Amazon Will Shut Down Ranking Site in 2022

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Amazon has announced that it will permanently shut down, the company’s global traffic and ranking resource that has been in operation for over 25 years. This move will end long-term access to valuable statistics on website performance and reach. 

In an announcement, Amazon stated that:

10up Releases the Publisher Media Kit WordPress Plugin

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Earlier today, version 1.0 of 10up’s Publisher Media Kit went live in the WordPress plugin directory. It is a preconfigured set of blocks and patterns for jump-starting a media kit page for small and medium-sized publications.

When I first noticed the plugin, my mind immediately jumped to press kits and branding pages for businesses. Not enough companies within the WordPress space have such pages, and it can often be hard for journalists and other writers to find information. While this plugin is geared toward publications, small businesses can still get some use out of the plugin with a few changes.

Given that WP Tavern just launched its new design yesterday, this might be an opportunity for us to lead the way. The plugin does give me a few ideas on what we could do with a similar page here on the site.

Publisher Media Kit has been tested with Twenty Twenty-One, Newspack, and several Newspack child themes. I did run it through most of those to check for compatibility, and the plugin worked admirably. However, I primarily tested it with Twenty Twenty-Two, the upcoming default WordPress theme. Aside from a few layout alignment quirks, it worked well.

The plugin automatically creates a new “Media Kit” draft page on the website once it is activated. The content is a set of pre-defined sections built from eight patterns and an accompanying Tabs block.

Media kit page that opens with a hero/intro section, followed by audience profiles and statistics.
Partial screenshot of Media Kit page.

This allows users to quickly fill in their own content and make customizations. Once done, it is just a matter of hitting the publish button.

However, end-users can take things into their own hands by using the various patterns on any post or page of their site. The cover, stats, and questions/contact patterns work well as general-use patterns.

Three column grid of block patterns for the Publisher Media Kit plugin in the WordPress pattern explorer.
The plugin’s custom block patterns.

Note: I deleted a couple of the patterns from the screenshot above. For some reason, they were rendered invalid in the patterns explorer but worked fine when inserted into the content canvas.

I would love to see a standalone version of the Tabs block included with the plugin. It is showcased in the rates and digital ad specs patterns, but it is so easy to create new tabbed content that I cannot help but want to use it with other projects.

In the WordPress block editor, the Publisher Media Kit plugin's tabs block shows an ad rate table.
Tabs block in the editor.

It could become a popular tabs solution with a few design options like colors, borders, and typography. It is minimal at the moment, but its user experience would make for an ideal foundation for a single-block plugin.

One of my favorite things about the block system is that it makes plugins like Publisher Media Kit feasible. In the past, it was virtually impossible to ship a content-focused plugin and expect it to work with most themes, at least not without a lot of custom design work. That meant that solid solutions would often stay in-house with agencies with no ideal way of shipping them.

The standardization of blocks has bridged much of that gap. As the system continues evolving, especially with more design options, I expect to see similar plugins in the future.

How to Add a Scrolling News Ticker in WordPress

Wp Plugins

Do you need to add a scrolling news ticker to your WordPress site?

You’ll often see news tickers used by television networks to highlight breaking news. You can add a news ticker to your website to highlight special deals or popular posts.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add a scrolling news ticker in WordPress.

How to Add a Scrolling News Ticker in WordPress

What Is a Scrolling News Ticker?

A news ticker scrolls a single line of information continuously across the screen. They typically display current news items, sporting results, live financial and currency information, and weather information.

They are a great way to display small snippets of information that are always changing. You’ll find that a news ticker can display quite a lot of information in a limited space on your WordPress blog.

For example, you could use a news ticker to display your best performing posts, items in your store that are on sale, or any other information that you want to highlight.

Another way to display this type of information on your website is with a sticky floating footer bar.

With that being said, let’s look at how to add a scrolling news ticker to your WordPress site.

How to Add a Scrolling News Ticker in WordPress

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Ditty News Ticker plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin adds a News Ticker menu item to your WordPress admin area.

You need to navigate to News Tickers » Add New to add a news ticker. On the next screen, you will have the ability to give this particular news ticker a name, ticker text, and link.

Navigate to News Tickers » Add New

For each ticker, you can add as many ticks as you like. These are the separate pieces of information you want to display, and each can have its own link.

If you want to add another ticker item, then press the plus + button at the top right of the current tick. A new ticker item will be added.

Add a New Tick

Once you are done adding ticker items, you should click on the Ticker Mode tab. There are three different ticker modes available: scroll, rotate, and list.

Ticker Mode Tab

Scroll mode is the default setting because it is the most commonly used in television networks. Rotate is another good option if you want to show one ticker at a time.

The settings on the rest of the page allow you to adjust the behavior of the news ticker. You can configure scroll speed and direction, override the default ticker dimensions, and choose the spacing between each tick.

News Ticker Mode Settings

The plugin generates a shortcode as well as a PHP function for each news ticker you create. You can either add the shortcode to a post, page, sidebar widget, or you can directly insert the PHP function into your theme files.

News Ticker Shortcode and PHP Function

Once you insert the ticker shortcode or PHP function, then you can visit your website to see it in action.

News Ticker Preview

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to add a scrolling news ticker in WordPress. You may also want to learn how to increase your blog traffic, or check out list of the best email marketing services for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add a Scrolling News Ticker in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Add the First and Last CSS Class to WordPress Menu Items

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Do you need to add custom styling to the first and last items of your WordPress navigation menu?

You could simply add a custom CSS class to the first and last menu items, but if the menu is rearranged, then those items will no longer be first and last.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add a .first and .last class that will style the first and last menu items even if the menu items are reordered.

How to Add the First & Last Class to WordPress Navigation Menu Items

Why Style the First and Last Navigation Items Differently?

In a past custom design project, we needed to add some custom styling to the navigation menu items of a WordPress website. This design in particular required different styling for the first menu item and the last menu item.

Now we could easily edit the menu and add a custom CSS class to the first and last menu item. But because we were delivering the project to a client, our solution had to work even if they rearranged the order of the menus.

So we decided to do use filters instead.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you two ways to style the first and last items of your navigation menu. You can choose your preferred method from the list below:

Method 1: Adding First and Last Class Using a Filter

The first way to style your first and last navigation menu items differently is to add a filter to your theme.

You’ll need to add code to your theme’s functions.php file. If you haven’t done this before, then see our guide on how to copy and paste code in WordPress.

All you have to do is open your theme’s functions.php file then paste the following code snippet:

function wpb_first_and_last_menu_class($items) {
    $items[1]->classes[] = 'first';
    $items[count($items)]->classes[] = 'last';
    return $items;
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_objects', 'wpb_first_and_last_menu_class');

This creates .first and .last CSS classes for your first and last navigation menu items respectively. You can use those classes to style the menu items.

To learn how to do this in detail, refer to our guide on how to style WordPress navigation menus.

For this tutorial, we’ll add the following basic CSS formatting to our theme’s style.css stylesheet to simply bold the first and last menu items:

.first a {font-weight: bold;}

.last a {font-weight: bold;}

Here you can see screenshots before and after we added the code to our demo site.

Preview of First and Last Menu Items Styled Differently

Method 2: Styling First and Last Items Using CSS Selectors

A second way to style the first and last menu items differently is to use CSS selectors. This method is simpler, but it may not work with some older browsers, such as Internet Explorer.

To follow this method you’ll have to add code to your theme’s style sheet or the ‘Additional CSS’ section of the WordPress Theme Customizer.

If you haven’t done this before, then see our guide on how to easily add custom CSS to your WordPress site.

You should start by editing your theme’s style.css file, or by navigating to Appearance » Customize and clicking on ‘Additional CSS’.

After that, you need to paste the following code snippet and then save or publish your changes.

ul#yourmenuid > li:first-child { }
ul#yourmenuid > li:last-child { }

Note that you will need to replace ‘yourmenuid’ with the actual ID of the navigation menu. The selectors ‘first-child’ and ‘last-child’ select an element if it is the first and last child of its parent, which is the navigation menu.

For example, we used this code to bold the first and last navigation menu items on our demo site:

ul#primary-menu-list > li:first-child a {
    font-weight: bold;
ul#primary-menu-list > li:last-child a {
    font-weight: bold;
Using CSS Selectors to Style First and Last Menu Items Differently

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to add the .first and .last class to WordPress navigation menus.

You may also want to learn how to fix 50 common WordPress errors, or check out our list of the best drag and drop page builders.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add the First and Last CSS Class to WordPress Menu Items first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to restrict input?


Hello, could anyone help me how can I make so the user could only enter numbers between 0...9 and letters a...f (A...F) on input? I have a code like this already



MSG DB 'Enter double digit hex number: $'


DW 100h DUP(?)





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INT 21h



cant solve this error (cannot convert double to float)


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour

public CharacterController characterController;

public float speed = 5f;

public float gravity = -9.81;

public Transform groundCheck;
public float sphereRadius = 0.3f;
public LayerMask groundMask;

bool isGrounded;
Vector3 velocity;

void Update()

    isGrounded = Physics.CheckSphere(groundCheck.position,sphereRadius,groundMask);

    if (isGrounded && velocity.y < 0)
        velocity.y = -2f;

    float x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

    float z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

    Vector3 move = transform.right * x + transform.forward * z;

    characterController.Move(move * speed * Time.deltaTime);

    velocity.y += gravity * Time.deltaTime;

    characterController.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);


How to Train Entrepreneurial Mindset

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How to Train Entrepreneurial Mindset

Did you know that an entrepreneurial mindset is the key to starting and running a successful business?

Nowadays, starting a small business or startup has become even more difficult. Not only because people are less satisfied with their jobs, but also to create a safety net in case things don't go as planned.

The irony is that while many people are attracted to entrepreneurship and building a small busnesses, only a select few are successful.

According to research,

  • 20% of small businesses fail in their first year

  • 30% of businesses fail in the second year of life

  • 50% of enterprises do not live to be five years old

  • 70% fail after the 10th year of study

The question is, what is special about the mindset of people running successful businesses, and how to become one?

So, if you want to be an entrepreneur and want to learn these traits in order to be successful, this article is for you.

What Is an Entrepreneurial Mindset?

The entrepreneurial mindset is the combination of belief and attitude that combine to make up the way of thinking, reacting, and feeling an entrepreneurial style. If entrepreneurship the practice of creating, developing, and running your own business, then an entrepreneurial mindset is the mode of thinking that helps you achieve those goals. Successful entrepreneurs embrace challenges, mistakes, and failure as opportunities to develop new skill sets to help them succeed in the future.

When it comes to running a successful business, the right mindset can be just as important as hitting sales objectives or producing sustainable business models. It’s okay if you don’t feel up to the task. Having doubts makes you human. Knowing how to nip them in the bud can make you a great entrepreneur.

How to Train Entrepreneurial Mindset

Top Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Every entrepreneur is unique and no path to success is the same, but all successful entrepreneurs share a specific skillset that allows them to solve problems, overcome obstacles, and thrive in their respective fields. Some of those skills include:

Ability to confront self-doubt: Teaching yourself how to think means acting like your own coach or even cheerleader. Entrepreneurial success will come from your ability to control your own thoughts and confront your self-doubt, making it easier to navigate the failures and disappointments inherent in going it on your own.

Accountability: Having an entrepreneurial spirit includes recognizing your responsibility for the outcomes and actions of your business. When big things go wrong (and they will), the buck stops with you. Even when outcomes are outside of your complete control, entrepreneurial thinking requires you to avoid making excuses and instead take actions to resolve the option.

Resilience: Mistakes are inevitable when attempting to launch new ventures. Everyone from Silicon Valley billionaires to low-level employees makes mistakes. That’s why resilience is one of the most important life skills for an entrepreneur. Your ability to bounce back from failure will help your business stay afloat and inspire a team to follow your leadership.

Willingness to experiment: Whether you’re the co-founder of a bourgeoning business or simply one of the many young people trying to set out on a new career path, your road to sustained success will lead you to many tough decisions. Entrepreneurs are always willing to experiment when it comes to new products, business plans, or problem-solving techniques. They test out different products and pricing, soliciting feedback from a core team of trusted advisers, and they’re willing to abandon ideas when they aren’t working.

Is it Possible to Develope an Entrepreneurial Mindset?

Learning to understand how money flows and how to increase it is just the first step towards developing an entrepreneurial mindset. There is an opinion that you need to have talent for a business. In a sense, this is so: some people by nature have a business acumen, others find it more difficult to do business.

Renowned business coach Robert Kiyosaki in his articles and books provides some tips on how to think and act to become rich. At the same time, he is sure: the ultimate goal of any business person is to build a business that will allow you to have a stable income with a minimum of time and effort. Here are some of these tips. And you can start following them right now.

  • Do the business you like. When you put your heart and soul into what you do, the world gives you back in the form of money.

  • Rejoice in what you have, but always desire more. This will keep you always moving forward.

  • Create the right environment for yourself. Connect with people who have already achieved what you aspire to.

  • Think about what people need. You can only earn money when you offer your customers what they need.

  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Learn from mistakes.

  • Invest first of all in yourself, do not stop learning and developing.

How to Train Entrepreneurial Mindset

How to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset?

Below are five things to help you shape your entrepreneurial mindset today.

Turn obstacles into opportunities

There are tons of tips in everyday life. Is there something about your day that upsets you? Is it the ubiquitous presence of unstable materials in local stores and restaurants, such as plastic straws, or excessive packaging on food?

Often, alternative solutions to the problem exist, but no one has yet thought of comparing them with specific circumstances. A good example is the supply of paper straws to bars and restaurants. Entrepreneurial thinking is a lens that allows you to see obstacles not as negative problems, but as opportunities that need to be addressed and create economic benefits.

Believe in yourself

If you can dream and believe in yourself, you are already halfway there. The scale of your dreams is also part of your potential for success. Everyone has ideas, but dreaming big, believing in yourself, your entrepreneurial mindset, and making your dreams come true takes effort. Why not force yourself to think creatively this new year?

For example, you might pick a problem once a week and come up with a solution for the next seven days. The main thing is to think outside the box, to view the problem itself as a possible solution.

Learn, Accept Uncertainty, and Be Prepared for Failure

Eric Rees, creator of the Lean Startup concept, argues that entrepreneurship is "management in the face of extreme uncertainty." Creating your own path to solving a problem that no one has been able to solve before is really scary, because circumstances are constantly changing.

You have to overcome many obstacles and failures. But the entrepreneurial mindset says that every failure is a hidden opportunity to gain new knowledge. Entrepreneurial thinking encourages you to embrace uncertainty and learning, and to take advantage of the opportunities that arise in between.

Know yourself and find your favorite business

Solving problems, especially those related to the environment, can be quite discouraging. In your quest to change the world for the better, you will constantly face certain obstacles. And some environmental problems seem simply insoluble, such as those that provoke climate change. But helping to divide big problems into their simpler components so that everyone can help overcome them is also part of the entrepreneurial journey.

Remember your abilities. Find a problem that really bothers you, and team up with other people who care about this problem. By teaming up with like-minded people, it will be easier for you to stay motivated in difficult times.

To act and not to accept refusals

Each of us has the potential of an entrepreneurial mindset. Each of us is capable of finding problems and solutions. Being an entrepreneur means acting in accordance with these decisions. Often, this process forces you to think about a specific problem in the smallest detail and helps you realize possible ways to solve it, which others may not have thought of.

After all, an idea cannot be brought to life without preliminary revision and adaptation in real situations. One of the elements of entrepreneurship is the compulsory adherence to this process: in order to solve problems, it is necessary to identify real processes and things that can be improved or optimized, as well as communicate with people who have faced the corresponding problems. Using readily available resources will force you to be creative. Work to improve your solutions. As you continue to work on your solution, its effectiveness and interest in it will grow. Then the possibilities are endless.

Final Thoughts

Entrepreneurial thinking is a way of life. Even if you don't start a business, this mindset lets you know that there are no insurmountable problems: you can overcome any difficulties with perseverance and resilience.

Hopefully, you'll find tips in this article useful to try in implement in your daily or professional life. Please, share in comments your thoughts and tips on how you can train entrepreneurial spirit and if you'll have any questions do not hesitate to drop us a line!

How to Connect WooCommerce to your Facebook Shop

Set Up Woocommerce

How to Connect WooCommerce to your Facebook ShopFacebook offers one of the finest ways to reach more people if you want to promote products through social media. And for WooCommerce shop owners, connecting to your Facebook Shop is essential. Whether you are getting ready to launch or already own an online store, you can easily create your Facebook shop right away. You […]

The post How to Connect WooCommerce to your Facebook Shop appeared first on WPExplorer.

Sendbird Brings Offline Messaging to All of Its Chat and UIKit SDKs

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Sendbird, a mobile engagement and communication company, has announced a slew of new developer-centric features to its platform, headlined by the expansion of offline messaging to all Sendbird Chat and UIKit SDKs. Additionally, the company is announcing a new developer push notification and debugging tool and new message threading capabilities for the Sendbird UIKit.

GoDaddy in the News (Good and Bad), “Welcome Web Creators” Campaign by Elementor 🗞️ December 2021 WordPress News w/ CodeinWP

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This is the December 2021 edition of “This Month in WordPress with CodeinWP.” We are back with yet another dose of WordPress news and analysis. This month, GoDaddy found itself in the news quite a bit. They made a big splashy acquisition in the managed WordPress hosting space, but they also had a vulnerability in their own managed WordPress hosting that could put millions(!) of WordPress sites at risk.