The HubSpot Blog’s 2024 Instagram Marketing Report [Data from 600+ Instagram Marketers]

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Sometimes, it feels like Instagram looks different every time I open the app—IGVT is long gone, and Reels and Shopping tools are now front and center. 

New Data: Instagram Engagement Report [Free Download]

These shifts align with the trends we saw in our 2024 Social Media Trends survey, but I wanted to dive deeper into Instagram research.

So, I asked another 600+ Instagram marketers in Jan. 2024 about how they’ll approach this changing platform in 2024. Here’s what I found. 

Table of Contents

Top Instagram Marketing Survey Findings

Based on our results, most Instagram marketers are already ahead of the game:

  • 88% say Instagram marketing has been effective for their company this year. 
  • 37% leverage Instagram Shopping tools.
  • 62% post video content on the platform and the content formats they use most are video-based.
  • Image posts have the highest ROI of any content format and get the most comments. 
  • Content that showcases a brand's products/services (demos, teasers, etc.) has the highest ROI of any content type. 
  • The best strategies to grow your following on Instagram are engaging with other users (follows, likes, etc.), partnering with influencers, and posting interactive and engaging Stories. 
  • Instagram marketers will prioritize increasing engagement (likes, comments, shares, etc.) in 2024 and creating content that encourages engagement. 
  • 13% use the app for customer service. 
  • 21% partner with influencers (or creators).

This was a top-level taste of the most important findings I gleaned from the survey. Now, I’ll dive deeper into the benchmarks that will help you see how your brand compares to the competition. 

Instagram Marketing Benchmarks To Know In 2024

1. Over half of branded Instagram accounts have between 100K-750K followers.

3% of our survey respondents have under 10,000 followers, while 11% have between 10K and 100K followers. 

The largest distribution of respondents have between 100K and 450K followers (48%). 

instagram research: how many instagram followers do you have

2. Most engagement comes from likes and comments.

Likes and comments are tied as the main ways followers engage with branded Instagram accounts. 

instagram research: top sources of instagram impressions

Shares take second place, followed by direct messages, which makes sense to me, considering the rise in consumers who seek customer service via DMs on the social channels they already use. 

Overall, marketers say that content that performs exceptionally well/goes viral always has engaging elements, whether simply encouraging discussion, easy shareability, or interactive elements.

Take a look at where the impressions came from on your top posts and look for any patterns you can turn into a consistent strategy to recreate your success.

3. Most accounts have major YoY follower growth.

61% of respondents told us that the follower count of the accounts they manage has increased from 2023 to 2024. Just 10% say follower count has decreased. 

How have follower counts changed on your Instagram channels

This is a change from the last time we ran this survey in 2021 when less than half of business accounts said follower counts increased.

Part of this change can likely be attributed to the rise of social shopping — in the past three months, Instagram is the second most popular app consumers have used to make an in-app purchase. 

Now that we’ve reviewed some benchmarks, I’ll discuss goals and strategies.

Instagram Marketing Strategies

Top Strategies and Goals of Instagram Marketers

Instagram marketers' top goals on the platform in 2024 are increasing engagement (likes, comments, etc.), advertising their products/services, increasing brand awareness/reaching new audiences, and improving customer service/retention. 

primary goals of instagram marketers

Let’s talk about each of these goals in terms of how they relate to Instagram’s changing platform.

1. Increasing Engagement (Likes, Comments, Shares, etc.)

Since increasing engagement is marketers' primary goal, it’s not surprising that the most popular marketing strategy is interacting with audiences (like replying to comments) because that’s exactly how you increase engagement. 

graph displaying the most popular instagram strategies in 2024

It’s also no surprise that the strategy to get the most investment in 2024 is creating content that encourages engagement and that this offers the highest ROI. 

graph displaying instagram strategies with the highest ROI

The Importance of Interacting With Your Audience

There are various ways for you to interact with your audience, from simple reactions to comments and DMs.

However you go about it, I recommend taking the time to engage with your followers to strengthen the bond they have with your brand. But, interaction is a two-way street, so you’ll want to create content that encourages engagement.

2. Advertising Products/Services

Advertising products/services is the #2 goal for 2024, and marketers will accomplish this by creating content that showcases their products/services.

I’ll talk a bit more about high-performing content later, but here’s a sneak peek: content that showcases products and services offers the highest ROI of any content type.

bar graph displaying the content types that have the highest performance on Instagram

3. Increasing Brand Awareness/Reaching New Audiences

Increasing brand awareness is Instagram marketers' third most important goal in 2024. 

My top recommendation for increasing brand awareness is to have a consistent schedule and presence on the platform so you are more likely to be seen.

The data recommends sharing video posts (they get the most reach/impressions) and image posts (which get the most shares).

instagram research

4. Increasing Customer Service on the App 

Fostering meaningful relationships with consumers is one of the biggest benefits of having a brand presence on social media, so it’s no surprise that improving customer service and retention is a top goal for marketers in 2024. 

Sure, customer service might not seem like your job, but since consumers are shopping on social media more than ever, they expect to get service on the platforms they already use to make purchases. 

To strengthen the case for providing customer service on the app, I found that marketers who rate their strategies as very effective are more likely to use Instagram for customer service than those who report the opposite. 

5. Building Relationships and Community with Engaging Content

Marketers want to build relationships and community, and they’ll do it by creating engaging content. And, creating content that encourages engagement is receiving the most investment from marketers in 2024, with 37% planning to invest more in it than any other strategy.

graph displaying instagram strategies with the highest ROI

Going out of your way to connect with those in your digital community, especially when you aren’t trying to sell them anything, can help foster a deep relationship between them and your brand.

6. Gaining Revenue With Instagram Shopping Tools

Instagram Shopping tools are still evolving, but 71% of social media marketers who sell products directly within the app say its social shopping features have high ROI. 

37% of marketers currently use shoppable posts or other Instagram Shops features. A majority say that 25-50% of clicks on shopping/linked posts lead to purchases.

And the same percentage of clicks lead to non-purchase-related conversions (like form submissions), which can help you nurture leads into paying customers. 


What’s more, consumers are using the platform to make purchases; 46% say they’ve made a purchase on Instagram in the past three months, and it has the second-best in-app shopping experience. 

To round it out, marketers using Instagram shopping tools are likelier to say that their Instagram strategy has been very effective this year. 

Featured Resource: To learn more about selling on Instagram, I recommend downloading our 2024 Instagram Engagement Report.

7. Including Calls to Action in Content

We asked Instagram marketers whether asking followers to “like,” “share,” or “save” their content is most effective at triggering the algorithm to promote their content, as these are among some of the top metrics Instagram monitors.

Here are the results:

the most effective CTA type on Instagram

While Instagram marketers rank likes at #1, shares second, and saves last, I can also make a case for viewing it differently. 

To explain why, consider your behavior when on Instagram.

If you’re like me, you probably give out likes mindlessly while scrolling through your feed, but how often are you sharing content to your story or in chats with friends? How often are you saving posts to look at later? Those pieces of content are probably much more carefully selected.

When we share posts on Instagram, we are telling others that we found the content so valuable that we couldn’t help but share it with them - the algorithm picks up on this. Sharing also gets bonus points because it inherently exposes more people to a piece of content.

Similarly, when saving content, we tell the algorithm that we found it so valuable that we want to bookmark it for future reference.

So while all three of these are the most important metrics Instagram tracks, I would prioritize saving, sharing, or even commenting in your call-to-actions ahead of asking for likes.

Strategies Marketers Aren't Using in 2024

Affiliate marketing campaigns, contests/giveaways, and user-generated content are among the least used Instagram strategies, receiving the lowest investments in 2024. 

If you're having difficulty building an effective UGC, affiliate marketing, or giveaway plan, consider alternatives, like partnering with influencers in your niche who can generate authentic content for your brand to establish social proof and spread awareness.

And it will pay off, as marketers told us influencer marketing offered the third-highest ROI. 

While these strategies can still be successful and valuable to some brands, marketers we surveyed say they are not as effective as the other strategies we asked about.

Another strategy receiving lower investments is hashtags, but despite this, I still recommend using them because they help increase brand awareness and reach new audiences. 

Leveraging Hashtags

Hashtags have been around on Instagram since 2011, and they work in terms of increasing brand awareness and reaching new audiences.

However, Hashtags have dropped in popularity, and they’re at the bottom of the list of Instagram strategies marketers plan to invest in in 2024. 

So, here’s the important data I have about using them on Instagram. 

How Many Hashtags Should You Use on Instagram?

Our survey shows that when they use hashtags, a majority of marketers use between 9 and 11 hashtags (19%). Only 3% use between 27 and 30 (30 is the maximum amount).

how many hashtags should you use on Instagram?

And, when you do use them, leverage a mix of niche and general hashtags. For example, a specific hashtag like #Dachshunds and broader ones like #Dogs can help you attract a wider audience. 

Marketers say that hashtags have the most impact on comments and impressions, meaning that they can help increase brand awareness and visibility. 

We’ve gone over goals and strategies; now let's talk about the most effective formats.

Which Instagram formats are most effective?

The most popular formats/features among Instagram marketers are image posts, videos, and Stories. 

most popular formats/features on instagram

Fun Fact: The last time we ran this survey, live video was the most popular format, but it’s now the least leveraged. 

Image Posts

Image posts have the highest ROI, and marketers who use them say they make up most of their content mix (67% of posts are image posts).  Marketers also share image posts multiple times per week.


Video Posts

62% of marketers share video content on Instagram and say 59% of their content mix consists of videos they post multiple times per week. 

Videos get the most likes of any other format.

Instagram Stories

48% of Instagram marketers leverage Instagram Stories, and the feature makes up 43% of their content mix. Out of the most common engagement metrics, Instagram Stories bring in the most DMs. 

Marketers who leverage Stories say they share them multiple times per week (33%) — 14% post multiple times per day. 

how often should you post instagram stories

When you do post them, how long should your Stories be? 75% of marketers say their audience watches 4-9 before dropping off, with only 7% saying their audience watches the entire Story regardless of length. 

We also asked about the ideal number of stories to have up at once — 74% of Instagram marketers say 4-9 stories is best.

Curious about which story types are most engaging? Check out this post.

Instagram Reels

37% of Instagram marketers use Instagram Reels, making up more than a quarter of their content mix. 

The frequency of posting varies, with a majority posting multiple times per week (31%). 25% post Reels once a day.

graph displaying how often to post instagram reels

Reels fall towards the middle of the pack across engagement metrics, but I think the feature provides unique brand opportunities. 

For example, brands and influencers focused on it have seen major benefits to leveraging it. For example, my teammate Caroline Forsey spoke with with Kar Brulhart, who has organically grown her Instagram account from zero to 45,000+ viewers in under ten months using Reels.

She told Caroline about the incredible opportunity Reels presents for Instagram marketers:

 "I went from less than 2,000 followers in February 2020 to over 15,000 the next month through Reels, because Instagram is pushing Reels to new audiences. And 75% of the people who find my account are coming from Reels — compared to Stories and posts."

Considering the popularity of short-form videos and the emphasis Instagram places on Reels, I recommend giving the format a shot. They’re relatively easy to make and can also provide a boost in exposure.

Which types of content perform best on Instagram?

The most popular content types on Instagram are content that showcases a brand's products/services (demos, teasers, etc.), funny content, relatable and authentic content, and content that reflects a brand’s values (like social responsibility). 

When it comes to ROI, the top three remain the same, but behind-the-scenes content (like meet-the-team videos) takes fourth place.


Content Centered Around A Brand’s Products/Services

49% of our survey respondents share content centered around a brand’s products/services and say it has the highest ROI. 

I’m not surprised: marketers' #2 goal in 2024 is advertising their products and services, and, well, they act on that goal by sharing content centered around their products/services.

Funny Content

Funny content has the second-highest performance on the app, and it’s most popular among B2C and D2C businesses.

Also no surprise there, as consumers say funny content is the most memorable type of content brands can post on social media. 


Relatable Content

Relatable content offers the third-highest ROI, likely because of consumer preference. Audiences care more that the content they see is authentic and relatable than having a high production value.

Content That Reflects Brand Values

Content that reflects brand values is the most popular content type in our social media trends survey this year, and 35% of Instagram marketers use it. 

53% of social media marketers plan to increase their investment in this content type this year and say it offers the second-highest ROI of all content types. 

Behind-the-Scenes Content and Interactive Content

29% and 28% (respectively) of Instagram marketers share behind-the-scenes and interactive content, and usage of both is growing in 2024. 

While knowing what type of content to post on Instagram is helpful, it’s only part of the equation. An optimized Instagram marketing strategy also includes the ideal days and times to post based on what brings in the most engagement.

In fact, just 9% of our survey respondents told us that this kind of optimization has no noticeable impact on performance. 

According to marketers, the best day to post is Friday between 6-9PM. Sundays also bring in high performance, and you’ll find success between 12-3PM and 6-9PM on most other days.

ROI of Instagram Marketing

How do marketers look at the overall ROI of their presence on Instagram? 

I asked marketers about what they look at to determine overall ROI, and the most important metric is revenue/sales of products within the Instagram app. That’s followed by the amount of leads and conversions driven from Instagram. 

Regardless of the metrics you prefer, your followers are the true drivers of your success on the app. Let’s go over the top strategies for growing your following on Instagram.

Instagram Audience Growth Benchmarks

How Brands Grow Instagram Audiences

The best strategies for growing your following on Instagram are engaging with other users, partnering with influencers, and posting interactive and engaging Instagram Stories. 

most effective strategies for growing your Instagram following

Partnering with brands/accounts with similar audiences is #4, and it’s a growth driver because you gain exposure to audiences who might not yet know about you but are likely interested in your content. 

Another powerful growth strategy is diversifying your content to resonate with a wider audience. You’ll also want to study your audience for trends and create targeted content to attract others with similar interests. 

Those are the best strategies for growing your following, but I also asked marketers what methods to use to reach your first thousand followers, and the results show key differences.

How To Get Your First 1,000 Instagram Followers

Earning your first 1,000 followers on Instagram is a massive milestone, and 78% of Instagram marketers I surveyed have been part of growing an account to 1K followers.

According to them, setting a regular posting schedule, customizing your profile, and writing engaging shareable captions are key to reaching your first 1K followers. 

strategies brands used to get their first 1000 followers

Remember that the formats most effective at getting shares are image posts, video posts, and Reels. 

How long does it take to reach 1,000 followers on Instagram?

Most marketers say it takes 4-6 months to reach 1K followers on Instagram. Only 17% reached that in under a month, and just 1% took over a year.

But just as you gain followers, it’s also possible to lose them. Let’s take a look at what has caused Instagram marketers to lose followers, so you can avoid those mistakes.

What causes Instagram marketers to lose followers?

Not posting enough and being too “sales-y” are the top culprits when losing followers. Nearly a quarter of respondents report losing followers from not using a consistent aesthetic/voice and Instagram removing bot followers. 

Lastly, using “banned” hashtags can result in your posts being hidden. You can check if a hashtag is banned by searching it on Instagram and looking at the top or most recent posts -- if those sections come up empty, it’s likely banned.

what strategies cause you to lose followers on Instagram?

Next, let’s take a look at whether Instagram marketers are leveraging organic or paid media on the platform, and which performs better.

Organic vs. Paid Instagram Content

Most marketers (46%) use organic content over paid (16%) content, and 38% use both. 

organic vs. paid engagement

Those who use a mix of both say organic content is more effective for reaching business goals and gaining followers. 

Instagram Marketing Challenges

We have an entire article about Instagram marketers' challenges, but I’ll give you a sneak peek at that data here. 

Survey respondents told us that the greatest challenges with Instagram marketing are driving traffic to their site, driving purchases/revenue, and increasing brand awareness/reaching new audiences. 

If these resonate, take a look at this piece to see how to overcome them.

Setting Effective and Ineffective Instagram Marketers Apart

I asked marketers whether their Instagram marketing strategies have been effective or ineffective this year and cut the data by the two separate groups and strategies they use. Here are some of the biggest differentiators:

what sets effective and ineffective strategies apart on instagram

As we end this post, here are a few themes we've picked up from the chart above and the overall results of our survey:

  • Video is key: Instagram is constantly evolving to welcome more and more video formats. While you don't need to create a large live video event, consider starting small with Reels as it is being favored by consumers and the Instagram algorithm. But, don’t forget about the original Instagram content format: Images.
  • Engage constantly: Whether you're responding to their comments, exchanging DMs, or creating content that sparks a conversation – it's important to ensure that your Instagram strategy caters to your audience and meets them where they are.
  • Social Shopping is the future: Shopping on social media is the future of e-commerce, and Instagram is a great place to do it. With a handful of shopping tools to choose from, there is no better time to get started.
  • Use Instagram for customer service: Using Instagram for customer service is a quick and convenient way to answer customers’ most pressing questions, and marketers who use it see high ROI.

More of Our Instagram Marketing Research

Check out these posts for a deeper dive as well as tips and tricks related to our Instagram marketing data.

Interested in learning even more about Instagram marketing and engagement from some of our expert partner brands? Be sure to download the free resource below.

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: A Beginner’s Guide

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Keyword research has remained a constant in a rapidly changing search landscape. If you’re an inbound marketer looking to optimize your website, understanding how to do keyword research is a must.

Download Now: Keyword Research Template [Free Resource]

In this post, we’ll define what keyword research is, why it’s important, how to conduct your research for your SEO strategy, and how to choose the right keywords for your website.

Table of Contents

Why is keyword research important?

Keyword research helps you find your SEO sweet spot — the overlap of keywords that aren’t too hard to rank for and keywords that you can confidently produce excellent content on. It also identifies the queries that your target audience is actually searching on Google.

I talked to HubSpot Growth Manager Amal Kalepp, who says that keyword research “determines who your competitors are and which area of the search landscape you can rank for. Doing keyword research and understanding where your blog or website sweet spot is — that’s what gives you rankability.”

“Doing keyword research and understanding where your blog or website sweet spot is — that’s what gives you rankability.—Amal Kalepp, Growth manager, HubSpot.”

Insights from actual search terms can inform your content strategy as well as your larger marketing strategy.

Your Purranormal Detective Agency may have the best ghost-detecting kittens in the business, but if nobody’s searching for “cat paranormal detective” (they aren’t; I checked), you aren’t going to have much luck — or traffic — if you base your content strategy on that keyword.

Your SEO Sweet Spot. Two overlapping circles. One says “Keywords that aren’t too hard to rank for” and the other says, “Keywords that you can confidently produce excellent content on.” The overlap says, “Insights that will inform your content strategy.”

People use keywords to find solutions when conducting research online, so if your content successfully gets in front of your audience, you stand to gain more traffic.

Therefore, you should be targeting those searches with content that features those keywords in a meaningful way.

Additionally, inbound methodology focuses less on creating content around what we want to tell people. Instead, we should be creating content around what people want to discover.

In other words, our audience is coming to us for helpful content that provides the answers they’re looking for. And it all begins with keyword research.

Benefits of Keyword Research

Conducting keyword research has many benefits, the most popular being:

Marketing Trend Insight

Conducting effective keyword research can provide insights into current marketing trends and help you center your content on relevant topics and keywords your audience is looking for.

Traffic Growth

When you identify the best-fitting keywords for the content you publish, the higher you’ll rank in search engine results — and the more traffic you’ll attract to your website.

Customer Acquisition

If your content meets the needs of your users, adding a strong call-to-action will lead them into the buyer journey from the awareness stage to the point of purchase.

By researching keywords for their popularity, search volume, and general intent, you can tackle the questions that most people in your audience want answers to.

For instance, the Purranormal Detective Agency would do better to produce excellent content on the broader topic of paranormal investigators, which has a monthly search volume (MSV) of 800.

Keywords vs. Topics

“Search intent” is something I frequently hear about from HubSpot SEOs. That’s because the reason a user types in a particular keyword matters — a lot.

Our content has to solve users’ problems. If you found your way to this article via the search term “SEO keyword strategy,” we have to anticipate your questions on this topic. And then answer them.

SEO is evolving at breakneck speed, but keyword research is still foundational to search intent. It tells you what topics people care about and how popular those topics actually are among your audience.

The operative term here is “topics,” plural. By researching keywords with a high volume of monthly searches, you can identify and sort your content into topics or buckets that you’ll use to create content.

Then you can use these topics to dictate which keywords you look for and target.

Elements of Keyword Research

There are three main elements to conducting keyword research.

1. Relevance

Google ranks content for relevance.

This is where the concept of search intent comes in. Your content will only rank for a keyword if it meets the searchers’ needs.

In addition, your content must be the best resource for the query — Google won’t rank your content as highly if it doesn’t provide better value than its competitors.

If you’re starting an SEO business specializing in small businesses, you might assume that “SEO tips for small businesses” would be the most relevant keyword. But take a look at the Ahrefs keyword research dashboard:

Screencap of Ahrefs results for the keyword “SEO tips for small businesses.”

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“SEO tips for small businesses” has an MSV of 300 and a high keyword difficulty. Its parent topic, “small business SEO,” has an MSV of 2,500 and a very high keyword difficulty.

2. Authority

Google provides more weight to sources it deems authoritative.

You can become an authoritative source by enriching your site with helpful, informative content and promoting that content to earn social signals and backlinks.

Both and the HubSpot Blog are well-established sites, and we work hard to make sure we provide the content our readers are searching for. As a result, the root domain and subdomain have very high domain authority:

Screencap of Moz’s link explorer results for “Domain authority: 93. Linking domains: 222.1K. Inbound links: 9.8m. Ranking keywords: 628.9K.”

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Screencap of Moz’s link explorer results for “Domain authority: 93. Linking domains: 408.2K. Inbound links: 909.4m. Ranking keywords: 803.3K.”

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If you’re not seen as authoritative in the space, or if a keyword’s SERPs are loaded with heavy sources you can’t compete with (like Forbes or The Mayo Clinic), you have a lower chance of ranking.

3. Volume

You might rank on the first page for a specific keyword, but if no one ever searches for it, you won’t see any traffic. It's like setting up a shop in a ghost town.

Volume is measured by MSV (monthly search volume), which means the number of times the keyword is searched per month across all audiences.

Compare Ahrefs’ results for “cat detective agency” versus “paranormal investigator”:

Screencap of Ahrefs results for the keyword “cat detective agency.”

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Screencap of Ahrefs results for the keyword “paranormal investigators.”

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Even though kitten detectives are your business’ differentiating factor, absolutely not a single soul is trying to locate a cat who can sniff out their resident poltergeist.

“Paranormal investigators” isn’t a wildly popular search term, but it gets significantly more volume than “cat detective agency,” so it’s a much better keyword to try to rank for.

Kalepp says that one of the common mistakes people make is assuming that a higher MSV is better. “‘Instagram marketing’ might seem like the best choice to rank for because it has millions of searches,” she says. “But it makes it much more difficult to rank for that.”

“You might have better luck with something like ‘Instagram marketing for small businesses’ — and then that can be your niche.”

She says that you could get “a lot more traffic ranking for a keyword that has a lower MSV and lower competition” than one with a high MSV.

I’m going to lay out a keyword research process you can follow to help you come up with a list of terms you should be targeting.

That way, you’ll be able to establish and execute a strong keyword strategy that helps you get found for the search terms you care about.

Step 1. Make a list of important, relevant topics based on what you know about your business.

To kick this off, think about the topics you want to rank for in terms of generic buckets.

You’ll come up with about five to 10 topic buckets you think are essential to your business, and then you’ll use those topic buckets to help come up with some specific keywords later in the process.

If you’re a regular blogger, these are probably the topics you blog about most frequently. Or perhaps they’re the topics that come up the most in sales conversations.

Put yourself in the shoes of your buyer personas. What types of topics would your target audience search that you’d want your business to get found for?

List of keywords and respective MSV via

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HubSpot, for example, might have general topic buckets like:

The number in parentheses is the MSV, according to Ahrefs.

That data allows you to gauge how important these topics are to your audience and how many different sub-topics you need to create content on to be successful with that keyword.

Screencap of Ahrefs results for the keyword “CRM software.”

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To learn more about these sub-topics, we move on to step two.

Step 2. Fill in those topic buckets with keywords.

Now that you have a few topic buckets you want to focus on, it’s time to identify some keywords that fall into those buckets.

These are keyword phrases you think are important to rank for in the SERPs (search engine results pages) because your target customer is probably conducting searches for those specific terms.

For instance, if I took that last topic bucket for an inbound marketing software company — “marketing automation” — I’d brainstorm some keyword phrases I think people would type in related to that topic.

Those might include:

  • AI marketing tools
  • marketing automation tools
  • how to use marketing automation software
  • what is marketing automation?
  • how to tell if I need marketing automation software
  • lead nurturing
  • email marketing automation
  • top automation tools

The point of this step isn’t to come up with your final list of keyword phrases; you just want a brain dump of phrases you think potential customers might use to search for content related to that particular topic bucket.

We’ll narrow the lists down later so you don’t have something too unwieldy.

Keep in mind that Google is encrypting more keywords every day, so another smart way to generate keyword ideas is to determine which keywords already bring users to your website.

To do this, you’ll need website analytics software like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, or HubSpot’s Sources report, which are available in the Traffic Analytics tool.

Get started with HubSpot's free Traffic Analytics Tool.

Drill down into your website’s traffic sources and sift through your organic search traffic bucket to identify the keywords people use to arrive at your site.

Repeat this exercise for as many topic buckets as you have.

Remember, if you’re having trouble brainstorming with relevant search terms, you can always head on over to your customer-facing colleagues in sales or service. Ask them what types of terms their prospects or customers have questions about.

Those are often great starting points for keyword research.

Here at HubSpot, we use the Search Insights Report. This template is designed to help you do the same and bucket your keywords into topic clusters, analyze MSV, and inform your editorial calendar and strategy.

Featured Resource: Search Insights Report Template

keyword research - search insights report template

Download the Template

Step 3. Understand how intent affects keyword research and analyze accordingly.

User intent is now one of the most pivotal factors in your ability to rank well on search engines like Google.

That means it’s vital that your web page addresses the problem a searcher wants to solve rather than simply including the keyword the searcher used.

So, how does this affect your keyword research?

It’s tempting to take keywords at face value, but they can have many different meanings.

And because the intent behind a search is so important to your ranking potential, you need to be extra careful about how you interpret the keywords you target.

Let’s say you’re researching the keyword “how to start a blog” for an article you want to create. “Blog” can mean a blog post or the blog website itself, and the searcher’s intent behind that keyword will influence the direction of your article.

Does the searcher want to learn how to start an individual blog post? Or do they want to know how to launch a website domain for a new blog?

If your content strategy only targets people interested in the latter, you’ll need to determine the keyword’s intent before using it.

To verify a user’s intent, it’s a good idea to simply enter this keyword into a search engine yourself and see what types of results come up.

I did a quick search for “how to start a blog,” and it looks like most users are searching for info on how to start a website with a blog, not an individual blog post:

Google search results for “how to start a blog.”

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Make sure the type of content Google is displaying relates to your intention for the keyword.

Step 4. Research related search terms.

This is a creative step you may have already thought of when doing keyword research. If not, it’s a great way to fill out those lists.

If you’re struggling to think of more keywords people might be searching about a specific topic, take a look at the related search terms that appear when you plug a keyword into Google.

I searched Google for “AI search grader,” a new free product from HubSpot. At the bottom of the first page, I can see that users are also searching specifically for a free AI search grader.

List of search terms people use who have also searched for “AI search grader.”

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These keywords can spark ideas for other keywords you may want to take into consideration.

Want a bonus? Type in some of those related search terms and look at their related search terms. Looking at the related search terms for “AI search grader free,” I can see that people are also searching for the best AI search grader.

Alt text: List of search terms people use who have also searched for “free AI search grader.”

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Step 5. Use keyword research tools to your advantage.

Keyword research and SEO tools can help you brainstorm more keyword ideas based on exact-match keywords and phrase-match keywords based on the ideas you’ve generated up to this point.

Some of the most popular ones include:

1. Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

Some of the best SEO reports and keyword research I’ve seen have come from SEO experts using Ahrefs Keywords Explorer.

Screencap of Ahrefs’ keyword explorer tool.

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Their webmaster tools offer plenty of detail into any verified domains you own if you’re looking for an overview of backlinks and organic keywords.

2. SE Ranking

I found SE Ranking was not quite as user-friendly to dive into as some of the other options.

When I typed in my keyword “keyword research,” I was prompted to set up a free seven-day trial, and it immediately asked for the domain I wanted to track.

Screencap of SE Ranking’s keyword suggestion tool.

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While it gave me some good intro data, I had to do some digging to get to the keyword research and keyword suggestion tools. However, when I found them, the resulting data was comprehensive and gave me lots of great ideas.

It’s free and doesn’t require setting up an account.

3. SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool

Semrush is one of the most comprehensive SEO companies out there, so I wasn’t surprised to find that their keyword magic tool was comprehensive as well.

Screencap of SEMrush’s keyword magic tool.

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While you do need to set up an account, it’s free. Then, you can type in your keyword, get a list of similar keywords, and sort based on how specific you need your results to be.

4. Ubersuggest

I’ve been a fan of Ubersuggest for quite some time. You get up to three free searches a day, and it’s so easy to use.

Screencap of Ubersuggest’s keyword research tool.

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In addition to finding out specific keyword performance, you can find related keywords and do a quick reverse search to find out what your site is already ranking for.

It’s one of the easiest, most comprehensive free options, if you don’t mind the limitations of the free searches.

5. Free Keyword Research Tool

I found Ryrob’s keyword research tool easy to use. When I plugged “keyword research” into the “Explorer” tab as my keyword, it gave me several related keywords that could be solid blog topics.

Screencap of Free Keyword Research Tool.

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Then, when I shifted to the “Ideas” tab, it gave me other keyword cluster ideas that are more likely to be specific search terms that I might want to include in future articles on keyword research.

6. Google Keyword Planner

Google’s tools are always gold. They’re free, and it’s always good to get the info straight from the horse’s mouth. Once you sign in with your Google account, you can search for keyword ideas based on the keyword or your website.

Screencap of Google Keyword Planner.

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7. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere comes highly recommended, but it’s not a free tool.

Screencap of Keywords Everywhere.

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It’s a browser extension and it takes a little more setup than browser-based options. The lowest price tier, “bronze,” is $2.25/month and limits you to 100K keywords annually.

Since it’s a browser extension, every time I do a Google search, I get data about related keywords and similar searches, which gives me lots of ideas for new content.

For the price and the detail, it’s one of my favorite tools.


Using is exactly what they promise in the headline. When I typed in “keyword research,” I got a list of 502 keyword ideas.

Screencap of

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Although I only see search volume, trend, CPC, and competition for the first five, I can see all of the keywords, which provides a solid search starting point.

9. KWFinder

KWFinder is another easy tool. While I quickly found that an account is needed to get started, it’s free and quite easy to dive in. I was able to quickly start finding the top keywords.

Screencap of KWFinder.

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When I plugged in a handful of keywords into, after doing a quick “Are you a human?” check, the monthly search volume immediately popped out.

Screencap of

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A quick cross-comparison with other tools showed that the data was consistent with other platforms.

11. Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker by SEO PowerSuite is a solid tool for monitoring SERP data and doing keyword research.

There are a lot of great features, but Rank Tracker works best as a tool to rank relevant keywords, identify keyword gaps, and autocomplete phrases on different search engine tools.

Screencap of Rank Tracker.

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Rank Tracker allows you to see all the phrases a particular domain ranks for, along with search volumes and keyword difficulty.

Their keyword gap tool allows you to determine which keywords competing websites are ranking for that you might be missing out on.

Rank Tracker also integrates with Google Search Console and Keyword Planner, providing a free version for unlimited testing.

Once you have an idea of the keywords that you want to rank for, now it's time to refine your list based on the best ones for your strategy. Here’s how.

Step 1. Use Google Keyword Planner to cut down your keyword list.

In Google’s Keyword Planner, you can get search volume and traffic estimates for keywords you’re considering. Then, take the information you learn from Keyword Planner and use Google Trends to fill in some blanks.

Screencap of Google Keyword Planner for the keyword “AI marketing software.”

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Use the Keyword Planner to flag any terms on your list that have way too little (or way too much) search volume and don’t help you maintain a healthy mix like we talked about above.

But before you delete anything, check out their trend history and projections in Google Trends. You can see whether you should invest in some low-volume terms now so you can reap the benefits later.

Or perhaps you’re just looking at a list of terms that is way too unwieldy, and you have to narrow it down somehow. Google Trends can help you determine which terms are trending upward and are worth more of your focus.

Step 2. Prioritize low-hanging fruit.

That is, prioritize keywords that you have a chance of ranking for based on your website’s authority.

Large companies typically go after high search volume keywords, and since these brands are well established already, Google typically rewards them with authority over many topics.

You can also consider keywords that have little competition. Keywords that don’t already have multiple articles battling for the highest rank can afford you the spot by default — if there’s no one else trying to claim it.

Screencap of Google Keyword Planner for the keyword “paranormal investigator.”

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Step 3. Check the monthly search volume (MSV) for keywords you’ve chosen.

You want to write content around what people want to discover, and checking MSV can help you do just that. Monthly search volume is the number of times a search query or keyword is entered into search engines each month.

Here are the results from Ahrefs on “SEO keyword strategy,” which has an MSV of 400:

Screencap of Ahrefs’ results for “SEO keyword strategy.”

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Tools like or Google Trends can help you find the most searched keywords for related keyword clusters for free.

Step 4. Factor in SERP features as you choose keywords.

There are several SERP feature snippets that Google will highlight if used correctly.

An easy way to find out about them is to look up keywords and see what the first result looks like.

But for a quick overview of the types of SERP featured snippets, we’ll summarize the more common ones here — you can read about all 22 of them on Google.

Image Packs

Image packs are search results displayed as a horizontal row of images that appear in an organic position. If there’s an image pack, you should write an image-heavy post to win placement in it.

For instance, here’s the image pack for “cat detective agency”:

Screencap of Google image snippet for “cat detective agency.” Three images of a cartoon labeled “Hidden Cats Detective Agency.”

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AI Overviews

A relatively recent addition to Google’s rich results, AI Overviews provides an AI-written summary for a certain percentage of searches. (That percentage has changed a few times to meet the demand for accuracy.)

Screencap of Google’s AI Overviews’ definition of rich results, “enhanced search results that appear on Google’s search engine results page (SERP).”

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Paragraph Snippets

Featured snippets, or paragraph snippets, are short snippets of text that appear at the top of Google search results for quick answers to common search queries. I asked Google, “Where do elephants live?” and it returned this featured snippet:

Screencap of featured snippet for the search, “Where do elephants live?” “African elephants live in diverse habitats including wetlands, forest, grasslands, savanna, and desert across 37 countries in southern, eastern, western, and central Africa.”

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Understanding the searcher’s intent and providing succinct answers can help you win a featured snippet.

List Snippets

List snippets, or listicles, are snippets made for posts outlining steps to do something from start to finish — often for “How To” searches. Writing posts with direct, clear instructions and formatting can assist in winning this placement.

List snippet. “The 7 Best SEO Courses & Certifications.”

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Video Snippets

Video snippets are short videos that Google displays at the top of a SERP in place of text-based featured snippets.

Screencap of Google’s video snippets for “Marketing Against the Grain.” It shows thumbnails and titles for four video podcast episodes.

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Posting a video on both YouTube and your website can help you win this placement if you’re tagged in the targeted keywords people are searching for.

Step 5. Check for a mix of head terms and long-tail keywords in each bucket.

Head terms are keyword phrases that are generally shorter and more generic — typically just one to three words in length.

Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, are longer keyword phrases usually containing three or more words.

It’s important to check that you have a mix of head terms and long-tail terms in order to build a well-balanced keyword strategy with long-term goals and short-term wins.

That’s because head terms are generally searched more frequently, making them often (not always, but often) much more competitive and harder to rank for than long-tail terms.

Think about it: Without even looking up search volume or difficulty, which of the following terms do you think would be harder to rank for?

  • how to write a great blog post
  • blogging

If you answered #2, you’re absolutely right.

Screencap of Ahrefs results for “how to write a great blog post.”

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Screencap of Ahrefs results for “blogging.”

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But don’t get discouraged. While head terms generally boast the most search volume (meaning greater potential to send you traffic), the traffic you’ll get from “how to write a great blog post” will usually be more desirable.

That’s because someone who’s using a specific query is probably a more qualified searcher for your product or service (presuming you’re in the blogging space) than someone with a more generic search query.

Because long-tail keywords tend to be more specific, it’s usually easier to tell what people who search for those keywords are actually looking for. Someone searching for the head term “blogging,” on the other hand, could be motivated by reasons that aren’t related to your business.

Kalepp says that short-tail keywords “can make it really difficult to rank, especially if you are a newer blog and you don't have that domain authority quite yet.”

She recommends “targeting those long-tail keywords, because a lot of times the competition is lower on them. And it allows you to really develop a niche and allows you to rank.”

So check your keyword lists for a healthy mix of head terms and long-tail keywords. You definitely want some quick wins that long-tail keywords will afford you, but you should also try to chip away at more difficult head terms over the long haul.

Kalepp, who’s worked on both the HubSpot and The Hustle blogs, says that it can be challenging to find the right balance.

When she worked on the HubSpot blog, “there wasn't a lot of fluctuation in what the search volume looked like, but for The Hustle blog, there were constant changes because we were writing about subjects that were really trendy.”

“And so it was imperative for us to strike when it was hot,” she says of The Hustle blog.

Step 6. See how competitors are ranking for these keywords.

Just because your competitor is doing something doesn’t mean you need to. The same goes for keywords. Just because a keyword is important to your competitor doesn’t mean it’s important to you.

However, understanding what keywords your competitors are trying to rank for is a great way to help you give your list of keywords another evaluation.

If your competitor is ranking for certain keywords that are also on your list, it makes sense to work on improving your ranking for those.

Kalepp says she’s a big fan of “doing a competitor analysis and understanding that landscape really well — and then using those same content pillars to build out a content library.”

“Do competitor analysis and understand that landscape really well. Then use those same content pillars to build out your content library.—Amal Kalepp, Growth manager, HubSpot.”

Don’t ignore the ones your competitors don’t seem to care about — it could be a great opportunity to own market share on other important terms.

Understanding the balance of terms might be a little more difficult. Remember, the goal is to end up with a list of keywords that provides some quick wins but also helps you make progress toward bigger, more challenging SEO goals.

Here’s a quick way to get a sense of the terms that your competitors rank for: Manually search for keywords in an incognito browser and see what positions your competitors are in.

Best Keywords for SEO

Understand that there are no “best” keywords, just those that are highly searched by your audience. With this in mind, it’s up to you to craft a strategy that will help you rank pages and drive traffic.

The best keywords for your SEO strategy will account for relevance, authority, and volume. You want to find highly searched keywords that you can reasonably compete for based on your competition and your ability to produce excellent content on those keywords.

You’re Ready to Build Out Your Content

You now have a list of keywords that will help you focus on the right topics for your business and get you some short-term and long-term gains.

Be sure to re-evaluate these keywords every few months — once a quarter is a good benchmark, but some businesses like to do it even more often than that.

As you gain even more authority in the SERPs, you’ll find that you can add more and more keywords to your list.

Kalepp also says to remember that building up a strong SEO strategy takes time. “It takes a long time to see results when you’re first building that strategy out,” she says. “Just understand that it takes time.”


How to Grow Your TikTok Following [Expert Insights + Data]

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Growing a following on TikTok can feel daunting. Trust me, I know. I first created a TikTok to promote my YouTube channel, blog, and podcast back in 2022. Though I managed to gain over a thousand followers in just a few days, that was a few years ago.

Now, I'm starting a new TikTok to promote my content for HubSpot, and I can see already the landscape has changed. Fortunately, I still know a thing or two about how to grow on TikTok, and I've done enough research to know how to do so in 2024. 

Without further ado, let's dive into the best tips and tricks to grow your TikTok.

Free Ebook: The Marketer's Guide to TikTok for Business [Download Now]

@erikeepswriting Growing your brand on TikTok doesn't have to be stressful! Check out "How to Grow Your TikTok Following [Expert Insights + Data]" on the HubSpot blog! #marketing #brands #tiktok #contentcreator ♬ love island is messyyyy - quinta

Why Growing Your Followers on TikTok is Important

Growing your following on TikTok will increase your brand's visibility. Like I said, I joined TikTok to promote my YouTube channel, blog, and podcast. And I can't tell you how many times I would see comments saying, "I saw you on TikTok and knew I had to follow your channel." 

I've also found through HubSpot's most recent Consumer Trends survey that TikTok is especially important if you're selling products or services. In our survey, the majority of our respondents (37%) say they prefer discovering new products via short-form videos such as TikToks or Instagram Reels. 

Growing your TikTok is also an excellent way to get the attention of Gen Z. Gen Z is projected to have the fastest growth in spending power, reaching about $12 trillion by 2030.

So, if you want to tap into the Gen Z market, you'll be happy to know TikTok is a popular app among them. According to our survey, 30% of Gen Z consumers say TikTok is their favorite app, and 72% of Gen Z consumers reported using TikTok in the past three months. 

Now you know why TikTok is important. Let me give you what you came here for and present 6 ways to grow your TikTok following.

1. Niche down.

When you try to appeal to everyone, you wind up attracting no one because no one knows what to expect from you. You'll end up posting content that appeals to one crowd but turns off another. 

So, niche down by researching your target audience and creating content that is appealing to them. You can do this via focus groups, surveys, creating buyer personas, or observing what competitors in your industry are doing to engage their audience. 

For example, fashion is a popular category on TikTok. So much so that the hashtag #fashion has over 66.6 million views on the platform.

If you want to post fashion-related content, you might get lost in this competitive vertical. Instead, I suggest focusing on a sub-niche like style tips and mid-sized fashion, which has a fraction of the views but a more engaged audience.

One of my favorite fashion-related creators on TikTok is Andrea's Fashion Galaxy. Rather than tackle a wide range of fashion topics, Andrea focuses on teaching her audience how to style specific pieces or how to dress for certain occasions. 

In the TikTok below, Andrea shows viewers how to style a metallic mini skirt as a top. She even adds her own flair to her videos by incorporating her many pets. 

2. Post at the right time.

Sometimes, it's not just what you post but when you post. This is especially true on TikTok.

A recent HubSpot Blogs survey of 1,400+ global marketers found the best time to post to TikTok is between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m.

Since TikTok is popular with the Gen Z crowd  — and they're in school for a good part of the day — the morning and early afternoon "dead zone" makes sense.

When posting content on TikTok, stay clear of these slow hours and try posting towards the end of the week or during the weekend.

3. Duet or Stitch top-performing videos.

One of the most popular videos on my TikTok is one I stitched with a well-known creator. It has about 12,000 views, while most of my videos would garner an average of 300-5,000 views.

Screenshot of my TikTok video with 12k views

TikTok's Stitch enables users to play up to 5 seconds of someone else's video as an intro to their own. This is usually done to respond to the original creator, answer questions, or contribute to a viral topic.

Another helpful tool is TikTok's Duet feature, which lets you play your video next to another user's video. This is ideal if you want to add commentary or a funny reaction to the original video. Here's a duet I did a while ago with Steve from Blue's Clues.

@the_tsunderi #duet with @hioutthereitsmesteve Just talking to my pal Steve about some anime I've been watching #spyxfamily #tomodachigame #mangatok #anime #animetok ♬ Up - Movie Theme - Giampaolo Pasquile

The best way to leverage these features is by engaging with top-performing videos in your niche. You can do this by using the search bar and typing keywords relating to your brand.

Then, once you've zeroed in on a video you like, tap the Stitch or Duet button and let your creativity fly.

But there's more — you can also encourage others to Duet or Stitch your videos.

For example, Tesco, a British grocery chain, asks users to Duet the following video for a chance to become the new voice of their checkout machine:

@tesco Audition to become the new voice of Tesco checkouts by duetting with me & including #TescoVoiceOfCheckout. ♬ original sound - Tesco

The result? Tesco's original video scored 22 million views and thousands of Duet submissions.

4. Participate in a challenge (or create your own).

It seems there's a new viral challenge making waves every time I log into TikTok, and I've seen how they can explode a follower count. The trick is finding the right one for your brand.

For example, the horror film A Quiet Place: Day One recently spawned a challenge on TikTok called The Quiet Place Challenge. The challenge was inspired by a cat in the film that manages to remain quiet enough to keep alien monsters from detecting him and his caretakers. 

To partake in the challenge, TikTok users have to run around while holding their cat to see if they'd survive the film in real life. 

This challenge was perfect for cat-themed TikTok accounts like @realsirpounce, managed by a user named Carson, who has four feline companions. Check out Carson's attempt at the challenge below.

The video went viral, gaining more than 1 million likes.

You can also create your own challenge — just make sure it's relatively simple to do. For example, Chipotle started the #LidFlip challenge, which encouraged users to flip the lid of their burrito bowl with style:

In the first six days, the challenge generated over 100,000 video responses. Even more impressive, it created a record-breaking sales day for Chipotle.

5. Jump on trending sounds and songs.

88% of TikTok users say sound is essential to the TikTok experience. Thanks to the algorithm, it's also critical for driving more engagement.

TikTok has an extensive library of sounds — but you should prioritize the ones that get a lot of love from the community. This is because the TikTok algorithm tends to favor videos that leverage trending sounds.  

For example, the most popular video on my TikTok has almost 100,000 views, way more than my usual average, and it features a sound that was trending at the time and was frequently used in the anime and manga community (the niche my account occupies). 

To find a trendy sound that works for your brand, check out TikTok's Creative Center, which ranks the most popular sounds each day. You can also filter by region, which is helpful if your audience lives in a different location from you.

6. Cross-promote your TikTok.

Odds are your audience is active on other social media besides TikTok. For this reason, it's important to cross-promote your videos to other channels, such as Instagram or YouTube.

Just avoid including the TikTok watermark in your videos when uploading to other platforms, as this can affect whether your content is prioritized in the algorithm. 

To avoid this issue, I usually create a single video that is kept to about 60 seconds long, and I upload the original to each platform individually. 

For example, I interviewed actress, host, and filmmaker Cheyenne Ewulu of Amazon Prime's Anime Club for my podcast Nerds At Work w/ TsundEri.

To cross-promote the episode on both Instagram and TikTok, I took a 60-second clip from the interview and uploaded it to TikTok and Instagram Reels separately rather than downloading it from TikTok and reposting it to the latter platform. 

@the_tsunderi Nerds at Work w/ TsundEri Ep. 4 is UP! I spoke to @CheyenneTheGeek about her evolusion as a professional nerd, actress, writer, producer, and host! Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or watch on YouTube. #nerd #podcast #tsunderi #anime #comics #contentcreation ♬ original sound - TsundEri

7. Include Relevant Hashtags.

Hashtags are key to finding and connecting with the right community on TikTok. A great example of this is #BookTok on the app. The hashtag is used by both readers and authors to find, recommend, and promote books. 

The tag was instrumental in the popularity of the New York Times Best Seller "It Ends with Us" by Colleen Hoover. The book initially came out in 2016 but entered the best sellers' list in 2021 after it gained popularity with the #Booktok community

Just a few years later, the book was adapted to the big screen in a film starring Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni. 

So, scroll through TikTok to see what hashtags your target audience is using to find content like yours.

For example, if you're a shoe store, start by including #shoes or #sneakers in your videos and look to see what other hashtags pop up in videos within your niche. 

8. Use trending songs.

There is never a shortage of trending songs on TikTok, so you're sure to find one that matches the vibe of your content and your brand. 

For example, actress Nicola Coughlan of the Netflix series Bridgerton cleverly used the song "Espresso" by Sabrina Carpenter to promote the show's red carpet premiere in Italy. 

Couphlan's character on the show, Penelope, is in love with another character named Colin, and fans have dubbed the couple "Polin" (pronounced like "pollen").

"Espresso" became fans' anthem for the couple thanks to the verse "My honey bee, come get this pollen." Naturally, Coughlan used it in the TikTok video below. 

@nicolacoughlan @Bridgerton in Italia 🇮🇹 6 days to go @Netflix ♬ son original - brit 𝜗𝜚

9. Use closed-captions. 

The more accessible your video is the more people can enjoy it, engage, and pass it on. One way to make your video more accessible is to include closed-captions. Fortunately, TikTok automatically adds closed captions to videos uploaded to its platform. 

However, the auto-generated captions aren't always accurate, which is why I suggest going through the captions and editing them for accuracy. To do this, click the auto-captions editor on the right-hand side of your video before uploading your video. 

Screenshot showing the auto captions option to the right From there, you can edit the captions manually and ensure your videos are accessible. 

10. Share user-generated content. 

TikTok allows users to repost content and share it with others. If you start a challenge on TikTok and you see others participating, repost their videos to share user-generated content.

You can also use the Stitch and Duet features I mentioned earlier to share user-generated content while engaging with your audience.

11. Collaborate with influencers and creators.

Most TikTok users prefer to keep up with creators and influencers instead of brands on the app, so it can be difficult to get users to become invested in your content if you're trying to promote a business.

But fear not! There is a solution. Try collaborating with creators and influencers to get them to introduce your brand to your audience. Just make sure said influencer or creator aligns well with your brand and your target audience's overlap.

For example, wallpaper brand Dizzy With Excitement collaborated with DIY home decor creator Kaarin Joy by creating a line of wallpaper patterns inspired by Kaarin's DIY projects.

Kaarin is known for quirky, out-of-this-world DIY projects, and DWE boasts an array of unique, funky patterns on its website. So, Kaarin was a perfect choice to introduce the brand to a wider audience. 

@kaarinjoy Wallpaper is going up😍 Launch day is July 29th!@dizzywithexcitement ♬ BIRDS OF A FEATHER sped up - Lilly 🎀

12. Create a content series.

A content series is a great way to engage your audience because it provides a consistent stream of content they can look forward to and associate with your brand.

For example, one of my favorite TikTok content series (that needs to be brought back, please) is Yes That's on Etsy. This series is on Etsy's official TikTok account and showcases the fun and unique products that can be found on Etsy's official site. 

Think of a series of videos that are simple to make, can be spread out over multiple videos, and can showcase the products and services of your brand. 

13. Keep an eye on what works for your audience.

As you post your videos, keep track of what generates the most buzz for your platform. Which of your videos tend to get the most likes, comments, or reports?

Make sure your TikTok is a business account so you'll have access to all kinds of analytics and metrics that can inform your strategy on the app.

14. Create TikTok Stories.

TikTok Stories work similarly to Instagram Stories. They allow users to post short videos that disappear after 24 hours. TikTok stories can drum up excitement for upcoming videos or be used to show quick, exclusive behind-the-scenes content of your business. 

15. Include CTAs.

If possible, always include a call-to-action that will encourage viewers to stay tuned to your content.

For example, Kaarin Joy almost always ends her videos by asking her followers to suggest more DIY home improvement projects in the comments of her videos or to check back later for updates on her projects. 


Open to ideas about the bathroom mirror frame!😍

♬ Applause - Clapping Sound Effect 4 - Hollywood Sound Effects

Of course, if you don't know a good CTA to add to your video, you can always stick to the classic call for viewers to follow your channel. 

16. Talk to your audience. 

Community is important on TikTok and one way to build community with your followers on the app is to simply engage with them. Reply to their comments, stitch their videos, do a duet, or repost the content that resonates with your brand. 

All of this will build loyalty with your audience and increase visibility for your brand.

Start Creating 

Ultimately, the key to growing your TikTok is to consistently create and post high-quality content that showcases your brand. So start creating now and while you're at it, try implementing any of the above tips I gave you.

I'm also trying to grow my new account, so it's time for me to stop typing and start creating. Best of luck to both of us! 

How to Write Prompts for ChatGPT, According to HubSpot’s SEO Team [+ Examples You Can Steal]

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To use ChatGPT or not to use ChatGPT? Is that really the question anymore?

Download Now: 100 ChatGPT Prompts for Marketers [Free Guide]

If you're like me, you already use this tool to amplify your awesomeness. Like improving your email writing, analyzing data faster, or firing up your social media strategy.

But I have to admit — it’s not all peaches and cream. And others seem to agree — marketers we surveyed stated ChatGPT outputs aren’t publishable 96% of the time.

Does this mean you should throw the whole AI concept away? Not at all. Your outputs are only as good as your prompting skills.

So, I spoke to HubSpot's SEO team to understand how to write prompts for ChatGPT. Stick around to see the key elements of a good prompt, helpful ChatGPT prompt tips, and prompt writing examples.

Table of Contents

How to Write the Perfect AI Prompt

AI Prompt Writing formula: context, task, instructions, clarify & refine

1. Envision your ideal response.

It's tempting to load up ChatGPT and jump right into the prompt. However, Josh Blyskal, Associate SEO Strategist at HubSpot, recommends a more introspective approach.

“The first thing you should do is figure out what you want. Before I type anything, I always take a moment to envision what the final output will look like,” he told me.

He gives an example of a marketer who wants to generate a marketing plan.

Instead of typing “Write me a marketing plan” into ChatGPT, she should take the time to envision what the plan looks like — how many sections it has, how many bullet points are under each section, and what information it contains.

Now that she has a better grasp of the task at hand, it becomes much easier to compose a prompt that checks all the boxes.

2. Write a specific, action-oriented task.

AI models thrive on specificity. If you feed it with vague instructions, you give it room to interpret what it thinks you want.

For example, suppose you prompt ChatGPT to “Rewrite this [article/email/Tweet],” expecting it to write something new and original. Instead, it regurgitates your original message using the same words and phrases.

The solution is to get specific and intentional with your words.

Instead of “Rewrite,” for instance, you might say reimagine, expand, simplify, or modernize. Even a small change in the way you phrase a prompt can significantly change the response.

As Blyskal points out, “A lot of people treat AI like a rigid system that can be hacked with the right words or phrases, but that's not the case.

There are no secret keywords that can guarantee the best results. It's like playing a game of words, and you have to think intentionally about the ones you use.”

3. Set the stage with context.

You could get away with stopping at the previous step — especially if your request is fairly straightforward (e.g., “Write five knock-knock jokes for kids”).

However, you can supercharge your prompts by padding them with context. This gives the AI model more ingredients to cook up a great response.

Bianca D'Agostino, former SEO Specialist at HubSpot, puts it this way:

“Suppose your friend asks you to go to the store and pick up a few things. You definitely need more context — which store, what things, what's the budget, and so on. The more context you get from your friend, the easier it is to do the task. The same goes for AI!”

Let's look at an example:

example of providing Prompt Writing Context for ai model

Both of these prompts might yield good results, but the second prompt will give you a more detailed and compelling description.

This is because the AI model has more context to work with, including the product's name (“Squeaky Queen”), its form (a scrub), and its key features (vegan, gluten-free, recyclable packaging).

4. Add clear instructions.

Although AI models are powerful, they still need you to take the lead. Without clear instructions, they're essentially a chef without a recipe or a new employee without a handbook.

Here's an example: Imagine you need to write an article about Instagram marketing. Along with the main task ("Write an article about Instagram marketing"), you also instruct ChatGPT to:

  • “Cover the following subtopics…”
  • “Incorporate the following quote/statistic…”
  • “Add an example to demonstrate…”

Not only are you giving ChatGPT a clear topic, but you‘re also guiding and shaping the content itself. You’re adding quotes, statistics, and examples to give the output more texture.

Of course, it's not just what you say but how you say it. The content of the article might be up to par, but it may lack a unique voice or perspective. This is where style and tones come in.

Adding Style and Tone

For Sylviain Charbit, HubSpot Senior Technical SEO Specialist, adding style to prompts is a multi-step process. He starts by letting the AI tool generate a general answer and then progressively molds its response for style.

“You can ask it to inspire itself from a situation, character, or profession, or provide it with already made examples to emulate,” he told me.

Charbit also incorporates ChatGPT tone modifiers, such as “cheerful,” “humorous,” or “authoritative,” to guide the AI further.

Let's look at some examples:

chatgpt Prompt Writing examples of style, tone, and perspective

Other style parameters include length and format. You can specify the length of the response (e.g., “Keep the article under 800 characters”) and its format (e.g., “Create a list of bullet points”).

5. Clarify and refine.

Blyskal follows the 60% Rule.

He told me, “When you generate something and it's at least 60% of what you want, you should continue refining that specific prompt. But if it falls short of that, it might be time to start from scratch.”

So, if you ask ChatGPT to generate a list of ten blog ideas and you only like two, it's a good indication to go back to the drawing board.

Even if you meet the 60% threshold, you can still refine the output by giving follow-up instructions such as, “Make it sound more conversational” or “Condense this into one paragraph.”

Remember that prompt writing isn't an exact science. Like any creative process, it often takes multiple revisions to get the right output.

Prompt Writing Techniques

Give It a Role

Role-playing is a technique that involves asking the AI model to adopt a specific role, job, or function.

“When you ask an AI model to play a specific role, you're giving it a certain level of expertise,” Blyskal told me. “For instance, if you prompt it to act as a professional interviewer, it will look for examples of good interviewing skills and respond with professional-seeming questions.”

By defining a role for the AI model to play — such as a professional interviewer, a graphic designer, or a nutritionist — you're also tapping into different viewpoints and perspectives, which can be especially helpful for marketers.

For example, let‘s say you’re launching a new product, a cold plunge tub. You need to create an ad that appeals to your target audience: long-distance runners. In this scenario, you ask the AI model to play the role of a long-distance runner and list the key benefits of your product.

Here’s an example from Perplexity (my fave AI tool) because it provides images and links to sources (peace out hallucinations):

chatgpt prompt example of advertising a cold plunge tub to long-distance runners

Now, the AI model will generate responses that align with the needs and preferences of long-distance runners. This gives you valuable insight into your audience, enabling you to create a more compelling and relevant ad.

Chain of Thought

Imagine you‘re on a road trip, and you’re relying on GPS to guide you from point A to point B. Throughout the journey, it gives you turn-by-turn directions until you reach your destination.

Chain of thought prompting follows a similar approach. You give the AI model one prompt after another, with each prompt building on the one before it. This keeps the model on track, giving you greater control of the output.

chatgpt prompt tips, Chain of Thought Prompting

“You're basically asking the AI model to explain its reasoning at each step. If you don't like any of the explanations, you can tinker with the output until it's ready for the next prompt,” Blyskal explains.

This is ideal for tasks that can be broken down into smaller steps.

For example, consider a copywriter using AI to create an article. She first prompts it to create an outline. Once she‘s happy with the outline, she prompts it to write the article, and then the headline, and then the meta description. She doesn’t move to the next step until she's satisfied with the current output.

That's the power of chain prompting. By guiding the model in a logical sequence, you generate more accurate and relevant responses.

Provide Examples

“If there's any one tip that will take your prompting to the next level, it's providing examples to the AI model,” Blyskal told me.

You can think of examples as reference points, helping the AI model emulate a certain style, tone, structure, or format. On top of that, AI can analyze a piece of content and offer improvements.

Here are several types of examples you can provide to ChatGPT:

  1.  Style and tone reference: Don’t ask for a blog post in a specific topic and hope for the best — provide a sample paragraph or excerpt showing the style and tone you want. For instance, include a snippet of witty and conversational text, if that’s what you’re going for.
  2.  Structural guidance: Include a sample or visual outline when requesting a content outline. It should show the expected flow, sections, and key content elements (e.g., intro, X subheadings, bullet lists, etc.).
  3.  Content improvement suggestions: After drafting content with ChatGPT, provide specific examples of areas that need improvement or refinement. Highlight sentences or sections that need clarification, enhancement, or a different approach. Don’t forget to include style and tone references to ensure it stays consistent.

While AI prompting is a science, it’s also an art. So don’t be afraid to get creative with your examples and instructions to get out-of-the-box outputs.

ChatGPT Prompt Writing Examples

Here are three use cases I’m seeing many people use in content marketing today. I included the prompt, why it works, and the generated output by ChatGPT.

Social Media Campaign for a New Product Launch

Prompt: “Create a social media campaign to launch our new eco-friendly water bottle. The campaign should include 5 Instagram posts, 3 Facebook posts, and 2 X posts. Each post should highlight the product's sustainability features, target eco-conscious consumers, and include a call-to-action to visit our website.”

Why it works:

  • Context: Specifies the product and its unique selling point (eco-friendly water bottle).
  • Task: Clearly defines the number and type of social media posts needed.
  • Instructions: Details what each post should highlight (sustainability features) and the target audience (eco-conscious consumers).
  • Clarification: Includes a call-to-action to drive traffic to the website.


example of how to write prompts for chatgpt

Fun fact: 31% of marketers use AI for social media post creation based on our AI marketing survey.

Email Marketing Campaign for a Seasonal Sale

Prompt: “Draft an email marketing campaign for our upcoming summer sale. The email should be engaging, highlight the 20% discount on all summer clothing, and include a clear call-to-action to shop now. Target young adults aged 18-30.”

Why it works:

  • Context: Specifies the event (summer sale) and the discount offered.
  • Task: Defines the content of the email (engaging, highlight discount).
  • Instructions: Details the target audience (young adults aged 18-30).
  • Clarification: Includes a call-to-action to encourage immediate shopping.


example of how to write prompts for chatgpt

Fun fact: We found 28% of marketers use ChatGPT to create and answer emails.

PPC Ad Campaign for a Service-Based Business

Prompt: “Create a PPC ad campaign for our digital marketing consultancy. The campaign should include 3 Google Ads and 2 Facebook Ads. Highlight our expertise in SEO and social media marketing, and include a call-to-action to book a free consultation.”

Why it works:

  • Context: Specifies the type of business and services offered.
  • Task: Defines the number and type of ads needed.
  • Instructions: Details what each ad should highlight (expertise in SEO and social media marketing).
  • Clarification: Includes a call-to-action to drive consultations.


example of how to write prompts for chatgpt

Fun fact: 90% of marketers see AI reducing time spent on manual tasks (like creating ads).

Back to You

Blyskal said it best: “At the core of prompting is conversation.” You don't engineer or program AI. Instead, you talk to it.

Like any conversation, you naturally adjust your tone, provide ample context, and share details, anecdotes, and examples to give your story texture. These are the same elements that make a really great prompt.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2023 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

20+ Best Disco Fonts (Retro Disco Style)

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The disco era was all about bold colors, flashy lights, and an unmistakable sense of fun, and the right font can instantly transport your audience back to that time.

Whether you’re looking for a font that screams “Saturday Night Fever” or a more subtle nod to the carefree disco era, our disco fonts collection has got you covered. From glittery typefaces that shimmer like a disco ball to bold, funky fonts that get the party started, we’ve got the perfect options to help you create designs that dance off the page.

These retro disco fonts are designed to evoke the glitz and glamour of the 70s, with their flashy typefaces, playful curves, and dynamic energy. Perfect for any project that needs a dose of nostalgia and a whole lot of style.

Disco Diva – Groovy Disco Font

Disco Diva - Groovy Disco Font

Disco Diva is a groovy font that truly encapsulates the vivacious spirit of the 70s disco era! Its four unique weight variants; Base, Inline, Line, and Sketch, offer a potpourri of creative opportunities, adding a funky touch to any project. Whether you are working on posters, branding, or digital content, this simple-to-install typeface will infuse an undeniable retro appeal into your designs.

Disco Rendezvous – Modern Disco Font

Disco Rendezvous - Modern Disco Font

Disco Rendezvous is a modern disco font that marries the charm of an elegant script with a sleek sans serif font. It’s inspired by neon-lit nightclubs and legendary disco hits, capturing the essence of the golden age of disco. With abundant creative options offered by OpenType features, Disco Rendezvous brings a genuine hand-crafted feel to your titles.

Alavine Disco – Classic Disco Font

Alavine Disco - Classic Disco Font

The Alavine Disco is a captivating, disco-style font that perfectly marries futurism with funk. It comes with a unique dot pattern, creating a dynamic feel ideal for eye-catching displays like posters or album covers. Despite its bold, retro look, this typeface is remarkably versatile and user-friendly for headings, banners, logos, and more.

Albercio Disco – Narrow Disco Font

Albercio Disco - Narrow Disco Font

Albercio Disco is a sleek, modern display typeface with a unique disco-inspired dot effect. Its sans-serif condensed design gives it a trendy vibe, perfect for adding a bold touch to any contemporary project. Tailored for display applications, it’s versatile enough for use in posters, advertisements, or digital platforms. It comes in regular and italic styles and includes uppercase, lowercase characters, numerals, and punctuation.

Arshine Disco – Creative Disco Font

Arshine Disco - Creative Disco Font

Arshine Disco is a versatile, easy-to-use display font that combines retro charm with disco vibes. Its standout feature is a dynamic dot pattern, which brings a touch of vintage flair and modernity to your designs. Perfect for creating eye-catching displays, Arshine Disco works well in various sizes – ideal for headlines, logos, and banners.

Eighties – Retro Script Disco Font

Eighties - Retro Script Disco Font

The Eighties retro script font is influenced by the bold mono line, disco-style typography of the 1980s. It not only brings a timeless design to casual handwriting but is also versatile due to its minimal node feature. This font is optimal for branding, logos, social media posts, advertising, and more, with multi-language support and provisions for uppercase, lowercase, numerals, and symbols.

Retro Disco – Modern Retro Disco Font

Retro Disco - Modern Retro Disco Font

Check out the RETRO DISCO font, a modern retro disco-style typeface that effortlessly combines quirky boldness with unique letterforms for playful, engaging designs. It offers versatility with upper and lower case modes, and three width types: Narrow, Regular, and Wide, catering to every creative demand.

Disco Queen – Stylish Disco Font

Disco Queen - Stylish Disco Font

Disco Queen is an exciting, eye-catching disco-style font. Its vibrant nature makes it perfect for quotes, headers, or giving a lively edge to your client’s logo design. Your download comes with complimentary extended licensing, exciting free updates in OTF and TTF formats, and instant access.

Arbane Disco – Modern Disco Font

Arbane Disco - Modern Disco Font

Arbane Disco is a unique, modern font with a nod to retro charm. Its captivating dot pattern gives it a distinct disco flair, perfect for projects that demand a touch of classic style. Versatile and user-friendly, this font works well for headlines, logos, and eye-catching displays. It comes in both regular and italic versions, supporting multilingual characters, numerals, and punctuation.

Badoney Disco – Classic Disco Style Font

Badoney Disco - Classic Disco Style Font

Badoney Disco is a unique serif font with a retro spin, featuring a distinctive dot pattern that adds a playful hint of disco to its traditional style. Versatile and stylish, it’s perfect for creating eye-catching headlines, logos, or other displays that stand out. Despite its lively look, Badoney Disco is easy to use for both small and large typography, adding a touch of vintage charm to any design.

Benicio Disco – Retro Disco Font

Benicio Disco - Retro Disco Font

Benicio Disco combines vibrant energy and playful aesthetics, delivering a unique bubble-style retro disco font. Ideal for display uses, from posters to social media, its eye-catching design infuses designs with an exciting twist. It comes in regular and italic styles, and includes uppercase and lowercase characters, numerals, punctuation, and accents.

Smokey Brown – Funky Disco Font

Smokey Brown - Funky Disco Font

Smokey Brown is a vibrant typeface, inspired by the 70’s funk and soul scene. Its bold letters and thin lines give a distinctive style that epitomizes energy and movement. It’s perfect for retro-themed designs, brand logos, or any project aiming to evoke nostalgia. This versatile font offers uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuation, and multilingual support.

Thunderstorm – Hand Painted

Thunderstorm - Hand Painted

Thunderstorm is a hand-painted typeface inspired by the music and pop culture of the 80s and 90s – with hints of disco, grunge, and retro elements. This versatile font, available in both ttf and otf formats, boasts multilingual support and is excellent for use in logos, posters, apparel, books, invites, quotes, packaging, and even album covers.

Fatbun – Disco Style Font

Fatbun - Disco Style Font

Fatbun is a whimsical, hand-lettered typeface that draws inspiration from retro disco aesthetics. Its bold style is perfect for use in a variety of formats, from social media posts and logo designs to movie or book titles. The font pack includes standard uppercase and lowercase, numerals, punctuation, multilingual characters, alternates, ligatures, and is PUA encoded.

Boho Melody – Groovy Disco Font

Boho Melody - Groovy Disco Font

Experience a taste of the ’70s with Boho Melody, a groovy disco-style font. This typeface, with its retro-chic design, exudes the youthful spirit of bell-bottoms and peace signs. Its unique characters dance playfully, adding a nostalgic charm and a modern edge to your projects. Boho Melody is available in both OTF and TTF versions and is perfect for those seeking something distinct yet timeless.

Summer Flowers – Disco Font

Summer Flowers - Disco Font

Summer Flowers is your go-to retro-style typeface with a funky groove to it. This playful and authentic font is a brilliant addition to any hippie-inspired designs, whether it’s for logos, blog posts, ads, invitations, or even decorations. It comes in a handy zip file containing both OTF and TTF files. Enjoy enhancing your designs with this nostalgic charm!

Saturday Night – Disco Style Font Family

Saturday Night - Disco Style Font Family

Saturday Night is a retro-inspired font bursting with 70s and 80s flair. This pack includes seven uniquely styled fonts boasting features such as stylistic alternates, swashes, and an impressive 777 pairs of ligatures. Ideal for headings, logos, apparel designs, and so much more, this versatile font family can add a funky vibe to any project.

Free Disco Fonts

Retro Star – Free Disco Font

This is one of the grooviest fonts on our list. It comes with a beautiful letter design with stylish curves and waves. The font features a classic retro design with disco-style elements. It’s free to use with personal projects.

Funky Round – Free Retro Disco Font

Funky Round is another classic retro font featuring a disco-style design. The font comes in two different styles and they work perfectly together to create unique vibes for titles and headings. It’s free to use with commercial projects.

Bafline Disco – Free Retro Font

This free font comes with a classic disco-themed design and it’s perfect for everything from retro graphic designs to cool custom t-shirt prints. The font is free for personal use only.

Godger Disco – Free Groovy Font

Another fun and playful disco font for your creative design projects. This free font comes with a narrow, condensed letter design that will fit perfectly with your title and headings. The font is free to use with personal projects.

Art Disco – Free Retro Font

This free font combines elements from the Disco era with the Art Deco theme to create a unique and stylish letter design. It features uneven strokes and sharp edges to create a professional look and feel as well. The font is free for commercial use.

How to Download a YouTube Video or Channel

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The ability to download media on the internet almost feels like a lost art. When I was in my teens, piracy of mp3s, movies, and just about everything else via torrents and apps like Kazaa, LimeWire, Napster, etc. was in full swing. These days sites use blob URLs and other means to prevent downloads. Luckily we have tools like yt-dlp to download individual YouTube videos or entire channels of content.

To download an entire channel, you can use yt-dlp:


If you’re like me and only care for the audio, you can use a few more arguments:

yt-dlp -x --audio-format mp3

youtube-dl used to be the standard for downloading YouTube videos but yt-dlp seems to have taken the throne. YouTube has such a wealth of information on just about anything, be sure to download content for travel, long walks, or any other reason!

The post How to Download a YouTube Video or Channel appeared first on David Walsh Blog.

Unlock Faster Site Speed With Edge Full Page Cache

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Whether you’re a site owner, a developer, or you lead a digital agency, the demand for faster, more reliable digital experiences has never been higher. In speaking with our customers, we know this isn’t just a constant source of pressure—it’s a critical element of business strategy and success.  To help meet this demand, we’re proud

The post Unlock Faster Site Speed With Edge Full Page Cache appeared first on WP Engine.

40+ Best Photo to Illustration Actions & Filters for Photoshop

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One of the coolest things you can do with Photoshop is transform photos into art and illustrations.

It’s fun seeing your photos turn into artworks but this Photoshop technique has a function beyond just entertainment. It’s actually commonly used in designing posters, flyers, book covers, and various other designs to create unique art and graphics.

And the best part is you can create photo to illustration artworks without any drawing or painting skills. All you need is the right Photoshop action.

We found the perfect collection of Photoshop actions that allow you to instantly transform your photos and images into illustrations. Check out the list below and start experimenting. We also included a few free PS Actions for you.

Watercolor Portrait Painting PSD Filter

Watercolor Portrait Painting PSD Filter

This is a professional Photoshop template that instantly transforms photos into breathtaking watercolor paintings. The template is easy-to-use and perfect for everyone, including photographers, graphic designers, and bloggers. Compatible with all Photoshop CC versions, this pack contains a PSD file and a supportive help text file.

Photo to Vector Portrait Photoshop Action

Photo to Vector Portrait Photoshop Action

Capture your portraits as striking pieces of art using the this Photoshop action. This action effortlessly converts your photos into a distinctive vector style, creating a unique, modern aesthetic. Easy to install and use, it provides editable results, color adjustments, and customization options.

Vectorize Art Effect PS Action

Vectorize Art Effect PS Action

A simple and creative Photoshop action designed specifically for photographers and graphic designers. It works seamlessly with all Photoshop CC versions and higher, providing a streamlined way to create stunning vector art from photos. The pack includes an action ATN file, a pattern PAT file, and a helpful txt file.

CartooNiji Photoshop Action

CartooNiji Photoshop Action

CartooNiji is a compelling Photoshop action that helps transform your photos into captivating cartoon-style illustrations. Only compatible with the 2021 Photoshop CC and newer, this action works best with the Oil Paint Filter for effective results. The package provides an ATN action file, along with a ‘How To’ text file for guidance.

Vector Art Effect PSD Template

Vector Art Effect PSD Template

An innovative Photoshop template designed to convert your favorite photos into unique vector art. This action is optimized for use on photos within the 1000px – 3000px resolution range. It works beautifully across different photo types, such as fashion, lifestyle, and product shots. The package includes a PSD file and a helpful guide.

Ink Blot Template for Photoshop

Ink Blot Template for Photoshop

This is a practical Photoshop filter to create an inkblot effect. It includes a PSD file, an ATN file, and a helpful guide. All layers are well-organized, adjustable, and non-destructive. It’s compatible with Photoshop versions CS6, CC2015.5, or newer, and specifically for the English version.

Vector Art Photo Effect PSD Filter

Vector Art Photo Effect PSD Filter

An easily editable Photoshop template that vectorizes photos, perfect for enhancing text, logos, or any other branding elements. Boasting impressive, lifelike details and an aesthetically pleasing look, this template offers clean, organized layers and compatibility with 300DPI projects.

Pop Style Photo Effect PSD Filter

Pop Style Photo Effect PSD Filter

This Photoshop template is designed for those wishing to create pop art-style imagery. Ideal for enhancing everything from event invitations to marketing material, this template doesn’t require any plugins or add-ons. Simply add your photos to the smart layer. It’s easily customizable, high-resolution, and provides thoroughly organized layers.

Sketch Painting Photo Effect PSD

Sketch Painting Photo Effect PSD

A Photoshop template designed to turn your photos into captivating sketch illustrations. Ideal for a range of images such as fashion, lifestyle, and moody product shots, this versatile tool instantly transforms your photos with an illustration look.

Ultimate Vector Photo Effect PSD

Ultimate Vector Photo Effect PSD

This PSD template is also perfect for transforming regular photos into vectorized images. This template, easy to use and featuring editable texts, is suitable for 300DPI projects and comes with meticulously organized layers. It requires Adobe Photoshop and includes a Smart Object at 5000×3000 pixel resolution.

Illustration Sketch Painting Photoshop Action

Illustration Sketch Painting Photoshop Action

This is one of the best and most sophisticated photo to illustration Photoshop actions on our list. It uses hand-drawn line art, gouache watercolor, and many other techniques to create an authentic painting-like look for your photos. It works with Photoshop CS6 and higher. The action comes with a guide that shows you how to apply the effect.

Aquarelle Watercolor Painting Photoshop Action

Aquarelle Watercolor Painting Photoshop Action

Aquarelle is another amazing Photoshop action that you can use to transform your photos into watercolor paintings. It comes with a professionally-crafted effect that works quite well with landscape photography, including cityscapes, street photos, buildings, and nature photos. The PS action works with Photoshop CS5 and higher.

Marker Sketch Painting Photoshop Action

Marker Sketch Painting Photoshop Action

If you look closer you’ll notice the marker pen strokes in this preview image. It’s especially noticeable in the blue water section near the bridge. That’s exactly what you get with this Photoshop action. It makes your photos look like marker sketch drawings. And it does a pretty good job of making the effect look realistic.

Digital Sketch Drawing Photoshop Action

Digital Sketch Drawing Photoshop Action

This Photoshop action creates a high-quality pencil sketch effect to make your photos look like digital drawings. It uses a blend of pencil hatch, sketching, and watercolor effects to create this amazing look. And it’s especially great for portrait photos. The PS action comes bundled with accompanying brushes and patterns too.

Cartoon Creator Photoshop Action

Cartoon Creator Photoshop Action

Want to create cartoon versions of your portrait photos? Then this Photoshop action is a must-have for you. It features a very creative and artistic effect that converts your photos into cartoon-like paintings. The effect includes adjustment layers so you can also customize the effect according to your preference as well.

Free Realistic Painting Photoshop Action

Free Realistic Painting Photoshop Action

This is a free Photoshop action that allows you to easily create a painting effect with your photos. It’s most suitable for portrait photos but works with landscape photography as well. The action is compatible with Photoshop CS3 and higher.

Realistic Urban Sketcher Photoshop Action

Realistic Urban Sketcher Photoshop Action

This is a dynamic Photoshop action that seamlessly transforms your photos into alluring urban sketches. You can easily add a personalized touch to your images using this simple action. It’s perfect for artists, designers, and photographers looking to infuse their work with the charm of hand-drawn urban illustrations.

Mixed Art Photoshop Action

Mixed Art Photoshop Action

Another creative Photoshop action that transforms photographs into harmonious, mixed media masterpieces. Designed for both artists and designers, this tool merges different art forms seamlessly within one composition, offering a variety of new creative possibilities.

Vintage Sketch Photoshop Action

Vintage Sketch Photoshop Action

This Photoshop action turns digital images into classic, vintage sketches with a single click. It’s compatible with Photoshop CC and works best with JPEG format images with 240-300 dpi resolution and 2500-3500px size.

Vector Style Photoshop Action

Vector Style Photoshop Action

This is a dynamic Photoshop action that allows you to create vector-style illustrations with photos. Offering simple installation, color presets, and easy customization, it’s a reliable tool for both amateurs and professionals.

Modern Art Photoshop Action

Modern Art Photoshop Action

An innovative Photoshop action perfect for anyone looking to add a modern twist to their artwork. Ideally suited for digital artists, designers, and photographers, it offers a host of features transforming your digital work into modern art masterpieces.

Watercolor Art Photoshop Action

Watercolor Art Photoshop Action

This Photoshop action comes with a captivating watercolor-style effect for turning photos into illustrations. It’s most useful for artists, designers, and photographers for creating vibrant and expressive pieces that beautifully mimic traditional watercolor paintings.

Craft Sketch Photoshop Action

Craft Sketch Photoshop Action

Bring the art of hand-drawn sketches to your designs with this easy-to-use Photoshop action. With one simple click, this action can transform your digital images into intricate, handcrafted sketches. The effect is also fully editable and includes color presets and adjustments.

Epic Art Photoshop Action

Epic Art Photoshop Action

Another Photoshop action capable of turning photos into breathtaking epic art illustrations. This action simplifies the creation of intricate, emotionally driven, and uniquely impactful artworks. The download includes a step-by-step tutorial and customization instructions.

Techno Sketch Art Photoshop Action

Techno Sketch Art Photoshop Action

A unique Photoshop action enabling digital artists to create visionary techno-inspired artwork with Photoshop. Perfect for those who admire both modern and vintage styles, this action boosts creativity with a wide range of effects, blending sleek, futuristic designs with the classic appeal of hand-drawn sketches.

Hand Drawn Illustration Photoshop Action

Hand Drawn Illustration Photoshop Action

This Photoshop action adds a handcrafted touch to your digital artwork. It can turn digital photos into unique hand-drawn illustrations, making it ideal for artists and designers. It comes with a guide on customizing layers and is very easy to use.

Free Pencil Sketch Photoshop Actions

Free Pencil Sketch Photoshop Actions

With this free Photoshop action, you can add a pencil sketch effect to photos. It features a basic effect that will also make your photos black and white. Of course, there will be options to customize the effect.

Concept Sketch Drawing Photoshop Action

Concept Sketch Drawing Photoshop Action

This is one of the unique Photoshop actions that allow you to create blueprint-style sketches using photos. This effect will be much more useful to graphic designers for making unique illustrations for various projects. The action also comes with 12 brushes and 18 patterns for creating different styles of sketches with the effect.

Vector Art Effect Photoshop PSD Template

Vector Art Effect Photoshop PSD Template

With this Photoshop effect, you can create a vector art style look for your photos without even having to use Photoshop actions. This effect comes as a pre-made Photoshop PSD template. You can easily edit this template to apply the vector art effect to your own photos. It works best with portrait photos.

Hand-Drawn Pencil Sketch Photoshop Action

Hand-Drawn Pencil Sketch Photoshop Action

Want to give a pencil sketch effect to your photos with a hand-drawn illustration feel? Then this Photoshop action is for you. It comes with a pencil sketch art effect that gives an amazing look to various styles of photos. And you can apply it with just one click.

Concepter – Photo to Illustration Photoshop Action

Concepter - Photo to Illustration Photoshop Action

This Photoshop action will completely transform your photos into watercolor-style paintings. It features an easy-to-use action that creates an illustration out of your photos. You can also choose from 20 color options to create an effect that matches different photos. And it includes a video guide that shows how to apply the effect as well.

Free Blueprint Sketch Photoshop Action

Free Blueprint Sketch Photoshop Action

You can create blueprint-style illustrations of buildings and objects with this useful Photoshop action. It’s easy to use and works best with high-resolution images. The PS action is free to download.

Jazzman – Free Watercolor Artist Photoshop Action

Jazzman - Free Watercolor Artist Photoshop Action

This free Photoshop action will make your photos look like watercolor paintings. It includes multiple variations of the effect and comes with different brushes to help you customize the look to your preference.

80’s Retro Poster Art Photoshop Action

80's Retro Poster Art Photoshop Action

If you’re a graphic designer who works on cool posters and flyers, this Photoshop action will definitely come in handy for you. It features a groovy 80’s theme effect that turns photos into cool retro art. It’s great for designing graphics for various promotional campaigns. The PS action is compatible with Photoshop CS3 and above.

Watercolor Painting Photo Effect PSD Template

Watercolor Painting Photo Effect PSD Template

A very easy to use Photoshop PSD template that lets you add a watercolor painting effect to your photos. This effect works well for landscape and cityscape photos. And it comes in 4 different watercolor styles to choose from.

Paint It Photo to Illustration Photoshop Action

Paint It Photo to Illustration Photoshop Action

You can use this Photoshop action to create more realistic-looking illustration effects for your photos. This action adds a highly detailed painting look to photos to make them look more like realistic drawings. This action works best with high-resolution images. And it’s great for close-up portrait photos.

Art Vector Drawing Photoshop Action

Art Vector Photoshop Action

Vector editing software like CorelDRAW and Illustrator have options where you can convert images into vector art. This Photoshop action has a similar effect, except you can use it in Photoshop. With this action, you can easily turn images of objects into vector art. The action is easy to use and works with just one click.

Art Oil Painting Photoshop Action

Art Oil Painting Photoshop Action

With this Photoshop action, you can create a beautiful oil painting look for your photos. It’s especially great for portrait photos but it works perfectly for nature and landscape photos as well. The action can be applied with just a few clicks and it’s compatible with Photoshop CS6 and higher.

Painterly – Free Photo to Illustration Photoshop Action

Painterly - Free Photo to Illustration Photoshop Action

Painterly is a free Photoshop action that lets you create acrylic or oil paint-style illustrations with your photos. The download URL on this page is not highlighted as a link so make sure to copy and paste it into the browser address bar to access the download page.

Free Pencil Drawing Effect Photoshop Action

Free Pencil Drawing Effect Photoshop Action

A simple and basic photo to illustration effect for Photoshop. With this action, you can easily give your graphics and photos a hand-drawn pencil sketch look and feel. The PS action is free to download.

Drawing Art Animated Photoshop Action

Drawing Art Animated Photoshop Action

This is a different style of Photoshop action that allows you to create an animation of a photo transforming into an illustration. You can use it to create cool GIFs or videos to promote on social media or create YouTube videos. The action comes with a guide to help you get started.

Scribbles Artwork Photoshop Action

Scribbles Artwork Photoshop Action

If you’re looking to create a different style of illustration or art with photos, this Photoshop action is for you. It features a unique scribble-based effect that creates photo to illustration designs with an uncommon look. The action includes 5 modes with 10 color presets and background options.

Pencil Drawing Effect Photoshop Template

Pencil Drawing Effect Photoshop Template

This is a simple and easy-to-use pencil drawing effect. It comes in Photoshop PSD template format so you can easily add your image to this template to apply the effect without effort. The template includes 3 background options and it’s easily customizable as well.

For more great effects, you can explore our best Photoshop actions and Photoshop photo effects collections.

35+ Best Y2K and Year 2000 Fonts

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Today, we spotlight the best Y2K fonts that capture the essence of this iconic era of tech evolution. Whether you are seeking to add a futuristic vibe or a nostalgic nod to the past, our diverse mix of Y2K fonts is sure to inspire.

Here, you’ll find fonts that capture the essence of the vibrant, sci-fi fantasy vibes for adding a 2000s look to your designs. These fonts are a way to take your viewers to the era where the digital and physical worlds began to blur, opening a new chapter for design aesthetics.

With both paid and free options in the list, there’s something for every designer looking to create projects with a retro vibe. Let’s dive in.

Digibits – Modern Y2K Font

Digibits - Modern Y2K Font

Digibits is a Y2K font that captures the iconic look and feel of the early 2000s technology aesthetic. This unique, futuristic font includes elements like old computer displays, neon, pixels, and geometric shapes that echo the onset of a digital age. With both uppercase and lowercase letters available in otf and ttf formats, Digibits is the perfect choice for a bold, retro design.

Bavose – Bubble Y2K Fonts

Bavose - Bubble Y2K Fonts

This bubble Y2K font promises to bring a blast from the past to each design, taking your visuals from ordinary to extraordinary. Nostalgia has never looked as cool as with this old-school-styled font. It’s perfect for adding a classic retro-tech vibe to your graphic designs.

HOLANDA – Y2k Retro Font

HOLANDA - Y2k Retro Font

HOLANDA font is a striking nod to the visuals of the early 2000s. Its design is a fusion of elements like old computer displays, pixels, neon, and geometric shapes that greatly reflect the era’s tech advancements. Available in otf and ttf formats, this uppercase font is an ideal way to infuse a dash of futuristic nostalgia into your creative project.

Cyber Angel – Y2K 2000’s Font

Cyber Angel - Y2K 2000's Font

The Cyber Angel is a dynamic typeface evoking the innovative vibe of the 2000s’ digital era. It features sleek, bold sans-serif text, capturing both a sense of nostalgia and forward-thinking energy. Ideal for designers intending to add a sci-fi touch to their projects, this font enhances websites, logos, or product labels with a captivating, futuristic edge.

Cytone – Y2K 2000’s Font

Cytone - Y2K 2000's Font

Cytone is a Y2K-inspired font that brings a futuristic touch to your creative projects. Ideal for tech-based or galaxy themes, this versatile typography can be a striking addition to films, logos, posters, games, and books. Encapsulating the vibe of the early 2000s music and pop culture, Cytone is an easy-to-use asset, and it comes in both otf and ttf formats.

Cosmic Echoes – Y2K Font

Cosmic Echoes - Y2K Font

Dive into the energy of the early 2000s with Cosmic Echoes, a playful Y2K-inspired font. Its bold, quirky characters recreate the millennium’s vibrant essence, with a unique, bubble-like shape to bring a touch of nostalgia to your designs. Capable of transforming posters, logos, or branding materials, Cosmic Echoes will add a fun, nostalgic flair to your projects.

Trust Blood – Y2K Tech Font

Trust Blood - Y2K Tech Font

Trust Blood is a uniquely detailed and modern Y2K font, perfect for adding a touch of retro-urban flair to your designs. Ideal for logos, business branding, apparel designs, and more. This font, available in OTF, TTF, and WEB formats, supports multilingual characters and punctuation, and is PUA encoded for added versatility.

Wasmore – Retro Pop Y2K Fonts

Wasmore - Retro Pop Y2K Fonts

The Wasmore font embraces the energetic, over-the-top flair of the Y2K era. Perfect for bold posters or distinctive branding, these fonts blend modern design with the colorful vibrancy of the 2000s. Utilize Wasmore to add a playful, nostalgic twist to your creative projects, and boldly declare, “Let’s have some fun!”

Disco Diva – Groovy Y2K Font

Disco Diva - Groovy Y2K Font

Disco Diva is an electrifying typeface inspired by the 70s disco era and has a subtle Y2K vibe. Available in four unique styles — Line, Regular, Sketch, and Inline — it brings a burst of vibrant energy to your projects. Whether it’s branding, posters, or digital content, this font adds a retro charm.

CS Bougy – Y2K Font

CS Bougy – Y2K Font

CS Bougy is a funky and bold sans-serif typeface offering a playful and energetic demeanor reminiscent of the early 2000s, adding a vivacious touch to your design project. Ideal for striking branding or eye-catching posters, this font carries a modern, fun feel and stands out with its spirited aesthetic.

Foocher – Y2k Display Font

Foocher - Y2k Display Font

The Foocher Y2K display font is a fun font with strong strokes and playful character alternatives, ideal for enhancing your creative projects. Whether it’s for logo design, social media, or editing movie and book titles, this font is versatile and offers multilingual support.

Brick Bond – Y2K Font

Brick Bond - Y2K Font

Brick Bond Y2K font merges trendiness with a futuristic allure, enlivening your designs. It includes variations with outlines and slants, making your titles and headlines bold and attention-grabbing. With formats such as OTF, TTF, and WOFF, it offers uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, punctuation marks, ligature, and alternate characters.

Xyros – Y2K Font

Xyros - Y2K Font

Xyros is a futuristic, modern font family that creates a high-tech ambiance, making it ideal for robots, cyberpunk, gaming, and virtual reality projects, among others. This font supports multilingual contexts including English, Spanish, French, and more. The font package includes OTF, TTF, and Web Font formats.

Reytia – Y2K Font

Reytia - Y2K Font

Reytia is a unique blend of nostalgic 90’s essence, Y2K aesthetic, and contemporary design, ideal for a variety of creative pursuits. This versatile font package, which includes OTF, TTF, and WOFF formats, effortlessly meshes with today’s trends while paying homage to bygone eras, making it suitable for fashion, media, and advertising.

Quado – Y2K Font

Quado - Y2K Font

Quado is a Y2K font with a friendly vibe that embodies the spirit of music, entertainment, gaming, and technology. Suitable for a vast array of languages, including English, Spanish, German, French among others, it is a comprehensive package. The bundle includes TTF, OTF and even Webfont formats, catering to all your typographic needs.

Espero – Y2K Display Font

Espero - Y2K Display Font

Espero is a visually striking typeface reflecting the Y2K aesthetic. It channels the futuristic style and technological advances of the early 2000s, with nods to old computer displays, pixelation, neon and geometric shapes. Available in both otf and ttf formats, it features both upper and lowercase characters and supports multiple languages.

Mescio – Bubble Y2K Fonts

Mescio - Bubble Y2K Fonts

Check out Mescio, a retro-themed typeface collection perfect for those wanting to infuse their modern creations with early 2000s nostalgia. Ideal for indie artists, music producers, or poster designs, Mescio transports you back to an era of pop music and neon lights.

Punk Cyber – Retro 2000’s Font

Punk Cyber - Retro 2000's Font

Immerse yourself in the retro charm of the 2000s with Punk Cyber, a Y2K-inspired font. Recalling the vibrant, bold aesthetics of the era, this creative font offers six unique styles including Regular, Slant, Outline, Extrude, Outline Slant, and Extrude Slant. Whether you’re designing for social media, branding, or print, Punk Cyber will add a distinctive edge to your creations.

Trash Maker – Modern Y2K Font

Trash Maker - Modern Y2K Font

Check out the Trash Maker, a fun and futuristic typeface that encapsulates the early 2000’s digital aesthetic. It takes inspiration from the iconic features of that era, such as old computer displays, pixels, neon, and geometric shapes. Available in both uppercase and lowercase, this multilingual font comes in otf and ttf formats.

Remock – Retro Bubble Y2K Font

Remock - Retro Bubble Y2K Font

Take your design journey back to the turn of the millennium with the Remock font. This authentic display font, available in both otf and ttf formats, is versatile enough for various branding projects, including logos and product design. It offers uppercase, lowercase, and multilingual options, ensuring outstanding presentations in diverse contexts.

Cas Pixalatte – Digital Y2K Pixel Font

Cas Pixalatte - Digital Y2K Pixel Font

Cas Pixalatte is a digital Y2K pixel font that’s a blend of nostalgia and modern trends. This versatile font comes in various file types and two pixel styles, regular and rounded, for optimal customization. Plus, with comprehensive multi-language support, you can use it for any design, from gaming interfaces to brand identities, regardless of where your audience is based around the world.

Neo-Syber – Y2K 2000’s Font

Neo-Syber - Y2K 2000's Font

Encapsulating the aesthetic of the Y2K era, the Neo-Syber font is an inventive blend of technology, pop culture, and space-galaxy themes. Perfect for a range of projects, from movies and games to book covers and logos, the font is especially remarkable for its futurism and heavy influence from music.

Kansei – Japanese Y2K Fonts

Kansei - Japanese Y2K Fonts

Check out Kansei, a Japanese-inspired Y2K font that is surging in popularity. Its ALL CAPS design makes it ideal for digital uses like logos, merchandising, posters, esport assets, and social media. When using Kansei, both upper and lowercase letters stay uniform, making it an excellent fit for most graphic design projects.

Morage – Y2K Retro Font

Morage - Y2K Retro Font

Morage is a Y2K-styled font offering pixelated aesthetic and bubble-inspired curves for a retro-futuristic vibe. This versatile, eye-catching typeface is ideal for designing logos and headlines or adding a touch of Y2K flair to your project. With TTF, OTF, and WOFF formats, it includes alternates, ligatures, numbers, symbols, and multilingual support.

Yerk – 2000’s Y2K Font

Yerk - 2000's Y2K Font

Yerk is a distinctive, Y2K-inspired font designed to add personality and impact to your project. It’s bold, features squared-off letters with subtly rounded corners, and comes in three styles – regular, italic, and slanted. Suitable for a diverse range of uses from logos to Instagram posts, Yerk also includes caps, numbers, and symbols.

Year Sync – Modern Y2K Font

Year Sync - Modern Y2K Font

Year Sync is a distinctive display font inspired by Y2K aesthetics. Adaptable for branding projects like logo creation or product design, it impressively stands out in diverse contexts. Available in OTF  and TTF formats, covering both uppercase and lowercase, and multilingual, this font takes your designs to the next level.

Saturas – Retro 2000’s Font

Saturas - Retro 2000's Font

Saturas is a creative font that encapsulates the futuristic aesthetic of the Y2K era, blending digital elements from the early 2000s with geometric shapes, pixels, neon hues, and visuals of old computer displays. Available in both otf and ttf formats, it happily offers all uppercase and lowercase letters to create an authentic, technology-inspired look and feel.

Jawbyte – Y2K Display Font

Jawbyte - Y2K Display Font

Jawbyte is a Y2K font that takes you back to the futuristic aesthetics of the early 2000s, blending elements of old computer displays, pixels, neon, and geometric shapes, giving a nod to the technological advancements of the period. It’s a multilingual font available in both otf and ttf formats, and features both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Orbit – Y2K Logo Font

Orbit - Y2K Logo Font

Orbit is a modern, wide, rounded font with a compelling contrast between thick and thin lines. Its unique design beautifully encapsulates a retro-futuristic vibe from the 90s and 2000s, making it suitable for various design works. Ideal for headlines, titles, posters, web branding, and more, Orbit additionally includes uppercase letters, numbers, punctuation, symbols, and more.

Arenka – Y2K Evolution Font

Arenka - Y2K Evolution Font

Arenka is a creative mixture of futuristic and Y2K styles, designed with digital artists in mind who wish to bring a nostalgic touch to their projects. With over 100+ ligatures and glyphs available, this innovative font works seamlessly with all popular design software.

Digital Moneter – 2000’s Y2K Font

Digital Moneter - 2000's Y2K Font

Digital Moneter is a modern, techno Y2K-style font that perfectly captures the aesthetics of the early 2000s. This authentic display font is versatile – suitable for a range of branding projects from logos to product designs. It comes in multiple formats (OTF, TTF) with attention to every detail including uppercase, lowercase, and multilingual options.

Acanica – Y2K Display Font

Acanica - Y2K Display Font

Check out Acanica, a futuristic Y2K display font that takes inspiration from Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Hyperbeast, and Mecha styles, combining regular and monoline character types for a bold look. It includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, punctuation, symbols, and multilingual support.

Best Free Y2K Fonts

Keyute – Free Y2K Font

Keyute - Free Y2K Font

This Y2K-style font will add a flashy new look to your retro designs. It comes with unique characters that have a whimsical look and feel. It’s perfect for everything from T-shirt prints to YouTube titles. The font is free for personal use only.

Sephyr – Free Y2K Display Font

Sephyr - Free Y2K Display Font

Sephyr is a bold display font that features a subtle Y2K-style vibe. This font is most suitable for crafting attractive titles for packaging designs and posters. The font is free to use with commercial projects.

Gencity – Free Y2K Font

Gencity - Free Y2K FOnt

Gencity is another creative Y2K font that comes with a stylish retro letter design. This font is perfect for designing fun and playful headings for various types of graphic design projects. And it’s free for personal use.

Calpina – Free 2000’s Font

Calpina - Free 2000's Font

Calpina is a Y2K-style font that has a letter design inspired by the 2000’s. The font features a clean and simple letter design that will fit in perfectly with your posters, flyers, and social media posts. It’s free for personal use.

Dojebi – Free Y2K 2000’s Font

Dojebi - Free Y2K 2000's Font

You can use this font for free with your personal and commercial projects. It has stylish Y2K-style characters that will make your text and titles stand out from the crowd. Note that the font only includes lowercase characters.

How to Plan Your Facebook Ads Budget (And Make The Biggest Impact)

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If budgeting stresses you out, we have a lot in common, my friend.

Click here to download 8 free marketing budget templates.

Whether it’s a monthly entertainment budget or a Facebook Ads budget, ensuring you allocate only what you can afford and get the most for your money is a lot of pressure.

Spending recklessly can have long-term consequences on a business’ profitability.

But thankfully, Facebook Advertising has a pretty good reputation for return when handled correctly.

According to research by WordStream, the average conversion rate in Facebook Ads for lead gen campaigns across major industries is 8.25%.

With potential access to over 3 billion monthly active users, those numbers are nothing to scoff at.

But what should your Facebook Ads budget actually look like? Let’s run the numbers and discuss how to set the right budget for your goals.

Table of Contents

What is a good budget for Facebook Ads?

A good Facebook Ads budget is a limitless one. Boom. Next question.

I’m kidding, of course. But a marketer can dream, right?

To be totally candid, Facebook Advertising is complex. Doing it well involves learning the ever-evolving offerings, interface, and setup process.

On top of that, the prices of ads are dynamic. So what they cost as you read this could be entirely different tomorrow.

I'm no Facebook Ads expert, but Founder and VP of Marketing of B2B Rizz Tim Davidson is. I worked with them to provide you with the most accurate information and some insider tips.

Davidson confirmed that what qualifies as a reasonable Facebook Ads budget depends on your goals, audience, bidding strategy, and even the time of year. “If you have a large audience, for instance, you could potentially spend unlimited,” he explained.

These are all factors that can drive the cost of Facebook Ads up or down. That’s why it’s essential to have a well-thought-out Facebook Advertising strategy before deciding how many dollars to put behind them.

If you have that, you can actually get started with Facebook Advertising for as little as $1 a day. Hard to believe that would make a difference for your business, right? But it can.

Let me explain:

Facebook bills advertisers based on an auction system where ads “compete” for impressions based on bid and performance. (To be honest, there’s a lot to it, so you can dive deeper on their website.)

But in simple terms, you’re only charged for the number of clicks or impressions your ad actually received. In other words, cost per click (CPC) and cost per mile (CPM), or the cost per 1,000 impressions.

For campaigns billed by CPM, the minimum budget for a Facebook ad is $1 per day. The minimum recommended budget for CPC is $5 per day.

Let’s assume you’re focused on building awareness with impressions with your daily $1 as an example. According to RevealBot, the average CPM on Facebook is currently $8.45 for 2024. So, how many impressions can your budget get you?

graphic depicting daily impressions formula for Facebook Ads

Your estimated number of impressions per day can be calculated using the formula:

(Daily budget x 1000) / CPM

If the average CPM is $8.45 and you have a $1 daily budget, that means:

($1 x 1000) / $8.45 Impressions per day = ~118.34 Impressions per day

To sum it all up, with a daily budget of $1 and an average CPM of $8.45, you can expect an average of 118 impressions per day or 43,070 impressions per year.

That’s not too shabby for the lowest possible ad spend. So clearly, what’s considered a “good” budget is more of a range than a single number.

Here are some other cost benchmarks to keep in mind as you’re planning:

  • The average CPC in Facebook Ads for lead gen campaigns across all industries is $1.92. This translated to an average cost per lead (CPL) in a leads campaign across all industries of $23.10.
  • Revealbot found the average CPC in lead campaigns in 2024 so far to be about $1.50, while CPL across all campaigns is $8.45.

Facebook Ads Cost Calculator

Pro tip: Need help calculating your Facebook Ads budget? Use our ads calculator.

The free HubSpot Advertising ROI Calculator can help you understand how much you can expect to make from Facebook Ads according to your current or estimated spending.

In turn, you can evaluate whether you need to spend more or less to achieve your monetary goals.

Screenshot of results from HubSpot’s Ad Budget Calculator

Simply enter your Facebook ad budget, reach, and other relevant information, and the calculator will do the rest.

Factors That Affect Your Facebook Ads Budget

As we’ve seen so far, Facebook Ads budgets don’t have to be big to be effective — but they should be thought out.

Before we get into exactly how to set your budget, let’s loop back around to the points we mentioned earlier that can affect your cost: goals, audience, bidding strategy, and time of year.

Once you have an understanding of these, you’ll be better equipped to work with the numbers.


Screenshot showing some of the goal options in Facebook Ads

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What you hope to achieve with your Facebook Ads can heavily impact how much the platform charges you. Goals can also determine whether you are charged by clicks or impressions.

Some of the goals Facebook offers include:

  • Get more messages
  • Get more engagement
  • Get more leads
  • Get more calls
  • Get more website visitors

Related resource: The Facebook Ad Types: How to Choose the Best Ad Type for Your Goals

Impressions are typically associated with goals related to increasing brand awareness or getting in front of new people.

Meanwhile, clicks are best when you’re trying to get someone to take action, like installing your app, filling out a form, or visiting your website.

More sales-focused goals (i.e. generating a lead) tend to cost more than impressions or clicks. And this makes sense considering they are of higher value to your business.

Campaign vs. Ad Set

Don't let terms like "campaign" or "ad set" confusion you on the platform.

An ad set is simply a group of one or more ads that you're running. A group of ads that share settings for how, when, and where to run. They also share a specific budget, target audience, placements, and bidding. 

A campaign is a collection of multiple ad sets working toward the same goal or objection. Learn more about how they work together from Facebook


Who you are trying to reach can also affect how much you’ll spend on Facebook Ads. For instance, targeting a highly populated city, specific age, or interest can drive costs up or down.

This all depends on how in demand they are with other advertisers.

Facebook has two main approaches to choosing an audience for your ads: broad and specific.

  • Broad audiences are wide nets Facebook develops based on what it knows about you and your offering, and Facebook refines them over time. This is a good approach if you're not sure who you want to reach.
  • Specific audiences are audiences built around the details you provide. They can include custom audiences and lookalike audiences.

If you’re going for impressions, a broad audience can be a good idea. But if you’re looking for leads or sales, you’ll want to get specific.

Like targeting a buyer persona versus a general market, a specific audience on Facebook Ads is more likely to get you qualified engagement and leads.

This usually means a higher cost per click, but the quality can be worth it. (We’ll dig deeper into this a little more later.)

Bidding Strategy

Remember that auction system Facebook charges based on? Within it, the company offers five types of bidding strategies that fall into three categories.

I know — This a lot, but this chart illustrates it well:

Chat from WordStream explaining the different types of Facebook Ad Bidding Strategies.

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Spend-based bidding focuses on spending your full budget and getting the most out of it.

It does this by either delivering your ad to a large audience (highest volume bidding) or a smaller but more qualified audience (highest value bidding).

With these options, Facebook automatically makes bid adjustments for you.

Facebook also automatically adjusts goal-based bidding, but with this option, you focus on achieving a specific target conversion rate or impressions number you set.

You can choose between a cost-per-result goal or ROAS goal (return on ad spend) within this category.

Lastly, manual bidding lets you fully control how much you bid across your ad auctions through a bid cap.

According to Facebook, a bid cap is where you, the advertiser, “set the maximum bid across auctions, rather than allow Facebook to bid dynamically based on your cost or value goals.”

“[It] is meant for advertisers who have a strong understanding of predicted conversion rates and can calculate the right bid.”

According to my research, no one bidding strategy is more affordable than the next, but your selection can raise or lower prices in conjunction with your ads' other specifics.

Time of Year

You don’t have to be a marketer to know that people shop more at different times of the year.

The cost of Facebook Ads depends heavily on competition. So if more people are trying to advertise when you are, you can expect to spend more.

During the end of the year holidays, for example, you can expect to spend more than you would if you ran them during the summer. Facebook Ads historically skyrocket in price during that time.

Now that you understand some of the larger factors that can impact your Facebook Ads costs, how much should you spend on Facebook ads?

How much should I spend on Facebook Ads?

Graphic listing 4 steps to follow to set you facebook ads budget

I can’t reiterate enough: Facebook Ads are complicated. You can certainly set a budget, but until you’re actually in the tool, it can be difficult to know how your dollars will be distributed.

Davidson recommends basing your budget on your goals and using an estimate for elements like your cost per customer, opportunity, and sale. Then, you can work backward from there.

How to Set Your Facebook Ads Budget

With that in mind, here’s a very simplified process for setting an approximate your Facebook Ads budget.

1. Identify your goal.

2. Ask yourself if this would likely be CPC or CPM?

3. Use the current averages of CPC or CPM to estimate your potential results.

4. Adjust until your results match your goals.

This should be your budget. From here, go into the Facebook platform. Make adjustments according to bidding strategy and audience.

To learn how to actually set up your budget within the Facebook Ads interface, check out our article, “How to Run Facebook Ads: Step-by-Step Guide to Advertising on Facebook.”

Pro tip: Start with enough to enable experimentation.

Davidson details, “You should start with a budget that would give you enough data to learn from and optimize. $1,000 for low ticket items and $5,000 for higher ticket items is a good place to start for a test budget.”

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Facebook Ads Budget

Businesses need to spend money to make money, as they say. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prioritize getting the most bang for your buck at the same time. (And frankly, this deal-seeking couponer won’t let you.)

Big or small, here are six tips to help you get the most out of your Facebook Ads budget.

1. Boost posts that are already performing well.

“Boosted” Posts on Facebook were initially made to your page or timeline as organic content but then promoted to a larger audience using Facebook Ads.

They are an easy way to get important existing content in front of more people — and really just get more out of the work you’ve already done.

Is a post on your Facebook page getting a lot of engagement or clicks? Think of that as a successful experiment proving your audience enjoys that content. It likely has great potential to perform well as an ad.

2. Narrow your target audience.

Getting more specific and niche with your audience is inbound marketing 101. Narrowing your audience focuses less on just getting people to see your ad, and more on getting the right people to see it.

For instance, let’s say you run a website that sells dog grooming services in New York City. This means you should target people aged 18+ in the New York City metropolitan area who show interest in “Petco” and “Barkbox” over simply people who live in New York City, age 18+.

You can see a real-life example in this ad I came across from retailer Shein.

Screenshot of a Facebook Ad from Shein.

Clicking “Why am I seeing this ad?”, I can see Shein opted to target users who have their gender set to female, are between ages 35 and 44, and have their location set to the United States.

Example of the “why I’m seeing this ad” pop up on Facebook, explaining how Shein targeted a Facebook Ad

But they don’t stop there. They refine even further based on my activity — previous interactions with pages and posts about apparel, food & drinks, and events.

Example of the “why I’m seeing this ad” pop up on Facebook, explaining how Shein targeted a Facebook Ad

This approach is smart as it helps make sure those most interested in their ad will see it.

For more niche audiences, your CPC or CPM will likely increase. But those who do click or see the ad are much more qualified for your offering and, in turn, more likely to buy from you.

Learn more about Facebook Ad targeting in our article, “How to Make the Best of Facebook Ad Targeting, According to HubSpot's Paid Ad Specialist.

Pro tip: Use “Lookalike” Audiences.

Lookalike audiences are groups that are similar to people who have converted on your content or bought from you in the past.

They can include people who are similar to your email list, such as website visitors, customers, video viewers, Facebook followers, and more.

These help eliminate the guesswork involved in determining what traits to target with your ads, using data to show which ones present the best opportunities.

3. Monitor and lower your ad frequency.

I feel like no one talks about it anymore, but “banner blindness” is still alive and well. This is the idea that website visitors tend to develop a form of selective attention, where they ignore any information present as a banner or ad on a website.

They do this unconsciously or consciously, especially if they’re exposed to the same ad repeatedly. Facebook recognizes this, so it calculates and tracks your ad “frequency.”

Frequency is calculated as impressions divided by reach.

The tech giant notes that monitoring your frequency is important to ensure your ads aren’t being seen too frequently in a single campaign and your audience isn’t experiencing ad fatigue.

If your frequency is high and impressions or clicks are low, that’s a pretty good sign that your current ads aren’t working and you’re not getting the most out of your budget.

The tech giant advises, “If performance begins to drop as your frequency numbers rise, your target audience may be experiencing ad fatigue, and it may be wise to change your ad creative or targeting.”

Check out these resources for more guidance on how to improve your ad creative:

Speaking of creative …

4. Optimize your creative with A/B testing.

Testing is good advice for any marketing endeavor, but it can be especially valuable with Facebook Ads.

“Creative has become the variable for success with Facebook Ads,” shared Davidson when asked for his best advice for ads success.

“[Facebook’s] algorithm is really strong, so the targeting is not as make-or-break as it used to be. It’s now creative, creative, creative. Test as many different types of creative and messaging. And once you start seeing data, pause what’s not working, spend on what is, and continue to test to find more of what is working.”

Screenshot of the A/B testing feature in Facebook Ads.

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Facebook has A/B testing built directly into the platform. We detail how to use it in this article.

Pro tip: Facebook lets you A/B test creative, but also ad placement. Experimenting with both will help you find the most profitable and cost effective combinations long term.

5. Don’t sleep on retargeting.

Like lookalike audiences, retargeting allows you to get in front of the most qualified potential buyers with your Facebook Ads.

Related resource: What Is Retargeting? How To Set Up an Ad Retargeting Campaign

Retargeting uses the “Meta pixel” to track buyer behavior between your website and the social media platform.

That means you can target those users on Facebook with ads related to pages they’ve visited on your website or actions they’ve taken. This helps make the ads feel more personalized and relevant.

The more relevant your ads are, the more likely people are to engage.

For example, take this retargeting ad I got from the meal-delivery company Factor_.

Example of a retargeting Facebook Ad from Factor_

Knowing I’ve tried their service but am currently deactivated, they targeted me with an ad to return and take advantage of a deal.

What behaviors should you retarget? Some ideas include:

  • Abandoned carts
  • Landing page submissions
  • Demo or pricing page visits

6. Create a consistent experience.

If your goal is to generate traffic or leads, you need to make sure your Facebook ad is consistent with everything the user will experience after they click through.

We’re talking headline, call-to-action, offer, imagery, and even design.

Graphic showing how to create consistency in a Facebook Ad experience.

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Why is consistency so important? Well, you don’t want your ad to look like a bait and switch.

In other words, you don’t want people to click through expecting to get one thing, then be met with something else and bounce off your site without taking action.

This is a frustrating experience for the user and a waste of a click in your ads budget.

If someone clicks on an ad about buying a specific laptop, they should be taken to a page that lets them learn more and actually purchase that laptop.

If they click on an ad for a free guide on flying cars, they should be taken to a landing page to download that guide.

One of the easiest ways to create this consistent experience is to create dedicated landing pages for each of your Facebook Ads.

Put your budget where your buyer is.

With nearly 40% of the world’s population active on Facebook, there’s a good chance your target market is among them. But that doesn’t mean you should start spending on ads haphazardly.

Take the steps, tips, and resources shared in this article to start planning your Facebook Ads budget wisely and get the very most out of it.

How HubSpot Media’s Head of Audience Development & Distribution Breaks the Marketing Mold

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It's been an interesting year in the marketing world. Advancements in AI and constant changes in Google's algorithm have all but turned the industry on its head.

And as the marketing industry continues to evolve rapidly, marketers like HubSpot's Head of Audience Development and Distribution, Dréa Hudson, are not only keeping up with the changing tides but also thinking far enough outside the box to be on the next wave.

So today, we're going to pick Hudson's brain to learn how marketers can win and stand out in the ever-shifting marketing world. We'll explore why keeping calm is her superpower, how she ensures AI works for her, and why good ideas should always be broken down in favor of better ones. 

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What Marketers Can Learn from HubSpot's Head of Audience Development and Distribution

1. Leverage YouTube in your strategy.

According to Nielsen, YouTube topped the list for streaming time for 17 consecutive months in July. YouTube is also the biggest video-sharing platform in the world and the second largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.7 billion users.

So it's no wonder Hudson says marketers should look to YouTube to increase visibility for their brands, especially since formerly tried-and-true channels like Google have become more volatile over the last year.

"Marketers should really be looking to sharpen their skillsets on YouTube," she says. "It doesn't always have to be keyword and search-based, either. YouTube is very good at understanding what videos should surface based on a few different things, like average view duration and the quality of the content. YouTube is a platform that is going to be super beneficial for any marketer looking to stay in the game."

2. Get comfortable with AI.

"We're in the middle of a revolutionary period right now," she says. "Instead of being afraid, it's time to get smart and level up your skillset when it comes to how you're actually bringing in new customers or driving brand awareness."

One skill marketers should absolutely hone is their proficiency in AI.

"If you're a marketer today, and you are not at least playing around with AI tools for an hour a day, you're doing yourself a disservice," Hudson explains.

Hudson recommends blocking off time in your calendar to play around with a tool you find the most intimidating.

"There's nothing wrong with testing something out and trying something," she says. "And the more you work with it, the better off you'll be. I think people are always afraid of AI taking their job, but at the end of the day, AI is not going to be able to replace you as a human."

She takes her own advice, even creating her own GPT that incorporates her love for music and pop culture.

"It's called 'You Got This,' and it's a GPT that basically talks to you in the form of [record producer] Rick Rubin and gives motivational advice or recommendations on how to get through challenges throughout your day."

3. Follow your instincts and look at the data.

Hudson stands out in her field by pushing boundaries and avoiding just copying and pasting from other ideas. And one of her biggest superpowers is her instinct.

"I think my natural disposition is to first go off instinct, which some marketers would advise against" she explains, "but I am very data-driven, so if someone presents me with a marketing challenge, my mind will immediately go into creative overdrive thinking about similar campaigns I've seen out there, or maybe campaigns that I've been wanting to do."

From there, Hudson says she considers the data she has and asks what is actually within her scope.

She also leaves room for her and her team to be data-informed and not just data-driven. Hudson explains that different people can come to different conclusions while looking at the same data, so give yourself room to experiment and follow your instincts about what the data could mean.

"I think it's a combination of pushing the boundaries, but also taking the data that you have and leveraging it to your advantage to hit your goals," she says. "No idea is an original idea. If you think your idea is the best idea, try to break that idea and come up with an even better one. And try that one."

4. Keep calm in the midst of chaos.

Hudson is the queen of cool. Her sense of cool doesn't just extend to her tastes in music and pop culture; it also shows in her demeanor.

"My ability to stay calm during chaos and my ability to be 'people-first' in everything I do is my secret weapon," she says. "As marketers, we're under a lot of pressure, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the deliverables and goals. But if you focus on the people you're working with, it's just easier."

Hudson says she's always thinking of the people who are a part of the projects she's leading and how to best make it easier for them to do their work. So, when you're feeling bogged down by deadlines, remember to keep calm and hone in on your team to think of solutions that will help them reach their goals.

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New Marketing Jobs That Focus on AI [Data + Examples]

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Marketing is undergoing some major changes at the hands of AI.

Get Started with HubSpot's AI Campaign Assistant

When I last looked for a full-time content writing job in early 2022, I found a few roles that asked for AI experience, but now it seems like every other listing mentions at least one AI program they want you to be a “pro” in.

Beyond that, there are new roles in the marketing center that have AI at the center. Knowing these positions will help you stay ahead of the curve and be competitive in the market.

Who knows, you may even find a new niche that you’ll love.

With that in mind, I’ll go over how AI is impacting marketing jobs, the new AI roles popping up in the industry, and how you can keep up with all of these changes.

Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

AI Marketing Jobs Marketing Departments are Investing In

While AI marketing jobs exist, it’s important to remember AI tends to be a part of most roles. Research from Microsoft found that 22% of recruiters already say they’re updating job descriptions to reflect the usage of generative AI in roles.

A different study from LinkedIn found that 12% of recruiters are creating new roles tied to generative AI.

To some, these numbers may seem small. However, I see this as a part of a growing trend. ChatGPT was launched to the public in November 2022, bringing the power of generative AI to everyone’s fingertips.

We’re already seeing AI’s widespread adoption impacting jobs. In the next few years, I expect these numbers to grow exponentially.

Right now, companies are focusing on highlighting the skills needed to use these programs. In the future, I expect more and more roles will explicitly mention specific software in their job postings, which will be core to the specified role.

So, even if you don’t see the words “artificial intelligence” in a job post, you may still need to use it (and may do so even more in the future). Keep that in mind as I break down which jobs in marketing use AI the most.

Content Writers With AI Expertise

While you might be worried that AI will replace content writers, we’re quickly finding the opposite is true.

In fact, according to our 2023 AI Trends for Marketers Report, only 4% out of 1,350+ marketing professionals use AI-created content without making any changes. Instead, most are probably working the way I do, using generative AI to develop ideas while editing or rewriting the AI-generated text.

Sydney Lamoureux, content lead at Leadhub, agrees that AI adds a new level of nuance to content creation.

She notes that while the initial “perceived potential of AI made it seem like it could handle anything and drastically speed up our workflows,” like most of us, she realized that AI “requires significant oversight, fact-checking, and prompt refinement to produce high-quality, nuanced content for clients.”

That said, AI speeds up the writing process and, in turn, the rate at which writers like me produce content, which is why business leaders or stakeholders are keen on hiring writers who are well-versed in AI.

Some of the content creation roles that require familiarity or experience with AI include:

  • AI Content Writer
  • Artificial Intelligence Writer
  • AI Writing Specialist
  • Editorial Director
  • AI Content Marketing Expert

48% of marketers use ai to create content

Social Media Experts and Managers

Another big area where marketers are using AI is in their social media marketing campaigns. We found that 31% of marketers used AI to create a social media post.

With AI, social media managers can quickly optimize a single piece of content for multiple platforms. Simply type in a prompt, and you’ll get dozens of engaging hashtags and a post made for every social media platform.

This saves time, which you can then devote to other needle-moving tasks in your daily work life. And it’s that time-saving perk that’s driving more and more business leaders to find managers with AI experience.

Take it from Sascha Hoffmann, an independent lifecycle marketing consultant, who sees that same benefit too.

“If I have a podcast, I can spin out a Twitter (X) thread, a LinkedIn post, a blog post, and an email with a single click/prompt. Prior to AI tools, this process took many hours and even a marketing coordinator or content manager role,” says Hoffmann.

If you’re looking for a new role in social media, keep an eye out for titles like:

  • Social Media Manager
  • Social Media and Marketing Director
  • Social Media Ad Creator

Prompt Engineers to Enhance Customer Experience and Other Areas

This role is a bit marketing-adjacent, but if you have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or data science, this new role is a great blend of creativity and data interpretation.

Prompt engineers help train AI by focusing on machine learning and how they can improve AI tools even further. Essentially, they are training the AI by seeing how they can get the program to return a specific response.

Similarly, we’ve got data training roles. These trainers focus on improving the model the AI software uses, analyzing the data created by the AI, and adjusting the prompts or code until the expected outcome is achieved.

These roles are highly data-driven, but both collaborate to bridge the gap between software and humans. They also generally require some coding knowledge, so keep that in mind.

You might find roles like:

  • AI Prompt Engineer
  • AI Data Trainer
  • Generative Prompt Engineer
  • Prompt Engineer

45% of marketers use ai to analyze or report data

General Content Marketing Roles Leveraging AI to Strategize and Create

I can’t stress enough the overarching benefits AI brings to all marketing teams. AI and automation are slowly seeping into nearly every part of the marketing cycle. In our data, we found:

  • 32% of marketers use AI for conducting research
  • 45% use AI to learn new things
  • 45% use AI to help analyze or report on data
  • 48% of marketers use AI to create content

And they’re using AI because it’s working in their marketing strategies. Up to 71% of marketers say AI has produced a positive ROI, while 72% of marketing managers say it’s made their teams more effective at their jobs.

You’ll find several marketing roles that require knowledge in AI like:

  • SEO Specialist
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Director of Marketing
  • Senior Product Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Consultant

The takeaway? Realistically, the marketing field isn’t seeing many “AI Marketing Jobs” just yet. Rather, AI is being infused into most marketing jobs, impacting parts of their everyday roles.

AI Marketing Role Job Descriptions (+ Examples)

So, current roles in the field are already shifting, but what about new roles popping up on the market?

In the next section, I’ll share some emerging roles that I’ve noticed gained popularity. I’ll also share what the role entails and their average pay.

1. AI Data Trainer

Generative AI is a powerful tool, creating new copy in a matter of seconds. Every piece of that power was trained on human input.

The system synthesizes data from across the web to create an answer that’s ideally an amalgamation of the internet’s best.

However, we’ve seen that AI can hallucinate, give incorrect information, or fail to strike the right tone. That’s where AI data training comes in, teaching AI systems how to respond and provide helpful, correct content.

To do this, trainers craft prompts for AI systems, monitor the output, and make adjustments to train the model.

People in this line of work need strong communication and analytical skills. You may also need a strong understanding of your employer's brand values and voice.

Below is an AI training job focused specifically on marketing copywriting. Positions in this field may be part-time or full-time.

ai careers, AI Data Trainer

Average Salary: $51,570

2. AI Content Writer/Editor

I’ve started seeing AI content writing positions open up at companies like Amazon and Braintrust. These roles are very similar to AI data trainers, with a few distinctions.

Content writer roles often require that the employee be able to cover different types of writing. One role from Amazon recommends that applicants have knowledge of a wide range of fields, included by not limited to “computer science, literature, music, mathematics, economics, and travel.”

Beyond that, the role specifies that the employee with be reviewing both human and AI-generated content. They’ll then rank the content by preference, helping train the model further.

AI editors also focus on LLMs’ output. They may be ranking content to drive preference data. They also shape the output before publication to ensure accuracy and a human touch.

ai careers, ai writer

Average Pay: $40 an hour

3. Product Marketing Manager

So perhaps you don’t want to live and breathe generative AI. There are still plenty of jobs that sit in the overlap of the AI/marketing Venn diagram. That’s especially true if you have experience in product marketing.

As more AI-driven products pop up on the market, more companies are looking for marketers that can help drive buzz about their offerings. Technical knowledge will help you navigate this role as you translate AI offerings capabilities into campaigns consumers of all levels can understand.

ai careers, product manager

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Average Salary: $112,939

4. AI Content Marketing Specialist

Content marketers, there’s no need to sound the alarm! There are still roles that use your creativity and strong writing skills.

Jobs like the AI content marketing specialist role below take your existing talents and apply them to this emerging market.

In these roles, employees tell the story of AI products. They help explain what the offering does, how it makes life easier, and who can benefit. You’ll also have the opportunity to build a content strategy across channels.

AI content Marketing Specialist job description

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Average Salary: This position is still emerging, so average salary information is not widely available. The U.S. average salary for content marketing specialists is $59,518.

5. AI/ML Enablement Content Writer

If you have a background in technical writing, this role may be the perfect fit. AI/machine learning enablement content writers help create the material to enable adoption. That can be consumer-facing or internal to a company.

The role below involves creating training materials to educate employees on how to use AI in their workflows. The job also involves staying on top of product development to communicate changes as they arise.

AI/ML Enablement Content Writer

Image Source

Average Salary: This position is still emerging, so average salary information is not widely available. The U.S. average salary for technical content writers is $83,301.

Training and Certification for AI Jobs

If you’ve reviewed a few AI marketing job results and feel that you aren’t quite up to the task of meeting all of the requirements, I’ve found a practical solution: certification.

Whether you’re looking for a new AI marketing job or just want to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, getting some more training can help. Here are some of the courses I’d recommend if you want to get started.

1. HubSpot Academy

ai careers training, hubspot

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You’ll find several AI-focused training courses in the HubSpot Academy. My favorites are:

Both of these are free courses that help give a good overview of AI and how it’s used in marketing. You’ll also learn how to use some AI tools, so you’re getting practical applications.

These courses are especially useful if you use any of HubSpot’s tools, like our CRM or CMS. We already use AI in these tools, but you can learn how to make the most of the software by taking some of our training courses.

2. Google Training

Amelia Munday, social media marketer at Custom Neon®, recommends Google’s AI for Marketers courses because “they provide a solid basis for utilizing AI in a variety of marketing contexts, which is extremely relevant to my daily responsibilities.”

Google offers dozens of AI courses, including several with certification options. I recommend trying them out to see if their style appeals to you:

3. GrowthTribe Certification

GrowthTribe offers several AI certification programs. Each program will help you understand how to use AI in your everyday work and offer more specific tips, depending on the course you take.

I like how several of GrowthTribe’s courses focus on marketers who want to gain a more data-focused understanding of AI.

Here are a couple of courses to get you started:

4. LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn also offers hundreds of courses, videos, and certificate programs focused on AI. The courses cover every area, from programming to ethics.

Some of LinkedIn’s most popular options include:

While most of these are premium courses, LinkedIn continues to update these courses to ensure they remain relevant. You also get to know exactly when the courses were created, and the ratings are pretty transparent.

Future Proofing Your Marketing Career

AI is creeping into every aspect of the workforce, and if you don’t keep up, you’ll end up falling behind.

So whether you’re looking for an AI marketing job at the beginning of your career or hoping to move into management, keeping up with the trends in this field is a must. And who knows — you may even come up with your own AI marketing initiatives in the process.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in May 2023 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

State of Video in 2024: Video Marketing Statistics & Insights from Wistia

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In late 2023, I collaborated with an organization to increase its visibility and donations.

Download Now: Free Video Marketing Trends Report

We created straightforward yet emotionally charged videos with basic filming equipment centering around raw interviews with the people the organization helped.

As we uploaded the videos on social media, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Soon, the donations skyrocketed, and more people volunteered.

This project taught me the power of simple, genuine storytelling in video marketing, which truly resonates with audiences.

That said, in 2023, 91% of businesses were using video as a marketing tool, and even now, videos dominate the marketing industry in every format imaginable.

As an avid video consumer and someone who’s worked in the marketing industry, I believe it’s become important to look at video marketing statistics in 2024 to stay ahead.

Wistia set out to discover how folks made videos, which videos they made, and what they did to make their videos bring real results for their business. What did people’s video strategies look like last year?

In this article, I’ll share what worked and what didn’t. Plus, find out what companies have planned for this year as we look towards the future of video marketing.

Table of Contents

2024 State of Video Report

Wistia surveyed over 2,000 professionals, looked at how 100,000+ businesses are using their platform, dug through more than 90 million uploaded videos, and then put everything they found into their 2024 State of Video Report.

Here are some of their biggest takeaways:

  • Audiences want to learn how to use your product and gain industry expertise. By far, educational and instructional videos were the most engaging type of video content made by businesses last year. And you don’t need deep pockets to start creating them.
  • A bigger budget does not mean higher engagement. High production values and more resources aren't the key to keeping viewers glued to your videos. Audiences willingly watch, and sometimes prefer, low-budget video content, even talking head videos recorded with just a webcam. This makes video production much more accessible for all—a big win for smaller brands!
  • Video is an effective way to generate and nurture qualified leads. By adding email capture forms and calls to action (CTAs) to the videos on your website, you can make video an integral part of the lead generation process.

In Wistia’s report, you’ll find a ton of video marketing statistics on performance, creation, distribution, and generative artificial intelligence (AI).

I’ve pulled out the most interesting insights that’ll help you build a stronger video marketing strategy and keep up with the rising need for video content. Let’s dive in!

Video Performance Statistics

For 63% of video marketers, measuring the ROI of their video content involves tracking the number of video views. So, Wistia got curious and asked around: How do you figure out if your video‘s hitting the mark?

Turns out 28% of the folks they surveyed dig into engagement graphs and heatmaps, 27% swear by a video analytics dashboard, and 19% check out where their traffic is coming from.

Tracking performance across different embed locations is key for 14%, while 12% compare different videos against each other.

What's the most valuable performance metric for videos?

Conversion rate steals the spotlight, whether it‘s through clicks on annotations, CTAs, or email capture forms.

Engagement rate grabs the silver medal, with traffic to the video’s page not far behind. Play rate and total plays score fourth and fifth as success markers.

How are businesses putting video performance data to work?

A solid 40% use it to gauge their videos‘ role in hitting marketing goals. Another 23% let it guide their creative choices, 20% rely on it to track the impact of video on a web page, and 17% use it to prove ROI to the company’s stakeholders.

When it comes to A/B testing, what's on the experiment table?

A hefty 31% rely on A/B testing to compare video elements (like music and video length) or structural changes (like the addition or omission of an intro).

About 26% play around with the placement or wording of CTAs or forms to see what works best, 21% pit different videos against each other, and 18% try out custom thumbnails to see which one gets the most plays.

Only a few, 4%, test the waters with player design or color changes.

Video Consumption

The amount of time people spend watching videos keeps going up beyond what Wistia’s seen in the last few years.

In 2023, companies hosting their videos on Wistia saw video plays jump by 15% and total watch time soar by 44%.

Statista also reported that in 2023, over three billion people watched videos on the internet, downloaded or streamed.

Kyle Denhoff, senior director of marketing and audience development at HubSpot, says, “There are two changes in the market indicating a need for more video content. First, the search landscape is being disrupted by AI. Second, we’re seeing a shift to a video-first consumption of content for audiences.”

So what's the scoop on key video performance metrics like the play rate, engagement rate, and conversion rate? Time to break down the stats!

Video Play Rates

Think of the video play rate as the ratio of folks who actually press play to those who just scroll past the video.

Tons of stuff can sway this metric–like how eye-catching your thumbnail is, the length of the video, where it's placed, the content and context surrounding it, and even the flow of traffic to the page displaying the video.

video marketing stats, play rates

Longer videos usually catch more clicks per page visit. Longer videos are normally packed with more educational info than shorter videos, and they exist on specialized pages with highly specific purposes that likely get fewer impressions. Most people coming to these pages are hunting for info, making them more inclined to press play.

Shorter videos might not get the highest play rates on a web page. Even though short videos are usually found in high-traffic areas like homepages or product pages, they don’t always attract clicks. Reasons vary—visitors might have already watched them, aren‘t quite ready to hit play, or weren’t expecting to find a video while browsing. Despite the lower play rate, their prime spots mean these short videos still get plenty of views.

Lots of things can nudge your video's play rate. In Wistia’s full report, they dive into how factors like industry and company size impact your play rate.

Video Engagement

Next up: video engagement rate. This is a key metric that tells us what chunk of your video actually holds your viewer‘s attention.

It’s a great way to see if your audience is actively interested in your video and values the content you’re offering.

video marketing stats, engagement rates

Now that we've got a handle on what video engagement rate is all about, it’s time to dive into some benchmarks. How does video length play into keeping viewers hooked? Let’s find out!

Interestingly, engagement rates across various video lengths have remained steady year after year. Though, they've all dipped a bit in the last 5-10 years.

This dip could be because of audiences’ shrinking attention spans, which may also explain why engagement rates hold the top spot for shorter videos, start to drop for those 5-30 minute videos, and take a hit at the hour-long mark.

video marketing stats, short-form

Video Conversion

Wistia found that 41% of businesses add annotation links, CTAs, and email capture forms to their videos to crank up their conversion rates.

video marketing stats, conversion rate

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty: Which conversion opportunities are businesses using in their videos, and which ones work the best?

video marketing stats, opportunity type

Annotation links take the top spot at a solid 45%, with CTAs trailing right behind at 40%. Email capture forms? They're only being used 15% of the time.

There has been a bit of a dip in CTAs and forms making their way into videos over the past few years.

It’s a bummer because when you skip out on a conversion action, you’re basically leaving your most engaged viewers hanging without a clear next step.

Here’s something pretty interesting: Email capture forms netted the highest conversion rate at 23%. CTAs are at a respectable 13%, but those popular annotation links? Just 1%.

So, even though annotation links are everywhere, they're not quite bringing home the bacon. And forms—the least popular type—turn out to be the most effective in getting viewers to take that next step.

It‘s clear businesses should use email capture forms and CTAs more. They’re your best bet for nudging viewers closer to becoming customers.

Now that we've found the best ways to get viewers to take action, let’s see how much video length matters in making that happen.

Turns out videos that run over five minutes often see higher conversion rates.

This probably has to do with the fact that longer videos engage viewers more deeply with valuable content, making them more likely to act when a conversion opportunity arises.

Plus, longer videos give you the flexibility to strategically place conversion opportunities at optimal moments.

For videos under five minutes, annotations and forms don’t bring great results.

But CTAs? They still have a solid chance of converting viewers. You can get an in-depth look at this in the full report.

Average Conversion Rate by Position

On average, the best place to put a conversion opportunity is within the first or final quarter of a video or at the very end.

video marketing stats, conversion rate

Phew, we just ran through a lot of numbers, didn’t we? But—believe it or not—we’ve only scratched the surface. You'll find a lot more video conversion stats and insights in Wistia’s full report.

Video Creation Statistics

In 2023, there was a dip in the average number of videos produced by businesses. Seems the economic squeeze, which likely led to tighter budgets and smaller creative teams for many companies, put a dent in video production.

What's keeping businesses from making more videos?

Turns out 61% of companies point to time and bandwidth as their biggest hurdles, with team size, resources, and technical ability trailing close behind at 44%.

Only 36% of video marketers sweat over cost and budget, and 32% need to put together ideas or a solid content strategy first.

Remote collaboration is a hiccup for only 15% of companies because many have shifted back to in-person production.

Finally, 11% of in-house video creators need to get stakeholders on board before they can hit the record button.

Pro tip: I’ve found that a great way to tackle these rising marketing budgets is to look at what can be made into videos and which current videos can be repurposed into other smaller assets. Some examples might be webinar cuts, 6-second reels, YouTube shorts, or animations.

Andréa Hudson, Head of Audience Development, Distributed Platforms at HubSpot, says, “For businesses truly looking to scale: invest in creators, hire an in-house producer, and leverage AI video tools for your team.”

Are businesses embracing generative AI for video?

video marketing stats, ai

Wistia found that only 18% of businesses are weaving AI tools into their video production workflows.

video marketing stats, ai

Of these companies, 59% use AI to auto-generate captions or transcripts.

50% tap into it to draft up scripts or outlines or just to brainstorm. 35% lean on AI to generate visuals and music or fix overdubs, while 29% use it to quickly find key clips to edit.

And let's not forget the 26% creating catchy social promo copy with AI’s help.

But get this: A whopping 66% of folks Wistia asked can't wait to dive into AI for their 2024 video projects. They want to use it to save time on scriptwriting, video editing, creating chapters, and summing up videos.

More folks are seeing how AI simplifies the video creation process, so there might be a big jump in AI use by businesses this year.

Video Distribution Statistics

Where are businesses embedding their videos?

If you’ve ever wondered where videos get the most eyes, Wistia has answers!

Of businesses, 67% point to their own website as the best place to distribute videos. 49% give their votes to email blasts as a key channel.

video marketing stats, distribution

LinkedIn tops the list as the favorite social channel for sharing videos, chosen by 43% of businesses. YouTube is close behind, with 40% of companies posting their video content there.

Instagram and Facebook aren't too far behind, coming in at 22% and 19%, respectively.

TikTok might be a bit behind the pack at only 7%, but it's gaining traction fast as a valuable platform for connecting with an untapped B2B audience.

video marketing stats, tiktok

Boosting Video Accessibility

A solid 26% of businesses surveyed believe that improving video accessibility is important for the overall audience experience.

video marketing stats, captions

video marketing stats, captions

Promoting Videos on Social Media Channels

Businesses, by and large, have multiple distribution channels for their social media videos. According to Hootsuite, businesses post videos on at least two out of the four following channels: TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

They also post videos around three to five times per week (with TikToks, Facebook stories, and Instagram Reels combined).

video marketing stats, length

When it comes to posting videos on social media, vertical formats are the most engaging. Out of all social channels, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook are where most businesses see their videos perform the best.

Pro tip: From personal experience, I suggest that marketers start producing video material appropriate for each specific platform if they want to take advantage of these popular channels.

Want to unlock more insights from Hootsuite, like the best time to post videos for each social channel? Download the full report.

Video Strategy Statistics

What types of videos did companies create last year?

Wistia’s survey showed that in 2023, product videos took the lead as the most common type of video content, accounting for 43% of all videos created.

Educational and instructional videos closely followed at 38%, while live events and social media content each made up 35% of the video landscape.

Additionally, 25% were promotional videos or ads, while customer testimonials made up 18%, sales videos at 14%, original series and podcasts at 11%, and company culture videos at 10%.

It’s clear that businesses are seeing value in producing product videos, educational or instructional content, and webinars.

video marketing stats, tiktok

Factors driving the types of videos created in 2023 included product or service launches for 49% of respondents, internal requests for 47%, previous video performance for 31%, customer feedback for 28%, and competitor activity or SEO research for 14%.

What types of videos do businesses want to make more of in 2024?

Product marketing takes center stage in the year ahead.

45% of companies told Wistia that they want to create more product videos to showcase their products and expertise. Additionally, 38% are keen on educational and instructional content, while 35% are all about social media videos.

Webinars and live events are also on the radar for 32% of respondents, followed by customer testimonials at 26% and promotional videos at 27%.

Some companies also have their sights set on making more sales videos (18%), original series (17%), and company culture videos (9%).

The Future of Video

Even though businesses are making fewer videos these days, folks are watching more videos than ever. This leads Wistia to believe that audiences will continue to watch content they find useful, even if its production value is lower.

In my experience, consumers look for the value you provide regarding videos. In fact, Wistia’s survey backs this up, as more people are now keen on product demos, followed by educational and instructional content.

Video remains important for every part of the funnel, and it’s clear that people want to learn about companies this way.

I found that it’s become simpler for companies to shoot a video with a smartphone (Remember the Apple Ad for Olivia Rodrigo’s “Get Him Back!” music video, which was completely shot with an iPhone).

Even Wistia encourages smaller companies to make more videos without relying on expensive equipment.

And Wistia thinks that more companies will get comfortable with incorporating AI tools into their workflows. There are tons of ways AI can help businesses simplify the video creation process and improve their video marketing.

For starters, it can auto-generate captions and transcripts, get a video script off the ground, and create promotional copy for social media.

Unsurprisingly, we’re already anticipating AI to be a prominent aspect of the future of video marketing. I suggest you also look into AI-powered video editing and AI-driven audience targeting techniques.

As AI develops, I believe brands will have the chance to analyze vast amounts of data using AI. This allows them to learn more about their target audience and develop successful video marketing campaigns.

With a solid video marketing strategy, you can compete with bigger companies no matter what industry you’re in.

The Big Difference Between Digital Product And Web Design

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In the early days of the web, I remember how annoying it was when print designers would claim they could design websites, too. They assumed that just because they could design for one medium, they could design for the other. That assumption often led to bad user experiences. The skills for effective web design are quite different from those for print design. A similar thing happens today. Designers know how to design traditional marketing and e-commerce sites. They, therefore, presume they have the skills to work on SaaS apps and other digital projects. But when it comes to design, there’s a big distinction between traditional websites and digital products. If we want to work on digital products, we need to understand those differences and adopt a different approach to our work. People Interact with Digital Products More Regularly The biggest difference is that users interact with digital products more than most websites. Think about your own web use. What are the sites you visit most often? If you listed your top ten, well over half would be some form of digital product, from a social media application to a productivity tool. So, with that in mind, let’s dive into the specifics of how the frequency of usage impacts our design approach and what we can do about it. Why Frequency of Use Matters So Much The more we interact with a web app or website, the more important the overall user experience becomes. Users develop deeper connections with digital products. They also form more complex mental models of products they use often. This changes how they see the app in two fundamental ways.

Friction Becomes Significantly More Irritating

First, friction points become increasingly annoying. Users interact with a digital product many times per day. Any small problem in the interface compounds quickly. When you encounter a clunky UI or confusing workflow on a website you only visit once in a while, it’s frustrating but easy to overlook. But, when that same friction occurs in an app you use multiple times per day, it becomes a major source of irritation.

Change Undermines Our Procedural Knowledge

Second, the more we use an app, the more familiar we become with it and how it works. We end up using the app automatically, without even thinking, much like when you’ve been driving a car for years, you don’t think about the process. This is known as procedural knowledge. This is great news for digital product designers, as it means we can create interfaces that become second nature to our users. But, if we break their mental models or introduce unexpected changes, we risk causing frustration and disruption. So, knowing these two things, how does this affect our approach to digital product design? Well, let’s start by considering the problem of friction. Fixing Friction Points As digital product designers, we need to become obsessed with removing friction from the user experience. Failure to do so will alienate users over time and ultimately lead to churn. To mitigate friction, we need to constantly seek out friction points. We need to diagnose the exact problem and then test any solution to ensure it does, in fact, make things better. So, how exactly do we find friction points?

Finding Friction

The most obvious way is to listen to customers. User feedback is crucial in identifying friction points in the user experience. However, we can’t simply rely on that. Analytics can be your friend, too. Microsoft Clarity offers essential insights to pinpoint issues on your app. I would highly recommend using a tool like Microsoft Clarity. It gives detailed insights into user behavior. They help find points of friction. These include the following:
  • Rage clicks: Where individuals continuously click on something due to frustration.
  • Dead clicks: Where people click on something that is not clickable.
  • Excessive scrolling: Where users scroll up and down looking for something.
  • Quick backs: Where a person accidentally lands on a screen and promptly navigates back to the previous one.
  • Error messages: Where the user is triggering an error in the system.
These will help you identify potential friction points that you can then investigate further.

Diagnosing Friction

Once you know where things are going wrong, you can use heat maps and session recordings in Clarity. They will help you understand the problem. Why are people excessively scrolling or rage-clicking, for example? Session recordings are valuable for pinpointing particular problems in the interface. If the heat maps or session recordings don’t make things clear, that is where you would need to consider usability testing. Once you understand the problem, you can then begin exploring solutions and testing them rigorously to ensure they effectively reduce friction.

Testing Your Friction Busting Solutions

How you test your solution to the point of friction will depend on the size and complexity of the changes you need to make. For small changes, such as tweaking the UI or changing some text, A/B testing is often the best approach. You show the new solution to a subset of your users and measure the impact on those indicators of frustration. But A/B testing isn’t always the right approach. If your app has lower levels of traffic, getting results from a statistically significant A/B test can be time-consuming. Also, when your solution involves big changes, like adding new features or redesigning many screens, A/B testing can be expensive. That is because you need to first fully develop the solution before you can test it, meaning that it can prove costly if that solution turns out not to work. Your best approach in such situations is to create a prototype for remote testing. Initially, I usually conduct unfacilitated testing with a tool such as Maze. Unfacilitated testing is easy to set up. It requires minimal time investment, and Maze offers analytics, so you don’t necessarily need to watch every session back. Maze serves as a valuable resource for conducting remote testing, offering both test data and recordings for each test. If testing uncovers issues you can’t fix, then try facilitated testing. Facilitated testing enables you to delve into any arising issues by asking questions. Once you have a solution that works, it’s time to roll that feature out. But you need to be careful at this point because of the procedural knowledge I mentioned earlier. Dealing With the Dangers of Procedural Knowledge Introducing fixes to a user interface has a good chance of breaking a user’s procedural knowledge. Interface elements are often moved and so are no longer where users expect to find them, or they look different, and so users miss them. This can upset many existing customers. That can panic stakeholders and lead to rash decisions. To some extent, you need to accept that this is inevitable and prepare stakeholders for this eventuality. Users will normally adapt in a couple of weeks of regular use, and so there is no immediate need to panic. That said, there are things you can do to mitigate the reaction.
  1. To start with, you can let people know that change is coming. This allows people to mentally adapt to the change before it occurs.
  2. Secondly, if the change is significant, you may wish to give people the ability to opt out of it, at least in the short term. That is why some apps roll out features in beta and give users the option to opt in or out. This provides a sense of control that reduces people’s reactions.
  3. Finally, you can also provide guidance within the user interface itself. Tooltips and overlays can show users where features have been moved so new interface elements can be highlighted.
Slack use tooltips to explain how their interface works. The key is to strike a balance. You must add needed improvements while causing minimal disruption to users’ workflows. You will also need to carefully monitor adoption and adapt accordingly. Change The Way We Work That constant monitoring and adaptation lies at the heart of digital product design. You cannot rely solely on the initial solution but must be prepared to continuously refine and iterate as user behavior and needs evolve.

How to Use AI to Make Money & Grow Your Business

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AI is becoming an essential tool for businesses, especially for increasing productivity. But did you know you can also use AI to make money?

AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney are for more than just writing emails and generating funny images. They can also be used to make money. Many freelancers, small businesses, and entrepreneurs are already using AI to make thousands of dollars by implementing AI tools into their workflows.

Generative AI and machine learning were among the top most in-demand skills of 2024 on Upwork and it’s spreading fast into many different industries as well.

In a previous post, we showcased the most useful AI tools for improving your business. We also explained how you can use those tools to grow different aspects of your business.

In this post, we look at some of the ways and methods to use AI to make money and grow your business. Let’s dive in.

1. Copywriting and Content Creation

Copywriting and Content Creation

One of the best uses of AI is content creation. Generative AI tools excel at written content and there are many ways you can take advantage of them to make money and increase the revenue of your business.

Offer Freelance Writing Services

As a freelancer, you can create a content writing service using AI. You can provide blog posts, write resumes, cover letters, technical documents, and more with the help of AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude.

Many freelance marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork already have freelancers who make huge profits by offering AI content writing services.

Edit Content Using AI

As a writer, you can use AI tools to edit, rewrite, and refine your content to further improve them. This way, you don’t have to rely on editors or feedback from clients to make your content better. As a freelancer, you can even offer it as a service.

Develop a Blog for Your Business

If you have a small business, you can now easily develop your blog with high-quality blog posts, guides, tutorials, and more without having to hire writers. Using AI tools, writing great articles is now effortless and they will even help optimize your content for SEO.

This is a great way to generate organic traffic to your business website, which will then lead to more sales and revenue.

Write White Papers

AI tools are also great at writing technical documents. Use them to write white papers to increase awareness of your business and build authority. Additionally, you can create technical manuals, FAQ pages, knowledge bases, and tutorials by training AI on your business data as well.

Write Copy for Websites and Products

Use AI tools to write better copy for your website descriptions and call to actions (CTA). Also, write descriptions for your product pages using AI and test them with your existing copy using A/B split testing. This will help you create better product pages and increase sales.

2. AI Consulting

Most small businesses are still not aware of how to properly utilize AI tools to improve their businesses. This is where AI consultants come in. They are experts in the subject of AI and offer consulting services to help businesses discover ways to integrate AI into their businesses.

Shopify’s Shop app

(Shopify’s Shop app)

This includes API integration, which essentially allows business websites to take advantage of popular AI models, like OpenAI’s GPT models, to create more advanced apps, websites, services, and systems. For example, AI is often used to offer better product recommendations for customers on eCommerce websites.

AI consultants also offer services in educating businesses on AI ethics and compliance, helping businesses use the best practices for AI without getting into trouble.

3. AI Chatbot Creation

One of the most profitable businesses in the AI industry right now is AI chatbots. These help businesses automate many of their tasks and customer services as well as generate more leads.

As an AI chatbot creator, your job is to create and program custom chatbots to serve customers on behalf of businesses. For example, these can be live service bots you see on a website. Or a custom bot that automatically replies to customers on Facebook or WhatsApp.

AI Chatbot Creation

Creating these AI chatbots is quite simple, thanks to platforms like ChatBot and LiveChatAI. All you have to do is write the messages and personalize them according to the business and its services.

4. Selling AI-Generated Art

Even though people were reluctant to accept AI art at first, they are now as normal as stock photos. In fact, many stock photo websites, including Shutterstock, now have categories dedicated to AI art. And they even accept submissions from creators.

If you’ve mastered the art of writing great prompts and generating high-quality AI art, you can now make good money by selling your art to these stock photo sites.

Selling AI-Generated Art

Wirestock is one of the best places you can use to sell your AI art but there are plenty of other stock photo sites you can use as well.

Businesses and agencies can also use AI art generators to create custom artwork, illustrations, icons, and photos for their websites, social media, and projects.

5. AI Photo Editing

Adobe Firefly

Photoshop now has powerful AI tools that allow you to edit, generate, and enhance photos with just text prompts. They help you edit photos, fix damaged photos, create photo manipulations, design posters, and more without much graphic design knowledge.

Whether you’re a freelancer or have a design agency, AI photo editing will offer a great way to bring in more revenue for your business.

6. AI-Powered Web Design

Designing and developing websites is now easier than ever thanks to powerful AI tools. Most online website-building platforms now include AI-powered tools for building websites.

Hostinger’s AI website builder is a great example that shows what these tools are capable of. And it offers a great opportunity for freelancers to make money by helping businesses build websites, even without any coding knowledge.

AI-Powered Web Design

AI platforms like Relume, CodeWP, and Framer are other great tools you can use to create more complex websites with the help of AI.

7. Social Media Marketing

When it comes to social media marketing, AI comes in handy in many different ways. Whether you want to generate a unique image for your promo post, create a custom voiceover for a quick video, or even plan entire ad campaigns, AI tools will make your workflow quite seamless.

Freelancers and social media marketing agencies can profit from integrating AI into their marketing process. And small businesses can also save money by using AI to run their social media marketing campaigns.

8. AI Translations

While you shouldn’t rely on AI tools to translate important documents like business contracts, there are ways small businesses can use AI translation tools to generate more revenue.

For example, you can use AI to write descriptions for your products in different languages and include them on your website to show to visitors based on their geographical location.

Or write multilingual captions for your social media posts as well as generate voiceovers for your marketing videos in different languages.

9. AI Data Mining

Data mining is one of the most effective strategies big corporations and companies use to beat their competitors and boost awareness for their brands. Small businesses often can’t afford such services, but thanks to AI tools you can now do data mining as well.

AI Data Mining

Claude and ChatGPT are great starting points for utilizing AI for data mining. You can also hire professionals to do the work for you.

If you’re a freelancer, this is an industry that’s worth pursuing as it will create a high-value and highly profitable skill that will be future-proof for a long time.

10. Building Custom AI Models

Many of the AI tools you see today are built using the same AI models developed by the tech giants. Meta’s Llama AI, OpenAI’s GPT, Google’s Vertex AI, and many other AI models allow you to build your own custom AI models.

Llama AI fb

Creating custom AI models is not as easy as signing up for a website. But they provide you with the foundation for creating more complex, unique, and convenient AI tools of your own. And that will create entirely new revenue streams for you in the future. Who knows, you might even be able to sell your AI tool for a few hundred million dollars.


These are just a few of the many different ways you can use AI to create new opportunities to expand your business and services and earn more money.

Remember that there’s more to AI than just ChatGPT. There are far more advanced and creative AI tools available that perform better at specific tasks.

20+ Best World Map Templates for Designers (Free & Pro)

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From highlighting geographic data to illustrating global trends, a world map can make complex information more accessible and engaging.

However, creating a detailed and aesthetically pleasing map from scratch can be time-consuming and technically demanding. That’s where pre-designed world map templates come in, offering a ready-made solution that saves time while maintaining professional standards.

In this post, you’ll find various styles of world map templates in PowerPoint, PDF, Illustrator, and EPS formats. Whether you’re looking for a minimalist outline map, a detailed vector map, or a stylized version with artistic flair, our collection has something for every project. Have a look.

World Map PowerPoint Templates

7 Continents World Map PowerPoint Template

7 Continents World Map PowerPoint Template

Enhance your data presentations with this world map PowerPoint template. Designed for ease and versatility, this template helps you create visually impressive flowcharts to illustrate complex ideas, making it ideal for business, education, and beyond. With 8 unique slides, adjustable shapes, colors, sizes, and positions, it’s easy to create professional, captivating presentations.

World Maps Data PowerPoint Template

World Maps Data PowerPoint Template

This is a high-quality PowerPoint template for presenting data in a visually rich manner. Its unique tube shape diagrams are designed to boost your sales and marketing efforts. You can easily customize the 120 unique slides, vector objects, and over 3000 icons to suit your needs. The template offers a one-click color change and auto recolor feature, along with 90 different color themes.

World Maps Infographics Powerpoint Template

World Maps Infographics Powerpoint Template

A versatile, graphically impressive PowerPoint template perfect for any presentation involving geographical or statistical data. With 21 editable, easy-to-use slides and placeholder images, this collection is designed to bring your data to life in a visually compelling manner. It features a 16:9 widescreen ratio and user-friendly drag-and-drop capabilities.

World Maps Template for PowerPoint

World Maps Template for PowerPoint

This is an innovative PowerPoint template for data and education presentations. This sophisticated infographic template, featuring over 20 unique world map slides, is fully customizable to your preference. It’s user-friendly, with easily editable elements, allowing you to personalize your content to suit your business needs.

Gradient World Maps PowerPoint Template

Gradient World Maps PowerPoint Template

A modern and creative PowerPoint template for crafting professional presentations. Enhanced by gradient color designs, this modern-style world map infographic template is perfect for business presentations, lookbook slides, or project pitches. The package provides 25 unique slides, both light and dark backgrounds, and resizable graphics. It also includes an icon pack and color scheme XML files for seamless customization.

11 Regions World Map PowerPoint Template

11 Regions World Map PowerPoint Template

A dynamic PowerPoint template for captivating presentations. With its 13 unique slides and easy editing, it allows for seamless communication of complex ideas. The versatile template is perfect for business, education, and even more personal use. It comes with helpful documentation and makes use of free licensed fonts.

Simple World Maps Infographics PPT

Simple World Maps Infographics PPT

This is an effectively designed PowerPoint template ideal for showcasing global data. Crafted specifically for global strategy and market analysis presentations, this template, packed with detailed world maps, brings international insights into sharp focus. The widescreen format and drag and drop picture placeholder add to the user-friendly layout, while easy editable graphics allow personal customization.

Doodle World Map Infographic for PowerPoint

Doodle World Map Infographic for PowerPoint

A user-friendly PowerPoint template designed to bring your presentations to life. With an engaging doodle-style design, it effortlessly simplifies complex ideas and strategies through its visually striking graphics. The template, ideal for both business and educational use, includes 31 unique slides, a 16:9 aspect ratio, and offers easy editability of shapes and colors.

Minimal World Map Infographics PPT

Minimal World Map Infographics PPT

This is a versatile, customizable PowerPoint template with a clean, understated design. It includes 10 editable slides with resizable graphics, uses free web fonts, and operates on a 16:9 widescreen ratio. Simply drag and drop to create impactful, visually arresting world map presentations.

Colorful World Maps Template for PowerPoint

Colorful World Maps Template for PowerPoint

This PowerPoint template offers an engaging way to visually communicate your business development stages. With 30 unique slides and over 90 XML files, it lets you fully customize your presentations with light and dark background options and handmade infographics.

World Map Graphic Templates (AI, EPS, PDF)

World Map Infographic Template AI & EPS

World Map Infographic Template AI & EPS

This is a vibrant, eye-catching world map template for Adobe Illustrator. This template includes three AI and EPS files featuring different styles of world map designs. Additional PNG files and a PDF make this world map design versatile and accessible for a variety of creative projects.

World Map Infographics for Illustrator

World Map Infographics for Illustrator

This is a world map infographic template offering three distinct design templates. The package covers you with dedicated AI, EPS files, and also offers PNG and PDF formats. An efficient solution for producing engaging, informative visual representations of global data.

Full World Maps Infographics

Full World Maps Infographics

A versatile world map template suitable for Illustrator, packed with four distinct design styles. Available in AI, EPS, PNG, and PDF, it supports Illustrator versions CS, CS5, and higher. This creative template is perfect for delivering your world map-based information in a clear, visually pleasing way.

Color Coded World Map Infographics

Color Coded World Map Infographics

Featuring an easy-to-use, color-coded design, this world map template comes with a customizable design. It includes all the essential files, including AI, EPS, PNG, PDF, and SVG, compatible with various versions of Illustrator. The asset even includes a handy icon set, serving as a comprehensive tool for your infographic creations.

Complete Map Infographics for Illustrator

Complete Map Infographics for Illustrator

Complete Map Infographics for Illustrator is a comprehensive and versatile creative asset. It’s a world map infographic template that comes with elements design and an assortment of file types like AI for Illustrator CS, CS5, and 10, EPS files, PNG files, and PDF.

Customizable Map Infographics

Customizable Map Infographics

This world map template for Illustrator comes in three different variations. It comes with unique design elements and offers files adaptable for Illustrator and other vector editors. In addition to AI and EPS formats, it also provides PNG files and PDFs, making it easy for you to inject customized graphic flair into your projects.

Light & Dark Map Infographics

Light & Dark Map Infographics

A highly customizable world map template designed for Illustrator. Available in both light and dark color themes, it includes two unique map design elements. The package provides three AI Files as well as EPS Files, PNG Files, and a PDF file. It’s an excellent resource for creative projects.

Blank World Map Template AI & EPS

Blank World Map Template AI & EPS

This is a comprehensive, vector-based infographic template made for designers. The pack includes editable elements for business planning, education, web design, and more. It offers a range of vector-compatible file types, making it a versatile asset for numerous graphic programs.

Free World Map Templates

Free World Map Infographic AI & EPS

This is one of the most stylish world map templates on our list. It features a creative design of the world map featuring a dotted design. It also has color-coded elements to create an infographic with details.

Free World Map Template for Illustrator

Another simple and minimal world map template that you can edit and fully customize using Adobe Illustrator. This template features a blank world map design with elements to highlight specific parts of the map.

Free Vector World Map Infographic

A colorful and detailed world map infographic template featuring color-coded elements. This map is ideal for presenting data and research as it comes with space to detail your findings. The template comes in EPS format.

Free World Maps PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template featuring a set of customizable world map slides. These can be used to create professional-looking infographics to present your data. The template includes 30 unique slides.

Free Flat Style World Maps Infographics PPT

This PowerPoint template also comes with multiple world map infographics with flat-style designs. They can be easily customized to add your own data. The template includes 31 slides and it’s available in Google Slides format as well.