5 Things You Should Keep in Mind Before Starting a Website

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Starting a website can be a fun journey for some of the tech wizards out there, and a relative nightmare for the rest of us. So before you take a leap of faith and jump-start this project, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

1.   The aim matters

This is where it all begins, your vision. What is your website about? What is it that you would like for your website to showcase? What is the call-to-action you hope your website’s visitors to make? As you answer the above questions, you will be able to utilize every aspect of your website to serve your aim. Not only that, but it will provide you with a detailed action plan that sets the tone for your website and guides you towards what you need to do next.

2.   Domain made easy

There are tons of domain hosts out there waiting for you to take a step, but it all boils down to selecting the domain name. How do you want to be remembered and linked to your audience? It is always advisable to select an easy name. If not your brand, then go for something relevant to your business. And choose wisely because changing it later can be a real hassle. Opt for simple and direct words that can cross language barriers, especially if you’re aiming for international engagement.

3.   Design and Navigation

At this stage, you probably have visited many websites of similar businesses and have a clearer idea of what you want and what you don’t want. But sometimes you can have the aim clearly set and the domain name settled, but you end up baffled when it comes to designing the layout and creating a convenient site map. Rodney Warner, owner of Creative Web Design (https://connectivewebdesign.com/) says that creating a website might sound easy, but it takes a village working in six interchangeable phases to get a website ready to launch. Your website’s design is absolutely crucial in representing your brand, and it’s the most accurate expression of your business.

4.   Easy to find and load

A website that loads within fleeting seconds makes it easier for visitors to access. Having an efficiently reliable host can provide that for you in addition to optimizing the media included on your website. But you need to keep in mind that the CSS code should initially be built to facilitate the scaling of your website to every screen your visitors might access from. This can easily be attained through a free of charge website.

5.   Content

Content will follow smoothly as your vision starts to clear. But you can still be creative with it. If your website is about selling products, creating content that describes the different uses is important. But don’t just stick to written words, use demonstrations, and provide testimonials. If you’re going for blog posts, think of the categories and writing style and tone; do you want it sophisticated, easy tips and tricks, short or long blog posts? All of this can be determined as you surf the internet and evaluate what would attract your visitors the most.

A website is important to any business as it shapes the first impression, so it can make or break your brand reputation. Having a clear vision of your aim, desired layout, and a few tricks here and there to facilitate the access would mean more visitors within a short amount of time.

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