Blocked by robots.txt in GSC going down

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The number of known pages in Google Search Console blocked by robots.txt in the Coverage report just recently started going down. Over the course of this month, it went down from about 400K pages to 200K pages.

No changes to robots.txt file in 6+ months nor any big structural changes, 404'd pages, etc. in that amount of time either.

What would cause this number to go down on its own?

#300: Exploring Custom Profiles

Category Image 052

You’ve got two options for customzing your profile on CodePen, and endless possibility:

  • Open to everyone: Apply Custom CSS (which can be a link to a Pen on CodePen)
  • PRO only: Apply a Pen-as-Header-Background

In this video, Chris & Stephen look at a bunch of awesome profiles on CodePen, and find that many users (especially the coolest profiles) do both. Here’s the shuffle machine we used in the video to randomize cool profiles:

The post #300: Exploring Custom Profiles appeared first on CodePen Blog.

The Holy Grail Layout with CSS Grid

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A reader wrote in asking specifically how to build this layout in CSS Flexbox:

My answer: That’s not really a layout for CSS Flexbox. You could pull it off if you had to, but you’d need some kind of conceit, like grouping the nav and article together in a parent element (if not more grouping). CSS Grid was born to describe this kind of layout and it will be far easier to work with, not to mention that the browser support for both is largely the same these days.

What do you mean by “Holy Grail”?

See, kids, layout on the web used to be so janky that the incredible simple diagram above was relatively difficult to pull off, particularly if you needed the “columns” there to match heights. I know, ridiculous, but that was the deal. We used super weird hacks to get it done (like huge negative margins paired with positive padding), which evolved over time to cleaner tricks (like background images that mimicked columns). Techniques that did manage to pull it off referred to it as the holy grail. (Just for extra clarity, usually, holy grail meant a three-column layout with content in the middle, but the main point was equal height columns).

CSS is much more robust now, so we can use it without resorting to hacks to do reasonable things, like accomplish this basic layout.

Here it is in CSS Grid

This grid is set up both with grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows. This way we can be really specific about where we want these major site sections to fall.

I slipped in some extra stuff

  • I had another question come my way the other day about doing 1px lines between grid areas. The trick there is as simple as the parent having a background color and using gap: 1px;, so I’ve done that in the demo above.
  • It’s likely that small screens move down to a single-column layout. I’ve done that at a media query above. Sometimes I use display: block; on the parent, turning off the grid, but here I’ve left grid on and reset the columns and rows. This way, we still get the gap, and we can shuffle things around if needed.
  • Another recent question I was asked about is the subtle “body border” effect you can see in the demo above. I did it about as simple as possible, with a smidge of padding between the body and the grid wrapper. I originally did it between the body and the HTML element, but for full-page grids, I think it’s smarter to use a wrapper div than use the body for the grid. That way, third-party things that inject stuff into the body won’t cause layout weirdness.

The post The Holy Grail Layout with CSS Grid appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Design a program to compute the gross pay of worker named michael bryan given that michael bryan worked 80hours to php67.97 per hour

Tracking multiple sources of traffic

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This might be a simple question, but I have an affiliate site that I want to drive traffic to, and the traffic will be coming from various sources.

All I want to know is that I got the traffic count that is being contracted for from each source...

My first thought is to create a sub-domain for each traffic source and utilize a DB update query to increment the visitors on the index page for that sub-domain, and then Automatically redirect the visitor to the actual affiliate page.

This would accomplish 2 things -

  1. give me a count on each sub-domain to compare to the contract
  2. make the link easier without the affiliate code at the end of it.

I guess the basic question is whether there is an easier quicker way to do this other then creating a mysql table to keep track of the visitor count per sub-domain?

Suggestions are welcome.

128 vs. 256-bit SSL Encryption: What Are the Differences?

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When you are searching for an SSL certificate, you will find 128-bit encryption and 256 bit encryption certificates. What are they? The below questions may come to your mind.

  • Is 128 bit SSL encryption secure?
  • Is 256 bit SSL encryption secure?
  • What does 128 or 256 bit encryption mean?

Don’t panic; we have answers.

Daniweb security breach

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I have used "';--have i been pwned?" and it seems you have had a security breach and peoples emails & passwords have been stolen from your (daniweb) servers. I have tried changing my password but just get an oops error.
I assume you are having issues so would you kindly remove my account including ALL detals from your servers & website.
Maybe i will create an entire new account.
Thank You


DataSet’ is a ‘namespace’ but is used like a ‘type’


Error 1 'AdvoDiary.DataSet' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type' D:\AdvoDiary\AdvoDiary\ReportViewer\rptBilling.cs 25 9 AdvoDiary

namespace AdvoDiary.ReportViewer

public partial class rptBilling : Form

    Common sCom;
    DBHelper myDB;
    string sOLE;
    clsGlobalVar objGlob;
    OleDbConnection cn;
    OleDbDataAdapter sDA;
    DataSet sDS;
    OleDbCommand cmd;

How to Choose a Content Layout for Your WordPress Blog

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How to Choose a Content Layout for Your WordPress BlogWhen creating a blog, much of your focus will (rightfully) be on the content itself. However, how you’re presenting your content to the world matters, too. And we’re not just talking about the appearance or design here. The actual layout of how your content is presented can be instrumental in how site visitors interact with […]

The post How to Choose a Content Layout for Your WordPress Blog appeared first on WPExplorer.