. 

Suppose your objective is to increase recurring revenue. Your key results to achieve this can include the following:

  • Reach $300,000 in MRR
  • Reduce customer churn by 15%
  • Increase subscription renewal by 20%

If you think about it, completing the three set key results will ultimately help you increase your recurring revenue.

The 5 Benefits of Using an OKR Template

When running a business, it’s easy to get distracted by things that are not important or fruitful for your company’s big-picture goals. 

OKRs help keep this wandering attitude in check, ensuring you focus your energy on areas that have a direct impact on your business rather than wasting time and resources and something that won’t take you forward.

Here is a detailed breakdown of the benefits of using OKRs templates:

Better Performance

The whole point of OKRs is improved performance.

With an OKR template in place, everyone on your team knows your company’s key objectives and results. They know what needs to be done, removing any ambiguity, which is also likely to make them work harder. 

You can also use the template to track progress and identify areas for improvement, as well as align your team’s effort with your company goals to ensure better outcomes.

Faster, More Agile Operations

Typically, OKRs are set quarterly. This makes the template a live and active document that not only outlines fresh plans but also keeps everyone accountable for the set goals.

Coming up with OKRs multiple times each year also keeps your team at par with industry disruptions, innovations, and shifts to keep you ahead in the game.

Increased Employee Engagement

Making OKR templates can be a collaborative team-building exercise where everyone shares inputs. It also sets individual objectives and tracking systems and makes employees accountable for their responsibilities.

All of this together helps to increase engagement within the organization. 

Adopting an OKR framework makes employees more in tune with organizational goals and helps them take an active interest in promoting profitability. Another significant advantage is that an engaged workforce also reduces employee turnover.

Improves Transparency and Accountability

Implementing an effective OKR template creates a proper framework that not only assists teammates in understanding their roles of responsibilities but also holds everyone accountable for their actions.

This helps improve transparency and accountability by breaking down any silos and allowing you to share the organization’s key objectives with everybody.

OKRs also facilitate faster decision-making by allowing your team to make the right decisions without sacrificing quality, keeping your organization agile and responsive to market changes.

Strategic Alignment

Despite 90% of organizations having detailed plans for growth, 7 out of 8 companies don’t attain profitable growth. This is mostly due to the misalignment between organizations and employees with regard to goal-setting.

If you have a growth plan for the long term, you need OKRs to align team efforts in a way that focuses on the most important goals of the organization. Your OKR template can include objectives for the entire organization or have separate objectives and key results that are broken down for individuals for departments and individuals, whatever works better, to avoid any hindrance or obstacles. 

How To Create an Effective OKR Template

If you want to create a custom OKR template for your team, we’ve got you.

To start, you need to understand exactly what your organization wants to achieve and how to measure success. Keep in mind that each team involved will need its own objectives and key results. From there, creating an OKR becomes fairly straightforward and can be applied to all types of teams. 

Here’s how to proceed:

Define Business Objectives

Lay down your company’s high-level goals that will guide your product strategy and specific areas of investment. Your objectives can be broad (for example, increasing revenue) or more focused (for example, reducing churn by a certain amount).

Set Product Goals

Every product goal should link back to a business objective. For example, if you want to increase revenue by $500,000 over the next quarter, you need a corresponding company goal to increase annual recurring revenue (ARR) by a specific percentage.

Establish Success Metrics

As a company leader, you and your product development team should agree on how to best quantify success. 

If you’re a SaaS business owner, the key results for your organization can include getting a specific number of subscriptions each month or reducing user churn by a certain percentage each month.

The idea is to determine metrics that help you measure and prioritize the value each piece of work will deliver.

Set Product Initiatives

At this stage, you know your product objectives and key results. Next, you’ll clarify the steps to achieve them.

Product initiatives are the broad themes or areas of work your team will pursue to achieve each goal. This can include enhancing user experience or launching product features to improve product capability.

Map Out Corresponding Releases and Features

Another aspect of a good OKR template is having a roadmap that links each epic, release, and feature to company objectives, product goals, and product initiatives. This ensures all involved parties stay focused on aspects that are most important to the business.

Monitor and Track Metrics

Creating and implementing OKR templates isn’t a one-time exercise. It requires regular review and revision to ensure your team is attaining the results you want.

We recommend discussing objectives and key results in weekly or biweekly meetings. Alternatively, you can also track progress on a monthly or quarterly basis to keep things on track.

3 Free OKR Templates to Get Started

If you’re short on time but want to get started with OKRs right away, here are some proven and free templates worth your time:

1. MoonCamp’s Google Sheets OKR Tracking Template

Example of Mooncamp's OKR tracking template
Track your goals in Google Sheets with MoonCamp’s OKR Tracking Template.

Google Sheets is the simplest way to create an OKR template and start organizing key results for business objectives.

Simply enter your objectives and a few key results into the appropriate columns. You can also visualize the status of each key result by color-coding cells and identifying areas that need improvement.

2. WhatMatters’ John Doerr OKR Excel Template

Example of WhatMatters' John Doerr OKR Excel Template
You can set goals for departments and individuals with WhatMatters’ John Doerr OKR template.

This is another example of a simple and clear OKR template, and considering it’s inspired by John Doerr’s teachings, the OKR pioneer himself, you know it’s worth your while.

While the basic structure remains the same, this template has OKRs for departments/teams and individuals. Add the owner for each task, so everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.

3. SlideModel’s PowerPoint OKR Template

Example of SlideModel's PowerPoint OKR Template
Visualize your team’s progress with SlideModel’s PowerPoint OKR template.

This PowerPoint OKR template allows you to visualize team progress over time. 

Enter your objectives and key results into the appropriate slides, and then track progress by highlighting the cells achieved. In addition to tracking progress and growth, you can also visually see which areas need optimization so you can attain the objectives faster.

OKR Template Examples by Industry

If you’re looking for more help on how to use an OKR template, here are a few OKR examples to get you started:

Marketing OKR Example


Increase brand awareness

Key Results:

  • Double following on all social media channels
  • Recruit and onboard 500 new community members by the first quarter 
  • Drive 5x web visitors

FinTech OKR Example


Make the budget more transparent

Key Results:

  • Hold quarterly meetings to improve financial understanding
  • Reduce rejected expense reports by 10%
  • Hire a CFO to communicate budget requirements and changes

HR OKR Example


Drive employee engagement and impact

Key Results:

  • Improve positive manager feedback
  • Implement tactics to increase employee satisfaction by 10%
  • Get 50% more employee participation in surveys

Product OKR Example


Launch new product initiative by the end of the year

Key Results:

  • Increase signup to conversion rate by 10%
  • Ensure 40% of monthly active users (MAU) use the new feature/product
  • Get a recommendation score of 7.5 or above

Biotechnology OKR Example


Received FDA approval for user testing

Key Results:

  • Cross-check FDA requirements 
  • Consult with two biotech-specific lawyers
  • Submit all necessary paperwork by [Date]

Final Thoughts About OKR Templates

Writing OKRs is a skill that takes time and lots of practice to develop. Be sure to incorporate feedback from within the organization, including superiors and juniors, for each set of OKRs and have them undergo multiple checks and drafts to ensure successful execution.

Ultimately, you’ll have a proven OKR template to build a reliable objective and key results framework for measuring and assessing your results with respect to your company objectives.

Paycom Review

Paycom is a payroll and HR technology provider focusing on user experience, ease of implementation, and employee-managed data. Founded at the inception of the dot-com bubble in 1998, it’s considered one of the first fully online payroll companies.

Paycom’s payroll software has several easy-to-use yet powerful tools that streamline payroll processing and help eliminate errors. Paycom also has software solutions for other HR processes, such as talent acquisition, talent management, and labor management.

Paycom brand logo.

Paycom Compared

While Paycom is worth considering, it didn’t make it to our top list. The best payroll services provider for most businesses is Gusto, whose comprehensive suite of tools simplifies payroll management like no other. You can join more than 200,000 other businesses by setting up Gusto for free.

  • Gusto — Best for dispersed workforces
  • Paychex — Best for experienced payroll teams
  • OnPay — Best for simplifying all things payroll
  • QuickBooks Payroll — Best for solopreneurs and small teams
  • ADP — Best for never outgrowing your payroll provider.

You can learn more about these services in our comparison article here

About Paycom

Paycom Software Inc. is recognized by Fast Company as one of the World’s Most Innovative Enterprise Companies in 2022. Paycom’s online payroll management system includes tools such as Beti and Paycom Pay that improve the experience for employees and HR personnel.

Paycom also has talent acquisition tools for applicant tracking, onboarding, tax credits, and innovative tools such as Enhanced Background Checks and E-Verify. Paycom provides all the fundamentals for time and labor management, such as tools for time and attendance, scheduling, and labor allocation. It also has talent management tools to streamline incentivization and reward systems.

Paycom Health and Stability

Paycom has existed as an online payroll processing service provider since 1998 and an HR management service provider since 2001. This places Paycom among the longest-established companies in these industries. The company is well-established in the industry, with headquarters in Oklahoma City and offices throughout the US.

According to Fortune and Forbes magazines, Paycom is one of the fastest-growing publicly traded companies around the globe. The company reported a revenue of $1.056 billion after a solid fourth quarter in 2021, 25% up from the company’s revenue in 2020.

Reviews on job search websites such as Glassdoor and Indeed suggest a higher-than-average employee turnover rate for Paycom. However, the company’s rapid growth means this high turnover rate is likely an unavoidable consequence of the company’s otherwise highly successful business strategy.

Paycom Pricing

Like many other payroll service providers, including Paychex, Paycom does not provide pricing information on its website. This is because Paycom’s services are highly customized to the specific needs of businesses.

Instead of offering one-size-fits-all packages, the company takes it upon itself to help enterprises to implement their solutions. The company also trains employees to ensure businesses fully utilize Paycom’s various tools. The company offers personalized meetings where it presents interested businesses with a quote.

Paycom Pricing Structure

Paycom doesn’t disclose its pricing structure, but users report an average initial fee of $500 for companies with 15 employees and $1,200 for companies with 40 employees, according to Forbes. The monthly fees range from $4 to $6 per employee.

The flip side of not having defined price structures is that businesses only have to pay for the modules they need. This and training fees also only apply to the specific tools you purchase.

Paycom Pricing Comparison

Paycom appears to be quite competitive in terms of price compared to some of the top alternatives unless the user-reported average fees have a high variance. However, Paycom’s high initial training and implementation fees are an investment for most businesses. Its services are only cost-effective for businesses that choose to stay with the company for years.

The Simple payroll services plan from Gusto costs $40 plus $6 per employee per month. So a business with 20 employees would pay a total of $160 per month. Gusto’s Plus plan costs twice this amount. Paycom doesn’t have a flat fee in addition to the per-employee fees, making it an excellent option for small businesses.

The Essentials plan by Paychex costs $39 per month in addition to $5 per employee. Paycom’s services are the more cost-effective option in the long run, as Paycom’s initial fee spreads out over the years. The fee structure for more comprehensive packages by Paychex is also undisclosed so that no comparison can be made.

For companies with a large number of employees, the flat fees may be negligibly small compared to the total per-employee fees. This can make the basic packages by Gusto, Paychex, and other top payroll companies a more economical option. 

Paycom Trials and Guarantees

Paycom currently does not advertise any free trials or demos. Information about any guarantees isn’t disclosed on Paycom’s website either. It offers customized plans when you request a meeting.

Paycom Online Payroll Services Review

Paycom’s Payroll Software includes a comprehensive set of tools to streamline various payroll-related processes. Paycom’s new tool Beti gives employees a self-service experience by making payroll data easily accessible. Employees do their own payroll, saving time and limiting errors.

Still, Paycom is not the best option for most businesses, which is why it falls short of our top online payroll services list.

What Makes Paycom Online Payroll Services Great

Screenshot of Paycom employee portal home screen.
Home screen of Paycom’s employee portal.
  • Employee-managed data: Beti is a new tool from Paycom that allows employees to assess the accuracy of their payroll. Beti automates payroll for all employees according to available data, such as hours worked, rewards, and compensations. Employees can correct any inaccuracies in their data before it leads to errors. Paycom is leading the charge in this new, improved payroll process.
  • Unified HR tools: Paycom provides a single software to manage various payroll and other HR processes. Data entered for one tool is also available to all the other tools, improving satisfaction for employees who no longer have to enter the same data multiple times. Paycom’s tools also work together to allow for sophisticated automation while maintaining ease of use.
  • Customized services: Every business uses different payroll and HR processes. Instead of overwhelming companies by providing many tools, Paycom offers custom services to best meet their clients’ needs. Paycom’s focus on customized service is likely why it doesn’t offer any predefined packages with fixed prices like other companies.
  • Aided implementation and training: Paycom offers dedicated service to each business that subscribes to its services. The company helps its clients implement its various tools successfully for maximum ROI. The company also trains employees to use its service and tools to make the transformation easier.
  • Wide range of HR services: Besides payroll management, Paycom’s solution also has many other tools to automate HR management. Its tools can help companies with time and labor management, talent management, talent acquisition, and various other processes. Paycom has several innovative and original tools, such as E-Verify, BETI, and Enhanced Background Checks.
  • Unbiased performance management: In traditional workplaces, performance reviews are managed by management personnel with little to no governing rules. There’s much room for interpretation and personal biases. Paycom’s performance management and position management tools allow for unbiased employee performance management. This ensures the more talented and dedicated individuals are given preference and encouraged. The systematic nature of software performance management systems also improves employee satisfaction, lowering the turnover rate.
  • Easy integration with other services: Paycom’s software includes many modules offering a lot of functionality under one roof. However, since Paycom doesn’t have strictly defined packages, users can cherry-pick modules they find impressive and use other companies for other processes. For example, some Paycom users use other companies for criminal background checks that offer better prices.
  • Streamlined reward systems: Paycom’s Compensation Budgeting software allows businesses to streamline reward systems while staying under a decided budget. With Paycom’s software in place, employees have incentives to work towards goals decided by the employer. The system also takes subjectivity out of the equation, simultaneously improving productivity, profitability, and employee satisfaction.
  • Exceptional customer support: Paycom has designated representatives for different clients. Companies that use Paycom’s modules are always connected to the same agents who know everything about the company and offer highly personalized customer support.

Where Paycom Online Payroll Services Fall Short

Screenshot of Paycom's time management system time clock and recent punches feature.
Paycom’s time management system.
  • No trials or demos: Paycom currently doesn’t offer free trials or demos. The only way to know if Paycom’s services are right for your business is by requesting a meeting. This is unlike the companies in our top list, such as Gusto and Paychex, which offer free trials in one form or another. While it’s understandable that Paycom’s custom services would be rather costly to the company as a demo, Paycom can offer at least some of its unique tools for demos.
  • Undisclosed pricing information: Paycom doesn’t offer any predefined packages on its website. This can make Paycom more intimidating for businesses with a limited budget compared to service providers that clearly state their prices. This is unfortunate because companies that can benefit the most from Paycom’s dedicated service lack experience in digitization. Paycom can fix this by designing a pricing structure similar to Paychex and offering one fixed-rate Basic package and another custom package with variable rates.
  • High initial fees: Paycom reported charging an average of $500 in implementation and training fees. This makes Paycom’s services risky for businesses who are unsure of which online payroll company to choose.  Paycom could alternatively follow other leading companies and charge a fixed monthly fee and per-employee fees. The company could also make its implementation and training optional, eliminating the initial fees.
  • UI needs updating: While many users find Paycom’s UI quite intuitive, others find it outdated. This is not a technical problem, but updating its platforms according to contemporary design styles can improve user experience and employee satisfaction.
  • Too many reports: Paycom wants to keep HR personnel in the loop about the update the team makes to the software. The company also sends email notifications about requested changes. Some users find these notifications and reports overwhelming. 

Paycom Online Payroll Services Compared

In our comparison of the top online payroll services, we conclude Gusto is the ideal option for most businesses. Here are our top picks from the list:

  • Gusto — Best for dispersed workforces
  • Paychex — Best for experienced payroll teams
  • OnPay — Best for simplifying all things payroll
  • QuickBooks Payroll — Best for solopreneurs and small teams
  • ADP — Best for never outgrowing your payroll provider

Paycom HR Software Solution Review

Paycom offers a lot of functionality as an HR management software with its various modules. However, we don’t count it among the top HR software solutions for a few reasons. 

Paycom’s UI design is a bit outdated, which can negatively impact how a company is perceived, especially among new employees. Users have also found Paycom’s system to be unnecessarily convoluted.

The biggest reason Paycom doesn’t make it to our list is its pricing structure or, rather, a lack of one. There are no packages advertised on the website. To our best knowledge, Paycom’s services require a considerable initial investment. We recommend Paycom to companies particularly impressed by one of its innovative modules.

Paycom HR Software Solution Compared

While Paycom’s HR tech is impressive, it’s not as refined as some of the more popular options, such as Gusto. Our top picks for HR software solutions are better suited to the needs of most companies.

  • Gusto – Best for your first 50 hires 
  • Namely – Best for businesses that have outgrown basic HR solutions
  • BambooHR – Best support for a small in-house team
  • Zenefits – Best for hands-on HR administrators
  • Freshteam – Best for shortening your time to hire

Final Verdict

Paycom offers a comprehensive set of tools that allow businesses to streamline many fundamental HR processes. The company also offers dedicated services to help businesses implement their solutions, making the transformation easier.

While Paycom has some innovative Payroll tools such as Beti, it’s unable to compete with leading companies such as Gusto and Paychex that have better pricing structures. 

Paycom is worth considering, but not ideal for most businesses. 

Accurate Background Check Review

Accurate is a comprehensive employee background check solution. It provides criminal background checks, drug and health screenings, monitoring services, and more to help employers make the best hiring decisions for their businesses.

Accurate is compliant with local, national, and international regulations, making it a secure choice for your business. It allows you to customize your screening services and uses smart technology to get you the background check results that hiring managers need during the prescreening and hiring process and beyond.

Accurate brand logo

Accurate Background Checks Compared

Accurate ranks among the best on our top list, and it’s the most cost-effective service for small businesses to run background checks. Register for an account and get started with Accurate today.

  • Intelius—Best for unlimited background checks
  • GoodHire—Best for flexible pricing and intermittent use
  • B&B Reporting—Best for next-day background check results
  • Accurate—Most affordable background checks for small businesses
  • Verifirst—Best background check service for property management companies

Find out how Accurate stacks up to other services in the industry when you read our review of the best background check companies.

About Accurate Background Checks

Accurate Background provides employee screening services for employers in the healthcare, insurance, retail, staffing, transportation, and gig industries. It performs a wide range of these services, and its thorough searches include checking court records, driving history, drug screening, and more.

Accurate’s goal is to help you make the best possible hiring decisions using important employee information. It helps you determine whether an employee is a good fit for your business.

For example, if a person has stolen money from a company before, you’ll want to know this before hiring them for a retail position that frequently handles cash. If your employees operate heavy machinery, you might conduct a drug screening to ensure everyone’s safety on the job.

Accurate conducts in-depth background checks before you make your hiring decision, and you can use it at any time to verify employee claims and help reduce risk in your workplace.

Accurate Background Checks Health and Stability

Accurate has been around for 25 years and has been named among the 5000 fastest-growing companies seven times in a row. Founded by CEO Dave Dickerson, Accurate has acquired multiple companies, including Career Builder Employment Screening, LLC, Vero Screening Ltd., and CBES, the last of which put Accurate in a position to lead in the background check field.

Accurate has been involved in a few lawsuits, typically from individuals against the company suing for erroneous information. However, most clients seem satisfied with Accurate’s services, citing quick responses, accurate data, and helpful customer support. The company serves over 16,000 customers and retains 98.5% of them, according to its website. They have more than 1,700 employees.

The information the company collects is not guaranteed accurate, though they do have a high rate of finding correct reports. The biggest complaint most clients had was that sometimes, it takes the company longer to respond or collect search data.

Accurate Background Checks Pricing

You can find some of Accurate’s pricing on its website, where it lists three plans for small businesses. When it comes to large organizations, you can’t see your options as easily. Instead, large business clients have to contact Accurate to get custom pricing and services to meet their needs.

If you choose one of its designated plans, you can make an account on the website. Accurate will then review the information you provide, including your company name, size, industry, and other details, as well as user information. Once they approve you, they’ll contact you. (Regardless of your business size, Accurate must still approve you before you work with them.)

Accurate Pricing Structure

Accurate offers three pricing tiers, which are priced per report. The Basic plan starts at $30.99, and it includes county and national criminal search, the national sex offender registry, and SSN trace and address history. The Standard plan doubles the price to $62.05 per report, while the Premium package comes in at $77.57 per report for more advanced background check services.

You can also make an account with Accurate and tell them your unique needs. Plus, you have to pay a $25 setup fee to verify your business and account. Accurate offers add-ons for more advanced features, like education verification and federal criminal search services. These cost anywhere from $5 to $10.30.

Large organization services work differently in that Accurate tailors its pricing to your background check needs, offering more advanced reporting and flexibility. It works well for enterprise businesses that want to set their own criteria with automated adjudication and approval, multilingual support, recruiter and candidate completion features, and more.

Accurate Pricing Comparison

Accurate is more expensive than some other background check services, but it compares fairly equally to popular options from our top picks. The cost can add up quickly if you need a lot of reports, but for small businesses that need more basic or infrequent services, you probably won’t run into this issue.

Accurate is on par with similar companies, like GoodHire, which has rates starting at $29.99 per report for its small business plans. However, GoodHire also offers more with its basic plans than Accurate, including some report components that Accurate makes you pay extra to add.

Even GoodHire’s most expensive package costs only slightly more than Accurate’s Premium plan at $79.99. Both Accurate and GoodHire offer add-ons, and Accurate’s are cheaper than GoodHire’s $14.99 options.

Accurate is significantly more expensive than Intelius, which starts its basic background checks at less than $10. With Accurate, you’re also paying for quality and reputation, as it’s had fewer legal issues than Intelius. From our research, you’re more likely to receive accurate information with Accurate.

Accurate Trials and Guarantees

Accurate doesn’t offer any trials or guarantees—not even to get your money back. However, the company offers high-quality service and is ISO-certified and FCRA-compliant, which helps you avoid legal trouble while screening applicants and employees.

Accurate seems to have more extra charges than deals for customers, including its setup fee. At the same time, it doesn’t require any monthly minimums for background checks, so even if you just need one, Accurate will do it. Its quality may make the extra charges worth it for you, but this won’t be the case for everyone.

Accurate Employee Background Checks Review

Accurate has many strong points that make it an excellent choice for helping you make optimal hiring decisions for your team. It has comprehensive offerings, and we go over several of its benefits below, as well as areas that might make you reconsider using the service.

If the point below makes you think another background check service might fit your business better, you have plenty of other options. Compare them with our reviews of the best background check companies.

What Makes Accurate Employee Background Checks Great

Accurate specializes in employee background checks. Here’s where you can expect it to excel when you work with the company.

A screenshot showing a header against a blue background that reads “Why Do Small Businesses Choose AccurateNow?” Below are three colorful icons with information about Accurate’s affordability, speed, and compliance.
Accurate offers easy setup and customization for thorough background checks.
  • Industry-specific background checks: Accurate can conduct employee background checks for most industries, but it has its specialty niches. They include gig and marketplace workers, healthcare, insurance, retail, staffing, and transportation. The company provides flexible services to verify employee claims, search criminal records, perform drug and health screenings, conduct social media searches, and more. With its niche expertise, you get more specific information based on your industry, and Accurate understands the kind of data you need in your background checks and how to find it.
  • Easy to get started: To get started with Accurate’s small business plans, all you have to do is go to the website and choose your plan. Click the button to begin making your account, and put in your business and user information to send to the company. They’ll approve you and send an email to let you know they’ve reviewed your information. For large organizations, their experts will help you develop a custom plan based on your needs when you contact them.
  • Many options for employee background checks: Accurate’s services include criminal background checks, business intelligence, driver history, verification services, social media searches, sanctions, monitoring services, and even global searches. It makes for thorough reports that offer everything you need to make your hiring decisions, and you can use add-on options to dig deeper if needed.
  • Affordable for small businesses: If you’re only running a few background checks here and there, Accurate is especially affordable. The company does the hard work for you and sends you the Basic report for only $30.99, which includes criminal search records, the sex offender registry, SSN trace, and address history. Premium is more expensive but not out of reach for small businesses at $77.57, and it includes much more information, as well as education and employment verification and more advanced background check options.
  • ISO-certified and FCRA-compliant: Accurate’s compliance with ISO and FCRA helps reduce the risk of you receiving misinformation and protects your business legally. It lowers your risk of a lawsuit if someone accuses you of false information. It also shows that Accurate is a reputable company that sticks to your local, state, and national regulations for obtaining and reporting information.
  • Flexible and customizable: Accurate offers customized screening and background check services with flexible terms. You pay by the report, and you can contact the company to discuss your options at any time. Even small businesses can talk to them about custom options and services, and its add-ons fill in the gaps where its regular plans fall short.

Where Accurate Employee Background Checks Fall Short

While Accurate has many helpful services, it won’t work for everyone. Here’s where it may not live up to your expectations, so consider these criteria before you buy your plan.

A screenshot showing an illustration of a screen with vague data and graphs on it. On the right is a header that reads “Efficiency at every step.” with services listed below.
Accurate could improve its speed, but it provides solid data for many customers.
  • Long wait times: Accurate claims to be fast on their website, but it doesn’t say how long you can expect it to take to receive your report. Many client reviews note that Accurate takes much longer than expected to get back to them about their background checks—sometimes several months.
  • Basic features are add-ons: A lot of employee background checks include education and employment verification in basic plans automatically, but not Accurate’s. The company makes you pay extra for them, as well as other features, like motor vehicle reports, federal criminal searches, and professional license verification. If you need just one of these things, it’s not a huge deal, but if you need several, it jacks up the cost when you could get them included with another company, like GoodHire.
  • Less thorough basic plan: Other companies, like GoodHire, have more comprehensive plans for similar prices, whereas Accurate makes you pay for add-ons or upgrade to Premium. When you’re hiring someone, you want to make sure all the necessary information comes with the report, and Accurate’s Basic plan is more bare-bones than you can find elsewhere.
  • Costs add up fast: The cost of Accurate may not be worth it to small businesses with high turnover rates or that need a lot of background checks. Many small businesses watch their budgets, so paying $30 or more repeatedly can eat into their funds. With add-ons, you could easily end up paying double the cost of the basic report. Plus, consider the $25 initial setup fee, which most other background check services don’t have.
  • Not meant for personal use: Accurate is intended for employers to use for employee background checks. Other services, like Intelius, let you run your own personal searches. Accurate does the searching for you, which can deter some users who only want a quick look for something simple or who prefer more control over their search. However, it’s a great service for its intended purpose.
  • No free trial or guarantees: Where many companies offer a free trial, money-back guarantee, or quality guarantee, Accurate doesn’t. Most clients seem happy with their services, but the fact that you can’t test anything before you sign up might deter some users.

Accurate Employee Background Checks Compared

Accurate ranks fourth among our best background check services for its straightforward approach, compliance, and affordability for small businesses.

  • Intelius—Best for unlimited background checks
  • GoodHire—Best for flexible pricing and intermittent use
  • B&B Reporting—Best for next-day background check results
  • Accurate—Most affordable background checks for small businesses
  • Verifirst—Best background check service for property management companies

Accurate Credit Checks Review

Accurate uses compliant software to search employee credit history, and it checks all major credit bureaus across the country. It makes reports thorough but simple, so you can read and scan them quickly for the information you need. With its data, it includes credit reports, record keeping, check writing, and more for a full-scope report.

Accurate Monitoring Services Review

Accurate’s criminal monitoring services help create a safer environment for your employees and business. It monitors employees in real time, and you can choose which criteria you use for the service, including location and offense severity. Accurate verifies its sources and data, so you can take action as needed and minimize risk to your company.

Accurate Verifications Review

When an employee makes claims about their education or previous work experience, Accurate verifies those claims to ensure they have the experience you’re looking for. It uses email-first verification for faster results and has a multilingual verification option to broaden its search.

Accurate can verify employment, education, professional licenses, references, and more. It’s also integrated with several resources, including the National Student Clearinghouse Number and The Work Number. Accurate Confirm also finds and compiles employee data with automated mobile capabilities.

Final Verdict

Accurate is a widely used employee background check service that provides thorough reports when you need them. It uses compliant methods and technology to find information and help you make the best hiring choices.

Accurate verifies employee claims with clear plans and pricing, and it works well for many small businesses. However, the company can help businesses of any size, and you can contact them to set up packages unique to your needs.

Employee Scheduling Issues Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Employee scheduling issues can be a nightmare for managers and team members alike. Besides the obvious negative impact on workplace productivity and morale, it’s also one of the main reasons employees quit. If you want your business to continue running smoothly and prosperously in the long run, managing employee scheduling problems should be our top priority.

This guide takes a deeper look at common scheduling problems—its most common types and effective tips to overcome them—to boost employee productivity and organizational profitability.

Why Is Effective Employee Scheduling Important?

A well-planned schedule is the difference between satisfied, productive employees and lethargic, frustrated ones. Optimal scheduling also ensures you have the right people present at the right time to deliver quality customer service.

Here are five reasons to give you more insight into why resolving employee scheduling issues is worth it:

Adequate Staffing

As a business, ensuring customers have the best possible experience is your biggest priority. But to ensure this, you need to always have enough staff on duty, preferably with members who can deal with customer needs promptly and effectively.

Employee scheduling allows you to plan your staff needs ahead of time, eliminating common employee scheduling issues like last-minute cancellations and employee no-shows.

Smooth and Uninterrupted Daily Operations

For any business to thrive, smooth and steady daily operations are a necessity.

As a manager, you’re responsible for chalking out your employees’ job roles and informing them about their work hours. In turn, the employees should ensure they complete the assigned tasks within the allotted time frame. This will ultimately create a well-oiled system that helps maximize productivity.

Fair Treatment of Staff

Another advantage of employee scheduling is the fair distribution of workload.

Allocate and keep track of overtime hours to avoid overburdening employees. You can also allocate leaves using schedule reports, giving staff members time off based on the number of hours they have worked during the year.

Easy Attendance Management and Shift Management

With a proper schedule in place, you can manage employee attendance more effectively. For example, if you find an employee regularly coming in late to work or taking too many leaves, you can quickly take the appropriate action and resolve the issue.

Similarly, if your business runs 24/7, effective employee scheduling ensures the right employees are scheduled for different shifts. For instance, if your restaurant is busy during brunch and dinner times, you can schedule experienced employees during those shifts to ensure efficient and smooth service.

The fact that all shifts are transparent ensures employees don’t feel disgruntled about favoritism in the workplace.

7 Employee Scheduling Issues That Reduce Productivity

Let’s look at the most common employee scheduling challenges that lead to job dissatisfaction and lower workplace productivity.

1. Overscheduling

Remember the idiom, too much of anything is good for nothing? It’s why overscheduling is such a huge problem.

Employees aren’t robots. You can’t expect them to be at 100% percent efficiency without giving them adequate time to rest. While overtime here and there is expected, don’t go overboard to the point of messing up their work-life balance. You want to particularly avoid the “clopen slot,” where an employee does the last shift of the day, followed by the first shift of the next day. 

Additionally, most employees are protected under federal and state regulations. If this applies to your staff, make sure you’re giving employees eight hours between shifts.

2. Shortage of Employees

Productivity declines are common for understaffed businesses, especially when an unexpected demand springs up or the workload suddenly explodes. If you don’t have enough employees running the show, your customers ultimately won’t be happy, which also means your bottom line will take a serious hit.

Also, if you don’t know your employees‘ availability, you cannot manage them efficiently, further contributing to scheduling chaos. For example, if two or more of your retail staff don’t turn up for work, and you have an influx of customers due to a large event, you’ll soon find yourself in the middle of a customer service nightmare.

3. Last-minute Absences

Another employee scheduling issue is real life getting in the way of work.

Your employees may fail to show up last minute because of domestic reasons and health problems. Think about sick kids, sudden illnesses, family emergencies, automobile mishaps, travel delays, and other unforeseen obstacles. It’s also not uncommon to have multiple leave requests from different employees during the same week, especially during the holiday season. 

If you don’t have an emergency or backup plan in place to handle unexpected staff unavailability, the entire work schedule may be derailed.

4. Shift Swapping

There’s nothing wrong with allowing team members to manage their own schedules, subject to certain restrictions, of course. Some may even argue it will take a huge weight off your shoulders.

However, not monitoring how often your staff exchanges their shifts with colleagues can also lead to chaos and conflicts. For example, a substitute may forget about the new shift or an inexperienced replacement may not be able to handle the rush during a busy shift.

In either case, you’ll face undue stress due to delays in operations and risk to the company’s reputation.

5. Employee Turnover

When you hire an employee, you can also get access to their skillset, experience, and expertise. When the same employee leaves the company, not only do you lose access to the skills but also invest additional time and resources to hire a good replacement.

It’s why high turnover has a negative impact on your business.

If you have employees leaving your company, start by gauging your scheduling style to see if it’s the reason behind poor employee engagement or poor communication.

6. Unfair Scheduling

It’s normal to have employees who are slightly more dedicated and skilled than others. Still, you shouldn’t play favorites, especially because you can face charges on the grounds of discrimination.

Another aspect of unfair scheduling is not giving an employee the required time off or neglecting applicable employee scheduling laws. For example, Philadelphia recently increased the advance notice period for predictive scheduling from 10 to 14 days. This means Philadelphia-based businesses are mandated to notify staff members of any scheduling change 14 days prior to the day of the work.

7. Conforming to Labor Laws

The government has passed certain local labor laws to protect the rights of shift employees, and non-compliance may lead to hefty penalties.

However, with these laws constantly changing and involving multiple rules to ensure compliance, it adds another layer of constraint and complexity to an already complicated task of creating optimal schedules.

How to Overcome Common Employee Scheduling Issues

The good news is you can take certain precautionary measures to overcome the above scheduling challenges.

Here are our top tips to resolve employee scheduling issues:

Hire Enough Employees

To run a business optimally, you need enough staff on board. It’s a prerequisite.

Additionally, by hiring more people, you can create more reliable schedules that empower both team members and the organization as a whole. However, you must keep certain pointers in mind when hiring to build a capable team.

  • Ensure you have the right balance between your senior and junior staff
  • Have enough employees available for different shifts—morning, evening, night, and weekend
  • Anticipate how many employees you need to prevent understaffing

Set Clear Expectations Around Scheduling

Make sure your employees are clear on what’s expected of them and which policies and rules they need to follow. This will help you remove scheduling challenges and avoid conflicts due to miscommunication and mishaps.

Set up a schedule notice to go a minimum of 7-14 days in advance. Alternatively, you can implement a notification and compensation policy for accommodating last-minute scheduling changes.

Be sure to ask employees beforehand if they’ll volunteer during emergencies, and accordingly set up overtime bonuses. When handling multiple time-off requests, make sure you’re fair and consistent to avoid disgruntled employees.

Ensure Adequate Time Between Shifts

When creating employee schedules, you must ensure they have enough time to head back home and rest before joining in the next day. In fact, several jurisdictions in the United States, including Oregon, New York, Vermont, and San Francisco, have already passed scheduling rules to prevent employee exploitation and facilitate better management and breaks.

While these rules haven’t made their way across all industries and job roles, it’s wise to adopt a consistent policy that benefits both your employees and the organization. Make sure you constantly monitor shifts to prevent clopen problems.

Encourage and Maintain Transparent Communication

Many managers don’t realize how transparent and effective communication can solve common employee scheduling issues.

Create a clear and transparent communication channel for your team so that employees can send and receive messages through one preferred medium. Don’t accept messages through other channels to avoid mix-ups or delayed messages. For instance, if you want Gmail to be the official medium, don’t encourage employees to send text messages or follow up on Slack.

This is the easiest way to create consistent accountability and streamline scheduling.

Get Employee Scheduling Software

Using an efficient scheduling system is the perfect aid to tackle employee scheduling issues.

Generally, an employee scheduling software tool helps you:

  • Schedule tasks and shifts
  • Streamline employee workflows
  • Prevent overlapping shifts, clopen, and other scheduling conflicts
  • Customize scheduling options
  • Track absenteeism and leave
  • Analyze employee schedules using real-time metrics

To get started, check out our best employee scheduling software guide. We’ve reviewed and tested several top-rated solutions available on the market.

3 Tools to Resolve Employee Scheduling Issues

Here are three tools to simplify creating staff work schedules, track employee hours, manage shifts, and reduce labor costs, among several other tasks.


Screenshot of Homebase employee scheduling software home page.
Save time and money managing employee schedules with Homebase.

Homebase is an intuitive and cost-effective employee scheduling solution with several HR and payroll functions to manage employee schedules and resolve staffing issues—all while helping you save money. It also offers a robust free version to ensure your team is always in sync.


Screenshot from Connecteam's website describing their Geofencing features with two buttons for users to learn more or start for free.
Connecteam’s geofencing feature makes it the perfect tool for remote workforces.

Connecteam is an ideal employee scheduling software solution for remote workforces. Its geofencing feature allows you to manage your team in the field, while a handy mobile app makes it easier than ever to distribute employee schedules. A host of time-saving features, such as drag-and-drop options, the ability to copy last week’s shifts, and automated reminders, keep you on top of your workload.


Screenshot of Deputy's employee scheduling software displaying their schedule view on screen with example employees with dates and times.
Deputy’s intuitive interface makes employee scheduling a breeze.

Deputy is another excellent employee scheduling option to inform, manage, recognize, and reward employees—all with a few clicks. A handy ‘News Feed’ feature lets you quickly distribute important information with your team, and an integrated task management feature ensures employees know what needs to be done for the day. You can also maintain detailed employee journals and documentation directly in the system.

Final Thoughts About Employee Scheduling Issues

Efficient employee scheduling creates the ultimate win-win situation for managers and employees.

By investing time in creating a fair and flexible schedule, you can instantly improve business efficiency and reduce employee stress to create a happy, thriving workplace. The fact that it also facilitates compliance with applicable regulations, reducing the risk and labor costs associated with negligence, is another significant benefit.

Interested in building a more productive and fair workplace for your employees? Give the following a read:

Patriot Software Review

Patriot is an online payroll and accounting software company founded in 2002. The company had humble beginnings, but today Patriot positions itself as one of the simplest and most affordable payroll and accounting software available to American businesses. It specializes in HR management, time and attendance, accounting, and payroll management.

Patriot is an ideal software for small businesses. It isn’t just budget-friendly but also offers robust, quick, and accurate payroll management services for businesses with less than a hundred employees. 

Patriot brand logo.

Patriot Software Compared

Although Patriot is an excellent option for small business setups, it did not make the top list of payroll software. Gusto, our top pick, offers exceptional service and outstanding features for remote and hybrid workforces, ranging from talent management to onboarding checklists. Take Gusto for a test drive with a free demo.

  • Gusto — Best for dispersed workforces
  • Paychex — Best for experienced payroll teams
  • OnPay — Best for simplifying all things payroll
  • QuickBooks Payroll — Best for solopreneurs and small teams
  • ADP — Best for never outgrowing your payroll provider

You can find in-depth reviews of these payroll software services here.

About Patriot

While Patriot did not make our list of the top five best payroll services, it can still hold its own. The tool offers robust accounting and payroll services, HR management, and time and attendance features for small businesses. 

Patriot is perfect for startup founders without prior knowledge of accounting and payroll. The software helps you deposit and file taxes, pay vendors, handle invoices, track cash withdrawals and deposits, and record payments. With a starting price of $17 per month, it is economically feasible for small businesses and startups. 

Patriot allows tax and 1099 filings. However, extra charges may apply. Its features include free support, unlimited payment to vendors, and generation of 1099 and vendor reports. The accounting software helps create invoices, track unpaid invoices, and track deposits and withdrawals.

Patriot Software Health and Stability

Patriot was founded in 2002 and is a family-owned business. It currently employs 118 people. It raised a total of $2.1 million in funding in two rounds and currently has a revenue of $31.1 million. 

It has a rating of A+ on the website of Better Business Bureau and boasts a 4.8 out of 5 on Trustpilot. In the 2022 SoftwareReviews Report, Patriot Software ranked #1 for support and business value.

It offers full customer support to US-based businesses from 9 am to 7 pm EST. Patriot also has a dedicated toll-free number and a chat function on its website. Customer service is often praised in reviews as the company offers exceptional professional support to all its clients. 

Patriot does have its own set of limitations. Since the company only serves clients in the US, it can become an issue for organizations with international employees and global offices.

Secondly, the requirement in the Standard Option to set a pay date four banking days after you have made the direct deposit makes careful planning necessary. Comparatively, many of Patriot’s competitors offer lead times as short as next-day delivery without requesting money upfront.

Patriot Software Pricing

Patriot offers a 30-day free trial and multiple options under their Accounting and Payroll services. The Accounting Basic Plan starts at $20 per month, while Basic Payroll begins at $17 per month with an additional $4 per employee or contractor.

The Accounting Basic plan offers features including but not limited to unlimited payment to vendors, expert support, payroll integration, and 1099 e-filing. The Accounting Premium Plan, starting at $30 per month, offers all features of the Basic Accounting plan, as well as features like recurring invoices, invoice payment reminders, and account reconciliation services.

The Basic Payroll Plan includes features such as an employee portal, payroll setup, customer support, Accounting Software integration, and 1099 e-filing. The Full-Service Payroll Plan starts at $37 per month with an additional $4 charge per employee or contractor. It includes all features of the Basic Payroll Plan in addition to Patriot taking care of filing and depositing all local and federal payroll taxes with guaranteed tax filing accuracy. 

Start your 30-day free trial at Patriot today!

Patriot Pricing Structure

Using an online payroll and accounting service means you can quickly process your payroll and manage your accounting needs without worrying about inaccuracies. You can choose between Payroll and Accounting Software based on the size of your company. Depending on your requirements, choose from Basic and Premium plans to track expenses, run your payroll, handle payroll taxes and create invoices on custom templates. 

Patriot also ensures that your business complies with government regulations and helps with local, state, and federal tax filings. The Premium Patriot Accounting Software offers unlimited users at just $30 per month. It includes robust features such as unlimited payment to vendors, customized invoice templates for customers, and Patriot Smart Suggestions to categorize the bank transactions of users.  

The four main pricing editions between accounting and payroll software are: 

  • Basic Payroll: $17 per month plus an additional fee of $4 per contractor/employee
  • Full-Service Payroll: $37 per month plus an additional $4 per contractor/employee. 
  • Accounting Basic: $20 per month with the additional feature of unlimited use
  • Accounting Premium: $30 per month with the additional feature of unlimited use

The company offers monthly payments, which make canceling your subscription easier. Since Patriot is a scalable setup, it allows you to grow or reassess your accounting and payroll requirements without any glitches.

Patriot Pricing Comparison

Patriot’s target audience is small US-based businesses with under a hundred employees. Alternatives to Patriot, such as Gusto and Paychex, have an edge regarding their special features, albeit in higher-priced packages. These features include digital signatures, custom offer letters, digital pay stubs, and even employee lifetime accounts. 

Gusto’s Basic Plan starts at $40 plus an additional $6 per contractor/employee, while Paychex’s Basic Plan starts at $39 per month plus an additional $5 per employee/contractor. QuickBooks Basic Plan starts at $45 with the additional charges of $4 per contractor/employee. The comparatively low-cost plans of Patriot make it ideal for new and small businesses that want affordable and feasible accounting and payroll solutions.  

Patriot Software’s Trials and Guarantees

Patriot offers a 30-day free trial alongside a demo run of the software. After the free trial ends, Patriot’s Basic Plan charges $17 or $20 per month based on your chosen software option.

This makes choosing Patriot easier for customers, as they understand the software with the demo’s help and can use it free of charge during the trial period to see if it suits their business requirements. Join Patriot Software today and get the first 30-Days Free

Patriot Payroll Software Review

Patriot did not make it to our best online payroll service lists. However, it offers a lot to businesses of a certain caliber. Other payroll services available in the market today, such as Gusto and Paychex, outperform Patriot in multiple aspects. Although Patriot lacks the special add-ons featured in these tools, it makes up for them by offering exceptional customer support and advanced services at affordable prices.

Our research also concluded that Patriot is ideal for small startups based in the US. It provides accounting services, payroll services, HR management, and time and attendance integration. Patriot also offers add-on features at low prices. Read our comparison of the best payroll services in the market today.

What Makes Patriot Payroll Great

Screenshot of Patriot accounting and payroll software home page.
Patriot is great for startups and those without prior knowledge of accounting and payroll.
  • Exceptional customer service: Patriot is known for its outstanding customer service. It has a chat option available on its website and a toll-free number that customers can contact for queries and concerns. Customer support is available from 9 am to 7 pm from Mondays to Fridays.
  • Easy to navigate: It is ideal for business owners without prior experience dealing with payroll. It’s easy to set up and navigate and hence saves time. The effortless integration of the data makes it a favorite among businesses.
  • Cost-effective pricing: Patriot offers all the essential functions a business may need at affordable rates. Other payroll companies like Paychex and Gusto charge exorbitant amounts compared to Patriot, which is why small businesses gravitate toward Patriot. At $37 per month, payroll software files your local, state, and federal payroll taxes.
  • Accessible employee portal: Patriot’s employee portal allows a firm’s employees to access their pay summary online without hassle. Even though Patriot is known for its payroll services, it also offers HR management, time and attendance integration, and accounting services.
  • Offers a free demo run and a 30-day free trial period: The 30-day free trial period gives you time to make up your mind about purchasing the subscription to the software. The demo helps familiarize the potential buyers with how the software works and if it meets all their requirements.

Where Patriot Payroll Falls Short

  • Does not work globally: One of the reasons why Patriot did not make it to our top list is the geographical constraint. It does not support contractors/employees working outside the US. This poses a problem for small businesses working with freelancers or remote contractors from all over the world. 
  • Limited add-ons: Patriot, unlike Gusto, Paychex, and other software services on our list, does not have features like compliance alerts, time-tracking, and e-signatures.
  • Additional charges: Patriot charges an additional amount per filing in different states, making it costly for small businesses with a limited accounting and payroll processing budget.
  • Does not support large businesses: Although scalable, Patriot’s design does not support the payroll needs of large businesses with a global employee base. Patriot cannot help you if your business grows and employs more than a hundred people or wants to expand internationally.
  • No custom or flexible plans: Unlike Gusto and Paychex, Patriot offers limited plans. Businesses with distinct payroll requirements cannot get a customized plan suited to their needs or opt for only specific features. 

Patriot Payroll and Accounting Service Compared

Patriot is an excellent option, but it did not make it to our list of the best payroll services available today. The best payroll service providers for our readers are Gusto and Paychex. Both companies offer unique features, such as time tracking, easy onboarding of new employees, and smartphone integration.

  • Gusto — Best for dispersed workforces
  • Paychex — Best for experienced payroll teams
  • OnPay — Best for simplifying all things payroll
  • QuickBooks Payroll — Best for solopreneurs and small teams
  • ADP — Best for never outgrowing your payroll provider

Patriot Accounting Software Review

Patriot accounting software did not make it to our best accounting software list. Its lack of features and a limited target audience only make it practical for small businesses. Large enterprises cannot use the software for local or international operations. The option to import customers, Chart of Accounts, trial balance, and vendors offered with exceptional US-based expert support is why Patriot is an excellent option for US-based firms. 

At $20, companies can use the Accounting Basic Plan to track the inflow and outflow of money, create and print 1099s and 1096s, create and track customers and invoices and make unlimited payments to vendors. At just $30 per month, the accounting software sends you recurring invoices, provides custom invoice templates, and offers account reconciliation services. 

Patriot Accounting Services Compared

Other accounting services fit right in with payroll software, and Patriot offers an affordable option, especially for small businesses. Again, it did not make our top list for accounting software, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a great tool on its own. 

Here are the eight tools that did make the list:

  • QuickBooks – Best small business accounting software for new businesses
  • Zoho Books – Best value solution for large lists of customers and vendors
  • FreshBooks – Best invoicing software for entrepreneurs, agencies, and SMBs
  • Melio – Best free business payment solution to pay and get paid via ACH, check, or credit card.
  • Sage 50cloud – Best desktop solution for medium-sized businesses
  • Wave – Best free accounting software for entrepreneurs
  • Xero – Best for data imports and Gusto payroll integration
  • Kashoo – Best for straightforward, all-inclusive pricing

Final Verdict

Large businesses may find Gusto, ADP, or Paychex more appealing than Patriot. But small companies or new startups do not have the luxury of establishing accounting departments or investing in steep payroll service providers. 

Patriot’s accounting and payroll services, HR management, time and attendance integration feature, simplicity of use, affordable rates, and exceptional customer service make it a strong competitor in the small business payroll and accounting software service market.

Since Patriot has been in the market for nearly two decades, it’s considered a relatively stable and affordable option for small businesses. Its exceptional performance and excellent customer support have helped it win many awards. Patriot also boasts an A+ rating from Better Business Bureau. 

For companies that need something more comprehensive with additional features, such as human resource administration, or a firm with more than a hundred employees, Patriot is not an option.

However, we firmly believe that Patriot is an attractive and affordable alternative that is here to stay and serve its target audience, primarily small businesses and startups.

Continuous Learning Culture Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Peter Drucker famously said, “Learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.” 

Nurturing a continuous learning culture is a prerequisite to an agile and flexible organization. It’s a culture where employees are continually striving to increase knowledge, competence, innovation, and performance. A stagnant learning culture, on the other hand, hinders an organization’s growth and development. 

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to foster a culture of continuous learning and why it’s an initiative worth taking.

What Is a Continuous Learning Culture?

A continuous learning culture is where everyone in an organization collectively tries to increase their knowledge and integrate that knowledge to ensure better outcomes, such as superior performance, greater competency, and improved innovation.

Continuous learning culture takes many forms and an organization. Typically, employees should:

  • Seek out new training
  • Connect with experienced professionals on other platforms
  • Seek out new articles or blogs
  • Learn from subject matter experts (SMEs) in their field
  • Ask questions and request feedback 
  • Be willing to take on new projects
  • Apply creative problem-solving strategies
  • Create and execute innovative learning plans
  • Join book clubs
  • Create training for other teammates to practice applying their new-found knowledge

When you have lifelong learners on your team, you’ll find the whole company ahead of the curve. This is in sharp contrast to a complacent workforce where there’s little to no influx of new ideas and is a waste of company resources. 

How Does a Continuous Learning Culture Benefit an Organization?

Learning culture directly correlates to your business’s success. 

Case in point—Deloitte‘s Leading in Learning report found that continuous learning firms are 46% more likely to be first to market, experience 37% higher productivity, and are 92% more likely to innovate. This makes your company a more desirable place to work, helping attract more talent. 

In fact, 62% of tech employees agree training and learning opportunities make them more motivated to provide high-quality work, and younger workers consider skills training as a top perk when choosing a company to work for.

In addition to attracting talent, continuous learning culture also helps you retain it. 

Providing employees with on-the-job learning opportunities has a significant positive impact on staff retention. It makes them feel valued, ensuring they stay with your organization for the long haul. Plus, adaptive and proactive learning create long-term dividends for career development.

To put things into perspective, nurturing a continuous learning environment in your company helps you build a reliable and skilled workforce who feel valued, in turn, improving staff attention and overall business success.

What Does a Culture of Continuous Learning Look Like?

The primary concept of a continuous learning culture is to have employees continually review resources until they reach mastery. Unlike traditional learning, there’s no deadline or exam date—or a percentage—to worry about.

Here’s how continuous learning works: employees take a diagnostic assessment and make a personalized learning plan until reassessment. Ideally, they continue the cycle with a new personalized plan until they master the skills they want. 

Note that the whole foundation of continuous learning is consistency.

Human beings have a tendency to forget anything they learn within a short span of time, which scientists call the forgetting curve. Continuous learning involves employees consuming bite-sized learning modules regularly, helping them reach a high level of proficiency and integrate their skills into their daily lives.

What are the Benefits of a Continuous Learning Culture?

Once you foster a culture that values growing every individual’s skills and knowledge, you’ll see an active shift in your work environment for the better. 

While we’ve lightly touched on the importance of continuous learning culture, here’s a more detailed breakdown of some benefits you can expect:

Improved Retention

Employees are likely to stay with organizations they feel are invested in their growth, development, and success. If you close this gap for your workforce, you can hold on to your company‘s most valuable asset: your people.

Competitive Edge

Another benefit of continuous learning is it creates a sense of healthy competition between teammates, with every employee challenging each other and striving for improvement. 

A competitive drive also enhances your employees’ productivity, producing innovations and ideas and finding quality proposals from every level of your organization. This works wonders to keep you ahead of the competition.

Skilled Workforce

The more obvious benefit of promoting continuous learning is a deeply engaged and skilled workforce.

Once employees start enjoying learning, which is achievable if you offer interesting courses and learning opportunities relevant to them, they’ll start participating more. And learning from SMEs and internal and external leaders will equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to facilitate their professional development.

5 Steps to Foster a Continuous Learning Culture in Your Organization

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of cultivating a culture of continuous learning smoothly and with stakeholder and employee buy-in:

Step 1: Identify Skill Gaps

Identifying your organization’s skills gap is an understandable first step to creating a culture of continuous learning. It gives you a clear vision of outcomes and knows what skills your employees have (and lack) to define your approach to a skills framework.

Step 2: Get Stakeholder Buy-In 

Stakeholders and business leaders set the tone of the organization, enabling employees to thrive. It’s why they should understand the importance of and support a continuous learning culture. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

Even better if you can get leaders to demonstrate their own continuous learning journey to inspire and motivate employees. This models both acceptance and expectations, showing your workforce that their superiors encourage, celebrate, and reward learning.

Step 3: Create a Learning Plan

Make a learning plan outlining strategies and an implementation plan for your chosen employee learning initiatives.

Doing this sets clear objectives and defines processes, making it easier to streamline operations and achieve objectives. It gives direction and clarity, and since it’s custom-made according to your organization and its needs, you get a headstart to create a culture of continuous learning.

Step 4: Allocate Resources and Time to Implement Your Continuous Learning Plan

Another important aspect of cultivating a culture of continuous learning is setting aside some time and resources for planning and implementation.

Create a budget and internal marketing plan to get buy-in from employees. Introduce them to the tools and tech (for example, learning management systems and eLearning platforms) they will use to manage their own learning schedules.

Regardless of how you choose to run your continuous learning model, make sure it’s easily accessible to your employees. They should be able to easily select what they want to learn and when they want to learn. This ensures they gain maximum benefit and use resources optimally to improve the success rate.

Step 5: Encourage Employees and Make Them Comfortable 

Ensure your employees feel comfortable and can easily navigate your chosen continuous learning model. If accessing content is challenging, adopting continuous learning into office culture will also be slower.

Ideally, the learning experience should be tailored to your employee’s individual needs. Employees will be more likely to be more committed and embrace learning actively.

5 Effective Strategies to Enhance Continuous Learning Culture

Nurturing a culture of continuous learning also involves building systems that make learning opportunities feel interesting and widely accessible. Here are a few proven ways to engage and immerse your employees in constant learning:

1. Microlearning Modules

Research suggests 58% of employees are more likely to engage with shorter learning modules. So the fact that microlearning lets you deliver learning content in small learning units makes it great for training in a limited time period. It’s also less demanding for employees with busy schedules and, therefore, encourages adoption. 

2. Push Notifications 

Continuous learning has an automatic leg up over a traditional LMS tool—one you can push to your employee’s mobile device. Consider sending employees reminder notifications to increase attendance for in-person classes or finish their microlearning modules.

3. Lunch and Learns

In addition to being an excellent workplace perk, lunch and learns is also handy for launching learning initiatives at your organization. 

These activities are supposed to take place at lunchtime on a regular cadence. You can have an internal or external person running present a topic you think would benefit the attendees. Think of it as a low-pressure way to promote a sense of belonging while fostering a culture of continuous learning that’s both collaborative and engaging.

4. Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning is the next level of personalized learning. While the latter uses a pre-test at the start of a course, the former focuses on improving your employees’ learning experiences and performance during the course.

It’s a great approach to help learners adapt and master the material. Plus, as employees don’t review the information they’ve already learned, they’re also more engaged during the session.

5. SMEs (Subject Matter Experts)

SMEs are experts at their jobs who not only are a powerhouse of knowledge but can also creatively position the value of continuous learning. While you can also get external professionals, you likely already have people internally your employees love hearing from and can pioneer your organization’s peer-to-peer learning initiatives.

Internal SMEs should ideally be ultra-high performers or most tenured staff. You can also appoint individuals who have proven their worth by achieving substantial milestones to interact with and help your employees.

Final Thoughts About Continuous Learning Culture

If you want your organization to remain competitive despite the dynamic market changes, prioritize your employees’ learning and development and create learner-centric goals. 

Continuously upskilling employees and making learning collaborative and relevant will help you build a highly skilled workforce that’s willing to learn and adapt to ensure your organization thrives in the long run. 

Here are additional QuickStart guides that will help you build an adaptive, more agile workforce:

Employee Benefits Packages Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Create employee benefits packages that attract top talent with Gusto, an all-in-one payroll, benefits, and human resource management software with licensed advisors to help craft the perfect packages for your business. For a limited time, save 25% for the first six months on the Gusto Plus plan

Many employers think about the downside of offering employee benefits packages. These packages add to the company’s overhead and require a significant monetary investment. However, competitive benefits can help attract top talent, reduce employee attrition, and increase the company’s bottom line. This guide covers everything you need to know about successful employee benefits packages. 

The 5 Best Administration Software to Create Employee Benefits Packages 

You don’t have to spend hours and endless paperwork creating and managing employee benefits packages. We’ve reviewed the best employee benefit plans for your convenience. Here, we feature the best software to automate benefits administration, including benefits eligibility, elections, and enrollment. 

  • Gusto – Best for Companies with a Limited Workforce 
  • ADP – Best for Companies with More Than 50 Employees
  • BambooHR – Best for Tracking Benefits 
  • Zenefits – Best for On-the-Go Access
  • GoCo – Best for Automatic Benefits Enrollment 

What Are Employee Benefits Packages and Why Do They Matter? 

An employee benefits package refers to a collection of non-monetary compensation that an employee receives in addition to their base wage or salary. Typically, these benefits cover essential expenses that an employee would otherwise have to pay out of pocket. For example, most employee benefits packages include medical insurance and retirement savings. 

Although often used interchangeably, there is a nuanced difference between employee benefits and perks. Benefits are considered essential, while perks are considered nice to have. For example, medical insurance is critical for the employee’s health and well-being, but free food or a standing desk at the office are often considered extras. 

An attractive employee benefits package is important for several reasons. First, offering an employee benefits package ensures compliance with relevant federal and state mandates. There are more than 180-labor related laws, many of which mandate certain employee benefits. 

Regardless, offering attractive employee benefits packages is consistent with most companies’ interests. According to a recent study, 80% of employees preferred to take a job with 30% less pay but with benefits compared to an identical position with no benefits. Therefore, attractive benefits can help you recruit top talent. 

In the same vein, attractive employee benefits can help retain top talent. The employees feel more secure and less likely to search for new jobs. Replacing an employee costs six to nine months of their salary. Reducing employee attrition is critical and attractive benefits can help accomplish this goal. 

Furthermore, a good benefits package can help boost employee productivity. Employees are more likely to focus on their work when they have fewer financial strains and concerns. Finally, other reasons to offer employee benefits include better morale, a healthier workforce, and more loyal employees. 

Types of Employee Benefits (Mandatory vs. Voluntary) 

There are two types of employee benefits, mandatory and voluntary. Mandatory employee benefits are consistent across all states and industries and are enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor. So you’ll need to include these benefits to comply with relevant laws and regulations. 

However, some laws are state mandated. So it’s worth consulting with a legal expert when formulating your employee benefits packages. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, these legally-mandated benefits are aimed at:

  • Providing workers and their dependents with medical care and a retirement income 
  • Cushioning workers from economic hardships resulting from disability and loss of work
  • Covering liabilities resulting from workplace-related illnesses and injuries

Therefore, a legally compliant employee benefits package must include the following benefits: 

Medicare and Social Security Contributions – The federal government mandates social security and medicare benefit program contributions. Both the employee and employer contribute to these funds under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). 

Unemployment Insurance – Employees are also required to carry unemployment insurance. While there are minimal federal requirements, each state has its regulations. In addition, former employees can file a wrongful termination case and receive funds from the Unemployment Tax Fund. The money is meant to temporarily replace the income while they look for another job.

Health Insurance – The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that businesses with 50 or more full-time employees provide healthcare coverage. Businesses covered under the act are known as applicable large employers (ALEs). The business must also report the cost and type of insurance they provide to the IRS. 

Family and Medical Leave – Similarly, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires ALEs to provide staff with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Along with health insurance, family and medical leave are among the most sought-after employee benefits. So it is worth implementing an attractive package to remain competitive in the job market. 

Disability Benefits – Some states like California, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island require employers to carry disability insurance. This insurance covers employees who miss work because of a non-work-related injury or illness. Although not mandatory in most states, it is an incentive worth considering if you hope to attract top talent. 

You shouldn’t stop with the mandated benefits. If you hope to reap the advantages of employee benefits, it’s worth adding extra perks. Some of the most common voluntary employee benefits include: 

Health Insurance – You don’t have to stick with government-mandated health insurance policies. Many job hunters consider the health insurance package when comparing job offers. So a comprehensive health insurance package can help attract and retain top talent. There are also many other types of insurance you can offer, including dental, health, vision, and life insurance.  

Flexible work hours – Many of today’s employees value autonomy and work-life balance. Flexible work hours are in demand, even more than remote working programs. Examples of flexible work hours include compressed work weeks, customized work hours, and alternative schedules. 

Fitness and wellness initiatives – Most employers understand the importance of a physically and mentally healthy workforce. As a result, the organization enjoys higher productivity, reduced absenteeism, fewer health risks, and higher employee morale. A wellness program may include yoga classes, on-site fitness centers, healthy snacks, financial counseling, smoking cessation programs, and volunteering activities. 

Paid maternity and paternity leave – Employers aren’t mandated to provide paid maternity leave, but it is an attractive perk. Employees are more likely to be loyal given the opportunity to bond with their newborns without forgoing their pay. Paid maternity and paternity leave also ensures new parents are less anxious about finances when they return to work. 

Student loan benefits – Student loan assistance is desirable for millennials. For example, PwC offers employees up to $100 monthly towards student loan payments. Many millennials struggle with student loan repayments eating into their paychecks. Such a benefit can help attract highly qualified talent. 

Other types of voluntary employee benefits to consider include: 

  • Career development
  • Stock options 
  • Paid vacation and time off 
  • Pet insurance 
  • Pet-friendly workspaces 
  • Employee appreciation programs
  • Casual dress code 
  • New hire welcome packages 

Voluntary benefits provide opportunities for customization. So you can create a package that makes sense for your industry, type of business, and budget. Besides, an attractive benefits package will repay itself in high-quality talent acquisition, increased productivity, and low employee attrition. 

Who Qualifies for an Employee Benefits Package? 

You’ll need to check with your local and state laws for employee benefits eligibility requirements. For example, many states mandate paid sick leave, short-term disability, and health insurance benefits for part-time employees. Again, it’s helpful to consult a legal expert to learn about the requirements for your state. 

You can also refer to the relevant federal laws to determine employee eligibility for benefits packages. For example, the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) requires businesses to offer health insurance to full-time employees. However, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) determines that part-time employees are eligible to participate in the company’s retirement plan. 

It’s worth noting that the IRS considers employees working more than 30 hours a week or an average of 130 hours a month to be full-time employees. This distinction is important for businesses whose employee hours fluctuate. 

An employer can offer voluntary benefits at their discretion. However, policies must be applied fairly and consistently. It’s equally important to define part-time and full-time employees clearly, including the benefits they are eligible for. 

How to Design a Competitive Employee Benefits Package 

What constitutes a competitive employee benefits package is relative. For example, while older workers may value maternity leave and paid vacations, millennials may prefer remote working, student loan assistance, and state-of-the-art technology. Similarly, a large company may be able to afford childcare benefits for its employees. However, a startup may need to focus more on alternative benefits like free food, unlimited paid time off (PTO), and flexible working hours. 

Any good employee benefits program starts with objectives. Clear objectives are critical for choosing specific benefits that resonate with your employees. You can refer to the organization’s HR strategy can help formulate benefits objects.  

For example, you may want an employee benefits package that will:

  • Attract and retain the best talent
  • Compete with similar organizations 
  • Maintain good relationships with unions and other industrial relations
  • Improve employee standard of living
  • Boost the company’s image in the public eye
  • Offer supplemental income that allows employees to participate in social and cultural events

The main thing is that employee benefits should be focused on employee welfare rather than as donations or charity. This way, the benefits package is more likely to resonate positively with your workforce and prospective hires. Finally, the benefits package should be fundamental to human resource management. 

Next, create a budget for your employee benefits packages. As a rule of thumb, employee benefits cost 20-50% of the worker’s salary. Fortunately, not all benefits have to increase the company’s expenses. 

For example, a work-from-home program will not add to the HR budget. However, this benefit shows employees that you value work-life balance and trust them to work independently. Similarly, a profit-share program doesn’t cost anything upfront but incentivizes employees to be more productive. 

It’s also helpful to conduct a needs assessment to determine the benefits your employees want. Questionnaires and surveys help identify the benefits that have the highest impact. It’s also helpful to conduct a utilization review of current benefits and replace underutilized benefits with in-demand options. 

Screenshot of Gusto HR software showing benefit package options for the user.
Gusto allows companies to showcase their benefits in an easy-to-understand way.

Finally, formulate and document the benefits program. Again, software like Gusto can assist with this step. You can also speak to a professional to help you develop a comprehensive program. Lastly, communicate the benefits packages with your employees and explain the offered benefits. 

Pitfalls to Avoid When Creating Employee Benefits Packages 

Even the best-meaning employee benefits program can become problematic if you don’t watch out for common pitfalls. Unfortunately, these are typical blind spots many employers miss when formulating benefits packages. Identifying potential issues beforehand helps avoid potential problems down the road. 

Employers need to remember the non-monetary cost of administering a benefits program. For example, the HR department may have additional paperwork and workload. Fortunately, software like Gusto automates most administration tasks so HR can focus on other important work. 

Healthcare costs also continue to rise every year. The increase results from factors like changing government policy, disease prevalence, and population growth. Therefore, it’s important to account for the rising cost when budgeting for health-related benefits. 

Additionally, many employers need to consider changing employee benefits status. For example, single employees may marry and have children. This change means an increase in their benefits package. So the benefits program should be flexible enough to account for changing employee status. 

Other crucial employee benefits mistakes to avoid include:

  • Late enrollment of qualified employees
  • Making late deposits for matching and profit-sharing 
  • Purchasing inadequate insurance plans
  • Ignoring compliance issues

Again, you can leverage employee benefits software like Gusto to help with benefits administration. You can also consult a licensed advisor to help formulate an iron-clad benefits program that works for your organization. 

Final Thoughts About Employee Benefits Packages 

A comprehensive employee benefits package solves one of the most critical but often overlooked problems. You’ll be able to attract top talent and retain high-performers for the long haul. The organization also benefits from a healthy, energetic, motivated, and productive workforce. 

It is possible to create an attractive employee benefits package regardless of the company’s size or budget. And, with software tools like Gusto, administering benefits doesn’t have to be a headache for HR. You can automate most administration tasks and even get professional guidance when crafting your packages. 

Below are two more QuickSprout posts to help you learn more about employee benefits:

7 Examples of Technical Interview Questions

When you’re interviewing for a job you really want, there’s no worse feeling than being unable to answer a difficult question. And, of course, since they’re usually complex or technical, they’re the questions you need to know how to answer. What you say—or don’t say—could determine whether you land the job. We’ve rounded up seven examples of technical interview questions to help you prepare. 

1. Tell Me About Yourself

At first glance, this doesn’t seem like a complicated question. But telling an interviewer your entire life story would take way too long. You definitely don’t want to do that. So what do you say? 

Here’s the secret. When an interviewer says, “Tell me about yourself,” they want a one to two-minute synopsis that captures your: 

  • Education
  • Career history
  • Recent work experience
  • Career goals

Before the day of your interview, prepare notes to help you provide a snapshot of your life to a potential employer. Think back through each of these periods of time and jot down two or three points for each. 

This is an excellent time to study your resume or curriculum vitae (CV), particularly if a lot of time has passed since you worked on it. A resume-building tool like Zety can help you build and edit an appealing resume. 

Screenshot of Zety's home page with "What do you want your resume to look like?" and various color choices and three templates as examples displayed.
A tool like Zety can help you build and edit your resume.

Practice your response to the simple yet complex question, “Tell me about yourself,” several times before the big day and you’ll be ready to go.

2. Why Do You Want to Work Here?

You’re almost certain to get hit with this question or something similar. To answer it, you’ll need to spend time researching the company.

Familiarize yourself with the company’s management, which you can usually find on the About page of a website. Learn the organization’s mission and values. Explore its social media pages. Search the internet for articles about the company—recent news that you can weave into your answer. 

In short, find out everything you can about the place. 

Say you’re interviewing for a social media management position at Capital One, for example. You could navigate to the footer menu and explore every link in the Get to Know Us section. 

A screenshot of a footer from Capital One showing various pages.
A footer menu can contain valuable information about an organization.

Take note of two or three company strengths and one need. Draft an answer that includes these points and explores how you connect with them. But—and this is extremely important—frame the answer in a way that does not put the organization down.

Don’t say: 

I like how your company focuses on making banking accessible to everyone. It’s clear from your social media posts that you go out of your way to make life special for cardholders. From free coffee on Election Day to airport lounges for weary travelers to concert ticket pre-sales, your focus on bringing joy to Capital One customers is amazing. 

But your social media game could use some help. There’s a lot of baseball stuff packed into your Twitter feed, and it’s not very on-brand for you. I want to help you reach more consumers with a wider variety of posts. 

Instead, try: 

I like how your company focuses on making banking accessible to everyone. It’s clear from your social media posts that you go out of your way to make life special for cardholders. From free coffee on Election Day to airport lounges for weary travelers to concert ticket pre-sales, your focus on bringing joy to Capital One customers is amazing. 

Your company makes something daunting, like banking, more relatable and friendly. I’d love to bring my passion and skills to your social media accounts, where I could highlight new ways to connect with the Capital One audience. 

In short, your goal is to identify two or three core company strengths that show you’ve done your research. Then describe where your services fit in, briefly explaining how you could help the company continue to thrive.

3. What Career Accomplishments Are You Most Proud Of?

An interviewer might ask you this question or one of its variations, such as “What three accomplishments are you most proud of in your current/past job?” or “What five career accomplishments make you feel proud when you look back at them?” or “What is your greatest achievement?”

Regardless of the question, the hiring manager most likely wants to know three things:

  • What you value in a job
  • Whether or not you’re a success-oriented worker
  • How your past achievements align with the position at their company

The response you give must answer each of these questions—while keeping the overall response at one to two minutes in length. 

Before the interview, spend time thinking about what’s made you feel proud in your career so far. Look closely at your past two to three years of job history. Highlight instances in which you helped a previous organization grow or succeed in some way. 

Let’s say you work in the nonprofit sector. Did you lead a team in creating a new program to serve your local school district’s after-school care needs? Or did you successfully launch and run a health fair that gave hundreds of people access to on-the-spot screenings and blood tests?

Write these achievements down. Next, take a look at the organization’s mission statement or company goals. Do your achievements connect with the company’s core values? If so, highlight this in the answer you prepare for your interview. 

Screenshot of Greater Gallatin United Way's mission statement, vision statement, and strategic plan from their website.
Interviewing at a nonprofit like United Way? Get to know your regional United Way location and figure out how your accomplishments match the organization’s mission statement, vision statement, or strategic plan.

We recommend choosing at least five career accomplishments to help you feel prepared for this technical interview question. 

Finally, when an interviewer asks you about your greatest accomplishments, avoid these mistakes: 

  • Talking about personal achievements, such as traveling the world or having a child—you’ll be able to share more of your personal life if you wish when you get hired, but it’s not relevant for an interview
  • Bragging about yourself—work on highlighting your strengths without sounding boastful, and make sure to relate how you worked with your team to achieve great things
  • Going off on a long tangent
  • Lying about accomplishments to make yourself look better

Preparation is key to avoiding these mistakes. If you’re in the middle of an interview and don’t know what to say, ask for a few moments to recollect an accomplishment before giving the best answer you can. 

4. What Key Trends Do You Notice in This Industry?

This question helps your employer understand how well you know your field of work. As with many types of technical interview questions, answering this question takes some preparation.

Before you run to Google, take a moment to ask yourself what you already know. If you’ve been working in one industry for several years, chances are you know quite a bit about important industry trends. 

Let’s say you work in healthcare. If you’ve been in the business since before 2019, you know that COVID-19 ignited several key trends: 

  • Telemedicine: From virtual psychiatry appointments to telehealth-led eye exams, the boom in telemedicine has benefited society and multiple ways, and it only keeps expanding healthcare opportunities for patients everywhere
  • Healthcare consumerism: Smart, health-tracking watches and phones were around before COVID-19, but combined with the boom in at-home rapid tests for COVID, consumers are more interested in—and knowledgeable about—their health than ever before
  • Electronic medical records: Keeping patient records on paper is nearly a thing of the past as more and more providers move records onto the cloud, where they allow providers easy access to critical information and help streamline workflows

If you work in healthcare, you know these trends. With a little bit of practice before an interview, you can talk about each one—and you can tell a recruiter that keeping up with ever-changing medical technology is one of your strengths.

A screenshot from Athenahealth's website showing their features and services with brief descriptions.
Software services like those from Athenahealth can provide one solution for electronic charting, telehealth, patient engagement, and revenue cycle management—and the tools keep improving.

Use your own knowledge, along with information gleaned from the internet, to write down three or four trends you notice in your industry. Explore trends in technology, legislation, and the industry’s economy. Practice speaking briefly about each trend to a hiring manager, and you’ll be ready for this technical interview question. 

5. Why Are You Leaving Your Last Position?

This question might feel intrusive to an interviewee, but it’s common. Interviewers want to know if you’ll be an asset or a liability to their organization. It makes sense that they’d ask this technical interview question.

You’ll need to walk a fine line between giving truthful answers without hurting your reputation—or your previous employer’s.

Here are a few common reasons for leaving a job, along with a brief sample answer that can help satisfy an interviewer: 

  • You’ve been laid off. Say so! Express your regret at having to leave a job you loved, but express your excitement at bringing your skills and experience with you to a new position.
  • There wasn’t enough room for growth. If you felt that your previous position wasn’t leading anywhere meaningful for you, tell the interviewer that you enjoyed your time at your previous position but felt ready to move forward in your career. 
  • You’ve decided to leave due to a personal conflict. Whatever you do, don’t bash your former boss or coworkers. Instead, focus on career advancement—mention that you value your time spent at the position but left because you were ready to take the next steps in your career.
  • You’ve been terminated. This is a tricky one, but diplomacy is key. Briefly explain why you were let go. Tell the interviewer how you have incorporated feedback from your former boss. Explain the ways you will implement what you learned from the experience in a new role. 

No matter what, focus on the exciting things you’ll do in your next role, not on what you dislike about your past job.

6. You’ve Been Given a Giraffe. You Can’t Sell It or Give It Away. What Would You Do With Your New Giraffe?

Unexpected and seemingly irrelevant questions can throw you off your feet, but they’re important to prepare for. Instead of preparing answers for questions like the one in this header, however, you simply need to prepare for the possibility of being asked these creative questions. 

An answer to the giraffe question, for example, could be that you’d build it an enclosure fit to rival the best zoo and learn everything in the world about giraffe care. Maybe you’d take it swimming in the ocean so its long legs could fend off sharks. 

There’s no right or wrong answer. The point is that a question like this helps an interviewer get a glimpse of your personality—and observe what you do when faced with the unexpected. 

Other off-the-cuff questions might measure your logic and wit, like “How many pennies would fill up this room?” Faced with this impossible question, you could simply tell the interviewer how you’d solve it with basic math. 

Just knowing that you might get a question like this during an interview is preparation enough. Researching similar questions beforehand and preparing answers for them takes away from what your interviewer is trying to do. 

Instead, try to get excited about the chance to showcase your personality and problem-solving skills. But we won’t tell anyone if you peek at some of the most common silly interview questions

A screenshot from Indeed's funny interview questions web page.
Psst…there’s a list of silly interview questions over at Indeed if you want to take a look.

They’re quite entertaining. 

7. Why Should We Hire You?

Every interview question you answer helps a hiring manager get closer to the answer to this question. But sometimes you’ll get asked the question point-blank. 

The interviewer is probably interviewing several candidates who qualify for the job just as much as—or more than—you do. This question gives you a chance to stand out from the pack. 

We have five tips to help you prepare a good answer: 

  1. Briefly highlight the skills, strengths, and past experience that would make you a great fit for the role
  2. Outline what you understand of the company culture and show how you’d fit in
  3. Explain how hiring you would help the company excel at its goals

Re-read the job posting, keeping an eye out for areas the company wants to improve. Show how your accomplishments from previous jobs would help you fill those needs.

For example, if you want to work as a product reviewer and the job listing mentions TikTok experience, you could tell the recruiter about the time you created a TikTok for a client that garnered 200,000 views and 50 comments. 

A screenshot of a job posting for a writer that reviews products with full job description.
Study job descriptions, looking for places where your skills—as evidenced by your accomplishments—provide what the employer needs.

Just make sure you use only truthful examples, and be prepared to provide proof! 

Final Thoughts About Technical Interview Questions

Interviewing is stressful, but preparing for the toughest questions you might get asked can help you feel calm. By taking the time to draft thoughtful answers for a wide range of questions, you prepare yourself for just about anything the recruiter or hiring manager throws your way.

Many interview questions are just variations of each other, after all. And they all help the interviewer and interviewee discover the answer to one question: do this job and this candidate make a good match? 

Employee Training KPIs Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Hiring the right candidates for your open positions is only half the battle—new employees still need to be trained on company procedures and how to do their job.

And companies need to execute this effectively. Poor training programs result in lower morale among workers, higher turnover rates, and decreased productivity.

In order to make sure your training program is up to snuff, you need to measure it. This is where key performance indicators (KPIs) come in. You can identify areas that need improvement by tracking specific employee training KPIs and making changes accordingly.

What Are Employee Training KPIs?

A KPI is a quantifiable measure that helps you assess progress toward predetermined goals. In other words, it’s a way to track whether or not something is working.

Employee training KPIs are metrics that help you gauge the effectiveness of your company’s training programs. By tracking these KPIs, you can make necessary changes to improve your program and ensure that it’s meeting your company’s needs.

There are two main types of KPIs for employee training programs: hard KPIs and soft KPIs.

  • Hard KPIs: These are things that HR and onboarding teams can tangibly measure. They’re generally numbers-based and easy to track, like course completions and certification rates.
  • Soft KPIs: These are harder to measure, as they’re based on intangibles like employee satisfaction and engagement. They include things like how engaged employees are during training or how likely they are to recommend the program to others.

While hard KPIs are important, soft KPIs can give you a better idea of what’s working (and what’s not) from an employee’s perspective.

Which Employee Training KPIs Should Teams Measure?

Let’s take a look at some essential employee training KPIs to monitor.

1. Employee Training Costs

This KPI measures the amount of money that your company spends on employee training. This includes both the direct and indirect costs associated with training, such as:

  • The cost of materials (e.g., books, software)
  • Instructor salaries
  • Venue rental fees (in the case of off-site training)
  • Travel expenses 
  • Time spent away from work

This is an important KPI to track because it can help you assess the financial impact of your training program. If training costs are too high, you may need to make some adjustments, such as using less expensive strategies or holding training sessions at specific times of the day.

2. Time to Ramp

One of the most important things to consider when tracking employee training KPIs is the amount of time it takes for new employees to reach full productivity. This is often referred to as “time to ramp.”

There are a few different ways to measure this KPI, but one of the most common is by tracking the number of days it takes an employee to be able to complete the tasks that are essential to their job.

For example, if you’re training customer service representatives, you might track the number of days it takes them to be able to handle customer inquiries effectively on their own. 

This KPI is important because it can help you assess how effectively your training program prepares employees for their jobs. If it’s taking too long for employees to ramp up, you may need to make some changes to your program.

3. Employee Satisfaction Rate

An infographic from SelectHub on Employee Satisfaction Best Practices.
Best practices for measuring employee satisfaction by Selecthub.

According to Gallup, 51% of employees are on the hunt for a new job. And one of the most common reasons employees leave their jobs is because they’re unhappy with their current situation.

This is why it’s so important to track employee satisfaction rates. This KPI measures how satisfied employees are with their jobs, and it can give you a good idea of whether or not your training program is meeting their needs.

There are a few ways to track employee satisfaction:

  • Absenteeism Rating: This measures the number of days employees are absent from work. If you notice that absenteeism is high across many of your employees, it could signify that employees are unhappy with their jobs.
  • Glassdoor Ratings and Reviews: Glassdoor is a website where employees can rate and review their employers. If you notice that your company’s ratings are low or that there are a lot of negative reviews, it could be a sign that employees are unhappy with their jobs.
  • Employee Engagement Surveys: You can also track employee satisfaction by conducting regular surveys. This will give you a good idea of how employees feel about their jobs, as well as the training they’ve received.
  • Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI): One of the main components of the ESI is whether or not a company provides enough training for employees to do their jobs. If the ESI score is low, it could be a sign that employees are unhappy with their jobs because of a lackluster training program.

On their own, none of these sources of information will tell you exactly whether or not your training program is effective. But when you track employee satisfaction over time, you will start to see patterns emerge. And if you notice that employee satisfaction is low, it could be a sign that your training program needs some improvement.

4. Retention Rate

Another important employee training KPI to track is the retention rate. This measures the percentage of employees who stay with a company over a period of time.

There are a few different ways to calculate retention rates:

  • Voluntary Attrition Rate: This measures the number of employees who leave their jobs voluntarily, such as by quitting or retiring.
  • Involuntary Attrition Rate: This measures the number of employees who are let go by the company, such as through layoffs or firing.
  • Overall Attrition Rate: This measures the total number of employees who leave the company, regardless of the reason.

These three metrics can give you valuable insights into your company’s health and its training programs’ success.

For example, if you have a high involuntary attrition rate due to performance, you may want to reevaluate the effectiveness of the training program’s resources. On the other hand, if you have a low voluntary attrition rate, it could be a sign that employees are happy with their jobs and that the training they’ve received is adequate.

5. Rate of Internal Job Promotions

If your organization hires internally for open positions rather than looking to the outside, it’s a good sign that your employees are given adequate skills to excel in their roles and beyond.

This metric measures the percentage of employees who are promoted from within the company. To calculate this, simply divide the number of promotions in a given period by the total number of employees at the company.

If you have a low rate of internal job promotions, it might not necessarily be a bad sign. It could simply mean that there are few open positions at the company. But it could also mean that your training could be better. Either way, if you have a high rate of internal job promotions, it’s a good sign that employees are given the opportunity and training to develop their skills and advance in their careers.

Why Are Employee Training KPIs Important?

Measuring your employee training program with KPIs is important for a few reasons.

Employee turnover can cost organizations anywhere between 16% and 213% of a lost employee’s salary, and effective training and resources can significantly reduce turnover rates.

In addition, companies with highly engaged employees outperform their competitors and see higher levels of customer satisfaction.

But most importantly, KPIs can help you identify areas where your employee training program needs improvement. If you see that employees are struggling with a certain skill or that retention rates are low, you can address the issue and make changes to improve the effectiveness of your employee training program without making any guesses.

It isn’t just about putting more money in your pocket—carefully monitoring the efficacy of your onboarding programs can help you create a better working environment for everyone.

What to Watch Out for When Tracking Employee Training KPIs

Of course, there are a few things you need to watch out for when tracking employee training KPIs.

Ensure you’re tracking the right KPIs

No organization is the same, so it’s important to make sure you’re tracking the KPIs that are most relevant to your business. There’s no use in tracking a metric that doesn’t give you any insight into the effectiveness of your employee training program.

For instance, a small company might not need to track a metric like the rate of internal job promotions because they don’t have enough data to make it meaningful. On the other hand, a large company might want to track that KPI in addition to more traditional ones like retention rates and training costs.

Don’t forget about the big picture

While employee training KPIs are important, it’s also important to remember the big picture. Just because your employee training program is effective doesn’t mean your employees are doing their jobs properly.

Make sure you’re also tracking KPIs that give you insight into the overall performance of your employees, like sales numbers and customer satisfaction scores. This will help you ensure that your employee training program is actually translating into better performance for your company.

Be careful not to over-analyze the data

It’s easy to get lost in all the data, especially when you’re tracking multiple KPIs. But it’s important to remember that not every number is significant. Your employees are humans, not numbers, so don’t try to fit them into a box.

If you see a small dip in one KPI, it doesn’t mean your employee training program is failing—it could just be an anomaly. A small increase in another KPI might not be significant either.

Focus on the trends over time rather than individual data points to get a true picture of how your employee training program is performing.

Best Practices for Tracking Employee Training KPIs

There are a few best practices you should keep in mind when tracking employee training KPIs.

Maximize your employee training ROI by giving employees the resources they need

In order to get the most out of your training program, you’ll need a mix of traditional classroom learning and on-the-job training. But you can’t just stop there—you also need to give your employees the resources they need to be successful.

This might include access to an online learning portal, a library of e-learning courses, or even just a list of recommended books and websites.

As a manager or team lead, you should also provide new hires with mentorship opportunities and make yourself available for questions.

See employee onboarding as an investment, not a hoop to jump through

If you want your employee training program to be successful, you need to see it as an investment rather than a hoop to jump through.

This means setting aside the budget for employee training, hiring quality trainers, and taking the time to create a comprehensive program. It might seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it when you see the results in your employee training KPIs.

Talk with underperforming employees

Employees who aren’t meeting your expectations might not be slacking off intentionally. There could be a number of reasons why they’re not performing as well as you’d like, including a lack of understanding or a bad fit for the role.

If you have an employee who isn’t meeting your expectations, sit down with them and talk about what’s happening. When you listen to their side of the story, you might be able to find a way to help them improve—and it might not be with the training program.

Get feedback from employees who complete training regimens

Employees are the best source of information when it comes to your employee training program. After all, they’re the ones who are actually going through it.

Make sure you’re getting regular feedback from employees about the effectiveness of your employee training program. You can do this through surveys, one-on-one interviews, or even just casual conversations.

This feedback will be invaluable as you make changes and improvements to your employee training program.

Final Thoughts About Employee Training KPIs

Employee training KPIs are a valuable tool for measuring the success of your employee training program. By tracking the right metrics, you can make actionable changes to your employee training program that improve employee performance and retention.

Remember to focus on the trends over time rather than individual data points and to get feedback from employees to get a true picture of your employee training program’s effectiveness. By following these best practices, you can maximize your employee training ROI and ensure that your employees have the resources they need to be successful.

Cost of Employee Turnover Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Employee turnover is the process of replacing one employee with another. 

When someone quits their job, and then someone new is hired to fill that role, that’s turnover. Generally speaking, if companies have lots of turnover, it’s seen as negative because it means employees aren’t happy or there is a management issue. 

Low turnover means that employees stay at a company for a long time, while high turnover means that people are being hired, leaving, and then companies have to rehire again often. This can impact profit, morale, and productivity, so it’s something most companies try to avoid. 

Why Is There a Cost to Employee Turnover? 

Because employee turnover impacts things like productivity, meeting goals, communication, and the overall culture, the costs can be very high. 

In fact, a study by Work Institute found that it can cost as much as 33% of an employee’s annual salary to replace them. If we factor in the cost of hiring new employees and training them, the disruption to workflows and client work, and the effect it has on other employees and their productivity, this makes sense. 

And without a bulletproof training program for new employees, there will ultimately be a learning curve and mistakes made by new hires in the beginning. If one role has lots of turnover, it’s unlikely that detailed and accurate notes are being kept on what the responsibilities are or what targets have been met. This makes it harder for someone to jump in and fill that role without making mistakes.  

Plus, advertising for a new position can take time and money, especially if a company uses a paid job board. All these can add up to be very expensive, which is why employee turnover is usually seen as a bad thing and companies try so hard to avoid it. 

What Causes Employee Turnover? 

There are lots of factors that can contribute to an employee leaving a company. 

If the turnover is fast, and people are leaving within a few months, more often than not, company culture is to blame. In a report by Jobvite, 28% of people who left within 90 days cited culture as the reason. 

Employees will also leave if they don’t feel the compensation is high enough or they don’t feel valued. They might leave because they are under too much stress, feel unsupported, or they simply don’t like the job. 

They might also leave if they find somewhere better. If they’re offered a job with a better salary, a better role, or even a better benefits package, employees will leave because they have more to gain by moving somewhere else. 

Another big reason many employees leave is when they feel disengaged or lost. When employees don’t get any sort of training or personal development or aren’t offered any kind of promotion and growth at the company, they can feel burned out and unappreciated, pushing them to move to a company that values them more. 

There are lots of reasons why turnover happens, but it usually comes down to employees not feeling valued and not getting what they want from a role. 

How Can You Avoid Employee Turnover?  

Avoiding employee turnover is the best way to lower costs. 

Making employees feel valued, engaged, and giving them room to grow at a company are cheap, easy ways to build a better culture and encourage them to stay. 

Making sure that benefit packages are attractive and that employees are fairly compensated will go a long way in convincing people not to leave. One-to-one meetings, and career development, will also help employees feel more engaged and less burnt out at work. 

Regular check-ins and feedback sessions are also essential for reducing employee turnover. These sessions give employees a chance to share where they are struggling and how management can support them before they get to the point of leaving. 

And creating a positive work culture where people are celebrated for their achievements and everyone is treated with respect is essential to making employees want to stay. This can be achieved by using employee feedback software, like Grow, to highlight employee success and achievements and make them feel valued.

How Can You Reduce the Costs of Employee Turnover?  

Although reducing turnover itself is the best way to reduce the cost of turnover, there are three strategies you can put in place to limit the costs should the worst happen. 

Here’s what you should consider doing to minimize the costs of hiring new employees: 

Set Up Training Systems 

One of the biggest costs associated with employee turnover is the cost of having to retrain employees every few months. 

But having a detailed note-taking system that keeps all workplace systems, processes, and goals outlined will make it much easier for new employees to catch up and reduce how much time other team members have to spend training them. 

The more detailed the onboarding systems and the more prepared your new hires are for their roles, the easier it will be to avoid costly mistakes or losing clients with each transition. 

Put Support Systems in Place 

Having a good employee support system will help you to stop turnover and reduce dissatisfaction, but it will also help you support new hires and team members when they feel morale is low. 

It’s likely that some team members will have to take on extra work when one person leaves and new hires are coming in, so making sure that there is an open line of communication is essential to avoid overwhelm or burnout. 

Having a safe space where employees can share any problems they need help with, and get support from management, will minimize mistakes made when new hires join and help you reduce turnover in the future. 

Use Contracts That Give You Enough Time To Prepare 

Obviously, you do need to check your state requirements for work laws and contracts, but try and make sure that the notice period for an employee to resign gives you enough time to find someone new. Most jobs require between two weeks to a month, and if you make this clear in your contract, you can put a system in place for hiring that reflects the resignation period.

Tools That Can Help Reduce Employee Turnover 

Strategies for reducing employee turnover need to be ongoing, but this can get overwhelming without some kind of automation software. 

Luckily, there are some great tools to help you keep employees engaged, make them feel supported, and give them ways to share any struggles they are facing. Here are our top recommendations: 

Grow is a continuous feedback tool designed to give feedback, get feedback from employees and recognize and celebrate achievements. It gives users templates and suggestions they can give to each other, so it makes giving positive feedback fast and easy to implement into a daily routine. 

This makes it a lot easier for busy managers to find time to celebrate their teams and to make sure they know they are valued. It also makes it easier for managers to track and receive feedback from employees, and it brings employees together in a culture of positive feedback. You can add Grow to Slack for free here.

Screenshot of's home page.
Grow makes it easy to make your employees feel valuable.

Blueboard is an employee recognition tool that lets you celebrate employee wins and reward them with different experiences and gifts. It’s a great way to make employees feel really valued and helps them associate work with more than just stressful experiences. You can book a free demo here.

Screenshot of BlueBoard's home page.
Want some creative ways to recognize your employees’ achievements? Blueboard has a whole library of exciting experience-based incentives.

The Predictive Index is a method of analyzing and understanding employees based on their personalities and behaviors. This makes it easier for teams to communicate effectively, and for managers to understand how they can best support individual employees. 

It also makes it a lot easier for managers to hire new people because the Predictive Index can help them predict who will fit well into the current teams and who is more likely to cause friction. You can try a demo for free here.

Screenshot of Predictive Index's features web page.
The Predictive Index helps you understand your employees and prospects individually, so you can help them have a great job experience based on their needs and desires.

Tools That Can Help Reduce The Cost Of Employee Turnover

Although using tools to help you improve overall retention and avoid employee turnover is the best way to reduce costs, there are some tools that can help make the transition between hiring new employees easier and reduce the cost of lost business or training. 

Here are our top picks for the best tools to help you minimize the costs of employee turnover: 

Arya by Leoforce makes it easier to find, and hire, new employees. It uses AI technology to assess over 300 separate factors when recommending employees and is also able to overcome unconscious biases and help managers build more diverse teams.

Screenshot of Arya's features web page showing their features with brief descriptions of each.
Not just a character on Game of Thrones, Arya uses AI tech to help you find the right employees for your company.

Wisnio is a tool that helps recruiters and managers use psychological tests and scores to hire the best people for jobs that fit both in the role and within the rest of the team. These tools help focus hiring decisions more on how someone will fit into a company’s culture than how qualified they are on paper for a role. 

It uses tools like competency mapping and value alignment to reduce friction amongst employees and managers and create teams that not only work well together but also communicate more naturally and that enjoy collaborating on goals. You can get started with a free trial here.

Screenshot of Wisnio's features web page.
With Wisnio, you never have to worry if a prospective employee will fit into your office culture.

HireVue is an app that helps automate the hiring process and acts as a virtual assistant to hiring managers. This can make the process up to four times faster and help reduce how much time it takes to fill a role when someone leaves. 

It helps to reduce the time taken to schedule interviews, vet candidates, and follow up with potential employees. You can try a demo for free here.

Screenshot of HireVue's home page.
HireVue acts as a VA for hiring managers, streamlining processes and saving time.

Final Thoughts About the Cost of Employee Turnover 

The cost of employee turnover is inevitable, but it can be managed by having good strategies in place. At the end of the day, the best way to cut costs is to reduce turnover altogether. No company should be seeing a high level of turnover, and if they are, it’s time to make some serious changes to how they manage and support employees. 

By reducing employee turnover, companies become more productive, efficient, effective, and profitable. If you want to start supporting employees better to reduce future turnover, you might want to consider adding perks at the office or setting up better onboarding processes to make new hires feel more welcome

Types of Work Shifts Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Work shifts help employers organize employee schedules. They also enable employees to plan their days, weeks, months, and even years according to their work schedule. Shift schedules also help make sure everyone on the team works a fair amount of hours and gets time to rest between each work period. So what are the different types of work shifts? This guide will explore the basics. 

What Are Work Shifts? 

A work shift is a block of time during which an employee works at their job. Shifts are defined by the hours they run and typically fall into one of the following four slots within a 24-hour day: 

  • First shift: Also called the day shift, the first shift aligns with what most people consider normal working hours. For example, 7 pm to 3 pm, 8 pm to 4 pm, or 9 pm to 5 pm. Most companies that keep business hours or “banker’s hours” only have a first or day shift. 
  • Second shift: Sometimes known as the swing shift, the second shift runs from the end of a company’s first shift to the beginning of its third. This can look like 3 pm to 11 pm or 5 pm to 1 am, although start and end times can vary drastically depending on the industry.
  • Third shift: Because it goes against the body’s natural circadian rhythm, the third shift, also known as the night shift or graveyard shift, is known as the toughest one. If you work the third shift, you might work from 8 pm to 4 am or 11 pm to 7 am. But this overnight shift usually pays better than the others. 
  • Split shift: Sometimes, it makes sense for employees to work two separate shifts within the same day. For example, a restaurant that only serves lunch and dinner might utilize an 11 am to 2 pm shift, followed by a 5 pm to 9 pm shift on the same day. 

Now that we’ve covered work shifts according to the time of day, let’s zoom out and explore what the types of work shifts can look like over the days, weeks, and months of a work year.

Fixed Shift

When an employee works the same hours every day for the same amount of days each week, it’s known as a fixed shift. It doesn’t change from week to week or month to month. A dental office might be open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, for example, giving the dentists, hygienists, and receptionists in the office a predictable fixed schedule. 

Aside from holidays, vacation days, and sick leave, the schedule stays the same. 

Fixed shifts are especially beneficial for parents because they take place during typical daycare and school hours, minimizing the need to scramble for childcare at odd hours of the day. 

Rotating Shifts

When a company needs employees on the clock for 24 hours of the day, seven days a week, rotating shifts help ensure everyone gets the chance to work the “good” and “bad” shifts. 

For example, a 24-hour grocery store might divide its employees into three groups. For two weeks, one group will work the first shift, one will work the second, and one will work the third. 

Screenshot of 8-hour shift examples from resources - rotating shifts web page.
Rotating shifts can be configured in dozens of ways.

After two weeks, everyone rotates, which helps prevent employees from getting stuck with the most difficult shifts for weeks or months. However, changing shifts often can disrupt a person’s sleep schedule, family life, and leisure time.

Tools like QuickBooks Time can help employers and employees keep track of complicated rotating shift schedules.

Screenshot from's shift scheduling software page showcasing the software's features with descriptions.
QuickBooks Time helps everyone stay organized when it comes to work shifts.

2-3-2 Shift

Also called the Pitman shift schedule, a 2-3-2 takes place over 14 days. It might look something like this: 

  • Work a 12-hour shift on Monday and Tuesday
  • Enjoy Wednesday and Thursday off
  • Work a 12-hour shift on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 
  • Get Monday and Tuesday off
  • Work a 12-hour shift on Wednesday and Thursday
  • Enjoy a work-free long weekend on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 

The 2-3-2 shift is often used when 24/7 service is required, such as at a hospital or call center. While it requires lengthy shifts, a 2-3-2 shift allows each of four rotating teams to get one long weekend off every other week.

On-Call Shifts

Physicians, plumbers, journalists, and IT technicians all have one thing in common: they’re probably well acquainted with on-call shift work. Being on call means that you’re ready to work the moment your employer calls you in—no matter the time of day or night. 

Sometimes, you can go home and spend time with your family while you’re on call. But you’ll need to be able to drop everything and get to work at a moment’s notice. In this type of on-call shift work, you’ll likely only get paid for any time you actually end up working during the shift.

In other situations, you might need to stay at or near your workplace while you’re on call. This should qualify you for on-call pay during the entire time you are in the required area. 

On-call shifts help fill the gaps in unpredictable professions. You never know when a patient will experience an emergency, a crucial news story will break, or a pipe will burst. On-call shift workers provide urgent assistance outside of office hours—and this work can pay well. 

Four On, Four Off 

A four-on, four-off shift means putting in a full week’s worth of work into four day or night shifts—and then taking the next four days off to rest and recover. This type of shift work provides somewhat of a predictable schedule but with the benefit of a longer amount of time off. 

And there are plenty of variations, such as three on/three off or five on/five off. As an employee, you know your limits. If you know that you’d have a difficult time working five grueling days or shifts in a row with no time to rest, you might want to stay away—no matter how enticing the idea of five consecutive days off may be. 

Employers should also be thinking about this. Before creating four on, four off-type work shifts, employers must consider the type of work the employees must do.

For example, can a physician really give appropriate mental, emotional, and physical energy to patients for five straight shifts—or five long, 12-hour days—in a row? Maybe, but it might not be the best idea.

DuPont Shifts

Developed by—you guessed it—the manufacturing giant, DuPont, these shifts were created in the 1950s to give employees longer stretches of rest after working in DuPont factories for hours on end. Designed to keep a portion of the company’s employees on the clock at all times, the DuPont work shift is 12 hours long. 

With a DuPont schedule, four teams rotate through this 28-day cycle:

  • 1st Week: Work four night shifts in a row and get three days off
  • 2nd Week: Work three day shifts in a row, take one day off, and then work three consecutive night shifts
  • 3rd Week: Take three days off and then work four days in a row
  • 4th Week: Enjoy seven consecutive days off 

Each rotating team gets a week of chill time every 28 days, which can be a huge plus. But on the other hand, the longest work week is a grueling 72 hours. 

Examples of Work Shifts in the Real World

Due to the 24/7 nature of hospital life, nurses are known for shorter workweeks and extended workdays. They often work three 12-hour shifts followed by four days off, four 10-hour shifts with three days off, or—particularly in the private practice setting—five eight-hour days with two days off. 

Many nurses prefer to work three 12-hour shifts because of the four days they receive to take care of things at home. According to the nursing resource site,, some nurses with children even prefer this intensive schedule over a typical 9 to 5. 

However, these shifts can drag on longer than 12 hours, and they take time to recover from—especially if they’re night shifts. But regardless of whether a 12-hour shift takes place during the day or night, working three back-to-back would make anyone bone-weary by the end. 

IT departments often utilize night shifts, too—but not because of patients in need of care. When software companies have clients in far-flung time zones, IT departments use night shifts to take care of customers who are awake when everyone in the company’s time zone is asleep. 

Companies often utilize different types of work shifts depending on the role. Bakeries and cafés usually employ one or two night bakers to prepare treats for the next day’s customers, for example. But during the daytime, baristas, servers, and dishwashers will cover the first and second shifts.

What to Watch Out for With Different Types of Work Shifts

Burnout is one of the most important things to watch out for when it comes to work shifts. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), work that lands outside of the typical 9 to 5 range can: 

  • Increase the risk of getting hurt while on the job
  • Lead to unfavorable eating habits
  • Elevate stress levels
  • Contribute to health problems
  • Result in worker burnout

Whenever you’re applying for a new position, take a look at the types of shifts you’d be working. It’s incredibly important that the work shift matches your needs and strengths. If you struggle to keep your eyes open past 9 pm, avoid the night shift at all costs. 

On the other hand, if you’re a night owl who’s regularly up till 4 am anyway, give night shift work a try. 

If you hate working several long days in a row, look for a more standard, 9-to-5 work schedule. But if you love having more than two days off to enjoy your personal life, give those long, consecutive shifts a try. 

And remember that it’s okay to realize something you’re doing isn’t working after all. If the night shift is negatively affecting your mental health or personal life, talk to your supervisor about trying a different work shift that works for you, your team, and your employer. 

Benefits of Different Types of Work Shifts

Imagine if the whole world only worked from 9 am to 5 pm on Monday through Friday. Who would take care of technology emergencies? Who would care for patients at night? Who would type up the news stories we all wake up to in the morning? 

Shift work can throw you off balance if you’re not ready for it, but you can always find your footing. Or search for a job with a work schedule that suits you better.

When you’re looking for jobs, try looking for the exact type of shift you want to work. You can narrow your job search on Google, for example, and look specifically for night shift work.

Screenshot of a Google search result for night shift jobs near me - Wasilla, AK.
An example of a Google search result for night-shift jobs in Alaska.

The beauty of different types of work shifts is that there’s something for everyone. Whether you want to get a whole week off every month or tap into your night-loving personality and earn extra cash, there’s a work schedule for you.

Of course, no single type of work shift is all pros and no cons. But if you know your limits and preferences, you can get pretty close. 

Final Thoughts About Work Shifts 

From first shift to third shift and 2-3-2 to DuPont, humans have dreamed up a dozen ways to do the work that keeps the world spinning. The schedules and shifts we’ve discussed can be combined, adjusted, and tweaked in a hundred unique ways. 

Take advantage of employee availability forms to help communicate your ideal work period to potential employers. If you manage both your own business and a team of employees, use employee scheduling software to map out a cohesive work schedule for you and your team. 

And remember to rest, relax, and enjoy a favorite pastime on your days off so you can jump back into work with renewed energy—and protect your mental health. 

iSolved Time Review

iSolved Time is a time and attendance system that makes managing and processing your employee hours easier. iSolved Time offers powerful features and a quick setup to get you up and running in a matter of minutes.

With extensive time tracking, flexible scheduling, and physical time clocks, iSolved Time can replace tedious tracking methods and transform the way you run your growing business. 

iSolved brand logo.

iSolved Time Compared

iSolved Time made our top list as one of the best platforms for growing businesses. However, the best time and attendance system for most people is Rippling because of its built-in payroll solution and exceptional automation features. Sign up for Rippling and get a free custom quote today

Want to read more about the top best time and attendance systems? We reviewed dozens of options and narrowed it down to the top eight. If you want to scope out all of your options, see all of our top picks here.

About iSolved Time

iSolved Time made it onto our top list as the best platform for growing businesses because of its cloud-based system and flexible options. Whether you need to manage your employees’ hours better or make the solution between tracking and processing easier—iSolved Time can handle it all with ease.

iSolved Time offers a range of physical time clocks with biometric technology to help you track time in any workplace environment. But iSolved Time also has a separate all-in-one human capital management (HCM) solution for enterprise-level businesses that need extensive features combined with HR and payroll, talent acquisition, and workforce and talent management.

iSolved Time Health and Stability

iSolved Time was founded in 1986 and is currently headquartered in Charlotte, NC. Because iSolved Time is a privately held company, it only has one public investor, Accel-KKR, who has participated in one funding round. 

As of today, iSolved Time employs more than 1,000 people across the United States. With a 4.1-star rating on Glassdoor, iSolved Time employees are happy with the company’s supportive and diverse work culture. 

iSolved Time Pricing

iSolved Time doesn’t currently disclose pricing on its website, but after extensive research, we found a few valuable resources that give more insight into how iSolved Time prices its services.

iSolved Time Pricing Structure

From the research we conducted, iSolved Time supposedly structures its pricing on a per-employee-per-month basis, with a minimum monthly base fee. Even though iSolved Time doesn’t disclose pricing on its website, you can still request a free quote. 

iSolved Time bases your custom quote on several factors, including your business’ preferred collection methods, if you have remote employees, and how many employees you have at the time of the request. 

iSolved Time Pricing Comparison

After extensive research, we found that iSolved Time’s pricing supposedly starts at $4 per user per month, with an additional monthly minimum base fee of $80. However, keep in mind that iSolved also has a separate HCM software with different pricing. Unfortunately, that’s as much as we have gathered about iSolved Time’s pricing, so you will have to request a quote for more transparency. 

Based on the information we found, iSolved Time is certainly on the more inexpensive side of time and attendance systems when compared to its competitors per user per month fees only. For example, Rippling and QuickBooks start at $8 per user per month, with QuickBooks having a significantly inexpensive base fee of $10 compared to iSolved Time’s supposed $80. 

On the other hand, OnTheClock starts at a low rate of $3.50 per user per month, whereas uAttend starts at $22 per month for between one and nine users. 

iSolved Time Trials and Guarantees

iSolved Time doesn’t offer any free trials or free versions of its system. However, you can request a free quote and create a customizable pricing plan to suit your business needs. 

iSolved Time’s Time and Attendance System Review

Compared to other time and attendance systems, iSolved Time stands out for its extensive time-tracking capabilities and its wide range of physical time clocks for employees in any workplace. iSolved Time is the perfect solution for small to mid-sized businesses hoping to grow in their respective industries. 

iSolved Time can help improve your time management and scheduling processes with its powerful functionalities. To read more about iSolved Time’s competitors and how they stack up against each other, check out our top picks for time and attendance systems

What Makes iSolved Time’s Time and Attendance System Great

Screenshot of's home page.
iSolved Time helps you collect, manage, and process your employee hours with ease.
  • Adaptable time tracking: iSolved Time uses the latest technology to help you collect and process your employee’s hours easily. With its incredibly adaptable and extensive time-tracking functionality, you can support multiple locations and time collection options without outsourcing tracking software. As a cloud-based application, you can have peace of mind that all your time card data and comp time is stored securely, which saves you time and money in the long run. 
  • Flexible scheduling: Whether you need to build employee schedules, monitor attendance, or compare schedules with time worked, iSolved Time allows you to do this with its flexible scheduling feature. With a time card screen summary, you can see the actual hours worked at a glance, with associated alerts of any changes made. iSolved Time also offers configurable attendance rules, so you can define rules and include as many shifts as you like within your configuration. And its flexibility doesn’t stop there, as you can utilize its drag-and-drop tool to make it easier to assign shifts and modify your schedule that you can view by day, week, two weeks, four weeks, or six weeks. 
  • ACA compliance: iSolved Time’s technology will help your business remain compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). With determination testing and look-back reporting, you can determine if your company qualifies for ACA calculations to satisfy the requirements for payroll-based journal reporting. iSolved Time’s ACA compliance can also help you avoid paying government penalties and ensure that your full-time employees are working the right amount of hours to continue receiving their benefits. 
  • Physical time clocks: If you prefer to use physical time clocks to collect employee time, iSolved Time has a decent range of touch screens, USB, Ethernet, plug-and-play, and touch-and-go time clocks to choose from. You can choose between NXG or Velocity models with traditional swipe cards, proximity readers, key code entry, or biometric access with finger scanning, which prevents buddy punching and time theft. iSolved Time’s clocks come with different features, including multiple reader options, visual and audio feedback, punch screens, battery backups, and an intuitive user interface.
  • Employee self-service: Self-service doesn’t have to be difficult, and with iSolved Time it isn’t. With iSolved Time’s employee self-service functionality, your employees can clock in and out directly through their web browser. Employees can also use the self-service function to view schedules and accruals from the graphic time card view and send requests to different departments. Employees can also view their tax information and update their details at any point. 

Where iSolved Time’s Time and Attendance System Falls Short

Screenshot of's time and attendance web page with human capital management dashboard and time card example data.
iSolved Time’s dashboard makes it easy to track your employees’ time.
  • Lackluster mobile app: iSolved Time currently offers a mobile app called iSolved Timeforce. The app aims to help iSolved Time users manage their hours on the go. However, the app has a 2.8-star rating on the Google Play store, with hundreds of users complaining about login trouble, lackluster functionality, and unreliable performance that made clocking in and tracking time prohibitively difficult.
  • Subpar support: While iSolved Time does offer access to extensive user guides and glossaries on top of its live chat support, many users have claimed that its customer service is still slow. Some users have even switched to a different time and attendance provider based on the long response times. However, a decent amount of users claimed that while the support was slow, most of the company’s representatives were kind and patient. 
  • Zero integrations: Unfortunately, if you want to enhance the current iSolved Time platform, you will need to upgrade to iSolved’s HCM all-in-one solution, as it does not offer any integration marketplace or additional add-ons to make it more functional for its users. While this may not be a huge deal for some individuals, it’s still not ideal for users to pay full price for software they may not fully utilize. 

iSolved Time Time and Attendance System Compared

While iSolved Time provides its users with extensive and flexible time-tracking features, the best time and attendance system is Rippling because of its all-in-one HR solution. 

Final Verdict

iSolved Time is an excellent time and attendance system for growing businesses. With adaptable time tracking and flexible functionalities, like scheduling and employee self-service, iSolved Time can help you collect and process employee time with ease.

With over 20 years in the industry and 1,000 employees across the United States, iSolved Time is incredibly reliable. We recommend iSolved Time to any business needing accurate and easy time-tracking capabilities. 

ZipRecruiter Review

ZipRecruiter is the number one rated job posting site in the United States. With more than 110 million job seekers using the platform, ZipRecruiter connects job seekers with employers from companies of every size. 

Powered by industry-leading technology, ZipRecruiter offers next-level features that help you create the most personalized and efficient hiring experience. Whether you run a small business or an enterprise, ZipRecruiter can improve your hiring process in a few clicks. 

ZipRecruiter brand logo.

ZipRecruiter Compared

ZipRecruiter didn’t make our top list, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a poor product. With that said, the best job posting site for most people is LinkedIn because of its ability to create a large and reliable professional network. Sign up today and receive a seven-day free trial for LinkedIn Premium.

Want to read more about the top best job posting sites? We reviewed dozens of options and narrowed it down to the top six. If you want to scope out all of your options, see all of our top picks here.

  • LinkedIn – Best for Professional Networking
  • Indeed – Best for Dynamic Recruiting
  • Snagajob – Best for Hourly Jobs
  • AngelList – Best for Startups
  • FlexJobs – Best for Remote and Flexible Jobs
  • Dice – Best for Tech Jobs

About ZipRecruiter

Even though ZipRecruiter didn’t make our top list, it still offers powerful features that scale to the size of your business. Whether you are a job seeker or a hiring employer, ZipRecruiter ensures you find exactly what you are looking for with one-click applications and customizable processes. 

ZipRecruiter is a single-product company because it doesn’t offer any other services or products. However, ZipRecruiter supports various industries, including hospitality, retail, healthcare, transportation, staffing, insurance, construction, and technology. In most of ZipRecruiter’s case studies, the company managed to increase the number of quality candidates by at least 50% and has reduced the time-to-hire for many industries. 

ZipRecruiter Health and Stability

ZipRecruiter was founded in 2010 and is currently headquartered in Santa Monica, California, as a publicly traded company. The company has three investors, including Basepoint Ventures, IVP, and Industry Ventures, which have raised a total of $769 million across three rounds. 

With more than 2.8 million businesses utilizing ZipRecruiter to find talent and a 4.3-star rating on Glassdoor, it seems that the company is a reliable and supportive workplace for its employees.  

ZipRecruiter Pricing

ZipRecruiter doesn’t currently disclose pricing on its website, but after extensive research, we found a few valuable sources that let us better understand how ZipRecruiter prices its products. With that in mind, ZipRecruiter does offer three different pricing tiers that scale to the size of your business. 

ZipRecruiter Pricing Structure

From the research we conducted, ZipRecruiter structures its pricing packages on a monthly basis. Each pricing tier for small and medium-sized businesses consists of several features to improve your overall hiring experience. As the pricing increases, so does the number of features you receive. 

Even though ZipRecruiter doesn’t disclose pricing on its website, enterprise-level businesses can still request a free consultation and create a customized pricing package based on the specific size of the business. 

ZipRecruiter Pricing Comparison

After extensive research, we found that ZipRecruiter’s pricing supposedly starts at $299 per month and increases in price from there. For additional features, like exclusive database access, traffic boost, and integrations, you will be expected to pay anywhere from $419 and $899 per month. 

Based on the information we found, ZipRecruiter is certainly on the pricier side of job posting sites compared to other companies on the market today. For example, LinkedIn Premium starts at $39 per month, while Snagajob costs $89 per month. 

On the other hand, AngelList and FlexJobs start in the $200 range, with AngelList priced at $250 per month and FlexJobs at $399 per month. 

ZipRecruiter Trials and Guarantees

ZipRecruiter offers a four-day free trial, but you need to provide your credit card details to validate your account.  

ZipRecruiter Job Posting Site Review

Compared to other job posting sites, ZipRecruiter stands out for its scalable plans, network outreach, and customizable hiring process. You can completely transform the way you screen and hire candidates with ZipRecruiter’s powerful features.

ZipRecruiter can help you source talent in the easiest and smartest way possible. To read more about ZipRecruiter’s competitors and how they stack up against each other, check out our top picks for job posting sites

What Makes ZipRecruiter Job Posting Site Great

Screenshot of ZipRecruiter's enterprise web page.
ZipRecruiter helps you source talent with its powerful AI technology.
  • Scalable platform: ZipRecruiter is an excellent job posting site for businesses looking to scale with the hiring platform they decide to utilize. Not only does ZipRecruiter have packages that cater to small and medium-sized businesses, but it offers a fully integrated enterprise package for businesses with more than 5,000 employees. The enterprise package offers powerful matching technology, an enhanced network of job seekers, data-driven strategies, and customized solutions. 
  • Outreach network: If you are looking for a job posting site that will give you the most outreach, ZipRecruiter is a decent contender. Employers can reach millions of job seekers through ZipRecruiter’s large network of job sites, including companies like Google, Jooble, JobRapido, FlexJobs, and LiveCareer, to name a few. You can also easily share your job advertisements on social networks, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, with just one click. In addition to these networks, ZipRecruiter partners with veteran job sites, like Veteran’s Job Exchange, Job Path, and Veteran’s Enterprise, to make it easier to support troops and find talent that aligns with what you are looking for. 
  • Customizable hiring process: ZipRecruiter offers a few ways to customize your hiring process to make it more functional for the way you decide to run your business and hire talent. ZipRecruiter has customizable templates you can use to help write your job descriptions, saving you time writing a job ad from scratch. You can also save time by adding custom screening questions to your job ad, which makes it easier for you to sort through qualified candidates. ZipRecruiter gives you the option to create, edit, and save email templates to streamline the process of contacting candidates and makes it more efficient to do so. 
  • Intuitive dashboard: Another benefit to using ZipRecruiter is how intuitive its dashboard is, making it incredibly easy to navigate the platform and post jobs. You will find everything you need on the left-hand side of ZipRecruiter’s dashboard, including candidates, jobs, resume database, help, and upgrade tabs. Most of ZipRecruiter’s dashboard features drop-down menus and one-click tabs that redirect you to the page you want in seconds. 
  • Vast ATS integrations: You can integrate your preferred ATS application into ZipRecruiter’s platform to create a better hiring experience. ZipRecruiter’s vast marketplace of ATS partners helps streamline posting, optimize your application flow, and discover new hires fast. Some of ZipRecruiter’s integration partners include Bullhorn, MaxHire, Breezy, JazzHR, and ZohoRecruit, to name a few.

Where ZipRecruiter Job Posting Site Falls Short

Screenshot of a laptop with campaign performance dashboard and example data on the screen. The screenshot is from ZipRecruiter's enterprise web page.
ZipRecruiter’s dashboard is easy to navigate and helps you monitor your campaigns.
  • Poor quality candidates: Although ZipRecruiter claims to provide employers with exceptional candidates, this doesn’t seem to be the experience for most users. After reading dozens of reviews, we found that many users claimed that ZipRecruiter would match them with poor-quality candidates that weren’t qualified for the advertised job positions. 
  • Issues with the free trial: Many users claim that ZipRecruiter’s free trial isn’t actually free since the signup process put them into paid contracts—contracts they couldn’t easily get out of and sometimes had to pay extra fees to cancel.  
  • Expensive monthly packages: Even though it doesn’t disclose pricing on its website, we found that ZipRecruiter’s pricing supposedly starts at $299 per month and increases to $899 per month for only four additional features, such as integrations and access to a resume database. These prices are quite steep, especially for small and mid-sized businesses. 

ZipRecruiter Job Posting Site Compared

While ZipRecruiter provides extensive outreach and a customizable hiring process, the best job posting site is LinkedIn because of its ability to create a reputable and professional networking system. 

  • LinkedIn – Best for Professional Networking
  • Indeed – Best for Dynamic Recruiting
  • Snagajob – Best for Hourly Jobs
  • AngelList – Best for Startups
  • FlexJobs – Best for Remote and Flexible Jobs
  • Dice – Best for Tech Jobs

Final Verdict

ZipRecruiter is still a decent job posting site despite its steep pricing. As a scalable platform with a large outreach network and customizable functionalities, ZipRecruiter can help you find the talent you need, no matter the industry your business serves. 

With more than 12 years in the industry and with 2.8 million businesses utilizing the platform, ZipRecruiter is a reliable and secure company, which is why we would recommend it to any business looking to hire talent. 

FlexJobs Review

FlexJobs is the number one job posting site to find remote, work-from-home, and flexible job opportunities. Both job seekers and employers can utilize FlexJobs for its powerful recruitment functionalities. 

With unlimited job postings, ATS integrations, and top-level career advice, FlexJobs can help you hire remote talent with ease. FlexJobs provides a simple solution to employers that have experienced hiring complications and ensures job seekers can find the right position that suits their needs. 

FlexJobs brand logo.

FlexJobs Compared

FlexJobs made it onto our top list for its ability to allow employers to post remote and flexible job ads with ease. However, the best job posting site for most people is LinkedIn because of its professional networking capabilities. Sign up today and receive a 7-day free trial for LinkedIn Premium

Want to read more about the top best job posting sites? We reviewed dozens of options and narrowed it down to the top six. If you want to scope out all of your options, see all of our top picks here.

  • LinkedIn – Best for professional networking
  • Indeed – Best for dynamic recruiting
  • Snagajob – Best for hourly jobs
  • AngelList – Best for startups
  • FlexJobs – Best for remote and flexible jobs
  • Dice – Best for tech jobs

About FlexJobs

FlexJobs made it onto our top list for being the best platform for posting remote and flexible jobs specifically. Whether you are hiring or seeking job opportunities in industries such as accounting, finance, bookkeeping, marketing, writing, or project management, FlexJobs can help you find thousands of jobs and companies within seconds. 

FlexJobs’ services include exclusive job search, career coaching, resume reviews, and events and webinars. 

FlexJobs Health and Stability

FlexJobs was founded in 2007 and is currently headquartered in Colorado as a privately traded company. FlexJobs employs roughly 50 people across the United States. While there isn’t too much public information on FlexJobs’ funding or turnover, it does have a 4.6-star rating on Glassdoor, with most employees feeling satisfied with FlexJobs’ workplace culture.

According to FlexJobs’ website, big-name brands, such as Apple, Dell, United Healthcare, and Salesforce, have utilized FlexJobs to recruit top talent for remote, freelance, or part-time work, showcasing a sense of trust and reliability for the company. 

FlexJobs Pricing

FlexJobs has two separate pricing structures for both employers and job seekers. You can expect a decent range of pricing tiers that increase depending on how often you need to utilize the platform. 

FlexJobs Pricing Structure

FlexJobs pricing for employers is structured on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis, whereas its pricing for job seekers is subscription-based and starts at one week and one month and increases to three months and one year. 

For employers, the pricing will increase depending on how large your organization is and how often you need to post job advertisements. For job seekers, the pricing will increase depending on how long you think it will take to find the right job. Each job seeker subscription comes with nifty perks that you get access to for however long your subscription lasts. 

FlexJobs Pricing Comparison

FlexJobs employer packages start at $399 for one month, $859 for three months, and $2,999 for one year. On the other hand, FlexJobs pricing for job seekers is $9.95 for one week, $24.95 for one month, $39.95 for three months, and $56.95 for one year. 

With those prices in mind, we would say that FlexJobs is certainly priced on the high end of the spectrum. In comparison to other job posting sites, FlexJobs is one of the most expensive options you could choose from. For example, LinkedIn recommends you spend a maximum of $25 per day for additional hiring features. And Snagajob only costs $89 per month to post a job ad and gives you access to pre-screening questions, one-click applications, and interview scheduling. 

AngelList is another job posting site that costs $250 per month, which is a little closer to FlexJobs pricing, but it also offers a 7-day free trial and doesn’t charge job seekers to apply for jobs. 

FlexJobs Trials and Guarantees

FlexJobs doesn’t currently have any free trials or free plans. However, for all job seeker subscriptions, FlexJobs has a satisfaction guarantee that ensures that if you are not satisfied with the quality of its service, you can cancel your subscription and request a refund within 30 days. 

You can also save between 30% and 35% if you choose a three-month or year-long plan, and FlexJobs offers a 50% rebate for verifiable Nonprofits and B Corps. 

FlexJobs Job Posting Site Review

Compared to other job posting sites, FlexJobs stands out for its user-friendly interface, membership perks, and career coaching services. 

FlexJobs can help you recruit remote talent easier than ever before with its powerful functionalities. To read more about FlexJobs’ competitors and how they stack up against each other, check out our top picks for job posting sites

What Makes FlexJobs Job Posting Site Great

Screenshot of FlexJobs employers post remote jobs web page.
FlexJobs is trusted by some of the world’s leading companies to recruit remote talent.
  • User-friendly interface: After reading through dozens of reviews, we found that most reviewers were satisfied with the FlexJobs user interface, claiming that it’s incredibly intuitive and easy to use for employers and job seekers alike. Most reviewers said that the interface offered a lot of resources and information, making it easy for the user to search for jobs and apply for them or post job ads and sort through candidates. 
  • Member perks: All employers and job seekers receive quite a few perks for being FlexJobs members or subscribers. For example, with an employer membership, you get unlimited job posts, access to submit a job feed, activity and data reporting, expert articles, unlimited resume searches, a customized employer profile, and resources and member savings. For a job seekers subscription, you get unlimited access to every job, free skills testing, expert job search tips, quick profile access, email alerts for new jobs, and a personalized portfolio. FlexJobs also offers upgrade options for employer memberships to improve personalization overall. With these upgrades, you can benefit from premium placement, social media promotion, webinars, and targeted emails, to name a few. If that wasn’t enough, FlexJobs members also get discounts and deals of 10% to 50% off for big-name brands, including Dell, Audible, Grammarly, Costco, and Urbansitter. 
  • Extensive expert services: Another benefit to utilizing FlexJobs as a job seeker or employer is the number of expert services it offers. Job seekers will find several career coaching and resume review services that can help them search for jobs more efficiently and present their work experience more professionally. On the other hand, employers can benefit from expert consulting services, economic development opportunities, virtual job fairs, and webinars with job seekers that focus on your jobs and company. 
  • Leading technology integrations: FlexJobs makes it even easier for you to find the right candidate with its leading tech integration partners. You don’t have to worry about outsourcing integrations when FlexJobs has its very own ATS integration, which allows you to automatically synchronize job listings with trackable applicant information. FlexJobs also lets you find local, national, and international candidates much easier with built-in geo-targeting integration. 
  • Dedicated account support: Instead of relying on subpar support, paying employers will receive dedicated account support from FlexJobs’ customer support team—and after reading reviews—we found that its customer support is skilled, responsive, and friendly. On the other hand, any user can contact the FlexJobs customer support team through live chat, phone, mail, or form. 

Where FlexJobs Job Posting Site Falls Short

Screenshot of FlexJobs jobs web page.
You can browse remote jobs on FlexJobs in a matter of seconds.
  • No free trial: Unlike other job posting sites, FlexJobs doesn’t offer a free trial or free version of the platform. Whether you are an employer or job seeker, you will have to pay the pre-packaged price without knowing if you will find talent or secure a job at the end of your chosen subscription. While that isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker for some, it’s still inconvenient because securing a job or finding talent isn’t guaranteed. 
  • Job seekers must pay: Similar to the point above, it’s unfortunate that job seekers will always have to pay to use FlexJobs’ service. Many other job posting sites allow job seekers to apply for at least a limited number of jobs for free. But that’s not the case with FlexJobs, as you can’t apply for any jobs unless you pay $9.95 for one week’s worth of access. This isn’t ideal—especially for people who are already unemployed and can’t spare the resources they do have. 
  • Niche job positions only: You will only find job positions in the remote, freelance, contract, part-time, or work-from-home area on FlexJobs. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it might be too niche for some people, especially for anyone looking for full-time work or specifically wanting to return to an office setting after months or years of working remotely.  

FlexJobs Job Posting Site Compared

While FlexJobs provides its members with nifty perks and is the perfect platform for niche job positions in the remote space, the best job posting site is LinkedIn because of its professional networking capabilities. 

  • LinkedIn – Best for Professional Networking
  • Indeed – Best for Dynamic Recruiting
  • Snagajob – Best for Hourly Jobs
  • AngelList – Best for Startups
  • FlexJobs – Best for Remote and Flexible Jobs
  • Dice – Best for Tech Jobs

Final Verdict

FlexJobs is one of the best job posting sites for remote job opportunities. With nifty member perks, a user-friendly interface, and extensive expert services, FlexJobs is the perfect platform to take advantage of if you need to find talent or are currently looking for work. 

With more than 14 years in the industry and a 4.6-star rating on Glassdoor, FlexJobs is a reliable and trustworthy company that cares about companies and job seekers in the remote space. 

GoodHire Review

GoodHire is a flexible employment and criminal background check company best suited for small businesses. With more than 100 background check and screening services and leading technology integrations, GoodHire can help you create a trustworthy workplace. 

It provides employers with a simple solution to undertaking quick and effective background checks, which results in a faster hiring process overall. 

GoodHire brand logo.

GoodHire Compared

GoodHire did make our top list for its flexible pricing structure and effectiveness for intermittent use. However, the best background check company for most people is Intelius because of its ability to provide its users with unlimited background checks without an excessive price tag. Sign up today and start a five-day trial for just $1.99

Want to read more about the top best background check companies? We reviewed dozens of options and narrowed it down to the top five. If you want to scope out all of your options, see all of our top picks here.

  • Intelius — Best for unlimited background checks
  • GoodHire — Best for flexible pricing and intermittent use
  • B&B Reporting — Best for next-day background check results
  • Accurate — Most affordable background checks for small businesses
  • Verifirst — Best background check service for property management companies

About GoodHire

GoodHire made our top list for its flexible pricing for smaller businesses and its effectiveness for intermittent use. We also found its packages to be extremely valuable for the price point. Whether your business is in the retail, construction, or healthcare industry, GoodHire can cater to you in any area. 

GoodHire’s suite of services includes criminal background checks, employment drug tests, education and employment verification, professional reference checks, driving record, credit and healthcare sanction checks, and international background checks. 

GoodHire Health and Stability

GoodHire was founded in 2013 and was acquired by Checkr in a $400 million deal in April 2022. The privately traded company has headquarters in San Francisco and currently employs more than 200 people across the United States. 

While there isn’t too much public information about GoodHire’s workplace culture, it has a 4.6-star rating on the Consumer Affairs website, suggesting that the company is doing something right for its users. And according to GoodHire’s website, more than 100,000 employers have trusted GoodHire to perform accurate background checks. 

GoodHire Pricing

GoodHire offers competitively-priced packages that vary by annual volume. You can choose between a package for less than 10 checks per year or one for more than that, which currently has 100+ screening services and caters to larger organizations.

GoodHire Pricing Structure

All of GoodHire’s pricing packages are based on a per-check basis. Each pricing package contains a diverse range of services you receive with each background check. 

The pricing will increase depending on how many services you need. However, GoodHire’s pricing structure is perfect for small businesses that don’t need to conduct a large number of checks every year because it gives you exactly what you need without the additional price. 

GoodHire Pricing Comparison

GoodHire’s pricing packages start at $29.99 per check and increase to $54.99 for one additional service and $79.99 for two additional services. In GoodHire’s most popular plan, which is $54.99 per check, you receive an SSN trace, sex offender registry search, global watchlist records, national criminal records, and an unlimited county criminal search. If you want employment or education verification, you will need to scale your plan and pay an extra $20 per check. 

In comparison to other background check companies, GoodHire’s packages offer a much better value for the price you pay. For example, Intelius costs $29.95, but that’s for a monthly subscription rather than as-needed. On the other hand, Accurate has lower prices for simple, one-off services, such as motor vehicle reports and license verifications, which come in at $9.95. 

Overall, we would say GoodHire has the best and most transparent pricing structure on the market today, especially for small businesses that only need a certain amount of services per year. 

GoodHire Trials and Guarantees

GoodHire doesn’t currently offer any free trials or free plans. However, if you are a larger organization that needs more than 10 checks per year, you can request a free quote with free Adverse Action support and US-based customer support at no extra charge. 

GoodHire Background Check Company Review

Compared to other background check companies, GoodHire stands out for its flexible pricing, extensive services, and simple but effective compliance capabilities. You can completely automate your screening process to make hiring faster and more efficient. 

GoodHire can help small businesses perform accurate background checks without the excess price. To read more about GoodHire’s competitors and how they stack up against each other, check out our top picks for background check companies

What Makes GoodHire Background Check Company Great

Screenshot of GoodHire's home page.
GoodHire makes screening simple and effective with its flexible technology.
  • Extensive background check services: GoodHire has some of the most extensive background checks and screening services on the market today. You can access more than 100 services in its pre-bundled packages or customize your own. For background checks, you can receive criminal records, driving record checks, drug screenings, employment verification, civil court checks, and education verification. And if you want to undertake a criminal background check, GoodHire has several criminal databases it utilizes for screenings. Some of these screenings include federal criminal court records, county criminal court records, statewide criminal records, sex offender registry, watch list search, and international criminal records. 
  • Flexible pricing: The main reason why GoodHire is the perfect platform for small businesses is because of how flexible its pricing is. GoodHire’s pricing is structured on a per-check basis, which means that if you only need between two and five checks per year, you will only ever have to pay for that many. Unlike some background check companies that require you to pay for a monthly subscription, GoodHire essentially lets you pay for what you need. Plus, each pricing tier comes with several screening services, so you get more than what you pay for, which is a massive benefit to using GoodHire. 
  • Simple compliance capabilities: Running background checks on potential employees can come with a few legalities, but with GoodHire’s built-in compliance capabilities, you can have peace of mind while simplifying your workflow. GoodHire’s compliance feature comes with digital consent and record filtering, which saves time and automates the entire process. Digital consent provides your candidates with an electronic, mobile-optimized portal that helps mitigate litigation risk and prevents confusion. And record filtering helps customize background check results by specifying the different types of records to show or hide and prioritizing the ones that matter the most. 
  • Excellent automation: GoodHire knows how to automate your processes and workflow with ease, especially with its integrated Adverse Action functionality. Adverse Action takes more than 180 state, county, and local ban-the-box laws into account based on your candidate’s current location. For companies that have offices in multiple locations, GoodHire’s Adverse Action functionality will help simplify these laws and save you time in the long run. Not only does GoodHire offer Adverse Action, but its platform can also automate your process in a few different ways, including automatic notifications and automated status and adjudication rules for improved background check reviews.   
  • Seamless tech integrations: Accurate, fast, and simple employment screening has never been easier with GoodHire’s seamless tech integration system. You can streamline your hiring process by getting secure, FCRA-compliant consent, accessing background screening results, and viewing both candidate information and screening results simultaneously. GoodHire integrates with leading ATS and HRIS platforms, including ADP, LinkedIn, Jobvite, BambooHR, and Rippling, to name a few. And even if GoodHire doesn’t list the platform you already use as an integration on its website, you can request a call with its sales team and create a customizable solution to fit your needs. 

Where GoodHire Background Check Company Falls Short

Screenshot of GoodHire's background check web page.
GoodHire’s background checks are 100% paperless.
  • Hard-to-navigate interface: Even though GoodHire’s background check process is simplified, unfortunately, many users found its interface difficult to navigate. After reading through dozens of user reviews, we found that many reviewers found it more clunky and less straightforward than other background check solutions. A few reviewers also claimed that the edit functionality on some background check reports didn’t work properly. 
  • Pass-through fees: GoodHire will expect you to pay pass-through fees because some counties and most state DMVs charge fixed fees to retrieve criminal or driving records. While this is not necessarily GoodHire’s fault, some other background check companies cover these fees, so it’s still unfortunate if you choose to utilize GoodHire. The fees vary depending on the state, but they start at $2 and can increase to as high as $95 per check. 
  • Third-party lab turnaround time: After reading dozens of reviews on a few different review sites, we found the most common claim was that GoodHire’s third-party lab turnaround times for drug screenings were extremely slow. Fortunately, this only seems to apply to third-party lab scenarios, as GoodHire’s background check turnaround times were universally well-reviewed. 

GoodHire Background Check Company Compared

While GoodHire provides extensive background check services with simple compliance capabilities suitable for small businesses, the best background check company is Intelius because of its unlimited screening functionalities. 

  • Intelius — Best for unlimited background checks
  • GoodHire — Best for flexible pricing and intermittent use
  • B&B Reporting — Best for next-day background check results
  • Accurate — Most affordable background checks for small businesses
  • Verifirst — Best background check service for property management companies

Final Verdict

GoodHire is an excellent background check company that provides its users with accurate checks and screenings for various services. With automation functionalities and flexible pricing, small businesses and large organizations alike can’t go wrong with GoodHire. 

Even though GoodHire has only been in business for nine years, the company has shown time and time again how reliable they are, especially with a 4.6-star rating with Consumer Affairs. And that’s why we would recommend GoodHire to any business needing accurate screening services to simplify their hiring process. 

Outsourcing HR Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Want to cut to the chase? The best HR outsourcing service for almost anyone is Rippling or Paychex. Click here to get started with Rippling for just $8 per month.

From recruiting and onboarding new employees to managing payroll and benefits, there is a lot that goes into keeping your team happy and healthy. If you’re not careful, it can be very easy for HR to drain your time and resources.

The time wasted on HR-related tasks in the United States and the United Kingdom adds up to 40 million hours each month, equating to about $8.16 billion in productivity losses.

And here’s the kicker: most of these tasks can be automated or outsourced—an HR employee or manager no longer needs to spend their time dealing with the administrative headaches of monitoring and managing employee data to the extent that they used to. Read on to learn the best ways to outsource your HR tasks and get back all that lost time. 

The 9 Best HR Outsourcing Services for Saving Time and Lowering HR Costs

We’ve tried countless HR outsourcing services over the years. Here are our top 9 recommendations for anyone who wants to save time on HR:

  • Rippling — Best for saving time on HR tasks
  • Paychex — Best HR outsourcing for complex payment cycles
  • Insperity — Best HR outsourcing service that runs itself
  • ADP — Best HR outsourcing to handle some (or all) of your HR needs
  • TriNet — Best for big business benefits on small business budgets
  • Zenefits — Best HR platform to wrangle your current HR systems together
  • Engage PEO — Best HR outsourcing for unique compliance needs
  • G&A Partners — Best HR outsourcing for employee training and development
  • Tandem HR — Best HR outsourcing for minimizing your risk liability

What Is HR Outsourcing?

The human resources department is responsible for various important functions within a company, from payroll and benefits administration to recruiting and training.

Managing these functions internally can be challenging for small businesses, which is why many companies outsource their human resources needs. In some cases, large companies may even outsource specific human resources functions, such as benefits administration.

HR outsourcing is the process of hiring an external firm to handle all or some of the human resources functions for a business. By outsourcing these functions, businesses can save money and free up internal resources to focus on other priorities.

In addition, HR outsourcing can help to improve company compliance with employment laws and regulations. Because of its time-saving, pain-killing, and cost-saving benefits, this model can be an attractive option for businesses looking to streamline their operations.

How Outsourcing HR Works

How HR outsourcing works depends on how you choose to outsource it. In general, you have two options:

  • HRO: When you outsource some aspects of your HR program to an external individual or team
  • PEO: When you outsource your full HR program to an external provider

The big difference here is that, with HRO, you’re partnering with a company to supplement your internal HR team. With PEO, your employees are still under their employer, the PEO partner.

HR Outsourcing (HRO)

When you use the HRO model, you won’t need to worry about the day-to-day tasks of HR. You’ll have a dedicated team of HR professionals working on your behalf to manage as many of the HR tasks as you need.

HRO services can be a great option if you don’t have the internal resources to dedicate to HR or if you want to free up your current HR team to focus on strategic initiatives.

With an HRO, there’s also flexibility in what services you can outsource. For example, you might only want to outsource your payroll function, or you might want to outsource the entire HR function. It all depends on your needs.

Payroll is often one of the most popular functions to outsource because it’s complex and time-consuming. But benefits administration, recruiting, and employee onboarding are also popular functions to outsource.

Partnering with a Personal Employer Organization (PEO)

If you don’t have the resources to handle most HR duties internally, partnering with a PEO might be a better option.

Screenshot of Rippling PEO's HR and benefits web page.
Partner with a PEO provider like Rippling to manage time-consuming HR tasks.

The co-employment model used by PEO providers means your employees will appear on the books of your provider for tax and legal purposes. However, you still maintain control over employee work assignments, promotions, firings, etc.

A PEO manages your HR tasks and responsibilities. Some PEOs permit you to pick the specific services related to employment that you want them to handle. If you utilize this model, then the PEO has control over all of your company’s legal and financial practices associated with employment.

This model is most commonly used by small to mid-sized businesses that don’t have the internal resources to dedicate to HR.

When to Use a PEO and When to Use an HRO

Both PEOs and HROs can be great options for businesses looking to outsource their HR needs. But how do you know which one is right for you?

In most cases, the answer is to use an HRO to supplement your internal HR team and a PEO to outsource HR liability.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

For example, a PEO might be a better option if you’re a small business with very limited resources because they can lower your insurance premiums. Although they may seem expensive at first, PEOs might actually save you money in the long run.

That said, companies that use PEOs usually hire contractors or contract-to-hire team members rather than W-2 employees. They are also popular among companies that need employee visa sponsorships or other international HR support.

Who Is HR Outsourcing For?

The truth is, almost everyone could benefit from outsourcing their HR function to some degree.

Here are a few boxes that you can check off to see if HR outsourcing is right for your business:

  • You spend a disproportionate amount of time on HR tasks.
  • You’re growing quickly and don’t have the internal resources to keep up.
  • You want to free up your internal HR team to focus on strategic initiatives like employee engagement, interviews, or hiring.
  • You want to supplement your internal HR team with experts in specific areas like benefits or payroll.
  • You have a complex payroll, commission, and/or benefits structure.
  • You want to reduce your exposure to HR liability.
  • You find that HR duties are spread across employees from other departments.

Even if none of the above apply to you, there’s a good chance that outsourcing at least some of your HR tasks can help improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Any business that isn’t enterprise-level (i.e., they don’t have a network of employee relations, complicated salary variations, and numerous locations that would be challenging to explain to an outsourced provider) can likely find a way to outsource some part of their HR function.

What Functions Do HR Outsourcing Services Provide?

There are plenty of services that HR outsourcing services provide. Here are a few of the most common.

Payroll Processing and Administration

One of the most commonly outsourced HR functions is payroll processing and administration. This includes tasks like calculating hours worked, withholding taxes, and issuing paychecks or direct deposits.

It can also include more complicated tasks like managing 401(k) contributions, calculating commissions, and dealing with garnishments.

Payroll is often outsourced because it’s time-consuming and requires a high degree of accuracy for bookkeeping and liability purposes (in addition to employee retention). It’s also a compliance-heavy task, meaning there’s a greater risk of error.

Mistakes made on employee payroll can be minuscule—maybe a few dollars were left off an employee’s commission check.

But sometimes, payroll errors can result in lawsuits, legal trouble with the IRS, or employee termination.

In other words, outsourcing payroll is a good idea if you want to minimize the risk of making a mistake.

Benefits Administration

Another popular HR function that’s often outsourced is benefits administration. This includes tasks like enrolling employees in health insurance, calculating premiums, and managing retirement accounts. 

Benefits administration is often outsourced for the same reasons as payroll—it’s time-consuming, detail-oriented, and compliance-heavy.

However, there’s an additional reason that benefits administration is commonly outsourced: because it can be infinitely complex.

Especially if you offer a lot of different benefits (like health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, etc.), managing them all internally can be a daunting task.

Enrolling employees in the right benefits, calculating premiums correctly, and keeping up with ever-changing regulations is a lot to handle—especially if you’re not a benefits expert.

Legal Compliance

Worker’s compensation regulations and EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) laws are critical to any business—but they’re also ever-changing and difficult to keep up with.

That’s why many businesses choose to outsource their compliance needs to experts. These experts can help you stay up-to-date on the latest compliance issues, ensuring that your business is protected from legal trouble.

Employee Training and Onboarding

Sometimes, the employee onboarding and training processes can be tricky, especially if you have many new employees or your business is growing quickly.

In these cases, it can be helpful to outsource employee training to an expert. These experts can help design and implement training programs that will ensure that your employees are properly trained and equipped to do their jobs.


One of the most popular HR functions that companies outsource is recruiting and staffing. This includes tasks like posting job openings, searching for candidates, screening them, conducting interviews, and background and reference checks.

Recruitment agencies often have a large network of candidates they can reach out to, which saves businesses the time and effort of finding candidates on their own.

They also often have expertise in screening and interviewing candidates, which can help businesses find the best employees for the job.

Performance Management

Quarterly reviews, annual performance evaluations, and setting goals are all important aspects of performance management. But they can also be time-consuming and difficult to keep track of, even if there is a manager who can take care of everything.

Outsourced experts can help design and implement incentive programs, bonuses, and other ways to improve employee productivity and motivation.

They can also help with setting goals and objectives and measuring and tracking progress. Especially if an organization lacks the expertise to go about these challenges on its own, outsourcing performance management can be a great solution.

The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Your HR Program

Of course, like anything else, there are pros and cons to outsourcing your HR program.

Benefits of Outsourcing HR

Outsourcing saves money. It may seem counterintuitive that paying someone else to do something would save your company money. But when you factor in the cost of training, benefits, and compliance, it’s often cheaper to outsource HR than to do it yourself.

It frees up time. Time is money, and with HR outsourcing, you’ll save both. By offloading the time-consuming tasks of HR to an outsourced partner, you and your team will have more time to focus on other aspects of running your business.

It offers expert help. When you outsource HR, you’re getting the expertise of a whole team of HR professionals. This is especially helpful if you don’t have an in-house HR team or if your team is small.

Your benefit premiums will be lower. When you outsource HR, your business will often be able to take advantage of the economies of scale and get lower benefits premiums.

Cons of Outsourcing HR

Offloading certain activities makes the overall employee experience impersonal. When recruitment or performance management is outsourced, it can often feel like a cold process. This is because the people conducting these activities are often doing them for multiple clients and won’t have the time to get to know each employee.

It can be difficult to build trust with an outside partner. This is especially true if you’re outsourcing HR for the first time. It’s important to do your research and find a reputable HR outsourcing partner that you can trust.

You might lose control. When you outsource HR, you’re giving up some control of the process. This can be difficult for businesses that like to have a lot of control over their operations.

HR corrections will take longer to make. Since you won’t be handling HR in-house, there will be an inherent lag time that comes with making changes. For example, if you need to change your benefits package, it will take longer to implement when you outsource HR.

What to Look for In an Outsourced HR Partner

If you’ve decided that outsourcing HR is the right decision for your business, the next step is choosing an HR outsourcing partner. Here are a few factors to keep in mind when making your decision.


It’s important to find an HR outsourcing partner that is compatible with your business. This means they should understand your industry and your company’s culture well.

Keep in mind that this will require some input from you. Before you start looking for an HR outsourcing partner, take some time to document your company’s culture and what you’re looking for in your new hires. This will help you find a partner that is compatible with your business.


Of course, you’ll want to find an affordable HR outsourcing partner. But be careful not to choose the cheapest option. The most important thing is to find an HR outsourcing partner that provides good value for the price.


When you’re entrusting someone with your HR needs, you’ll want to ensure they have a good reputation. Do some research and read online reviews to get a sense of what other companies think about the HR outsourcing partner you’re considering.

Industry Expertise

In some cases, it can be helpful to find an HR outsourcing partner with expertise in your industry. Some HR outsourcing service providers offer tailored services based on the niche or industry you operate in. This is particularly true for industries with complex HR needs, such as healthcare and emerging tech spaces like mobile app development.

Final Thoughts About Outsourcing HR

When outsourcing your human resources operation, there are a lot of moving parts. You need to inform your new partner about your company culture, values, and important things to your business.

Outsourcing HR can be a great way to free up time and resources so you can focus on other aspects of your business. It can also help you lower your benefit premiums and access the expertise of a team of HR professionals.

But without an effective communications plan, it can be easy for things to fall through the cracks. Establishing a good relationship with your new HR outsourcing partner is critical to the arrangement’s success.

And if you want to maximize employee retention, you’ll need to put a little extra effort into making sure your employees feel valued and appreciated.

How To Prevent Burnout in the Workplace in 7 Simple Steps

Ongoing work-related stress often leads to burnout, affecting productivity, motivation, and even physical and mental health. Although some occupations are more susceptible than others, workplace burnout can happen to anyone. In fact, Deloitte research found that 77% of people have experienced work-related burnout.

Preventing employee burnout starts with a solid strategy and a management team dedicated to employee wellness. As an employer, this guide can help you navigate the steps necessary to avoid workplace burnout and improve employee health and productivity.

How to Prevent Burnout in the Workplace in 7 Easy Steps

Active support from employers and management can lead to higher job satisfaction and overall wellness. We explain in detail how the following steps can curb workplace burnout: 

  1. Invest in a corporate wellness program
  2. Get a solid team on your side
  3. Provide flexible working options and schedules
  4. Prioritize effective management
  5. Leave plenty of room for advancement
  6. Give employees a voice
  7. Encourage team bonding

Burnalong is corporate wellness software that helps employers manage wellness programs for their employees. Its inclusive classes, motivational features, and simple management tools make it ideal for companies seeking an easier way to blend productivity and wellness. Request a free demo of Burnalong to try it for yourself.

Step 1: Invest in a Corporate Wellness Program

Workplace burnout isn’t new, but it may be increasing. APA’s 2021 Work and Well-being Survey found that workplace-related physical fatigue increased by 38% from 2019. The need to address employee health before burnout is there, and corporate wellness programs could be the answer.

Corporate wellness programs can improve physical and mental health by targeting healthy habits. These programs give employees access to educational resources, goal-setting help, and classes and events that motivate them to lose weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and more. 

By adopting a wellness program in the workplace, you let your employees know that their well-being matters and that the healthy habits they have in their personal lives are just as crucial at work. 

The first step should be putting an individual or team in charge of your company’s wellness program. Your wellness team can assess the company’s current policies, note areas of improvement, and bring ideas to decision-makers.

They’ll also be responsible for detailing, overseeing, and implementing a corporate wellness strategy. Corporate wellness software can assist with the overseeing part, as these tools can do everything from recommending classes to tracking each employee’s progress.

An excellent option is Burnalong, which is a digital health and wellness program specifically designed with inclusivity and overall wellness in mind. Regardless of your team’s abilities, goals, and needs, Burnalong can meet them wherever they are.

The Burnalong platform includes access to online fitness classes, meditation training, support for health conditions, and science-backed wellness tips. Employees can also connect their fitness wearables and track their progress through their online portal.

Screenshot from's how we help web page showing the different approaches they take for digital health solution support.
Burnalong has multiple corporate wellness solutions to improve health and productivity, including motivational challenges and personal goal-setting.

Burnalong ensures that your wellness program connects with your company’s culture, too. Teams can connect with one another through social communities and participate in challenges and events to cheer each other on.

After implementing corporate wellness software into your workplace, you might consider creating a rewards program to incentivize workers to focus on their physical and mental health. For instance, design a points system with redeemable points for rewards or offer additional time off for top performers each quarter.

Step 2: Get a Solid Team on Your Side

Workplace burnout often occurs when your employees have more responsibilities than they should have. This can happen when you need more people to delegate various tasks to, causing employees to pick up work that isn’t necessarily in their position’s scope. 

First, identify the reason why you don’t have enough people to carry out your business’s tasks without feeling overwhelmed. 

Is the hiring manager dropping the ball? Are you cutting too many financial corners? Is high turnover an issue? Once you’ve pinpointed the issue, you can develop a strategy to correct it.

For example, a budgeting issue requires meeting with your accountant or financial department to see where you can make room for more help. A high turnover rate may require you to makeover your hiring and training process.

As you work to correct significant bottlenecks in your hiring process, you might consider turning to freelancers to take some of the load off the shoulders of your employees. 

Freelancers typically specialize in a specific skill, like graphic design, marketing, or recruiting. Unload the tasks that are most overwhelming to your team right now onto skilled freelancers until you find the right candidates for more permanent roles. 

Your business can also keep a few freelancers handy for occasional, as-needed work to cater to the ebbs and flows of your business, especially if you tend to have seasonal peaks and plateaus. 

Once your team settles into a routine, be sure to set and adhere to clear boundaries and duties for each employee and freelancer to prevent overlap and potential burnout in the future. 

Step 3: Provide Flexible Working Options and Schedules

The University of Michigan’s Human Resources department explains the importance of flexible work for modern workers: increased productivity, higher satisfaction, and better overall employee health. Giving your team options is one of the best things to do as an employer. 

The following are a few ways you can promote flexibility in your working environment and scheduling processes:

  • Offer remote and hybrid opportunities: Allow your employees to work remotely when possible or set hybrid schedules for a blend between in-office and at-home work. Research shows that 87% of employees use one of these options when they’re available.
  • Provide childcare services or reimbursement: Parents with children may need additional options to allow them to balance their personal lives with work. Consider having an on-site daycare service, letting parents transport their children to and from school without penalty, or offering reimbursement for childcare during work hours. 
  • Make the office more flexible: Socialization in the workplace can strengthen relationships and team morale. Make the office as adaptable to your employees’ needs for socialization as possible. Have private space for work that requires little distractions and common areas where employees can collaborate and socialize. 
  • Have a flexible time-off policy in place: Flexible time off (FTO) can include various types of leaves, like parenting leaves, bereavement leaves, or personal days. FTO policies give employees more control over when they take time off without the risk of backlash from their jobs. Create an FTO policy that gives employees the time they need to focus on their families, themselves, and their health while still meeting your business’s needs. For instance, you might specify a maximum amount of FTO allowed during each quarter. 

Step 4: Prioritize Effective Management

The happiest employees and workplaces have effective leaders who know how to keep things moving without being overbearing. To create a healthier and more productive work environment, businesses should start with their management team.

Effective leaders typically have excellent communication skills, allowing others to voice their opinions while actively listening and sharing constructive feedback and ideas. They also understand how to resolve conflicts, make crucial decisions, and remain transparent. 

Perhaps most importantly, effective managers don’t hesitate to recognize employees when they’ve done something to deserve recognition, even if it’s as seemingly insignificant as showing up on a challenging day. 

If your leaders don’t fit the bill, that doesn’t mean they can’t get there. But, it may be time to implement a training program that targets decision-making, transparency, collaboration, and respect in the workplace.

In addition to training, you can find opportunities to invest in your leaders. For instance, you might pay for them to participate in workshops and events where they can become inspired by respected leaders. Or, offer continuing education reimbursement that encourages them to keep striving to become better. 

Business owners should also be mindful of the impact they have on their management teams. Leading by example is one of the best ways to boost overall company morale and, therefore, performance. 

Step 5: Leave Plenty of Room for Advancement

Most people won’t be truly happy with their jobs if they feel like they’re not working toward anything attainable. Research shows that a leading reason determinate factor in career happiness is the availability of advancement opportunities

Tuition reimbursement, certification programs, and company-sponsored webinars and workshops can all promote professional development and advancement. Hosting or paying for employees to participate in networking events can also be helpful.

Even with these benefits in place, businesses should develop in-house pathways to advancement, leaving the doors open for proven candidates to enter new positions at the same company. Internal promotions not only save businesses time and money resources, but they also give employees a reason to have goals and work hard to achieve them.

An employee development program helps businesses and their employees work together to create a professional development strategy. In the plan, the employee states their professional goals, and the business lists resources and steps to assist the employee with those goals.

This program can tell businesses which people are interested in various positions while outlining specific steps to help those employees get closer to advancement. 

This ongoing document should be updated regularly—at least once annually—and can be amended as an employee completes or changes their goals.  

The example of an employee development plan below comes from SlideTeam. It names the employee’s goals for improvement and lists the company’s resources and plans to assist that employee. 

Screenshot from's employee development plan for company growth page showing an example plan.
This employee development plan example from SlideTeam clearly outlines the employee’s goals and company’s plan to help them achieve those goals.

With an employee development plan in place for each employee, your business creates pathways to success. Be sure to appoint a person or team dedicated to conducting periodic reviews of each plan and holding meetings with each employee to ensure company adherence. 

Step 6: Give Employees a Voice

The workplace should be a safe place for employees to voice their concerns, offer suggestions, or ask questions. Most importantly, they should feel comfortable sharing what they need to without being judged or penalized.

Open communication policies can help workers express themselves authentically and feel like valued members of the workplace. Both of these can lead to a higher level of psychological well-being and, therefore, a reduction of potential burnout.

Using a tool like The Happiness Index can be a smart move for encouraging constructive workplace communication. The platform collects anonymous feedback and data from surveys so that workers can safely share their opinions while companies can gain insight into how their workers feel.

Screenshot from's employee voice web page with a CTA to watch a video and book a demo.
Encourage open communication with anonymous surveys and feedback with The Happiness Index.

Hosting regular meetings is also important for facilitating face-to-face discussions, allowing workers to bounce ideas off one another. Workers can also validate one another with their questions and concerns during these meetings.

Step 7: Encourage Team Bonding

A bonded workplace can become a happier workplace. Building connections between employees and leaders can lead to a healthier workplace culture with a foundation of respect, understanding, and even friendship.

There are many ways to encourage your teams to bond that go beyond traditional holiday parties or networking events. Instead, think outside the box for both everyday bonding activities and occasional excursions that strengthen teams.

For example, your office might host a weekly or monthly bonding session with varied activities. Your team might play a group game like Telephone that can get everyone laughing or host a monthly field day with activities like sack races, flag football, and laser tag. 

Scavenger hunts, compliment circles, and social lunches are also simple everyday activities that can bring workers closer together and boost their overall workplace happiness.

Final Thoughts About How to Prevent Burnout in the Workplace

Workplace burnout happens when employees are overwhelmed with responsibilities and workplaces lack effective management, communication, and bonding. Prioritizing employee health and wellness should be a primary responsibility of all business owners.

To prevent burnout in the workplace, consider investing in a corporate wellness program, offering flexible work opportunities, and hiring and training the right leaders. Also, encourage advancement with clear employee career plans, and give workers a safe space to voice their ideas and concerns.