How Developers Can Strengthen Their Mental Health Amidst High-Pressure Projects

I have had my fair share of projects that have given me life because of what I accomplished, as well as those that have cost me life when I reflect on the terrible stress they caused. I know I’m not unique that way; sometimes, my work makes me feel like a rock star and other times, I question whether I should be a developer at all. Some projects test you — like really test you.

In the first week of December 2023, I got a contract to rebuild an entire web app from the ground-up using a new technology designed to be launched alongside a “new year, new system” initiative heading into 2024.

I think you know where this is going. I built up a lot of confidence heading into the project but soon found that I had bitten off way more than I could chew. The legacy code I inherited was the epitome of “legacy” code, and its spaghetti nature needed more than one developer to suss out. The project looked doomed from the beginning, and I hadn’t even written a line of code!

I quit the job. After weeks of stress-laden sleep, I simply couldn’t stomach the work. I actually dreaded work altogether. And with that dread came doubts about my career and whether I should start looking outside the industry.

Is this starting to sound familiar?

That job wasn’t just a project that posed a personal challenge; no, it was a battle for my mental health. I was officially burned out. Thankfully, I was relieved of some pressure when, to my surprise, the client was weirdly understanding and offered to bring in an additional developer to share the load. That really helped, and it gave me what I needed to roll my sleeves back up and finish the job.

Is This Success?

The project launched, and the client was happy with it. But I still experience aftershocks, even today, where the trauma from that contract seeps back in and reminds me just how awful it was and the extent to which it made me question my entire career.

So, even though the project was ultimately a success, I wouldn’t say it was “successful.” There was a real non-monetary cost that I paid just for taking the job.

I’m sure it is the same for you. We’ve all had stressful projects that push us to the brink of what feels like self-destruction. It’s clear because there are so many other articles and blog posts about it, all offering insightful personal advice for relieving stress, like exercise, sleep, and eating right.

In fact, as I reflected back on projects that predated this one particular nightmare, I realized there had been other projects I’d taken that had likely contributed to the burnout. Interestingly, I found a few common threads between them that I now use as “warning flags” going into new work.

All of our experiences are unique to us, and there is no standard recipe for managing stress and protecting your mental health. Advice in this area is always best described as “your mileage may vary” for no other reason than that it is scoped to a specific individual. True, one’s experiences can go so far as to help someone through a tough situation. I find it’s the same thing with self-help books — the best advice is usually the same advice found elsewhere, only articulated better or in a way that resonates with you.

Think of this article as more of my personal story of experiences safeguarding my mental health when finding myself in super specific work situations.

The Urgent Hotfix

Remember that project with the “comfortable” deadline? Yeah, me neither. It’s that common thing where you ask when the project needs to be completed, and you get back a sarcastic “last Tuesday.”

In this particular instance, it was a usual Monday morning. There I was, still in bed, happily rested after a fulfilling weekend. Then Slack started blasting me with notifications, all of which were in the vein of,

“Hey, users can’t make payments on the app — urgent!”

You can fault me for having Slack notifications enabled early on a Monday. But still, it killed my good mood and practically erased whatever respite I gained from the weekend. But I got up, headed over to the laptop, and began working as quickly as the day had started.

The timeline for this sort of fix is most definitely a “due last Tuesday” situation. It’s urgent and demands immediate attention at the expense of dropping everything else. There’s nothing easygoing about it. The pressure is on. As we were all trying to fix the bug, the customer support team also added to the pressure by frequently reporting the rising number of users having difficulties processing payments.

We read through this huge codebase and ran different kinds of tests, but nothing worked. I think it was around 40 minutes before the deadline that a colleague came across a Reddit post (dated six years ago or so) that had the solution in it. I tell you, that bug stood no chance. We finally got the payment system up and running. I was relieved, but at what cost?

What I Learned About HotFixes

Urgent hotfixes are a reality for most developers I know. They sort of come with the territory. But allowing them to take away your well-earned peace of mind is all too easy. A day can go from peaceful to panicking with just one Slack notification, and it may happen at any time, even first thing on a Monday morning.

What I’d Do Differently

It’s funny how Slack is called “Slack” because it really does feel like “slacking off” when you’re not checking in. But I can tell you that my Slack notifications are now paused until more reasonable hours.

Yes, it was a very real and very urgent situation, but allowing it to pull me completely out of my personal time wasn’t the best choice. I am not the only person on the team, so someone else who is already readily available can take the call.

After all, a rested developer is a productive developer, especially when faced with an urgent situation.

The Pit Of Procrastination

I once got myself into a contract for a project that was way above my skill set. But what’s that thing developers love saying, “Fake it ’til you make it,” or something like that? It’s hard to say “no” to something, particularly if your living depends on winning project bids. Plus, I won’t lie: there’s a little pride in not wanting to admit defeat.

When I accepted the job, I convinced myself that all I needed was two full days of steady focus and dedication to get up to speed and knock things out. But guess what? I procrastinated.

It actually started out very innocently. I’d give myself a brain break and read for 30 minutes, then maybe scroll through socials, then switch to YouTube, followed by… you get the picture. By the time I realize what happened, I’m several hours off schedule and find stress starting to harbor and swell inside me.

Those half hours here and there took me right up to the eleventh hour.

Unfortunately, I lost the contract as I couldn’t hit my promised timeline. I take full responsibility for that, of course, but I want to be honest and illustrate the real consequences that happen when stress and fear take over. I let myself get distracted because I was essentially afraid of the project and wasn’t being honest with myself.

What I Learned About Procrastination

The “fake it ’til you make it” ethos is a farce. There are relatively “safe” situations where getting into unfamiliar territory outside your skillset is going to be just fine. However, a new client with a new project spending new money on my expertise is not one of them.

Saying “yes” to a project is a promise, not a gamble.

And I’m no longer gambling with my client’s projects.

What I’d Do Differently

Learning on the job without a solid plan is a bad idea. If a project screams “out of my league,” I’ll politely decline. In fact, I have found that referring a client to another developer with the right skill set is actually a benefit because the client appreciates the honesty and convenience of not having to find another lead. I actually get more work when I push away the work I’m least suited for.

The Unrealistic Request

This happened recently at a startup I volunteered for and is actually quite funny in hindsight. Slack chimed in with a direct message from a marketing lead on the team:

“Hi, we are gonna need to add an urgent feature for a current social media trend. Can you implement it ASAP?”

It was a great feature! I dare say I was even eager to work on it because I saw its potential for attracting new users to the platform. Just one problem: what exactly does “ASAP” mean in this instance? Yes, I know it’s “as soon as possible,” but what is the actual deadline, and what’s driving it? Are we talking one day? One week? One month? Again, startups are famous for wanting everything done two weeks ago.

But I didn’t ask those questions. I dropped everything I was doing and completed the feature in two weeks’ time. If I’m being honest, there was also an underlying fear of saying “no” to the request. I didn’t want to disappoint someone on my team.

That’s the funny part. “ASAP” was really code for “as soon as possible with your current workload.” Was that communicated well? Definitely not. Slack isn’t exactly the best medium for detailed planning. I had a lot more time than I thought, yet I let myself get swept up by the moment. Sure, I nailed the new feature, and it did indeed attract new users — but again, at what cost? I patted myself on the back for a job well done but then swiveled my chair around to realize that I was facing a pile of work that I let mount up in the meantime.

And thus, the familiar weight of stress began taking its typical toll.

What I Learned About Unrealistic Requests

Everything has a priority. Someone else may have a pressing deadline, but does it supersede your own priorities? Managing priorities is more of a juggling act, but I was treating them as optional tasks that I could start and stop at will.

What I’d Do Differently

There are two things I’d do differently next time an unrealistic request comes up:

  • First, I’ll be sure to get a firm idea of when the request is actually needed and compare it to my existing priorities before agreeing to it.
  • Second, I plan on saying “no” without actually saying it. How different would the situation have been had I simply replied, “Yes, if...” instead, as in, “Yes, if I can complete this thing I’m working on first, then I’d be happy to jump on that next.” That puts the onus on the requester to do a little project management rather than allowing myself to take on the burden carte blanche.
The 48-Hour Workday

How many times have you pulled an all-nighter to get something done? If the answer is zero, that’s awesome. In my experience, though, it’s come up more times than I can count on two hands. Sometimes it’s completely my doing; I’ll get sucked into a personal side project or an interesting bug that leads to hours passing by like minutes.

I have more than a few friends and acquaintances who wear sleepless nights like merit badges as if accumulating them is somehow a desirable thing.

The most recent example for me was a project building a game. It was supposed to be pretty simple: You’re a white ball chasing red balls that are flying around the screen. That might not be the most exciting thing in the world, but it was introducing me to some new coding concepts, and I started riding a wave I didn’t want to leave. In my head, this little game could be the next Candy Crush, and there was no way I’d risk losing success by quitting at 2:00 a.m. No way.

To this day, the game is sitting dormant and collecting digital dust in a GitHub repository, unfinished and unreleased. I’m not convinced the five-day marathon was worth it. If anything, it’s like I had spent my enthusiasm for the job all at once, and when it burned me out, I needed a marathon stretch of sleep to get back to reality.

What I Learned About All-Nighters

The romanticized image of a fast-typing developer sporting a black hoodie in a dark room of servers and screens only exists in movies and is not something to emulate. There’s a reason there are 24 hours in a day instead of 48 — we need breaks and rest, if for nothing else, to be better at what we do. Mimicking a fictional stereotype is not the path to becoming a good developer, nor is it the path to sustainable living conditions.

What I’d Do Differently

I’m definitely more protective of the boundaries between me and my work. There’s a time to work, just as there’s a time for resting, personal needs, and even a time for playing.

That means I have clearly defined working hours and respect them. Naturally, there are days I need to be adaptable, but having the boundaries in place makes those days the exception as opposed to the rule.

I also identify milestones in my work that serve as natural pauses to break things up into more manageable pieces. If I find myself coding past my regular working hours, especially on consecutive days, then that’s an indication that I am taking on too much, that I am going outside of scope, or that the scope hasn’t been defined at all and needs more definition.

Bugged By A Bug

There are no escaping bugs. As developers, we’re going to make mistakes and clean them up as we go. I won’t say I enjoy bugfixes as much as developing new features, but there is some little part of me at the same time that’s like, “Oh yeah, challenge accepted!” Bugs can often be approached as mini puzzles, but that’s not such a bad thing.

But there are those bugs that never seem to die. You know, the kind you can’t let go of? You’re absolutely sure that you’ve done everything correctly, and yet, the bug persists. It nearly gets to the point where you might be tempted to blame the bug on the browser or whatever dependency you’re working with, but you know it’s not. It sticks with you at night as you go to bed.

Then comes the epiphany: Oh crap, it’s a missing X. And X is usually a missing semicolon or anything else that’s the equivalent of unplugging the thing and plugging it back in only to find things are working perfectly.

I have lots of stories like this. This one time, however, takes the cake. I was working on this mobile app with React Native and Expo. Everything was going smoothly, and I was in the zone! Then, a rendering error cropped up for no clear reason. My code compiled, and all the tests passed, but the app refused to render on my mobile device.

So, like any logical developer, I CTRL + Z’d my way back in time until I reached a point where I was sure that the app rendered as expected. I still got the same rendering error.

That was when I knew this bug was out for my blood. I tried every trick I knew in the book to squash that thing, but it simply would not go away. I was removing and installing packages like a madman, updating dependencies, restarting VS Code, pouring through documentation, and rebooting my laptop. Still nothing.

For context: Developers typically use Expo on their devices to render the apps in real-time when working with React Native and Expo. I was not, and therein lies the problem. My phone had decided to ditch the same Wi-Fi network that my laptop was connected to.

All I had to do was reconnect my phone to the network. Problem solved. But agony in the process.

What I Learned About Bugfixes

Not every code bug has a code solution. Even though I had produced perfectly valid scripts, I doubted my work and tackled the issue with what’s natural to me: code.

If I had stepped back from my work for even a moment, then I probably would have seen the issue and saved myself many hours and headaches. I let my frustration take over to the extent that the bug was no longer a mini puzzle but the bane of my existence. I really needed to read my temperature level and know when to take a break.

Bugs sometimes make me doubt my credibility as a developer, especially when the solution is both simple and right under my nose the entire time — like network connectivity.

What I’d Do Differently

There’s an old Yiddish saying: To a worm in horseradish, the world is horseradish. You may recognize it as the leading quote in Malcolm Gladwell’s What the Dog Saw and Other Adventures. It’s closely related to other common sayings along the lines of, “To a hammer, everything is a nail.”

In addition to trying to look at bugs from a non-horseradish perspective, I now know to watch my frustration level when things start feeling helpless. Take breaks. Take a walk. Eat lunch. Anything to break the cycle of rumination. It’s often in that moment of clarity that the puzzle finally starts to come together.

The Meeting-Working Imbalance

I don’t like meetings, and I’m sure many developers would agree with me on that. They’re somewhat of a necessary evil right? There’s value, for example, in the weekly standups for checking in on the team’s progress and staying on the same page as far as what’s coming up in the following week of planning.

If only that was the one single meeting I had to attend on a given day.

Let me describe one particular day that I feel is emblematic of what I think is a common conflict between time spent in meetings and time spent working. I got to my workspace and was ready for the usual half-hour weekly team check-in. It went a little over, which was fine, but it did mean I had to rush to the next meeting instead of having a little buffer between the two. That meeting was a classic one, the type where everyone wants a developer in the room in case something technical comes up but never does, leaving me bored and dividing my attention with my actual work.

We had five meetings that day. In my book, that’s a full day completely wasted because I was unable to get around to writing any code at all, save for a few lines I could squeeze in here and there. That’s no way to work, but is unfortunately a common pattern.

What I Learned About Meetings

Meetings have to happen. I get that. But I’ve learned that not every meeting is one that I personally need to attend. In many cases, I can get the gist of what happened in a meeting by watching the recording or reading the project manager’s notes. I now know that meetings can “happen” in lots of ways, and what comes from them can still be learned asynchronously in many instances.

What I’d Do Differently

From here on out, I am asking (politely, of course) whether my attendance is mandatory or not when certain meetings come up. I also ask if I can either prepare something for the group in advance or get caught up to speed after the meeting has happened.


That’s it! These are a handful of situations I have found myself in the past couple of years. It’s funny how seemingly small events are able to coalesce and reveal patterns of behavior. There’s a common thread of stubbornness running through them that has opened my eyes to the way I work and how I manage my mental health.

I’m sure it is the same for you. What times can you remember when stress, anxiety, and frustration consumed you? Are you able to write them down? Do you see a pattern forming? I believe doing this sort of mental inventory is valuable because you start to see specific things that trigger your feelings, and with that, it’s possible to recognize and avoid them in the future.

Further Reading On SmashingMag

Modern MLOps Platform for Generative AI

A modern MLOps platform for Generative AI seamlessly integrates the practices of machine learning operations with the unique aspects of generative models. Such platforms strive to automate and streamline the end-to-end lifecycle of generative AI models, ensuring robustness, scalability, and reproducibility. A holistic approach is crucial, addressing both the technical dimensions of model development and deployment and the ethical, safety, and governance considerations inherent to generative models.

Here Is the Architecture of Such a Platform

1. Data Ingestion and Storage

  • Data collection: Harness data from diverse sources.
  • Data storage: Employ scalable distributed systems optimized for growing model sizes and computational demands.
  • Data versioning: Ensure reproducibility with versioned datasets.
  • Document sharding: Efficiently manage large documents or datasets.

2. Data Processing, Transformation and Embeddings

  • ETL processes: Clean and preprocess data.
  • Feature engineering: Extract essential features.
  • Embedding generation: Convert data into meaningful embeddings.
  • Vector store: Efficiently store and retrieve embeddings.

3. Model Development, Prompt Engineering, Pre-Trained Models and Fine-Tuning

  • Interactive development: Facilitate rapid prototyping and experimentation.
  • Model repository: Access and manage large pre-trained models.
  • Fine-tuning: Adapt pre-trained models to specific tasks.
  • Prompt engineering: Design, test, and optimize prompts to guide generative models.
  • Experiment tracking: Monitor and compare various model experiments.

4. Model Training, Validation, and Generative Outputs

  • Distributed training: Use platforms optimized for the increased infrastructure demands of large generative models.
  • Hyperparameter tuning: Automate the discovery of optimal model parameters.
  • Validation and quality assurance: Ensure the quality and relevance of generated content.

5. Transfer Learning, Knowledge Distillation and Continuous Learning

  • Transfer learning: Reuse pre-trained model knowledge.
  • Knowledge distillation: Simplify and optimize models without compromising performance.
  • Active learning: Iteratively enhance models based on the most valuable data.

6. Model Deployment, Scaling and Serving

  • Model packaging and serving: Prepare models for production.
  • Deployment strategies for large models: Techniques like model sharding to manage the intensive infrastructure requirements of gen AI.
  • Scaling generative workloads: Infrastructure solutions to meet the computational demands of generative tasks.

7. Monitoring, Alerts, and Feedback for Generative Outputs

  • Model monitoring: Track model performance with a keen focus on generated outputs.
  • Infrastructure monitoring: Ensure the health and scalability of the underlying systems, especially given the heightened requirements of gen AI.
  • Alerts: Stay updated on anomalies or performance degradation.
  • User feedback loop: Adjust based on user insights and feedback.

8. Governance, Safety, and Ethical Considerations

  • Model auditing and versioning: Maintain a clear and transparent record of model changes.
  • Content filters: Implement standards for content generation.
  • Ethical reviews and compliance: Regularly navigate and update based on the ethical landscape of gen AI.

9. Collaboration, Sharing and Documentation

  • Model sharing: Promote collaboration across teams or externally.
  • Documentation: Keep stakeholders well-informed with thorough documentation.

10. Infrastructure, Orchestration and AI Infrastructure Concerns

  • Infrastructure as code: Define infrastructure programmatically, with adaptability for the changing demands of gen AI.
  • Orchestration: Coordinate the ML lifecycle stages, ensuring efficient resource allocation and scalability.
  • AI infrastructure management: Strategically plan and manage resources to accommodate the growing size and complexity of gen AI models.

By embracing this comprehensive approach, a modern MLOps platform for Generative AI empowers developers, data scientists, and organizations to harness the transformative potential of generative models, ensuring they effectively navigate the challenges and intricacies they present. Furthermore, as we venture deeper into the age of AI, it becomes imperative for the MLOps platform to address and minimize environmental concerns. This includes practices that reduce carbon footprints, prioritize energy efficiency, and promote sustainable tech solutions. I will delve deeper into the significance and methods of integrating sustainability into MLOps in a future article.

Dancing Leaves And Spooky Fellows (October 2023 Wallpapers Edition)

The leaves are shining in the most beautiful colors and pumpkins are taking over the front porches. It’s time to welcome the spookiest of all months: October! To get your desktop ready for fall and the upcoming Halloween season, artists and designers from across the globe once again challenged their creative skills and designed inspiring wallpapers for you to indulge in.

The wallpapers in this post come in versions with and without a calendar for October 2023 and can be downloaded for free. And since so many beautiful and unique designs evolve around our little wallpapers challenge every month, we also dived into our archives to find some timeless October treasures from past years to add to the collection. Maybe you’ll rediscover one of your almost-forgotten favorites in this post, too? A huge thank you to everyone who shared their wallpaper with us this month! Happy October!

  • You can click on every image to see a larger preview,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.
  • Submit a wallpaper!
    Did you know that you could get featured in our next wallpapers post, too? We are always looking for creative talent.
Autumn’s Splendor

“The transition to autumn brings forth a rich visual tapestry of warm colors and falling leaves, making it a natural choice for a wallpaper theme.” — Designed by Farhan Srambiyan from India.

Dancing Leaves Of October

“Before it becomes winter, we spend beautiful autumn days enjoying the beautiful colors and autumn moods. So I designed this wallpaper to remember the impressions and colors in the city park.” — Designed by Stephan Bender from Germany.

Embracing Autumn’s Beauty

“We were inspired by the breathtaking beauty of autumn, with its colorful foliage and the symbolic pumpkin, which epitomizes the season. Incorporating typography allows us to blend aesthetics and functionality, making the calendar not only visually appealing but also useful.” — Designed by WPclerks from India.

National Fossil Day

“Join us in commemorating National Fossil Day, a day dedicated to honoring the wonders of Earth’s prehistoric past. On this special day, we invite you to step back in time and explore the remarkable world of fossils. These ancient remnants of life on our planet offer a glimpse into the evolution of life, from the tiniest microorganisms to the towering giants that once roamed the Earth.” — Designed by Boris Rabasovic from Serbia.

The Crow And The Ghosts

“If my heart were a season, it would be autumn.” — Designed by Lívia Lénárt from Hungary.

Sleeping Beauty

“Sleeping Beauty is a classic fairy tale that has been adapted into various forms of literature, film, and other media over the years. The story typically revolves around a beautiful princess who is cursed to fall into a deep sleep for a specific period, often after pricking her finger on a spindle or needle. The curse is usually cast by an evil fairy or sorceress. In most versions of the story, the princess can only be awakened from her slumber by the kiss of a prince who truly loves her.” — Designed by Bhabna Basak from India.

Happy Halloween

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

A Walk Through Atoms

“We leave the madness of September to begin this October in a much more serene way. We are entering autumn, one of my favorite months, and we travel to Brussels to enjoy the city and be able to walk around while the temperatures allow.” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela Jimenez from Spain.

Lack Of Self-Reflection

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.


“I was influenced by the changing colors of nature. Fall is a busy period, so I wanted to make a messy drawing. There are things turning around, like a circle. It’s the link with the first letter of this month.” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France.

Oldies But Goodies

Creepy Halloween fellows, a nice cup of tea on a rainy day, and magical fall forests — the October wallpapers that we rediscovered in our archives pay tribute to all those big and small October moments. Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar.

The Night Drive

Designed by Vlad Gerasimov from Georgia.

Magical October

“‘I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.’ (L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables)” — Designed by Lívi Lénárt from Hungary.

Dreamy Autumn Girl

“Our designers were inspired by the coziness of autumn and the mood that it evokes — the only desire that appears is to put on a warm cozy sweater, take a cup of warm tea, and just enjoy the view outside the window.” — Designed by MasterBundles from Ukraine.

Autumn Vibes

“Autumn has come, the time of long walks in the rain, weekends spent with loved ones, with hot drinks, and a lot of tenderness. Enjoy.” — Designed by LibraFire from Serbia.

Goddess Makosh

“At the end of the kolodar, as everything begins to ripen, the village sets out to harvesting. Together with the farmers goes Makosh, the Goddess of fields and crops, ensuring a prosperous harvest. What she gave her life and health all year round is now mature and rich, thus, as a sign of gratitude, the girls bring her bread and wine. The beautiful game of the goddess makes the hard harvest easier, while the song of the farmer permeates the field.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Bird Migration Portal

“October is a significant month for me because it is when my favorite type of bird travels south. For that reason I have chosen to write about the swallow. When I was young, I had a bird’s nest not so far from my room window. I watched the birds almost every day; because those swallows always left their nests in October. As a child, I dreamt that they all flew together to a nicer place, where they were not so cold.” — Designed by Eline Claeys from Belgium.

Game Night And Hot Chocolate

“To me, October is all about cozy evenings with hot chocolate, freshly baked cookies, and a game night with friends or family.” — Designed by Lieselot Geirnaert from Belgium.

First Scarf And The Beach

“When I was little, my parents always took me and my sister for a walk at the beach in Nieuwpoort, we didn't really do those beach walks in the summer but always when the sky started to turn grey and the days became colder. My sister and I always took out our warmest scarfs and played in the sand while my parents walked behind us. I really loved those Saturday or Sunday mornings where we were all together. I think October (when it’s not raining) is the perfect month to go to the beach for ‘uitwaaien’ (to blow out), to walk in the wind and take a break and clear your head, relieve the stress or forget one’s problems.” — Designed by Gwen Bogaert from Belgium.

Haunted House

“Love all the Halloween costumes and decorations!” — Designed by Tazi from Australia.


Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Spooky Town

Designed by Xenia Latii from Germany.

Hello Autumn

“Did you know that squirrels don’t just eat nuts? They really like to eat fruit, too. Since apples are the seasonal fruit of October, I decided to combine both things into a beautiful image.” — Designed by Erin Troch from Belgium.

Shades Of Gold

“We are about to experience the magical imagery of nature, with all the yellows, ochers, oranges, and reds coming our way this fall. With all the subtle sunrises and the burning sunsets before us, we feel so joyful that we are going to shout it out to the world from the top of the mountains.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

The Art Of History

“History has always fascinated me. I started looking for people who changed the world and history and who were born in October. I discovered different people like John Lennon, Picasso, Niels Bohr… In the end, it was Gandhi who gave me the most inspiration. It’s a work in which you see the variety of colors that are both a call against racism and inequality and also a wink to Picasso’s oeuvre.” — Designed by Johannes Hermans from Belgium.

Say Bye To Summer

“And hello to autumn! The summer heat and high season is over. It’s time to pack our backpacks and head for the mountains — there are many treasures waiting to be discovered!” Designed by Agnes Sobon from Poland.

Tea And Cookies

“As it gets colder outside, all I want to do is stay inside with a big pot of tea, eat cookies and read or watch a movie, wrapped in a blanket. Is it just me?” — Designed by Miruna Sfia from Romania.

Flying Home For Halloween

“You can only fully master the sky wearing an aviator hat and goggles. Like this little bat, flying home to celebrate Halloween with his family and friends.” — Designed by Franke Margrete from the Netherlands.


“The term ‘Hanlu’ literally translates as ‘Cold Dew.’ The cold dew brings brisk mornings and evenings. Eventually the briskness will turn cold, as winter is coming soon. And chrysanthemum is the iconic flower of Cold Dew.” — Designed by Hong, ZI-Qing from Taiwan.

Autumn Deer

Designed by Amy Hamilton from Canada.

The Return

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Discovering The Universe!

“Autumn is the best moment for discovering the universe. I am looking for a new galaxy or maybe… a UFO!” — Designed by Verónica Valenzuela from Spain.

Trick Or Treat

“Have you ever wondered if all the little creatures of the animal kingdom celebrate Halloween as humans do? My answer is definitely ‘YES! They do!’ They use acorns as baskets to collect all the treats, pastry brushes as brooms for the spookiest witches and hats made from the tips set of your pastry bag. So, if you happen to miss something from your kitchen or from your tool box, it may be one of them, trying to get ready for All Hallows’ Eve.” — Designed by Carla Dipasquale from Italy.


Designed by Mad Fish Digital from Portland, OR.

Autumn Gate

“The days are colder, but the colors are warmer, and with every step we go further, new earthly architecture reveals itself, making the best of winters’ dawn.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

King Of The Pirates

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.


“I’m just a sucker for Halloween, candy, tiny witches, and giant kittens. And you can’t tell me that October is not Halloween, because I’ve waited the whole year for this. I thought that I would make illustration central to this calendar so I started with the idea of a tiny witch who’s stolen a ton of candy along with her cat — who’s gotten herself in trouble and can’t unstick the bubble gum from her giant teeth. A typical Halloween scene, right?” — Designed by Kalashniköv from Spain.

Smashing Halloween

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

WooCommerce vs. BigCommerce

WooCommerce and BigCommerce are both extremely popular ecommerce platforms. There’s one key difference between them, though: WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin for existing WP sites. BigCommerce, on the other hand, is a full-fledged site creator that helps you build an ecommerce website from the ground up. 

If you’re not sure which one to pick for your ecommerce business, this comparison guide will give you the information you need to decide. 

Brand logos for WooCommerce vs. BigCommerce.

WooCommerce and BigCommerce Compared to the Best Ecommerce Platforms

While BigCommerce made our list of the best ecommerce platforms, WooCommerce did not. But our favorite ecommerce platform for most people is Shopify because it’s powerful, versatile, and easy to use. Try Shopify for free for three days and pay just $1 a month for the next three months.

  • Shopify – Best all-around ecommerce platform
  • Wix – Best for stores with fewer than 100 products
  • BigCommerce – Best for large inventories
  • Squarespace – Best for cornering a niche market
  • Hostinger – Best price for a full online store

Take a closer look at each of these favorites in our list of the best ecommerce platforms

WooCommerce vs. BigCommerce High-Level Comparison

While BigCommerce is an ecommerce website builder, WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin. Technically, WooCommerce is free. But you can’t use it unless you plan to set up a WordPress website—or have one already. Which, of course, costs some money when you factor in the domain name and web hosting required to get that WordPress site live and accessible to visitors. 

WooCommerce also sports a steeper learning curve than BigCommerce, but it’s ideal for businesses that already know, love, and use WordPress. 

On that note, BigCommerce is the better choice for beginners. Its tidy packages include website templates, prebuilt online storefronts, included payment processors, and 24/7 support. It also allows you to integrate sales channels like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, and Facebook with ease. You can do the same (and, honestly, more) with WordPress and WooCommerce, but it can be a lot more work to integrate other channels that way. You’ll be able to manage every channel from within your BigCommerce dashboard, which is wonderfully convenient. 

Products and Services Offered By WooCommerce and BigCommerce

WooCommerce is an open-source ecommerce platform offered as a WordPress plugin. You can either add the WooCommerce plugin to an existing WordPress site or build a new WordPress website through WooCommerce. 

A screenshot that shows a WooCommerce landing page with a purple button and two website examples.
When you click WooCommerce’s Start a new Store button, you’ll be funneled through WordPress to set up a new website with WooCommerce already plugged in.

WooCommerce offers unmatched flexibility. You can sell unlimited products, choose from the templates offered or build your own web store, and tap into hundreds of WooCommerce extensions and integrations for payments, marketing, fulfillment, and more, including QuickBooks, Stripe, USPS, UPS, MailChimp, and Klarna. Or, connect via Zapier to integrate with over 5,000 other apps. WooCommerce is perfect for those who need lots of customization options.

Unlike WooCommerce, BigCommerce is an all-in-one ecommerce website builder. Hosting is included with your BigCommerce plan, plus you’ll get point-of-sale and payment processing software. Connect your BigCommerce site to major marketplaces like Amazon and Facebook and choose from over 800 third-party integrations. It’s a unified solution if you don’t want to wrangle a bunch of WordPress plugins and connections.

An image of a loudspeaker next to text that advertises selling on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.
BigCommerce easily brings your products to the most popular social media sites.

BigCommerce is the better option of the two for beginners and smaller businesses who don’t want to spend a lot of time managing the health of their web store. But it can also handle enterprise storefronts, too, on its higher-octane (and higher priced) packages. You can read our detailed BigCommerce review to learn even more about what this ecommerce platform can handle. 

Company Health and Stability of WooCommerce and BigCommerce

Both WooCommerce and BigCommerce enjoy loyal followings, and that isn’t likely to change. 

The privately held WordPress parent company, Automattic, acquired WooCommerce in 2015. WordPress was founded in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. Mullenweg then founded Automattic in 2005. So, WooCommerce will be staying put as one of WordPress’ preferred ecommerce platforms for the foreseeable future.

Founded in 2009, BigCommerce is publicly traded under the ticker symbol, BIGC. Stock prices have been dropping steadily over the past five years, however, likely due to an increase in competition. But it’s still a highly rated SaaS product, and its community forum is bustling with activity. 

WooCommerce vs. BigCommerce Pricing Comparison

WooCommerce and BigCommerce approach pricing differently since the former is an extension of WordPress (a free platform in itself) and the latter is a standalone, all-in-one ecommerce site builder and solution.

Since it’s a bit tough to just compare their costs apples-to-apples, we’ll break down the nuances of pricing and associated costs in the sections below.

Pricing Structure of WooCommerce and BigCommerce

WooCommerce pricing is far from simple. If you don’t already have a WordPress site, you’ll pay between $25 and $70 per month for WooExpress. Or you can get and build a free WordPress site, then install the free WooCommerce plugin and pay for extensions or upgrades as needed. That’s generally what makes pricing so unpredictable—extensions run a wide gamut from several bucks to several hundred dollars per year.

BigCommerce has a more familiar and digestible pricing structure. Choose from one of three Essentials plans—priced at $29, $79, and $299 per month—with a clear breakdown of what you get with each plan. Or, you can go the enterprise route and speak with a sales rep for a fully custom package. 

Cost Comparison of WooCommerce and BigCommerce

WooCommerce is ideal for companies who want granular control over their ecommerce storefronts. These companies will appreciate being able to cherry-pick WooCommerce extensions and integrations to cobble together an effective solution at a reasonable total cost. That being said, some storefronts that want advanced features may not love how pricey ecommerce-focused WordPress extensions can get. 

BigCommerce is far better (and more predictable) for smaller businesses that need to control their costs while still getting everything they need for their customers’ online shopping experience. There are no surprise charges and few added fees. Plans clearly list the features you’re getting and higher-priced plans offer good scalability if you outgrow their entry-level package. You get what you pay for and that’s that.

Trials and Guarantees for WooCommerce and BigCommerce

Both WooCommerce and BigCommerce offer free or low-cost trials to help you decide if you like what you see. 

WooCommerce doesn’t offer a free trial because its basic plugin is already free to use on any WordPress site. Once you have WooCommerce integrated with your website, you can select extensions free for 30 days. These include tools like WooCommerce Bookings for appointment scheduling and features for utilizing gift cards and rewards programs on your web store. Be advised, though, that some of these plugins can run you as much as $250 per year, which adds up quickly if you use more than one. 

You can try out the BigCommerce platform freely on a 15-day trial period with no credit card required. After that, plans begin at $29 a month when paying annually ($39 when opting for month-to-month billing).

WooCommerce vs. BigCommerce Core Criteria Comparison

When we researched the best ecommerce platforms on the market for our top list, we analyzed each platform across six core criteria: 

  • Visual website builder: Is there an easy, code-free way to set up a new online store?
  • Inventory management: Can you categorize, tag, and stock as many items as you want? 
  • Shopping carts: Can customers easily add products to a cart and check out when they’re ready to purchase?
  • Payment gateways: Is there support for a secure payment portal and multiple payment options for customers?
  • Shipping tools: What shipping and order fulfillment options are available to you and can the platform unlock any discounts for shipping providers? 
  • SEO and marketing tools: How easy is it to promote your online store from within your ecommerce platform’s dashboard?

Let’s see how well WooCommerce and BigCommerce stack up on these same criteria. 

Visual Website Builder – BigCommerce Wins

A screenshot of the Ben & Jerry’s Gift Shop home page with colorful branded shirts, ice cream scoops, and cups.
Ben & Jerry’s used BigCommerce to build its online gift shop.

Unless your company is large enough to employ a team of developers who can build and manage your ecommerce storefront, you’ll want a no-code website builder. It’s fine if the builder also comes with coding capabilities, but these shouldn’t be the focus. 

BigCommerce won on this criteria point because its drag-and-drop website builder is so easy to use. It’s built right into the BigCommerce package—which can’t be said for WooCommerce. 

WooCommerce does have a drag-and-drop web builder for WordPress, but once you pick a WordPress theme, you’re locked in. The WooCommerce web builder won’t carry the storefront you’ve designed onto a new theme if you change your mind, leaving you to start over from scratch if you want to refresh the look and feel of your online store. 

Inventory Management Tools – Tie

A screenshot showing eight different Ben & Jerry’s products, including t-shirts, a onesie, an ice cream scoop, and a pint lock.
Ben & Jerry’s inventory and product options on its BigCommerce storefront.

Inventory management is one of the most important tools you’ll need in an ecommerce platform. You should be able to track as many items as you want and easily organize your stock. Low-stock alerts are a must-have feature, as well. 

Both WooCommerce and BigCommerce offer powerful, synchronized inventory management tools. With WooCommerce, you can pick exactly the inventory management extension you need for your business from many options. That gives you full control over unlocking advanced features you think will help your operation in the long run Or, install the free Stock Manager plugin to start for basic management and upgrade as needed. 

The plus side to BigCommerce’s inventory management is that it’s included with everything else in any plan you choose. You won’t need to shop around for a good fit—unless you want to go with a plugin that enhances the inventory management process and improves upon what BigCommerce’s native tool can do. 

WooCommerce and BigCommerce alike help you manage unlimited inventory across multiple sales channels, locations, and storefronts. 

Shopping Carts – BigCommerce Wins

A screenshot of BigCommerce’s shopping cart features landing page showing a person shopping on their phone.
BigCommerce helps you make shopping easy for your customers.

These days, customers take shopping carts for granted. They expect high-quality carts are easy to find on any page and seamlessly take them through the checkout process. 

Both BigCommerce and WooCommerce come with excellent shopping cart capabilities. WooCommerce, again, relies on extensions for this feature, meaning you’ll have to wade through a lot of different choices to find an extension or plugin that fits your needs and requirements. The big problem is variability in extension quality. You may waste time on testing out some less-than-perfect solutions. 

BigCommerce’s native shopping cart feature is fantastic, offering full capability for mobile shopping, abandoned cart recovery, and more. Plus, you can sell more products with one-click buying through integrations with Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, and PayPal One Touch. There’s not much to improve on here, so BigCommerce comes out ahead by delivering a built-in solution as good as just about any WordPress shopping cart plugin you can find.

Payment Gateways – BigCommerce Wins

A screenshot showing the beginning of an alphabetized list of payment gateways on BigCommerce.
BigCommerce offers an impressive suite of integrated payment gateways.

Payment gateways make it easy for customers to make secure purchases on your ecommerce storefront. And, when you offer site visitors more ways for them to pay (such as PayPal, Klarna, Apple Pay, and others), you’re likely to convert more curious browsers and shoppers into real customers. 

That’s why BigCommerce won this criteria point. It offers 50 payment gateway integrations that support purchases in more than a hundred countries. That breadth of payment options baked right into the platform closes a lot of gaps that could otherwise prevent international shoppers or those with intense payment preferences from converting. 

I think you’ll know what I’m going to say about WooCommerce here. It forces you to comb through a vast array of extensions to find payment gateways that support the preferences of your customers and work with the rest of your online store. This can be time-consuming, clunky, and expensive if you’re not careful. But more than that, it requires serious attention in terms of making sure these WordPress extensions are always updated to prevent security vulnerabilities from affecting your site and your customers’ sensitive data.  

Shipping Tools – BigCommerce Wins

A screenshot showing an example of BigCommerce shipping choices at checkout.
BigCommerce’s shipping tools are built right into the platform, but you can add integrations as needed.

Fast, reliable shipping allows you to make your customers happy, easily handle returns, and keep track of what’s left in your inventory on the fly. 

As with most essential features in BigCommerce, shipping is built right in. All plans also include real-time rates for major fulfillment providers like UPS, FedEx, and even international providers like Royal Mail. Select plans also help you with label printing and other aspects of the fulfillment process.

WooCommerce offers more freedom in terms of integrating with shipping providers, but these WooCommerce extensions in particular tend to be mighty expensive. You’ll pay $99 per year to implement each of the extensions for USPS, UPS, and FedEx. That same rate applies individually to international or alternative shipping providers, like Canada Post or Fulfillment by Amazon. 

So, just to match BigCommerce’s built-in fulfillment solutions, you’re looking at a minimum spend of $594 per year on WooCommerce extensions just for shipping.

SEO and Marketing Tools – WooCommerce Wins

Screenshot of image editing in WordPress with an image of two shirts and one hat and another image of one shirt.
Since WooCommerce is powered by WordPress, an SEO powerhouse, it comes well stocked with SEO and marketing tools.

Any ecommerce platform worth its salt needs SEO and marketing tools to help you promote your site and bring in searchers. How else will your customers find you? 

WooCommerce has a key advantage here. Its website platform, WordPress, consistently ranks as the top blogging platform in the world. With WordPress’s SEO and blogging tools, you’re already halfway to having everything you need to shout your WooCommerce storefront to the world without paying a dime. Then, you can enhance accordingly through free or paid extensions for tools like MailChimp, Trustpilot Reviews, Etsy, Facebook, Google Customer Reviews, and many more. 

Comparing WooCommerce and BigCommerce’s available marketing extensions and plugins to one another, WooCommerce clearly came out on top. It offers 112 marketing extensions compared to the 60 you can tap into on BigCommerce. You’ll likely get more capability on a BigCommerce Enterprise plan. But, when considering packages that are reasonable for a small or midsize business, the number of options available to you on WooCommerce gives it the edge

Final Verdict – BigCommerce Wins

BigCommerce is our winning ecommerce platform because it has so many essential and advanced features baked into the platform without the need to cobble together extensions to achieve a solution. With BigCommerce, setting up a new storefront from the ground up has never been easier. WooCommerce falls short on too many of our criteria points to come out as the winner, but it’s still an excellent choice (and, often, the preferable one to BigCommerce) for sellers who need granular control of their storefront’s features and functionality.

Types of Blogs Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

We recommend starting a blog using WordPress with Hostinger as it’s easy to tailor to your needs. Get started today for $2.59 per month.

Not all blogs set out to accomplish the same things. And around a third of bloggers don’t make any money. That’s why you must consider what type of blog to start carefully. Choosing a blog niche that has an audience and fits your goals is the crucial first step to success. In this post, you’ll learn what you need to know about different blog types and which kinds of blogs are most popular and most profitable according to data.

The 3 Best Blogging Platforms for Creating Different Types of Blogs

We used our wealth of experience creating websites and prior research to identify the top blogging platforms for creating any type of blog. Our top three picks are versatile enough to start you on the right foot, no matter what your goals for your blog are:

Brand logos for WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace.

What Types of Blogs Are There?

Blog creators have a wide array of goals and objectives for their content, but there are four main categories of blogs in general. Let’s discuss each of those in a quick overview:

1. Personal blogs – These are journal-like blogs in which writers document their thoughts, opinions, tastes, or slices of daily life. It’s the way blogging started out on the early internet. Sometimes, bloggers keep their personal blogs private or only share them with friends and family, but nowadays more and more people use them as a sounding board, a place to share advice and experiences, or a way of building a community around a topic or shared interest. 

On Rising Shining, a mom documents her family life and experiences as a working mother:

Example of a personal blog with a post that says Hello, February!
Create a personal blog if you want to share your own stories and experiences.

Personal blogs don’t have to be non-money making ventures. You can utilize affiliate marketing to monetize your soapbox or tie some blog posts to your online store or personal business when it feels appropriate. 

2. Business blogging – Companies deploy blogs on their websites for a variety of reasons, from showcasing their industry expertise and raising awareness about their brand to generating leads for their sales funnel and building customer loyalty through content that promotes their brand values or growth.

Nike’s blog, for example, engages the sporting and fitness community with inspiring stories and tips that are relevant to their many product lines:

Business blog with two posts.
Use a business blog to build a community around your product or service and attract more business.

Business blogs are usually a section of a larger company website, but sometimes they’re standalone sites that focus on a specific product, service, subset of their customer base, or industry-related topic. Their content isn’t always fixated on driving sales, but it always serves to help the company’s sustainability and connection with customers new and old.

3. Personal brand blogging – On a similar note, these blogs are for industry professionals or solopreneurs rather than entire companies. 

Pros use a blog to raise their profile as thought leaders or influencers, which can in turn support their company at large. Or, they use the same approach  to sell their own services as a consultant or digital products like ebooks and online courses.

Entrepreneur Tim Ferriss’s blog is a good example of using a blog to promote your personal brand:

Business & Entrepreneurship blog with 5 posts.
Set up a blog for your personal brand to show how you got to where you are today.

Personal brand blogging is becoming more and more prominent as side hustles become a more common aspect of people’s careers and work. It’s also a great way to capitalize on social media traction and bring followers to your entrepreneurial ventures. 

4. Niche blogs – Niche bloggers focus primarily or exclusively on one subject. That can be anything from broad interests like books and travel to hyperspecific subject matter such as how to use AI for content creation or testing out fitness gadgets. 

People often niche down in order to stand out from the crowd of other blogs and attract a loyal, dedicated audience that they can monetize in one way or another.

Expert Vagabond is one of the top travel blogs with advice, tips, and guides on various locations around the world:

Landing page for a personal blog with a picture of a man on a mountain.
Hone in on a particular niche or subject matter to attract readers that share the same passions.

Niche blogs can be a subset of any of the three previous blog types. You can focus on a niche for blogging about your personal feelings, attracting a specific type of customer to your business, or strongly associate your personal brand with the niche topic. 

In this era, finding a niche is necessary. There is so much content already out there on the internet about just about any broad topic, so niching down is important for gaining some traction and attracting an audience in the first place.

Since this is an important qualification to consider when starting a blog, we’ll talk about some of the most popular niches in a little bit. 

Why Start A Blog?

We’ve written extensively on how to start a blog successfully. If you want a good overview of the steps to take in order to get a blog off the ground, read our guide on how to start a blog

That takes care of the “how”, but what about the “why?” There are more reasons to start a blog than simply trying it out as a new hobby:

  • Make blogging your career – Quit the daily grind and work for yourself or support your income with a new revenue stream. There are multiple ways to monetize a blog, from selling advertising space to promoting products or affiliates.
  • Promote your business or cause Use your blog posts to convince visitors that your service or product is worthwhile and a solution to their problems. Or, get them on your team in terms of trying to enact positive change.
  • Become an influencer or thought leader A blog is a place to start growing a following as you continue to raise your profile and establish your expertise on a topic. Your blog can be a living record of your authority that can demonstrate your bonafides better than a resume.
  • It’s easier than you think Nowadays, blogging platforms provide useful tools, add-ons, and templates out of the box, making it easy for anybody to start their own blog and just focus on the act of writing and sharing one’s thoughts with the world.

The 13 Most Popular Blog Subjects

It’s important to look at the most popular blog niches when choosing what type of blog to create. You’ll not only gain inspiration if you don’t know where to start but also learn what types of blogs have the best potential for gaining a large readership.

According to a recent RankIQ study, here are the types of blogs that get the most traffic:

1. Food Some food bloggers share recipes and step-by-step cooking tutorials with video. Many focus on a specific cuisine or diet. You’ll also find some blogs that do restaurant and dish reviews, though those are usually quite localized in scope.

2. Lifestyle/moms – So-called mommy bloggers are incredibly popular and dad blogs have grown in recent years, too. You’ll find parenting tips and personal insights aplenty, along with product recommendations and project ideas for the kids.

3. Travel – Travel bloggers create country or city guides, even whole itineraries for other people’s trips to new places. There are lots of niches within this topic based on certain types of travel, such as solo adventures, luxury travel, or digital nomadism.

4. Arts and crafts – Arts and crafts bloggers create step-by-step guides for crafts projects, tutorials for getting started on a new hobby, and tips for sourcing materials. They can often be seasonal or based on a theme such as Halloween or Christmas crafts. You’ll find lists of ideas for inspiration and resources for readers to utilize to further their crafting ability.

5. Outdoors – Outdoors bloggers cover a range of sub-niches. You’ll see blogs focused just on specific nature activities like fishing, camping, hiking, and survival. They love to create gear reviews and offer accounts of their own outdoors experiences. Plus, you’ll see a lot of excellent photography incorporated into the blog content.

6. Beauty and fashion – Beauty and fashion bloggers are one of the biggest subsets of influencers on the internet. They set trends, review many products, and create tutorials on makeup, beauty routines, outfit coordination, and even finding unique looks. 

7. Personal finance – This evergreen subject matter often covers topics like saving money, getting out of debt, building credit, preparing for retirement, and making smart investments. You’ll find expert advice and recommendations for credit cards, bank accounts, and financial services.

8. Homeschooling – Like parenting blogs, you see a lot of personal insights and stories here. Homeschool bloggers also share a bunch of resources for others to use such as curriculum ideas, study subject templates, and workbooks. 

9. Pets – Many pet bloggers focus on one type of pet and it can even get more niche by zooming in on particular breeds. They create blogs with lots of advice and tips for pet care, health, and entertainment. You’ll often find product recommendations for toys, food, supplements, and subscription services.

10. Gardening – Some gardening bloggers share landscaping and home design guides and inspiration. Others are all about plant and flower care, garden maintenance, and small-scale subsistence farming. 

11. Decorating – Decorating bloggers cover interior design trends and how to implement them in your own home. You’ll find room or theme-specific guides, tips for remodeling and renovation, and help with matching aesthetics to readers’ personalities. They create lots of shopping guides and product recommendation lists.

12. Health and fitness – Many health and fitness bloggers create nutrition guides and share healthy recipes as a subset of food blogging. But these blogs tend to go beyond food and cover exercise tutorials, workout routines, and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle overall. You’ll also find a ton of motivation and inspirational stories.

13. Tech – Tech bloggers review electronics, software, and the like, plus give their thoughts on emerging technology and trends. Here you’ll find lots of guides walking readers through how to use products or get the most out of them. In many cases, tech blogs are directed at businesses and industry professionals, but they can just as easily speak to end users and consumers.

The 4 Highest-Paying Blog Niches

Finding a profitable blog niche is likely high on your agenda. RankIQ also published a study that revealed the highest-paying blog niches based on the median monthly income for bloggers in each category.

The topics may not surprise you, but the monthly revenue might:

  • Food blogs averaged $9,169 in monthly income, and are the niche with the highest percentage of blogs that get over 50,000 monthly visitors
  • Personal finance blogs weren’t far behind with a monthly median of $9,100
  • Lifestyle and mommy blogging is the most popular topic for new blogs and averaged $5,174 in monthly revenue
  • Travel blogging is the fourth-most lucrative niche at a monthly median of $5,000

Now, just because these four blog niches are able to deliver lofty, four-digit monthly income numbers doesn’t mean you should go chasing them. 

You should choose a niche in which you can become the go-to expert for your audience, like gluten-free cooking or personal finance budgeting for students. It’s too difficult to compete with all the other blogs out there as a generalist without unique expertise on a subject.

Though some blog categories tend to make more money than others, remember that you can make money in any blog niche as long as your approach is strategic.

Digital products may be popular in the niche you choose. Online courses, in particular, are high-ticket items when it comes to monetizing a blog. You can charge hundreds of dollars for a high-value course. 

Search an online course provider such as Udemy to see how many people actually sign up for courses in your category.

For example, hundreds of students have paid for gluten-free baking classes:

Screenshot of a class titled "The Gluten Free Sourdough Masterclass."
Online course networks show you how many students have previously purchased a course.

Set up a course on anything from plant care to drawing. Artist/blogger Nancy Hillis, for example, offers a range of courses and an advanced masterclass:

Online course showing three steps that include Start, Experiment, and Evolve.
Online courses are extremely lucrative for bloggers.

Or, you can find related products or services you’d be able to promote and earn a commission from by tapping into an affiliate marketplace

For example, a quick search on ShareASale for the keyword “gluten free” shows a bunch of relevant merchants whose affiliate programs your nutrition or health blog could join.

Affiliate marketplace screenshot showing two products.
Use affiliate marketplaces as part of your research when validating your blog idea.

Another way to monetize any blog niche effectively is through premium memberships. Just be sure to offer enough value that users would be willing to pay to be a part of the community. 

For example, you might be effective enough at presenting yourself as an expert in your niche that people are willing to pay for extra content or a newsletter. Or, you might grow a thriving discussion board that users would pay to gain access to.

Furthermore, when thinking about what type of blog to start, consider putting a business-to-business (B2B) angle on your blog. For example, you might focus on executive travel over consumer travel, or start a blog aimed at catering companies rather than home cooks.

Software, products, and services aimed at businesses tend to offer higher commissions, and therefore offer a higher potential income for you. Getting two businesses to make a purchase might make you the same amount of affiliate income as getting 100 consumers to purchase. 

Whatever you choose, ensure your narrower niche will be profitable through research. Look into monetization opportunities of all kinds. This kind of research establishes whether there’s a paying audience in your chosen niche that you can tailor your content to and make money from.

The 6 Proven Types of Blog Content

The majority of blog content falls into well-established formats. These are already popular and familiar to readers, so they’re most likely to perform well and show up high in search results. 

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, so stick to these popular types of blog content, at least while you’re starting out:

  • “How to” guides are comprehensive tutorials or explainers on a given topic that help readers accomplish a specific goal.
  • List posts deliver power rankings or sets of tips, ideas, examples, or methods relevant to a set topic.
  • Reviews can entail detailed assessments of a product, service, or experience.
  • Resource libraries are specific list posts that deliver a helpful collection of links, vendors, or materials for readers to use themselves.
  • Industry news and trends are timely, up-to-date stories and reporting that is relevant to your blog niche and the audience you’re targeting.
  • Case studies or personal accounts can cover first-hand knowledge, inspirational or aspirational stories, or deep dives into professional endeavors related to your industry.

Among these options, you must find the types of blog content that resonate best with your audience. Do this by looking at your competitors’ top posts or the blogs that inspired you to make one of your own. See what their audiences already engage with and take that as guidance for the content types to start with.

After you’ve published some, monitor the data related to your posts as you grow. Find your own top-performing pages by analyzing metrics such as the number of views and time spent on the page and take note of any post types that are more successful than others. 

Semrush page showing top pages and results.
Semrush helps you find your top-performing pages so you can create data-driven content.

This removes guesswork to show you precisely what types of blog content your audience wants to see and gives you a roadmap for future content creation.

Final Thoughts About Types of Blogs

You may want to start a blog to leave the nine-to-five and become an influential online figure. Or, you may just want to create a digital soapbox that occasionally earns you a bit of extra cash. 

Either way, you must think carefully about the type of blog you want to start. To ensure you choose the right type of blog, you need a solid understanding of what types of blogs perform well and make the most profit. And you have to put in the research to establish whether there’s a paying audience for what you intend to do and consider the best monetization strategies.

We recommend using WordPress with Hostinger when you’re ready to set up your blog site. Then, figure out what topics you will blog about and what types of blog content you will create.

15 Best Practices on API Security for Developers

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are used to connect software applications, allowing them to share data and functionality. APIs are an essential part of modern software development, enabling developers to create more powerful and complex applications. However, APIs can also pose a security risk if they are not properly secured. In this article, we will discuss API security and the best practices developers can use to secure their APIs.

Why Should Developers Prioritize API Security?

  • Protecting sensitive data: APIs often transmit and receive sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), payment card details, and health records. A security breach can lead to data theft, fraud, and identity theft, causing significant harm to individuals and organizations.
  • Compliance and regulatory requirements: Many industries, such as finance, healthcare, and government, have strict regulatory requirements for data security and privacy. Developers must ensure that their APIs comply with these standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS, to avoid legal and financial penalties.
  • Reputation and brand image: A security breach can lead to negative publicity, loss of customer trust, and damage to the brand’s reputation. Consumers expect for their data to be secure when they use an organization’s services, and a security incident can quickly erode that trust.
  • Financial losses: Security incidents can result in financial losses due to data theft, fraud, and legal fees. Organizations can also incur costs associated with remediation and recovery efforts.
  • Cyber threats are on the rise: Cyber threats are evolving and becoming more sophisticated every day. Developers must stay vigilant and adopt best practices to prevent cyberattacks and data breaches.

15 Best Practices

Developing secure APIs is crucial for protecting the data and resources of the API. Here is a checklist for developers that includes recommendations for securely developing APIs:

Project Hygiene


  • “Eat your veggies!”
  • “Exercise multiple times a week!”
  • “Brush your teeth and floss daily!”

Such are the exhortations that every child has heard (many times!) and grown to loathe. However, these are not practices designed solely to make one suffer: They are encouragements to help one develop and maintain good hygiene. defines hygiene as “A condition or practice conducive to the preservation of health, as cleanliness.” As in, “If you do these things consistently, you’ll reduce the chance of bad things happening to your health in the future.“ However much having to keep brushing teeth daily is a pain, having to get the dentist to pull said teeth due to a neglect of this care is going to be much more painful!

This is a concept that can be easily applied to software engineering as well. Software projects have their own maintenance aspects outside of the main code development tasks: documentation, dependency management, deployment, and so on. Supporting these aspects might not be the most exciting or intellectually-stimulating work, but just like human hygiene, such is the nature of supporting a project’s hygiene: a lack of doing so could cause major pain for the developer in the future. Thus, when developing the practices and activities for a software development team, try making it a practice to develop a plan for maintaining the project’s hygiene via regularly scheduled activities that can be incorporated into the project’s development plan.

gRPC Introduction and Implementation Using .NET Core 6


  1. "Visual Studio 2022"
  2. Basic Knowledge of C#


  • Introduction of gRPC
  • Scenarios Where gRPC is Used
  • Pros and Cons of gRPC
  • Implementation of gRPC


  • gRPC stands for Google Remote Procedure Calls.
  • gRPC is a modern, open-source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking, and authentication. It is also applicable in the last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile applications, and browsers to back-end services. — gRPC Website
gRPC Server

Figure From

  • gRPC is the framework used to implement APIs using HTTP/2.
  • gRPC uses protocol buffers (protobuf) for serialization and the HTTP/2 protocol, which provides more advantages than HTTP.
  • gRPC clients and servers intercommunicate using a variety of environments and machines. It also supports many languages like Java, C#, Go, Ruby, and Python.
  • The binary layer of gRPC will do all data operations like encoding and uses protobuf as an intermediator between client and server, improving performance.
  • It is also used for communication between multiple microservices efficiently.

Scenarios Where gRPC Is Used

  • When we use microservice architecture, we use it for internal communication from one or more servers.
  • When performance is a high priority and low latency.
  • When we require duplex communication between services with different types of data.

Pros and Cons of gRPC

gRPC Pros

  • High performance—faster than REST and SOAP
  • Lightweight messages—gRPC messages are more lightweight than other types like JSON.
  • Higher efficiency 
  • Duplex data streaming

gRPC Cons

  • Limited browser support
  • Uses binary data because it’s not easily readable like JSON or XML.

Implementation of gRPC

Step 1

Create a new gRPC project

Trello Alternatives and Competitors

We consider Zoho Projects the best alternative project management software for its affordability, flexibility, and ease of use. Start your 10-day free trial now.

Trello is one of the most widely used project management software solutions for a reason. Its simple Kanban setup makes it easy for new users as well as more seasoned Agile veterans. Millions of teams trust Trello with their projects, especially when you can have unlimited team members for free.

This software has a visual layout that shows your task cards and assigned team members all on the same page. The platform works especially well for simpler projects and smaller teams. It helps prevent bottlenecks and promotes organization and productivity.

The 9 Best Project Management Software Services

We researched several project management software solutions to bring you the best ones to explore for your team. Zoho Projects earns its place as the best overall project management software for its user-friendly interface and extensive tools that have what you need for projects of any size and complexity. You can see the full list here

  • Zoho Projects—Best overall project management software 
  •—Best for customizing your project workflow 
  • Wrike—Best for marketing and creative teams
  • Favro—Best for small teams doing it all
  • Teamwork—Best for remote teams and agencies 
  • Trello—Best free project management software
  • TeamGantt—Best project management software for beginners
  • Celoxis—Best for enterprises and large businesses
  • LiquidPlanner—Best for complex projects 
Company logos for our best Trello alternatives and competitors

Zoho Projects—Best Overall Project Management Software

Company logo for Zoho Projects, one of our best Trello alternatives

Zoho Projects gives you a solid foundation with its easy setup, and it doesn’t take long to learn the software. The platform’s customizability and extensive tools make it an excellent tool for businesses of any size. With so many options, from workflow rules and automation to time tracking to task management, you can build a dashboard unique to your team’s needs and get started on your project in no time.

Zoho Projects’ task management tools give you more options than most project management software with tools for work breakdown, issue tracking, task views, sprints, and project baselines. With custom fields, views, and functions, your team can prioritize tasks with a clear view of what needs to get done next. Plus, Zoho Projects makes it easy to automate repetitive tasks and free up team members for more focused tasks.

Unfortunately, Zoho Projects doesn’t provide pre-built templates, but you can still build your own to suit your team and projects. Your team also has plenty of communication channels within the software, including chat, mentions, forums, and document collaboration.

Screenshot of Zoho Projects webpage for project management software
Zoho’s flexibility and customization puts it in the top spot for project management.

How Zoho Projects Compares to Trello

Zoho Projects has many more features than Trello, but part of Trello’s strength lies in its simplicity. However, if you’re looking for something to cover any size project with flexible team sizes, Zoho Projects is a good bet. 

Trello is better for small teams and doesn’t have the same level of adaptability as Zoho Projects. It functions as a Kanban board setup with a few extras and add-ons, while Zoho Projects comes with extensive features built-in. In other words, with Zoho Projects you don’t have to go searching for too many things you’ll need to increase productivity.

Zoho Projects is the exact same price as Trello, with a free plan and a $5 base plan that you pay by the user. The next step up costs $10 on both plans, and Trello’s only advantage here is that it offers a fourth plan. At the same time, that plan doesn’t offer much that you can’t get with Zoho Projects.—Best for Customizing Your Project Workflow

Company logo for, one of our best Trello alternatives allows you to customize your dashboard and workflow more than any other software on our list. You can create your own templates to fit your project, color-code your columns and team members, and use drag-and-drop editing to move tasks to create a setup that works for your team. If you want a low-effort startup, also has over 200 templates in its library that you can choose based on your project and industry.

This project management software prioritizes communication and collaboration. It lets multiple team members edit a single document and leave comments and suggestions. You can also message team members individually or as a group to stay updated on projects. With the software’s live updates, you can even get alerts to see in real time when someone comments or assigns work.’s Gantt and Kanban charts help you keep track of your tasks visually. Its different views help coordinate your team and prevent bottlenecks by organizing your workflow according to project goals. Whatever lacks, you can find in one of its hundreds of integrations.

Screenshot of webpage for CRM software
Explore all of’s industry templates.

How Compares to Trello

Above all, excels in communication and collaboration compared to Trello. While Trello allows you to comment on cards, mention team members, and effectively assign tasks, goes several steps further. It also offers much better automation capabilities. may be more expensive than Trello, but that’s because it offers much more. It has significantly more views, with Gantt charts, timelines, calendars, and a Kanban setup that rivals Trello’s. It offers a free plan for individuals, but its most basic package starts at $8 per person per month for a minimum of three users.

If you have a large team, will serve you better than Trello. Despite Trello’s unlimited user feature, is built for more complexity.

Read about in our in-depth review.

Wrike—Best for Marketing and Creative Teams

Company logo for Wrike, one of our best Trello alternatives

Wrike stands out among the rest for giving marketing teams everything they need to stay on track. It has extensive tools to help with campaign management, content creation, event management, and more. Your team can collaborate and keep track of campaign results while using Wrike’s templates designed for creating content to take your team from the idea and brief stage to the moment you hit publish.

Wrike offers plenty of reporting and analytics, which is a necessity for marketing teams to ensure their campaigns are working. Wrike updates its analytics every 15 minutes so that you always have the most updated information. Plus, its department-specific solutions mean that you can choose templates made specifically for the kind of work your team does.

Wrike has more than 400 integrations and over 100 automations to make your team’s lives easier and streamline your workflow. However, its enterprise-level features also mean that Wrike works better if you know what you’re doing before you get started.

Screenshot of Wrike home page
Stay up to date with Wrike’s analytics and reports.

How Wrike Compares to Trello

Wrike is much more complicated to use than Trello, but it also comes with more specific functions. While Trello’s Kanban boards and collaboration features work on a general scale, Wrike’s industry-specific templates and marketing compatibility give it a leg up in those areas.

Wrike coordinates everything you need into three panes, unlike Trello, which keeps it all on one page. These panes make it easy to view and manage your projects, assign tasks, and focus on the tasks you’re currently working on. This setup allows you to come together with your team while staying focused on your own tasks, as opposed to viewing everyone’s tasks along with your own.

Wrike is much more expensive than Trello, with its cheapest package after the free plan starting at $9.80 and a Business package beginning at $24.80. That’s almost twice as expensive as Trello, but Wrike gives you significantly more project management options. It also offers a free trial.

Check out our in-depth review of Wrike.

Favro—Best for Small Teams Doing It All

Company logo for Favro, one of our best Trello alternatives

Favro was built for small teams with big goals. Its agility makes it ideal for teams that work in SaaS and the games industry, as both are constantly changing. Its Agile tools present all your tasks and information upfront, so you can work efficiently with a visual system.

Favro makes it easy to collaborate and communicate with simple file sharing, organization, and progress views. It shows any edits from team members in real time, so everyone is always working from the same document version. The software allows you to quickly transfer work between departments when necessary so that no matter where everyone works from, they have access to the information they need to boost productivity.

The software lets you create complex rules for automation to help your team stay on track with the more technical projects. Its integrations, including GitHub and GitLab, only serve to streamline your workflow even further.

Screenshot of Favro home page
Favro has robust collaboration tools.

How Favro Compares to Trello

Favro and Trello have one thing in common—they’re both built for small teams. However, Favro takes a more niche approach with its focus on tech and gaming. Favro’s Standard and Enterprise packages especially offer more technical features, like API calls and OAuth with Google and GitHub. The main difference between Trello and Favro is how you use them, and more technical industries probably won’t get everything they need with Trello.

Favro looks more expensive at first glance, but it’s priced not based on the number of seats but by offering a set price up to a certain number of users. Its Lite package starts at $10.20 per month for up to 10 users. Standard goes up to $13.60, and Enterprise begins at $25.50.

Teamwork—Best for Remote Teams and Agencies

Company logo for Teamwork, one of our best Trello alternatives

When you need to bring your remote team together, Teamwork is the place to do it. It thrives on visibility with project boards that users can navigate seamlessly, templates for fast setup, and excellent communication features.

It has packages built for all team sizes, and its convenient chat feature allows for a check-in whenever you need it. Teamwork’s charts show project milestones with upcoming, current, and late tasks so that as the project manager, you know who’s on track and who might be getting overwhelmed.

Teamwork also has an entire software solution dedicated to marketing. It combines your projects with your team’s client work to allow for better communication about marketing projects while encouraging productivity with time tracking.

Screenshot of Teamwork webpage with headline that says, "Run your client work in the only platform that's actually built for it."
Unify your remote team with Teamwork.

How Teamwork Compares to Trello

Both Trello and Teamwork are excellent project management solutions for remote teams. Teamwork offers more specific resources, and it has features that Trello lacks, including project and time tracking. It also has more advanced automations and organization tools to help cut down on busy work.

Teamwork and Trello both have free plans. Teamwork’s Deliver package starts at $9.99 per user per month and its Grow package begins at $17.99. However, because of its five-user minimum, you’ll pay a lot more than that.

Teamwork adds a few features outside of Trello’s wheelhouse, too, including budgeting and billing. Trello also doesn’t let you communicate through chat with teammates without integrations, which can make things less convenient when you have a remote team.

TeamGantt—Best Project Management Software for Beginners

Company logo for TeamGantt, one of our best Trello alternatives

TeamGantt uses Gantt charts to give your team a visual platform to track their projects. Its simple drag-and-drop interface lets you order your tasks and change timelines in minutes while keeping all your projects in one transparent space.

TeamGantt makes managing resources efficient with its availability tab that tells you who’s available for more work. You can also share progress and documents with stakeholders to ensure tasks progress as intended. If your team starts neglecting any tasks, this software identifies the problem areas with project health reports and portfolio views.

Screenshot of TeamGantt home page
TeamGantt offers a different approach to productivity boards.

How TeamGantt Compares to Trello

TeamGantt and Trello are similar in that they both focus exclusively on one specific type of chart. TeamGantt’s free version offers far fewer tools than Trello’s with only the most basic features available.

When comparing these two solutions, they work much better together than on their own. Combining the two can enhance their capabilities, as on their own they’re more suited for small teams and simple projects.

TeamGantt costs much more than Trello’s $5 base price, coming in at $19.90 per month for one user, plus unlimited guests, on its Standard plan. Its Advanced plan starts at $24.45 per month.

Celoxis—Best for Enterprises and Large Businesses

Company logo for Celoxis, one of our best Trello alternatives

Celoxis works best for users who already know how to use software like it. It’s got a longer learning curve because it handles more complicated projects for enterprise businesses. It allows you to see your team members and delegate work based on their availability and skills, and the software even estimates your revenue per project.

With Celoxis, you can manage your accounting, resources, and portfolio. Its comprehensive project management features, including various board views, issue tracking, and risk management, allow your team to stay on task. It also makes sharing project reports easy by sending them directly to the people who need to see them.

Screenshot of Celoxis home page
Celoxis has advanced enterprise features for large teams.

How Celoxis Compares to Trello

Celoxis and Trello are both project management software solutions that include Kanban boards, but the similarities stop there. Celoxis has a much more advanced interface designed for companies much larger than Trello can accommodate.

Celoxis costs $25 per user per month for its cloud-based version, but you can also pay a one-time $450 per person fee for its on-premise version. Above all, Celoxis provides more data than any other project management software. Remember, too, that this software is enterprise software regardless of your package, so it’s fairly affordable for its tools.

LiquidPlanner—Best for Complex Projects

Company logo for LiquidPlanner, one of our best Trello alternatives

LiquidPlanner adapts to project changes well, which makes it ideal for engineering teams. Its forecasting engine predicts outcomes for your projects based on current progress and project goals. It also dives deep into budgeting and risk to reduce errors and boost productivity.

The software balances your team’s workload by showing availability and each team member’s current schedule. With priority-driven boards, LiquidPlanner ensures that each person works on the most important tasks while reducing uncertainty.

Screenshot of LiquidPlanner home page
LiquidPlanner pivots fast for teams in tech.

How LiquidPlanner Compares to Trello

LiquidPlanner is a much more advanced and flexible platform than Trello. Where Trello struggles to pivot, LiquidPlanner was made for it. Trello has no predictive capabilities, but LiquidPlanner teams rely on them, and they’re a major function of this software.

LiquidPlanner costs a lot more than Trello at $15 a month per person with a five-member minimum. Its professional package is $25 per person and the Ultimate package starts at $35 per person. 

Meet Understanding Privacy, A New Smashing Book By Heather Burns

Privacy by design is possible, but over time, it has become challenging to build and deploy sites and apps that use personal information in practical ways that are safe and ethical. In fact, many of us have given up at least a little of our own privacy online.

And so in our work, it may become easier to rationalize collecting more user data than we need, to avoid transparency around how that data is used, and even to use that data for unintended purposes. We tell ourselves it is for the convenience of our users, or to enhance their experiences. It’s no secret that unethical data practices can cause harm, often in ways we can’t predict.

Thoughtful data collection, storage, and use of data is possible, though. Heather Burns brings clarity to the subject by explaining the principles behind the collection, storage, and use of personal data, and how to use those principles to create safer experiences for your users. Understanding Privacy is an essential book for anyone that collects personal information. Jump to table of contents ↓.

  • eBook available for download in October 2022,
  • Printed books will be shipped in November 2022.
  • Pre-order the book.
About The Book

Understanding Privacy is an introduction to the beliefs, concepts, and ideas that inform privacy as it exists — or has failed to exist — on the open web that we build. It’s about all the fundamental values of privacy as a concept, which precede privacy as a legal compliance issue. It’s about the ways these concepts impact your work as a designer, a developer, or a project manager. And it’s about the ways you can adopt these principles to create a healthy, user-centric approach to privacy in everything you do.

Heather explains what she has experienced working on privacy from every angle — human rights, law, policy, and web development — in the simplest way possible, and in the most positive way possible, in ways you can comprehend, use, and adapt in your work on the web right away.

A healthy approach to user privacy doesn’t tell you how to code. It tells you how to make the right decisions which inform the code. It also gives you the foundation you need to question, and even challenge, workplace practices which might not be in your users’ best interests.

This book is not a legal reference manual. By the end of this book, you will have shifted your understanding from a negative view of privacy as a scary legal compliance obligation to a positive view of privacy as an opportunity to build a better web.

Approx. 350 pages. Written by Heather Burns. Cover design by Espen Brunborg. eBook available for download in October, print shipping in November.

You’ll learn:

  • Fundamental concepts, definitions, and frameworks behind privacy and data protection,
  • how to integrate a healthy approach to user privacy into everything you do,
  • common privacy issues and how you can make a difference,
  • how to lay the ground for future developers, designers, and project managers to build a better web for tomorrow,
  • the obligations we have to safeguard user privacy and health data.

Who is this book for?

Understanding Privacy is for designers, developers, and project managers who want to understand what privacy really is about and who want to integrate a healthy approach to user privacy into everything they do — not only to put their users first today but also to help build a better web for tomorrow.

Table Of Contents
1. Privacy and You

In the book’s first section, “Privacy and You,” Heather reviews the fundamental concepts, definitions, and frameworks behind privacy and data protection.

2. Privacy and Your Work

In the second section, “Privacy and Your Work,” Heather discusses how to integrate a healthy approach to user privacy into everything you do, whether you are a designer, a developer, or a project manager.

3. Privacy and Your Users

“Privacy and Your Users” covers issues around user privacy where you can make a difference.

4. Privacy and Your Future

In “Privacy and Your Future,” Heather suggests a few critical areas that make the web a better place and lay the ground for future developers, designers, and project managers to build a better web for tomorrow’s users.

Postscript: Privacy and Health Data

In the final section, “Privacy and Health Data,” Heather addresses an even more pressing recent issue: the obligations we have to safeguard user privacy and health data, and how to do it as best we can.

Approx. 350 pages. eBook available for download in October, print shipping in November. Written by Heather Burns. Cover design by Espen Brunborg.

About the Author

Heather Burns is a tech policy and regulation specialist. She advocates for an open web built around international standards of human rights, privacy, accessibility, and freedom of expression. She’s currently also an Internet Society Mid-Career Fellow.

Technical Details
  • ISBN: 978-3-945749-64-7 (print)
  • Quality hardcover, stitched binding, ribbon page marker.
  • Free worldwide airmail shipping from Germany starting in November 2022.
  • eBook available for download in October 2022 as PDF, ePUB, and Amazon Kindle.
  • Pre-order the book.
Community Matters ❤️

Producing a book takes quite a bit of time, and we couldn’t pull it off without the support of our wonderful community. A huge shout-out to Smashing Members for the kind, ongoing support. The eBook is and always will be free for Smashing Members as soon as it’s out. Plus, Members get a friendly discount when purchasing their printed copy. Just sayin’! ;-)

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Promoting best practices and providing you with practical tips to master your daily coding and design challenges has always been (and will be) at the core of everything we do at Smashing.

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How to Add More Fun to a Game: Extending “The Aviator”

If you like cute little games you will love Karim Maaloul’s “The Aviator” — as a pilot you steer your aircraft across a round little ocean world, evading red “enemies” and collecting blue energy tokens to avoid crashing into the water. It runs entirely in the browser so make sure to quickly play a round to better understand what we are about to do in this tutorial.

By the way, Karim co-founded the Belgian creative agency Epic. His style is unique in its adorableness and his animation craftmanship is astonishing as you can also see in his series of WebGL experiments.

Karim thankfully wrote about the making of and open sourced the code and while it is a fun little game there is still a lot of potential to get even more out of it. In this article we will explore some hands-on changes on how to bring the most fun based on the foundation we have here, a small browser game using Three.js.

This tutorial requires some knowledge of JavaScript and Three.js.

What makes a game fun?

While there obviously is no definitive recipe there are a few key mechanics that will maximize your chances of generating fun. There is a great compilation on, so let’s see which items apply already:

✅ Great controls
✅ An interesting theme and visual style
🚫 Excellent sound and music
🚫 Captivating worlds
🤔 Fun gameplay
🚫 Solid level design
🚫 An entertaining story & memorable characters
🤔 Good balance of challenge and reward
✅ Something different

We can see there’s lots to do, too much for a single article of course, so we will get to the general game layout, story, characters and balance later. Now we will improve the gameplay and add sounds — let’s go!

Adding weapons

Guns are always fun! Some games like Space Invaders consist entirely of shooting and it is a great mechanic to add visual excitement, cool sound effects and an extra dimension to the skill requirement so we not only have the up and down movement of the aircraft.

Let’s try some simple gun designs:

The “Simple gun” (top) and the “Better gun” (bottom).

These 3D models consist of only 2–3 cylinders of shiny metal material:

const metalMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
    color: 0x222222,
    flatShading: true,
    roughness: 0.5,
    metalness: 1.0

class SimpleGun {
    static createMesh() {
        const BODY_RADIUS = 3
        const BODY_LENGTH = 20

        const full = new THREE.Group()
        const body = new THREE.Mesh(
            new THREE.CylinderGeometry(BODY_RADIUS, BODY_RADIUS, BODY_LENGTH),
        body.rotation.z = Math.PI/2

        const barrel = new THREE.Mesh(
            new THREE.CylinderGeometry(BODY_RADIUS/2, BODY_RADIUS/2, BODY_LENGTH),
        barrel.rotation.z = Math.PI/2
        barrel.position.x = BODY_LENGTH

        return full

We will have 3 guns: A SimpleGun, then the DoubleGun as just two of those and then the BetterGun which has just a bit different proportions and another cylinder at the tip.

Guns mounted to the airplane

Positioning the guns on the plane was done by simply experimenting with the positional x/y/z values.

The shooting mechanic itself is straight forward:

class SimpleGun {
  downtime() {
    return 0.1

  damage() {
    return 1

  shoot(direction) {
    const BULLET_SPEED = 0.5
    const RECOIL_DISTANCE = 4
    const RECOIL_DURATION = this.downtime() / 1.5

    const position = new THREE.Vector3()
    position.add(new THREE.Vector3(5, 0, 0))
    spawnProjectile(this.damage(), position, direction, BULLET_SPEED, 0.3, 3)

    // Little explosion at exhaust
    spawnParticles(position.clone().add(new THREE.Vector3(2,0,0)), 1,, 0.2)

    // Recoil of gun
    const initialX = this.mesh.position.x, {
      duration: RECOIL_DURATION,
      x: initialX - RECOIL_DISTANCE,
      onComplete: () => {, {
          duration: RECOIL_DURATION,
          x: initialX,

class Airplane {
  shoot() {
    if (!this.weapon) {

    // rate-limit shooting
    const nowTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000
    if (nowTime-this.lastShot < this.weapon.downtime()) {
    this.lastShot = nowTime

    // fire the shot
    let direction = new THREE.Vector3(10, 0, 0)

    // recoil airplane
    const recoilForce = this.weapon.damage(), {
      duration: 0.05,
      x: this.mesh.position.x - recoilForce,

// in the main loop
if (mouseDown[0] || keysDown['Space']) {

Now the collision detection with the enemies, we just check whether the enemy’s bounding box intersects with the bullet’s box:

class Enemy {
	tick(deltaTime) {
		const thisAabb = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(this.mesh)
		for (const projectile of allProjectiles) {
			const projectileAabb = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(projectile.mesh)
			if (thisAabb.intersectsBox(projectileAabb)) {
				spawnParticles(projectile.mesh.position.clone(), 5, Colors.brownDark, 1)
				this.hitpoints -= projectile.damage
		if (this.hitpoints <= 0) {

	explode() {
		spawnParticles(this.mesh.position.clone(), 15,, 3)

Et voilá, we can shoot with different weapons and it’s super fun!

Changing the energy system to lives and coins

Currently the game features an energy/fuel bar that slowly drains over time and fills up when collecting the blue pills. I feel like this makes sense but a more conventional system of having lives as health, symbolized by hearts, and coins as goodies is clearer to players and will allow for more flexibility in the gameplay.

In the code the change from blue pills to golden coins is easy: We changed the color and then the geometry from THREE.TetrahedronGeometry(5,0) to THREE.CylinderGeometry(4, 4, 1, 10).

The new logic now is: We start out with three lives and whenever our airplane crashes into an enemy we lose one. The amount of collected coins show in the interface. The coins don’t yet have real impact on the gameplay but they are great for the score board and we can easily add some mechanics later: For example that the player can buy accessoires for the airplane with their coins, having a lifetime coin counter or we could design a game mode where the task is to not miss a single coin on the map.

Adding sounds

This is an obvious improvement and conceptually simple — we just need to find fitting, free sound bites and integrate them.

Luckily on and we can search for sound effects and use them freely, just make sure to attribute where required.

Example of a gun shot sound:

We load all 24 sound files at the start of the game and then to play a sound we code a simple‘shot-soft’). Repetitively playing the same sound can get boring for the ears when shooting for a few seconds or when collecting a few coins in a row, so we make sure to have several different sounds for those and just select randomly which one to play.

Be aware though that browsers require a page interaction, so basically a mouse click, before they allow a website to play sound. This is to prevent websites from annoyingly auto-playing sounds directly after loading. We can simply require a click on a “Start” button after page load to work around this.

Adding collectibles

How do we get the weapons or new lives to the player? We will spawn “collectibles” for that, which is the item (a heart or gun) floating in a bubble that the player can catch.

We already have the spawning logic in the game, for coins and enemies, so we can adopt that easily.

class Collectible {
	constructor(mesh, onApply) {
		this.mesh = new THREE.Object3D()
		const bubble = new THREE.Mesh(
			new THREE.SphereGeometry(10, 100, 100),
			new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
				transparent: true,
				opacity: .4,
				flatShading: true,

	tick(deltaTime) {
		rotateAroundSea(this, deltaTime, world.collectiblesSpeed)

		// rotate collectible for visual effect
		this.mesh.rotation.y += deltaTime * 0.002 * Math.random()
		this.mesh.rotation.z += deltaTime * 0.002 * Math.random()

		// collision?
		if (utils.collide(airplane.mesh, this.mesh, world.collectibleDistanceTolerance)) {
		// passed-by?
		else if (this.angle > Math.PI) {

	explode() {
		spawnParticles(this.mesh.position.clone(), 15, COLOR_COLLECTIBLE_BUBBLE, 3)

		// animation to make it very obvious that we collected this item

function spawnSimpleGunCollectible() {
	const gun = SimpleGun.createMesh()
	gun.scale.set(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
	gun.position.x = -2

	new Collectible(gun, () => {
		airplane.equipWeapon(new SimpleGun())

And that’s it, we have our collectibles:

The only problem is that I couldn’t for the life of me create a heart model from the three.js primitives so I resorted to a free, low-poly 3D model from the platform cgtrader.

Defining the spawn-logic on the map in a way to have a good balance of challenge and reward requires sensible refining so after some experimenting this felt nice: Spawn the three weapons after a distance of 550, 1150 and 1750 respectively and spawn a life a short while after losing one.

Some more polish

  • The ocean’s color gets darker as we progress through the levels
  • Show more prominently when we enter a new level
  • Show an end game screen after 5 levels
  • Adjusted the code for a newer version of the Three.js library
  • Tweaked the color theme

More, more, more fun!

We went from a simple fly-up-and-down gameplay to being able to collect guns and shoot the enemies. The sounds add to the atmosphere and the coins mechanics sets us up for new features later on.

Make sure to play our result here! Collect the weapons, have fun with the guns and try to survive until the end of level 5.

If you are interested in the source code, you find it here on GitHub.

How to proceed from here? We improved on some key mechanics and have a proper basis but this is not quite a finalized, polished game yet.

As a next step we plan to dive more into game design theory. We will look at several of the most popular games of the endless runner genre to get insights into their structure and mechanics and how they keep their players engaged. The aim would be to learn more about the advanced concepts and build them into The Aviator.

Subway Surfer, the most successful “endless runner” game.

Stay tuned, so long!

The post How to Add More Fun to a Game: Extending “The Aviator” appeared first on Codrops.

How to Develop an AR-Based Health Check App

Now that spring has arrived, it's time to get out and stretch your legs! As programmers, many of us are used to being seated for hours and hours at a time, which can lead to back pain and aches. We're all aware that building a workout plan, and keeping track of health indicators around-the-clock, can have enormous benefits for body, mind, and soul. 

Fortunately, AR Engine makes that remarkably easy. It comes with face tracking capabilities, and will soon support body tracking as well. Thanks to core AR algorithms, AR Engine is able to monitor heart rate, respiratory rate, facial health status, and heart rate waveform signals in real-time during your workouts. You can also use it to build an app, for example, to track the real-time workout status, perform real-time health checks for patients, or monitor real-time health indicators of vulnerable users, like the elderly or the disabled. With AR Engine, you can make your health or fitness app more engaging and visually immersive than you might have believed possible. 

Provide Your Customers With Accurate Nutrition Data via Edaman’s Nutrition Analysis API

Now more than ever, engaging in a healthy lifestyle is important to people across the planet. But it’s easier said than done. In the past, finding accurate nutrition data simply wasn’t possible. The good news is that there are modern solutions. 

Nowadays, when it comes to generating food recipes with detailed nutritional information, there’s no one you can trust more than Edamam – the leading provider of nutrition data and analytics. Whether you’re a food blogger, restaurateur, or web developer who can make a pretty yummy ratatouille; Edamam’s Nutrition Analysis API can provide you with nutritional facts in under a second! 

So, if you’re looking for an API that is capable of full recipe nutrition analysis and has a robust natural language processing engine that allows entity extraction combined with food database search; you’re in the right place! 

edamam screenshot

3 Key Features of Edamam’s Nutrition Analysis API

  • Full Recipe Nutrition Analysis
  • Text Analysis
  • Structured Data and Nutrition Data Output

Full Recipe Nutrition Analysis in Less Than a Second!

When users submit the full text of their favorite recipes or any list of ingredients, Edamam’s Nutrition Analysis API extracts the complete nutrition and ingredient data from the text. With its ability to process recipes in under a second, Edamam saves users hours of entering recipes line by line!

Why is this important, you ask? Well, think about it for a moment. If users have hundreds or thousands of recipes to analyze, Edamam’s Nutrition Analysis API can help establish an efficient and productive workflow that uses a fraction of the time as manual entry methods. 


Whether the end-user is a developer using Edamam’s API to submit recipes on behalf of a food blog or food-based e-commerce site or a nonprofit organization that needs accurate health, diet, and allergy labeling; Edamam can help!

Text Analysis

Edamam’s natural language processing engine is robust – not to mention it is incredibly effective. Built with nutrition analysis in mind, this API allows users to extract food-named entities from text with ease. And, it gets better! Edamam also allows combined entity extraction with a food database search to get users the best results possible. Not clear what we mean by that? Let us explain.

In a nutshell, when text is submitted by users and entities are extracted, Edamam searches its database for additional food matches to the extracted entities – leave no stone or scone left unturned! 


Structured Data and Nutrition Data Output

When users input data, Edamam returns detailed information for each ingredient line. For food items such as flour, sesame seeds, eggs, guavas, milk, etc; Edamam returns caloric information as well as data about carbohydrates, protein, sodium levels, etc – reporting a total of 28 macro and micronutrients to users. 

Additionally, all food nutrient data includes diet, allergy, and health labeling that Edamam calculates based on a recipe’s ingredients. Dietary labels such as vegan, paleo, gluten-free and dairy-free are among the 90+ health labels that Edamam can generate automatically. 

edamam api demo



Edamam is an affordable solution for those who need to aggregate large amounts of data on food and nutrition. With accessibility in mind, Edamam provides free recipe nutrition analysis and text analysis with its basic plan geared towards developers, startups, and non-profit organizations. This free-of-charge Developer tier includes food and quantity extraction, as well as the ability to analyze up to 400 recipes per month and submit 10 recipes per minute. However, there are limitations on data caching and reduced text analysis hits compared to Edamam’s Enterprise Core tier. 

For Enterprise Core users, there is a subscription fee of $49 per month, which includes data caching for four nutrients (protein, net carbs, total fat, kcal), the ability to analyze up to 50,000 recipes monthly, and 150 recipe submissions per minute. Want more than that? You got it! Edamam’s Enterprise Core tier even offers 100,000 text analysis hits a month and shopping aisle food labeling. 

Need to take it a step further? Want data caching for more than four nutrients? What about unlimited recipe analysis, text analysis, and recipe submissions? For those who want complete access to all that Edamam offers, the Enterprise Unlimited tier is for you!

The key difference between the Enterprise Core and Enterprise Unlimited plans is that the latter has no restrictions. It is truly unlimited and tailored to the user’s needs. For those who wish to unlock an all-access pass to Edamam – get in touch with their team to customize your API experience. 



No matter which Edamam Nutrition Analysis API plan you select, all users can enjoy the benefits of natural language processing, food and quantity extraction, health, diet, allergy labeling, commercial use, and support from the team at Edamam. So, if you’re looking for a solution to providing accurate nutritional information to your customers, Edamam is the best choice! Access it today from APILayer, a hassle-free API marketplace. 


How to Create a Fitness Tracker in WordPress (With Charts)

Do you want to create a fitness tracker in WordPress?

Many health and fitness-related businesses and online communities offer fitness tracking tools for their users. This helps to keep users engaged and grow your business.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create a fitness tracker in WordPress to boost user engagement on your website.

Creating a fitness tracker in WordPress

What is a Fitness Tracker?

A fitness tracker is an online tool that helps users track different aspects of their health and fitness performance.

It could be a weight loss tracker, a BMI calculator, a meal planner, or other type of health tracker. These online tools can be created using no-code WordPress plugins that calculate different values on the fly.

Why You Should Add a Fitness Tracker to Your WordPress Site

If you run a WordPress website for a health and fitness business or an online community, then adding a fitness tracker to your website is an easy way to build user engagement.

This includes websites like:

  • Gym websites
  • Weight loss websites
  • Fitness trainer’s personal site
  • Nutritional site or food blog
  • Health and fitness community
  • Lifestyle communities
  • and more

You can provide your users with actual tools to track their fitness performance, which is more likely to keep them on your site longer.

Improved user engagement leads to higher conversion rates and better customer retention for your business.

Building an Online Fitness Community

One of the easiest ways to monetize a health and fitness website is by using MemberPress. It is the best WordPress membership plugin and allows you to easily sell online courses and subscriptions.

You can create different types of fitness plans, hide members-only content behind a paywall, create online courses, and more.

Users can then use your built-in fitness tracker to measure their performance and progress over time. This helps them spend more time on your website which improves subscription renewals, upsells, and customer retention.

For more details, see our step by step tutorial on how to create a membership website in WordPress.

Creating an Online Fitness Tracker in WordPress

To create an online fitness tracker in WordPress, you’ll need Formidable Forms.

It is the best WordPress calculator plugin on the market that allows you to create advanced forms and calculators for your website. The drag and drop form builder makes it easy to create your fitness tracking forms without having to write any code or hire a developer.

Plus, it works great with other tools that you may already be using like MemberPress, WooCommerce, or your email service provider.

First, you need to install and activate the Formidable Forms plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: There is a limited free version of the plugin called Formidable Lite. However, you’ll need the premium version to unlock more features.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Formidable » Global Settings page to enter your plugin license key. You can find this information under your account on the Formidable Forms website.

Formidable Forms license key

After that, you need to visit the Formidable » Forms page.

Here, simply click on the Add New button to create your fitness tracking form.

Create a new fitness tracking form

Next, you will be asked to choose a template for your form.

There are a bunch of templates that you can use, but for this tutorial we’ll be starting with a blank form.

Choose blank form template

Next, provide a name and description for your form and click on the Create button.

This will launch the Formidable Forms drag and drop builder. In the left column, you’ll see a list of the form fields that you can add.

To your right, you’ll see the form preview. Since our form is blank, there are no fields in the preview column.

Form builder interface

Let’s change that and add the form fields for our weight loss fitness tracker.

For this tracker, we’ll be adding the following form fields.

  1. User ID – This will be automatically filled by Formidable Forms for logged in users so that users can see their own performance.
  2. Date – Users will be able to enter the date they measured their weight.
  3. Number – We’ll rename this field to ‘Weight’ and ask users to enter their weight in lbs or kg.
Add form fields

After adding the fields, you can just click on a field to change its properties.

For instance, we edited the number field to change its label to ‘Weight’ and provided instructions in the description option.

Edit the form field

Once you are finished editing the form, click on the Update button to save your form.

Save your form

Adding Fitness Tracker in a WordPress Post or Page

Next, you would want to add the fitness tracker form to your WordPress website.

If you are using MemberPress, then you can simply edit the Account page. You can also create a new page and restrict it to members-only. This way users will be required to login to enter their fitness data.

On the page edit screen, simply add the Formidable Forms block to your page and choose your Fitness Tracker from the drop down menu.

Formidable Forms block

Formidable Form will now display a preview of your form in the page editor. You can go ahead and save your changes.

You can now go ahead login with a dummy new user account and fill out a few test entries.

Live fitness tracker

Display Fitness Form Tracker Data in WordPress

Formidable Forms makes it super easy to display the data collected by your forms on your WordPress website.

You can choose exactly which fields you want to show and display the data in graphs and charts.

Simply edit the post or page where you want to display the form data. Obviously, if you are using MemberPress then you want to restrict that page so that only logged in users can view their own fitness data.

Next, you will need to add a shortcode to your page in the following format.

[frm-graph fields="22" y_title="Weight" x_axis="21" x_title="Date" type="line" title="Weight tracking" user_id="current" data_type="average"]

This shortcode has the following parameters.

  • Fields – ID for the field you want to use to display data from (in this case, the weight field).
  • y_title – Title for the Y Axis. In this case we will be using Weight.
  • x_axis – ID of the field you want to use in the x_axis. In this case the date field.
  • x_title – Title for x_axis. In this case, we will use Date.
  • user_id – ‘Current’ so that only logged in users can view their own data.

You can find the field ID by simply editing your fitness tracker form. You’ll see the ID for each field in the form preview.

Finding the field ID

After adding the shortcode, don’t forget to save your changes.

Next, you need to login with the dummy user account you used earlier to add test entries, and visit the page you just created.

Here is how it looked on our test website:

Fitness tracker data chart

Creating More Fitness Tracking Tools in WordPress

Formidable Forms is the most advanced tools builder for WordPress.

Apart from the weight-loss tracking form, you can also use it to create several other types of online fitness calculators and tools.

It even comes with built-in templates for a BMI calculator and a Daily Calorie Intake calculator.

Fitness calculator templates

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily add a fitness tracker in WordPress. You may also want to see our expert pick of the best live chat software for small business, or follow our complete WordPress SEO guide to get more free visitors from search engines.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create a Fitness Tracker in WordPress (With Charts) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How To Create A Custom Calculator In WordPress

Do you want to create a custom calculator in WordPress?

Perhaps you want users to be able to calculate something on a landing page, or you’d like to use the calculator as a tool to generate more leads for your business.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create a custom calculator in WordPress.

Easily create a custom calculator in WordPress

Why Add a Custom Calculator in WordPress?

Adding a custom calculator to your WordPress website allows your users to quickly calculate things without leaving your website.

For instance, on a health and fitness WordPress blog, you can add a BMI calculator allowing users to quickly calculate BMI, so they know which subscription plan or a product to purchase.

Similarly, you can use custom calculators for calculating a mortgage, car payments, product configurations, loan interest, and more.

Custom calculators can also be a useful tool to generate leads on your website. For instance, you can ask users to provide their email addresses to get the personalized results of the calculator tool sent to their inbox.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily create a custom calculator in WordPress.

Creating a Custom Caclulator in WordPress

The best way to create a custom calculator for your website is by using Formidable Forms. It is the best WordPress calculator plugin on the market and the easiest way to build any kind of advanced form.

Formidable Forms

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Formidable Forms plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll need to install the free version of the plugin called Formidable Forms Lite. This free version provides the core foundation for advanced features of the plugin.

Next, you need to visit the Formidable Forms » Global Settings page to enter your plugin license key. You can find this information under your account on the Formidable Forms website.

Enter Formidable Forms license key

Now, you are ready to create your first custom calculator for your website.

Simply head over to the Formidable » Forms page and click on the Add New button.

Adding a new calculator form

This will bring up a list of available form templates to choose from.

In the search box, type ‘Calculator’ and select the ‘Calculator’ category.

Choose calculator category

This will bring up a list of calculator templates to choose from. Formidable Forms comes with a bunch of commonly used custom calculators.

Simply click to select and and then click on the add button to use that form. For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll be creating an ROI Calculator (Return on Investment calculator).

Select your custom calculator template

The plugin will load the Formidable Forms’ form builder interface with the calculator template you selected.

From here, you can simply point and click to customize amy form field if needed. You can click on a field to change its label and properties.

Edit your calculator form

You can also add new fields from the left column by simply dragging and dropping the field.

Add new field

Once you are satisfied with the form fields, you can simply click on the ‘Update’ button at the top right corner of the screen.

Save calculator

Your custom calculator form is now ready, and you can add it to any WordPress post or page on your website.

Simply edit an existing post / page or create a blank page. On the content editor screen, you need to add the Formidable Forms block to your page.

Add Formidable Forms block

After adding the block, you can simply click on the drop-down menu in the block settings and select your ROI Calculator form.

Select ROI Calculator form

Formidable Forms block will now fetch and display the preview of your calculator form inside the WordPress block editor.

ROI calculator preview in the editor

You can now continue editing your page or save and publish it on your website.

Once done, you can visit the page in a new browser tab to see your calculator in action.

Customizing Your Calculator Form in WordPress

You can always customize any calculator you create with Formidable Forms. Simply, go to the Formidable » Forms page and click on the edit button to change your calculator form.

Edit your calculator form

Any changes you make to your form will automatically appear on any posts or page where you have added this form on your website.

Viewing Your Calculator Form Entries

Formidable Forms automatically saves calculator form entries into your WordPress database.

You can easily view all calculations performed by users by visiting Formidable » Entries page.

View calculator form entries

From here, you can click on individual entries to view the data entered by users.

Alternately, you can also filter entries by specific calculator form to view data from all entries in a table format.

Calculator data entries

From here, you can also download all calculator data in the CSV format and view it in spreadsheet software.

Need even more insights? Switch to the Reports tab for your form entries and you will be able to see detailed charts and graphs for your calculator.

Viewing calculator data reports

For instance, in our ROI calculator report, we can see the average ROI percentage as submitted by users.

Average values for your calculator form data

These charts give you quick insights into how users interact with calculators on your website and average responses. You can then use this information to tailor your content for your audience’s requirements.

Capturing Leads with Your Custom Calculator

Formidable Forms makes it super easy to add customer calculators in WordPress and connect it to your email marketing service.

However, you’ll still need to nudge users into using the calculator and capture leads, and increase sales.

This is where OptinMonster comes in. It is the best lead generation software on the market and allows you to easily convert website visitors into subscribers and customers.

Popup example

It comes with tools like lightbox popups, slide-in popups, countdown timers, header and footer banners, and more. All of them help you nudge users into using your custom calculators.

OptinMonster also comes with powerful targeting rules and personalization options to show users targetted messages at the right time.

Personalization example

We hope this article helped you add a custom calculator in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on best business phone services, or see our tips on how to track conversions in WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How To Create A Custom Calculator In WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.