How many CSS properties are there?

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Tomasz Łakomy posted a joke tweet about naming all the CSS attributes and Tejas Kumar replied with a joke answer, going as far as making an npm module. You can even run a terminal command to see them:

npx get-all-css-properties

You'll get 259 of them. The source code uses the website for the data, which I'd never heard of. 🤷‍♂️

I would have probably looked at MDN, where some quick querySelectorAll handiwork in the console yields a different number: 584. But ooops, that's full of selectors, at-rules, and other stuff. Their reference only lists 72, but says it's incomplete.

W3Schools lists 228 of them. HTML Dog lists 125. Our almanac has 176, and I know we omit stuff on purpose (e.g. we file margin-left under margin instead of making its own entry).

The horse's mouth?

520 distinct property names from 66 technical reports and 66 editors' drafts.

The post How many CSS properties are there? appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Top 11 Web Design and UI Trends for 2020

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Top 11 Web Design and UI Trends for 2020
New year, new web design trends. We are already starting to see some design elements that will be hot in 2020 (and maybe beyond). Most of these trending web design themes are continuations of things that have been building in …

Cache query result

Category Image 101

I come across this problem every so often and end up having to do work arounds when I would prefer to keep it in the database. I have a query where the data in the query updates frequently so the query won't stay in the cache but I don't need the query to be accurate. I was trying to avoid adding an extra step of storing the data in a temp table and having to update it on a timer.

Does anyone know of a way to get MariaDB or MySQL to Keep the result set for a period of an hour or so before actually running the query again, I have an example of a query below which takes between 4.8-6 seconds to run and the wait is too long and also is needless work for the server, It can just do the query once and get the 4 numbers - then all subsequent requests just return the 4 numbers and every 20 minutes or 1 hour the 4 numbers get updated.

Is there a built in funtion for this or is the only solution to make your own table? I could end up with many of these and I don't want to end up with 100's

    SUM(CASE WHEN IS NULL AND f.loc = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/250 to_print
    , SUM(CASE WHEN IS NULL AND f.loc NOT IN(1,2,8) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/250 to_print_out
    , SUM(CASE WHEN IS NOT NULL AND p.print_date BETWEEN '2020-01-09 14:00:00' AND '2020-01-16 14:00:00' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/250 printed_tw
    , SUM(CASE WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/250 printed
    FROM typist t
    LEFT JOIN printing p ON t.typed_id = p.print_id AND p.type = 4
    LEFT JOIN files f ON t.file_id = f.file_id
    t.type = 1
    AND f.file_id IS NOT NULL
    AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT DISTINCT FROM letters l WHERE l.deleted = 1 AND t.letter_id =

This is the EXPLAIN for the query

"1" "PRIMARY"   "t" "ref"   "file_id,letter_type,print_stat"    "print_stat"    "2" "const" "134243"    "Using where; Using index"
"1" "PRIMARY"   "f" "eq_ref"    "PRIMARY"   "PRIMARY"   "3" "sys.t.file_id" "1" ""
"1" "PRIMARY"   "p" "ref"   "id,type"   "particle_id"   "8" "sys.t.typed_id"    "1" "Using where"
"2" "MATERIALIZED"  "l" "ref"   "PRIMARY,deleted,deleted_file_id"   "deleted"   "1" "const" "4741"  "Using index"

I have already had numerous variations to try optimising this and the above is the best I have got so far. t has around 200,000 rows, l has around 300,000, f has about 130,000, p has around 300,000 but will bloat well over 1,000,000 in time.

How to Create a Simple and Efficient PHP Cache

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When working on PHP websites made from scratch and without a framework, speed can often be an issue. Caching is extremely useful in order to speed up PHP webpages. In this article, I’ll show you how to make a simple PHP caching system for your web pages. What is Page Caching? Page caching is a […]

Re-creating the ‘His Dark Materials’ Logo in CSS

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The text logo has a slash cut through the text. You set two copies on top of one another, cropping both of them with the clip-path property.

What's interesting to me is how many cool design effects require multiple copies of an element to do something cool. To get the extra copy, at least with text, we can sometimes use a pseudo-element. For more elaborate content, there is an element() function in CSS, but it's limited to a prefixed property in Firefox. Still, it enables awesome stuff, like making a mini-map of long content.

You can style it differently with a pseudo-element, which was useful here. Might be cool to see a way to clone elements on a page and apply styling all through CSS... someday.

See the Pen
His Dark Materials TV series logo with CSS
by Michelle Barker (@michellebarker)
on CodePen.

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The post Re-creating the ‘His Dark Materials’ Logo in CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks.


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It's notable that Water.css was the #1 clicked thing from Louis Lazaris' Web Tools Weekly in 2019. It's from a 13-year old developer named Felix!

It's just a little bit of CSS you apply to class-free semantic HTML to give it nice basic responsive styles — the perfect kind of thing for a Pen when you are just tossing some markup together and want it to look nice.

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The post Water.css appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

what3words Launches Voice API Powered by Speechmatics

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what3words, an innovative location solution provider, just announced its new Voice API, powered by Speechmatics. what3words has divided the world into three-meter squares, with each square represented by a unique set of three individual words (e.g. the three word identifier for the what3words headquarters is filled-count-soap). By using a three-word identifier, duplicative and mispronounced street addresses are eliminated.