Themify Shoppe – The Ultimate WooCommerce WordPress Theme

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I’m excited to announce that Themify has released another awesome theme – Themify Shoppe. Designed by Liam McKay and coded by Themify team, Shoppe works hand-in-hand with WooCommerce, making it the ultimate multi-purpose eCommerce theme. It features the popular drag and drop Themify Builder that can help you design and build your online store to […]

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Best Email Marketing Tips to Increase Engagement & Subscribers

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Email is your post powerful marketing channel when used well. Your visitor’s inbox is a perfect opportunity for you to capture attention, communicate important updates and invite readers back to your site for increased visibility. The stats on email marketing effectiveness say it all – top marketing specialists and service providers tell us that email […]

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Four Elements of Truly Mobile-Friendly Responsive Menus

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There are hundreds of ways to create responsive navigation, limited only by your creativity and the boundaries of what CSS can accomplish. Good responsive navigation is a little harder – a responsive menu must become a mobile menu, adhering to the needs and rules of touch-driven devices. Mobile design is rapidly changing, and so the […]

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Level Up Your CSS Skills With These 20 Pro CSS Tips

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Front-end development is quickly becoming more and more focused on efficiency – faster loading and rendering through selector choice and minimizing code. Pre-processors like Less and SCSS go a long way in doing some of the work for us, but there are plenty of ways to write minimal, quick CSS the native way. This guide […]

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Easy CSS Animation With Transition & Transforms

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Recently, I walked you through how to create a simple landing page that used a couple different CSS animation techniques. “Animation” is a loose term, in web design usually referring to anything that involves movement. CSS transitions are one tool we are given to manipulate elements on state changes or mouse events, and when combines […]

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Master CSS Flexbox in 5 Simple Steps

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CSS flexbox is an incredibly useful tool for layout without using floats or positioning. Currently almost all current browser version support flexbox, making it a go-to standard for web design. It can solve a number of problems efficiently, such as vertical alignment, space distribution, ordering of elements and sizing. It offers more freedom to arrange […]

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How to Create Spotify Colorizer Effects With CSS Blend Modes

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When Spotify launched their colorful new brand identity, featuring hip duo-toned imagery, it went hand-in-hand with a new Colorizer tool that allows artists to apply a variety of filters to images. This solved a problem in which Spotify needed a way to present the thousands of images uploaded, all with a different look and feel, […]

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Tutorial: Duo Layout With CSS3 Animations & Transitions (Pt. 2)

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Last week I demonstrated how to build a split-screen website layout using CSS flexbox and viewport units that offers an alternative way to present a brand’s featured content. Clicking on one side or the other navigates further into the site without a page load, using CSS transitions and 3d transforms. This week, I’ll show you […]

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30 Truly Interactive Websites Built With CSS & JavaScript

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All websites are somewhat interactive…we click on links or scroll a page, but truly interactive websites take us on a user-driven adventure or draws us in through motion and sound while giving us the power of choice. Interaction can be as simple as a series of clicks that navigate us through a story or landscape, […]

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Tutorial: Trendy Splitscreen Layout With CSS3 Animations (Pt. 1)

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There is no better time than the end of the year for some fresh inspiration! One of the most popular trends this year, features splitscreen layouts, lots of white space, clean typography and subtle effects. With this playful trend in mind, I’ve created a two-part tutorial to show you how to use flexbox, 3D transforms […]

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CSS Vertical Centering – Everything You Need To Know

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Getting content to center perfectly within an element and then ensuring it responds properly at different screen sizes is one of the biggest challenges that still face front-end designers. It is not that it is difficult, but because there are several ways to go about it, figuring out which method is best can be confusing. […]

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