Penpot’s CSS Grid Layout: Designing With Superpowers

This article is a sponsored by Penpot

It was less than a year ago when I first had a chance to use Penpot and instantly got excited about it. They managed to build something that designers haven’t yet seen before — a modern, open-source tool for everyone. In the world of technology, that might not sound groundbreaking. After all, open-source tools and software are being taken for granted as a cornerstone of modern web development. But for some reason, not for design — until now. Penpot’s approach to building design software comes with a lot of good arguments. And it gathered a strong community.

One of the reasons why Penpot is so exciting is that it allows creators to build user interfaces in a visual environment, but using the same standards and technologies as the end product. It makes a design workflow easier on many levels. Today, we are going to focus on just one of them, building layouts.

Design tools went a long way trying to make it easier to design complex, responsive layouts and flexible, customizable components. Some of them tried to mimic the mechanisms used in web technologies and others tried to mimic these imitations. But such an approach will take you only so far.

Short History Of Web Layouts

So how are the layouts for the web built in practice?

If you’ve been around the industry long enough, you might remember the times when you used frames, tables, and floats to build layouts. And if you haven’t, you didn’t miss much. Just to give you a taste of how bad it was: same as exporting tiny images of rounded corners from ever-crashing Photoshop, just to meticulously position them in every corner of a rectangle so you could make a dull, rounded button, it was just a pain. Far too often, it was a pleasure to craft yet another amazing design — but so much tears and sorrow to actually implement it.

Then Flexbox came in and changed everything. And soon after it, Grid. Two powerful yet amazingly simple engines to build layouts that changed web developers’ lives forever.

Ironically, design tools never caught up. Flexbox and Grid opened an ocean of possibilities, yet gated behind a barrier of knowing how to code. None of the design tools ever implemented them so a larger audience of designers could leverage them in their workflows. Not until now.

Creating Layouts With Penpot

Penpot is becoming the first design tool to support both Flexbox and Grid in their toolkit. And by support, I don’t mean a layout feature that tries to copy what Flexbox or Grid has to offer. We’re talking about an actual implementation of Flexbox and Grid inside the design tool.

Penpot’s Flexbox implementation went public earlier this year. If you’d like to give it a try, last year, I wrote a separate article just about it. Now, Penpot is fully implementing both Flexbox and Grid.

You might be wondering why we need both. Couldn’t you just use Flexbox for everything, same as you use the same simple layout features in a design tool? Technically, yes, you could. In fact, most people do. (At the time of writing, only a quarter of websites worldwide use CSS Grid, but its adoption is steadily increasing; source)

So if you want to build simple, mostly linear layouts, Flexbox is probably all you’ll ever need. But if you want to gain some design superpowers? Learn Grid.

Penpot’s CSS Grid Layout is out now, so you can already give it a try. It’s a part of their major 2.0 release, bringing a bunch of long-awaited features and improvements. I’d strongly encourage you to give it a go and see how it works for yourself. And if you need some inspiration, keep reading!

CSS Grid Layout In Practice

As an example, let’s build a portfolio page that consists of a sidebar and a grid of pictures.

Creating A Layout

Our first step will be to create a simple two-dimensional grid. In this case using a Grid Layout makes more sense than Flex Layout as we want to have more granular control over how elements are laid out on multiple axes.

To make the grid even more powerful, you can merge cells, group them into functional areas, and name them. Here, we are going to create a dedicated area for the sidebar.

As you adjust the layout later, you can see that the sidebar always keeps the same width and full height of the design while other cells get adjusted to the available space.

Building Even More Complex Grids

That’s not all. Apart from merging cells of the grid, you can tell elements inside it to take multiple cells. On our portfolio page, we are going to use this to make the featured picture bigger than others and take four cells instead of one.

As a result, we created a complex, responsive layout that would be a breeze to turn it into a functional website but at the same time would be completely impossible to build in any other design tool out there. And that’s just a fraction of what Grid Layout can do.

Next Steps

I hope you liked this demo of Penpot's Grid Layout. If you’d like to play around with the examples used in this article, go ahead and duplicate this Penpot file. It’s a great template that explains all the ins and outs of using Grid in your designs!

In case you’re more of a video-learning type, there’s a great tutorial on Grid Layout you can watch now on YouTube. And if you need help at any point, the Penpot community will be more than happy to answer your questions.


Flexbox and Grid in Penpot open up opportunities to craft layouts like never before. Today, anyone can combine the power of Flex Layout and Grid Layout to create complex, sophisticated structures that are flexible, responsive, and ready to deploy out-of-the-box—all without writing a single line of code.

Working with the right technologies not only makes things easier, but it also just feels right. That's something I've always longed for in design tools. Adopting CSS as a standard for both designers and developers facilitates smoother collaboration and helps them both feel more at home in their workflows.

For designers, that’s also a chance to strengthen their skill set, which matters today more than ever. The design industry is a competitive space that keeps changing rapidly, and staying competitive is hard work. However, learning the less obvious aspects and gaining a better understanding of the technologies you work with might help you do that.

Try CSS Grid Layout And Share Your Thoughts!

If you decide to give CSS Grid Layout a try, don’t hesitate to share your experience! The team behind Penpot would love to hear your feedback. Being a completely free and open-source tool, Penpot’s development thrives thanks to its community and people like you.

Zooming Images in a Grid Layout

Creating a grid of images is easy, thanks to CSS Grid. But making the grid do fancy things after the images have been placed can be tricky to pull off.

Say you want to add some fancy hover effect to the images where they grow and zoom beyond the rows and columns where they sit? We can do that!

Cool, right? If you check the code, you won’t find any JavaScript, complex selectors, or even magic numbers. And this is only one example among many we will explore!

Building the grid

The HTML code to create the grid is as simple as a list of images within a container. We don’t need more than that.

<div class="gallery">
  <!-- etc. -->

For the CSS, we first start by setting the grid using the following:

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* controls the size */
  --g: 10px;  /* controls the gap */

  display: grid;
  gap: var(--g);
  width: calc(3*var(--s) + 2*var(--g)); /* 3 times the size plus 2 times the gap */
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto);

In short, we have two variables, one that controls the size of the images and one that sets the size of the gap between images. aspect-ratio helps keep things in proportion.

You might be wondering why we are only defining three columns but no rows. No, I didn’t forget the rows — we just don’t need to explicitly set them. CSS Grid is capable of automatically placing items on implicit rows and columns, meaning we get as many rows as needed to any number of images we throw at it. We can explicitly define the rows instead but we need to add grid-auto-flow: column to make sure the browser will create the needed columns for us.

Here is an example to illustrate both cases. The difference is that one flows in a row direction an the other in a column direction.

Check out this other article I wrote for more about the implicit grids and the auto-placement algorithm.

Now that we have our grid, it’s time to style the images:

.gallery > img {
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  min-height: 100%;
  min-width: 100%;
  object-fit: cover;

The hover effect we’re making relies on this CSS. It probably looks weird to you that we’re making images that have both no width or height but have a minimum width and height of 100%. But you will see that it’s a pretty neat trick for what we are trying to achieve.

What I’m doing here is telling the browser that the images need to have 0 width and height but also need to have a minimum height equal to 100%… but 100% of what? When using percentages, the value is relative to something else. In this case, our image is placed inside a grid cell and we need to know that size to know what’s 100% is relative to.

The browser will first ignore min-height: 100% to calculate the size of the grid cells, but it will use the height: 0 in its calculation. That means our images will not contribute to the size of the grid cells… because they technically have no physical size. This will result in three equal columns and rows that are based on the size of the grid (which we defined on the .gallery’s width and aspect-ratio). The height of each grid cell is nothing but the variable --s we defined (same for the width).

Now that we have the dimensions of our grid’s cells, the browser will use it with min-height: 100% (and min-width: 100%) which will force the images to completely fill the space of each grid cell. The whole thing may look a bit confusing but the main idea is to make sure that the grid defines the size of the images rather than the other way around. I don’t want the image to define the size of the grid and you will understand why after adding the hover effect.

Creating the hover effect

What we need to do is increase the scale of the images when they’re hovered. We can do that by adjusting an image’s width and height on :hover:

.gallery {
  --f: 1.5; /* controls the scale factor */

.gallery img:hover{
  width:  calc(var(--s) * var(--f));
  height: calc(var(--s) * var(--f));

I added a new custom variable, --f, to the mix as a scale factor to control the size on hover. Notice how I’m multiplying the size variable, --s, by it to calculate the new image size.

But you said that the image size needs to be 0. What is going on? I am lost…

What I said is still true but I am making an exception for the hovered image. I am telling the browser that only one image will have a size that’s not equal to zero — so it will contribute to the dimension of the grid — while all the others remain equal to 0.

The left side shows the grid in its natural state without any hovered images, which is what the right side is showing. All the grid cells on the left side are equal in size since all the images have no physical dimensions.

On the right side, the second image in the first row is hovered, which gives it dimensions that affect the grid cell’s size. The browser will make that specific grid cell bigger on hover, which contributes to the overall size. And since the size of the whole grid is set (because we set a fixed width on the .gallery), the other grid cells will logically respond by becoming smaller in order to keep the .gallery‘s overall size in tact.

That’s our zoom effect in action! By increasing the size of only one image we affect the whole grid configuration, and we said before that the grid defines the size of the images so that each image stretches inside its grid cell to fill all the space.

To this, we add a touch of transition and use object-fit to avoid image distortion and the illusion is perfect!

I know that the logic behind the trick is not easy to grasp. Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand it. The most important is to understand the structure of the code used and how to modify it to get more variations. That’s what we will do next!

Adding more images

We created a 3×3 grid to explain the main trick, but you have probably guessed that we there’d no need to stop there. We can make the number of columns and rows variables and add as many images as we want.

.gallery {
  --n: 3; /* number of rows*/
  --m: 4; /* number of columns */
  --s: 150px; /* control the size */
  --g: 10px;  /* control the gap */
  --f: 1.5;   /* control the scale factor */

  display: grid;
  gap: var(--g);
  width:  calc(var(--m)*var(--s) + (var(--m) - 1)*var(--g));
  height: calc(var(--n)*var(--s) + (var(--n) - 1)*var(--g));
  grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--m),auto);

We have two new variables for the number of rows and columns. Then we simply define the width and height of our grid using them. Same for grid-template-columns which uses the --m variable. And just like before, we don’t need to explicitly define the rows since the CSS Grid’s auto-placement feature will do the job for us no matter how many image elements we’re using.

Why not different values for the width and height? We can do that:

.gallery {
  --n: 3; /* number of rows*/
  --m: 4; /* number of columns */
  --h: 120px; /* control the height */
  --w: 150px; /* control the width */
  --g: 10px;  /* control the gap */
  --f: 1.5;   /* control the scale factor */

  display: grid;
  gap: var(--g);
  width:  calc(var(--m)*var(--w) + (var(--m) - 1)*var(--g));
  height: calc(var(--n)*var(--h) + (var(--n) - 1)*var(--g));
  grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--m),auto);

.gallery img:hover{
  width:  calc(var(--w)*var(--f));
  height: calc(var(--h)*var(--f));

We replace --s with two variables, one for the width, --w, and another one for the height, --h. Then we adjust everything else accordingly.

So, we started with a grid with a fixed size and number of elements, but then we made a new set of variables to get any configuration we want. All we have to do is to add as many images as we want and adjust the CSS variables accordingly. The combinations are limitless!

What about a full-screen version? Yes, that’s also possible. All we need is to know what values we need to assign to our variables. If we want N rows of images and we want our grid to be full screen, we first need to solve for a height of 100vh:

var(--n) * var(--h) + (var(--n) - 1) * var(--g) = 100vh

Same logic for the width, but using vw instead of vh:

var(--m) * var(--w) + (var(--m) - 1) * var(--g) = 100vw

We do the math to get:

--w: (100vw - (var(--m) - 1) * var(--g)) / var(--m)
--h: (100vh - (var(--n) - 1) * var(--g)) / var(--n)


It’s the same exact HTML but with some updated variables that change the grid’s sizing and behavior.

Note that I have omitted the formula we previously set on the .gallery‘s width and height and replaced them with 100vw and 100vh, respectively. The formula will give us the same result but since we know what value we want, we can ditch all that added complexity.

We can also simplify the --h and --w by removing the gap from the equation in favor of this:

--h: calc(100vh / var(--n)); /* Viewport height divided by number of rows */
--w: calc(100vw / var(--m)); /* Viewport width divided by number of columns */

This will make the hovered image grow a bit more than the previous example, but it is no big deal since we can control the scale with the --f variable we’re using as a multiplier.

And since the variables are used in one place we can still simplify the code by removing them altogether:

It’s important to note this optimization applies only to the full-screen example and not to the examples we’ve covered. This example is a particular case where we can make the code lighter by removing some of the complex calculation work we needed in the other examples.

We actually have everything we need to create the popular pattern of expanding panels:

Let’s dig even deeper

Did you notice that our scale factor can be less than 1? We can define the size of the hovered image to be smaller than --h or --w but the image gets bigger on hover.

The initial grid cell size is equal to --w and --h, so why do a smaller values make the grid cell bigger? Shouldn’t the cell get smaller, or at least maintain its initial size? And what is the final size of the grid cell?

We need to dig deeper into how the CSS Grid algorithm calculates the size of the grid cells. And this is involves understanding CSS Grid’s default stretch alignment.

Here’s an example to understand the logic.

On the left side of the demo, I defined a two-column with auto width. We get the intuitive result: two equal columns (and two equal grid cells). But the grid I set up on the right side of the demo, where I am updating the alignment using place-content: start, appears to have nothing.

DevTools helps show us what’s really happening in both cases:

In the second grid, we have two columns, but their widths equal zero, so we get two grid cells that are collapsed at the top-left corner of the grid container. This is not a bug but the logical result of the grid’s alignment. When we size a column (or row) with auto, it means that its content dictates its size — but we have an empty div with no content to make room for.

But since stretch is the default alignment and we have enough space inside our grid, the browser will stretch both grid cells equally to cover all that area. That’s how the grid on the left winds up with two equal columns.

From the specification:

Note that certain values of justify-content and align-content can cause the tracks to be spaced apart (space-around, space-between, space-evenly) or to be resized (stretch).

Note the “to be resized” which is the key here. In the last example, I used place-content which is the shorthand for justify-content and align-content

And this is buried somewhere in the Grid Sizing algorithm specs:

This step expands tracks that have an auto max track sizing function by dividing any remaining positive, definite free space equally amongst them. If the free space is indefinite, but the grid container has a definite min-width/height, use that size to calculate the free space for this step instead.

“Equally” explains why we wind up with equal grid cells, but it applies to “the free space” which is very important.

Let’s take the previous example and add content to one of the divs:

We added a square 50px image. Here’s an illustration of how each grid in our example responds to that image:

In the first case, we can see that the first cell (in red) is bigger than the second one (in blue). In the second case, the size of the first cell changes to fit the physical size of the image while the second cell remains with no dimensions. The free space is divided equally, but the first cell has more content inside which makes it bigger.

This is the math to figure out our free space:

(grid width) - (gap) - (image width) = (free space)
200px - 5px - 50px = 145px 

Divided by two — the number of columns — we get a width of 72.5px for each column. But we add the size of the image, 50px, to the first column which leaves us with one column at 122.5px and the second one equal to 72.5px.

The same logic applies to our grid of images. All the images have a size equal to 0 (no content) while the hovered image contributes to size — even if it’s just 1px — making its grid cell bigger than the others. For this reason, the scale factor can be any value bigger than 0 even decimals between 0 and 1.

To get the final width of the grid cells, we do the same calculation to get the following:

(container width) - (sum of all gaps) - (hovered image width) = (free space)

The width of container is defined by:

var(--m)*var(--w) + (var(--m) - 1)*var(--g)

…and all the gaps are equal to:

(var(--m) - 1)*var(--g)

…and for the hovered image we have:


We can calculate all of that with our variables:

var(--m)*var(--w) - var(--w)*var(--f) = var(--w)*(var(--m) - var(--f))

The number of columns is defined by --m ,so we divide that free space equally to get:

var(--w)*(var(--m) - var(--f))/var(--m)

…which gives us the size of the non-hovered images. For hovered images, we have this:

var(--w)*(var(--m) - var(--f))/var(--m) + var(--w)*var(--f)
var(--w)*((var(--m) - var(--f))/var(--m) + var(--f))

If we want to control the final size of the hovered image, we consider the above formula to get the exact size we want. If, for example, we want the image to be twice as big:

(var(--m) - var(--f))/var(--m) + var(--f) = 2

So, the value of our scale multiplier, --f, needs to be equal to:

var(--m)/(var(--m) - 1)

For three columns we will have 3/2 = 1.5 and that’s the scale factor I used in the first demo of this article because I wanted to make the image twice as big on hover!

The same logic applies to the height calculation and in case we want to control both of them independently we will need to consider two scale factors to make sure we have a specific width and height on hover.

.gallery {
  /* same as before */
   --fw: 1.5; /* controls the scale factor for the width */
   --fh: 1.2; /* controls the scale factor for the height */

  /* same as before */

.gallery img:hover{
  width:  calc(var(--w)*var(--fw));
  height: calc(var(--h)*var(--fh));

Now, you know all the secrets to create any kind of image grid with a cool hover effect while also having control of the sizing you want using the math we just covered.

Wrapping up

In my last article, we created a complex-looking grid with a few lines of CSS that put CSS Grid’s implicit grid and auto-placement features to use. In this article, we relied on some CSS Grid sizing trickery to create a fancy grid of images that zoom on hover and cause the grid to adjust accordingly. All of this with a simplified code that is easy to adjust using CSS variables!

In the next article, we will play with shapes! We will combine CSS grid with mask and clip-path to get fancy grid of images.

Zooming Images in a Grid Layout originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

How to Display Your WordPress Posts in a Grid Layout

Do you want to display WordPress posts in a grid layout?

A grid layout gives you more flexibility when displaying your posts in WordPress. This can be helpful when creating custom pages.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily display your WordPress posts in a grid layout anywhere on your site. 

How to display your WordPress posts in a grid layout (4 ways)

When Do You Need a Grid Layout for WordPress?

Every WordPress theme supports the traditional vertical layout of blog posts, and this works well for most kinds of websites. However, this layout can take up a lot of space, especially if you have a lot of posts.

If you’re creating a custom homepage for your site, then you may want to use the grid layout to display your recent posts.

This will give you more space to add other elements to your home page.

Plus, your post grid will highlight your featured images, so it’s visually appealing and clickable. You can also use the post grid to show off your creative portfolio and other types of custom content.

Many magazine themes and photography themes already use the grid-based layout to display posts. However, if your theme doesn’t support this functionality, then you’ll need to add it. 

With that said, let’s show you how to display your WordPress posts in a grid layout. Simply use the quick links below to jump straight to the method you want to use.

Method 1. Create a WordPress Post Grid Layout with Block Editor

This method lets you simply display your posts and thumbnails in a post grid layout using the WordPress block editor. There’s a built-in post grid block that lets you create your own grid. 

To do this, open up the page you want to edit, then click the ‘Plus’ add block button and search for ‘Query Loop’, then click the block to add it.

Add query loop block

This block adds your post loop to your page. 

Then, click the ‘Start Blank’ option at the top of the block to create a post grid. 

Click start blank option

This gives a few different choices depending on the type of information you want to display with your post grid.

We’ll select the ‘Image, Date, & Title’ option, but you can choose whatever you like.

Select the type of query loop

After that, hover over the image and select the ‘Grid View’ option.

This turns your list into a post grid.

Click on grid view option

Next, you can customize the information you want to display.

First, we’re going to delete the pagination at the bottom of the block. To do this, simply click on it, and click the ‘Three Dots’ options menu.

Then, click on ‘Remove Pagination’.

Click on delete pagination

This will automatically remove the element from the block.

You can delete the dates from the posts the same way or leave more post information for your visitors.

Next, we’ll add links to both the post thumbnail and post title.

Simply click on your post thumbnail and turn on the ‘Link to Post’ toggle in the right-hand options panel.

Turn on link to post toggle

Then, do the same thing for your post title.

Once you’re finished, click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to make your post grid live.

Now, you can visit your WordPress website to see your new WordPress post grid.

Block editor post grid example

You can add this block to any page or post. If you’d like to use this as your blog archive page, then you can see our guide on how to create a separate page for blog posts in WordPress.

Method 2. Create a WordPress Post Grid Layout With the Post Grid Plugin

This method offers a simple way to add a customizable post grid that you can add anywhere on your website.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Post Grid plugin. For more details, see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit Post Grid » Add New to create your first post grid.

Then, give your post grid a title. This won’t appear anywhere on your page it’s just to help you remember. 

Post Grid plugin create new layout

Below this, you’ll find the post grid settings divided into different sections with multiple tabs. 

First, you need to click on the ‘Query Post’ tab. This is where you’ll define the post types that you want to display in the ‘Post types’ box.

By default, it will only display posts, but you can add pages and even custom post types.

Set post query type settings

After that, you need to click on the ‘Layouts’ tab.

Then, click the ‘Create layout’ button. This will open in a new window.

Click create layout button

You need to name your layout. Then, click on the ‘General’ option, and it will open up a list of tags. 

These tags are the information that will display in your post grid. 

Layout editor screen

We’ll select the ‘Thumbnail with link’ option and the ‘Post title with link’ option. 

Then, click ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ to save your layout.

Choose tags and save layout

Now, go back to the original post grid editor in the previous tab, and there will be a new layout option available that you can select.

Simply click on the new layout in the ‘Item layouts’ section at the bottom of the screen.

Click new item layout

Next, click the ‘Item style’ tab. Here you can set the size of your grid. 

The default settings should work for most sites, but if not, then you can change them here.

Change item style size

Once you’re finished, click the ‘Publish’ button at the top of the page, and your grid will be ready to add to your WordPress blog.

Now, you need to click the ‘Shortcode’ tab and then copy the shortcode in the ‘Post Grid Shortcode’ box.

Copy post grid shortcode

After that, open up the page where you want to display your post list and click the ‘Plus’ add block button.

Then, search for ‘Shortcode’ and select the ‘Shortcode’ block.

Add shortcode block

Next, paste the shortcode you copied earlier into the box.

Then, click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button.

Paste shortcode and save

Now, you can view your page to see your WordPress post grid layout live. 

Post Grid plugin example

Method 3. Create a WordPress Post Grid Layout With the SeedProd Page Builder Plugin

Another way to create a post grid layout is using the SeedProd page builder plugin. It’s the best drag and drop WordPress page builder in the market used by over 1 million websites.


SeedProd helps you easily create custom pages and even completely custom WordPress themes without writing any code. You can use the plugin to create any kind of page you want, like 404 pages, coming soon pages, landing pages, and more.

To learn more, see our guide on how to create a custom page in WordPress.

In the SeedProd builder, as you’re customizing your page, simply click the plus ‘Add Section’ button anywhere on the page.

Click to add a new section

This will bring up an option to add a new block.

Next, drag the ‘Posts’ block over to your page, and it will automatically add a list of posts to your page. 

Drag over blog post block

Now, you can customize this block with the left-hand options panel.

First, scroll down to the ‘Layout’ section. Here you can set the number of columns for your blog post grid and turn on the ‘Show Feature Image’ and ‘Show Title’ toggles.

Set number of columns, title, and image

Next, scroll down to the ‘Show Excerpt’ toggle and the ‘Show Read More’ toggles and turn them off to create a simple blog post grid layout.

Turn off read more and excerpt toggles

If you want to customize the color scheme, text, and more, then click the ‘Advanced’ tab at the top of the left-hand column. 

Then, click the ‘Text’ drop down and make your changes.

Customize post grid text

You can continue customizing your page and blog post grid layout as much as you’d like. 

Once you’re done, click the ‘Save’ button and select the ‘Publish’ drop down at the top of the page to make your changes live.

Now, you can view your new post grid on your website. 

SeedProd post grid example

Method 4. Create a WordPress Post Grid Layout by Adding Code to WordPress 

This method requires some basic understanding of how to add code to WordPress. If you haven’t done this before, then see our guide on how to copy and paste code in WordPress.

Before you add code, you need to create a new image size that you’ll be using for your post grid. To learn more, see our guide on how to create additional image sizes in WordPress.

Next, you’ll need to find the right WordPress theme file where you’ll be adding the code snippet. For example, you can add it to your single.php, so it appears at the bottom of all of your posts. 

You can also create a custom page template and use it to display your blog post grid layout with thumbnails.

To learn more, see our WordPress template hierarchy cheat sheet to help find the right theme template file.

Once you’ve done that, you can start adding code to WordPress. Since the code snippet is quite long, we’ll break it down section by section.

First, add the following code snippet to your theme template file.

$counter = 1; //start counter
$grids = 2; //Grids per row
global $query_string; //Need this to make pagination work
/*Setting up our custom query (In here we are setting it to show 12 posts per page and eliminate all sticky posts*/
query_posts($query_string . '&caller_get_posts=1&posts_per_page=12');
if(have_posts()) :  while(have_posts()) :  the_post();

This code snippet sets up the post loop query. You can change the ‘posts_per_page’ variable to display more posts per page if you’d like.

Then, add the following code snippet to your theme template file.

//Show the left hand side column
if($counter == 1) :
            <div class="griditemleft">
                <div class="postimage">
                    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail('category-thumbnail'); ?></a>
                <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
//Show the right hand side column
elseif($counter == $grids) :
<div class="griditemright">
                <div class="postimage">
                    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail('category-thumbnail'); ?></a>
                <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<div class="clear"></div>
$counter = 0;

This code snippet creates two columns for our posts and will display the title and post image. It also creates a CSS class that we’ll show you how to style later. 

It also references ‘postimage’, so you’ll need to change this to the name of the image size you created earlier. 

After that, add the following code snippet at the end.

//Post Navigation code goes here

This code snippet simply closes the loop. It also gives the option to add post navigation, but most website owners use a different plugin for this, so we didn’t include it to avoid code conflicts. 

Here’s how the final code snippet looks altogether.

<div id="gridcontainer">
$counter = 1; //start counter
$grids = 2; //Grids per row
global $query_string; //Need this to make pagination work
/*Setting up our custom query (In here we are setting it to show 12 posts per page and eliminate all sticky posts) */
query_posts($query_string . '&caller_get_posts=1&posts_per_page=12');
if(have_posts()) :  while(have_posts()) :  the_post(); 
//Show the left hand side column
if($counter == 1) :
            <div class="griditemleft">
                <div class="postimage">
                    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail('category-thumbnail'); ?></a>
                <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
//Show the right hand side column
elseif($counter == $grids) :
<div class="griditemright">
                <div class="postimage">
                    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail('category-thumbnail'); ?></a>
                <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<div class="clear"></div>
$counter = 0;
//Pagination can go here if you want it.

Now, you’ll need to add the following CSS to your site to make sure your post grid displays nicely. 

If you haven’t done this before, then see our guide on how to easily add custom CSS to your WordPress site.

     margin: 20px 0; 
     width: 100%; 
#gridcontainer h2 a{
     color: #77787a; 
     font-size: 13px;
#gridcontainer .griditemleft{
     float: left; 
     width: 278px; 
     margin: 0 40px 40px 0;
#gridcontainer .griditemright{
     float: left; 
     width: 278px;
#gridcontainer .postimage{
     margin: 0 0 10px 0;

You can modify the different CSS selectors to see how they change different elements of your post loop.

We hope this article helped you learn how to display your WordPress posts in a grid layout. You may also want to see our guide on how to choose the best web design software and our expert picks of the best live chat software for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Display Your WordPress Posts in a Grid Layout first appeared on WPBeginner.

Native CSS Masonry Layout In CSS Grid

A Level 3 of the CSS Grid specification has been published as an Editor’s Draft, this level describes a way to do Masonry layout in CSS. In this article, I’ll explain the draft spec, with examples that you can try out in Firefox Nightly. While this is a feature you won’t be able to use in production right now, your feedback would be valuable to help make sure it serves the requirements that you have for this kind of layout. So let’s take a look.

What Is A Masonry Layout?

A masonry layout is one where items are laid out one after the other in the inline direction. When they move onto the next line, items will move up into any gaps left by shorter items in the first line. It’s similar to a grid layout with auto-placement, but without sticking to a strict grid for the rows.

The most well-known example of masonry is on Pinterest, and you will sometimes hear people refer to the layout as a "Pinterest layout".

There are a number of JavaScript tools to help you create this kind of layout, such as David DeSandro’s Masonry plugin.

Can’t We Already Do This In CSS?

We can come close to a masonry layout in a couple of ways. The closest way to achieve the look of this type of layout is to use Multi-column Layout. In the example below, you see something which looks visually like a masonry layout. However, the order of the boxes runs down the columns. Therefore, if the first items have the highest priority (e.g. if this were search results), then the apparent first items in the top row aren’t actually the ones that came back first.

That’s all you need to do to get a simple masonry layout. Using Firefox, you can see that in the CodePen example below.

Note: You can use any of the values used for align-content for align-tracks and justify-tracks. There are some nice examples in the spec of different combinations.

If you set align-tracks: stretch, then any auto-sized items in the layout will stretch. The masonry effect is retained, but anything with a definite size on that axis will not be stretched out of shape.

See the Pen Masonry align-tracks: stretch by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

The align-tracks and justify-tracks properties can take multiple values. One for each track in the grid axis. This means that in our four-track grid we could have the first track stretching, the second aligned to start, the third aligned to end, and the fourth aligned to center.

This did not seem to work at the time of writing in Firefox.

The spec details that if there are fewer values than tracks, the remaining tracks will use the final specified value. If there are more values than tracks, additional ones will be ignored.

Fallback Behavior

The inclusion of this feature into the grid specification has a definite benefit where creating a fallback layout is concerned. As masonry behaves in a similar way to auto-placement, if a browser doesn’t support masonry then regular auto-placement can be used instead. This is likely to create the gaps in the layout as seen in the earlier example, but is certainly not terrible.

You can see this in action by looking at any of the demos so far using a browser with no support for masonry. You still get a layout. If you wanted to do something entirely different then you could check for support for masonry with feature queries. You could perhaps do the layout with multicol for non-supporting browsers.

@supports (grid-template-rows: masonry) {
  /* masonry code here */

If the masonry layout is vital then you could check for masonry support using CSS.supports and only use the JavaScript masonry script if there is no support. This would mean that as browsers implement native masonry they would lose the overhead of the scripted version, but it would be there as a polyfill.

Potential Accessibility Concerns

While masonry in CSS is exciting, it is yet another place where content reordering and a disconnection of the document order from the visual order may happen. As I noted on a recent issue that was raised, I feel that we are creating exciting layout possibilities and then needing to tell people to be very careful how they use them.

I’ve written about this problem in Grid, content reordering, and accessibility. I hope that as we move forward with this specification, there are also renewed efforts to find a good way forward with regard to content vs. display order.

Your Feedback Is Needed

We are really lucky to not only have this new spec, but to have a browser implementation to test it in. If you have examples where you have used masonry, why not try replacing your JavaScript with the grid version and see if it works for you? If you run into problems or can’t do something you were able to do in your previous implementation, please let the CSSWG know by raising an issue.

While things are in an experimental state, this is your chance to help influence any changes and point out any problems. So please do, and help make this really great feature even better!

Editorial Design Patterns With CSS Grid And Named Columns

Editorial Design Patterns With CSS Grid And Named Columns

Editorial Design Patterns With CSS Grid And Named Columns

Rachel Andrew

Many websites, in particular those which display long-form content, have a fairly straightforward repeating pattern of components: a full-width area for images, a central content area, and perhaps a split view of two half-width blocks. These components repeat to display an article, images and other related content — with content editors selecting the right component as they create articles for publication.

In this article, I’m going to demonstrate an approach to this kind of editorial design, which builds on a few techniques some of which are discussed in the following articles:

In addition to this being a nice way to name sections of your layout, this technique exposes a whole bunch of interesting things about Grid Layout which you may find useful in creating your own layout patterns. It also demonstrates more of the promise of subgrid (a part of the upcoming Level 2 of the grid specification and being implemented in Firefox).

Naming Things In CSS Grid Layout

When using CSS Grid Layout, you can name lines and areas. Both of these things can make working with Grid — especially complex grids — more straightforward. Defining naming conventions for things in your layout can be useful when working with your team; it is much easier to understand where anything placed with grid-area: content will end up than having something placed from column-line: 3 / 9.

When using the grid-template-areas approach, you give the items that you want to place on the grid a name by using the grid-area property and then placing them around the grid. In the following example, the item with grid-area: content goes into the grid area defined by the grid-template-areas property:

See the Pen [Layout With Named Area]( by Rachel Andrew.

See the Pen Layout With Named Area by Rachel Andrew.

This works well for components where you have one item to go into one area; however, if you want to place multiple things into the content area (one below the other), using grid-area is the wrong approach. Instead, you might define names for the column lines and place the item from the start to end line.

See the Pen [Layout With Named Columns]( by Rachel Andrew.

See the Pen Layout With Named Columns by Rachel Andrew.

This isn’t as neat, however, when using the grid-area approach we have to know both the start and end line when placing an item using grid-column or grid-row — or do we?

Take a look at this next CodePen example. My items are placed using a single name or ident by using the grid-column property, even though some of the grid areas being targeted cross a number of columns:

See the Pen [Layout with Named Columns]( by Rachel Andrew.

See the Pen Layout with Named Columns by Rachel Andrew.

My aim here is to abstract away the complexity of the grid setup when actually using the grid. I can put a lot of work into creating the initial grid, but then place things without thinking too much about it as I populate my pages. I also want to make sure that we can repeat the components as often as we need to as we build up the article. What I have in mind is a content creator using a CMS, and creating blocks of content using the different patterns whilst knowing that they will be placed correctly one below the other on the overall grid.

In order to understand how I got to this point requires an understanding of a few things about CSS Grid Layout as well as named lines and areas.

We Can Name Lines

As you’ve already seen in my second example above, we can name lines on the grid that can be pretty much anything we like — other than the word span. The name is an ident rather than a string which is why it is not quoted.

However, you will see many examples where the naming conventions name-start and name-end are used that append -start onto the name of the start line and -end on the name of the end line. This is not purely convention and for the technique I am going to show you why we need to name our lines this way. So you should pick a name for the area you are describing, and then add the -start and -end suffixes — which need to match, of course!

We name our lines inside square brackets. Lines can (and often need to) have multiple names. In this case, space separates the names. When placing the items using line-based positioning, you can pick any name for the line to do the placement.

With our named lines in place, we could place our items using grid-column by specifying the start and end line name. This pattern is just the same as using line numbers, so the name before the slash is the start line and the name after is the end line.

See the Pen [Example using start and end lines]( by Rachel Andrew.

See the Pen Example using start and end lines by Rachel Andrew.

This places the items but isn’t the neat single name per item that I used in the example. However, we now have everything in place due to the special way that Grid handles named areas and lines.

Line Names Give Us A Named Area

Assuming you have named your lines with -start and -end as I have, Grid will give you a named area of the main name you used. Therefore, in my case, I have areas named content, start-half, end-half, full and center. Each of these areas is a single row (as I don’t have named rows), however, it will span the column tracks from the -start to the -end line.

Named Areas Give Us A Named Line Of The Main Name Used

If we want to be able to place our items as if we have a column name, we also need to make use of the fact that when we create a grid area, we get a line name of the main name used; that is, the main name being the name with -start and -end removed. This line name resolves to the start or end of the area depending on whether we are targeting grid-column-start or grid-column-end.

So, we have an area named content, because we have column lines named content-start and content-end. The area named content also gives us the ability to use grid-column-start: content which will resolve to the start line of that content area, while grid-column-end: content will resolve to the end line of the content area.

This, therefore, means that we can place an item into the content area by using the following:

.content {
    grid-column: content / content;

Next, we can now tidy up this technique further due to the fact that if you use a named line for grid-column-start and omit the end line (rather than spanning one track as would be the case if you used line numbers), grid copies the name over to the end line. Therefore, grid-column: content is exactly the same as grid-column: content / content;

This is then all we need to be able to place items using grid-column with a simple, single name. This behavior is all exactly as specified and not some kind of “hack”. It demonstrates the depth of thinking that went into the creation of the Grid Layout specification, and the amount of careful work that has gone into making it so straightforward to lay items out in our designs.

Giving This Technique Superpowers With Subgrid

I think this technique is a nice one that enables a very straightforward way of declaring where elements should be placed on the grid. However, if we add subgrid support to the mix, it becomes very powerful indeed.

Currently, subgrid is being implemented in Firefox, and so these next examples require Firefox Nightly to run. You can download Nightly here.

The subgrid value of grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows means that sizing created on a parent grid can be opted into by an item which is a child of the grid (assuming it is also using grid layout) by having display: grid applied.

Note: You can read more about the features of subgrid in my articles here on Smashing Magazine “CSS Grid Level 2: Here Comes Subgrid” and “Digging Into The Display Property: Grids All The Way Down”.

Line Names From The Parent Are Passed Into Subgrids

In addition to the track sizing information being passed into the child grid, any line names set on the parent will be passed in. This means that we can use our “column names” within subgridded components, making this solution very useful in a world where subgrid exists. An item placed in content — even if nested down inside subgrids — will line up with one placed as a direct child of the main grid.

In this next example, I have nested two elements directly inside the div with a class of full-2. I have also placed a ul inside .content. If we look at the items inside full-2, in order to place these on the parent grid, we need to make the selector full-2 a grid with display: grid then use the grid-template-columns property with a value of subgrid.

This causes the grid on .full-2 to use the tracks defined on the parent grid, and have access to the named lines defined there. As this is a full-width item, this really will behave just like the parent grid in terms of placing our items. We can then use any of the names we defined for the different columns to place the items. In this case, I have set both child elements to grid-column: center and they display one after the other in that center area.

.full-2 {
  grid-row: 4;
  grid-column: full;
  display: grid;
  row-gap: 10px;
  grid-template-columns: subgrid;

.full-2 > div {
  background-color: rgb(124,222,220);
  grid-column: center;
A set of boxes, one with other boxes nested instead
The nested elements line up with the grid on the parent (Large preview)

If we take a look at our nested ul inside .content, we will need to create a subgrid on the selector .content just as with the last example; when we do this, the ul falls into the first track of the subgrid. If we want to lay out the listen items on the subgrid, we need to do two things: cause the ul to take up the same area as its parent by placing it with grid-column: content, and then making it a grid which is a subgrid.

Having done this the list items will lay out using auto-placement into the column tracks of the subgrid:

.content {
  grid-row: 1;
  grid-column: content;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: subgrid;

.content ul {
  grid-column: content;
  display: grid;
  row-gap: 10px;
  grid-template-columns: subgrid;
A set of boxes, the nested boxes falling into the tracks of the grid
With auto-placement the items fall into the tracks of the parent (Large preview)

Once you have your grid, you can use the names from the parent in exactly the same way as before.

.content li:nth-child(1) {
  grid-column: center;

.content li:nth-child(2) {
  grid-column: start-half;

.content li:nth-child(3) {
  grid-column: end-half;

.content li:nth-child(4) {
  grid-column: content;
Screenshot of various boxes, which line up in columns
The completed subgrid layout (Large preview)

If you have Firefox Nightly, you can see the full demo in this CodePen example:

See the Pen [Naming Column and Subgrid]( by Rachel Andrew.

See the Pen Naming Column and Subgrid by Rachel Andrew.

You can keep “nesting’ subgrids into your markup structure like this, and each time the line names will be passed through. This is a feature that I think will be particularly useful.

When you create a subgrid, the line numbers correspond to the lines of the subgrid and not the parent grid. Therefore, if you do want to ensure that elements in the subgrid line up with the parent grid, then using line names or named areas (as shown in this example) will make that straightforward and logical.

Wrapping Up

You now know how to use this technique for your main grid, and hopefully, it won’t take too long before we start seeing support for subgrid in all browsers. It’ll enable techniques such as this one and make it incredibly powerful for us to use.

Smashing Editorial (il)

A Guide To CSS Support In Browsers

A Guide To CSS Support In Browsers

A Guide To CSS Support In Browsers

Rachel Andrew

We will never live in a world where everyone viewing our sites has an identical browser and browser version, just as we will never live in a world where everyone has the same size screen and resolution. This means that dealing with old browsers — or browsers which do not support something that we want to use — is part of the job of a web developer. That said, things are far better now than in the past, and in this article, I’m going to have a look at the different types of browser support issues we might run into. I’m going to show you some ways to deal with them, and also look at things which might be coming soon which can help.

Why Do We Have These Differences?

Even in a world where the majority of browsers are Chromium-based, those browsers are not all running the same version of Chromium as Google Chrome. This means that a Chromium-based browser such as Vivaldi, might be a few versions behind Google Chrome.

And, of course, users do not always quickly update their browsers, although that situation has improved in recent years with most browsers silently upgrading themselves.

There is also the manner in which new features get into browsers in the first place. It is not the case that new features for CSS are designed by the CSS Working Group, and a complete spec handed down to browser vendors with an instruction to implement it. Quite often it is only when an experimental implementation happens, that all the finer details of the specification can be worked out. Therefore, feature development is an iterative process and requires that browsers implement these specifications in development. While implementation happens these days most often behind a flag in the browser or available only in a Nightly or preview version, once a browser has a complete feature, it is likely to switch it on for everyone even if no other browser yet has support.

All this means that — as much as we might like it — we will never exist in a world where features are magically available on every desktop and phone simultaneously. If you are a professional web developer then your job is to deal with that fact.

Bugs vs. Lack Of Support

There are three issues that we face with regard to browser support:

  1. No Support Of A Feature
    The first issue (and easiest to deal with) is when a browser does not support the feature at all.
  2. Dealing With Browser “Bugs”
    The second is when the browser claims to support the feature, but does so in a way that is different to the way that other browsers support the feature. Such an issue is what we tend to refer to as a “browser bug” because the end result is inconsistent behavior.
  3. Partial Support Of CSS Properties
    This one is becoming more common; a situation in which a browser supports a feature — but only in one context.

It’s helpful to understand what you are dealing with when you see a difference between browsers, so let’s have a look at each of these issues in turn.

1. No Support Of A Feature

If you use a CSS property or value that a browser does not understand, the browser will ignore it. This is the same whether you use a feature that is unsupported, or make up a feature and try to use it. If the browser does not understand that line of CSS, it just skips it and gets on with the next thing it does understand.

This design principle of CSS means that you can cheerfully use new features, in the knowledge that nothing bad will happen to a browser that doesn’t have support. For some CSS, used purely as an enhancement, that is all you need to do. Use the feature, make sure that when that feature is not available the experience is still good, and that’s it. This approach is the basic idea behind progressive enhancement, using this feature of the platform which enables the safe use of new things in browsers which don’t understand them.

If you want to check whether a feature you are using is supported by browsers then you can look at the Can I Use website. Another good place to look for fine-grained support information is the page for each CSS property on MDN. The browser support data there tends to be very detailed.

New CSS Understands Old CSS

As new CSS features are developed, care is taken in terms of how they interact with existing CSS. For example, in the Grid and Flexbox specification, it is detailed in terms of how display: grid and display: flex deal with scenarios such as when a floated item becomes a grid item, or a multicol container is turned into a grid. This means that certain behaviors are ignored, helping you to simply overwrite the CSS for the nonsupporting browser. These overrides are detailed in the page for Progressive enhancement and Grid Layout on MDN.

Detecting Support With Feature Queries

The above method only works if the CSS you need to use does not need other properties to go along with it. You might need to add additional properties to your CSS for older browsers which would then also be interpreted by the browsers which support the feature too.

A good example of this can be found when using Grid Layout. While a floated item which becomes a grid item loses all float behavior, it is likely that if you are trying to create a fallback for a grid layout with float, you will have added percentage widths and possibly margins to the items.

.grid > .item {
    width: 23%;
    margin: 0 1%;
A four column layout
Using floats we can create a four column layout, widths and margins need to be set in %. (Large preview)

These widths and margins will then still apply when the floated item is a grid item. The width becomes a percentage of the grid track rather than the full width of the container; any margin will then be applied as well as a gap you may have specified.

.grid > .item {
    width: 23%;
    margin: 0 1%;

.grid {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
    column-gap: 1%;
A four column layout with squished columns
The width is now a percentage of the grid track — not the container. (Large preview)

Thankfully, there is a feature built into CSS and implemented into modern browsers which helps us deal with this situation. Feature Queries allow us to directly ask the browser what they support and then act on the response. Just like a Media Query — which tests for some properties of the device or screen — Feature Queries test for support of a CSS property and value.

Test For Support

Testing for support is the simplest case, we use @supports and then test for a CSS property and value. The content inside the Feature Query will only run if the browser responds with true, i.e. it does support the feature.

Test For No Support

You can ask the browser if it does not support a feature. In this case, the code inside the Feature Query will only run if the browser indicates it has no support.

@supports not (display: grid) {
    .item {
        /* CSS from browsers which do not support grid layout */
Test For Multiple Things

If you need more than one property to be supported, use and.

@supports (display: grid) and (shape-outside: circle()){
    .item {
        /* CSS from browsers which support grid and CSS shapes */

If you need support of one property or another, use or.

@supports (display: grid) or (display: flex){
    .item {
        /* CSS from browsers which support grid or flexbox */
Picking A Property And Value To Test For

You don’t need to test for every property you want to use — just something which would indicate support for the features you are planning to use. Therefore, if you want to use Grid Layout, you might test for display: grid. In the future (and once subgrid support lands in browsers), you might need to be more specific and test for subgrid functionality. In that case, you would test for grid-template-columns: subgrid to get a true response from only those browsers which had implemented subgrid support.

If we now return to our floated fallback example, we can see how feature queries will sort it out for us. What we need to do is to query the browser to find out if it supports grid layout. If it does, we can set the width on the item back to auto and the margin to 0.

.grid > .item {
    width: 23%;
    margin: 0 1%;

@supports(display: grid) {
    .grid {
        display: grid;
        grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
        column-gap: 1%;

    .grid > .item {
        width: auto;
        margin: 0;

Note that while I have included all of the grid code inside my feature query, I don’t need to. If a browser didn’t understand the grid properties it would ignore them so they could safely be outside of the feature query. The things that must be inside a feature query in this example are the margin and width properties, as these are needed for the old browser code but would also be applied by supporting browsers.

Embrace The Cascade

A very simple way to offer fallbacks is to utilize the fact that browsers ignore CSS that they don’t understand, and the fact that where everything else has equal specificity, source order is taken into account in terms of which CSS is applied to an element.

You first write your CSS for browsers which do not support the feature. Then test for support of property you want to use, if the browser confirms it has support overwrite the fallback code with your new code.

This is pretty much the same procedure that you might use when using media queries for responsive design, following a mobile-first approach. In that approach, you start with your layout for smaller screens, then add or overwrite things for larger ones as you move up through your breakpoints.

Can I Use CSS Feature Queries? Data on support for CSS Feature Queries across the major browsers from

The above way of working means that you do not need to worry about browsers which do not support Feature Queries. As you can see from Can I Use, Feature Queries have really great support. The standout browsers that do not support them being any version of Internet Explorer.

It is likely, however, that the new feature you want to use is also not supported in IE. So, at the present time you will almost always start by writing CSS for browsers without support, then you test with a Feature Query. This Feature Query should test for support.

  1. Browsers which support Feature Queries will return true if they have support and so the code inside the query will be used, overwriting the code for older browsers.
  2. If the browser supports Feature Queries but not the feature being tested, it will return false. The code inside the feature query will be ignored.
  3. If the browser does not support Feature Queries then everything inside the Feature Query block will be ignored, which means that a browser such as IE11 will use your old browser code, which is very likely exactly what you want!

2. Dealing With Browser “Bugs”

The second browser support issue is thankfully becoming less common. If you read “What We Wished For” (published at the end of last year), you can get a little tour into some of the more baffling browser bugs of the past. That said, any software is liable to have bugs, browsers are no exception. And, if we add to that the fact that due to the circular nature of specification implementation, sometimes a browser implemented something and then the spec changed so they now need to issue an update. Until that update ships, we might be in a situation where browsers do something different to each other.

Feature Queries can’t help us if the browser reports support of something supports it badly. There is no mode by which the browser can say, “Yes, but you probably won’t like it.” When an actual interoperability bug shows up, it is in these situations where you might need to be a little more creative.

If you think you are seeing a bug then the first thing to do is confirm that. Sometimes when we think we see buggy behavior, and browsers doing different things, the fault lies with us. Perhaps we have used some invalid syntax, or are trying to style malformed HTML. In those cases, the browser will try to do something; however, because you aren’t using the languages as they were designed, each browser might cope in a different way. A quick check that your HTML and CSS is valid is an excellent first step.

At that point, I’d probably do a quick search and see if my issue was already widely understood. There are some repos of known issues, e.g. Flexbugs and Gridbugs. However, even just a well-chosen few keywords can turn up Stack Overflow posts or articles that cover the subject and may hand you a workaround.

But let’s say you don’t really know what is causing the bug, which makes it pretty hard to search for a solution. So, the next step is to create a reduced test case of your issue, i.e. stripping out anything irrelevant to help you identify exactly what triggers the bug. If you think you have a CSS bug, can you remove any JavaScript, or recreate the same styling outside of a framework? I often use CodePen to pop together a reduced test case of something I am seeing; this has the added advantage of giving me the code in a way I can easily share with someone else if I need to ask about it.

Most of the time, once you have isolated the issue, it is possible to think up an alternate way of achieving your desired result. You will find that someone else has come up with a cunning workaround, or you can post somewhere to ask for suggestions.

With that said, if you think you have a browser bug and can’t find anyone else talking about the same issue, it is quite possible you have found something new that should be reported. With all of the new CSS that has landed recently, issues can sometimes show up as people start to use things in combination with other parts of CSS.

Check out this post from Lea Verou about reporting such issues, “Help The Community! Report Browser Bugs!”. The article also has great tips for creating a reduced test case.

3. Partial Support Of CSS Properties

The third type of issue has become more common due to the way that modern CSS specifications are designed. If we think about Grid Layout and Flexbox, these specs both use the properties and values in Box Alignment Level 3, to do alignment. Therefore, properties such as align-items, justify-content, and column-gap are specified to be used in both Grid and Flexbox as well as other layout methods.

At the time of writing, however, the gap properties work in Grid Layout in all grid-supporting browsers, and column-gap works in Multicol; however, only Firefox has implemented these properties for Flexbox.

If I were to use margins to create a fallback for Flexbox, then test for column-gap and remove the margins, my boxes will have no space between them in browsers which support column-gap in Grid or multicol, so my fallback spacing will be removed.

@supports(column-gap: 20px) {
    .flex {
        margin: 0; /* almost everything supports column-gap so this will always remove the margins, even if we do not have gap support in flexbox. */

This is a current limitation of Feature Queries. We don’t have a way to test for support of a feature in another feature. In the above situation, what I want to ask the browser is, “Do you have support for column-gap in Flexbox?” This way, I can get a negative response so I can use my fallback.

There is a similar issue with the CSS fragmentation properties break-before, break-after, and break-inside. As these have better support when the page is printed, browsers will often claim support. However, if you are testing for support in multicol, you get what appear to be false positives. I’ve raised an issue over at the CSS Working Group for this issue, however, it isn’t a straightforward problem to solve. If you have thoughts, please do add them there.

Testing For Selector Support

Currently, Feature Queries can only test for CSS Properties and Values. Another thing we might like to test for is the support of newer selectors, such as those in Level 4 of the Selectors specification. There is an explainer note and also an implementation behind a flag in Firefox Nightly of a new feature for Feature Queries which will achieve this.

If you visit about:config in Firefox and enable the flag layout.css.supports-selector.enabled then you can test to see if various selectors are supported. The syntax is currently very straightforward, for example to test for the :has selector:

@supports selector(:has){
  .item {
      /* CSS for support of :has */

This is a specification in development, however, you can see how features to help us manage the ever-present issues of browser support are being added as we speak.

Further Reading

It can seem frustrating when you want to use a feature and discover that it isn’t supported by one major browser, or if things seem to be behaving in different ways. I’ve rounded up some practical further reading that might help.

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