Will AI Replace Programmers Sooner Than We Think?

Will AI replace programmers.The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine-learning tools like ChatGPT is having a significant impact on the industry of web development. Therefore, you might be wondering: Will AI replace programmers? Let's take a closer look at the current state of AI in web development.

10 Ways to Create an Interactive Homepage

Interactive homepage.An interactive homepage can make your website more engaging and help you stand out from your competitors. However, designing an interactive page can be difficult when you lack design or coding skills. Fortunately, there are tons of ways for beginners to create homepages that prompt visitors to do something (interactivity). You can add contact forms, user-generated content, fun quizzes, polls, and many other interactive elements.

5 Best Squarespace Alternatives: Cheaper and More Functional

Best squarespace alternatives.Sometimes, there’s a real need to look for the best Squarespace alternatives. Of course, Squarespace is incredibly popular, especially among YouTubers. However, it’s not a perfect solution for every niche, industry, or use case. This article will look at some of the best Squarespace alternatives and give you the means to compare and contrast them all.

How to Create Good Services Page Design in WordPress

services page design in WordPressStellar Services page design in WordPress uses the same fundamentals and tactics as almost any other website. The idea is to capture a visitor’s attention and give them reason to become a customer. In this respect, the design of your page will follow conventional design practices. However, there are a few specifics that relate to your own page and WordPress that warrant mentioning – especially the plugins you’ll turn to.

What Is Digital Accessibility? Plus How to Get Started

what is digital accessibility.As you may have noticed, accessibility awareness is on the rise [1]. In fact, it’s now often framed as a “business win” rather than a compliance burden [2]. But what is digital accessibility? As a website owner, you may want to gain a solid understanding of this concept.

Core Web Vitals: How to Eliminate Render Blocking Resources

eliminate render blocking resources.Speed testing is one of the most significant tasks you undertake, as it can tell you just how nippy your site is for end users. A slow site can be a disaster for your user experience (UX). However, the JavaScript and CSS your site loads can have a big impact, so it’s one of the first aspects you’ll look at. Google Lighthouse focuses more on the experience of the user, and its ‘eliminate render blocking resources’ opportunity lets you handle one key element of a fast page speed.

How to Create a Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing

free landing page for affiliate marketingAffiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn money online. You simply talk about products and services you love and make money when people buy them. In this guide on how to create a free landing page for affiliate marketing, we’ll show you how you can get started with this money-making endeavor without spending a dollar.

HTML vs JavaScript: What’s the Difference? Beginner’s Guide

html vs javascriptThere is no shortage of languages to develop software and websites. HTML vs JavaScript is a common comparison because both offer easy to understand syntax, and have accessibility for beginner coders. In this post, we'll look at HTML vs JavaScript in relation to their pros and cons, where and how you'll use each language during development, and much more.

How to Install WordPress on Localhost: Step-by-Step From Scratch

how to install wordpress on localhostYou can learn how to install WordPress on localhost using a few different ways depending on your preferences, skill level, and desired workflow. In this post, we'll show you a few methods to get the job done. The instructions will cover Windows, macOS, and even Linux. This means regardless of your operating system (OS) you'll be able to follow along.

How to Create a “Meet the Team” Page in WordPress

meet the team pageIf you run a small business, creating a meet the team page on your site can help you appear more approachable. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a web designer to create an effective and nice looking meet the team page. In this article we'll show you some real-life examples and then we'll teach you how to build a team page of your own.

How to Minify JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginner Devs

How to Minify JavaScriptIf you’re a web or app developer looking for ways to improve the performance of your pages, one improvement you’ll want to seriously consider is JavaScript minification. In this post, I’ll show you how to minify JavaScript and what tools you can use to minify JavaScript, depending on your current tech stack.

GoDaddy vs Squarespace: Which Site Builder Is Better?

GoDaddy vs SquarespaceGoDaddy vs Squarespace is a comparison that many business owners and developers encounter. Neither is a bad choice. Creating a website on GoDaddy has many advantages. And it’s the same with Squarespace. In this post we'll compare them across four different factors so you can decide which is right for you.

9 Expert-Recommended Ways to Use Video on Website Homepage

video on website homepageUsing a video on website homepage designs has become the norm for most contemporary brands and it's likely to continue into the future. Companies are doing their best to hook first-time visitors to their websites by making a great initial impression. Video has proven to be a useful marketing tool for doing that. If you're eager to learn how best to incorporate the use of videos on your website's homepage, then check out these nine tips and best practices.

A Brief History of Website Builders

history of website buildersThe process of website building has gone through significant transformation over the years. Nowadays almost anyone with basic computer skills can build a website, but during the early days of the internet, web design was the sole domain of programmers and coders. In this article, we will explore the history of website builder from the mid-90s to the present.