2nd Annual Atarim Web Agency Summit Kicks Off March 23

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Atarim is launching its 2nd annual Web Agency Summit in a couple of weeks. The free event will run from March 23 – 26. The goal of the event is to help agencies and freelancers in the WordPress space grow sustainable businesses.

Atarim is the company formerly known as WP Feedback. In February, the business rebranded because its primary product had grown beyond a mere feedback plugin into an across-the-board agency solution.

“While I’m a big fan of WordCamps and a big believer in the value that events can bring to personal growth, we found that most events in our space focus on the technical Aspect of building a website,” said Vito Peleg, Atarim’s founder. “We take a more business-oriented approach. From finding the first clients through building solid recurring revenue and all the way to lessons from some of the biggest agencies in the world at full scale.”

The event has 36 sessions, which are broken down into four categories that focus on:

  • Build: Best practices for performance, SEO, accessibility, and the future of building websites.
  • Expand: Building recurring revenue and maintaining profits.
  • Scale: Project management, completing services, payment, and getting projects unstuck.
  • Thrive: Hiring, community building, profitability at scale, and exit strategies.

Peleg hopes that attendees can glean some knowledge in the sessions while saving years of trial and error.

“All are delivered through our own summit platform, so attendees don’t need to jump around between Zoom calls, YouTube Lives, and Slack channels,” he said. “We brought it all into our own interactive platform.”

Atarim has made several sessions publicly available from 2020’s event. For those on the fence, it should provide insight into the types of talks they can expect.

This year, each session will be running live — last year’s sessions were pre-recorded. This will allow attendees to be involved in real-time. There will also be a designated Q&A time for each session.

The event is free to attend through the last week of March for anyone. However, the sessions will eventually fall behind a paywall, which helps cover costs.

“We offer an All Access Pass for those that want to watch the replays for $97, which is the investment for those that get it before the event,” said Peleg. “This also includes 30+ sessions from last year’s event for a total of 50+ hours of expert advice, specifically designed to help web freelancers and agencies build a solid business.”

Success and Lessons Learned From 2020

Last year’s event kick-started as a response to the changing nature of conferences in the Covid-era. Peleg described the initiative as a way of “licking our own wounds” after his company had planned to attend, sponsor, and have its own retreat at WordCamp Asia in Thailand, which was canceled in 2020.

“This drove me into action, wanting to lift some spirits in the community,” he said. “I didn’t know that we would end up with the biggest event in the WordPress space and have such incredible partners that came along for the ride.”

Last year’s event had 5,725 attendees from 126 countries. In total, they watched 53,945 hours of videos. They also won 1,000s of prizes at sponsor booths that included iPads, board games, and more.

“This was way more than what we expected, and the summit platform even broke on the first day when we were getting more than 240,000 requests to the server in an hour,” said Peleg. “Luckily, there isn’t a better community for something like this to happen. Very quickly, some of the sponsors joined forces with some of the speakers and our team and got us back on the air for a full week of action. While they were working to get this sorted, I was mostly pacing back and forth in my office like a headless chicken, but this year we’ve come prepared, with load balancers, auto-scaling processes, and a much leaner platform to sustain the scale.”

There are no plans to switch to a physical Web Agency Summit in the coming years. For now, the virtual model is working.

“I’m very much looking forward to the return of WordCamps as physical events when [Covid-19] blows over, but I believe that virtual events are here to stay, so for the foreseeable future, once a year, we’ll bring back our summit as a celebration of the business side of the WordPress industry.”

Publish Text, Image, and Gallery Snippets With the Shortnotes WordPress Plugin

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Yesterday, Happy Prime owner and engineer Jeremy Felt released Shortnotes, a plugin for writing notes from the WordPress editor. The intention is for users to create short pieces of content, such as that found on Twitter, Instagram, and similar social networks. However, it does not come with a front-end posting interface, at least not in version 1.0.

The plugin works just like the post and page editor. It should be straightforward for most users.

While the Shortnotes plugin is relatively bare-bones for now, it serves as a foundation of something that could be more. Part of what makes social networks appealing is the ease of publishing quick content. Publishing notes through the plugin requires visiting the WordPress admin, clicking “Add New,” writing the content, publishing, and clicking a new link to view it on the front end. A quick-publishing interface either through a Dashboard widget or a front-end form would be a useful addition.

Notes post type from the WordPress block editor.
Note post type in the block editor.

Some new concepts that not all users may be familiar with are the “Reply to URL” and “Reply to name” fields. These are semantic fields for creating a note in reply to another post or person on the web. The plugin will automatically output this reply link on the front end.

The plugin integrates with the Webmention plugin. A Webmention is a standardized protocol for mentions and conversations across the web. The goal is a decentralized social “network” of sorts where everyone owns and controls their content. It is an alternative to what IndieWeb calls the “corporate” web in which large tech companies have control.

When entering a Reply to URL, Shortnotes will automatically send that URL through the Webmentions plugin system. It will also parse URLs in the post content as webmentions if they exist.

Users may also notice that the note title field is missing. This is intentional. The plugin automatically generates titles. They are needed for the <title> tag, which tools like search engines use.

The idea is for titles to not appear as part of the theme layout. Because most themes are not coded to check for post-type support before displaying them, there is a high chance that a user’s theme will output the auto-generated title on the front end. For now, that means editing a bit of theme code for those who do not want them to appear. Felt has an example of how he modified this for his site’s custom Twenty Twenty-One child theme. In the long run, as more themes begin supporting the upcoming site editor, users will be able to make this customization directly in the WordPress admin.

With a few tweaks like removing the title and some minor CSS adjustments, I was able to create a clean Notes archive page using the Genesis Block theme:

Archives view of notes from the Shortnotes plugin.
Modified notes archive.

One of my interests in checking this project out was diving into a real-world example of a plugin that limited which blocks could be used with the editor. The notes post type only allows the Paragraph, Image, and Gallery blocks. Again, the idea is to replicate the feel of what you can do on social networks. Overall, this feature worked as it should, limiting the notes to a subset of blocks.

However, I ran across a bug with the block editor. All block patterns, regardless of what blocks they contained, appeared in the inserter. Clicking on one containing a disallowed block would not insert it into a post. However, the editor did add a pop-up note that it had. There is a GitHub issue for this bug that has seen little movement since it was opened in June 2020.

Felt created a plugin to solve this called Unregister Broken Patterns. It removes any patterns that contain blocks that a post type does not support. At best, it is a temporary measure and needs to be addressed in WordPress.

Can accelerationism be changed in the future?

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The Declaration of Accelerationist Politics" and subsequent works rejected the left-wing blind worship of so-called "folk politics": flat democratic organizations, space restrictions, slowing down of romanticism, and folk localism. Left-wing politics should better deal with global capitalism and its complex government and economic cycles. Here, accelerationists call for cognitive mapping to facilitate reality speculation and political manipulation. Regarding this understanding of speculation and production manipulation, the realization of a new understanding of the future in left-wing politics is observable. The future must be regained, and must be designed, not to follow unions, social movements or the latest occupation protests that lack vision and defensiveness. Armen Avanessian pointed out that when we look back at this open future, this kind of existence can be seen as accidental and can be manipulated and politically navigated. Regarding this fruitful understanding of political navigation and strategic manipulation, accelerationism also implies a positive acceleration of technological progress

How To Highlight Similar Item/s and Fix Bugs in VB (Search ListView)


So my problem is that when I type for example "prod" in the SrchTBox and then click SrchBtn, it will only highlight "Product 2" but not "Product 1" even though they both have "prod" in their item name, how can I highlight any 2 or more relevant items? Also, how can I search items without the problem of worrying about case-sensitivity? That happened when I typed "prod" and it highlights the last item which is "Product 2" but not "Product 1." How can I also fix the bug where the program cannot read the text that I typed? (For example, I typed "rod" in the SrchTBox and a pop-up message shows up and it said, "No match has been found.")

NOTE: The problem is in SrchBtn.

Dim prdt As String() = New String(3) {}
Dim slctprdt As ListViewItem

Dim prdtName As String
Dim price As String
Dim qtty As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    ProductListView.View = View.Details
    ProductListView.GridLines = True
    ProductListView.FullRowSelect = True

    ProductListView.Columns.Add("Product Name", 126)
    ProductListView.Columns.Add("Price", 93)
    ProductListView.Columns.Add("Quantity", 93)

    prdt(0) = "Product 1"
    prdt(1) = "100"
    prdt(2) = "10"
    slctprdt = New ListViewItem(prdt)

    prdt(0) = "Product 2"
    prdt(1) = "200"
    prdt(2) = "20"
    slctprdt = New ListViewItem(prdt)

End Sub
Private Sub SlctBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

    If ProductListView.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox("ERROR: No items selected")
        prdtName = ProductListView.SelectedItems.Item(0).SubItems(0).Text
        price = ProductListView.SelectedItems.Item(0).SubItems(1).Text
        qtty = ProductListView.SelectedItems.Item(0).SubItems(2).Text

        MsgBox(prdtName & " " + price & " " & qtty)
    End If

End Sub
Private Sub AddPrdtBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

    Dim prdt As String() = New String(3) {}
    Dim slctprdt As ListViewItem

    If PrNTBox.Text <> Trim("") And PTBox.Text <> Trim("") And QTBox.Text <> Trim("") Then
        prdt(0) = PrNTBox.Text
        prdt(1) = PTBox.Text
        prdt(2) = QTBox.Text
        slctprdt = New ListViewItem(prdt)
        MsgBox("ERROR: Incomplete textboxes")
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub SrchBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SrchBtn.Click

    Dim srchTxt = Me.SrchTBox.Text

    If srchTxt = String.Empty Then
        MsgBox("Please enter the search box first.")
        Dim strtIndx = 0
        Dim prdt As ListViewItem = Nothing

        If Me.ProductListView.SelectedItems.Count = 1 AndAlso Me.ProductListView.SelectedItems(0).Text = srchTxt Then
            strtIndx = Me.ProductListView.SelectedIndices(0) + 1
        End If

        If strtIndx < Me.ProductListView.Items.Count Then
                prdt = Me.ProductListView.FindItemWithText(srchTxt, False, strtIndx)

                If prdt Is Nothing OrElse prdt.Text = srchTxt Then
                    Exit Do
                End If

                strtIndx = prdt.Index + 1

                If strtIndx >= Me.ProductListView.Items.Count Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End If


        If prdt Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox("No match has been found.")
            prdt.Selected = True
        End If
    End If
End Sub

WordPress 5.7 Introduces Drag-and-Drop for Blocks and Patterns, Streamlined Admin Color Palette, and One-Click Migration from HTTP to HTTPS

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WordPress 5.7 “Esperanza” was released today, named for Esperanza Spalding, an American jazz bassist who became an accomplished singer, songwriter, and composer in her early 20’s.

Versions 9.3 – 9.9 of the Gutenberg plugin are rolled into this update, bringing hundreds of enhancements and bug fixes that make working in the block editor more efficient and enjoyable.

One of the highlights is the new drag-and-drop capabilities in the block inserter. Users can now drag blocks and block patterns directly into the post content area, making page building even faster.

Many of the user-facing editor enhancements in this release give the user more control when using existing blocks:

  • Full height alignment: Blocks such as the Cover block now can have an option to expand to fill the entire viewport.
  • Buttons block: The Buttons block now supports vertical alignments, and you can set the width of a button to a preset percentage.
  • Social Icons block: You can now change the size of the icons in the Social Icons block.
  • Font size in more places: You can now change the font size in the List and Code blocks

This release also improves the UI for block variations to include the icon and description for the variation in the block inspector and a new dropdown to allow for switching between variations. Reusable blocks have been updated to be saved at the same time the post is saved. Quite a few more improvements have been added in version 10.1 of the Gutenberg plugin, which is not yet included core. If you use Reusable blocks frequently, you may want to install the plugin to take advantage of the expanded UI.

In addition to all the editor improvements, WordPress 5.7 introduces a streamlined color palette for the admin. It standardizes the palette to seven core colors and a range of 56 shades. One of the benefits is that all the shades meet the requirements for WCAG 2.0 AA recommended contrast ratio against white or black.

New Admin Color Scheme

Theme and plugin developers who want to better match the admin color scheme can easily reference the new standardized shades to make their products more at home in the WordPress admin. WordPress’ existing core classes have also been updated with the new color palette so plugin authors can use them to work within the new standardized palette.

One of the most exciting technical enhancements in 5.7 is a new one-click migration from HTTP to HTTPS. WordPress can now detect if the user’s hosting environment has support for HTTPS and update with the click of a button, handling mixed content rewrites where possible. This feature is available on the Site Health recommendations screen.

WordPress 5.7 continues the ongoing cleanup after the update to jQuery 3.5.1, which will eventually result in the removal of jQuery Migrate plugin. It fixes numerous jQuery deprecations in external libraries, cleaning up many JQMIGRATE warnings.

Developers may also be interested in the new filter-based Robots API included in 5.7. It enables the central management of the content of the robots meta tag injected into the page, and includes a setting to toggle whether search engines are allowed to display large media from the site. By default, a max-image-preview:large robots directive which will be injected into the robots meta tag based on the new setting.

Version 5.7 also includes native support for lazy loading iframes, a follow-up to WordPress’ support for lazy loading for images that came in 5.5. This should improve loading for pages that include embeds and other types of iframes.

Check out the WordPress 5.7 field guide for technical details on everything new in this release. This update is the result of work from 481 volunteer contributors who collaborated on 250 tickets on Trac and more than 950 pull requests on GitHub.

5 Key Security Protocols for WooCommerce Sites

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5 Key Security Protocols for WooCommerce SitesWooCommerce sites certainly have unique needs in terms of web security, and as e-commerce increases worldwide, so does the risk of fraud and security breaches. Online security really is a basic requirement, just like the health inspection rating of a restaurant, and any issues that arise in your online store can undermine your web visitor’s […]

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Add/Change Address on Receipts

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We don’t ask for your address when you sign up for CodePen PRO. We don’t need it, as we don’t need to send you anything and we don’t really adjust anything based on your location. But it’s entirely understandable that you might want your address on a receipt of purchase. We get that request all the time. Now, rather than any sort of work-around, we allow you to enter an address that we’ll use for putting on those reciepts.

In your Settings > Billing, you’ll find an “Update Address” button.

Now when you open a receipt for any past charge (available always at Settings > Billing), that address will be there:

Note in the screenshot above I’ve clicked into the address area. That area is always editable, so you can manipulate one-off invoices before printing or saving as PDF, as needed.

Need to add a VAT?

Feel free to use one of the address lines for that, like Address 2 or Country. All these fields do is just output onto the receipt, so you can use them for whatever you need.

The post Add/Change Address on Receipts appeared first on CodePen Blog.

MemberPress Creators Have Earned over $1 billion dollars (Milestone Update)

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It’s always mind blowing for me to see the impact WordPress makes on the global economy.

MemberPress, the leading WordPress membership and course platform, announced today that they have passed the milestone of $1 billion dollars in creator earnings.

This is a conservative estimate and likely MemberPress creators have earned way more than that.

MemberPress Billion Dollar Creator Earning Milestone

With the digital acceleration from last year, they are estimating that MemberPress site creators are projected to earn over $600 million dollars in 2021 alone.

For those who don’t know, I invested in MemberPress in 2018 as part of our WPBeginner Growth Fund.

It’s been an exciting journey to work alongside with Blair Williams, founder & CEO of MemberPress.

The impact our users (website creators) are making through their online courses and membership sites is truly humbling to watch.

Note: Want to add premium content on your site? See our step by step guide on how to create a membership site, and how to sell online courses in WordPress.

Product Update from MemberPress

Last year, MemberPress launched an easy to use online course builder that works on top of the WordPress block editor. This makes it easy for non-techy website owners to create courses, add lessons, manage access control, and more.

Creating the sections and lessons for your course

The team also added a Classroom mode to offer a distraction-free learning experience that’s focused on content consumption and course completion rate. This immersive learning mode works with all WordPress themes.

The MemberPress course curriculum that users see, showing their progression through the course

Aside from the huge update on Courses, MemberPress also made it seamless to add premium content protection for various top page builder plugins such as Divi, Elementor, Beaver Builder, WP Bakery, etc.

They also made significant improvements to add drip content in WordPress, ability to gift memberships, added PDF invoices, integrations with PushEngage, and more.

I also got a sneak peek of some big features they’re working on, and it’s going to be an exciting 2021.

What Can You Use MemberPress for?

MemberPress is the best WordPress membership plugin and online course platform for many reasons.

Here’s what you can do with MemberPress:

Basically if you want to restrict access to any type of premium content in WordPress, then you should use MemberPress.

Final Thoughts on WordPress & Creator Economy

The WordPress economy and indirectly the creator economy is huge. In the State of Word for 2020, Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress shared that WooCommerce facilitated over $20 billion in sales in 2020.

Other third-party online course platforms like Teachable reported that course creators earned over $456.7 million in 2020. Thinkific is also estimating their course creators to earn around $550 million in 2021.

MemberPress is estimating that creators using MemberPress will surpass estimated $600 million in sales in 2021, and this is a conservative estimate.

The creator economy has been on the rise since I started WPBeginner in 2009, but it’s never been stronger than right now.

If you have the knowledge and passion for teaching others, then you can start a very successful online business today.

The combination of YouTube, membership platforms, and social networks for building community provide a unique opportunity for anyone who has a desire to succeed.

As a content creator myself, it’s extremely rewarding for me to see others succeed in their online journey.

I want to congratulate Blair and the MemberPress team in their role for building a robust platform that supports thousands of creators find success online.

Here’s to an amazing 2021!

P.S. If you have a WordPress product that’s empowering website owners to succeed online and want to work with us, then I would love to chat with you. Click here to learn more about WPBeginner Growth Fund.

The post MemberPress Creators Have Earned over $1 billion dollars (Milestone Update) appeared first on WPBeginner.

New Technologies of Computer

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There has been a lot of technologies that have brought a significant change in our daily life. Because of the invention of the computer, our life has become so much easier. So here we discuss various technologies that have been kept on improving and will keep on improving.

Simple Solutions to Create a WordPress Knowledge Base

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Simple Solutions to Create a WordPress Knowledge BaseA comprehensive knowledge base can do much to improve your business, both internally and as a vital part of your customer service efforts. However, if you’re thinking about adding one to your website, you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed by the prospect. Thanks to the plethora of benefits a knowledge base provides, there are […]

The post Simple Solutions to Create a WordPress Knowledge Base appeared first on WPExplorer.

Solid Design Principles Review

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In this article series, we will examine SOLID Design Principles: what are they, and what are they meant to do?

First of all, we will look at the brief history behind the principles; later on, we will see why it is so important to use SOLID principles in our day-day designs, and then finally we will dive into the details of the principles.