#47 – Adam Silverstein on the State of Images in WordPress


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley.

Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, the state of images in WordPress.

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So on the podcast today, we have Adam Silverstein. Adam is a WordPress core comitter, where he works to fix bugs and improve modern web capabilities. As a developer relations engineer in the content ecosystem team at Google, he works to invigorate the open web by empowering and educating developers.

At the recent WordCamp US he gave a presentation entitled images on the web, past, present and future. In it, he outlined his thoughts on where the web is going in terms of support for different image formats.

Alongside text images are the bedrock of webpages. We browse the internet and expect pages to have images of all forms. Photos, illustrations, charts and images to convey additional meaning to the text.

But how do the images actually get on the page? WordPress makes handling images pretty easy, and Adam explains what happens when you upload an image to the media library and then display it on a page or post in a browser.

We discussed the fact that different image sizes are created automatically by WordPress, which can be used in a variety of contexts across your website. You’ve likely heard of many of them. But perhaps you have not thought about which image format belongs where.

As with code, the technology behind images does not stand still. New image formats are being created all the time, and are being supported at differing rates by the major browser vendors.

In the past, we typically used JPEG. GIF or PNG files to display images on our websites, but there’s good reason to think about adopting other defaults in the near future. We discussed some of these new formats, such as WebP, AVIF and JPEG XL, and find out how they are speeding up website loading times because of their smaller file sizes.

We also get into how you can optimize your images and how plugins and SaaS solutions can reduce the size of your files before or after you upload them to your WordPress install.

Adam has some good advice about a topic which is becoming increasingly important, page load time. And if you’ve never given the serious thought, this is a great podcast episode for you.

Typically when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise. But that’s not always the case. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be bringing you recordings from a recent trip to WordCamp US 2022, and you might notice that the recordings have a little echo or other strange audio artifacts. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast. Where you’ll find all of the other episodes as well.

And so without further delay, I bring you Adam Silverstein.

I am joined on the podcast today by Adam Silverstein. Did I get that right?

[00:04:38] Adam Silverstein: You did. That’s the way I like to pronounce it.

[00:04:40] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. Perfect. Adam is here because he did a presentation at Word Camp US this year. What was the presentation about Adam?

[00:04:46] Adam Silverstein: It was images on the web, past, present, and future. So kind of like a history of images and also what’s coming in the future for modern image formats.

[00:04:54] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. We’ll delve into that in a moment, but before we do, would you just give us the two minute potted history of Adam. How it is that you’ve come to speak at a WordCamp.

[00:05:02] Adam Silverstein: Sure. Yeah. I mean, I used to build sites in, uh, Dreamweaver. Then I discovered WordPress as a way to let my clients be able to edit their content. Then one day I decided I should contribute back to WordPress. I became super involved in Core and help rewrite revisions for 3.6. Eventually, I became a core comitter. And, worked at agency, 10up, for quite a while, and then eventually wound up on the CMS team at Google. Working on the web platform, trying to make the web platform better. And I still work on WordPress quite a bit in that role.

[00:05:30] Nathan Wrigley: Google seemed to be doing a lot more with WordPress.

[00:05:33] Adam Silverstein: Absolutely. Since about 2017 when they started showing up at every WordCamp. And also they have that first party plugin Site Kit, which is their own plugin that’s very well supported that connects your WordPress site to Google Services.

[00:05:45] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, we spoke to Felix a few episodes ago. So, if you’re into Site Kit and things like that, you can search for the Felix Arntz episode. But we’re here to talk about images today. And I’m going to lead off with something which is going to make me sound incredibly ignorant, and apologize for that.

And that is simply this. When I visit a webpage or I’m building a website, images basically just magically appear. They’re on my computer. I see that there’s an image, there’s a file name and a file format, JPEG and so on and so forth. But I honestly have no idea how the browser makes the image appear. I don’t know what the mystery voodoo that’s going on in the background to turn a piece of code, I’m guessing, into something visible on the screen. So ridiculous as it may sound. How do we even get images on the web? How does it work?

[00:06:31] Adam Silverstein: Yeah, so it’s not a stupid question because it’s it’s incredibly complex, actually how browsers deal with images. But at a very basic level, typically there’s a lot of ways images actually appear on webpages, because it could be in your css or you could load it dynamically with JavaScript.

But in a normal HTML context, you have an image tag, and that image tag has a url. When the browser first gets your HTML page, it goes through a parsing phase where it tries to decipher what all the elements that I’m gonna need to construct this visual page. What CSS do I need, what images do I need?

So it goes through the HTML and each time it encounters an image. It makes another request back to your web server, that’s running WordPress. And then that image is brought back to the browser. Now that’s a binary format, that image. So the browser also has to have a capability of decoding that image. That’s where support for different image formats come in, and all the browsers support all the formats that we’re used to.

But then there’s these more modern formats that maybe aren’t supported. That’s kind of the simple version of it, is the browser finds the reference that you have on your HTML. Goes out and retrieves it, just like it does any asset, and then it decompresses it and puts it on your display.

[00:07:37] Nathan Wrigley: If I was to look at the binary code, which made up the image. Which I presume is possible? Is it just a combination of letters, numbers, and characters?

[00:07:46] Adam Silverstein: I mean, it’s binary encoding, so I don’t, I don’t actually know what, it’s eight bit probably, or 16 bit encoding. But you’ll have, typically at the first bites of an image will be like a header block. That defines what the image is, the meta information about the image. And then you’ll have the actual data of the image. And that’s in chunks. And it depends on how, what image compression format you’re using.

But typically images are compressed. So you have some information about that compression in the header, and then you have the chunks that make up the file. But it wouldn’t be something, if you looked at it, it wouldn’t make any sense to a human.

[00:08:17] Nathan Wrigley: Right.

[00:08:18] Adam Silverstein: It would just be like binary data, just a bunch of numbers.

[00:08:20] Nathan Wrigley: It kind of reminds me a little bit of TCPIP packets, you know, it’s surrounded with metadata to give, well, in this case it would be the, the OS stack. But, to give the browser information about what’s coming down the pipe in the next moment.

[00:08:32] Adam Silverstein: Right.

[00:08:33] Nathan Wrigley: So how big it is, what the dimensions are, and so on and so forth. And then each little bit will render I guess a pixel or something like that.

[00:08:40] Adam Silverstein: Exactly. You could think of it that way. But you know, in a lot of these compression engines, it’s actually like an eight by eight block, and then there’s more detail. It’s very complicated really.

And even the thing about, like, I very much simplified the how the webpage is loaded because the browser has to decide which resources to load first and which to prioritize. And also just think about an image tag. Image tags now typically have a source set attribute, which indicates which size image we want, depending on the break point that we’re in.

So the browser has to figure out that information as well. It’s quite complex and people have written whole articles on it. So if you’re interested in it, there’s, like in my talk, I’ve got like a links document and there’s some links that I’ve put out to like how browsers work. It is very interesting to understand and I think it, like, can help inform, just the more you understand that, the more you understand why trying to optimize performance is so complex.

[00:09:32] Nathan Wrigley: It really does amaze me, and these days, images on the connection at least that I have in my home, seem to load more or less instantaneously, but I remember going back in the day when it was dial up, this laborious line by line creation of the image. You could watch the image load and it would just sort of generate going down. Do you remember seeing all of that?

[00:09:51] Adam Silverstein: You could see it loading.

[00:09:52] Nathan Wrigley: You could actually see the image loading.

[00:09:53] Adam Silverstein: And you could simulate that, you know, in Chrome using the throttling, in Chrome dev. But the other thing to remember is that, we’re a little privileged here. We have very high speed connections. We have high powered devices, but if you look at the world as a whole, that’s really not the case. There’s still a lot of people in the world who are using low powered, they’re using a phone, it’s not like a smartphone, like an iPhone. It’s a very low powered device. So even just the decoding of the images can be expensive.

And then the bandwidth thing,. Some people, a lot of places in the world, people are paying for bandwidth. So the more bandwidth you use. So they may have images turned off or they may be in a low data mode. A lot of phones support a low data mode where they’ll try to reduce the amount of data that they’re using.

Yeah, it’s interesting. One of the things we introduced recently into Word Press Core is native lazy loading of images. So this is something we used to do in JavaScript, but now is built into browsers. And what it does is it prevents the images that are off your view port from loading until you start scrolling down. Before you reach them, when you start scrolling, as you get closer to the where they’re gonna appear, then it will load those images. So, of course this is great for saving resource because when your page loads, if it’s a long page with many images, you don’t have to load all those images unless and until the user starts scrolling down the page.

And this sounds great, and especially at, in a high speed connection environment, it works great. But someone gave the feedback during the process of introducing this, that they work on a low bandwidth connection. And what they like to do is start loading the page and then they switch to another tab and they wait till everything loads and then they come back and they read all their content. But with lazy loading, it doesn’t work very well because suddenly they scroll a little bit and now they have to wait for another image to load.

[00:11:26] Nathan Wrigley: I’m imagining that typical user is not browsing the web in that way. But that is an interesting.

[00:11:31] Adam Silverstein: Isn’t it?

[00:11:31] Nathan Wrigley: Is an interesting case.

[00:11:32] Adam Silverstein: What it just brings up is that you really have to think about your users. When you’re trying to optimize your site, it’s not just optimizing for yourself, it’s optimizing for your users. And that’s why having real user metrics is so valuable. Collecting actual field data about how people are experiencing your website, as opposed to doing lab tests like we are running lighthouse or page speed insights to try to figure out like, oh, how’s my site performing? That gives you one metric, but that doesn’t tell you how people actually in the wild experience your website. If most people have low bandwidth connections, that’s gonna be really different than what you might get from a local test.

[00:12:03] Nathan Wrigley: Let’s just pivot a little bit and talk about the different types of images there are. I would imagine almost everybody is familiar with the regular, the usual suspects, shall we say.

[00:12:12] Adam Silverstein: Sure.

[00:12:12] Nathan Wrigley: You know, the JPEGs and the PNGs, and don’t even know if that’s how you pronounce it. Some people I’ve heard say, ping. But I always say PNG and I say GIF.

[00:12:20] Adam Silverstein: Yes, and I say GIF.

[00:12:21] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, yeah, but there’s all of these. There’s more, which we’ll get onto later. But presumably there’s dozens more that are not typically used on the web. Why have these formats evolved over time? Why don’t we just have one?

[00:12:33] Adam Silverstein: Right, that’s a great question, I mean, uh, the GIF format came out 35 years ago, and it pretty much did everything we needed to do, right? It could display images, it had animation, it had transparency. Wow, like images on the web. That was actually a big deal at the time. But there were some limitations. It only had 256 colors. So if you wanted to make a photograph, you had to dither the colors and it only had lossless compression, which is not really that efficient. You know, you maybe get 10 or 15%.

And it also had copyright issues. The LZW compression algorithm that was in GIF, there were copyright holders. Big corporations and the free software movement didn’t feel that they could trust this format. That’s part of why PNG came about 15 years ago, was as a response to the limitations of the compression algorithm, the copyrights. Of course PNG also added alpha transparency, which is an improved version of transparency because you can define opacity on a per pixel basis, and this lets you create an image with a transparent background that’s got like smooth edges. Like GIF images with transparent have those like blocky edges. But with a PNG, you can create a gradual fading to opacity.

And that was a big improvement. So it actually added a really useful feature. It’s great for product images, PNGs. Of course, JPEG introduced lossy compression, which let you just tune your compression to whatever level you wanted. You could get 10 times smaller images that still look good, which was really important at that time. But you could also fine tune that if you were a photographer and you wanted higher quality, you could choose that higher quality setting. That was really unique. GIF didn’t have that, right.

And SVG of course is the fourth kind of major one that we use on the web. And that’s just like very different. It’s for illustrations. It’s vector based instead of raster.

[00:14:10] Nathan Wrigley: It’s a file format isn’t it?

[00:14:12] Adam Silverstein: It is, it’s actually XML, think.

[00:14:13] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah.

[00:14:14] Adam Silverstein: Unfortunately it also includes scripting, which means that we don’t support it in core because of the security concerns. But it’s also very specific to like illustration type formats. That’s where it really shines. It has some big advantages. It can be styled with css. You can’t do that with other image formats. What I’m trying to get at is that each format introduced new capabilities that were important at the time.

We started to talk about modern image formats, which I include WebP in, even though it’s 12 years old at this point. What’s really cool about WebP is, it kind of combines all the features that came before. So it has the alpha transparency of PNG, but it also has the lossy compression of JPEG.

So suddenly you can take a transparent PNG and you get 80% improved compression, by making it into a transparent WebP. You still get all the features you need, the alpha transparency, but the compression is lossy now, which is impossible for we didn’t have a format that had both lossy and alpha transparency.

WebP kind of is like, essentially trying to be all the things you need. Like if we had started with WebP, we probably wouldn’t have ever needed another format, because it supports animation, it supports lossy and lossless compression, it supports alpha transparency. It also has better compression than JPEG, like 30% better on average for the same quality. So it’s a big improvement.

Then there’s a couple other formats that are upcoming, I would say. AVIF is probably the next one. It was just, support was just announced in Safari for AVIF. So Edge is the only remaining browser, major browser, that doesn’t support it. And the big promise of AVIF really over WebP is not on features, it’s just the compression that it achieves. And it’s able to achieve a 50% improvement over JPEG. So it’s very promising.

And then the one other one that’s, that’s kind of coming up that’s even newer is called JPEG XL. And this is from the same group that made JPEG and it’s just like a way, way better compression, like AVIF, but it has more affinity to JPEG so it works better with existing JPEGs. Like, it can losslessly recode existing JPEGs. The problem with JPEG XL, at least right now, is that it’s so new that it’s not really supported anywhere.

So there’s a couple things that have happened. There’s been a lot of advances in compression over the years. A lot of them actually related to video, because we’ve, we started streaming video on the web and a lot of investment went into making those compressions better. And then those, like the AVI video format is the basis, the same compression, forms the basis of AVIF, hence the naming similarity.

I’m not sure about the WebP, the history of, of like where that compression algorithm came from, but the, the goal was to create something that was better than JPEG. Higher quality at the same size, or smaller size at the same quality. You can think of it in, in either way.

[00:16:48] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. I remember back in the day, I hate to age myself in this way, but I remember Internet Explorer six, and the enormous fun that we had with trying to get transparency and the sort of kludges that you had to.

[00:17:00] Adam Silverstein: To get it wo work?

[00:17:03] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, a little JavaScript snippet so that you could get transparency and so on. And so that tells me that, at certain points in. history, certain image formats have not been available in browsers. Broadly speaking, there’s probably three or four browsers that the majority of people on Earth are using these days. We know what they’re called. But do they support all of these? Really, the reason I’m asking this question is, let’s say I’ve got a website and I’ve got 10,000 images on website.

And I, I now have learned that there’s a potentially 30% benefit in getting them rendered as, let’s say, WebP or, or any of the other ones that you mentioned.

[00:17:37] Adam Silverstein: Yeah.

[00:17:37] Nathan Wrigley: Would you say it’s worthwhile doing that work and re rendering them as, let’s say, WebP or something like that? Or should I just carry on and do the new formats for the new images? Or like I said, go back and redo them all?

[00:17:50] Adam Silverstein: Yeah, I mean, it probably depends on how much actual traffic you get on those older posts. I think a lot of people have older posts on their site that get very little traffic, and then I would say it’s probably not worth updating it. With the filter that we have in place in core to control the output, you can use regenerate images and regenerate all your old images.

And get that WebP benefit, like switch from JPEG to WebP for your old files. There are some caveats there. You need to make sure that the images have been inserted from the editor so that they’re actually replaced in the HTML. Because if you’re changing all your image file names, you don’t want to have broken images in your old posts.

So WordPress does do that on the fly, where we, if you insert an image from the editor, then it has like a WP image class name. So we can identify the source image and then we go and we, we build that source set into the HTML by looking at the metadata about the image. So when you do that regenerate images, it updates the metadata and therefore you’ll get the new images even in your old posts.

But that’s not guaranteed. If you have really old posts or they don’t have that WP class, and then for some reason, because you maybe built it with a page builder tool, for example, that doesn’t include those, there are scenarios where that could break your images. And all the regenerate images plugins have options around this.

Like um, WPCLI, you know, you can have it not delete the old images. So if you have URLs that are still out there referring to the old images, that’ll work. Or another example is you might have a third party site that has embedded your image. If you’re okay with that and you don’t want to break that, then you want to avoid changing your file name.

[00:19:13] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah.

[00:19:13] Adam Silverstein: So it depends a lot on your use case.

[00:19:15] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. Caveat emptor really. Just give it a bit of thought. In terms of the browsers. What is the support like for, well obviously we know that the usual suspects that we mentioned at the beginning. The age old ones, GIFs and PNGs and JPEGs, that’s fine?

[00:19:29] Adam Silverstein: Yes.

[00:19:29] Nathan Wrigley: What about the other ones? What about the WebPs and the AVIFs and.

[00:19:33] Adam Silverstein: Yeah. So the great place to check is the, can I use website, right? They’ve got all the details but, right now WebP is supported in all the browsers, very widely supported. The only exception is older versions of Safari, and Safari support actually depends on the underlying operating system.

So this means that users have to upgrade to, I think it’s two versions ago of MacOS. So there is a small percentage of users out there that have this older Safari version that won’t load WebPs correctly. It’s actually very difficult to tell how many because there’s a bug, in like one of the subsequent versions of Safari where the user agent string misreported the OS version.

So between a couple versions of Safari and iOS or MacOS, you actually can’t tell the difference from logs. And so we don’t have good data about that in the wild, but from the data that we have, we think it’s between 1 and 2% of browser users in the world that don’t support WebP currently.

[00:20:22] Nathan Wrigley: Dare I ask, was there any politics in Safari not.

[00:20:26] Adam Silverstein: Supporting it? I don’t think so. I mean, people say, oh, it’s a, it’s a Google format. Like it’s an open source format that Google developed. But it is widely supported across a huge number of applications. There’s a lot of criticism of Safari for under investing in web capabilities.

I don’t know if this really falls into that. I do think that Apple as a company has a vested interest in keeping their app ecosystem more powerful than the web ecosystem. So I think there’s sort of some natural tension there, but I probably wouldn’t blame the Safari team. My expectation is the Safari team is all on board on making the web better.

But it’s a big corporation and there’s different interests. So there could be some political part to it, but I, not that I’m aware of. Safari, just to continue like the AVIF is sort of the next one. And Safari did just recently announce AVIF support. I think they’re just slower to adopt some things than other browsers.

[00:21:15] Nathan Wrigley: I guess if I’m using WordPress and images are a key component. I do want to be really mindful that, that number, the percentage. So you think at the moment WebP is about 98% of.

[00:21:26] Adam Silverstein: 98 to 99.

[00:21:27] Nathan Wrigley: So, at some point the Rubicon got crossed and you can say to. yourself, that’s fine. The percentage is easily high enough. I can confidently use WebP.

[00:21:35] Adam Silverstein: Yes.

[00:21:36] Nathan Wrigley: How about the other formats? Also just staying on the WebP, let’s do that bit. first. Would you recommend people to shift over to WebP henceforth?

[00:21:44] Adam Silverstein: Yes.

[00:21:44] Nathan Wrigley: Or is there, is there a good reason to stay with the older formats?

[00:21:47] Adam Silverstein: The only reason I would say not use WebP would be is if you knew most of your users were all on older Safari versions. Or you sent newsletters out to Windows users using Outlook, which is one other use case. We know that doesn’t support WebP. But this is like old versions of Outlook running on Windows. Not modern outlook.

[00:22:03] Nathan Wrigley: I guess at some point you just have to take the plunge and say there’s enough.

[00:22:07] Adam Silverstein: Yeah, Well, and we do have a support shim for Safari. So in the browser, if the page is loading WebPs, we add this little bit of JavaScript, it’s a tiny little bit that does feature detection. So it can actually detect whether the browser supports WebP. And at that point, if it doesn’t support WebP, we can actually swap the images and use the JPEGs that we do have available, We use like the next largest size that’s available. And with the current implementation, that would be either your original image or like the one of the H, high definition images that WordPress automatically creates.

So there will be, like, the primary sizes would be WebP, but there would be still be some available sizes in JPEG. If nothing else, the original image. So that means that your Safari users will still see images, they’ll just get a slower experience. So 1% of users will get a degraded experience. 99% users will get an improved experience, and then it’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth it. But at least those Safari users won’t be totally left out in the dark. They’ll still be able to see your images.

[00:23:02] Nathan Wrigley: It’s really curious. For some reason I have this atrophy and I’ve known that WebP was at about 98. And I put several images online each and every week, maybe a, a dozen or so. And for some reason I always export them as a JPEG. I haven’t managed in my own mind to say, this is now the moment. I think you’ve convinced me. I think.

[00:23:20] Adam Silverstein: Yeah. But I mean, in my opinion, like that really shouldn’t be up to users to understand that or figure that out. I mean, if you’re very technical, if you’re a photographer, maybe. But for the average WordPress user, they don’t know what image format they’re using. So this is why, it should be like a core capability where it just happens for users.

[00:23:37] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. Okay, so WebP, that’s great. But you, you mentioned a couple of others. There was JPEG, I wanted to say JPEG 2. What was it, JPEG?

[00:23:46] Adam Silverstein: XL.

[00:23:47] Nathan Wrigley: JPEG XL.

[00:23:50] Adam Silverstein: And there’s a bunch of JPEGs actually. There was one called JPEG 2000 that you might remember that was pushed by the JPEG foundation, or organization, for a while, and that was never adopted. But yeah, let’s talk about those.

[00:23:56] Nathan Wrigley: So they, they’re presumably growing in use? Are they safe to use at the moment? Would you recommend, for example, my website using those image formats? Or Should I wait a little bit longer?

[00:24:07] Adam Silverstein: Probably wait a little bit longer, yeah. Safari doesn’t support it yet. They’ve announced support, it’s coming out and whenever the next Mac OS comes out, I think it’s like this week or something. Or it’s soon. It’s very soon. But that means that they’re just starting support so you probably want to wait till a significant number of users are actually on that version.

[00:24:23] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah.

[00:24:23] Adam Silverstein: Which in the Apple ecosystem actually happens pretty quickly. People generally, you know, there’s a very large percentage of users who will go to the next OS version very quickly. It doesn’t cost anything. And it’s like they’ve proven that it’s safe. Um, they have a pretty good uptick rate. So yeah, I mean, the only way, if you really wanted to take advantage of AVIF, we have a couple options. One is using an image CDN. So the advantage of an image CDN is that, it can actually negotiate the format.

So when browsers make a request for an image, they actually can indicate in their header, in their request headers, which formats they’re capable of decoding. And that means that the image CDN can be like, oh, you, you take AVIF? I’ll give you AVIF. That’s the best one that we have. But if it doesn’t support AVIF, okay, how about WebP? You support that? Okay. No, you don’t support any of those? We’ll give you the JPEG version. The CDN can use this capability negotiation at header time, to deliver the best image. And also they can resize the image to exactly meet the size specifications of your HTML, which WordPress doesn’t do.

WordPress generates several sizes, and then we pick the best size that’s the closest to the one that you’ve put on your page. And also we can’t do the header negotiation because we don’t handle the image requests. Those are handled by Apache or whatever web server you’re running Nginx, you know. You have a web server running, it actually handles the image request directly. WordPress has no involvement in that whatsoever. And there are plugins that do this, the only way that you can interact with that is, is using like htaccess. There are some ways to do it, but there generally outside of cores scope.

[00:25:52] Nathan Wrigley: Typically, would this CDN be the kind of thing that you would negotiate with your hosting provider?

[00:25:56] Adam Silverstein: Some hosting providers provide it. There’s of course all kinds of third party CDNs. Jetpack provides an image CDN as one example. Some of them are free, some of them are paid. I think every major CDN has a WordPress plugin that will directly integrate. So you don’t really have to do much to set it up, maybe put your login or your key in or something. So I would say like, if you can hook up with an image CDN, then you’re sort of automatically able to take advantage of the latest versions of images.

[00:26:19] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah that sounds like the way to do it, if you can stretch to that. That sounds like the best way because you can just forget about it. Everything will be taken care of.

[00:26:26] Adam Silverstein: Exactly. If you have a reason that you can’t do it or there’s a cost associated with it. Your best bet is probably to stick with WebP for now.

[00:26:31] Nathan Wrigley: Right.

[00:26:32] Adam Silverstein: Because that is so widely supported.

[00:26:33] Nathan Wrigley: On that point, are there particular types of images that you would recommend given a certain scenario? So, for example, let’s say I’m taking wildlife photography. Fairly specific example, but there’s an awful lot on the image. There’s dark areas, light areas. Lots of color. Let’s say for example, I’m creating some graphic design and it’s fairly plain, it’s text based. There’s not a lot going on in there. Is there a preferred way in, at least in your mind, or is it always WebP?

[00:26:58] Adam Silverstein: I mean, there are definitely cases where WebP like really performs better, and there’s cases where JPEG performs almost as well as WebP I guess. And even there are images where the WebP will be slightly larger than the JPEG, in certain cases to get the same quality. You know, I would say certainly if you’re doing illustration, something that’s like a line art, then if it could be an SVG, that’s probably gonna be your most efficient format.

But other than that, I think probably WebP is gonna win out on average, right? So you can look at specific images and find that maybe one would be better as JPEG, one would be better as WebP. But in general, if you take all your image is an aggregate, you’re gonna be way better off going with WebP.

I think the exception to that would be like, is if you are a photographer and what you’re showing on your website is your photography, and you want it to be like the absolute highest quality. You maybe already have changed the default quality that WordPress uses, and maybe you just want to stick with JPEG so that you know that you’re getting exactly what you’re used to. There is a visual difference between JPEG and WebP and, you know, there’s all these tools that, that they use.

I talk about it a little bit in my talk about, how do you measure quality? It’s a very subjective thing actually. There’s algorithms, so when I’m talking about how do you measure quality, So let’s say you take an image and you compress it with a JPEG and then you’re comparing it to something you’ve compressed with WebP and you say, oh, the WebP is smaller. That’s great. But it’s not that great if also the quality is lower, right? If the quality is the same and the file smaller, you win. But if the file smaller and the quality is degraded, then is that really something you want? So that you have to look at both quality and file size as two parts of the same discussion.

So it’s very interesting how we think about quality. I think, I have a slide in my talk where I have two images and there are very different compression qualities, but you actually can’t tell the difference on the screen because it’s blurry and you’re looking at a screen from 30 feet away. And the point is that it matters, the context where you’re gonna be viewing that matters. If it’s a little thumbnail, you’re not going to really matter if it’s like some pixels that are off. But if you’re looking at like that big gorgeous wildlife photography and you’re a photographer, you want the best possible quality.

[00:28:57] Nathan Wrigley: I guess it’s a case by case basis, isn’t It?

[00:29:00] Adam Silverstein: It is.

[00:29:02] Nathan Wrigley:Just suddenly occurred to me that we didn’t talk about how WordPress deals with images. We have the media library. I would imagine that’s how most people interact with their images on WordPress. You go into the media library and you upload things, drag them in and what have you. But there’s all sorts of wizardry going on right at that moment where you pull the image in for the first time. And, potentially people listening to this, they won’t know about that. So.

[00:29:20] Adam Silverstein: Sure.

[00:29:21] Nathan Wrigley: Are you able to run through that quickly?

[00:29:22] Adam Silverstein: Sure, so when you upload your image to WordPress. You’re uploading your original image, and then WordPress is gonna create a series of subsidized images. By default it has I think four, it’s actually six sizes built in. Four that you can see in the settings, or three that you can see in the settings screens. Thumbnail, medium and large. There’s also a medium large size that we added. And then there’s also two HDMI, high definition screen sizes, that are like even larger than the large size.

So when you upload your image, WordPress will go through this kind of crunching phase where it generates all of these subsidized images, and then those can be used later on the front end, depending on your context. So if it’s a thumbnail image, it’s gonna use that really small image. If it’s a larger image, it’ll use the larger one.

So we sort of pre-create these images when you upload. That process uses, uh, one of two libraries on the backend that tie into your web server. One’s called LibGD, which is now built into php. And the other one’s called ImageMagick, or people call it Image Magic. That’s like the GUI for it. And both of those libraries are available in WordPress.

We have built in image handling classes for them. I will say you can also extend the image library to add your own image handling class, but I’m not aware of specific implementations. But those are sort of the two that we support out of the box. And they’re very popular and common in php. Like I said, GD’s built into php now.

Those libraries may or may not support different formats. So getting back to your question of which format is supported. In order to be able to use AVIF with WordPress, we really need that server support. because if the server can’t read AVIF, if that means when you upload an AVIF file or you upload a JPEG and you’re trying to output AVIF, it can’t do that.

It doesn’t know how to do that. So until we get to PHP 8.1, which supports AVIF, we’re probably not going to be able to support directly AVIF in WordPress. So there’s that server dependency that you have. And also, just to add a little wrinkle to that is that, GD supports WebP or, you know, Imagemagick supports AVIF, but only if it’s built with that. So literally at compile time, someone has to build the web server, right? It’s written in C or whatever assembly, like whatever code it’s written in, and then someone has to compile and they have to decide, am I including the AVIF i library? Am I including the WebP library? And so whether you have support for those depends on your host.

Like what is their hosting stack, what is the distribution that they’re using? It’s a wide variety of things out there. But yeah, that’s the general process. You upload, the images get generated, and then, when you insert the image into your post WordPress will use all of those images. They’ll use it in the source set to build out the responsive design.

[00:31:48] Nathan Wrigley: As with all things WordPress there’s plugins that step in and do additional features. I mean you can code this yourself but you know, you can create other image sizes that WordPress will create on the fly, soon as you, you know, you crunch an image. Yeah, but also there’s this curious third party industry of image s smushing, I want to call it. You know where, when it’s uploaded, and I believe also WordPress itself now has a maximum, you know, if you’ve got a vanilla install of WordPress there’s a, what is it? What’s the.

[00:32:15] Adam Silverstein: It’s It’s like a max threshold size for image uploads.

[00:32:18] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. That, I suppose is a useful thing to talk about. The idea that, okay, so you’ve got this brand new beautiful camera, which is taking images.

[00:32:27] Adam Silverstein: Sixteen megapixels.

[00:32:27] Nathan Wrigley: Right, and honestly you’ve got a 10 megabyte image but you’re intending to display it as a thumbnail in the corner of your post or something like that.

[00:32:34] Adam Silverstein: Right?

[00:32:35] Nathan Wrigley: The intention, therefore, from these third party plugins and, and what have you, is to take that image and just reduce it. Make it teeny tiny. Why do we do that? What’s the benefit to begin there? You talked about bandwidth and all of that earlier. Is that the only reason that we’re doing, it’s just to save on bandwidth?

[00:32:52] Adam Silverstein: And to speed up the loading of the page.

[00:32:53] Nathan Wrigley: Right.

[00:32:54] Adam Silverstein: So, and just to Expand on that. It’s not really just about the speed of the page, but it’s about the experience of your users visiting your website. If you have slow images that are too large for what you need, then you are giving your users a poor experience. There’s all kinds of studies that show that by improving the loading time and responsiveness of your website, you get better results. So whatever those goals may be, conversions into newsletter subscribers or people who purchase products, or someone who reads more than one article on your website. Those things are all enhanced by having a better user experience. And so if we’re talking about optimizing images, we’re really talking about creating a better user experience.

[00:33:33] Nathan Wrigley: You’re wearing your Google t-shirt today.

[00:33:35] Adam Silverstein: Yeah.

[00:33:35] Nathan Wrigley: So you know you’re doing all all the right things.

[00:33:37] Adam Silverstein: Google google loves open source.

[00:33:39] Nathan Wrigley: You are not on the search team, so maybe this question is not gonna be one that’s right in your wheelhouse, but I’m gonna ask it anyway. SEO and search engine results. I’m presuming there is a benefit because you know, in the last couple of years we’ve all been thinking about Core Web Vitals and that’s been a big push from Google, and everybody’s taken that very seriously.

[00:33:56] Adam Silverstein: Yes.

[00:33:56] Nathan Wrigley: And, you know, is there a benefit to your search position, should you take the time to do images right?

[00:34:04] Adam Silverstein: Yes, and I’ll say that it’s only really a very small benefit. Really what gets you the best position in search results is having the best content. And if I have an article about Bartlett pears growing in San Diego and someone Googles it, and I’m the only article about that on the web, they’re gonna go right to me. No matter how performant my site is. Where performance comes in is as a waiting factor, like many, many other factors as a signal to Google. Just like HTTPS, mobile support. These are all signals that Google has announced.

But, uh, you’re not gonna be like, penalized for poor performance. It’s more that if all other things are equal, this could be a weighting factor that would bump you up, having a better experience for your users. But that really shouldn’t be your motivation. Your motivation should be creating a better experience for your users first, and then secondly better achieving your goals once people reach your site.

So someone described it as a funnel, right? People think of web conversions as a funnel. You start at the top, all the people who see your search results, and then it gets smaller. All the people who click on your search results. And then, all the people who actually do something on your website. And then finally, this tiny, small number of people that convert to being paying customers. And I, and in my hands here just for audio, I’m going from wide to smaller. And where the user experience parts helps, uh, improving user pitch is not up here at the top in getting more search results. It’s here where once users reach your site, then you’re gonna really see that benefit. And so, that’s where you should think about where the benefit comes. It comes from turning those visiting users into actual, whatever your goal is.

[00:35:36] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, I’m gonna go slightly off piste. Google does a fantastic job. I use Google photos, and Google Photos is able to identify the objects in my photos. And so I did wonder if there was a potential Google search. So, for example if I have a website I don’t label, I don’t put any metadata on my images at all. Does Google do any of that? This website is full of trees, and so if I search for a particular tree.

[00:36:05] Adam Silverstein: That’s a really good question. I don’t know the answer. I would say, first of all, please put alt tags on your images. Don’t do that. Because there’s a reason we have alt tags. Actually someone, so it’s the reason, the big reason is of course, accessibility, right. People who are visually impaired can’t see your images. It’s nice if they have a description of what they’re missing.

Someone actually today came by and said, do you think there’s a way we could take image recognition and make it so that non sighted users touch over the image, they get a description of what they’re seeing. So, if you’re a non sight user, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen people, a lot of times they actually use a touchscreen that’s haptic.

[00:36:37] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah.

[00:36:38] Adam Silverstein: So they can move over and they can feel the buttons, right. It’s not just, having the buttons described to them in text, but literally a screen that as you’re moving over elements of the page, it bumps up. So you can actually feel, oh, there’s a button. That’s where the home button is, and then they can tap it, right? So they already have this technology, screens that are like this, and of course visually impair people are, are often used to reading braille, so they’re very sensitive with their fingers.

So imagine something where you have a picture of trees and a person and a visually impaired person could move their hand over and say like, oh, there’s the person and there’s trees back here, and they’re feeling the image. Like that would be amazing. And that would again, require that same visual recognition of images.

[00:37:12] Nathan Wrigley: That is a truly, astonishingly good idea.

[00:37:14] Adam Silverstein: Right, I had never heard that idea.

[00:37:16] Nathan Wrigley: That is just mind blowingly clever. Let’s hope that somebody can build that.

[00:37:21] Adam Silverstein: Yeah. There was another, just one more that someone posted recently to Twitter, you might have seen, but it’s the, it’s like the DALL E tools that are out now with the image generation. So someone has built a WordPress plugin in Gutenberg where you type in, like you’re working on your post and it’s about Bartlett pears in San Diego. So you type in like Bartletts flying across the San Diego Bay, and it generates an image for you of that. You’re there in Gutenberg and you just insert it.

[00:37:45] Nathan Wrigley: The whole AI piece. Rewind the clock just two years, and I thought it was, no, this is going nowhere.

[00:37:51] Adam Silverstein: Right.

[00:37:51] Nathan Wrigley: At no point in the future will you be able to tell a computer to create an image or a piece of art, or replicate, well, almost anything, but especially the things which don’t exist. You know, the triangle dog or whatever it might be.

[00:38:04] Adam Silverstein: Yeah.

[00:38:05] Nathan Wrigley: And, and yet you input it in and just in the space of two years, it’s gone me laughing at it. To me, just being in awe of it.

[00:38:13] Adam Silverstein: It’s amazing.

[00:38:14] Nathan Wrigley: It’s truly amazing.

[00:38:15] Adam Silverstein: Yeah, so I use one of those tools to generate all the images in my slideshow for my presentation yesterday. So I have like hilarious images, like a raccoon surf boarding and a, a goat driving a race car.

[00:38:25] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah.

[00:38:26] Adam Silverstein: Impossible things, but they look, you know, if you look closely, you can see some weird details. They’re very, very accurate.

[00:38:32] Nathan Wrigley: There’s lots of them as well. I believe the one that captured my attention recently, I think it was called Mind Journey or something like. It’s implementation is to create art.

[00:38:43] Adam Silverstein: Right.

[00:38:43] Nathan Wrigley: So you give it the, the thing that you feed it is, I don’t know, I’d like a picture of a sunset that resembles Rembrandt, with a red sky to the left and so on. And it completely does it.

[00:38:54] Adam Silverstein: That’s amazing.

[00:38:54] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, an absolute miracle. Adam Silverstein, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast today. I really appreciate it.

[00:39:00] Adam Silverstein: It was fun. Thank you.

On the podcast today we have Adam Silverstein.

Adam is a WordPress core comitter where he works to fix bugs and improve modern web capabilities. As a Developer Relations Engineer in the content ecosystem team at Google, he works to invigorate the open web by empowering and educating developers.

At the recent WordCamp US, he gave a presentation entitled ‘Images on the Web – past present and future’. In it, he outlined his thoughts on where the web is going in terms of support for different image formats.

Alongside text, images are the bedrock of webpages. We browse the internet and expect pages to have images of all forms. Photos, illustrations, charts and images to convey additional meaning to the text.

But how do the images actually get on the page? WordPress makes handling images pretty easy, and Adam explains what happens when you upload an image to the Media Library, and then display it on a page or post in a browser.

We discuss the fact that different image sizes are created automatically by WordPress, which can be used in a variety of contexts across your website. You’ve likely heard of many of them, but perhaps you have not thought about which format belongs where.

As with code, the technology behind images does not stand still. New formats are being created all the time and are being supported at differing rates by the major browser vendors. In the past we typically used JPEG, GIF or PNG files to display images on our websites, but there’s good reason to think about adopting other defaults in the near future.

We discuss some of these new formats, such as WebP, AVIF and JPEG XL, and find out about how they are speeding up website loading times because of their smaller file sizes.

We also get into how you can optimise your images, and how plugins and SaaS solutions can reduce the size of your files before or after you upload them to your WordPress install.

Adam has some good advice about a topic which is becoming increasingly important, page load time, and if you’ve never given this serious thought, this is a great podcast episode for you.

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be bringing you recordings from a recent trip to WordCamp US 2022, and you might notice that the recordings have a little echo or other strange audio artefacts. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.

Jukebox Podcast episode 34 – Felix Arntz on WordPress and Performance

Can I Use website

LibGD graphics library

New Block Diffusion Plugin Creates AI-Generated Images from Text Prompts


#46 – Nick Diego on Why You Should Be Excited About the Possibilities of WordPress Blocks


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley.

Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the themes, and in this case, why you should be excited about WordPress blocks.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice, or go to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m keen to hear from you and hopefully get you, or your idea featured on the show. You can do that by heading over to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the contact form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Nick Diego. Nick is a Developer Advocate at WP Engine. He can be found, creating educational content, building plugins and themes, and contributing to WordPress core.

He’s on the podcast today to talk about his passion and optimism for the future of WordPress using blocks. At the recent WordCamp US, Nick gave a presentation entitled, ‘Let’s build a custom block in 15 minutes’. It was his attempt at showing a group of WordPress enthusiasts that the barrier to creating blocks is slowly being eroded, due to the creation of new tools. These tools are creating opportunities for people who might otherwise have stayed away from block development.

It’s becoming easier to create the blocks as the tools take away much of the technical burden of getting you up and running without advanced knowledge of JavaScript and React. Coupled with core components, native blocks supports, and a bit of guidance, Nick thinks that every WordPress developer can add custom blocks to their repertoire.

It’s clear that Nick is all in on blocks. And during the podcast, he makes the case for why you should be too. They offer so many opportunities for what can be displayed on a page, and their capabilities are only getting better.

We talk about how WordPress core blocks are trying to support developers by adding components and blocks supports so you don’t have to repeat the development work already done by others. You can build on top of previous work and thereby save yourself valuable time.

It’s a fascinating chat, especially for those who are, as yet, undecided about whether they want to embrace WordPress blocks.

Typically when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be bringing you recordings from a recent trip to WordCamp US 2022, and you might notice that the recordings have a little echo or other strange audio artifacts. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast. Where you’ll find all of the other episodes as well. And so without further delay, I bring you Nick Diego.

I am joined on the podcast by Nick Diego. How you doing, Nick?

[00:04:03] Nick Deigo: I’m doing great.

[00:04:03] Nathan Wrigley: Would you just introduce yourself? Give us a little bit of your background, who you work for. How come you’re at WordCamp US.

[00:04:08] Nick Deigo: I’m a developer advocate at WP Engine. I also do a lot of contributing both on the WordPress core team and also on the training team for WordPress.

[00:04:16] Nathan Wrigley: He’s doing a talk, presentation. What’s it all about Nick?

[00:04:19] Nick Deigo: It’s all about trying to get people excited about building their own custom blocks, and I attempted to build a custom block completely in fifteen minutes.

[00:04:27] Nathan Wrigley: Did you achieve it?

[00:04:29] Nick Deigo: Just barely. I got the zero minute sign as I was just finishing the presentation, so I just got under the wire.

[00:04:35] Nathan Wrigley: I guess the principle therefore, is that if you can do something in 15 minutes, I mean, let’s be honest, you’re pretty well versed, probably had a few runs through of that. But the bit that you are trying to educate people in, is that it’s easier now than it ever has been. So there’s no excuse to not explore. Is that basically it?

[00:04:50] Nick Deigo: Yeah, and I think building blocks has been a bit scary. I know it was scary for myself. I didn’t come from a JavaScript background, mainly PHP. And so I wanted to show people that there’s so many more tools nowadays that it’s not as scary to get started, and if I can do it in 15 minutes, and I came from a non-technical background. You can do it too.

[00:05:09] Nathan Wrigley: When blocks came around, Gutenberg was launched the first time, how did we build blocks and how has that changed? What things have come over the horizon since then to make it easier?

[00:05:19] Nick Deigo: You wandered in the wilderness and looked for some documentation that maybe didn’t exist, and maybe looked at some core blocks and you kind of tried to figure it out. But today you can scaffold an entire block with one line of code in your terminal and voila, you have a block.

[00:05:34] Nathan Wrigley: Is that because it’s become easier to do, or is that just that there’s more documentation? Are there actual tools? Are there pieces of software that you can download and use and things to make it more straightforward?

[00:05:46] Nick Deigo: I find building with JavaScript is just inherently more challenging than PHP, but we have tools today written by contributors to WordPress that allow you to take all the hard bits and it takes care of that for you. And you can actually get to building the block itself and not worry about compiling JavaScript files and compiling style sheets. It’s all kind of done for you, which really makes it a lot easier.

[00:06:08] Nathan Wrigley: And when you say done for you, is that literally done for you? There’s no caveats. You just do the workflow that you’ve just described and you’re off to the races.

[00:06:15] Nick Deigo: It does it all for you. It scaffolds the whole thing. And now there’s a new version that came out actually like last week that allows you to choose different types of blocks you want to build and it will scaffold that for you and you can get started there, so.

[00:06:29] Nathan Wrigley: I’ll put the link, which you may mention in a moment in the show notes, but where do we find these tools? Where are we going to be going to? Are there websites that you can mention?

[00:06:37] Nick Deigo: So the biggest tool right now is called Create Block, kind of on the nose, but it’s maintained by the WordPress core contributing community. And it’s, well, it’ll be in the show notes, but it’s just Crate Block, WordPress in Google and you’ll find it. The documentation’s being built out. I gotta shout out Ryan Walter, a Developer Advocate at Automattic. He’s done a lot of work on the Create Block tool, and a lot of the documentation around it. So, that’s a place to start if you want to use that tool.

[00:07:00] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, and does it allow us to do all the things? Does the tool allow us to do a subset of things? In other words, if you are really thick in the weeds and you understand how to do React and all of that, are there limitations or constraints that the tool will not allow you to cross over?

[00:07:18] Nick Deigo: So, I’m a fairly novice React builder and so, and I think most people getting started with blocks would be. But if you’re a pro user, there are functionality in the tool. You could define like all your own templates. Basically, you can let it do whatever you want it to do. So if your new, it does a lot for you. And if you’re an expert you can still use it, but then, do all the wizardry that you’re used to and combine it with the tool to make your life easier.

[00:07:47] Nathan Wrigley: So why would we want to use blocks in the first place? I don’t mean that glibly. I literally mean that, there are blocks that come installed in a vanilla version of WordPress. They achieve the majority of what most people want to publish online. What is the use case? What are the kinds of things that are useful? What kind of things can you create, that you have seen, that you have enjoyed looking at?

[00:08:08] Nick Deigo: Assuming that you’ve bought into the block editor and that’s what you’re using and you’re not using a page builder or something like that, core blocks are great, but they’re designed to have all sorts of functionality that maybe you want or don’t want. I was actually talking to an agency earlier at Word Camp US, and they’re all in on blocks, and most of their blocks are custom because they want to provide specific functionality to their clients that maybe is a little bit different than core.

Or maybe completely niche blocks for, I don’t know, food blogging or whatever it might be. All within a block. The block UI that interface where their clients can get in there, see it visually and add the content on their page visually. And then obviously that translates to the front end. So, tons of reasons why you’d want to make the editing experience more visual. Not only that, but allow you to control more the experience than maybe just using native core blocks.

[00:09:04] Nathan Wrigley: So the principle being if you’ve got something, I’m going to guess this is the use case. If you’ve got something which on a particular project is something that’s going to be repeated, and in order to do that you would have to otherwise drag in a load of different blocks and sort of scaffold them together. This is the kind of use case. So something like a menu item on a restaurant menu. Or a real estate house listing item. Something like that.

[00:09:26] Nick Deigo: Yeah, for example, I know a lot of agencies specialize. We do real estate or hospitality or whatever. You could build your own suite of blocks for your agency and then roll them out to your clients and it’s very unique. Now there’s so many third party blocks out there that you can just pull off the shelf that are fantastic, but sometimes you need something custom, and knowing how to build custom blocks I think, whether you need it or not, is a pretty valuable tool to have.

[00:09:50] Nathan Wrigley: Just give us an idea in the 15 minutes that you had. What was the scope and magnitude of what you were able to create? I’m guessing, you know it’s not earth shattering.

[00:09:57] Nick Deigo: It’s not. So, most people are probably familiar with the Hello Dolly plugin, by Matt Mullenweg. And so to me, when I first started developing with WordPress, Hello Dolly was like this example of, it’s one file and it did something sort of novel. Look how easy it is to extend WordPress. And so it actually started, somebody online said, can you make a block that does a random motivational quote?

And I’m like, oh, that kind of reminds me of Hello Dolly, which has a random lyric from the song. And I’m like, what if we blockify Hello Dolly, and show just how easy it is to make a block using the original Hello Dolly plugin. That’s what I did. I made a block that spits out a random lyric from Hello Dolly on the front end of your site. We basically copy and pasted all of Matt’s original functions from Hello Dolly, dumped it into a block, and it just works.

[00:10:46] Nathan Wrigley: So imagine that I’ve got an agency and we have never touched this before. Realistically, how easy is it for you to push your team over to this kind of methodology? Are we talking days, weeks months, possibly years?

[00:10:59] Nick Deigo: Well, I think it depends on what you’re trying to build. So the thing that I built in the presentation was a dynamic block, where the front end’s all rendered in PHP. So if you’re really familiar with PHP and you don’t want to mess with very much JavaScript, you could create a dynamic block where you create some very simple interface in the editor, but then on the front end can do really complicated PHP stuff.

It’s many ways like, I hate to use this term, but it’s kind of like a short code in many ways. You, you have an interface in the editor, which people play with. Not just a short code, but then on the front end, just whatever PHP you want, and that’s what basically what we built. If you’re looking to get started quickly, that’s not very challenging. I mean, using the tool plus your own knowledge of PHP, getting started that way is not too bad.

[00:11:39] Nathan Wrigley: In terms of building these things, the scenario that I just gave you was an agency. We’re using our own employees to build the blocks to service our clients. Do you feel that in the future there’s going to be, in much the same way that there is for plugins at the moment. You can, you know, you can really make a decent living if you have a popular plugin. Do you feel like the same is possible for blocks? And I don’t mean like a suite of blocks, like, for example the real estate one. Could you potentially create a block and then have a marketplace to sell it, and make a decent living? Because I feel that’s where the next shift in revenue streams for WordPress might .Be

[00:12:16] Nick Deigo: I hope so. I think that it kind of speaks to the broader question of the WordPress economy and ecosystem, and we’re starting to see a lot of consolidation and all that kind of stuff. But I do think that there’s a lot of opportunity around blocks.

I know I have my own personal blocks. They’re all free, but they’re starting to get like a lot of usage, in the multiple thousands of active users. And it’s really only started in the last year where it’s like, okay, I guess blocks are a thing, we should adopt them. People are starting to use it more and I think that it’s an opportunity to stake out your niche and you know, if you’re really knowledgeable about real estate or whatever it might be. Yeah, build blocks and I’m sure people want to use them.

[00:12:54] Nathan Wrigley: What are the blocks that you’ve built?

[00:12:55] Nick Deigo: So I’ve built one that adds SVG icons to the editor and you can make them colorful and move them around. And then one’s a social sharing block. Really simple, just allows you to share the current page or post.

[00:13:07] Nathan Wrigley: And they’re getting traction, yeah?

[00:13:09] Nick Deigo: My SVG icon one, which is just. Also, one thing, if you’re building blocks, it’s very much like there’s not many people doing it. So you can really get great block names. So I have a block called The Icon Block, right. It wasn’t taken, so it’s the icon block, and it just allows you to edit SVG icons. And, I looked the other day and it’s got 4,000 people using it. And I’m like, how is this happening?

[00:13:31] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, I kind of feel that the tide has gone, if you like for getting notoriety in plug-ins. I mean, sure, there are some that come along and for reasons that I can’t quite explain, they rise to the top quickly. They get some notoriety. But it sounds from what you’re saying as if, we’re just sort of landing on the beach really, and the beach head is yet to be taken. And if you get in now and develop now, you could be in that next wave and be what popular plug-ins are now.

[00:13:53] Nick Deigo: Yeah, it could be. We’ll see.

[00:13:56] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. You used the word accessible. Now forgive me because I’ve completely misquoted you. You used the word accessible in your introduction. You were just talking about accessible in the sense of easy to use. But I am curious because I was interviewing somebody yesterday all about accessibility in WordPress, and we got into the interface and blocks and all of that kind of thing. So just a quick aside, the accessibility piece in blocks. Have you got anything to add in there?

[00:14:19] Nick Deigo: I think that accessibility in the block editor is something that continually needs improvement. And so one of the things, and I think we’ll talk about this in a second, is that when you’re building a custom block, the more that you can take advantage of the way that core does things. So core block supports, and we’ll talk about that, but the more you can take advantage of core components and things like that, the better off you are.

Because there’s a big emphasis on WordPress to improve accessibility. So if your block is using components from core, and core improves accessibility, your block will therefore also be more accessible. So instead of trying to do your own thing and code everything yourself. One, that’s harder. And two, you’re able to keep up with accessibility and all these other improvements by really staying close to core.

[00:15:08] Nathan Wrigley: You’re talking there about an evolution over time and I really haven’t followed the trajectory of what blocks could do in the beginning and what they can do now. Is there a lot of change that’s happened over the last couple of years? The capabilities of a block, am I able to do much more now? Obviously we’re talking about how easy it is, but am I able to do more with blocks than I was, let’s say two years?

[00:15:31] Nick Deigo: I don’t think necessarily that you could do more now, because you could always, if you were really skilled, you could always just write whatever you wanted. But a great example is block support. So block supports are when you create your block, you can define, I want my block to have typography support, or I want my block to have color support. It’s one line. Instead of having to write all the controls in a color palette and all the functionality, you just tell WordPress that this block has typography.

Your block loads in the editor and it has all the typography controls already. And those are coming from core. You’re not having to code any of that. You just tell, my block has typography, and it gives it to you. And so if WordPress ever improves their typography controls, your block already gets those improved controls.

So is it easier now? Can blocks do more? You can do more in blocks without having to code it yourself. You can do color, alignment, border, background colors, typography. All this stuff, you don’t have to code it all. You just tell WordPress that my block has this functionality and you’re good to go.

[00:16:31] Nathan Wrigley: Are there any sort of gaping holes in all of this? In other words, if you Nick were in charge of the roadmap for what blocks would do, is there anything that you feel, do you know what It would be nice to have this.

[00:16:41] Nick Deigo: I think that, I’m actually quite happy where things are, but I do think that we continually need better examples, more resources, because it’s still brand new. And one of the things I was actually talking to folks at the conference today, You may have been working in WordPress for 10 years and you have all this knowledge about how to build with WordPress. Unfortunately, that does not translate to building with blocks. Blocks is brand new. It’s completely different. It’s hard when you’re running a business to dedicate time to learn something new and it’s, that costs money. Time is money. And so the more that we can do to create examples, build tools that help people get quicker, the more adoption that we’ll have and, we’ll be better in the long run.

[00:17:20] Nathan Wrigley: You come to these events and obviously you’ve got your block hat on. You have had for several years or certainly as long as I’ve been acquainted with you Do you find the conversation is more and more turning to blocks? In other words, there’s 600 people here. I don’t know how many of them would class themselves as developers, or capable or wishing to build blocks. But three or four years ago, I’m imagining that the conversation around blocks was basically Nick talking to himself. Is that changing? Are people more and more beginning to use this as the mode to create in WordPress

[00:17:48] Nick Deigo: I fundamentally believe that we’ll get to a point where people either use a page builder like Elementor or whatever, that they’re really comfortable with, or they’ll use blocks. Core blocks or you build with a page builder. I think we’re going to get to that point.

[00:18:01] Nathan Wrigley: And do you see that there’s a sort of conflict there? Do you do you see that there would be a point where. So we’ve got two paths in that scenario. You’ve got like a proprietary page builder. You mentioned Elementor, there’s lots of others. And then you’ve got blocks and obviously they go in completely different directions. Do you think that’s healthy? Is that a good thing? Or would it be, would it be better to sort of try to get them to coalesce in some way?

I have no idea what that would even look like, because they are very different animals. But I don’t know, I don’t know if that’s a good thing to have almost like two, two variants of WordPress, and in 10 years time, you can imagine a crowd over there who are barely able to speak to the crowd over here. I don’t mean an impolite, but you know, they’re just talking complete cross purposes. The block chatter over here is incompatible with the page builder chatter over there. And that feels, in a way, like that would be a shame.

[00:18:45] Nick Deigo: It definitely would be, but I do think that page builders, this is my own interpretation, but page builders were a response to the fact that it was fairly hard to build in the classic editor. So they were going to build a page builder experience that helped people build easier, and it’s multimillion dollar companies now running these page builders. I know people who are Elementor builders and that’s great. I mean, they found their niche and they build everything with Elementor, and it looks very different from core WordPress.

Like that build process is completely different. I think we are going to end up with different camps. But as long as both communities are thriving and like, you know, everything is still compatible. We’re a big community and I think it can support different areas.

[00:19:24] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, we can definitely have both. Okay, give us some examples, some concrete examples, of things that you’ve seen out in the wild of blocks where you’ve thought that’s ingenious, that’s a really impressive use of it. There may be one, there may be a couple. You can name names and I’ll try to dig out the URL if I can find them.

[00:19:40] Nick Deigo: So one of the things that I saw recently, which I don’t think this is released yet, but I’m forgetting the name of the technology where you can type in a prompt, and AI will generate an image for you.

[00:19:51] Nathan Wrigley: Things like DALL-E.

[00:19:52] Nick Deigo: Exactly. So there’s a gentleman, I’m forgetting his name. He’s working on a block that can do that all within the WordPress editor. So you can just type in whatever and it generates your four images and you pick the one you want. Automatically inserts it into the page. It’s all like super seamless, and that’s just amazing. We’ll save it to your media library. You can insert it, set it as your featured image. So all within the editor as a block.

[00:20:16] Nathan Wrigley: I think that’s the piece which I find most exciting about blocks, is that if you’re just using core WordPress and the small collection of blocks that comes with it, you just sort of see them as an interface to add images, add text, maybe, you know, add some background color or what have you. But I kind of see this future where the block becomes like an application. It can do a whole ton of heavy lifting, but all you need to do on the back end as a user of that block is basically to click it, and then it comes and you can move it around on the page.

The complexity that could drop into there, just in that one tiny little block which you just click, is almost infinite in scale. And so that’s a really great implementation of that. You click a button and suddenly that whole DALL-E thing is dropped into your, your website. Yeah That’s amazing. Any other examples?

[00:21:05] Nick Deigo: Well, I think that there’s another one about like Anthony Burchell, he works at WP Engine as well. He’s building one that does virtual reality and metaverse stuff, really complicated. I build blocks that are super simple. Add icons, social sharing links or whatever. So you can build something really simple, but it’s all JavaScript. So you could also build something really complicated. And I think that that’s the beauty of the block interface.

[00:21:27] Nathan Wrigley: You mentioned in your introduction, this is something I think we’ll explore a little bit more. You use the words, core components, native block support, and honestly at that point I was, I don’t even know what Nick is talking about. Explain all of that.

[00:21:39] Nick Deigo: Block support is a little bit what I was talking about before with defining that your block, I want my block to have typography controls. I want my block to have color controls. There’s a set of defined supports within WordPress. I’m going to not get them all, but it’s like alignment, color, typography, border. There’s probably a few more. And all of those you can just define and WordPress will add all the controls for you all within the interface. So you don’t have to do anything other than say that my block has these supports. It really speeds up development time. You don’t have to build a color picker, build typography, selectors, anything. It’s all in WordPress.

Core components are similar, where if you had a block and it had, you clicked on it, so it had like a toolbar that people could select items from, maybe change italicized font or whatever. There’s a toolbar component within WordPress, so rather than creating your own toolbar architecture, you just say use the toolbar component from WordPress, and then define the tools that you want in the toolbar.

So using core supports really will speed up development, but on top of that, you’re using the same interface that WordPress is using. So from a user, it all feels very native. It’s the same looking toolbar that you get on your standard paragraph block or whatever it might be. And the beauty is, whenever WordPress updates or improves their toolbar control or their block, supports, your block will already get that improvement. You don’t have to worry about updating things yourself. It’s already, because you’re using WordPress core components and supports, when WordPress gets better, your block will automatically get better.

[00:23:12] Nathan Wrigley: You mentioned Hello Dolly earlier, you know, one of the, if not the first plugin and it heralded an era of enormous change in WordPress, and all of a sudden you go 10 years later on and there’s loads of different plugins available. And you get this notion that, okay, enough now. You’ve got 50 plugins on your website, it’s probably time to think about the resources that you’re using and trimming that down a little bit. Do you fear the same may happen with WordPress websites, where we just click happy and install like a million blocks, because we want everything possible in the website. Is there a danger of bloat, just overdoing it with blocks?

[00:23:49] Nick Deigo: A hundred percent. I think that you can have a block for everything and end up with a hundred blocks on your website. A hundred third party blocks in your website. It’s like, wow, there’s a lot of blocks. But at the same time, I think that, I was looking at a website of a user who needed some help and I opened it up and there’s a hundred plugins and notifications all over the place. You know, it’s just an absolute mess.

And so I think with WordPress, you always can kind of mess, not mess it up, but you always can like over install. But I think that with blocks you can run into the same problem, but if you can stick to core as closely as possible. And hopefully core will get better and better, and so that you don’t need third party blocks to do simple things like buttons, let core take care of the simple stuff.

And then you focus on third party blocks that do very niche things, things that core will never do. You’re thoughtful about it. You can probably pare it down to, you know, a handful of third party blocks that you actually need on your site. But yeah, there’s a good chance that we’re going to have sites with hundreds of blocks that maybe people never use.

That’s why like I never wanted to disparage a block library plugin. Cause I think they’re really useful and help people get started. But most of the time you don’t need ’em all. You only need a couple, but you install the block library that has 25, 30. So I like the idea of single block plugins where you can, I actually need this and I’m going to install it. I’m not going to install a hundred.

[00:25:10] Nathan Wrigley: That’s going to be a really interesting thing for agencies because they’re going to be the people working out, which are the, the necessary blocks that they want their agency to use. So you’ve just described block suites, where 50 or a hundred come along for the ride and 99% of them you’re never going to use.

That will become a core skill, is knowing, in the same way that you’ve got your favorite contact form plug in now and you’ve got your favorite whatever. I’m imagining that there’ll be a day where, we’ve all got our little list of, these are the suite of blocks that I’m using and I don’t stray outside of those. And that feels like an area of expertise that we can bring to clients just to make their lives a little bit easier. We know what to install for them because we’ve done it a thousand times before.

[00:25:48] Nick Deigo: And I also think it’s going to be very important for agencies to remove blocks. Core has a ton of blocks, all the embed blocks. You could just have a default little script that strips ’em all out and just has the very basics that people actually need. So we want to be adding blocks, but in many cases you also want to be removing them. The ones that you don’t need.

[00:26:06] Nathan Wrigley: Did you ever come across a proposal by a chap called Joel Spolsky? I believe he was behind Trello possibly. I could be wrong, but anyway, he’s a, he’s got a heritage of doing things well in tech and implementing great applications. You came up with this notion of the block protocol and the idea behind the block protocol was that a block here in Trello would be able to be interoperable with a block over here, WordPress. Equally, you know, if you’ve got gmail working, the blocks in Gmail.

So it’s pie in the sky stuff at the moment. It’s just an idea. But I read the proposal, I just thought it was really compelling. I love, I mean, especially in open source. I can imagine companies, proprietary software companies, they might be a little reluctant to do this because their secret source is the fact that their code is, you know, is obfuscated and we don’t know what they’re doing. But I do love the idea of that, and I was curious what your thoughts were.

[00:27:00] Nick Deigo: I think it’s fascinating and I also think, we talked a little bit about block supports, where instead of every plugin registering a different way to do typography or a different way to do color, by standardizing the way different common controls are used in blocks. You can get towards something like this, where you standardize this. Also, you can take one block from WordPress and drop it in another application and take that one from the other application, drop it into WordPress. That interoperability between applications I think is quite fascinating. We’ll see where it goes. You know, we’ve heard about Tumblr possibly integrating the Gutenberg and it’s like, oh, that’s interesting.

[00:27:36] Nathan Wrigley: So there’s services like Zapier. It’s enormously popular because it enables interoperability. That’s basically all it does. And people use it all the time to just connect the dots with all the disparate services they’ve got, and if we could have that in the future and it was block based, that would be really great. I wouldn’t have to have a giant bill for Zapier every month.

[00:27:56] Nick Deigo: Exactly. Well, one of the things I think, even in a block architecture, I know full site editing is brand new, and we won’t get into that discussion, but the idea behind full site editing is everything is a block. And when you standardize every piece of content on your website as a block, then you can start just doing interesting things with blocks because everything’s a block.

So you can create plugins that target blocks, and all of a sudden you can target the entire website. And so, by already moving to a block based architecture, we’re starting to move in the direction where you can start moving blocks around much simpler because it’s a standardized unit of content. As opposed to random things.

[00:28:31] Nathan Wrigley: I know that the idea of everything is a block is beguiling and it sounds great. Do you think some things shouldn’t be in the domain of blocks? So, sorry to drag you into full site editing, but you know, it’s the best example I can conjure up at this moment. Things like navigation as a block. It’s tricky. It’s difficult to use and it feels almost like it’s throwing the baby out with the bath water a bit, because I know the current interface is a bit old and maybe people don’t like that and they would love it to be in a block, but it kind of feels, don’t break. What’s the phrase? If it isn’t broken, don’t. Yeah. Yeah, that, that phrase.

[00:29:02] Nick Deigo: No, I agree. I think that there are certain components that are really hard to build in block form. And taking the navigation, for example. It’s really tiny. It’s at the top of the screen and manipulating all your links and sub navigation, it’s very challenging. I think that having that be a block under the hood is fine, but the way that users interact with it needs to be greatly improved.

[00:29:23] Nathan Wrigley: So it’s the UI? The principle of it being a block is fine, it’s just the UI that needs potentially addressing?

[00:29:28] Nick Deigo: In many ways you could have taken the old UI, and under the hood made it all blocks, but keep the same UI, and that would be fine. It’s the moving things around and trying to manipulate it. It’s very hard.

[00:29:38] Nathan Wrigley: And because it’s hard, and because these things pop up in our WordPress, we get version 6.1 and we’ve got all these new things, and we’ve gotta figure out what’s going on. Do you find that you are having to fight this fight often? Every time a new version of WordPress comes out, do you need a new line of defense? Okay don’t worry it’s going to be alright?

[00:29:57] Nick Deigo: Yes, and I think that it’s one of those, so we’re doing the walkthrough next week for 6.1, where we’re going to try to show everybody all the cool stuff that’s coming out. You do a disservice to WordPress by not pointing out things that need improving. Navigation block is one of them.

We need to be honest about the fact that it’s not the best it can be. Because new users are going to get in there and they’re going to get frustrated. And one of the biggest, not, again, not to get, toot my own horn here, but the biggest thing for me is consistency. So one of the things that we haven’t had in WordPress is the same typography controls on every block.

You know, I could change font family on my headings, but not my paragraphs. You know, that kind of stuff really starts to confuse people, especially new users. And with 6.1 we’re starting to get some of that consistency. Big, big effort now to improve consistency across blocks. And we won’t get people to get excited about things and use this new stuff, but we need to be, we need to recognize when things aren’t perfect, and what can we do to improve them.

[00:30:52] Nathan Wrigley: Thanks Nick for joining us today. I really appreciate it.

[00:30:54] Nick Deigo: Thanks so much.

On the podcast today we have Nick Diego.

Nick is a Developer Advocate at WP Engine. He can be found creating educational content, building plugins and themes, and contributing to WordPress Core.

He’s on the podcast to talk about his passion and optimism for the future of WordPress using blocks.

At the recent WordCamp US, Nick gave a presentation entitled, ‘Let’s Build a Custom Block in 15 Minutes’. It was his attempt to show a group of WordPress enthusiasts that the barrier to creating blocks is slowly being eroded, due to the creation of new tools. These tools are creating opportunities for people who might otherwise have stayed away from block development.

It’s becoming easier to create the blocks, as the tools take away much of the technical burden of getting you up and running without advanced knowledge of JavaScript and React. Coupled with core components, native block supports, and a bit of guidance, Nick thinks that every WordPress developer can add custom blocks to their repertoire.

It’s clear that Nick is all in on blocks, and during the podcast he makes the case for why you should be too. They offer so many opportunities for what can be displayed on a page, and their capabilities are only getting better.

We talk about how WordPress core blocks are trying to support developers by adding components and block supports so you don’t have to repeat the development work already done by others; you can build on top of previous work and save yourself valuable time.

It’s a fascinating chat, especially for those who are, as yet, undecided about whether they want to embrace WordPress blocks.

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be bringing you recordings from a recent trip to WordCamp US 2022, and you might notice that the recordings have a little echo or other strange audio artefacts. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.

Using the create-block Tool tutorial

Block Diffusion – Generate images from text prompts

387: CodePen Co-Founders AMA

A few months back, Alex and I did a 10-year anniversary episode that took the form of 10 bits of advice formed in the fires of running a software company for a decade. That was us talking at you. We thought it would be fun to turn the tables and have you talk at us in the form of an Ask-Me-Anything follow-up to that 10-year show.

Time Jumps

  • 00:32 AMA it up
  • 01:46 Is being a founder what you imagined it would be? — Russell Heimlich
  • 06:20 What’s your favorite temporary hack that ended up lasting ten years? — Shawn Wang
  • 11:19 Have you inspected popular sites to see if they’re running code you published? — Avi Zuber
  • 14:18 What is one feature you wanted to do, but couldn’t? — Todd Libby
  • 18:48 Who is your favorite employee and why is it Rachel Smith? — Rachel Smith
  • 20:33 What’s your favorite part of CodePen? — Sue Pooh
  • 23:46 What’s the interview process like at CodePen? — @jackson_the_dev
  • 30:51 What can you tell us about future CodePen? — Andrew Walpole
  • 35:05 Have you thought about offering a new product? — Andrew Walpole
  • 39:48 Is the web always going to be monetizing all the things? — Charles Villard
  • 44:30 What is the largest piece of technical debt at CodePen? — James Deagle

The post 387: CodePen Co-Founders AMA appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#45 – Alex Ball on Customizing Core Blocks for Clients


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things, WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, making it easier for clients to use the block editor.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast, player of choice, or by going to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m very keen to hear from you and hopefully get you, or your idea featured on the show. Head over to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the form there.

So on the podcast today we have Alex Ball. Alex is a lead software engineer at Mindgrub, a digital agency in Baltimore, Maryland. He’s been there for over three years, during which he’s worked on headless implementations, multinational multi-site installations, and much more.

Prior to joining Mindgrub, Alex worked in-house for a company handling a suite of internal intranet type sites, and external marketing lead generation sites. He spent seven years at Baltimore magazine on the editorial staff, before managing their website.

His website leadership experience continues to inform his decision making today. Especially for training clients and making the block editor as easy to use as possible. And that, in essence is the subject of the podcast today.

During WordCamp US 2022, Alex gave a lightning talk in which he laid out some suggestions on how the block editor can be made more straightforward for clients.

Most regular WordPress users have become accustomed to the way that the block editor works. Over time, we’ve understood how things work and where we need to go in the UI to alter things. For many clients, this familiarity simply does not exist. The editor is new and perhaps confusing.

As the block editor is under constant revision, this can create confusion, and lead to mistakes. Add to that the fact that more and more of the website can now be modified inside the editor, and it’s easy to see how mistakes can be made.

Alex talks about solutions to this problem, and he comes at it from different angles. Maybe you lock certain features down so that only certain users can achieve specific tasks. Or it might be that you need to take some time to educate your clients more about the block editor and how it works.

Typically when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be bringing you recordings from a recent trip to WordCamp US 2022, and you might notice that the recordings have a little echo or other strange audio artifacts. Whilst the podcasts are more than listable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WP tavern.com. Forward slash podcast. And you’ll find all the other episodes there as well.

And so without further delay, I bring you, Alex Ball.

I am joined on the podcast by Alex Ball. How are you doing, Alex?

[00:04:07] Alex Ball: Very well, thank you for having me.

[00:04:09] Nathan Wrigley: We are at WordCamp US 2022. We’re sitting in the media room, and Alex has joined me today to have a little bit of conversation about block patterns and blocks and locking blocks and all of those kind of things.

We’ll get into that in a moment, but Alex, just give us a little bit of background. Tell us about yourself, your journey with WordPress. How is it that you’re at a WordCamp, talking to a bunch of people in your presentation.

[00:04:31] Alex Ball: Sure. So I started with WordPress probably in 2007 or so. And at that point I was not a developer, I was an English major. I had been on the editorial staff of our city magazine in Baltimore, Baltimore Magazine for seven years, and people knew what the internet was at that time and we didn’t have a very good site and we needed one. And I somehow talked leadership into letting me take over the site without any of that development experience that was probably critical.

But, I dove right in and got used to it and followed some tutorials for building a WordPress theme from scratch, and just took off from there. So I, I was there for another four years. I worked at another company that had quite a few websites, both internal and external.

And they were across a number of different states in the US, and so working with those, using WordPress on quite a few of them. Landing pages, some internal intranet type things. And then I found Mind Grub, and I’ve been with Mind Grub for three and a half years, and we do all sorts of things from really large enterprise scale things hosted on WordPress VIP.

We do headless installations with a React single page app front end. We do more structured data sort of things where Gutenberg is really not a consideration because of all the structured data that’s going on there. And we have a pretty excellent WordPress team, and so it’s been really beneficial for me to try to carve out that path within our team and help us move forward with Gutenberg because we’ve heard from Matt Mullenweg more than once that Gutenberg is the future of WordPress. That you’re going to need to know JavaScript to work with WordPress in depth, and that when people ask him at WordCamp about the sites that they still have with the classic editor plugin running, and what they need to do about that and when they’ll need to switch those over, he says you’re going to need to switch those over at some point,

[00:07:02] Nathan Wrigley: At Mind Grub, is that a decision that you made more recently, or are we going back several years? You’re exclusively using Gutenberg with a variety of different blocks?

[00:07:11] Alex Ball: We are, no, I would not say we’re exclusively using Gutenberg. It still depends on the site, and we still do raise the prospect of it with a client at the beginning of a project. We find that some clients are aware of it, and really don’t want to use it. We’ve had that reaction so we just go with that and we use the classic editor plugin and we move on.

We have found that most of the time they’re not familiar with it, and so they don’t care one way or another. And when we tell them it’s a more enhanced, what you see is what you get editing experience with more ability to move things around and know what you’re doing before you hit save, that they like the sound of that.

We occasionally have people who say that they’ve heard of it and do want to use it. And I guess those are the three real possibilities there. So, in large part it is we’re moving forward with it and doing that because we know it’s the future, it’s going to be better for the client and they do not have a strong preference.

[00:08:20] Nathan Wrigley: So you are here and you are giving a presentation. I say giving, maybe you’ve already given.

[00:08:25] Alex Ball: I have given it, yes. It was about an hour ago.

[00:08:28] Nathan Wrigley: How did it go?

[00:08:29] Alex Ball: I thought it went well. It was a lightning talk and it was about modifying or customizing core blocks for clients. And I used a metaphor about setting guardrails for clients, that I believe was also recently spoken on your podcast with another guest who used the same phrase, and I heard that one after I had made my submission. But I thought it went well.

It was a lightning talk and so it was really focused on the nitty gritty of using a few blocks as examples, core blocks that are probably the most used blocks. Heading, paragraph, image, button, and talking about the specific options that they present for modifying their output and their appearance. And how to go about doing that. And in some cases it was using PHP to do some things. In some cases it’s enqueuing some admin scripts. And in a lot of the cases it’s using the theme dot json file, which not everyone is totally familiar with at this point.

[00:09:41] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, so it was called customizing core blocks for clients. And forgive me, I was not present at your talk, I may be ill prepared with this question, but it felt from the show notes that you shared with me, the things that you thought it would be good to talk about. The principle of the talk was how to lock things down in a website, so that you could build things and then be fairly sure that when you hand it over, there’s not gonna be that moment where they phone you 24 hours later to say, it no longer looks the same. We’ve had a bit of a play. We thought we knew what we were doing, and sadly we need you to fix what we just broke. That’s the principle, right?

[00:10:20] Alex Ball: Right, Exactly. And you find that the nice thing about working with WordPress is that someone on the client team, when you start the project is already familiar with it. Someone has worked with WordPress in the past. Maybe the site that they’re replacing is a WordPress site. So they’re somewhat familiar with it, even if they’re not familiar with the block editor yet.

And before I even get into developing and writing the theme, there’s already been a large process with our design and UX teams designing the site, and those stakeholders, the client, are sitting in these meetings reviewing those designs, exploring design ideas early on to establish things that they like and don’t like.

There’s a lot of time spent on that design, and there’s a lot of thought that goes into it. From a design perspective, the colors that they choose to compliment one another, the fonts that they choose, the UX decisions for what type of menu it might be, how this might look with this. And so all of that work is being done, and the client is obviously paying for that. So it’s important to make sure that that is consistent throughout the development process and after you’ve handed the site off.

Hopefully when we do a project, we are creating a relationship with this client and not just simply handing over a site and waving goodbye to them. So, it’s important to make sure that they feel like they have the control that they need to do what they want to do on the site, but not to feel like anything they touch is going to break something or look bad or go way outside the bounds of this design system that has been carefully crafted for them.

[00:12:14] Nathan Wrigley: I’m pretty sure that 99% of the people listening to this podcast will know exactly what the Gutenberg UI looks like. They can drop paragraph blocks in and they can drop various other bits and pieces in. But in your presentation, the summary of your presentation, you make this point, which is borrowed from somewhere else, I’m sure.

And you said with great power comes great responsibility. And I guess if you were back in the days of the what we’re now calling the classic editor, you really didn’t have any options there. You were just pasting text. There might be some shortcodes being dumped in. And now of course in the era of Gutenberg, there’s a whole load of things that every single person dropping into a default install of WordPress can change.

You know, there’s options to change the color of the text, and there’s options to increase the padding and the margins, and a whole myriad of things in the right hand column. And I guess this is the piece. You’re trying to make it so that there are constraints in what the clients can alter in the Gutenberg UI?

[00:13:15] Alex Ball: Exactly.

[00:13:16] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. You also have called your presentation, well you use the phrase customizing core blocks. Why just core blocks?

[00:13:24] Alex Ball: Well, the reason I went with core blocks is because they’re obviously present in WordPress at this point, and there’s no extra work to be done. Everyone has probably seen them in WordPress, even if you have decided to go a different route and install a plugin that gives you some other blocks that you feel you might want some sort of carousel or gallery or something like that, that you like the look of or does what you needed to do. You’ve still got those core blocks there.

So everyone is working with those, that’s a sort of common denominator. And also because when we talk about being as efficient as possible when building this site and giving the client as much of what they want as we can give them. It makes more sense to start with those core blocks, which are already there. We don’t have to do any extra work.

We don’t have to waste any other time either creating a custom block that’s essentially reinventing the wheel. They are there, and if there are good ways, and not necessarily easy, but ways to customize them, that makes the most sense for getting these things off the ground.

[00:14:41] Nathan Wrigley: If we go back several years, it feels like it’s quite a long time now, when Gutenberg initially launched, there was a real kind of schism in the community. Many people felt that it wasn’t fit for purpose at that time. You know, there were limited options. It was all very confusing and so on. I feel like we’ve crossed that Rubicon now. We’ve come to the other side and, most people here are familiar with it and working with it.

That being said, the reason that these third party plugins come along, which drop in the carousel and drop in the accordion and all the other different things, is because there are some fairly big limitations to what core blocks can do. You know, there aren’t all of the different options and those third party suites are there to fill in that gap. What are your feelings about your ability to create almost any layout with core blocks? Is that now possible?

[00:15:30] Alex Ball: Whew. My gut is telling me no. And I think that this was part of that recent controversy that I’m sort of surface familiar with, where they released a new design on the wordpress.org site for the homepage and the downloads page. And again, referring to something that Matt Mullenweg said, he talked about how it could have been done more quickly than it was.

And he also referred to like Wix and Squarespace and page builders. And it generated obviously a lot of feedback. I think some people were in agreement, and others did not agree. I think that a lot of the sentiment out there was that you could still, with the core blocks available to you, not necessarily go ahead and just do this as easily as people were making it seem.

I think that I had seen something on WP Tavern about a YouTuber who is very, very good with the block editor, and like whipped through in one of his videos, the building that homepage design through the block editor alone, and feeling like he got 95% of the way there pretty quickly.

So, speaking to what I’m most familiar with, which is our projects and the designs that we put together. There has not been a project in the last couple years where we have come up with designs for it and been able to do even more than half of it with just core blocks. I do like to use the core blocks as much as possible for the reasons that we already discussed, but it usually involves quite a bit of custom work.

Now, our designers also know that, and they’re certainly designing for things. There’s always that interplay of design and development, and getting a design and explaining why something is a little difficult or might not work with this or that, and going back and forth and collaborating. The main thing I think is that the core blocks have a lot of these options and it’s sort of like, I think it was the Abraham Lincoln quote, which is, you can please all of the people some of the time, or you can please some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time. And so it just can’t be all things to all people.

[00:18:02] Nathan Wrigley: I guess the nice thing about Gutenberg blocks is that they nest. You can put in a block and then inside of that, let’s say, I don’t know, it might be a group block or something like that, and then you can nest things. And one of the nested items could be a core block, and then you are going to unlock the ability to modify that core block. Let’s say it’s a paragraph block or a heading block or something like that.

So it may be that you’re doing custom work with the parent blocks, but the bit that you are trying to open up to the client, if you like, may just be a core block, which is a child of that. Have I kind of got where you were describing there?

[00:18:40] Alex Ball: Yes, that’s exactly right. And that inner blocks element that you can use either if you’re building a custom block in React, or if you decide to go the route, we tend to use ACF on a lot of sites, and ACF has a very easy method for creating blocks as well.

But you’re not constrained to just using ACF fields on those. You can use that inner blocks element in an ACF block to include a core block or core blocks. And we’ve definitely done that because again, sometimes you have a core container block, like a columns block that’s going to give the user a slider that lets them choose the number of columns.

And we don’t necessarily want that. I wanna use the paragraph block within that, but I don’t want the ability to slide that thing all the way to the right and, insert a six column layout, because that’s not gonna look good anywhere.

So I think that you nailed it. I think that there is always that combination of some of that custom work, and some of the core blocks that we’ve already got that make it easier to bootstrap things.

[00:19:55] Nathan Wrigley: I have a feeling that if we were to have this conversation, I’m gonna say 24 months. I think if we had the same conversation in 24 months, I’m imagining that some of the things that you can not achieve at the moment with core blocks, that will have gone, and the layout will be almost entirely possible with core blocks. I certainly know that that’s the intention.

We’re not quite there yet, but some third party things, I’m thinking of things like GenerateBlocks and so on at the moment. They’ve really got the whole, the grid layout and all of that really well defined and sussed out. And I just think it’s a matter of time, so maybe it would be a moot point in 24 months and we might just be able to skip over that.

[00:20:32] Alex Ball: I think that you’re right. I agree with that. I don’t know if there is an equivalent to Moore’s law about, you know, how quickly Gutenberg is going to double or whatever to make itself kind of the next version of it. I know that they, well, I think that they think of it in phases. And this imminent third phase, whether it’s already begun or it’s about to begin, I’m not sure, but that’s sort of the workflow phase, and the emphasis is going to be on collaboration, I believe.

And then after that I think there’s a roadmap for looking at things like multilingual stuff. So, your framing it like that, looking at it in the future, and some of these issues we’re talking about today, being obsolete at that point is correct. And I think is hopefully captured by that phased approach that they are talking about

[00:21:27] Nathan Wrigley: In your presentation notes, you mentioned that you are essentially, you are handing over your work to clients. They’ve paid for their website and you want to mitigate them and you use the word breaking or break. Are the tools for allowing clients to modify this thing, but not this thing. Do they exist in core already? Can you deploy those things or is that custom work?

[00:21:52] Alex Ball: The answer to that is a hearty, confident, it depends. It would be really nice to be able to get very granular with some of these things and let different roles control different things. There is a little bit of that now. We’re starting to scratch the surface with that, as I understand it. Since version six, we’ve got this block locking feature. Now to clarify, before version six, you have the ability to set a template and use that template lock attribute to determine whether the entire template that you’ve defined is locked down and nothing can be added or moved around, or whether things could be moved within it. That existed already.

Now what we’ve got is on the block settings itself, a little lock icon and the ability to do those same things with that block. I wanna lock this block so it can’t be moved. I want to lock this block so it can’t be removed. I wanna do both. You can do both of those things now and, I think it is the can lock attribute. I may be wrong on that.

There’s an attribute that will let you specify whether a user, based on their role, is able to access that lock setting. Now, that lock setting itself is a little bit rudimentary. We’re talking about this and we’re going, Oh man, so only administrators can add the drop cap. We’re not there yet, as far as I know.

[00:23:27] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. I think at the moment it’s a case of, and I could be wrong about this, maybe things have moved on. I think it’s merely a function to lock it for now. It is locked, but I think almost anybody can go and unlock it. The principle, I think, is to lock it just so you don’t accidentally do something.

But I feel that the things that you’ve described, that’s a real nice roadmap, isn’t it? The ability to be able to lock things in the UI based upon roles. Who knows, even based upon particular users. And so, almost everything comes into play. So as an example, you are an editor, you can do anything more or less, you know, we’ve given you real wide scope to move things up and down, change the colors, change the font, change the text, whatever, depending on which block you’re using.

But you are a different role. Created a new role for some other person in the organization, and all that they can do is move things up and down. Just that, there’s no other capabilities. And I feel that all of that is going to come and we’ll be able to lock people in and out. And at the moment, as you said, it’s all possible if you are a developer, but the day will come, I’m hoping that that’s all possible by non-technical users with the necessary permissions to do that in some kind of UI.

[00:24:39] Alex Ball: Yeah exactly. I feel the same way. And in my talk there’s a bit of a constraint with time. And so I think it comes off a little bit as feeling like I’m referring to this sort of monolithic, the client, as this singular entity and it’s the same everywhere. And obviously it’s not. Every site is different, every client is different, every client team is different.

But even beyond that, you could be talking about situations where you had your stakeholders during the project. They loved the designs. They understand what they’re getting. They understand how to use it. They understand what sort of control they have when they are adding blocks and creating content. And then you have a relationship with them and maybe a maintenance agreement or something, and six months later, they’ve hired someone new, who was not present to hear about why the designers chose this over this. To hear the rationale behind choosing these button styles over these button styles, and getting all of that background on the design and why it works so well.

But they do have some assignment to add a CTA to the website, by tomorrow. And they want it to stand out. And the controls are right there on this button block to choose any color they want for the text and any color they want for the background. And they go ahead and do that. And then you hear from the supervisor, the person that you’ve been working with, who says, we establish this color palette. How were we able to go so far outside that with hot pink. And also, this person didn’t choose an accessible contrast ratio between the button text and the button background colors.

So you can imagine all these different situations where even though you accounted for some of these things, and even though there was a bit of that uncertainty and agreement with the client that you can do this, but you shouldn’t. There are still situations that maybe you didn’t account for that will allow them to go outside the bounds of what was really intended.

And then the counter argument, I suppose, is probably it is their website, and they did pay for all this and it’s theirs. And if they decide they wanna do that, they can. And I guess the only real response to that is that that is fine. It is your site and we’re happy to help you with it. But when you run into these issues that occur because of all that control and your willingness to change these things, then there’s only so much we can do. And if you decide that you want us at that point to put some limitations on there, then we will be happy to.

[00:27:32] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, there really is no perfect answer to this question is there? There is just what that particular client is willing to negotiate. And it may be that a particular client just wants nothing to do with it and wants to write you email. Every time they want to make a modification, the email comes in and you do it. So they don’t need any permissions of any kind.

There are gonna be the others who are gonna want everything available to them and potentially do a wonderful job, but potentially really be on the phone a lot, asking you to fix things. And I guess there’s a job of figuring out the contracts, and working out, okay, if I give you this permission, that’s fine, but, I don’t know, here’s our hourly rate when things go pear shaped.

[00:28:13] Alex Ball: Yes. and we are not the HOA president who is out here to walk the neighborhood and point out the mortar color in their bricks, that is not an HOA approved mortar color. That’s not us. So I would go back to what I said before where it’s, I hope we are establishing a relationship with the client and that part of that is that collaborative nature and that understanding with them of what they’re getting and what can be done.

And we do tend to have projects regularly where there is training with the client built in, and that is really helpful. Because we’re able to do a walkthrough with them and explain these things, and have them point out things that maybe they’ve already been in there doing content management, and we’re running into something with this or that. And then we’re also able to provide them with documentation that they can continue to refer to. And that is obviously a great opportunity to discuss all of these things.

[00:29:14] Nathan Wrigley: How granular have you gone with this in the past? Have you handed over websites where there’s been literally dozens of users or user roles where they’ve got, this particular user role can do these myriad of things and this other user role can just do far less? Have you really explored this a lot and found it to be fruitful?

[00:29:31] Alex Ball: I wouldn’t say that we have had, or at least that come to my mind right now, too many sites where we have many, many different user roles. You certainly run into sites where there needs to be some sort of editorial workflow and approval process. And I think that that, for the most part, handles those sorts of things.

And I also think that, where we are right now with the block editor, in the future we are more likely to be able to handle some of these things on a role by role basis. Whereas right now it is a little bit more difficult.

[00:30:12] Nathan Wrigley: You mentioned training and that’s a big part. How to describe it? I think it can be quite a tiresome thing to create the training because, on some level you just want the website to be finished and you want to hand it over. But I guess if you are handing over a website based on Gutenberg, and the clients have never seen this before. Creating training materials, being on hand, going to their premises and demonstrating it to them, or creating videos and putting those somewhere. I guess that’s an important part in this puzzle.

[00:30:39] Alex Ball: Yes, yes. We tend to record those training sessions, those, uh, Zoom calls where we’re walking through it and screen sharing. And we did recently go through the documentation, that sort of, starter framework of that documentation, and revise it and go through some of the things that we’ve got in there.

And then obviously every site gets a few different, not even appendices, but main sections. There’s a table of contents and you go through some of the basics of WordPress, but then you delve into some of those custom blocks and sometimes they really need some extra documentation over exactly what each feature does.

You know, you’ve got the different fields labeled and you’ve got descriptions on those labels. But it really helps them to have that documentation to refer to as well, explaining why this happens. Why when I click this, this other conditional field disappears. And it’s because if you do it this way, you’re not going to have access to this or vice versa.

The documentation and the training is not part of every project, but when it is, a lot of the things that we’ve talked about can come up and be worked through, and for the most part solved, or at least established what lines are where.

[00:32:04] Nathan Wrigley: You mentioned at the beginning that you weren’t a developer. You’ve sort of grown into that role. And I imagine there’s several people listening to this who have played with blocks in the UI. They’ve dragged things in and they’ve modified what’s available to them there and, that’s great. But if they want to start tinkering with blocks and they want to alter what the capabilities are with the blocks, the core blocks, whichever block it may be. What are the kind of things that they need to be interested in? Where do they need to be going? What are the documents that they need to read? What are the technologies they need to understand?

[00:32:35] Alex Ball: That’s a very good question. I, a few years ago at WordCamp, did another talk where I talked about coding like a writer, and it was trying to give those non-technical content people more confidence in diving into the code a little bit.

Whether it’s modifying the attributes on a short code. You know, you’ve cut and pasted from documentation from the plugin that provides that short code. But you’re starting to look at that and realize that these different little attributes within those brackets do different things. And what happens if I do this?

Delving into the html behind the scenes a little bit. Getting your feet wet and all that. And I used principles that you would adhere to in writing and also try to adhere to in coding, to get them to feel more comfortable doing what I think you were describing, which is getting into that code a little bit and not simply staying on the surface with just the UI.

And it was things like don’t repeat yourself, which is obviously a massively important axiom in engineering. It was things like, get to the point as quickly as possible. It was things like writing good documentation. Commenting the things that you are adding to the code so that other people know what it means.

That’s the closest thing to that sort of pure editorial writing that I touched on. And, so I think that hopefully people felt a little bit empowered by that to go, Oh, okay, well, right. So this is the way I would approach the lead in my story. And so this is how I’m going to approach the template on this page or the way I structure these blocks.

[00:34:33] Nathan Wrigley: When you began your work on blocks, were there any places that you found to be particularly useful that helped you understand the technologies behind? Because it is a big, it is a big change. If you’ve been working with PHP for the last 20 years, not really wanted to stray away from there, there’s, there’s a lot to be learned.

And I’m imagining that you’ve found better places than others, shall we say. What are some of the resources that you have enjoyed using that you would recommend to others, should they be interested in this?

[00:35:00] Alex Ball: The first one that comes to mind that I think I hit on pretty regularly as I was learning was Bill Erickson’s website. He’s got a lot of good information and it appears pretty high up in most Google results. So it shouldn’t be too difficult to suss out his information on it. But obviously going to his site and looking through things tagged as Gutenberg should do the trick as well.

Well, and I mean obviously Stack Overflow, so much information on there. There is a trainer online named Zach Gordon, who does a lot of JavaScript based training, which is what you’re going to need to deal with, if you are starting to create those custom blocks and you’re not going to use some sort of scaffolding or use that Advanced Custom Fields approach to building them.

I remember using one of his courses to dive into some of that and get a lot of good information from him. And, along the way we started modifying that starter theme that we use for projects to make it easier to build it into a, a block theme.

[00:36:14] Nathan Wrigley: Alex Ball, thank you so much for joining us on the podcast today. It’s been a real pleasure chatting to you about blocks and locking them down and so on and so forth. Thank you.

[00:36:22] Alex Ball: No, thank you. It has been my pleasure.

On the podcast today we have Alex Ball.

Alex is a Lead Software Engineer at Mindgrub, a digital agency in Baltimore, Maryland. He’s been there for over three years, during which he’s worked on headless implementations, multinational multisite installations, and much more.

Prior to joining Mindgrub, Alex worked in-house for a company handling a suite of internal intranet-type sites and external marketing lead-generation sites. He spent seven years at Baltimore magazine on the editorial staff before managing their website.

His website leadership experience continues to inform his decision-making today, especially for training clients and making the block editor as easy to use as possible, and that, in essence, is the subject of the podcast today.

During WordCamp US 2022, Alex gave a lightning talk in which he laid out some suggestions on how the block editor can be made more straightforward for clients. Most regular WordPress users have become accustomed to the way the block editor works. Over time, we’ve understood how things work and where we need to go in the UI to alter things.

For many clients, this familiarity simply does not exist. The editor is new and perhaps confusing. As the block editor is under constant revision, this can create confusion and lead to mistakes.

Add to that the fact that more and more of the website can now be modified inside the editor, and it’s easy to see how mistakes can be made.

Alex talks about solutions to this problem, and he comes at it from different angles. Maybe you lock certain features down so that only certain users can achieve specific tasks. Or it might be that you need to take time to educate your clients more about the block editor and how it works.

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be bringing you recordings from a recent trip to WordCamp US 2022, and you might notice that the recordings have a little echo or other strange audio artefacts. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.

Code like a writer – Alex’s talk at WordCamp US 2019

Bill Erickson’s website

ACF Blocks

Zac Gordon’s courses

386: Hakim El Hattab

This week I got to speak with Hakim El Hattab. I feel pretty special as Hakim told me he doesn’t do public stuff very often. I get it! He’s a busy man with a family, a successful company, and ambitious other projects. I think of Hakim as the master of simple but satisfying UI concepts that have a way of becoming bigger than demos. Consider Ladda, which you can find as part of his personal site, which is a button that expands to show a spinner. This concept started with Hakim and has now made its way to surely hundreds or thousands of websites, some as big as Slack and some as awesome as CodePen itself.

Time Jumps

  • 00:26 Guest introduction
  • 01:09 Reveal.js and Slides.com
  • 06:22 Working in the developer niche
  • 08:02 VC investing vs lifestyle business
  • 10:02 Kodemo development
  • 19:36 How do you decide to work on side projects?
  • 21:54 Sponsor: Equinix Metal
  • 22:32 Having fun while building Slides
  • 26:22 Having fun as a marketing effort
  • 30:26 Recognizing strengths for marketing

Sponsor: Equinix Metal

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Visit metal.equinix.com/startups to take your startup to the next level.

The post 386: Hakim El Hattab appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#44 – Joe Dolson on How To Fix the Six Most Common Accessibility Errors on Your Websites


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley.

Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, how to improve the accessibility of your WordPress website.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast, player of choice. Or by going to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m very keen to hear from you, and hopefully get you all your idea featured on the show. Head to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the contact form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Joe Dolson. Joe is a WordPress plugin developer, a core committer and a web accessibility consultant. He’s part of the Make WordPress accessibility team, the team dedicated to improving accessibility in the WordPress ecosystem.

His recent presentation at WordCamp US entitled, finding and fixing the six most common WCAG 2 failures, highlight some of the key areas where websites are not as accessible as they should be. The areas we discuss are, low contrast text, missing alternative text, empty links, missing form labels, empty buttons and missing document language.

Joe explains what each of these problems are, both in terms of how they can be fixed as well as what people with accessibility requirements might experience when they visit your site. We talk about how you can equip yourself with the tools that you need to diagnose these issues and online resources you can use to discover more about website accessibility.

It’s Joe’s opinion that you’re better off making a start right now, carrying out incremental changes rather than attempting to solve every single problem that your website might have. Begin the journey and take it one problem at a time.

We also chat about the fact that there’s an ever-growing legal compulsion to make websites follow accessibility guidelines. Lawsuits are going through the courts with greater regularity. So now might be the time for you to look into this topic.

That being said, Joe cautions against the use of tools, which purport to solve your accessibility issues with minimal effort. A variety of pop-up solutions have emerged onto the market, which claimed that they can make your site compliant with almost no effort. Joe is adamant that these promises are almost always false and that there’s real work to be done on each website, as they’re all unique and have unique problems to solve.

Typically when we record the podcast. There’s not a lot of background noise. But that’s not always the case. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be bringing you recordings from a recent trip to WordCamp US 2022, and you might notice that the recordings have a little echo or other strange audio artifacts. Whilst the podcasts are more than listable, I do hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world we’re at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast, and you’ll find all of the other episodes there as well. And so without further delay, I bring you Joe Dolson.

I am joined on the podcast today by Joe Dolson. Hello Joe.

[00:04:23] Joe Dolson: Hello.

We are at WordCamp, I nearly said WordCamp Europe. We are at WordCamp US 2022. We’ve got Joe on the podcast today because he is doing a talk at WordCamp US. Do you just wanna tell us a little bit about yourself? Why you’re on this podcast, but then stray into what your talk is about.

[00:04:40] Joe Dolson: Certainly So I’m Joe Dolson. I’m a WordPress core committer. I’ve been a contributor to the accessibility of WordPress for quite a long time. I think I first started contributing in WordPress 3.4. I’d have to look at my history to actually know that for sure, but it was somewhere around there. So today I’m talking about a study from the nonprofit organization, WebAIM, out of Utah, in which they looked at the top million homepages around the web. The most widely visited, heavily known webpages, and did a bulk analysis of the accessibility issues on those pages.

And, I’m going to talk about six specific types of errors that they found constituted 96.5% of all detectable errors using automation. And the things that that exposes and how you can work with consultants. How you should use your time and how you should use automation to solve problems.

[00:05:39] Nathan Wrigley: Can I ask how it is that you became interested in accessibility problems, given all the myriad things that you could have become interested in web? How did accessibility fall into your lap and create so much interest for you?

[00:05:51] Joe Dolson: So when I started my business in 2004, I started right from the beginning with the idea that I wanted to pursue accessibility in websites. And that was because when I decided to become a web designer, I wanted something that was unique about what I did. I wanted to do something that wasn’t just marketing. I wasn’t really interested in marketing. I’d seen a lot of that around and I’m like, boy, that, that just doesn’t seem like it’s socially motivating.

[00:06:21] Nathan Wrigley: Mmm.

[00:06:21] Joe Dolson: It doesn’t seem like it’s interesting. It doesn’t feel like I’m doing something worthwhile. So I had to think to myself about, well, what do I know already? What do I have a unique access to that can make my business be a little bit different? And my mother was the executive director of a nonprofit that provided arts access for people with disabilities.

And so for years, I’d had conversations at home with family when visiting my mother in her workplace about what people with disabilities needed and how the ADA worked, and how all of this sort of world needed to be constructed. So what I already had was a reasonably strong sensibility for why people with disabilities need access and the very fact of the modality of different experiences and different perceptions. And so with some study about the actual technical side behind that, I was able to pick that up relatively quickly. Which is not to say I didn’t make absolutely horrible mistakes in 2004 and five.

[00:07:29] Nathan Wrigley: It’s almost, it’s something that came from your, your background,. Your family enabled you to have some sort of prior wisdom. Most of the rest of us, I would imagine are coming at it pretty cold, and if we were to go back, I don’t know, 5, 6, 7, 8 years, I feel like nobody was really talking about this. I could be wrong. Obviously you were interested in it, but as a proportion of the people that were designing websites, I feel that accessibility was not on everybody’s radar. I would imagine that many, many of the websites out there were not accessible in any way, shape or form.

But it’s become a real talking point in the last few years and people are making much more of an effort. Obviously you’ve got your conversation, your presentation at the event in the next couple of days. I’m just wondering if you could outline for those people who, maybe they’re new to WordPress, maybe they’re new to web design and they hear the word accessibility and they just think, well, I don’t know what that means. Just, in the broadest possible brush strokes. Just let us know what the 10,000 foot high version of accessibility on the web is.

[00:08:31] Joe Dolson: So yeah, the 10,000 foot view. Accessibility, web accessibility, and the access to information for people with disabilities is about making sure that the content you’ve put on your website is interpretable to the most, the widest variety of senses. So for people who are visually impaired, that means making sure everything can be understood by what’s called a screen reader. That will look at the text content of your site, look at the code of your site and interpret that in voice production.

For people with hearing impairments, that’s about having captions for your video. It’s about having transcriptions of your audio files. So it’s really about recognizing that people have different ways of perceiving the world, whether that’s because of dyslexia, and they have difficulty with the way text is structured. Or it’s visually impaired, so that they literally cannot see your images and have no idea what that is. Your responsibility in sharing that information is making sure it’s available to multiple senses.

[00:09:40] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you.

Your talk is called finding and fixing the six most common WCAG, W C A G, two failures. First of all, what’s WCAG 2? And then if you wouldn’t mind elucidating what are those six most common failures? Maybe we just go through them one at a time, and if we, if we stray off into a conversation about each one of them, that’d be good, and if not, we’ll carry on from there.

[00:10:02] Joe Dolson: Sounds great. So the web content accessibility guidelines is a document coming out of the W3C, the worldwide web consortium, and it’s kind of the international standard for what is considered to be accessibility. Version two is the version that was published in, I wanna say 2008. So it’s not new. But it’s been then updated periodically since then. The current version is 2.1. 2.2 is currently a candidate. It is likely to become a recommendation sometime at the beginning of 2023.

And that just keeps incrementing different ways of looking at things and what is considered to be a standard internationally for what makes content accessible. It’s a very useful document. It is enshrined in law in a number of contexts. The US government’s section 5 0 8 is based on WCAG 2. A lot of international laws such as what the EU uses for their guidelines are based on WCAG 2. So being aware of these guidelines is pretty key.

[00:11:07] Nathan Wrigley: Just before we go into the six areas that your presentation is about. When you say that the things are enshrined in law, and you mentioned the US and the EU in particular, I guess there’s going to be a whole swathe of different responsibilities and things that you are compelled to do. You are in the US, so just give us an idea, just paint the picture in the US specifically, and we’ll just ignore the rest of the world for now, about what the absolute requirements are. So, in other words, if you don’t satisfy this, you are in breach of the law. So are you able to speak to that?

[00:11:40] Joe Dolson: I can definitely speak to that. And it’s definitely good that we’re narrowing that just to the US, because otherwise this would go on for hours.

[00:11:47] Nathan Wrigley: One country time. Yeah.

[00:11:49] Joe Dolson: So in the US, what we’ve got is section 5 0 8, which is part of the federal regulations governing the acquisition of software for government institutions. And that only applies when you’re getting funding from the federal government. So you’re only in violation of that if, for example, you’re a university and your website is funded by federal grants. And that is, 100% it’s based on WCAG 2.

There are a few tweaks that are not exactly identical, but basically if you’re violating WCAG 2 at what’s called level AA, there are three levels of severity within WCAG. There’s level A, AA and triple A. Triple A is usually very specific types of errors that apply to relatively small populations and mostly need to be handled if you’re specifically serving that population. The guidelines, the laws are around AA, which is gonna be very broad, but it’s still, there’s got a fair amount of meat to it.

The other law is the ADA, which is a 1991 law, and this may shock you, but at the time it was written, they did not directly address websites. And that does not mean that website accessibility isn’t covered by the ADA, and case law has repeatedly demonstrated through precedent, that yes, the ADA does require websites that are publicly accessible and commercial need to be accessible.

What is lacking in the US is any regulations that stipulate what that means, and that is a case where WCAG has not been brought into the legal bounds on these websites. And that is why you hear so much about so many lawsuits against companies for web accessibility. It’s because we don’t have regulations that allow anybody to easily look at their website and determine whether or not they’ve met those requirements. Really. the ADA stipulates your website needs to be accessible, it needs to provide this equal access. Figure out what that means.

[00:13:50] Nathan Wrigley: You just mentioned lawyers and that’s kind of an interesting place to go just for a moment. It feels like there’s two premises here. We could have the carrot approach, or we could have the stick approach and the stick approach, by that, I mean is the threat of somebody contacts a lawyer and threatens to sue you because your website is not up to scratch.

On the other hand, there’s the, uh, carrot approach, which is the kind of thing that I’m imagining you are doing. You’re involved in educating the community and, and making this stuff happen with a little bit of education. Do we need to fear the lawyers, the stick approach? Is that an increasing thing that’s happening? I mean, you see it in all other walks of life. People are sued for things that they haven’t done because people think they might be able to make a little bit of money out of it. Is that kind of on the horizon? Are people doing that? Do we need to be worried about the legal aspect?

[00:14:36] Joe Dolson: Yes, 100%. As recently as six or seven years ago, I would’ve said no, you don’t really seriously to worry about that unless you’re an international scale company. And that’s just not true anymore. And that’s directly because we don’t have those regulations. They’ve been slated to be added on many, many occasions, and keep getting canceled. They are currently on the docket to be created again, hopefully in 2023. But until that happens, we don’t really have anything that gives us a goal. And one of the things that regulations could come with is a schedule. A schedule of enforcement. That’s what certainly a lot of other places have done.

The province of Ontario created a document, the AODA, which is a set of laws within Ontario for what is needed to accessible, and that came with a schedule of enforcement. Instead we have a free for all. Anything could happen. And there are thousands of accessibility lawsuits every year. And a lot of them are just accident chasers effectively. They’re not people with a very serious concern. They’re just looking for a quick payoff. And that is a horrible, horrible scenario to be in because you might receive one of these demand letters, and there’s a very good chance you are in fact in violation of it, and it is legitimate, even though they probably wouldn’t pursue it in court, but you can’t count on that. So it’s, it’s a very unpleasant situation.

[00:16:09] Nathan Wrigley: That, is curious. But also, conversations like this and podcast episodes like this, at least we’re alerting people to the fact that this is something to be taken seriously. I wonder at what level, like you mentioned six or seven years ago, if you are a, a major corporation, you probably needed to worry about this. And then as though six or seven years have passed, presumably that barrier has gone lower and lower and lower. But at some point it doesn’t matter who you are, you are going to be liable unless you take this sort of stuff seriously. Sorry, you were gonna say.

[00:16:35] Joe Dolson: Right, right, right. I was say that there usually is a point when you get down into non-commercial websites, when things do get a lot fuzzier as to whether or not you’re likely to be liable, but that’s really a question that the law should be settling and the regulations should be settling.

What we should probably do is actually get to these six error types. All right. Let’s do it. So the number one is low contrast text, and that literally means where you have gray text on a slightly darker gray background, and it’s just hard to read. And there are a lot of very very specific calculations that determine in WCAG what is considered to be low contrast or not. It’s an extremely easy thing to test for, and it’s just a matter of trying to meet those guidelines.

Nobody is trying to claim that these color perception tests are perfect. It’s a number. It’s intended to be there so that you have to meet this basic minimum. An important thing to remember about contrast is that this is not a scenario where higher contrast is automatically better. If you’ve met the guideline, you’re in perfectly good shape. You do not need to then go, oh, but I should probably just go black on white. That’s not necessarily better. There’s a whole population of people who will actually find that to be a completely separate struggle.

After contrast, it’s all about, images and that’s images that are either missing alternative text, have generic alternative text, like just image or file or something useless, or are repetitive. And that’s going to be cases where maybe you’ve got a linked image next to a link where the text of that alt text is exactly the same as the text of the link, it’s just duplicate. It’s not helping anybody. These are also really easy to find because you can easily identify that your images have this really common recurring pattern. In a lot of cases in the world of WordPress.

You know, you might have a block pattern that’s producing an image with a heading and some text. And if that block pattern is just presetting an alternative text to something that’s not good, that’s where you might have a problem, it just needs to be dealt with and fixed.

[00:18:50] Nathan Wrigley: Can I just interrupt there a moment, because a default install of WordPress will give you more than alternative text. You’ve got descriptions and captions and so on. You only mentioned alternative text. Is that the case? It’s just that one field that we need to be mindful of.

And you’re describing what is in the image. So, for example, if there’s a red car with a, I don’t know, a dog in the backseat or something you would write, this is an image of a red car with a dog in the backseat.

[00:19:15] Joe Dolson: That’s a great question. I’m gonna answer two parts of that. First of all, you don’t describe the image. You describe the purpose of the image, which may or may not be a description of the image. It really depends on the context. For example, if that image is a link to a post, then what that image is actually conveying to the user is, what is this link for? Which is not necessarily going to be what is the image of. Which is also a question for, is this the right image for this? If that alt text doesn’t make any sense with that image, then maybe this isn’t the right image. But ultimately what you’re actually describing is the purpose of the image. It might be that it’s an image of a dog in the backseat of a red car.

The other thing I wanna mention about that is you would not say, image of. Because that is already going to be predicted and produced by the screen reader. They know it’s an image. You got that covered. And that is an extremely common problem actually, is people stating that it is an image? Totally unnecessary.

[00:20:15] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. So we went through number one and number two.

[00:20:18] Joe Dolson: Well, there was another part of that, which is the WordPress fields. So the WordPress media library has four fields that can be filled in. Title, alternative text, caption and description. Those four things all serve completely different purposes. The title is really only for administrative use. In very old versions of WordPress, it was used to add a title attribute, but that has not been the case for many years.

The alternative text is the thing that basically represents the image. It’s the alternative to the image. When that image is not available, whether it’s because somebody can’t perceive it or because it doesn’t load. That’s the thing that should take the place of that image. And that’s the generic version of it because the things stored in the media library is just one alternative text. So usually that is going to be a description of the image. In actual use, you may or may not want to use that text depending on the context. Again, with that linked image, it’s not necessarily a description of it. It might be a description of the target.

And then the caption, the caption is a thing that should be universally available. So both people who are sighted and people who are visually impaired will be able to see that. So really it’s something that should be complimentary to the image. It gives additional context, but doesn’t necessarily explicitly describe it. An example there would be, it might be used to say who is in the image. For example, you know, the description is a man with glasses and a beard, stroking a cat. And then the caption actually says, this is a picture of our founder, Joe Dolson and his cat Bubbles. I don’t have a cat named bubbles. just to be clear.

[00:22:00] Nathan Wrigley: There was more in that than I, I imagined.

[00:22:02] Joe Dolson: The description field is actually not used by default unless your theme has decided that there’s some context in which that’s used.

[00:22:09] Nathan Wrigley: So, okay, we’ve done one and two.

[00:22:10] Joe Dolson: Moving on to number three. That’s form fields without labels. And that is an incredibly big deal. I mean, if you have a contact form or a search form or a sales form, any kind of query, and those form fields don’t have labels, then basically a user with a screen reader, they don’t know what they’re trying to do. They have no idea what this is. Frequently, you have form fields that have text nearby that is visually a label, it looks like it has a label. But if there’s no explicit association between that information, because a label is a specific HTML field and it’s connected to an input using a for attribute and an ID, attribute. And that makes it really straightforward, really explicit.

And that tells somebody what this field is for. And those being missing are just, that’s just wrong. It should not be missing. Next one after that, and I’m just gonna collapse the next two into one because they’re effectively the same problem. Empty links and empty buttons. That is literally a link that does not have any text contained inside it, or a button that doesn’t have any text. As often as not that’s because they’re either an image that doesn’t have an alt attribute.

So there’s nothing meaningful there. It’s like a font icon or an SVG image that is supposed to represent your hamburger menu, or it’s a close icon, or it’s a help icon or any of those many possibilities, but doesn’t have any kind of accessible name. It doesn’t have any attributes that give that a text context. So the screen reader knows what this is supposed to do. Those are also extremely common.

The last of the six, and this is quite rare to be a problem on a WordPress site because WordPress pretty much takes care of this, is a missing document language. Every HTML element should have a lang attribute that declares what language the document is in. English, German, French, Spanish, whatever. And the purpose of that for a screen reader is to tell them how to pronounce it.

Not having that means it will be pronounced according to whatever that person’s local settings are. So if they’re a French browser on an English site, the English is gonna have a very strong accent. And in fact, it’s not really an accent because it’s following a completely different set of pronunciation rules and that’s going to make it incomprehensible.

So making sure that that attribute is present is really important. I haven’t seen that as a problem on a WordPress site with a theme that’s reasonably recent for a long time. There were definitely a lot of older themes where, big problem.

[00:24:49] Nathan Wrigley: I’m guessing that the six things that you brought to the table could easily be 15, 20 things, but six was the number that was chosen there. I guess the problem is you could have gone on all day and we could have talked for hours about all the other things, but these are the things that have risen to the surface.

So anybody who’s not encountered this is now going to be presented with additional things to do. Work to be undertaken. Things to be learned and so on and so forth. I’m just wondering if there’s any, any useful things, tools for want of a better word that you have found over the years that have enabled you to short circuit things, make things as easy as possible. So it might be a browser extension, or I don’t know, some app that you can install on your computer or something like that.

[00:25:32] Joe Dolson: Yes, there are an incredible number of these types of tools, and they all have slightly different ways of working, slightly different sets of tests. But these particular six items, all of the automated tests are going to find these and help you solve them. They’ll give you guidance about what you have and what you need to do.

So I think some of the ones I use the most are going to be, there’s an automated tester from tenon.io, and that’s an application that you can run remotely. It’s got an API, you can run it just automatically. And it’ll just scan a page and give you a list of everything it’s found on it..

Another one is wave.webaim.org. That’s from the same group of people who produced this report that found these errors. And that’s available as a toolbar for, I think it’s Chrome. Firefox or Edge, so pretty broadly available. It’s also testing one page at a time, but they do have a tool through a company called Pope Tech, that can give you generated reports of larger sets of pages. So you can get a much larger body of data.

There are browser extensions from an organization called Deque called Axe. Those also do a wide variety of automated tests.

One of the things that’s important in development with accessibility is that it’s always something that needs to be based on the rendered site. There’s a reason they’re called the web content accessibility guidelines. It’s because it’s all about the user experience and what they’re actually getting. So there aren’t a lot of tools for doing like pre-production linting as part of your development. You know, you can do some of that in an end to end test, but it’s going to be very limited because it’s, there’s so many assumptions you have to make.

And the real world is where people have put in content that, the content is what’s really causing problems. Anything with these images, almost all of that is problems coming from content.

[00:27:28] Nathan Wrigley: So it strikes me from what you’ve just said, that there might be a better place to put this work. This work that needs to be done in the workflow of a typical website. And from what you’ve just said, it sounds like it would be better done toward, the end of the development cycle?

[00:27:43] Joe Dolson: Different parts of it fall in different locations. So low contrast text, for example, is frequently a design issue. So that as often as not should go at the very, very beginning. That’s when you’re deciding what kind of color palette you’re going to use and what your base design looks like.

The images, it’s a mix, because it depends on whether you’re using a plugin that generates a body of images, or you’re using images embedded into content. In the latter case, it’s a content production issue. So it’s something that you should be checking on the fly and should be done on a constantly recurring basis.

For the application environment, for, you know, a plugin that’s producing these lists. That needs to be fixed in the development side, on that plugin of whatever it’s doing.

Form fields are another one where most of that needs to come from the plugin that’s generating your form. Gravity Forms has done a huge amount of work on improving the accessibility of their product. They’ve got more to do. It’s always, these things are a constant battle of, oh, we screwed this up now we’ve gotta fix it. Oh, we fix this, but now we screwed that up. But Gravity Forms has done a really great job, and one of the advantages to that is that they don’t give you a lot of room to screw it up. Just make sure that legacy markup is not turned on.

[00:28:58] Nathan Wrigley: There’s a whole other conversation I think to be had there as well, but…

[00:29:01] Joe Dolson: There’s a lot.

[00:28:03] Nathan Wrigley: In terms of a typical agency, let’s say who’s done none of this work before. They’ve got a legacy of websites. Let’s say, I don’t know, 50 websites, which they’re maintaining and they’ve built. So suddenly we are presenting the agency with work that they need to go back, and if you like retro fit the websites that they’ve already built and bring them up to standard.

And then of course, there’s gonna be the new work which comes through the door and that’s gonna be a little bit more straightforward. This brings to mind the question, how much do we need to be doing of this now? How imperative is it for us to go back to our clients and say, look, we need to begin this work yesterday?

Or is it more a case going back to the clients and saying, maybe it’s time to begin again. And I know that’s not gonna be a comfortable conversation to have. Essentially what I’m trying to say, is it easy to retrofit or is it sometimes easy just to begin again almost?

[00:29:55] Joe Dolson: It is absolutely frequently easier to begin again. But it’s it is very much a case by case scenario. One of the things about the WordPress environment and this ecosystem, is that there’s a huge number of themes and plugins that you’re building your sites based on.

If those themes and plugins are issuing updates and they’re fixing problems, then a lot of the problems that are coming out of those tools can be fixed for you. And I mean that’s why I think the people who should be looking at this first and foremost are the tool creators. WordPress Core, plugin authors, theme authors, because that is going to solve the biggest, most global problems. And when I say global, I mean, these are things that are infecting, that are affecting entire sites.

I said, infecting. It’s kind of an interesting perspective, I like that in some ways, I don’t know. They’re infected with inaccessibility. But anyway, if these plugins can fix something then they can have an impact on thousands, millions of sites. I mean this is one of the reasons I contributed to WordPress at all is if I can make one little change, it can potentially impact millions of sites.

[00:31:06] Nathan Wrigley: Just the answer to this may simply be a no, and it goes nowhere else. But is there any sort of an accreditation system that things like plugins can get certified against. So that, for example, you mentioned Gravity Forms as a good example of a company that have done some work in that area. So that you could visit their website, see the accreditation stamp somewhere and say, okay, I’m assured that at least some of the work has been done. I don’t know if that’s even a thing.

[00:31:31] Joe Dolson: There’s nothing that I’m aware of really for plugins. There’s an organization. It’s the IAAP, the international association of accessibility professionals. Uh, and they certify people as specialists. In the theme world the WordPress theme repository does have the accessibility ready tag that does require some manual testing.

Plugins are a really difficult case because it’s hard to set a specific set of tests and guidelines that they have to meet because they do so many different things. For some plugins, there are no settings, there’s no user interface, it just does some automation. And you’re like, well, is that accessible? It literally has no interface. How do we judge that?

[00:32:14] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, so, we talked about retrofitting. We talked about beginning and potentially that the beginning is the easiest way to go forward. That therefore raises the question of how much of this do you need to be mindful of before you can say, that site is ready to ship. And bluntly let’s say, is it okay to have a site where 10% of the tick list that you want to achieve has been completed?

Is that okay to launch, or do we need to be higher into the fifties, or indeed the nineties, or the 100%? In other words, is it better to do something and launch it, rather than wait until it’s perfect? We know how this works. If we build websites, we’ve had this problem time and again. You know, things creep in that we need to do, and we never end up launching the product because we’re constantly, constantly making it perfect. So just some guidance on where we need to be there.

[00:33:05] Joe Dolson: So it’s a slightly different answer depending on whether we’re building a new product or making changes and retrofitting something old. When you’re retrofitting, in my opinion, it’s just, the goal is make it better every day. If you can ship an update that fixes one problem, then fix that one problem.

It’s better. It doesn’t have to go from zero to a hundred in an instant. There’s no reason to wait. To shift an improvement. When it’s a new product I would say 10% is awfully low, because we all know how priorities work And as soon as that product gets in front of users. Now you’ve got user demands. You’ve got clients who just are like, oh, I don’t, I don’t know that I want to pay anything more right now.

And so that additional percentage may just never happen. So going over 10% is definitely worthwhile. But you should always recognize that there is no a hundred percent. Like you’re not going to achieve a hundred percent accessibility. The range of human experience and human perception is far too great. All you can reach for is try and think of everything you can, and everything that seems reachable and that you understand and recognize that you’re going to make mistakes.

[00:34:20] Nathan Wrigley: You were mentioning earlier about the lawyering and how that has become a thing. And I’m wondering who is the person who’s responsible. So in other words, if you are the web designer and you’ve taken on that work and you’ve handed over to your client, but then they’ve taken over for example, and they’re maintaining and updating from this moment forward. Is there any guidance around that?

In other words, can you insulate yourself from the problems which may occur? And again, there’s a myriad set of different ways that we could build and hand over and all of those kind of things, but, I’m sure a lot of people listening to this will be thinking, okay, how can I protect myself, having done some of it, but not all of it?

[00:34:58] Joe Dolson: This is definitely one of the areas where that gap in regulation is a real problem. In terms of responsibility that ultimately falls on the business owner, the website owner, or the product owner. But of course, the terms of your contract will vary and your specific liability to the outcome of your product might vary.

And even in the most solidly constructed contract where you protect yourself, that doesn’t mean you couldn’t be sued for negligence. You know these things all revolve around. If a company ends up having to pay damages of $7 million because of an inaccessible website, it’s very reasonable to think they’re gonna go back to the people who they hired to work on that website and be like, we are not happy. I think that’s an extremely justified position to be in. So I think everybody needs to take a piece of this responsibility.

I know for a fact that, in the Ontario law, the AODA, they do explicitly specify that everything on the website has to be accessible, including third party products that you are using. So a common problem in a lot of websites that I’ve audited, you know, it’s a nonprofit, they’ve got a great accessible website, but they’re using this client relationships, module, a CRM to take their donations, and it’s a mess.

And you’re like, okay, this is an absolutely key part of keeping your organization operating, is getting these donations working and that’s not accessible. So you really do have a problem there. And that’s a third party application. You don’t have any direct control over it. You can’t directly fix it, and I think that’s a marketplace problem. Where all of these elements within the overall picture have to be thinking about what their responsibility is.

[00:36:50] Nathan Wrigley: You’re obviously very keen on this. And I’m just wondering if this is becoming an industry. In other words, a few years ago, we didn’t have SEO experts. Well, quite a long time ago now, but let’s say 20 years ago, there was no such thing as an SEO expert. It just, wasn’t a thing. Now there is. There’s people who you would hire in because you want to take over the SEO and give it to somebody else. And that’s now their responsibility.

Is there a growing collection of people like yourself, who you can hire in to examine and look, so you’re not relying on the tools, the automated tools. You’re really getting a, a human being in to do the real work, and yeah, is there a career there?

[00:37:30] Joe Dolson: Oh, absolutely. It is actually a huge growing market. I think the growth of the accessibility consulting and testing market is pretty high. I don’t know what it is right now off the top of my head, but it’s a growth market with no question.

And as somebody who’s been in accessibility for almost 20 years, there’s always been an industrial market for accessibility. 20 years ago, it was almost exclusively in government, universities, higher ed, that sort of area. And it has been growing very rapidly. There are a lot of large companies now that they exclusively provide accessibility consulting. There’s actually been a lot of consolidation and acquisition within the accessibility space. So there’s no question that this is absolutely a major career. It’s a market where if you engage in some training and accessibility, there are jobs to be had. They are all hiring, and this is because it has grown enormously in the last four or five years,

[00:38:31] Nathan Wrigley: Which brings me to nearly my last question, and that is, imagine that we’re working for a large agency and we are employed by a boss who, how to put this, does not care about the last half an hour’s conversation that we’ve had. And just simply wants to ship things as quickly as possible, and obviously what you are proposing is not as quickly as possible. There’s other work that needs to be done on top of that. So we could hire out, we could find somebody such as yourself, who’s able to guide us with our, your expertise. But, what do we say to those bosses? How do we persuade them that, not only does this matter, but it’s essential?

[00:39:08] Joe Dolson: So I think, you know, some people are unpersuadable. There are always going to be a group of people for whom this is simply not, not something they are going to choose to care about. And those people will ultimately only be persuaded by legal action. And so when their company gets sued, they will have no choice but to deal with that. But operating on the assumption that we’re working with somebody who at least is willing to listen to reason and to, justifications about why this needs to be done.

There are a lot of arguments in favor of it, in terms of the fact that it makes websites easier to use. It makes processes easier for customers. So there’s a, there’s an acquisition aspect. There’s a sales benefit. Just making things easier to use, making things possible to use by more people.

It’s an estimate of around 15% of the world population has some form of disability that could impact their experience on the web. And a lot of that is in cognitive impairments, where they might have problems with distraction, or lack of focus, short term memory loss, and all of those people are going to benefit enormously from the same kinds of principles that go into web accessibility.

And so on a, on a marketing argument, the very fact that by implementing accessibility, you can increase your potential market by 15% is something that should be relevant. I think there is a perception sometimes that people with disabilities aren’t a market with money to spend. That’s a bias that’s coming through things like, the social security programs for supporting people with disabilities.

But the fact is, in this era the percentage of people with disabilities who are able to be gainfully employed is rapidly increasing because the digital marketplace takes away a lot of the barriers. You don’t have to necessarily travel to your job, which might be very difficult if you are visually impaired. Or if you have problems with distraction in an environment, or you just need to be able to get away from over stimulation. So

that market is increasing. I think, I think it’s the US number right around now. I happen to do a presentation on Thursday morning about accessible advertising. So a lot of these numbers are things that I’m remembering from my presentation two days ago, that the estimated buying power of the US disability, people with disabilities, is around 350 billion. But an awfully high number of products cannot be purchased by those people, because they’re not accessible. There’s an awful lot of people with disabilities where I buy from this company. Why? Because it’s the only one I can.

[00:41:58] Nathan Wrigley: That is absolutely fascinating. And it really speaks to the question that I asked. If you have a boss who doesn’t care, potentially this is the quickest route to somebody caring. There is a market, it’s a growing market. You can be more profitable by making these tweaks.

Final question if that’s okay? We’ve talked about a lot. There’s probably gonna be a lot of confusion about where do I go, how do I find out more about these things? And you’ve sent me, we had a little shared show notes, and you’ve sent me a bunch of links. It’s gonna be difficult for us to spell them all out. I will put every link in the show notes and hopefully get them done correctly. Do you just wanna say something about the best places, the most reliable, the quickest wins, if you like that you have come across where people could? I don’t know, two or three or four of them that you’re happy to share.

[00:42:41] Joe Dolson: So yeah, I mean the list of people I’ve mentioned, they all have unique perspectives and great information. I always recommend when you’re trying to get the current best practices on how things really work and what is, what support is available for a particular interaction interface. I like to go to Adrian Roselli. He’s very, very thorough researcher on accessibility issues. And one of the best things about what he publishes is that he routinely updates things. So his website does not have stale content.

I shouldn’t say that absolutely. I haven’t read everything on his site. It might have stale content, but I’m not aware of it. So that’s a great place because you can trust that it’s going to be current and maintained and is very thorough.

I also like Haydon Pickering and Scott O’Hara. That might be O’Hara. I honestly don’t know. They both do a lot of nitty gritty experimental of, this is how you use these various accessible interactions. They’re great resources. And then there’s a general website, it’s the A11Y project, the accessibility project. And that publishes articles by a lot of very experienced accessibility practitioners who’ve been around for a long time, who are new to the industry, but writing really solid information about how things work.

And then of course there’s the actual WCAG documentation. There’s a lot of information from the web accessibility initiative, the WAI working group, and they have an enormous amount of information about just general, what it means to be accessible and what an accessible interface looks like.

[00:44:25] Nathan Wrigley: Overlays.

[00:44:26] Joe Dolson: Ha, yes.

[00:44:27] Nathan Wrigley: Overlays have cropped up. Essentially what we’re dealing with here is a, click a button, I will solve all of your website accessibility needs. That sounds too good to be true. It sounds too simple to be able to install something, let’s say it’s a plugin or a piece of JavaScript or whatever it may be, and to say to yourself, I’m done. I am compliant. I’ve done all of the things by installing some small bit of code. Tell me your thoughts about this.

[00:44:54] Joe Dolson: Well, you know, if things seem too good to be true, it might be because they’re false. And that is absolutely the case with overlays. If an overlay is claiming, I’m going to solve your problems, you don’t need to think about anything else, you are now compliant, that’s because they’re lying to you. Flat out lying to you. Because what overlays are is they’re kind of a side effect of the accident chasing, legal thing. They’re a reaction of, oh, we have all this AI. We can solve things. We can find all these problems. It’s amazing. This is fabulous. But they can’t, because the problems are vastly more complex than they actually think they are.

So many things simply, you can’t even test to identify the problem, let alone fix it. So overlays are basically just a disaster.

[00:45:44] Nathan Wrigley: Is there any scenario in which they represent a decent bridge? In other words if, if you just click that button, get that overlay on there, and then begin the good work that you’ve described during the podcast, all the other things that you can do. Is there any scenario where that could be recommended? Knowing that it was the temporary kludge.

[00:46:02] Joe Dolson: Mostly, no. Now I will say that’s a no in terms of any of the really major overlay vendors, because for the most part, they are actually going to make your website worse. There are certain of those vendors who will absolutely, definitely make it worse. And there are browser extensions that have been marketed directly to the disability community for the sole reason of disabling these overlays because of the problems they cause for people with disabilities.

There are some extremely narrow categories where an overlay can bridge that, and a lot of the major accessibility corporations as part of their work, they will build an overlay, a custom overlay, which specifically deals with specific problems on your website. And that’s going to be in cases where the process to actually get the backend code updated is too burdensome, and they need something fast. But it’s only gonna solve a tiny fraction of those problems.

That should be something that’s custom, that’s targeted. I have a plugin, WP Accessibility. It includes some overlay aspects within it, but they are very targeted because they are targeted at specific things that are known to happen with WordPress or with WordPress themes, and they have known answers.

And even then, I wouldn’t say that’s something that guaranteed to fix everything. It could still cause problems. And you shouldn’t keep it installed and operating in that manner any longer than you absolutely have to, because fundamentally what you need to do is get the fix in place But these big commercial overlays are just horrendous. They make things worse, period.

[00:47:44] Nathan Wrigley: There was one further question. Sorry, I was sneaking this one in right at the end. I also asked you to recommend a community that you thought was worth hanging out in, because that’s often a way to just sort of speed up the process. You find some friends in there and they help you and they point you in the right direction. So, you’ve mentioned one here. Do you just wanna tell us about that?

[00:48:01] Joe Dolson: So there’s a Slack community for web accessibility professionals. It’s web-a11y.slack.com, and there’s about 10,000 members of that Slack organization. And it’s a great place to ask questions, look for advice, read what other people have done, search for past conversations on various topics. It’s a pretty large Slack. It’s very active. It’s kind of the place where the community mostly hangs out I would say.

[00:48:32] Nathan Wrigley: And should anybody wish to find you Joe, off the back of this. If you’re willing to share, what are the best places to get in touch with you?

[00:48:39] Joe Dolson: I’d say the best places for me, you can find me on Twitter @joedolson, J O E D O L S O N. You can find me in the WordPress Slack, also Joe Dolson. Pretty much anywhere I am, you’ll find me as Joe Dolson.

[00:48:54] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you very much for joining us on the show.

[00:48:56] Joe Dolson: Thank you. Thanks for having me.

On the podcast today we have Joe Dolson.

Joe is a WordPress plugin developer, a core committer, and a web accessibility consultant. He’s part of the Make WordPress Accessible team, the team dedicated to improving accessibility in the WordPress ecosystem.

His recent presentation at WordCamp US entitled ‘Finding and Fixing the Six Most Common WCAG 2 Failures’, highlights some of the key areas where websites are not as accessible as they should be. The areas we discuss are:

  • low contrast text
  • missing alternative text
  • empty links
  • missing form labels
  • empty buttons
  • missing document language

Joe explains what each of these problems are, both in terms of how they can be fixed, as well as what people with accessibility requirements might experience when they visit your site.

We talk about how you can equip yourself with the tools that you need to diagnose these issues, and online resources you can use to discover more about website accessibility.

It’s Joe’s opinion that you’re better off making a start right now, carrying out incremental changes rather than attempting to solve every single problem that your website might have. Begin the journey and take it one problem at a time.

We also chat about the fact that there’s an ever growing legal compulsion to make websites follow accessibility guidelines. Lawsuits are going through the courts with greater regularity, so now might be the time to look into this topic.

That being said, Joe cautions against the use of tools which purport to solve your accessibility issues with minimal effort. A variety of pop-up solutions have emerged onto the market which claim that they can make your site compliant with almost no effort. Joe is adamant that these promises are almost always false and that there’s real work to be done on each website as they’re all unique and have unique problems to solve.

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be bringing you recordings from a recent trip to WordCamp US 2022, and you might notice that the recordings have a little echo or other strange audio artefacts. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.

Joe Dolson’s website

Joe Dolson’s Twitter account

Adrian Roselli’s website

Leonie Watson’s website

Heydon Pickering’s website

Scott O’Hara’s website

The a11y Project

a11y Slack channel

axe accessibility testing tool

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool


popetech web accessibility testing & reporting

webAIM website

The WebAIM Million report

International Association of Accessibility Professionals: IAAP

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

#43 – Nick Ahmann on Testing Plugins With TasteWP

On the podcast today we have Nick Ahmann.

Nick works for Inisev, a company which provides SaaS services for WordPress and other platforms. They have a range of products, but today we focus on TasteWP.

TasteWP is a service which allows you to spin up a disposable WordPress install in a matter of seconds. From there, you can use the site for free for two days.

If you’re wanting to test out a plugin or theme, but don’t want the hassle of creating a site on your own hosting, or local machine, TasteWP could be a useful option. It behaves as a normal WordPress website and you’re not limited to what you can install on top of the defaults.

One nice feature we talk about is that you can pre-install plugins and themes from the WordPress repository by modifying the URL when you visit the TasteWP website. This might be useful for educators or plugin developers who want to demo their free plugins, but don’t want to maintain their own infrastructure.

We talk about what promoted Nick to work on this plugin and how he sees it as helping the WordPress community, as well as being a vehicle to make people aware of the products and services that his company offers.

If you’ve ever wanted a WordPress site to play with for a few days, then this episode is for you.

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air-conditioning. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.




Track & Analyze


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley.

Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things, WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case using disposable WordPress installs to test out plugins.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice, or by going to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy and paste that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m very keen to hear from you, and hopefully get your idea featured on the show. Head over to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Nick Ahmann. Nick works for Inisev. A company which provides SaaS services for WordPress and other platforms. They have a range of products, but today we focus on TasteWP.

TasteWP is a service which allows you to spin up a disposable WordPress install in a matter of seconds. From there, you can use the site for free for two days. If you’re wanting to test out a plugin or theme, but don’t want the hassle of creating a site on your own hosting or local machine, TasteWP could be a useful option. It behaves as a normal WordPress website, and you’re not limited to what you can install on top of the defaults.

One nice feature that we talk about is that you can pre-install plugins and themes from the WordPress repository by modifying the URL when you visit the TasteWP website. This might be useful for educators or plugin developers who want to demo their free plugins, but don’t want to maintain their own infrastructure.

We talk about what promoted Nick to work on this plugin and how he sees it as helping the WordPress community, as well as being a vehicle to make people aware of the products and services that his company offers. If you’ve ever wanted a WordPress site to play with for a few days. Then this episode is for you.

Typically when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against the crowds and the air conditioning. And whilst the podcast is more than listable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world we’re at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast, where you’ll find all the other episodes as well.

And so without further delay, I bring you Nick Ahmann.

I am joined on the podcast today by Nick Arman. Hello, Nick.

[00:03:29] Nick Ahmann: Hi, Nathan.

[00:03:30] Nathan Wrigley: Very nice to have you. We are in the bowels of the Super Bock Arena in Porto. Have you ever been to a WordCamp before? Is this your first?

[00:03:38] Nick Ahmann: No, it’s my first ever WordCamp.

[00:03:40] Nathan Wrigley: So what brings you? What is it exactly that you’ve decided?

[00:03:43] Nick Ahmann: Yeah, that’s a good question. So for one it’s the networking part. We’re surely gonna talk about later, we, um, working on a couple of WordPress products and TasteWP, and I wanna spread the word for it. I also just wanna immerse myself in the WordPress spirit and energy. And what’s a better way than going to a WordCamp?

[00:04:02] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. If you’ve not been to an event like this before, have you been in the WordPress space for any length of time or is this fresh to you?

[00:04:09] Nick Ahmann: It’s not entirely fresh. So we’ve been developing plugins for about six, seven years now. Not me personally, I don’t have a clue about coding. I’ve been in the space that time.

[00:04:18] Nathan Wrigley: What is it that you’re expecting to do? I know you said that there was networking, but do you anticipate going into some of the talks? Is there any of that that interests you?

[00:04:26] Nick Ahmann: Yeah, for sure. I’m gonna listen to some of the talks. I’ve noted down one or two. But it’s just, you know, meeting like random people in the hallway and just getting to know them.

[00:04:36] Nathan Wrigley: The hallway track is totally a thing. It’s a thing which I think probably a significant proportion of the people who come to these events actually never go into the presentations because they just enjoy the networking aspect and all of that kind of stuff.

We’re gonna talk today about a service that you offer. It integrates very well with WordPress. It is WordPress. It enables you to get WordPress in a heartbeat. It’s called TasteWP. What is it? What’s the point?

[00:04:59] Nick Ahmann: Okay. The point is, basically TasteWP, developed from scratch your own itch situation for us. Working on a couple of plugins and we needed an easy way to test them, different PHP versions and, and WordPress version combinations.

And we never found a tool that really suits us. So we thought, okay, why not create such a tool? And then we thought, okay, uh, instead of just using it internally, why don’t we just make it a bit nicer and bit more self explanatory, as you would with a tool you only use internally, so that, uh, we can offer it to the public. So TasteWP is a site where you just go, click once and then it spins up a WordPress site where you can play around and test themes and plugins.

[00:05:41] Nathan Wrigley: So I confess that I’ve had a go and it’s very quick. I don’t know if that was part of the initial scoping document, to make it almost instantaneous, but when you go to the webpage and you click the button, there’s more to it than that, we’ll get to that, but if you just click the button, I’m pretty convinced you’re under five seconds before the site is live.

[00:06:01] Nick Ahmann: Right. Just over three seconds is now the average.

[00:06:04] Nathan Wrigley: Which is pretty incredible given what’s going on. You know, you’re spinning up some sort of server in the background and downloading plug-ins and themes. And again, we’ll get to that and it’s configurable, but it’s basically there in the time it takes you to pick up your coffee cup, have a sip, and then return it to the table.

[00:06:18] Nick Ahmann: And let me just mention, I wish I could take credit for it, but it’s entirely the developers who did this.

[00:06:24] Nathan Wrigley: The, principle though, when we got into talking about coming on the podcast, you talked about it from the community angle. You mentioned that it would be a really nice tool for community to get their hands on. Talk to us about that. Tell us how do you sort of pitch it as a community tool?

[00:06:39] Nick Ahmann: Right. I think it’s our contribution to the community in the sense that I think everybody who works with WordPress, uh, no matter what the role of function is that they need such a tool. You can talk about the developers who need a site to test their themes and plugins like that was the initial idea, why we needed it. But then beginners who just start out with WordPress, they need an easy way to spin up a site and play around. Also again for developers to demo their products.

So what you can do is, if you, for example, if you’re in the, um, plug-in directory on WordPress and you on a plugin page, like, wordpress.org/plugins/pluginslug. And in that URL, if you just replace WordPress with TasteWP and click enter, then it spins up a site with that plugin already installed. And that’s useful, I think for almost everybody, especially also for those who want to try out plugins before using them on the real site.

[00:07:33] Nathan Wrigley: So the principle is, it felt like the best fit for me, at least anyway, was I want to try out this plugin, X plugin over there that I’ve never used before, and I could create a domain and do all of that and do hosting, or I could set up a local install or something like that, which will work fine, but I want something probably a bit more disposable. I know that I’m just gonna try it for a few hours perhaps, and then I want that site to go away.

And that’s what it does because, in the initial offering that you’ve got, maybe there’s kinda like a premium upsell that you offer as well, but you are able to use that site for, I believe it’s 48 hours. Is that right?

[00:08:05] Nick Ahmann: That’s right. So if you’re not logged in TasteWP, it’s good for two days and then expires. And, uh, if you sign up on TasteWP, which is free, then it lasts for seven days and then you can also manage your sites. So you can set up several ones. You can delete an old site set up a new site and so on. And at the moment it’s all free. And we’re working on a premium option when basically it won’t expire then.

[00:08:28] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. So in the future there’ll be an option to pay and you’ll be able to keep your site up. Okay. So at the point where you create the site, there’s multiple options. You could just click the button and you go. And like I said, 2, 3, 4 seconds later, it’s ready to go, but there’s a little bit more to it than that. Tell us about the options that are available. What can you configure?

[00:08:43] Nick Ahmann: So there’s the quick setup option, by the way, you can always trigger it again without being logged in, which makes it very usable. But, if you click on the advanced setup option, then you can determine, okay, which WordPress version do you wanna use the plugin or whatever you’re testing on. Especially now that WordPress six came out. That was a function, which was used quite a lot because plugin developers want to see, how does the plugin work on WordPress six.

And the same with PHP version. You can set that. You can already select to pre-install certain plugins, themes, that’s possible too. If you sign up, then you can also create templates, where you can say, okay, this URL should spin up an instance with these plugins and these themes already installed, because sometimes you have plugins which rely on other plugins to be installed as well. So it’s not just a single plugin, which is installed in, but also others.

[00:09:36] Nathan Wrigley: So essentially the idea here is speed. You’ve got the option to just, you get to the site, you don’t need to be logged in if you’re willing to go for a two day site. You press a button, a couple of seconds later you’re ready to go.

There are a few things which come along for the ride. In WordPress, we’re a bit averse to advertising in the admin UI. I know that you have a fairly large, dismissable, ad right at the beginning. It’s not really an ad. It’s more sort of, here’s how it works, because you’ve already got them to your website. So, you know.

[00:10:05] Nick Ahmann: Actually that’s a good point. We made that part much leaner. So actually there was this like almost full page introduction, uh, which is now only, if you spin it up in certain ways, we’re gonna expand it to all the ways you can spin up. It’s just a box in the top right which says this is a demo site expiring in, um, so and so many hours. But if you talk about advertising to be absolutely honest here, part of the incentive for us to do this was also to promote our own plugins because they are pre-installed as well.

But it’s not entirely, you know, off topic. There’s a backup and migration plugin, which many TasteWP users need because whatever they created on TasteWP, they want to take it somewhere else. So they need this migration plug. So it’s not completely off topic, but that’s also.

[00:10:48] Nathan Wrigley: Let’s go into that, because I think that is actually right on topic. So you justifiably, I think in my opinion, if you’ve offered this service for free, people don’t have to use it. They can do all the other things that I said earlier about spinning up sites, they can do it that way. Or they can opt for you. What are the things that do come pre-installed? Presumably it’s the suite of things that you and the company that you are working for offer?

[00:11:09] Nick Ahmann: That’s three plugins now. It’s a redirect plug. The backup plugin I mentioned, and the plugin for, uh, showing popups on your site.

[00:11:17] Nathan Wrigley: And they all come pre-installed? Yeah. And I’m guessing though, it’s WordPress, I’m guessing that you could deactivate those?

[00:11:23] Nick Ahmann: Yes, absolutely. You can, actually, there’s a plugin, which if you run it, it resets. I think it’s called reset WordPress, I’m not sure what plugin is. And quite a few people use that because they don’t want to see our plugins. But most, you know, still see our plugins and that’s part of the reason.

[00:11:37] Nathan Wrigley: Let’s talk about the different ways that you can get certain things to be activated. Obviously, if you choose to go in, you can just go to the ad plugin page and add one plugin at a time. But there’s this nifty thing which you alluded to earlier, which, as soon as I figured out what was going on, because I didn’t, when I first came across your site. Soon as I figured that out, I thought, okay, that’s the bit, that’s where the coin dropped for me.

This is where the utility came in. You can go to TasteWP.com farward slash, and then how do we do the URL from there? Basically, if you add to the URL, something that’s in the repository, be that a theme or a plugin. So long as you get the plugin slug exactly right, it will become installed. There’s maybe a little bit that I missed out in the URL there?

[00:12:23] Nick Ahmann: Yes. So the easiest way is if you just go to the plugin in the, uh, WordPress directory, and then replace the WordPress in the URL with TasteWP. So that’s the quickest, actually that’s not the quickest way. We also offer a bookmarklet tool, which is a button you can drop to your bookmarklet bar in your browser. And then when you are on a plugin page in the directory, you just have to click it and then already it spins up instance with that plugin installed. And we are also working at the moment on a Chrome extension, which basically does the same thing, but maybe some little more features here and there.

[00:12:57] Nathan Wrigley: So can you concatenate, so can you add, one plugin, two two plugins, three plugins and two themes?

[00:13:03] Nick Ahmann: There’s more sophisticated ways you can install several plugins and themes, uh, at once.

[00:13:08] Nathan Wrigley: And so the bookmark would then store the information about that because you have essentially kept the URL with all of the bits and pieces that you’ve added to the end.

[00:13:16] Nick Ahmann: Right so what happens technically? This is one of the few instances where I understand what happens technically, because as mentioned, I’m not a developer. If you click on the bookmarklet tool, when on the plugin page in the directory, something called HTTP referral, which passes on the URL you’re currently on to TasteWP. So TasteWP knows from which side you’re coming from. So we know which plugin you have in mind to have pre-installed. And that’s what we, what we’re doing then.

[00:13:41] Nathan Wrigley: Has this been a popular tool? I mean, I dunno how how long it’s been out. I certainly came across it for the first time ever.

[00:13:46] Nick Ahmann: It’s, it’s a good question, how long? I think about a year now. And yes, the usage is increasing strongly. Uh, we getting fantastic feedback from developers, but also non developers. Especially as it’s free and it can be used without logging that that’s what people like a lot. Of course, that’s also prone to risks because you know, people can do dodgy things on these free sites. They can use it for phishing attempts and all of that, because there are no checks, basically, if somebody spins up a site, if it’s not dodgy. So we have to stay one step ahead in terms of quickly identifying the sites, which could cause trouble. I don’t know what the percentage is. Most are nice.

[00:14:30] Nathan Wrigley: And what have they been using it for then? Have you got some useful metrics? No, sorry, what are the genuine people using it for? You know, they’ve got a two day site. Why are they coming to you and trying it it out?

[00:14:41] Nick Ahmann: Okay. So for one it’s developers who want to try out the plugins. Other big segments are beginners, and also that the teachers. The teachers, WordPress teachers love TasteWP to, for example, give their students some exercises they have to do. So spin up a site in TasteWP and install this plugin and do this, create this theme or whatever it is. So teachers also a big segment.

[00:15:06] Nathan Wrigley: it’s really curious. I mean, if you delve deeper into it, do you have any sort of data about what people want you to do with it in the future?

[00:15:14] Nick Ahmann: That’s a good question. I mean, WordPress can be used in so many different ways? I mean, what we focus on now at the moment is a tool for developers. And also there has another reason too. The developers can be our multipliers, because if we convince the developers to use our URL as a demo URL they use it for demoing their products. Then that means that way more users get to know about TasteWP and therefore we have more users. That’s the focus just to grow and get the word out about TasteWP. Then we can eventually at the end of the, the game we can monetize by offering the pay plans, which we don’t offer yet.

By the way everything you see at the moment, it will stay free forever. So we will need to justify the, the paid part with additional features we gonna add to the platform.

[00:16:03] Nathan Wrigley: So that’s curious, and it really hadn’t occurred to me. So let’s say that I’m a plug-in developer and I’ve got a plugin over on the repo. Am I right in saying this? Is what you’re saying that I could simply copy and paste the TasteWP URL, put it over on my site and anybody that wants to try out my plugin instantly has access to that, obviously with the caveats that we’ve mentioned and the plugins that you bring to, to the site as well. But you would be able to use that plugin right off the bat, in couple of seconds?

[00:16:31] Nick Ahmann: Yes.

[00:16:31] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. That makes more sense. Okay. I want to delve deeper into the sort of marketing angle here. Whose idea was it to offer the free service as the gateway if you like to the paid service? Because it feels to me there’s a lot of development work that went into this and it could have been an absolute flop, and it could have been never used by anybody, never discovered. And then it would’ve just been a complete waste of time, resources and of that. So who pushed this forward?

[00:17:00] Nick Ahmann: We always knew we needed the tool at least ourselves, which first of all means that even if nobody was interested in it, it was, you know, still worthwhile. The point is if you need it very strongly, there must be other people out there who needed it as well. So that gave us a bit of confidence.

And the free part is basically, our general philosophy in the freemium model. We offer some other tools and services as well. And for all of them the first challenge is to get users and to grow. And the freemium model is great. It’s great for us because we get the eyeballs, and it’s great for the users because they can use a lot of features for free.

So it will probably, once we introduce the paid versions, it will still be the typical 98% of people not paying, just free riding, and it’s the 2% which monetize the whole thing then.

[00:17:48] Nathan Wrigley: Do you have any data on, so at the minute, the paid version doesn’t exist, so that’s kind of off the table, but maybe in the future that’ll be a thing. So at the minute, the upsell is okay. here’s a free site. You can have it for a couple of days or seven days, depending on you logged in on it. But you mentioned all of the things that you throw in your backup plug in and so on and so forth. How has that conversion gone? Has it been successful? One site is better than no sites, but has it been effective?

[00:18:13] Nick Ahmann: We’d love to know that, but it’s so hard to track. We don’t know because I mean, they then see the plugin on our site, but well, we know it’s installed there. But the question is do they then find joy in it and also install it on their real actual sites? We have no way to track this. So this is just believing in building our brand and getting some recognition this way. But we don’t know how effective that actually is.

[00:18:37] Nathan Wrigley: One of the things about the WordPress community is that they are, they’re ingenious. My experience is they often like to do things for themselves. You know, they like figure things out, solve puzzles, but there’s also a, a significant part who just like convenience and so on. So I’m guessing you are aiming it more those people who just like to have something quick and simple and easy. Is that your target market?

[00:18:59] Nick Ahmann: Yes. I mean, naturally because these are advantages that people who have these inclinations tend to use TasteWP. I mentioned the developers earlier. Some developers say, no, they want to have the local environment, which also has of course advantages. It doesn’t expire. There’s no space limitation and so on. It comes down also to personal taste very often.

[00:19:18] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. So let’s go into the paid model, which at the moment doesn’t exist. So caveat emptor. It might not in any way, shape or form look like what you’re about to describe, but let’s press on regardless. If we go for the premium, the upsell, whatever that thing is, you mentioned it will never go away. Are there other things which you are toying with as well?

[00:19:38] Nick Ahmann: Yes. The main one is the space one as well, because the free sites are limited to, I think, one gigabyte, which is not enough for some use cases. But most it is. I mean, one gigabyte is already quite some space. For some, it’s not enough. So that will be the main premium feature as well. What we don’t know yet, if we want to go down that route is.

I mean, naturally people want then to host with their own domain. That would mean we would just turn into a hoster and I’m not sure if we really want to do that. We’re playing with ideas to team up with a hosting, um, where we then pass on these users who need permanent hosting, not just for testing with their own domain and everything that comes with it, the backups also and everything.

So we are not sure about that yet, but, for sure, even if it’s just for the testing there quite a few people out there who just want sites which don’t expire for testing alone. By the way, talking about not expiring, we offer an affiliate program. If you spin up a site, you will see that we offer you, if you invite your friends, and three of them sign up on TasteWP, you get a non expiring site. So that’s free hosting forever. Because you also mentioned marketing earlier, that’s another way we try to accelerate the marketing part.

[00:20:50] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, so if I’ve signed up for the, the paid plan, and I can use it forever. Do I just recycle that one site? In other words, do I get one site which I can just have forever, but I can just, as you said, reset at the beginning? How do I go through that process of expunging it, wiping it clean? Because presumably I’ve got a URL which is custom to me?

[00:21:10] Nick Ahmann: Yes. At the moment what’s already possible, you can define the sub domain. So Nathan dot TasteWP, unless it’s taken already of course. And then once you are, you’re logged into TasteWP, there’s a dashboard where you can manage your sites and you can just delete one site, in order to spin up another site. Which then, once we have the paid plans you can use for that. So it’s not, you’re not stuck with a one site you created once, but you can just delete it. And then you have the right to set up a new one.

[00:21:40] Nathan Wrigley: Any chance of siloing those. So putting a site away and saying, actually, I’ll come back to that next week, but this week I need to test this plugin out? So I don’t wanna remove that one, I just park it for a few days. Can you do that?

[00:21:54] Nick Ahmann: With the pay plans, yes. The paid plans depend on the number of sites you want. So it’s per site and there will be discount, discounts for if, you know, go for three sites at once. That’s the way it’s gonna work.

[00:22:06] Nathan Wrigley: I’m gonna move away from TasteWP now, and just talk about, well, we’re at WordCamp Europe. Just gonna talk about what you’ve gained so far and what you think of it. You mentioned that you’ve never been to a WordCamp Europe before. I’ve been to a WordCamp Europe before. But this is quite significantly different to the ones that I’ve been to. In that this, this is really quite an impressive event.

[00:22:28] Nick Ahmann: I don’t have any comparison. I didn’t know really what to expect. So when you say, uh, it’s different to the other ones.

[00:22:33] Nathan Wrigley: Bigger. Very professional.

[00:22:35] Nick Ahmann: I noticed that at the queue, when I wanted to get my food, that it’s huge. It was, it took quite a while. I knew that. How many at.

[00:22:43] Nathan Wrigley: The last count I got was 2,700.

[00:22:46] Nick Ahmann: Right.

[00:22:46] Nathan Wrigley: But I don’t know if that went up.

[00:22:48] Nick Ahmann: Yeah. I mean, I knew it’s gonna be a lot, but it’s great.

[00:22:52] Nathan Wrigley: But for a free piece of software, it’s kind of extraordinary don’t you think? You know, something which you can download absolutely gratis, completely for free. If you just walk down the corridor, there’s bespoke signage for every single thing. Every window has got a WordCamp logo on it. Can you imagine the amount of effort by people who are not paid?

[00:23:14] Nick Ahmann: Yeah, that’s actually, now that you mentioned, I did think, um, when I saw just the, when new map and also just the emails you get ahead of the event, that, okay, this is done quite professionally. But it shows, you know, people may not get paid for it, but it shows the passion really drives quality, right, so.

[00:23:32] Nathan Wrigley: The passion is amazing, but this room that we’re in is pretty spartan, but the fact that somebody’s made an effort to make that and put that there. So behind Nick is a great big WordCamp Europe banner. So that in a minute, when the photographers come in, that’s behind you. There’s a lot of attention to detail, given that these people are doing it from remote destinations all over the world. And I think it’s incredible.

[00:23:56] Nick Ahmann: You’re right.

[00:23:57] Nathan Wrigley: Anything we missed?

[00:23:58] Nick Ahmann: TasteWP is only part of other products. I mentioned the plugins, but there are a couple of others. So if you go to inisev.com, so in is ev is the first two letters of information is everything inisev.com.

[00:24:10] Nathan Wrigley: Okay.

[00:24:10] Nick Ahmann: You’re just gonna see our whole range of products.

[00:24:13] Nathan Wrigley: Just outline them, just say what they are again.

[00:24:15] Nick Ahmann: Okay. The main other products are follow it, which is a news platform, which also web admins can use to put a subscription form on their site so people can subscribe and then automatically get updated whenever a new post is published. My popups is a service where you can put the so much loved popups and banners. They don’t have to be annoying if you do it the right way, at the right time. Not right directly in your face, doesn’t have to be annoying. And also this, cookie notices are covered there as well. So, which are legal requirement, at least in the EU.

So, and we have also a tracking app, which basically allows you to track anything you want in your life. Where manual data entry is not much of a hassle, so you can track things and then analyze correlations. So see if you work out that day, if that has an impact on your sleep and find things out about yourself. So nothing related to WordPress at all.

[00:25:08] Nathan Wrigley: And the one that is the one that probably I would be most drawn to is your back up and restore plugin? What’s that one called?

[00:25:14] Nick Ahmann: Backup migration.

[00:25:15] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. For reasons that I can’t quite explain every single time I find a backup and restore plugin, I’m totally drawn to trying it out, but I haven’t tried yours out yet.

[00:25:24] Nick Ahmann: You have to, if you appreciate speed, apparently which you do, then please try it out because it is very fast.

[00:25:29] Nathan Wrigley: Well, Nick, thank you for joining me on the podcast. Really appreciate it.

385: Kristopher Van Sant

This week I got to talk to Kristopher Van Sant! Again! This time we got to talk about Kristopher’s professional work as well as some favorite Pens.

Time Jumps

  • 00:24 Guest introduction
  • 01:35 What is Kristopher doing these days?
  • 03:57 Working in a niche industry
  • 06:11 SEO challenges
  • 07:45 Sponsor: Equinix Metal
  • 08:28 PPL Mover pen
  • 11:46 Grogu toggle Pen
  • 14:37 Olivetti Pen
  • 20:08 The Ladybehive Pen
  • 21:56 Animation on the web
  • 25:50 What’s the tech stack for clients?
  • 30:20 Shaping text with CSS

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The post 385: Kristopher Van Sant appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#42 – Marcel Schmitz on Finding Work With Codeable and Working With WooCommerce

On the podcast today we have Marcel Schmitz.

Marcel is a freelancer at Codeable for Pluginslab, a small agency based in Porto, Portugal, which by good coincidence is where WordCamp Europe took place this year.

He first got first involved with WordPress back in 2011, taking advantage of the platform because it was easy to make client websites; not having to create a complete CMS solution from scratch. It’s been an unbreakable relationship since then. However, it’s been a journey of constant change. Mobile came along, and Marcel’s been connecting apps to WordPress since 2012, building mobile apps that use AR and Gutenberg to connect with WooCommerce.

We talk on the podcast today about the opportunities Codeable has offered him and how it fits in with his life. As you’ll hear, he’s pretty keen on the fact that it gives him a reliable stream of work without the need for him to go out and find it.

Codeable is a platform which connects developers with clients needing work. They find the clients, and the developer does the work. But what’s really involved in this transaction? What kind of work is available on the platform? Who can join, and how can Codeable and the clients both be sure that the developers are qualified and able to carry out the projects that they take on?

Marcel certainly seems to have had a very positive experience with Codeable and explains the nuts and bolts of how you get started, what developers need to bring to the table and how Codeable mediates disputes which might arise.

Towards the end of the podcast, we talk about Marcel’s work using AR and WooCommerce, as well as a brief foray into how he sees headless WordPress working with WooCommerce in the future; what are the benefits and what are some of the drawbacks?

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air-conditioning. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.




[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley.

Jukebox as a podcast, which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case finding WooCommerce work through Codeable.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast, player of choice. Or by going to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy and paste that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m very keen to hear from you and hopefully get you all your idea featured on the show. Head over to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Marcel Schmitz. Marcel is a freelancer at Codeable for pluginslab, a small agency based in Porto, Portugal, which by good coincidence is where WordCamp Europe took place this year.

He first got involved with WordPress back in 2011, taking advantage of the platform because it was easy to create clients’ websites, not having to create a complete CMS solution from scratch.

It’s been an unbreakable relationship since then. However, it’s been a journey of constant change. Mobile came along, and Marcel’s been connecting apps to WordPress since 2012. Building mobile apps that use AR and Gutenberg to connect with WooCommerce.

We talk on the podcast today about the opportunities Codeable has afforded him and how it fits in with his life. As you’ll hear, he’s pretty keen on the fact that it gives him a reliable stream of work without the need for him to go out and find it.

Codeable is a platform which connects developers with clients needing work. They find the clients and the developer does the work. But what’s really involved in this transaction? What kind of work is available on the platform? Who can join, and how can Codeable and the clients both be sure that the developers are qualified and able to carry out the projects that they take on?

Marcel certainly seems to have had a very positive experience with Codeable and explains the nuts and bolts of how you get started, what developers need to bring to the table and how Codeable mediates disputes which might arise.

Towards the end of the podcast, we talk about Marcel’s work using AR and WooCommerce. As well as a brief foray into how he sees headless WordPress, working with WooCommerce in the future. What are the benefits and what are some of the drawbacks?

Typically when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air conditioning. And whilst the podcasts are more than listable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all of the links in the show notes by heading over to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast, where you’ll find all the other episodes as well.

And so without further delay, I bring you Marcel Schmitz.

I am joined by Marcel Schmitz. Hello, Marcel.

[00:04:09] Marcel Schmitz: Hello. Thank you.

[00:04:10] Nathan Wrigley: It’s very nice to have you here. First of all, let’s get a few introductions out the way. Tell us a little bit about WordCamp Europe and why you are here.

[00:04:16] Marcel Schmitz: So, WordCamp Europe is very special to me because I’ve been living in Porto for 35 years. I was, born in Brazil I have German citizenship and yeah, my parents came here in 1988, so I’m here the whole time and I’m not gonna change this city for any other. I’m very much in love with the city. So obviously WordCamp Europe is very special for me, especially because I’m getting all my friends, WordPress friends, together in the city that I know very well, show them around. So yeah, it’s super special occasion.

[00:04:46] Nathan Wrigley: It’s just the nicest of spots isn’t it? Yeah. So really kind of unusual for you in that you basically can go home to your own bed in the evening,

[00:04:56] Marcel Schmitz: Right. That’s very unusual. That’s also at the same time, very practical, I guess I have the flexibility to just jump home very quickly, grab my things and just go with it. Nonetheless, for the last two days I’ve been at a hotel. It’s easier with the logistic at home, with my wife, my kid going to school because they’re still in school by this time of year. So for me not to interfere with their normal schedule, I’m just staying in a hotel.

[00:05:23] Nathan Wrigley: That’s really ingenious. Your reason for being here is what? As far as I know, you’re not got a speaking engagement. You’re here as a, as an attendee?

[00:05:31] Marcel Schmitz: Correct, yeah. That’s correct. This time, and every WordCamp Europe, we have also Codeable experts here. Which are people who I work with every day. And we have also people from Codeable staff here. So one of the main reasons to attend this is obviously to meet all these people. There are a lot of experts that we didn’t get to meet in person for a long time. It has been a couple of years. It’s one of the reasons is that obviously.

And the second reason I would say there’s a lot of good talks that I would like to keep up. There’s new things that came out. There’s also other people from other teams, from Automattic, from WooCommerce etcetera, that I would like very much to meet.

That’s basically it. It’s such a good opportunity to be in person with everyone, and to be together after all these years. It just makes it a wonderful time everyone being together.

[00:06:15] Nathan Wrigley: Can I just try to paint a picture of your work life? In that you, I’m guessing that your large amount of your income comes from Codeable.

[00:06:23] Marcel Schmitz: Yes, that’s right.

[00:06:24] Nathan Wrigley: So, not necessarily dwelling on the Codeable piece itself yet, but just tell us what is it that you do? How does your work flow towards you? Are you basically taking on work that Codeable put in your inbox, if you like, and you can accept and decline things? And have you found that way of living to be enjoyable or is it stressful? Do you have to generate a lot of your own work or does it just land in your lap?

[00:06:47] Marcel Schmitz: Right. So we have a very special place in our platform where everybody who’s an expert, who got access and who got admitted to the platform has a list of opportunities. And those are clients who come in. They register their projects. They have a project description. They ask for a specific area of expertise, and we just browse those projects. And we just get to choose whatever wanna work with. Basically what starts then is a conversation between us, the experts and the client.

So multiple experts can come in and also ask questions and present themselves. And yeah, after a couple of messages we exchange, we talked about the project, we scope it out. And that basically then the clients decides if you want to hire us or not. Basically, I look for the job that I want.

I read what the client needs to do. If it fits my area of expertise, I’m gonna interact with the client. That is an awesome way to do it for me, because you get to pick how much you wanna work. If you will have a planned a couple of days off, you can do that. You can also talk with a client, this is gonna take four weeks, five weeks, six weeks, whatever time it will take to complete the project. And you can add a little bit buffer to that so you can manage anything in between. So it’s absolutely not stressful, is actually something that gives you the most control possible as a freelancer, right?

[00:08:03] Nathan Wrigley: Let’s just sort of dig a little bit deeper into that then. So you’re looking at your inbox for things to drop into it, where you, you are given an opportunity and you can peruse it and decide if it’s for you or not. And then how does it go from there? You say, actually this piece of work I’m interested in, and then you just hand it back to Codeable and they say, okay, we’ll communicate. And how is it confirmed that Marcel ,you’ve got the job and not somebody else?

[00:08:23] Marcel Schmitz: Right. So all the communications are done by the experts themselves. So Codeable does not interfere with the conversation between the expert and the client. If we find that the task is interesting to us, we just start typing in what we call the workroom and that project that is there is gonna be then the place where the conversation happens between the client and the expert themselves.

And so it is then up to the client to decide if he wants to work with that specific expert. The client has access to a profile and on the profile, the experts say what they’re good at, what their area of expertise, their work portfolio, everything that it worked before. And they can also read reviews that other previous clients have left for that specific expert.

[00:09:02] Nathan Wrigley: How do you get the bonafides to be an expert? In other words, if I was to hire you and you’ve got on your portfolio, that I dunno you maybe a React expert or something like that. Where does the trust come from? Apart from the reviews, I can see that you’ve done this piece of work, and you’ve obviously got an amazing litany of reviews and everything that you’ve done everybody’s happy with. But when you launch into the platform, presumably there must be some kind of vetting process where you’ve got to prove that you can actually do what you claim you do.

[00:09:27] Marcel Schmitz: Right. So, the vetting process is multi-phase process that goes from interviews to coding to a time where you do some trial and you have to present some code. You are also given a small task. You have to communicate with a client. So then from the Codeable side, there are people who are gonna look at that who are gonna evaluate if that’s at their standard, what they’re requiring. And that’s not only in the coding part on the technical part that you have to be an expertise.

Also on the soft skills, like talking to the client, being polite, being able to explain what is happening or what is he’s going to do. So for an expert that comes in and has zero in their project count, zero in their client count, it will very much rely on what he writes as his presentation on his portfolio. Obviously these are people who are, are not starting as the developers right now, right? So they’ve previously worked either with other agencies or they have been freelancers themselves. So, they already have some expertise and some experience in different areas, that they’re gonna present in their profiles, right?

And after the first project and the second and the third coming in, those numbers are gonna be coming up. Reviews are gonna come up. But I guess the most important part, I’m pretty sure this is what happens with most of the experts, is that the conversation that we have with the client at that moment for that project is the most important tool that you have.

And it is what the client is gonna rely the most. If he understands that you know what you’re talking about, or if he feels comfortable that your solutions that you’re providing your, they have a problem and you have a solution and you explain it very clearly, and the client feels comfortable with your replies. That’s exactly what the client is gonna be inclined to work with you. And then later, perhaps gonna look at the profile and see what you’ve done in the past. But I think if you really show in that conversation that you know how to solve that problem, he’s gonna be very comfortable hiring you.

[00:11:17] Nathan Wrigley: If you work for an agency or something like that, there’s a career path, isn’t there? There’s a trajectory. You start on the, the lower rung of the ladder. And as time goes on, you move up towards the top or you may flip to a different agency or something like that. Is there things built into systems like Codeable to enable you to do that? In other words, do you have to reauthenticate yourself as an expert every few years? And can you say actually now I’d, I’d also like to add this badge to my portfolio? I’ve done some work in React and I can claim that I’m good at that as well.

[00:11:46] Marcel Schmitz: Right. You can always do that, right. So you can always update and can you always go there and say, oh, I’ve worked for the first time on a React project. I’ve learned React, and it went very well. Now I can go out there and say, I am now have the experience in React, and I’m gonna propose myself as a React developer. Yes, you can definitely do that.

And also on the platform, you can work as a freelancer by yourself. You don’t have to be belonging to an agency or you don’t have to have a company behind it. But if you have, like it is in my case, there is one person, one face, one name, and you indicate that you belong to an agency, and you just name other persons that might interact with your name on the platform so that everybody knows, okay, this is Marcel’s company, but there might be people talking on behalf of Marcel.

They will be clearly identified. They will talk with them. So, the adding of the expertise can also come from other agencies, having other experts coming into the agency. But for that to happen also Codeable needs to know that they need to know who are those people. And that’s basically how we then make sure that everybody knows exactly what they’re doing, right.

[00:12:50] Nathan Wrigley: If I was to work in an agency and let’s say I was the agency owner, and I suddenly took on 3,000 staff, this would be the death of my business because I couldn’t afford payroll. But I’m just wondering about the piece in there of, is there a limit, do you know if there’s a limit? In other words, if 6,000 people show up tomorrow with the bonafides to say, I can do React at a really high level, do they all get taken into the platform or is there some kind of system to protect the people who’ve first through the door if you’d like?

[00:13:17] Marcel Schmitz: Right. So I wouldn’t say 6,000 is acceptable in the platform. It’s not viable. There is no way somebody would show up in the platform with that many experts, because, I mean for him to get those 6,000, he has to have already the infrastructure to deal with them, right? There are certainly people who have, 15, 20, expertise or people working for the agency. I dunno if there’s a limit, but I would say 20, 30 is enough. But the funny thing is that there are three more times projects than experts right now at the platform.

That’s a good problem to have, right? It’s not that easily solvable, it’s not just adding more experts and experts because the whole issue is you have to be good at communicating. You have to speak English perfect. Well, not perfectly, but at least in a way that people understand you. And you have to be obviously presentable. There are some opportunities and times where you go and have a consultation call that involves a video call. There’s a lot of other elements to that, that will try to make that client feel comfortable with the platform.

And people when they get in this platform, because it is not like any other platform out there. They will struggle initially a little bit into getting into the whole way of functioning, right? So it is not an easy onboarding. It’s not as easy as, here’s an agency with 300 developers, let’s put them on the platform and problem solved. Because there’s still a lot of communication to go, right?

And there are clients who don’t want to just hire another agency for that, and just have one face representing them. They wanna have close contact to whoever is developing their project. They wanna know exactly what’s going on. They don’t want to have a chain to go through to know why that specific code didn’t work, why the test fails or something like that. So it’s very, very unique to smaller teams, or even like down to this one freelance developer who just gained the trust of this client, and he’s gonna hire you over and over again.

[00:15:04] Nathan Wrigley: You mentioned that there was three times, at the moment we’re recording this when WordCamp Europe is on. So maybe the numbers will go up. Maybe they’ll go down. But, roughly at the moment there’s three times more people offering work than there are people to fulfill that work.

[00:15:15] Marcel Schmitz: Correct.

[00:15:17] Nathan Wrigley: A housing market analogy might be it’s a seller’s market. So that’s quite something.

[00:15:20] Marcel Schmitz: It is.

[00:15:21] Nathan Wrigley: So you get to turn things down because they’re not, well, you can cherry pick basically.

[00:15:26] Marcel Schmitz: You can cherry pick. That’s the whole beauty of it. And it goes back to your question where you asked, if you feel stressful, if you feel, uh, happy or okay. That’s exactly it. So you get to choose which project you wanna work with. And also the same way that the clients get a read on you as an expert in how we communicate and how you interact with the client.

The same we get from the client, right. So if the client spends time explaining what he wants. If he puts the documentation out. If he provides you with screenshots. If he has drawn on a piece of paper, anything that he wants to build, that shows that the client has interest and the time to invest in whatever he wants to do, right? So when we go cherry pick is not only about the project that we feel comfortable with. It’s also in regards to the client. So we’ll try to figure out if there’s a good client to have, or to try at least get this project going. And I can say in my portfolio of clients, I’ve worked with 160 different clients already, and it’s been 70 percent of the work is repetitive, is returning clients that come back and wants something else.

That goes to show that it’s all about communication, about building that trust. And that’s also one of the reasons why we have this ratio, right? Three more times project and experts because we tend to keep old clients, right. And they’re gonna obviously post on the platform as well. Obviously immediately be picked up by you and you will work on them. So you have less time to get new clients in, right?

[00:16:47] Nathan Wrigley: Do Codeable help you in, let’s say you run up against something, a problem. Are you left to your own devices or is there support and help there? And then another sort of slightly related question? Equipment, technology, the computer, the internet connection. Does any of that get rolled into the, the thing that Codeable provide? In other words, once you join the platform, are there certain minimum things that you must have? Certain commitments in terms of I’m gonna work this many hours a week, you must have a computer of this standard. Just run all of that by us.

[00:17:13] Marcel Schmitz: Right? Sure. So, there’s absolutely no minimum technical requirements at all, because by the time you get to the vetting process, you will pass through a process, whether they will eventually know what you’re doing, right. And a developer that has been doing this for many many years knows exactly what he needs and what he wants. So in the technical aspect, there’s absolutely no minimal requirements.

As to the support that Codeable provides, 100%. New experts that come in, they usually have a hard time picking tasks. Other more, more experienced experts go in faster and communicate in a faster pace than the recently joined ones. And so Codeable sometimes go and help those people pick projects for them, right. And there’s also like Slack, which is an awesome tool that we use to promote projects that weren’t picked up because there’s so many coming in, they were overlooked or there’s so many people looking for any other types of projects.

So new experts that come in, they will get support from Codeable, and they have Codeable staff to pick some of the projects for them. Like this first project, good first projects to have for them to start building their client relationship.

[00:18:18] Nathan Wrigley: In terms of the way that Codeable keeps itself going, obviously there must be some sort of financial benefit to Codeable providing you with all this stuff. How does that work? Do they suggest a fee or are you in charge of what you are gonna be charging for a particular project or do they set a fee for a certain type of work and, what’s their cut, and all of that kind of stuff?

[00:18:35] Marcel Schmitz: So, that’s another very good aspect of belonging to the Codeable community because we get to fix our own price, but there is a range. So the minimum would be $70 an hour and the maximum would be $120 an hour. So it’s the higher end rate that I would say in the WordPress area. But then again, that means that you have to position yourself within what do you think is your expertise worth. In my case, I’ve been working with WooCommerce for more than 10 years.

I’m a little bit on the upper range. But also, I’m also very quickly able to tell the person what he needs to do, and how many hours it’s gonna take for me to do that. So it’s all on our hands. So we have the scope of the project, and we’re gonna go there, and this takes eight hour. My rate is such and such. And we put the estimate on the workroom. And on top of that, Codeable then charges the client 17.5 percent, and then it also takes from our ends 10%.

So we contribute with 10% of our revenue, to the platform for them to keep the work going and to help us get the clients and also to mitigate any conflict that there is. Right. So if there is any disputes of some sorts, Codeable will immediately be the middle part of that. And we’ll try to get everything together. And the client, the 17.5%, same thing. So if the client doesn’t find an expert, if nobody replies, if they need some sort of an additional information about how to build a project or how to promote it into the platform, Codeable will also be there to help him out. So that’s how they build their, their business around that.

[00:20:02] Nathan Wrigley: We’ve talked a lot about it from your side, so let’s just flip it very quickly before we get onto the WooCommerce bit to close it out. From the client perspective, you just mentioned that things go wrong, right? Agencies, freelancers and clients, they’re not always a match made in heaven. Things do go pear shaped and, you know, disagreements arise. Let’s talk about that. How do you ensure, how do you basically do quality assurance? What is the disagreement process? And are you, as a member of Codeable, it sounds like you are kind of immune from that discussion. They take that a bit away from you.

[00:20:31] Marcel Schmitz: Well, not immediately. So obviously you are responsible for everything that you do with the, um, project in particular and with the client, all the communication. And sometimes when a client does find that something is missing was not done according to scope or the expert is not responding or is not being clear.

Immediately the client can contact the support team and the support team will contact the expert and try to get things sorted out, right. Most of the time I would say I never had a dispute where Codeable would needs to apply, there’s a certain way for them to solve this dispute, right. So there’s a form that we fill out and everybody explains their part, and they then mitigate this. But until it reaches that point, you have a lot of opportunity to talk to the client. So in my experience at the beginning, I had a couple of clients were more difficult ones and you sort of like learn from that experience, right.

And, and sometimes the client also understands that it didn’t understand before how the platform works, and all the change requests that come after that. How, why should I pay for a change request? This is obviously it should be red instead of green, right. But it’s not written green, it’s written red, right. So all these little bits can obviously build up to then not getting into a good relationship. It’s mainly up to you and yeah, Codeable helps you also mitigate that before they themselves present us. Okay. We are here, we’re gonna help solve this.

[00:21:46] Nathan Wrigley: Is your expertise in Codeable then, WooCommerce, is that the thing that you’ve nailed your flag, you’ve that to the mast?

[00:21:51] Marcel Schmitz: Yes. 100%.

[00:21:54] Nathan Wrigley: So tell us about your interest in WooCommerce. Why WooCommerce as opposed to just regular WordPress? Is that just an area that you got interested in? Do you love e-commerce? It’s obviously a bit more of a niche and there’s actual money to be made from those websites, which is quite interesting.

[00:22:07] Marcel Schmitz: Correct. So my initial interest in WooCommerce goes back to a dream that I once had, that I thought would be my business in the future. That would be have a marketplace online to sell different products and to have, to help local shops around my city to have their products online and sell them.

And when I came first in contact with WooCommerce and the ability that we have to build a store online and don’t spend no money at all in getting there. It’s very fascinating. And then all the things that come with it, the scalability and the fact that you can connect it to other mediums. The fact that you can make it so fast that it’s not comparable to other platforms.

So everything that goes around WooCommerce is very interesting. But the building of the business, the helping others build their business, and they got fired, now they wanna do something else. They have an idea and you come in and say, hey, this is WooCommerce. This is how you set up subscriptions, or this is how you sell courses and et cetera. It’s fascinating how people get inspired by the platform and by the tool and how you can help them get there and have a successful business out of that. That is the fascinating part of it.

[00:23:10] Nathan Wrigley: This next sentence is based upon no data whatsoever, but I’m gonna ask it anyway. It feels like the pandemic may have been a good time to be into WooCommerce. Is that true?

[00:23:23] Marcel Schmitz: Yes, that’s 100%. I don’t have any specific data as well, but I’ve seen my work increase three times during the pandemic. And a lot of them were first time businesses that wanted to go online and they wanted to start a new thing, and this was their opportunity. Many of them come with very little knowledge what is to sell a product, because sell a product is not only put it out there and get the money. It’s also providing support, pre-sales questions, everything that has to do with a broken product or anything that doesn’t work on the website. So there’s a lot of other things around the business and online business.

So, definitely the pandemic gave a huge opportunity for those experts to increase in our number of clients. But I would say the most important part that I picked up from this time was how people found a new way to get their living and to build a business. And some of them are quite up there right now so, they’re basically not going back to their previous job and what they were doing before.

[00:24:19] Nathan Wrigley: So with the analogy of a seesaw, it goes up, it also goes down. During the pandemic, up it goes and are we seeing a decline?

[00:24:27] Marcel Schmitz: No.

[00:24:28] Nathan Wrigley: Really, okay.

[00:24:29] Marcel Schmitz: Defininitely not.

[00:24:30] Nathan Wrigley: It’s, maintaining, it’s gone up and it stays up.

[00:24:32] Marcel Schmitz: It is. And I think one of the reasons behind that is because these people that during the pandemic started doing their businesses, they told others and they are an example for others. And maybe those other who didn’t quite have a hard time as the previous ones had during the pandemic, they started think, oh, maybe this can be a side business, or maybe I can do something as I do my regular work. And so it’s constantly increasing.

[00:24:56] Nathan Wrigley: That’s absolutely fascinating. Again, based upon no data, I would’ve assumed it to go down. So couple of years ago, came onto my radar that Shopify was just going like the bomb. Everybody was talking about it. It was increasing. Seems like that conversation continues. It seems like it’s going really well. If I were a developer and I wanted to go for Shopify development or I wanted to go to WooCommerce development, clearly you’ve gone for Woo. Just paint the picture of why Woo, not a proprietary SaaS.

[00:25:26] Marcel Schmitz: You can do anything that you want with WooCommerce, anything, right. And Shopify is for a specific type of online business, it’s not for everyone. And you as a developer are very limited within the Shopify platform. The limitation is to. probably in some type of business, is not bad because it also provides stability of the platform.

There are certain critical areas of a e-commerce solution that cannot fail. Payment methods cannot fail. The shipping part cannot fail. People have to check out. There is the conversion rate that has to be assured so that the business is successful. And WooCommerce on the other side gives you so much more flexibility in changing things around that we’ll meet the client’s expections. But also at the same time, it makes you more responsible for doing everything right, right?

Every single developer that works with WordPress and with WooCommerce has seen code that is probably not up to standards, right. There are many different ways to do the same thing. And so with WooCommerce, you have so much flexibility, but if you do it exactly by code, by standard, you’re gonna get that performance that you need. You’re gonna get every single bit of customization that a client wants.

And we’ve done a couple of conversions from Shopify to WooCommerce where they say this now finally feels like I can do anything that I want. But you have always obviously to explain, yeah, you can do anything they want, but it comes with a price. You have to be also more responsible. The things that we request, right? Because not everybody understands that changing a checkout page may influence how people check out, or if they even check out at all. So that comes with responsibilities as well.

[00:26:59] Nathan Wrigley: You were talking earlier about the fact that you can cherry pick a little bit. If somebody came into the Codeable platform and said, I just need a basic WooCommerce site, that maybe is something that you are not interested in these days, because you’ve gone through that a number of times I imagine, and maybe the interest isn’t there. And when we were setting up this interview, you mentioned all sorts of incredibly ingenious and interesting things that you are doing on the other end. You’re basically using WooCommerce as a conduit to push data to mobile platforms and all that. Tell us about some of the exciting, cutting edge stuff that you’ve been involved in recently.

[00:27:28] Marcel Schmitz: Well, just to go up to your question previously a normal website that comes in, a regular business, small shop. I would not immediately reject it because it’s small. It’s exactly on that opportunity that I think it’s the most fascinating, right? So, because it’s a green project. It’s very new. There are so many things that can be done. There is an idea. There is a product. There is a person who’s gonna invest in that and is gonna put effort into working on that project.

And there’s a lot of opportunities to guide that person into the right direction, right. And if the results come quick, the person will immediately figure out that you’re a good partner for them to work as the technology goes. As far as more complicated projects, yeah I think one of the most interesting ones is an app that we did for a client that were selling ear rings.

And you would use your phone camera to emulate how they look on your ears. So you would just point the camera towards your face, and you would choose the earrings that would match you the best. And all of that was done using WooCommerce on the background. The 3d models that were attached to the products within WooCommerce, and they were just using the Rest API to upload them to the app. And basically everything worked natively. So the browsing of the products, looking up the descriptions, doing the augmented reality stuff, that was all based on WooCommerce, yeah.

[00:28:43] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. That’s incredible. And probably very interesting.

[00:28:45] Marcel Schmitz: It’s awesome. And, also at the same time is very challenging. And the challenging part here was get the 3d model right. Because it was so impactful that the color has to be there. The shape has to be there, because you’re emulating a 3d object in an environment. The shadow has also to be right. The cool part about that was that on iOS, we are so advanced with augmented reality right now, that if I would be in this room and the light would be coming from a direction, the 3d model would understand where the light comes from and it would change the shadow on that 3d object. So it make, looks more natural on yourself. And that was the surprising part of that project. And, and it was really interesting.

[00:29:25] Nathan Wrigley: Very quickly just to wrap it up, because sadly we’re running out of time. We have restrictions on the amount of time that we can go. One of the things that you mentioned in the information that you passed to me was headless. Headless WooCommerce, just like I said briefly, tell us what that all means.

[00:29:39] Marcel Schmitz: I do think that the headless word carries too much negative connotation, because it has become a trend almost like, hey, I’m an awesome developer. I can completely detach the front end from the back end. And I’ve implemented 1000 different packages or libraries or whatever. And this works very fast. Awesome. Right, but what can you do else with it? Can you install plugins and they do show up on the front end? Can you change the checkout page for anything that you would like to have? No, you can’t.

So what I found fascinating about headless is not everything has to run on the server, right? So if you have a regular WooCommerce store, most of the HTML that you see on the screen is firstly generated on the server and then passed to the browser. As we have more advanced computers, we have browsers are more capable, some of that job can be done on the client side and client side means on the browser, right?

So headless for me, it’s super interesting because, there are upcoming technologies who will divide the work that the server does and the work that the client will do. Not everything should be on the client side as well. So there’s no extreme. There’s like not 8, not 80. We have to find a 40 in the middle.

And that’s the challenging part. So with some of the parts, and that’s what I’ve been experimenting lately, can be done in a headless way. Browsing through a project catalog doesn’t need server work. It can be everything done in the client work. But then again, the checkout page, it can be completely detached from the server, but should it be? Is that the real solution for the problem?

Do we have a problem in that regard? Because we can also supercharge the server and the checkout page can also be awesomely fast, and we don’t need to bring all the work to the client side, right? But what’s fascinating is that we have so much tools right now, the Rest API is at it’s best right now, and we can do anything with them and we can check out, we can work with a cart. Gutenberg is obviously a tool that you use to make everything work on the front end side. It works faster. It is much more easier for the clients to manage and to build the pages. But it doesn’t have to be everything on the client’s side. That’s where I see the challenge to decide where to put the weight.

[00:31:40] Nathan Wrigley: Marcel Schmitz, thank you for joining us. Thanks for telling about how you find work and about the interesting work that you do.

[00:31:46] Marcel Schmitz: Thank you very much Thank you.

384: The 300 Sparks Milestone

We just recently published the 300th CodePen Spark. Marie joins me on the show, as she leads up the creation of the vast majority of Spark newsletters. We get into things like why we do it, how we create it, how we send it, and things we’ve learned along the way sending a newsletter of this magnitude. We have some interesting failsafe procedures in place. Plus we get into some of the analytic numbers behind what we’re doing. Here’s to another upcoming many hundred more!

Time Jumps

  • 00:19 Welcome
  • 01:03 What’s the point of The Spark?
  • 03:15 How we build The Spark
  • 11:36 When we send it
  • 12:56 Our most hated issue
  • 15:23 Sponsor: Notion
  • 17:09 What’s new in The Spark?
  • 25:40 Two person sign off for the Spark
  • 28:54 Advertisers for the Spark
  • 30:04 Analyzing the numbers for The Spark
  • 34:40 What goes in to The Spark?

Sponsor: Notion

Notion is an amazing collaborative tool that not only helps organize your company’s information but helps with project management as well. We know that all too well here at CodePen, as we use Notion for countless business tasks. Learn more and get started for free at notion.com. Take your first step toward an organized, happier team, today.

The post 384: The 300 Sparks Milestone appeared first on CodePen Blog.

383: Soft Delete All

In this show, Stephen and Chris get to talk about an internal technical detail we were improving in our database, which led to a public-facing feature for y’all. The idea is that all (most, anyway) database tables should have a deleted_at column. When you query against them, under regular circumstances, any rows that have a non-null value will be filtered out. This is the concept of “soft” delete. It’s not really gone from the database, it just behaves like it is. This has two clear benefits:

  1. Deleting is super fast, it’s just manipulating a single value.
  2. It opens the door for un-deleting things that perhaps were mistakenly deleted.

This approach can be slightly more work. You’ll need to offer a way to truly wipe data completely for users. You’ll probably want a reaper to clean up data that has been deleted long enough. You’ll need to comply with regulations about data deletion. You might have to build un-deletion features. You might need to be doing that filtering yourself throughout the app. It’s work, but it’s generally worth it.

In our case, because we soft delete everything on CodePen now, the Deleted Items area of Your Work now works for all Item Types (Pens, Collections, and Projects). Before, it only worked for Pens, and even there it was a little messy as it didn’t retain the URL slug or comments and such — now it does.

Time Jumps

  • 00:14 Welcome
  • 00:56 Bulk delete and now soft delete
  • 03:56 Delete regret
  • 05:01 Logging what happened
  • 05:24 Sponsor: Memberful
  • 07:17 Instead of deleting in the database, what we do is…
  • 13:33 Concerns with deleting data
  • 15:03 API work and cleanup
  • 18:48 What is soft delete?

Sponsor: Memberful

Memberful is a best-in-class membership software used by the web’s biggest creators. If you’re building a membership website for a client, Memberful handles the hard stuff so you can complete your builds quickly and your clients can focus on creating content while earning revenue with ease. It seamlessly integrates with popular tools like WordPress, Mailchimp, and Discord, so they can reach and monetize their existing audience. Memberful maintains GraphQL API, webhooks, and OAuth Single Sign on to make integration even easier.

Help your client monetize their passion. Get started for free at Memberful.com

The post 383: Soft Delete All appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#41 – Laura Nelson on How To Create a Profitable Newsletter

On the podcast today, we have Laura Nelson.

Laura is a Content Marketer at WooCommerce where she’s responsible for creating and planning engaging content for their users.

Prior to WooCommerce she worked at MailPoet, an email marketing plugin for WordPress, and before that, she worked at Pragmatic, a UK based WordPress agency.

She’s on the show to share her experience about how you can, and why you might want to, set up a paid email newsletter.

When I hear the word newsletter, I’m typically thinking of the information which drops into your inbox on a regular basis. We’ve all surrendered our email addresses in return for some product or service. We agree to receive emails on the understanding that we can unsubscribe at some point. Perhaps a few of these emails really resonate with you, but it’s likely that you’ve unsubscribed from many as the content is no longer wanted.

This kind of email marketing is not always viewed favourably, and is not the kind of technique that Laura is on podcast to talk about.

Her pitch is that email newsletters can themselves be a product. That people will pay to receive your emails, and she’s got data and examples to back it up.

I suppose that the closest analogy would be people who create an online course. You have an area of expertise; you do the hard work of creating the course and people will pay for a membership to have the benefit of learning from your expertise.

Laura is describing something similar to that. The only difference being that instead of a course, people will pay to receive your emails, knowing that you’re going to bring value to them regularly.

I know that this can be done, because, as you will hear, I’m a subscriber of some of the emails which Laura mentions.

This is not a get rich quick scheme. It’s hard work and you’ve got to cultivate your audience and give them something of value, repeatedly.

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air-conditioning. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope ‌you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.

Jack’s Flight Club

Dense Discovery

Daily Coding Problem

Litmus Email Testing

Email on Acid


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley.

Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case how WordPress can be the backbone of a profitable newsletter.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice, or by going to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to share on the podcast, I’m keen to hear from you and hopefully get you all your idea featured on the show. Head over to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the contact form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Laura Nelson.

Laura is a content marketer at WooCommerce, where she’s responsible for creating and planning engaging content for their users. Prior to WooCommerce she worked at MailPoet, an email marketing plugin for WordPress, and before that she worked at Pragmatic, a UK based WordPress agency.

She’s on the show to explore her experience of how you can, and while you might want to set up a paid email newsletter.

When I hear the word newsletter, I’m typically thinking about the information which drops into your inbox on a daily basis. We’ve all surrendered our email addresses in return for some product or service. We agree to receive emails on the understanding that we can unsubscribe at some point.

Perhaps a few of these emails really resonate with you, but it’s likely that you unsubscribed from many as the content was no longer wanted. This kind of email marketing is not always viewed favorably, and it’s not the kind of technique that Laura is talking about on the podcast today. Her pitch is that email newsletters can themselves be a product? That people will pay to receive your emails, and she’s got data and examples to back it up.

I suppose that the closest analogy would be people who create an online course. You have an area of expertise. You do the hard work of creating the course and people will pay for a membership to have the benefit of learning from your expertise.

Laura is describing something similar to that. The only difference being that instead of a course, people will pay to receive your emails, knowing that you’re going to bring value to them regularly. I know that this can be done because as you will hear, I’m a ,subscriber to some of the emails which Laura mentioned.

This is not a get rich quick scheme. It’s hard work and you’ve got to cultivate your audience and give them something of value, repeatedly.

Typically when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air conditioning. And whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were a play.

One last thing to mention is that I’ll be attending WordCamp US next week. And as a result there won’t be a podcast episode. If you’re going to be there. I do hope that our paths cross.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the podcast, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast. And you’ll find all the other episodes of there as well.

And so without further delay, I bring you Laura Nelson.

I am joined on the podcast by Laura Nelson. Hello.

[00:04:19] Laura Nelson: Hello.

[00:04:20] Nathan Wrigley: Laura did a talk yesterday?

[00:04:23] Laura Nelson: Yesterday afternoon. Yep. So I’m feeling pretty good today.

[00:04:27] Nathan Wrigley: You’re feeling happy. Yeah, she did a talk at WordCamp Europe, 2022. What was it entitled? What was it about?

[00:04:32] Laura Nelson: It was how to create a paid newsletter subscription in WordPress.

[00:04:35] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, and did it go well?

[00:04:38] Laura Nelson: I think so.

[00:04:39] Nathan Wrigley: So we’re gonna be talking today about newsletters. Obviously newsletters, they do seem to be all the rage.

[00:04:45] Laura Nelson: Yeah, every so often you hear like, email is dead, it’s all about TikTok and in fairness it is all about TikTok at the moment. But email marketing is amazing way to speak to your customers or your audience.

[00:04:57] Nathan Wrigley: Does the data back that up then? Reliably over the last 20 years, we can say email still works?

[00:05:02] Laura Nelson: Yeah, yeah. And conversion rates are far higher from email marketing than they are from like, if you tweet about your product or your services. Email marketing is golden in terms of conversion rates.

[00:05:13] Nathan Wrigley: That’s interesting. Just the interface is a little bit more, how to describe it? TikTok’s a bit more ephemeral. There’s a lot going on, and there’s a lot making you wish to scroll past all of the things. I think it’s the only thing that’s been with me for 20 years.

[00:05:26] Laura Nelson: Exactly. People are familiar with it. They know how it works, they know what to expect from an email. I think you’re capturing people at a good time, because generally they’re not gonna open their emails unless they have time to read your email. Whereas if you are like on Twitter and you’re like idly scrolling or you’ve got like two minutes, it forces them to stop, but they might not have time to take that information in. So email, it’s nice. It sits there. If you don’t have time to read it properly when you first open it, you can come back to it.

[00:05:53] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, that’s a good point. I was just thinking about that. And if I don’t log into Twitter for a few days, there’s almost no chance that I’m gonna see the things from three days ago, because I’m gonna start at the top. Yeah, that’s a really good point.

So, when you’re talking about newsletters, presumably we’re talking about a piece where people have subscribed to a newsletter, and you are then offering content to them. Is that basically the model?

[00:06:16] Laura Nelson: That’s right, yeah.

[00:06:17] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, and you are talking about getting paid and generating revenue, and it almost sounds like it’s too good to be true. You throw together a newsletter and suddenly, you become incredibly wealthy. Of course that’s not the case. There’s probably a lot of hard work. There’s probably a lot of expertise required. Is that true?

[00:06:33] Laura Nelson: Yes. I’d say the hardest part of this is building your list. So if you don’t already have people in your community or your audience available, you probably have to put a bit more effort into marketing. But in terms of expertise, you can write a newsletter about anything you want.

The example I gave in my talk yesterday was a newsletter about cats, and that’s an interest. I’m not an expert on cats, I just think cats are cute. And so, you can use them in whatever ways you want. I definitely don’t think you have to be an expert in a specific subject. If you are good at writing, or if you have interesting or unusual opinions about things, you can easily make an email newsletter.

[00:07:11] Nathan Wrigley: Before we pressed record, we talked about the fact that there is a rival platform, which I think by now probably most people have heard of. It’s called Substack. And you likened what you were describing in the talk and probably what we’re gonna be talking about as a, kind of an alternative to that.

[00:07:26] Laura Nelson: Yes. That’s right. Substack is huge now, and I can’t remember the figures off the top of my head, but there are millions of subscribers across all the Substack newsletters, I guess you’d call them. And the solution that I’m gonna be talking to you about is an alternative to keep that in WordPress, rather than outsourcing that to a different platform.

[00:07:46] Nathan Wrigley: Is there a strong reason in your head why you would not wish to go with the, it’s the SaaS versus WordPress argument. You could have this about a thousand different SaaS platforms. But is there a strong reason in your head why you wish to do it in WordPress and not just pay Substack the fee and get on with it over there?

[00:08:00] Laura Nelson: I think WordPress, I mean, WordPress lends itself to content. Like WordPress is where you publish content. And we’re talking about sharing content in a newsletter. And I think like this method, what most appeals about it to me is the fact that everything is in one place, and it’s familiar.

So if you already have a WordPress website or a business that’s using WordPress to power it then you don’t have to learn something new, it’s already, it’s just there. It can be extended onto what you are already doing.

[00:08:27] Nathan Wrigley: The payment bit, we’ll probably unpick the payment puzzle, but is this basically a paywall thing? In other words, are you restricting content? Are you only sending out to people who’ve paid? Or is it that you embed other things inside the newsletters, you know, upsells and subscriptions that people might join and so on?

[00:08:44] Laura Nelson: No, no, you are only sending the content to those who’ve paid. So it’s like a subscription, like you would, sign up to like a, I think you can get them for like dog and cat food, where they get delivered regularly. Then you, yeah, just like that. But instead you’re receiving content in your inbox.

[00:08:58] Nathan Wrigley: So you are going to describe to us a system built where you go to the website, you’re engaged, you sign up, you begin receiving emails and if your subscription payment is cancelled, the emails fail, and it stops.

[00:09:09] Laura Nelson: Yeah, that’s exactly it.

[00:09:11] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, so what plugins are you using?

[00:09:13] Laura Nelson: Yeah, so in addition to like being on a WordPress website, so disclaimer, I mean, if you’re not on WordPress, I don’t know why you’re listening to this.

[00:09:19] Nathan Wrigley: No, that’s probably fair.

[00:09:21] Laura Nelson: You’ll need like WooCommerce, MailPoet, which is an email marketing plugin for WordPress, and WooCommerce subscriptions.

[00:09:28] Nathan Wrigley: So the basic WooCommerce to sort of bind the whole subscription thing together. You add the subscription thing on top. And then there’s MailPoet. Is there any cost to any of that?

[00:09:36] Laura Nelson: Yeah, so WooCommerce subscriptions is $199 per year. MailPoet is free to use up to a thousand subscribers. So when you get beyond that, there’s tiered plans. But I think the lowest plan starts at around $12 or $15 per month. It’s quite reasonable.

[00:09:53] Nathan Wrigley: I’ve heard, and I don’t know where this number comes from, but I’ve heard that if your email list is a thousand people, roughly you can become profitable. And what I mean by that is that you can become profitable enough for it to become an important part of what you do. And it always felt that that was like a really, quite a low number.

But then having tried to create email lists in the past, I quickly realized actually a thousand is pretty hard to get to. It’s difficult to get people to surrender their email address. So is there any advice that you give to people essentially to give you their email address?

[00:10:25] Laura Nelson: Yeah. I think what works best is honesty. Be upfront and honest about what you’re gonna be sending to them. That you’re not gonna pass on your, their email to somebody else. And when you’re going to, like the frequency that they can expect to receive emails from you.

And then it’s just a case of making sure that the content that you’re including in it is really valuable, offers something a bit different or unique that they might not be able to read elsewhere. I mean, that’s like solid advice for if it’s a paid newsletter or not paid. And then it’s just another form of marketing.

So I recommend including, including a link to sign up in all of your normal email signatures, like from your Gmail or whatever you use. Use your social networks. If you have a good community on Twitter, let them know about your newsletter. Basically, plug it everywhere that you possibly can.

[00:11:13] Nathan Wrigley: Does the MailPoet solution, does it allow you to create, so forgive me, first of all, I’ve not used MailPoet, so I don’t know how the UI works, but does it allow you to basically create a post in WordPress, which is then fired out as an email?

[00:11:25] Laura Nelson: Yes and no. So if you mean like a post in WordPress that you’d be able to go onto a WordPress website and see it in like the blog section. It wouldn’t work that way around. If you had published a blog post on WordPress and then use MailPoet to send an email, it’s a tick, like a widget, that you drag in and a tick that and you can include that entire blog post in your email.

[00:11:45] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. So you create a normal blog post. Tick a box. When you click publish, it is converted to an email and sent out?

[00:11:52] Laura Nelson: Yeah. Or you drag it into like your email template, and you can add other stuff around it.

[00:11:56] Nathan Wrigley: Oh, okay. So you could put a different header and a different footer in? Okay.

[00:11:59] Laura Nelson: And in the case of the paid news letter though, you’d probably, in order to get people to sign up and pay for this, you don’t want that content being available on your website for free. So you’d probably want to write the post within the email itself. So it only lives there and not elsewhere.

[00:12:16] Nathan Wrigley: Yes, that wouldn’t make sense, would it? If it was a paid newsletter, and the content was available on your website.

[00:12:21] Laura Nelson: But you could use WooCommerce memberships. You could guard that and make it a private post and then link to it it.

[00:12:27] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. So as with all things WordPress, there’s a way.

[00:12:30] Laura Nelson: Yeah. You can add another layer to this if you want to do that.

[00:12:32] Nathan Wrigley: If somebody was to begin a completely new website. You know, they wanna talk about, I dunno, volcanoes or something. Then would you be able to do this on pretty modest hosting? Because it doesn’t feel like there’s a lot going on. Basic WordPress, basic WooCommerce, a couple of extra plugins, maybe really cheap hosting?

[00:12:50] Laura Nelson: Uh, yeah. Really, unless you are planning on adding loads of other products to your store or adding loads and loads of other content to your website. You can keep this really lean and get away with really cheap posting. It wouldn’t take much, you just need a product page really.

[00:13:05] Nathan Wrigley: The difficulty I think maybe is trying to get people to find your newsletter in the first place. And then of course there’s the problem of getting them to separate their email and give it to you. Have you got any advice for how you market your newsletter? Anything around there?

[00:13:21] Laura Nelson: Yeah. It’s funny. Someone asked me this yesterday after the talk and I, I said I could probably do an entire other presentation on this exact topic.

[00:13:30] Nathan Wrigley: Go deep, it’s good.

[00:13:31] Laura Nelson: So, what I was saying earlier about being really upfront about what you’re gonna be sending, when you’re gonna be sending it. Know what you’re doing with their email address. And you just really need to show some value. So you need to make sure that the content that you are creating is unique or if you do have an expertise in a certain area, really let people know, like why that’s important to them.

Content is all about problem solving for people. So you need to find out what problems people have. And if you can solve that in content, then let them know.

[00:14:03] Nathan Wrigley: I’m guessing that some things are going to be more of a labour of love than other things. Again if you’re producing the volcano newsletter, I’m expecting in the low single digits.

[00:14:12] Laura Nelson: Well you know, it’s a niche market I imagine. Maybe that would be more successful because you know, you get people who are really into something like that. You know, there’s probably not a lot. I dunno, I’m not, I’m not familiar with the volcano market. I’m not gonna lie, but, um, I kind of imagine there will be those niche areas like that, where if there’s not content being published about that or at least readily available to you, then you probably would pay. It’s like, oh yeah, I love that, and I’m really interested in that. So I would pay to receive.

[00:14:40] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. It’s interesting because of course you’ve gotta think about the person reading the content and whether volcanoes are gonna be of any interest to them, but also your ability to sustain this, is directly related to how interested you think it is.

So, you know, if you genuinely have no interest in volcanoes and you embark on that mission, probably it’s gonna dry up fairly quickly, and so I wonder if often people in this chase the big thing, the big shiny, exciting thing only to discover, you know, what, actually on a deep, personal level, I’m not interested in this, and the newsletter dries up and falters and fails.

[00:15:16] Laura Nelson: If you’re thinking about starting this up, you need to remember, it’s not just one email. It’s not just two. It has to have like longevity to it. So whatever it is, whatever topic you’re choosing, obviously you can’t possibly know what you might like to talk about or write about in six months time, but you need to make sure that the topic is either big enough or is like new things are happening in that area enough in order to sustain a long term newsletter.

[00:15:42] Nathan Wrigley: I wonder if this is like a perfect extension to people who are already doing things. They might have got a YouTube channel. They might have a WordPress website and they’re producing things. Or in this case here we are on a podcast. It may be that you’ve got that kind of thing. It feels like a bit of a no brainer to just add this on as a kind of value add. So you could have, well, I don’t know, content that only subscribers get, or things like that. Is that where the market seems to be leading.

[00:16:08] Laura Nelson: Absolutely. You obviously can start from scratch and it, technically it’s pretty easy to do so, in that respect. But, you’re gonna have more success if you already have, you need to make sure you already have an audience. And if you already have a business, you already have a customer base or an audience that are, are listening to you, and you’re communicating with. So yeah, I think it’s an obvious, like an easy fit for established businesses.

[00:16:34] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. So if you’ve got something going already. It’s almost like a missing piece of the jigsaw if you’re not doing it.

[00:16:39] Laura Nelson: It’s not to be used to like plug your products or services. It’s not like, I guess if you were to run a, an eCommerce store and you sell products, it’s not to be used like that. It’s like a highlight of, oh, we got these new trainers in stock etc. You have to be adding something of value, like an opinion or some content that they can’t get elsewhere. I think one of the, um, examples I gave yesterday was digital downloads. Like if you’re really good photographer, you could share your photos in an email newsletter and let have access to use your photos, you know? Like on a weekly basis like, 10 new photos every week or fortnight or something.

[00:17:18] Nathan Wrigley: So this is subscription, which means we must decide on a subscription term. Do you typically, would you say like go monthly? Is that, is that the easiest, least friction way to do it? Sort of asking people to separate money from their wallet, monthly, annually.

[00:17:34] Laura Nelson: I’d offer both a monthly option and then a yearly, maybe it would just slightly discounted. Because it’s great. If you have people signed up for a year or they’ve committed to that year, that’s excellent. But I’d always give people the option of monthly.

[00:17:45] Nathan Wrigley: My fear of offering an annual plan would be that I just dry up. You know, I’d be eight months in and I’d be, ah, I’ve got nothing else to say, and then I’ve got to think about the, the sort of refund process.

[00:17:58] Laura Nelson: Yeah. If you do that, you would probably have to refund people, but offering a yearly option is something you could consider after you’ve got into the groove of creating a newsletter and you think you can see it has a longer life to it.

[00:18:10] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah I know this, what we’ve been talking about is a WordPress thing. The piece that you described, the MailPoet and the WooCommerce bit is the way to get paid for that. Just briefly talking about alternative ways of doing that. The sponsorship bit, or the payment bit outside of WordPress. There’s things like Patreon and Ko-fi is that, an angle you’ve ever looked at or explored?

[00:18:30] Laura Nelson: Yeah, and like Substack. They’re all like really great platforms to use. But they’re outside of WordPress. So, I think the kind of unique angle here or for this approach is, if you want everything to be all in one place, if you’re already creating content in WordPress, don’t spend your time copying and pacing it over to a different piece of software. You can have it all like in one dashboard, basically. Ownership is a big part of that.

[00:18:59] Nathan Wrigley: Thorny question.

[00:19:01] Laura Nelson: Mm-hmm.

[00:19:01] Nathan Wrigley: Where are the email addresses stored?

[00:19:03] Laura Nelson: Right? So in MailPoet, no one else can see your subscriber’s email addresses. MailPoet takes, email best practices and security very seriously. We don’t even see the emails that get sent out via MailPoet. So they’re stored on, I think it’s like your server, they belong with you.

[00:19:22] Nathan Wrigley: Mm-hmm.

[00:19:23] Laura Nelson: They don’t come to MailPoet at any point. They are yours.

[00:19:26] Nathan Wrigley: That’s an interesting thing. And I guess you would need to be mindful of GDPR if you are storing people’s email addresses. Do you have any insight into whether those are in the database? Do you know whether they’re in an encrypted, in an encrypted form or not?

[00:19:40] Laura Nelson: This is a technical question that I am not able to answer, I’m afraid. At least not confidently. I think I know the answer, but I absolutely wouldn’t want to go on a podcast and tell everybody the wrong thing if that’s okay.

[00:19:51] Nathan Wrigley: That’s okay we could could look at that another time. And so have you got any good examples of newsletters where you could say, go and have a look at that one. Two or three that you think are really worthwhile where somebody’s done it just right. They’re doing really well.

[00:20:03] Laura Nelson: So the first one’s called Dense Discovery. None of these examples are actually of paid, well, actually I can give some paid newsletter examples. Let me start with Dense Discovery, which you can pay for, but they handle the payment a slightly different way. It’s more like a tip based system. Like if you enjoy this, you know, become a friend of the newsletter. But from a content perspective, I would pay to receive Dense Discovery.

If they offered it up as a subscription, I would do that. Cause I tip on a regular basis. It has a really good balance of the guy who’s created the newsletter called Kai, like his opinion, and his take on what’s happening in the world. There are some lovely resources for like design. He often shares like an illustrator and their work, as well as some like handy tools for like productivity at work.

So it’s kind like a nice, a nice blend of content. And it’s really regular. I know when I’m gonna receive it. It’s the same time each week, and I know the quality of the content’s gonna be really, really good.

[00:21:01] Nathan Wrigley: Can I just pause you there, and just go on a bit of a segue and we’ll come back to some other ones in a minute, because that just suddenly occurred to me. There’s something a bit meta going on there, because he’s not asking for a subscription, but what if you had an email newsletter, which was a, the sort of upsell for the paid newsletter?

[00:21:17] Laura Nelson: Oh yeah.

[00:21:18] Nathan Wrigley: If you know what I mean? So the newsletter itself contains a proportion of the content. Is that a thing?

[00:21:24] Laura Nelson: Yeah, absolutely. And actually the next example I was going to give. I’d like to like add to disclaimer it, this isn’t of my interest but’s I can see it’s done really, really well, which is why I’m gonna mention it. It’s called Daily Coding Problem. So it uses this paid newsletter technique really interestingly. It’s basically they send like a coding problem. It’s designed to help programmers prepare for technical interviews. And if you are only a free subscriber, you don’t get to see the answer.

[00:21:53] Nathan Wrigley: Oh.

[00:21:53] Laura Nelson: Uhhuh.

[00:21:54] Nathan Wrigley: That is intriguing. Yeah, that’s kind of like using the annoyance style isn’t it? Yeah.

[00:21:58] Laura Nelson: So I mean, if you’re really confident with these, maybe you don’t, maybe you don’t need to see them, like the mystery. Yeah, you have to become a paid subscriber to see the solution.

[00:22:07] Nathan Wrigley: That’s fascinating. So throw something out there. It’s a bit like if Wordle didn’t give you the answer.

[00:22:12] Laura Nelson: I know. How annoying would that be?

[00:22:14] Nathan Wrigley: Well, you’d pay.

[00:22:16] Laura Nelson: Exactly.

[00:22:17] Nathan Wrigley: And you’d get the answer every, every day. Yeah, that’s fascinating. So I mean that’s really unique isn’t it? But presumably most of it is about just the kind of stuff that you would ordinarily put on your website. You just make sure that the content’s really good, but you indicate they’ve got to the end of this newsletter, but there’s more.

[00:22:32] Laura Nelson: Yeah, yeah.

[00:22:32] Nathan Wrigley: You could find out more.

[00:22:33] Laura Nelson: Absolutely. And another example, um, which I mentioned yesterday actually was Jack’s Flight Club.

[00:22:38] Nathan Wrigley: Oh. I pay for Jack’s Flight Club.

[00:22:40] Laura Nelson: You’re newsletter subscriber.

[00:22:42] Nathan Wrigley: That’s fascinating. I hadn’t connected. I use the app.

[00:22:46] Laura Nelson: Yeah.

[00:22:47] Nathan Wrigley: But it is a newsletter, is and he got me through the newsletter. You’re right. Go on, tell them about Jack’s Flight Club.

[00:22:52] Laura Nelson: Yeah, so Jack’s Flight Club, as we just heard, is, it’s a really popular one, uh, in the UK and Europe. And it sends you like error fairs and cheap flight deals. But if you’re not a paid subscriber, you don’t get all of the deals. And when you get the free version of email, they tell you which deals that you missed. So it really plays on that, like FOMO, like, you know, you’ve missed these incredibly cheap flights to Canada. You didn’t get that because you’re not a paid subscriber.

[00:23:18] Nathan Wrigley: That’s right. And the interesting thing about that one is. That’s kind of opened my eyes up actually about where the price points may be. And maybe, maybe Jack is different, but it’s about if I recall, I think I paid about $40, something like that per year. So it was not really a lot. If you spread that over the, you know, it’s like $3 80 or a month

[00:23:40] Laura Nelson: Yep.

[00:23:40] Nathan Wrigley: That’s really not a significant amount, but presumably if Jack, I’m guessing there is a Jack, I don’t know, but presumably if Jack’s into the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. This

is incredible… a million.

[00:23:52] Laura Nelson: He’s got a million subscribers, million plus, yeah.

[00:23:55] Nathan Wrigley: We can work the maths out there. Okay Jack’s doing well from newsletters.

[00:23:58] Laura Nelson: Jack’s doing alright. Well, it’s the success of a newsletter that enabled him to take it to an app and, you know, grow this beyond just email content.

[00:24:06] Nathan Wrigley: I want to be Jack.

[00:24:08] Laura Nelson: Yeah, me too. I bet he’s on a yacht somewhere lovely, right. He’s not looking up cheap flights.

[00:24:12] Nathan Wrigley: He’s no longer looking, but that really illustrates it perfectly. So it was something most people probably don’t care about flights at all. They’ll just look the flight when they’re going on holiday but here’s me, I’m intrigued. I want if there is a cheap deal out there. So it’s got me on that niche thing. Like the coding chap.

And, I don’t know how long it took me. I think he was probably giving me the free one for six months.

[00:24:35] Laura Nelson: Yep.

[00:24:36] Nathan Wrigley: Do you know what he also did, which was curious, which was actually the hook. He offered a 20% discount in one of his emails. So that’s another interesting pricing strategy. He had his annual price and then he, for a week only, I think it was 20% off. That was the, the fishing rod that I happily bit on. And, and I think he’s got me for years to come.

[00:24:56] Laura Nelson: Yeah. You can do that with this, and I’d recommend exploring things like that. Just jumping back to your question earlier about how to get paid subscribers. If you already run a successful newsletter, you can drop in the bit about you having a paid newsletter too, give ’em a little taster of what they’ve missed or what they will miss if they don’t pay to subscribe and yeah, it got you.

[00:25:17] Nathan Wrigley: It works. And interestingly enough, I am pretty difficult to get, and yet he got me. So it is, it is about the niche I think.

[00:25:25] Laura Nelson: Yeah, yeah.

[00:25:25] Nathan Wrigley: Well, let’s talk about the actual email itself. So we open up the email. Are there any sort of top tips about the way you should present things? I mean, are we looking for bright and colorful? Are we looking for more words than images? Are there trip wires that prevent the email clients from opening things? Because there’s just way too much text and it truncates it. Just give us what the email actually should be looking like.

[00:25:47] Laura Nelson: Well, I mean, it does completely depend, like what you’re including in it. I wouldn’t be, if you are selling a like long form content style email, don’t be afraid of including lots of words. Because that’s what people are paying for. But in terms of spam filters, if you’re offering a paid newsletter subscription, I don’t think you’d have any issues because it’s usually things like the word free and like capital letters, lots of exclamation marks.

[00:26:09] Nathan Wrigley: Emojis in the subject line, yeah.

[00:26:12] Laura Nelson: Emojis in the subject line are okay, as long as they’re not overused. Yeah. Basically emails like don’t overdo anything.

[00:26:20] Nathan Wrigley: Okay.

[00:26:21] Laura Nelson: A good, combination of yeah, different things that works well. In terms of layout, I mean, just take a step back and think about what you’d like to read. If it’s a big wall of text, would that entice you to read it? I mean, some people maybe, but not no. So, and you can format the newsletter to look how you want. So you could add spaces, you can add some images, you can use columns if that’s better for your content, so.

[00:26:45] Nathan Wrigley: The last time I was fiddling with email, I think we’re still stuck in tables. Are there big constraints still about the way that you can present things? So obviously on the web, our own WordPress websites, we can literally put anything anywhere, pixel by pixel, more or less. Are we confined with emails still? I mean are we still thinking about email clients from the year 2004 as a thing?

[00:27:06] Laura Nelson: Yeah. Well, I mean email’s tricky because it will look different according to different email clients, and Outlook is forever a bug bear for those who create emails. But if you’re using email marketing software, I mean, I can only speak to MailPoet, and I’m not just trying to plug here. It’s just the one I’m most familiar with. Their templates are already fully responsive. Their templates are tested on all the different email clients. So you can kind of be pretty confident that unless you’ve gone in and really messed with that, they’re gonna work in most email clients.

Litmus is a great tool if you’re not sure. Email on Acid to test your emails, to see what they’re going to look like on Outlook, on Gmail, all the big email.

[00:27:47] Nathan Wrigley: And how do they work? You send Email on Acid an actual email and it then tells you, it gives you a rating or things to improve and so on.

[00:27:54] Laura Nelson: It will show you how they look across the different email clients.

[00:27:58] Nathan Wrigley: Tell us about the actual UI, about how you build email. I’ve logged into all sorts of services. Typically there’s a bunch of modules for want of a better word, a bit like in Gutenberg with blocks now. So you drag in a, an image and you could drag in a couple of columns and put the image to the left, and text to the right. Is it what you see is what you get kind of builder?

[00:28:18] Laura Nelson: Yeah. Yeah. It is a WYSIWYG builder. It doesn’t use Gutenberg but I know the MailPoet team are looking to explore that option. But the email itself is a WYSIWYG editor where you drag and drop.

[00:28:30] Nathan Wrigley: So it’s familiar? You’ll be right at home. Yeah.

[00:28:32] Laura Nelson: I don’t like describing things as easy because I think different people have different perceptions of what’s easy, but this is the easiest email editor I’ve ever used, because it is simply you drag it and you drop it where you want it.

[00:28:46] Nathan Wrigley: Do you get an opportunity to inspect it before you commit?

[00:28:51] Laura Nelson: Yeah.

[00:28:51] Nathan Wrigley: So it will send you a version you can inspect make sure the links are all working and so on.

[00:28:56] Laura Nelson: Yeah, absolutely.

[00:28:18] Nathan Wrigley: And does it check that stuff as well? So in other words, it will see that for example, you’ve overused images, Nathan. Stop with the images volcanoes. Or that there’s too much text typically. Does it give you any metrics about, what is that called even? Because I’ve seen that before, they do some sort of test in the background and give you a rating.

[00:29:14] Laura Nelson: Like a readability.

[00:29:15] Nathan Wrigley: Something along those lines, yeah.

[00:29:17] Laura Nelson: It doesn’t, no. I think because the way MailPoet’s built and we don’t see your email content.

[00:29:23] Nathan Wrigley: That’s interesting because it’s your WordPress site. So it’s your email. So it’s not phoning home any to any third parties.

[00:29:29] Laura Nelson: It’s not but that’s a pretty interesting idea. Maybe I’ll pass it onto the team.

[00:29:32] Nathan Wrigley: Oh okay.

[00:29:33] Laura Nelson: That would be useful.

[00:29:34] Nathan Wrigley: Can I take credit for that?

[00:29:35] Laura Nelson: The feature will be called email read, readability by Nathan.

[00:29:40] Nathan Wrigley: That’s great. Okay I’m happy with that. So Laura, just before we wrap up, where’s the best place to find out about, well, in this case, MailPoet, where do we go?

[00:29:48] Laura Nelson: MailPoet.com. If you head to the blog, there’s some really great articles there about email marketing in general. How to build your list. There’s even a blog post about creating a paid newsletter. Like what my talk was on yesterday. Fantastic resource for all things email marketing.

[00:30:04] Nathan Wrigley: Well Laura, well done for getting through your talk at WordCamp Europe.

[00:30:07] Laura Nelson: Thank you. Thank you.

[00:30:08] Nathan Wrigley: A nice relief and, very happy to have you on the podcast today.

[00:30:12] Laura Nelson: Thank you so much for having me. It’s been a pleasure.

382: Bulk Actions for Assets

CodePen will host your assets, like images, data models, libraries, whatever. It’s quite useful! They are easy to browse, easy to copy URLs or code snippets of usage, served with the right headers from a fast global CDN, and heck, we’ll even help optimize them. It’s easy to amass a lof of them, as we allow you upload many at a time.

But while we had Bulk Upload, as it were, we didn’t offer any other “bulk” actions, until now. Stephen and I talk about how we added more bulk actions for assets, making them all the easier to manage. Shout out to our user with many thousands of assets which helped provide the motivation to get this out.

Time Jumps

  • 00:15 Topic introduction
  • 00:49 Side journeys that break through
  • 04:02 What is a bulk action?
  • 06:47 List view or grid view
  • 09:27 How many things need bulk actions?
  • 11:58 Sponsor: Memberful
  • 13:48 UI changes
  • 16:56 Individual files vs Pen API

Sponsor: Memberful

Memberful is a best-in-class membership software used by the web’s biggest creators. If you’re building a membership website for a client, Memberful handles the hard stuff so you can complete your builds quickly and your clients can focus on creating content while earning revenue with ease. It seamlessly integrates with popular tools like WordPress, Mailchimp, and Discord, so they can reach and monetize their existing audience. Memberful maintains GraphQL API, webhooks, and OAuth Single Sign on to make integration even easier.

Help your client monetize their passion. Get started for free at Memberful.com

The post 382: Bulk Actions for Assets appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#40 – Andrew Palmer on Using AI To Help Your Website Workflow

On the podcast today we have Andrew Palmer.

Andrew has been in the WordPress space for many years as a product owner and open source advocate. He founded and later sold Elegant Marketplace, and more recently is the co-founder of Bertha.ai, which is a WordPress plugin which assists you in creating text content directly in the WordPress admin.

If you’ve not played with AI, then you might be surprised by how good it’s becoming. A few years ago, anything written by a computer would be easy to distinguish from that of a human. These boundaries are becoming blurred, as systems like GPT-3 have become remarkably adept at rapidly creating content which is useful and competent.

Many SaaS products have come to the market which enable you to create AI content by seeding it with a small amount of information. Andrew’s product is a little different because it allows you to create that content within the WordPress editor and a raft of page builders.

We get into how you can create AI content and when it’s suitable to do so. Can you rely on the text that’s created and hand over complete editorial control to the plugin, or does the generated content still need human intervention?

We also dig into some aspects of AI which have people concerned. Are we going to become too reliant on AI tools, and will they put copywriters out of work? Will people create content simply to swamp the search engines and make it harder for truly important information to rise to the top?

There’s a lot of functionality in the plugin and Andrew tells us some of the possible scenarios where he feels it works best. Creating titles, longer form text, and even sprinkling in a little sarcasm here and there.

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air-conditioning. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.

Elegant Marketplace


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley.

Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case how AI can speed up your website building workflow.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice. Or by going to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy that URL into most podcast players. If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m very keen to hear from you, and hopefully get you all your idea featured on the show. Head over to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox and use the form there.

So on the podcast today we have Andrew Palmer. Andrew has been in the WordPress space for many years as a product owner and open source advocate. He founded and later sold Elegant Marketplace, and more recently is the co-founder of bertha.ai, which is a WordPress plugin, which assists you in creating content directly in the WordPress admin.

If you’ve not played with AI, then you might be surprised by how good it’s becoming. A few years ago, anything written by a computer would be easy to distinguish from that of a human. These boundaries are becoming blurred, as systems like GPT-3 have become remarkably adept at rapidly creating content which is useful and competent.

Many SaaS products have come to the market which enabled you to create AI content by seeding it with a small amount of information. Andrew’s product is a little different because it allows you to create that content within the WordPress editor and a raft of page builders.

We get into how you can create AI content and when it’s suitable to do so. Can you rely on the text that’s created and handover complete editorial control to the plugin.? Or does the generated content still need human intervention?

We also dig into some of the aspects of AI which have people concerned. Are we going to become too reliant on AI tools and will they put copywriters out of work? Will people create content simply to swamp the search engines and make it harder for truly important information to rise to the top.

There’s a lot of functionality in the plugin, and Andrew tells us some of the possible scenarios where he feels it works best. Creating titles, longer form text, and even sprinkling in a little sarcasm here and there.

Typically when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air conditioning. And whilst the podcasts are more than listable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world where at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all of the links in the show notes by heading over to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast. And you’ll find all the other episodes there as well. And so without further delay, I bring you Andrew Palmer.

I am joined on the podcast today by Andrew Palmer. How are you doing Andrew?

[00:04:02] Andrew Palmer: I’m very good. Nathan. Thanks very much for inviting me on.

[00:04:04] Nathan Wrigley: We are in the bowels of the Super Bock Arena and let’s be honest, it was a challenge finding this room, wasn’t it?

[00:04:10] Andrew Palmer: It was, and especially as I was running late and you’ve been very kind to still accommodate me, thank you.

[00:04:15] Nathan Wrigley: You are, most welcome. Andrew’s been in the WordPress community for years and years and years, but it’s not been always on the up and up has it? You’ve had your moments where you’ve stepped away for a little while and now you’ve reemerged. Is that true? Is that fair to say?

[00:04:28] Andrew Palmer: Kind of, I mean, I sold Elegant Marketplace to the wonderful people that InMotion Hosting. So that enabled me to go off and play golf for a little while, and invest in other businesses and interests.

[00:04:39] Nathan Wrigley: Do you think this is for you, you know, a moment of excitement or are you still with tentative steps?

[00:04:46] Andrew Palmer: It could be construed as a resurgence. I mean, I’ve always connected with the WordPress community, cuz we’re such a friendly bunch. I had an opportunity to develop plugins and be a product maker, and I took over a lot of products from a very good friend of mine and hopefully we’ve enhanced them and made them better.

[00:05:04] Nathan Wrigley: You’ve listed a, a few of the things that you’ve been involved in, but you’ve obviously been involved in lots of different businesses. Do you think with 50,000 plus plugins in the WordPress repository, countless commercial plugins, are we in a saturated marketplace? What I mean by that is if you are creating a new product, is it very difficult to be discovered? Is discoverability really difficult? Okay, let’s take two scenarios. The first one you’ve got a budget to advertise. And the second one is if you have to bootstrap it and do more or less all of it yourself. So two parts.

[00:05:36] Andrew Palmer: You know, if you’re gonna do jerk sauce it’s still hard. You know, you’ve got supermarkets, they do their own brand as well. As soon as a brand new hot sauce comes out, the supermarkets go, oh, we’ve got our own version of this, and they charge you a few hundred thousand pounds to be put on the supermarket shelves. So, there’s always a price to pay isn’t it, it’s a pay to play arena in every single business aspect. So the benefit that we have in WordPress is that we can throw something onto WordPress dot org, which is great.

I mean, throw is maybe not the right word because it does go through a, a little bit of moderation, one would hope, but, um, you know, you can throw out a free version of what you’ve got and test the market. That’s really cool because, you throw out an MVP and people then like it and you then put some pro versions together or pro bits and pieces and say, okay, yeah, I’m, I’m willing to pay 10 30, 50, a hundred bucks for that a month or a year or whatever.

So the competitive landscape of every business in the world is competitive by nature, because there are so many products out there that are similar. There’s loads of light bulbs out there. It’s not just Phillips. Loads of CDs, you know, it’s just not Phillips. So you gotta make your own way, I think.

[00:06:51] Nathan Wrigley: With the whole plugin thing and the whole of saturation thing, you’ve launched several products over the course of your career. Most recently, maybe there’s something after this, but I think the most recent one is Bertha.ai. That’s actually the URL as well as the name of the product I think.

[00:07:07] Andrew Palmer: It is Bertha.ai. It’s uh, my very good friend and, uh, co-founder Vito Peleg phoned me far too early in the morning, because he gets up at five o’clock and said, hey, I got an idea, man, let’s do it. We did and financial situations, I’m the, you know, I’m the guy that’s got the cash and we invested in it and Vito invested, blood, sweat and tears as we all did. And I’ve got a development team, you know, and they worked really, really hard and we launched it at the end of September, 2021. It’s going well.

[00:07:37] Nathan Wrigley: Is that the primary reason that you are here at WordCamp EU? Actually just rewind that a little bit. When the tickets were announced, I think you were the first person that I know who committed to coming. You probably weren’t the first person that bought a ticket, but in my social network, you were the first person who said, oh, I’ve done it. I’ve bought a plane ticket. I’ve got the hotel and blah, blah, blah. You must be fairly committed to these kind of events. And if that’s the case, what’s the thing? What’s the angle. Is it the community? Is it a bit of community, a bit of networking, a bit of marketing?

[00:08:06] Andrew Palmer: It’s a lot about the community because, uh, I’m looking for developers, you know, so I need to chat to people and meet with people. And we are very lucky yesterday and got treated to a gin fest, by Codeable. Marcel who actually works in, for Codeable rather, in Portugal, did an event for Codeable and invited us all along.

But it’s all about networking, and we met a few, I met a few coders and had a good old chat, and that’s what it’s about. It’s me networking. Supporting the community, as much as I possibly can, being a bootstrap business. It’s quite expensive developing a plugin and there’s lots of things you have to commit to like getting a new CMO, you know, in Stephanie Hudson. She’s got her own business to run and, and we’re all kind of bootstrap minded.

So we all have to do little things and Vito’s got Atarim to do so he’s gonna concentrate more on that now. So, you know, I needed a sidekick. Stephanie’s that sidekick, who’s got the strategy and the marketing nouse and she’s also based in the U.S. Which is good. And Bertha is now incorporated in the U.S. as well. So it’s all. Moving along swiftly, but I did actually release a GDPR plugin last week.

So GDPR friendly fonts, but it’s a commercial one. There’s a few free ones out there, but ours is good. So, launching things all the time and improving the plugins and making sure that we are in touch with what people in the community actually want, because we are here. Plugins, I think are more here to support the developer than the, than the end client. To give them an easier way to market if you like, or an easier or quicker, faster speedier way to get their product out, whether it’s, uh, an MVP for themselves or whether it’s a website for a direct client .

Plugins and extensions and themes. And you know, what Gutenberg Hub doing with Gutenberg? What Extendify are doing with Gutenberg is quite amazing and all the form plugins out there, you know, we’ve got, I’ve got very good friend Mark Westguard who’s does WS Form. It happens to be my favorite form. We happen to get on, which is really cool. So it’s about meeting these people. Coming together in Europe, biggest WordCamp in the world. You know, pretty good.

[00:10:15] Nathan Wrigley: Do you have a battle plan though? Do you have, before you set off. I was wondering, because you said earlier you wanted to meet developers and today was contributor day.

[00:10:22] Andrew Palmer: I couldn’t get in.

[00:10:23] Nathan Wrigley: Was it just because you were a bit late?

[00:10:25] Andrew Palmer: No, I was a contributor, I was just late. I just kind of thought, well, do you know what? And Stephanie runs the Focus WP Facebook group. So we had a little meet up and we’ve gone out on the town and just met with a few people from the Focus Facebook group as well. So there’s always networking opportunities. There’s nothing else to do a WordCamp than have a great look at Porto, which is probably one of the best venues you could choose.

Food’s cheap, and good. The weather has turned out to be better than we thought it would be. There’s a little spits and spots of rain, but effectively Porto’s a great historical town as So, you know, it’s a, it’s a bit of a vacation stroke job bit.

[00:11:04] Nathan Wrigley: You said that you were in search of developers and the bit was gonna develop there was, so there was 500 odd today and it felt busy. Tomorrow, maybe more like, touching 3000. So it’s gonna be really busy. And if you haven’t got a, I don’t know, an agenda and a meeting list, do you literally just try to work out who in the room is a developer by just going up and talking?

[00:11:26] Andrew Palmer: Well, I’m gonna be standing on a booth as well for an hour or so. And I’m also going to, I’ve got a few meetings scheduled, which is pretty cool. With developers as well as, you know, funders and people like that who are interested in either investing in Bertha or doing some partnerships with Bertha and stuff like that. Because once you’ve got a plugin that kind of answers all the questions with copywriting within WordPress, people want to talk to you, which is really cool.

But it’s a long day, Nathan, you know, it’s a very long day and it goes into the evening. I’m gonna have opportunities to meet and chat with people all the time. I’ve got tons of Twitter messages to answer, and stuff like that. You know what it’s like.

[00:12:02] Nathan Wrigley: I’m struggling keep up with the different platforms. This person is over here on Slack, this person is over here on Twitter. Yeah it can be difficult. So let’s talk about your, well, I’m guessing the booth tomorrow is Bertha.

[00:12:13] Andrew Palmer: No, the booth I’m gonna be helping out Atarim, because Vito’s a very good friend of mine and I know Atarim pretty well. I’ve used it from the very, very beginning, and now it’s on version three. It’s their third birthday. And Vito likes to run around. You can’t really keep him to a spot. There’s a bit of super glue we’ve snuck in there. But Alex Panagis, he’s gonna be on the booth as well, and I’ll be hanging around and just answering some questions that people don’t really get it or something.

So, you know, it’s so dual role. But of course Bertha’s gonna be mentioned in the conversations. Well, because that was actually the idea, is that Vito wanted an AI to be able to write within the note making facility, you know, you put these little notes on websites. So our first job was to make Bertha work in the front end of Atarim. And it does. So you can now, so customers can now say, right, I want this headline and then ask Bertha to generate an option for headlines and they’ll put it in. I want this paragraph here and all that kind of stuff, and Bertha can do that within Atarim.

[00:13:10] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. I feel at this point, we should explain because we’ve stepped ahead. So okay, Bertha is a plugin for WordPress, which enables you to create AI content. So that could be any form of content. It’s just text, right?

[00:13:23] Andrew Palmer: Yeah, I think the best way to describe Bertha is that she is an AI copywriting assistant. So you are the editor, she’s the journalist that’s gone out and found the stories and the facts and the general content, and you working as the editor within WordPress, then edit that content and make it your own. And that’s the best way to describe Bertha. She’s not just a machine that says, right, write me a blog about this. We’ve got three things coming next week for the pro version. And one of them is very, very long form where you just give her a hint and she will write it for you. And then you just edit that.

[00:13:58] Nathan Wrigley: All right, let’s build up the jigsaw of how it all works. So we install the plugin, all of that normal stuff. How do we seed Bertha with the idea? So for example, let’s say that we want to write a blog post about WordCamp Europe. How do we seed the idea into Bertha, and how much do we need to seed in, in order to get something decent back? Let’s go with a title first, just the title.

[00:14:19] Andrew Palmer: Okay. Title you just say, what do I want to write about? So you just write, what do I wanna write about, I wanna write about blog posts being written by AI. And then say generate a headline around that. And Bertha will give you four alternatives, or two alternatives or three, depending on how good your one was, and you click and that’s, that then goes into the text bit.

Then you say, right, okay, I’m writing a blog post about this. So I’m gonna go to the blog post topic ideas model, and I’m going to give it the title and then, or going to give Bertha the title and then you press generate text and Bertha will come up with one to four or one to five blog post topic ideas. And then you put number one in as the title in a paragraph generator, and that will generate your paragraphs around that first topic idea. And then you just go through. It’s of a workflow that you get into.

[00:15:07] Nathan Wrigley: People listening to this, they’re gonna think, okay, this is voodoo. How does this work? How does it work?

[00:15:13] Andrew Palmer: Well we’re very open about how it’s done. It’s it is open AI dot com, and we’ve written our own models. And we now use the latest version of GPT-3, which is really fast and uses things called suffixes and prefixes. And it writes much, much better quality AI generated content. And it has the previous GPT, DaVinci was up to, I think, uh, 1999 or whatever it was. It was ages ago. It scraped 10% of the web to get the ideas for the content.

This one is now 2021. June 2021. So much more recent content. If you wanna write about crypto, if you wanna write about FinTech or modern FinTech or anything that’s going on in the modern world. COVID for instance, you wanna write about that or the history of COVID from 1990, whenever it was. I can’t remember the dates COVID’s done my head in. It will write that history for you now. So it’s much better, much quicker, faster, better quality and, easier use.

[00:16:16] Nathan Wrigley: People who’ve never used these tools before, they might have sort of concerns about a, does it scan, does it even read like a human wrote it.

[00:16:24] Andrew Palmer: Oh, for sure it does, yeah.

[00:16:25] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. So you can be pretty confident that it’s gonna scan well. But in terms of the quality, where do you stand on how much supervision. Is it like an aberrant child? Do you need to go back to it and give it some love and attention? Or is this a case of, I am just gonna press the button, not read, publish. There’s probably a bit of a spectrum, but how much of you come to trust it to be left to its own devices? Or how much do you go back through and read everything that it generated?

[00:16:52] Andrew Palmer: Well, when you are writing, you’re thinking about what you’re writing and Bertha does exactly the same thing. Doesn’t know what she’s gonna write a paragraph ahead. Just like I don’t know what I’m gonna say 10 seconds ahead. But I’m forming the words in my head and then they come outta my mouth and whatever. And I will make a few missteps.

We know politicians make missteps all the time, cause they, maybe they don’t engage brain before whatever, but, you have to be the editor. What I don’t want Bertha to be is a total AI copywriting situation. Just write everything for you, because that’s not fair on you as a producer of content, it’s not fair on your readers and it will eventually work against you because your content will become repetitive.

It will become not unique. You won’t have your tone of voice necessarily. So it’s, it’s up to you, which AI generator you want to use. If you’re gonna be a spammer, then use the others. If you’re gonna, gonna really invest in your copy, but with the help of an AI, Bertha’s the way to go.

[00:17:57] Nathan Wrigley: So would it be fair to categorize if you’re gonna do longish form, it’s a launchpad. You click the button and there’s an idea here’s where you could go. Not necessarily, there’s the finished product. It’s a bit like a junior journalist would hand to an editor and say, I think that this is the finished product.

[00:18:15] Andrew Palmer: Exactly.

[00:18:15] Nathan Wrigley: Is that where we’re at? You should generate this content, then look at it yourself on every occasion because the AI, right where we are now is not quite to be trusted.

[00:18:25] Andrew Palmer: Well, yeah, just exactly like Tesla. They do an auto drive. It’s definitely not to be trusted. I was in one a few weeks ago on my travels in the States and all of a sudden we turned left into a bunch of roadworks, well what’s that about?

Luckily, the driver was supervising quite well, but you know, you can’t trust AI completely. And I don’t think you ever should. There should always be some human interaction. That’s what I believe in that. My aim is with website production is to make it quicker, better, faster.

[00:18:55] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. Yeah. And it helps with those?

[00:18:57] Andrew Palmer: Yeah. I mean you’re gonna save between 80 and 90% of your time that you would normally write a thousand word blog post.

[00:19:03] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah I guess one of the concerns from people who maybe want to rail against this a little bit would be that that kind of control, that self control to go and read it, may not be forthcoming. In other words, we may have an internet where there’s tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, possibly of blogs out there that are just pumping out content, click the button, publish.

[00:19:27] Andrew Palmer: Yeah but we’ve, let’s not be naive about this. We’ve always had that. There’s always been spinners of text and you know, the affiliate marketing world and the health and fitness world for years, you know, even before WordPress dare I say, you know, there was always people spinning content.

That’s why things like Copyscape exist. Try and make sure that nobody’s using your content. But Bertha’s not just for blog post writing. Bertha actually helps you with every single aspect of your website. And the whole reason that we’ve got it in WordPress is because you can go through each model or each template. And you can write your homepage. You can write your services page, you can write your about us page. You can enhance your product descriptions.

There’s so many models now in templates in there now, and next week we’ll be launching social media templates as well. So you can write a Facebook ad or Twitter post or whatever, within Bertha. So, you know, there’s plenty to look at, and the fact it’s free is where I’m at. I think we’re helping the community get a grip with free AI. You get a thousand words a month for free.

[00:20:35] Nathan Wrigley: How does the UI actually work? So presumably we’re in Gutenberg or the old classic editor. How do we interact with it? So we click into the title, take us from there. Is it like Grammarly? Does something sort of hover over us, which says engage Bertha?

[00:20:48] Andrew Palmer: Pretty much. And it’s any page builder. It doesn’t need to be just classic editor or, it is literally any page builder. And the guys at visual builder, or Visual Composer rather. They helped us immensely with Visual Composer because they’ve rebuilt that from the ground up and helped us code Bertha so that she works perfectly with Visual Composer.

I’m a Divi guy. I needed it to work within Divi. That was quite challenging. We’ve managed to do that. And Elementor as well. So whatever you are in, whether you are in a text field in Gutenberg or a text field within any page builder that you choose to use, Bertha’s little icon is there, just winking at you saying, I’m here to help. You click on that and then a sidebar comes out and then you’ve got all the models and you’ve got the web or the blog, website, content, blog, AIDA, PAS, P A S.

Uh, we’ve even got evil Bertha, she’s quite fun. Bit of a sarcastic bot there. That was one of my favorites that we put in there. Uh, and then you have, on a separate dashboard, you have long form as well. So that’s a separate thing where you can just write long form content. Format it for your blog, and that will save, save it within your own database. And the benefit of Bertha is one, it’s unlimited users, because anybody that can sign into your website can use Bertha. Two it’s really accessible for WordPress users. If you’re used to WordPress, you can use Bertha and you can start using Bertha effectively within 10 minutes.

The nice thing is, is that every single template has either a 30 second or one minute instructional video embedded in the sidebar. So you just play the video. You go, okay, that’s how I do that. The long form one, because it’s long form and it’s slightly more complex, you need to use a bit more logic with it, the instructional video is 10 minutes.

[00:22:30] Nathan Wrigley: The different language models that you’ve got, you mentioned the evil one and, you know, we could have the pirate one for example.

[00:22:36] Andrew Palmer: There is, we can do that tomorrow.

[00:22:37] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. But there could be the sales for example, or I don’t know, whatever it may be. They genuinely spit out different content? And is that composed with a different choice of verbs or a different choice of vocabulary. And if you go for the humorous one it’s gonna throw out some curve balls and some interesting fruity language?

[00:22:54] Andrew Palmer: Frank Sinatra.

[00:22:55] Nathan Wrigley: Okay.

[00:22:55] Andrew Palmer: Hey blue eyes, how you doing? We wanted it to be fun, right? So you’ve got the tone of voice. So you have your title. Who’s it aimed at? Is it business users, people that buy flowers, people that buy motorbikes, people that love WP Tavern? What’s the tone? Is it fun? Is it innovative? Is it classy? Is it hilarious? Is it Frank Sinatra? You know, you can put in those. Is it Rocky Balboa? You know, whatever you wanna put in there as the tone of voice. And, uh, Bertha will speak in that tone.

[00:23:25] Nathan Wrigley: Presumably GPT-3 means that there was a two and there will be a 4. Do you have any insight into that? Is that the kind of thing which rolls out on an annual basis?

[00:23:34] Andrew Palmer: GPT-3 has actually been improved. You’re on now DaVinci two. We use the highest engine, which is DaVinci ,and we use DaVinci two and there’s, there’s another thing called babble and other things within it. You can kind of downgrade it. So for evil Bertha we use, um, I think it’s babble because it kind of just, it’s more sarcastic. It kind of gives better results. So we test all the models within the playground of Open AI and then we go, okay, well that’s how we can write that.

Because we write the, we write the prompts and that’s the benefit of us being web developers. You know, Vito’s done thousand websites, I’ve done hundreds and maybe a couple of thousand three, three or 4,000 actually, if I look back on it, cuz I’m old these days and I’ve been building websites pre WebPress, right. Macromedia jobs and, even Front Page, but there you go.

We know what people want in a website. The content, the kind of flow, the blurbs, even the content. We’ve actually got a model for the contact form blurb. How to ask people to contact you. Because we know websites. We’ve built it specifically for website owners and website developers and producers, because getting content out of a client, that’s why Atarim exists. Getting content out of a client is like getting blood out of a stone. if you give them a method to do it or a way to do it, you’ll get it much quicker. You’ll complete your projects quicker. You will then be able to take on more projects.

[00:24:59] Nathan Wrigley: So that’s an interesting piece, isn’t it? The idea that you can, well previously you’d fill it up with lorem. If the client didn’t deliver the text, in goes lorem just to fill the space. To give it some indication of how it might look.

[00:25:10] Andrew Palmer: That’s why Bertha is called the Lorem Ipsum killer.

[00:25:13] Nathan Wrigley: There you go, so that’s a really bonafide use of it, isn’t You basically push the button, fill it up with actual content. And even if the client doesn’t want to use it, then of course, I guess they could go in and edit it, or just start again.

[00:25:25] Andrew Palmer: Exactly. Yeah. You can actually deliver a completed website to a client with text. In the right format, in the right places, everything. And it won’t add a great deal of time to your development process. It will save a massive amount of time on deliverables. The client will see it. They’ll get it. And they’ll go, well, actually, I don’t wanna use that word or I don’t, I think that’s outta context, let’s rewrite it to that, and you can even use Bertha to do that.

[00:25:50] Nathan Wrigley: So can you, as a website builder who maybe only wants certain permissions to go out to your clients, you can enable them to use Bertha or not use Bertha? There’s different permissions?

[00:26:00] Andrew Palmer: Yeah there is within the settings page. We’ve done a, a nice little dashboard, nice little onboarding as well, you know, makes it easier for people to understand what it is. And there’s an intro video on the onboarding as well, which will probably update because couple of things have slightly changed, but because we’ve embedded the instruction videos within Bertha, it makes it much easier.

We’re launching a deep dive academy in a few weeks time, and it is a few weeks time, because we’re just building out the long form videos. So educational videos of how to write a blog post, how to build a website from scratch using Bertha. How to use particular page builders and stuff. And that’s being done by Imran Sadiq who has been a godsend on the training. I mean he produced 54 training videos in just under 21 days. So he was a find, I’ve gotta tell you. He’s my, he’s my favorite person currently.

[00:26:50] Nathan Wrigley: When you push the button, and it spits out content. Presumably there’s a cost to that. In other words, it goes to a computer somewhere else. Maybe that’s your computer. Maybe it’s somebody else’s infrastructure. I don’t know, but there’s a cost for that transaction.

So I’m guessing that there’s gonna be constraints on the free version. Maybe that’s the number of times you can click the button, the amount of text you can produce, because I know that there’s a premium version as well. Just talk us around the pricing and the constraints that you’ve got.

[00:27:15] Andrew Palmer: Well, I made a decision because I, you know, I’ve invested in Bertha both time and money. I want people to use her. So a thousand words a month will cost me money, but that’s part of the investment, right? So currently, and I have no real reason to change this, everybody can use Bertha for free with every single model in it, except the new ones that I’ve said, because they are expensive to us.

So somebody’s gonna have to pay for those, and also pro users only get to use the academy as well. It’s free to pro users. So there are some constraints on the free use. But I, I love the fact that people are signing up. We’re getting probably 15 to 20 users signing up free per day, and they’re using it. Because we have a monitor. We, we don’t monitor what they use. We keep a record of what’s generated, but not by whom. You know, we don’t know which websites have generated, but that also helps us improve the model as well.

Also if it gives empty responses, which sometimes it does. But we can see we’ve got a little, when a new user starts, we can see that there’s zero. And then within 10 minutes of them starting, they’ve used 250 words. We’re thinking, yay. You know, they’re getting it. They’re really looking at it. And then they go to 1,012 words because we’ve done it just over the thousand, because there’s nothing more frustrating when you click that button, you run out of words.

So, you know, we let them, if it’s got to 998 and then they want to generate more, we let them generate the next sentence and they go, sorry, you gotta wait another month or upgrade. You know, of course I’m a very commercial person and people who know me know that I’m commercial, but you know, wait another month. But with a thousand words, you could write a homepage. You could write good about us page, whatever.

[00:28:57] Nathan Wrigley: The thought occurs to me that AI is getting its claw into almost everything. You’ve got Alexa in the living room and you’ve got the possibility to create pieces of artwork with all sorts of AI content. And I’m just wondering given your position, you’re obviously thinking a lot about AI. What do you make of the future of website building? So not the, not the content. Not that piece. The bit about the layout, the feel, the color palette, use of fonts.

Because I just find it almost inevitable that at some point we’re gonna be talking to the website building process, and we’re gonna be saying, I want a homepage with a picture of a stadium in the background with these words, and then you’ll see what it puts out and actually no change the font. Make it H2 instead of an H1 and so on. Do you think that’s closer than I’m imagining? Cause I’m still thinking that’s decades off.

[00:29:49] Andrew Palmer: Oh, it’s definitely not decades off. It’s 24 months off. You know, if you really, really get into it because, um, Google are working on image generation. But let’s also not forget that AI can examine an image and see what’s in it. So, the stock Adobes, the Shutterstocks of this world will think, well, hang on a second, we can tie up with an AI and ask it to recognize this gray head fella in a rowing boat, doing some fishing, whatever, no offense Nathan, and then produce that image.

And it would be, it wouldn’t necessarily have to be an AI generated image because there are millions of, of images out there. And imagine if you’ve got the WordPress repository with that’s now, and I’ve forgotten the name of where the images are on WordPress, but…

[00:30:34] Nathan Wrigley: Openverse.

[00:30:36] Andrew Palmer: So Openverse is an AI feeder of images. You know, I want a nice lakeside image with no people in it, because that’s part of the Openverse terms and conditions. There’s no people in it, but I want a nice lakeside view, in landscape and I want the sun to be shining. And the AI will go out and search that, find that, and place it within your Gutenberg block.

[00:30:55] Nathan Wrigley: It’s interesting because I wonder, I wonder if people, so the particular next thing I’m gonna say relates to Bertha.ai. So I wonder if it’s got content creators, people whose job is to create copy. She’s got them shaking in their boots.

And also, I wonder if this event that we’re at WordCamp Europe, 2022. I wonder if in two or three years time given everything that you’ve just said, maybe coming down the pipe, if it will be a totally different experience. The whole build process will be different and we’ll be concerning ourselves with all sorts of other things.

And the block editor might be a very, very different thing. And page builders look different. With the rate of change, and the fact that AI can sort of seed itself and make itself cleverer, much, much more quickly than we can, I do wonder what it’s gonna be like in a few years.

[00:31:40] Andrew Palmer: There are some very clever people out there as well. You know, let’s not name drop too many people. Elementor for instance, who’ve got their cloud version now. In there, there’s a, a workflow and say, what type of websites you want? What do you want it to look like? What’s the colorways and boom, there it is. Extendify doing the same. You’ve got all the content blocks. What do you want in there? And you take you through a workflow.

WordPress will do that with their new $5 a month package, you know, and hosting and they’ll, they will build your website on the fly and, and, BoldGrid, I think it’s BoldGrid by, InMotion. It’s like a page builder that people don’t actually know about, but when I got into conversations with InMotion about them buying Elegant Marketplace, and I was basically a Divi marketplace, I’m saying, why don’t we make stuff BoldGrid, because you can go in there and say, I want a florist website.

Press a button, you’ve got 10 pages of flourish websites with all the images and the text. All you do is go in and edit the text. So that’s not AI, that’s just intelligent people saying, this is how we want people to build websites. So, with the advantages of AI and people like Matthew Renze, who I met in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. He’s at the top level of AI, and some conversations that I have with him, what’s coming, man is gonna blow your head off. It’s crazy what’s coming.

[00:32:57] Nathan Wrigley: On that bombshell. Andrew Palmer. Thanks for joining us.

[00:33:00] Andrew Palmer: You’re more than welcome Nathan. Thanks for letting me rabbit it on.

381: Data on External Library Usage

Marie and I this week! Marie dug up some interesting data about “external library” usage on CodePen. In the Pen Editor (specifically), you have the option of adding external resources. These are literally placed in the Settings area and added to the end of your HTML. We’re specifically focused on these (not scripts you might add in the HTML by hand, Projects, imports, or otherwise) because we have them in a special database table — good for exactly this kind of data analysis! We’re also focusing on just JavaScript this time. We’ll look at the top 10 in terms of usage over time.

Time Jumps

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Whiskey Web and Whatnot is different than your typical dev podcast. We show a lighter, more human side of developers you know and love, like a fireside chat with your favorite devs. Past guests include Tom Preston-Werner, Kent C. Dodds, Charlie Gerard, Wes Bos, and the incomparable Chris Coyier! We have discussed everything from Next.js and TypeScript to Chuck’s past life as a blackjack dealer, favorite power tools, the best casseroles, and of course whiskey!

The post 381: Data on External Library Usage appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#39 – Marieke Van De Rakt & Taco Verdonschot on Yoast, the Past, Present and Future

On the podcast today we have Marieke Van De Rakt & Taco Verdonschot, and they’re both from Yoast SEO.

I think it’s quite likely that you’ve heard of Yoast SEO, but in case you have not, it’s a very popular WordPress SEO plugin, installed over 5 million times. They’ve been optimising websites for many years and make significant contributions to the WordPress project, committing to Core, sponsoring events and many other things.

I sat down with them both at WordCamp Europe and we talked about some of the recent changes that have taken place within the company.

Having worked hard to build and maintain their company’s reputation, they decided that it was time to steer the business in a new direction by selling it to Newfold Digital. We get into the reasons for this acquisition and the subsequent reshuffling of the management of the company. What were the details of that agreement, why did they join forces with Newfold Digital in particular, and how has the acquisition gone?

We also talk about their longstanding commitment to contributing back to the WordPress project. Why have they done this and what benefits have they seen from this approach? Why do they bring so many of their team to WordCamps?

Although Yoast is well known in the WordPress space, they recently brought their product into an entirely new market, Shopify. This has led them to create a SaaS version of their SEO solution and has brought them into contact with a completely new market. How has this move gone and does it mean they’re moving away from WordPress?

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air-conditioning. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.

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[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast, which is dedicated to all things wordPress, the people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, running a successful WordPress plugin business.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast, player of choice. Or by going to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy and paste that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m very keen to hear from you and hopefully get you all your idea featured on the show. Head over to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox. And use the contact form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Marieke Van De Rakt & Taco Verdonschot. And they’re both from Yoast SEO.

I think it’s quite likely that you’ve heard of Yoast SEO, but in case you have not, it’s a very popular WordPress SEO plugin installed over 5 million times. They’ve been optimizing websites for many years and make significant contributions to the WordPress project, committing to Core, sponsoring events and many other things. I sat down with them both at WordCamp Europe, and we talked about some of the recent changes that have taken place within the company.

Having worked hard to build and maintain their company’s reputation, they decided that it was time to steer the business in a new direction by selling it to Newfold Digital. We get into the reasons for this acquisition and the subsequent reshuffling of the management of the company. What were the details of that agreement? Why did they join forces with Newfold Digital in particular? And how has the acquisition gone?

We also talk about their long standing commitment to contributing back to the WordPress project. Why have they done this? And what benefits have they seen from this approach? Why do they bring so many of their team to WordCamps?

Although Yost is well-known in the WordPress space they recently brought their product into an entirely new market, Shopify. This has led them to create a SaaS version of their SEO solution and has brought them into contact with a completely new market. How has this move gone? And does it mean they’re moving away from WordPress?

Typically when we record the podcast there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air conditioning. And whilst the podcasts are more than listable. I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all of the links in the show notes by heading over to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast, where you’ll find all of the other episodes as well. And so without further delay, I bring you. Marieke Van De Rakt & Taco Verdonschot.

I am joined on the podcast today by Marieke van de Rakt and Taco, go on.

[00:03:48] Taco Verdonschot: Verdonschot.

[00:03:49] Nathan Wrigley: I tried that many, many times in the past. How are you both doing?

[00:03:53] Taco Verdonschot: All good.

[00:03:53] Marieke van de Rakt: Yeah. Great, great, great being back at an in-person event.

[00:03:57] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. What are your thoughts about that. Genuinely, what are your thoughts about being back in in-person events? Because I know the Pavlovian response is, it’s great to be back. I think that, but is there any bit of you, which is mmm?

[00:04:08] Marieke van de Rakt: I have a hard time recognizing people because it’s been two years. I see now that everybody has that problem, so it’s like, I know you I’ve danced with you. I don’t know who you are.

[00:04:20] Taco Verdonschot: And especially when people are masked. You just see the eyes and, and if they like gained a lot of weight or became a bit grayer like me. Or lost a lot of weight, there’s definitely.

[00:04:33] Marieke van de Rakt: It’s harder.

[00:04:34] Taco Verdonschot: It’s a change and with a mask on it’s a lot harder to recognize people. So I’m really happy with the badges that have the names on both sides. Which means that it will at least always give a clue and not be turned the wrong way like sometimes happens at WordCamps. Yeah.

[00:04:50] Marieke van de Rakt: So I think it’s good being back, but it’s also, it’s different. It’s just, it’s been a while seeing people in such a way. We’ve talked online, but that’s really different.

[00:05:01] Nathan Wrigley: For me what’s strange, and I know this is gonna sound ridiculous, is that you are not this big and I’m making a gesture about six inches high, but also you both have entire bodies. It’s not just from the sort of waist up. We are on contributor today, so basically very little has happened so far. But what are your expectations of this event? What does Yoast bring when it comes to an event like this? What are you hoping to do? Do you have like a battle plan? Do you just bring the whole team and just see how it goes? I know you’ve got sponsorships and lots of things like that. So tell us what your agenda is.

[00:05:32] Taco Verdonschot: We’re sponsoring, as you said, and we brought a nice booth. There will be activities, and of course there will be stroopwafels, loads of them. So make sure that if you’re here you don’t miss out.

[00:05:43] Nathan Wrigley: I’m gonna pause you there because I don’t know what that is.

[00:05:46] Marieke van de Rakt: You don’t know what stroopwafels are?

[00:05:49] Nathan Wrigley: No

[00:05:50] Marieke van de Rakt:You can have like a lot of them because we don’t bring them back anymore. Right?

[00:05:52] Taco Verdonschot: Yeah. So stroopwafels are cookies, are waffles with sort of a caramel in between. And they are delicious. That’s that just says it.

[00:06:04] Nathan Wrigley: In the brief time that I’ve been around the auditorium, you win in terms of t-shirt density.

[00:06:11] Marieke van de Rakt: I saw the same thing. I think a lot of companies don’t give their employees, t-shirts to wear or different ones. We also, because I have a new one actually Taco but it’s exactly the same color, so it matches.

[00:06:23] Nathan Wrigley: And there’s nobody with the purple, so it genuinely stands out. But it also means, I think, that you bring a big team. Which also tells me that you’ve got a big team. 140, something like that? And I was looking earlier today at the stats for contributions in the version 6.0 of WordPress. Automattic, always the big circle and then there’s companies, which are vying for second, third. And it always seems like Yoast is number two by a long way. Is that a big part of the Yoast system? Do you encourage your team to contribute and all of that?

[00:06:58] Taco Verdonschot: Yeah, so we have a Core team. That’s four people working full time on WordPress Core. And that’s a big part. We also host internal contributor days. Well, actually we’ve opened them up to the community. So everyone can join remotely, or at the office nowadays. One of the reasons why you’re seeing so many of the purple shirts today is because our entire team is signed up for contributor day, and everyone is contributing to WordPress today. So probably you’ll see more brands and, and more colors tomorrow, but bringing people to contributor day is definitely a part of who we are.

[00:07:35] Marieke van de Rakt: It’s what got us started. So we are really invested in making WordPress better, because that’s just what we’ve been doing from even before Yoast was a company.

[00:07:44] Nathan Wrigley: It’s been an exceptional commitment though. It’s not an ordinary commitment.

[00:07:48] Marieke van de Rakt: I think so, too. So I, I’m really glad you’re saying that. We have an exceptional commitment to making that better. And I think more companies should follow that lead because that way we can really make it better together. So we can bitch with each other about what should be better, or we can just sit down and make sure the work gets done.

[00:08:08] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. It’s been a busy couple of years for Yoast. Obviously there’s been the pandemic. Presumably you had to figure out what the office looked like or didn’t look like and what zoom calls you were gonna foist on people and so on and so forth. You mentioned that you’re back to the office a bit. But apart from all of that, there’s been quite a lot of personnel change, especially recently. Joost as in Joost, the man not the product, has changed roles. You’ve changed roles. Taco has got a new role. I saw a photo the other day with several people who’ve got new roles. Tell us a little bit about that. What brought that about, and then maybe we’ll get into the acquisition piece.

[00:08:42] Marieke van de Rakt: Yeah. Well, because that was the trigger. I think about a year before we had the acquisition, we started the process. I already knew that I wouldn’t want to be the CEO of the company anymore. I think that role is really, it’s a really heavy one, and it’s also a very public one, and it’s just been tough. And COVID was tough. So, when we decided to sell, I already knew that I wouldn’t want to be the CEO of the company anymore, but I still wanted to work there. But go back to a role I had before I was the CEO.

So I think the acquisition got us all into that change process. So the first thing was that I announced that I wasn’t going to be the CEO. Now, Joost is an advisor. Omar left. Our CTO, well, I just texted him that I really miss him. But I also understand we’ve been doing this for quite some time.

Joost himself got a bit bored, not with WordPress though, but with SEO, and wants to do other things as well. And is currently experienced a lot of FOMO he said. But he’ll be here tomorrow. So he’ll be on Friday. He said to me, oh, you’re all contributing and I’m just writing a blog post.

So, yeah, those things changed, and I’m really excited because we, um, we now have room for new people to grow because you could see Yoast as this big old oak, and that’s good and that’s solid. But it also takes away the sun for other trees to grow. So now it’s the time for at least within Yoast, to have new talent and new leadership.

[00:10:17] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. Okay, so just sticking to the top tier management, just run us through the changes. Who’s now in? Who’s got those key top tier jobs?

[00:10:25] Taco Verdonschot: So I think that list should always start with Thijs, our CEO. He took over that role from Marieke, I think last year, October.

[00:10:34] Marieke van de Rakt: Somewhere like that.

[00:10:35] Taco Verdonschot: Around that time, and then as of April this year we had the bigger change, that we introduced a seven people leadership team. So that’s obviously Marieke as head of strategy. That’s Chaya as chief operations officer.

[00:10:51] Marieke van de Rakt: She was already also in the old board. She came in COVID time. So this is her first WordCamp. She was with us for quite some time.

[00:10:58] Taco Verdonschot: Yeah, and then there’s four new names, and that’s Irene on the R and D side. Inge on the marketing side. Herre for all the technical stuff. And me as a head of relations.

[00:11:12] Marieke van de Rakt: And those four have been working with us for more than five years. All of them. Yeah.

[00:11:16] Taco Verdonschot: Yeah. All of those.

[00:11:17] Nathan Wrigley: So if we rewind the clock about five years, it feels like nobody was being acquired in WordPress. It was all very quiet. And then about four years ago it began. And then two years ago it was really, there was a daily news cycle of somebody’s been bought in the WordPress space. And then you came in and I must admit I follow the WordPress news pretty closely. I didn’t see that one coming. Tell us how that came about. How far do we need to go back before the dates that it was announced, when all the negotiations started, and why you mentioned that Yoast himself was getting a bit bored. But for other reasons, I’m sure as well, why did that process begin? And how long was that process?

[00:11:54] Marieke van de Rakt: So we talked to parties before just because you get a lot of questions. So it’s not that we never thought about a possible acquisition or funding before. But we’re totally bootstraped, and I think Christmas 2020, so the first COVID Christmas, that was when Joost and I decided we should sell or get major funding. And the major reason was that COVID got us scared. We were doing great but it was so much work. We sell in dollars, so we make money in dollars, but all of our costs are in euros. And that makes you very vulnerable for the exchange rate of the dollar.

And that’s something you can’t control. And with a hundred, I don’t know 125 people on your payroll, the responsibility was weighing heavily on both of us, and that’s just something that we didn’t want to do anymore. So then we hired, we hired a banker actually. Someone who helps you to sell your company. And we’ve talked to a lot of, well, the usual suspects. Then decided eventually to sell to Newfold.

[00:13:03] Nathan Wrigley: So what was it about the offer that they presented, which said, okay, that’s it, the green light over there. Was there something in particular? Were there any red lines that you presented to them? Right, this cannot happen, if we’re gonna sell to anybody. Yeah, just that kind of idea. What were the things that gave the green light to them and not to others?

[00:13:19] Marieke van de Rakt: So when we were selling, we thought about three things. We thought about ourselves. What’s good for us. And then we thought about what’s good for Yoast the company, and what’s good for WordPress. So we wouldn’t sell to a company that would just do things that would be bad for WordPress. And we won’t sell to a company that would say you have fire half of your staff or something like that. So would be good for our employees. It would be a good fit for WordPress. And I think the offer of Newfold, Newfold wanted to buy us because of our commitments in WordPress.

So they were impressed with our WordPress Core team. They wanted to do more in WordPress and, so them inquiring us was part of their mission to show we love WordPress, which is the best reason to buy us, I think. And I thought their leadership was really diverse. And I’ve talked to a lot of boards and they’re mostly male and white and a bit gray, and there’s nothing wrong with people that are male and white and gray. But it’s nice to see some diversity in that. Well Newfold Digital is led by a woman. I’m really impressed by her. So that was at least, for me personally, a big reason to choose for them as well.

[00:14:33] Nathan Wrigley: It’s a name which doesn’t roll off the tongue. What I mean by that is, you know, everybody’s heard of Yoast, everybody’s heard of Automattic, but maybe not so much Newfold Digital. Can you just tell the listeners which bits of Newfold Digital may we have heard of before? Because I know they’re a company which are behind other companies.

[00:14:48] Marieke van de Rakt: They only exist for like a year and a half now and they’ve been combined. So the Endurance group, which Blue Host is the biggest brand. And then you have the web dot com side, but that’s not a WordPress side. And those two companies were combined into Newfold Digital, and they only existed like a half year and then they acquired Yoast. So it’s a really new brand.

[00:15:09] Nathan Wrigley: In terms of job stability and all of those kind of things, you mentioned that that was an important part. How’s that going,? Have roles changed? Has the company still got the same focus that it had a year ago? Well, let’s not say a year, six months ago, or have you noticed any changes and I’m firing this one at Taco.

[00:15:27] Taco Verdonschot: So yes, there have been changes due to what we just described in, in changing in leadership, but in terms of direction of the company, it’s not that Newfold comes in and says, Hey, you need to go left or you need to go right. For exactly what Marieke just told, is they bought us for what we do and who we are. That’s still true today. So they kept their word from that whole process and are still supporting us in being Yoast and offering SEO for everyone.

Have there been changes in the company in the last six months? Yes, we, we are slowly changing. The workforce landscape is changing, and we’re changing with it. But nothing forced by the acquisition. This would’ve happened anyway if we weren’t sold.

[00:16:14] Marieke van de Rakt: Ah, and nobody left after the acquisition for a few months.

[00:16:17] Taco Verdonschot: No.

[00:16:18] Marieke van de Rakt: So that wasn’t related to that.

[00:16:20] Taco Verdonschot: Yeah.

[00:16:20] Marieke van de Rakt: I think the biggest change was just that the office is opened up again. And so everything’s different.

[00:16:26] Nathan Wrigley: In terms of how the company can behave, the inflow of money I presume, you mentioned payroll and how concerning that was. Does that kind of thing evaporate a little bit more? Do you need to worry it a little bit less about payroll, because that’s now worried about somewhere further up the food chain?

[00:16:42] Marieke van de Rakt: For me that’s changed dramatically. So I used to look at the sales every day. I think Joost would look at it every hour, and see if it’s all going well and that changed, and that gave us a lot of… I was talking to Joshua Strebel, who of course also sold and to like, taking a coat off, that’s what it is. It’s taking a coat off, and I still feel a huge responsibility of getting that company with new leadership into a stable, good new path, but it’s different.

[00:17:11] Taco Verdonschot: Yeah. The funny thing is for me, it’s quite the opposite.

[00:17:14] Marieke van de Rakt: Yes.

[00:17:14] Taco Verdonschot: Because before, Marieke and the rest of the board would take away all those financial concerns from even the highest management level.

[00:17:25] Marieke van de Rakt: That wasn’t the best idea though.

[00:17:26] Taco Verdonschot: Yeah.

[00:17:26] Marieke van de Rakt: We did that. We never told anybody about our financial stress. We were doing great, but we were experiencing, oh, we have to grow, and…

[00:17:34] Taco Verdonschot: That was really something that was kept away, and now with, my new role, I’m suddenly seeing all the numbers and seeing what the numbers mean and how they influence decisions that we’re making in the company and vice versa, how decisions are influencing our, our revenue stream or our cost. And that’s a whole new world. So, for me, I’m looking more at numbers and for you, it’s obviously with less worry than before. Yeah, we, we found common ground now.

[00:18:05] Nathan Wrigley: Two years ago, or whenever it was 2019, if we’d have had this same interview, we would’ve been talking about Yoast SEO and nothing more. But now we can talk about Shopify. That’s a big change. A giant of a platform. Just give us the theory behind why Shopify? Why not, I don’t know something else like Drupal, or some other thing like Squarespace? Is that product receiving the same care and attention, shall we say as the WordPress side? Do you have any plans to go into other CMSs, maybe SaaS products, like I said, Wix and Squarespace and so on.

You don’t have to release any of that valuable information if you don’t want to of course. But tell us about the Shopify thing first. Whoever wants to take that.

[00:18:43] Marieke van de Rakt: We have a TYPO3 extension, of course.

[00:18:45] Taco Verdonschot: Yes and Neos as well.

[00:18:47] Marieke van de Rakt: So we, we had some before, but we, as a pact internally would say that we wouldn’t do any non open source CMSs, but still we are doing Shopify. So we made the decision, partly because we wanted to be less dependent on WordPress, because although we love WordPress, it’s very scary if you bet all your money on one thing. So it could be a wise business decision to go into Shopify.

They asked us to come. So Shopify wanted to improve their SEO so they worked together with us. They asked us can you build Yoast SEO for Shopify? So that was a big reason, and their core values are pretty aligned with us. So that was the thing. Okay, we’re going to let go of the open source part because they’re really for the small businesses.

So it’s either Amazon because that’s how people sell, but at least on Shopify, you have your own website, your own store, and that’s really important. So that’s why I think why we decided Shopify.

[00:19:44] Taco Verdonschot: And I think it’s the close source system or SaaS that comes closest to the open source mindset, because it really supports the small businesses, and you can get started super easily on Shopify and anyone and everyone can start a shop. And that is different for a lot of other systems.

[00:20:06] Marieke van de Rakt: And it’s growing like crazy. So it’s also a really good business opportunity.

[00:20:10] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah I have no insight into how that’s going. So it is growing.

[00:20:15] Marieke van de Rakt: Yes.

[00:20:16] Nathan Wrigley: Are you growing with it? Is it taking you along for the ride? Basically, has it been a good move?

[00:20:18] Marieke van de Rakt: Well, We’ve built the thing ourselves, which is a lot of work because Shopify isn’t WordPress. we’ve launched it. We had a successful launch, but we’re not as well known in the Shopify world yet. So we’re growing gradually and that sounds like bad news, but I love that because that’s what we want to do.

It’s so much fun. We’re celebrating every five star review we get. So we have a dedicated Shopify team and they’re so excited to get people to like our product, but Shopify just works a little differently and you can’t paste your WordPress product over it. So we’re tweaking it and it gets better every day.

[00:20:55] Taco Verdonschot: Every single day. So the good thing about our Shopify app is that it fully is a SaaS which means that were not bound to releases that people then have to install. And if we decide to push something, it’s live right now. That’s a very big difference compared to WordPress, where you’re relying on people to install your updates and to actually keep their site up to date, et cetera. So it’s a really different way of developing.

[00:21:25] Marieke van de Rakt: Yeah.

[00:21:26] Nathan Wrigley: Marika. You’ve got a, I was gonna say a talk, but it’s not. You’ve got a panel. Just tell us what this panel’s about.

[00:21:31] Marieke van de Rakt: This panel is about acquisitions and WordPress. I’m just going to sit there and if they ask me a question then they’ll answer. I think a lot of people want to know, the ins and outs of what happens and what does this mean for WordPress?

[00:21:43] Nathan Wrigley: SEO in general. What is going on in the future? I’ve been seeing quite a lot coming out of the Google verse. Awful lot of people talking about things like AI content and whether or not that’s gonna be squashed. What do we need to be mindful of in the next 12 months in terms of SEO?

[00:21:58] Marieke van de Rakt: I think the main thing Google does is wanting to present the best result to the user. So if you’re stable in SEO and just create good content, AI or not AI because it just has to be good. And there are really good AI tools out there, but it should be something your reader will want to read.

And not just something you, nobody wants to read. That’s not serving anyone. That’s the thing you need to do. But at the same time on the technical side, we are really looking at what Google is doing. So then you need to just install Yoast SEO, because we’ll make sure to get the latest technical stuff in there. So the way Google crawls and stuff, we’re really mindful of that. But I think a normal user wouldn’t be able to adapt that in a website settings.

[00:22:42] Nathan Wrigley: I have this concern that we’re gonna be creating content with AI, which is then in turn, the sole purpose of that is to be consumed by Google’s AI. And it’s like this cyclical effect where…

[00:22:55] Marieke van de Rakt: But then you’re doing it wrong way because you should always create content for a user. Yeah. And I am a writer. So I am not particularly fan of AI created content, but I have to be honest, sometimes it’s pretty good. But it should be original content.

So, you should at least insert enough information in your AI that it’s an original thought, because an artificial intelligence can never come up with something new. It’s always something that’s already out there. So make sure you write something that people want to read. That’s the only advice that I can give you. Maybe Google won’t be the only search engine out there.

There are all kinds of rumors that Apple is doing stuff and rolling out his own search engine. I don’t know if it’s true, but that’s something that could happen as well. Google doesn’t have to be the only, Yoast SEO isn’t the only SEO plugin. Google doesn’t have to necessarily be the only search engine.

[00:23:50] Nathan Wrigley: Is that what you focus most of your energy though, because presumably if there is an Apple SEO search page, your work then sort of doubles because you’ve got to try and figure out their algorithm as well as the Google algorithm.

[00:24:02] Marieke van de Rakt: They’re probably doing the same thing. It’s the same with Bing and…

[00:24:05] Taco Verdonschot: Yeah, in the end they have the same goal. They want to answer a user’s question. So in order to do that, you need that good content. If you want to rank first, you need to be the best result. That’s basically it. Regardless of which search engine you use to find that.

[00:24:23] Marieke van de Rakt: Wouldn’t it be fun though? I would get excited again with SEO, if there would be a different kind. Maybe a privacy more minded kind, because that would be awesome.

[00:24:32] Nathan Wrigley: Have you heard of a search engine called Kagi? K A G I.

[00:24:36] Marieke van de Rakt: I haven’t.

[00:24:38] Nathan Wrigley: Do you remember ManageWP? It is created by him. It’s in beta only at the moment. And it’s gonna be a paid for search engine and you’ll pay them a hundred dollars a year, something along those lines, for no tracking. So the gamble is that you pay. It’s actually really interesting. K A G I.

Yeah. So what are you gonna do over the next couple of days, the pair of you? What are you hoping to get out of this specific event? Who are you gonna go and see? What things are you excited about?

[00:25:03] Taco Verdonschot: So we made a great start yesterday evening. There was a party by Pagely, and it was on a, on a boat, with so many people and a lot of familiar faces that we hadn’t seen in three years. And that’s going to continue because over the course of this event, we’ll see our old friends and meet a lot of new friends.

[00:25:23] Marieke van de Rakt: Interesting conversations with possible partners. It’s exciting to meet our Bluehost new colleagues and our Yith colleagues who are all part of the Newfold family, so that’s something I’m looking forward to as well.

And I am looking forward to talking to actual customers because I use WordCamps to talk to customers and ask them why they like our product and what they dislike. And, well, I haven’t done that for ages, so only with people in our local community.

[00:25:51] Nathan Wrigley: I’ve got a feeling I know what the answer to this question is. In 2023 WordCamp Europe, wherever that may be, will you be back?

[00:25:57] Taco Verdonschot: Yes.

[00:25:58] Marieke van de Rakt: Yes.

[00:25:59] Nathan Wrigley: Taco, Marieke, thanks for talking to me today.

[00:26:01] Taco Verdonschot: Thank you so much for us.

[00:26:03] Marieke van de Rakt: Thank you.

380: Ol’ Jake

This week I got to speak with Jake Albaugh. Long-time listeners will remember Jake as an alumnus of Team CodePen. That’s a first for a podcast guest! We looked back a bit, where Marie dug up some of the best Jake classic Pens, and talked with him about what his professional life has looked like post-CodePen.

Time Jumps

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The post 380: Ol’ Jake appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#38 – Paul Bearne on How Working With WordPress Allows for Different Lifestyles

On the podcast today we have Paul Bearne.

Paul is a WordPress enthusiast who loves to come up with ways to make WordPress do things it doesn’t normally do. Having engaged with WordPress almost from the start, he specialises in the creation of highly performant, scalable, accessible and SEO friendly code.

He has contributed consistently to WordPress Core since version 3.9 as well as setting up a local meetup and speaking at WordCamps. He is currently being sponsored by XWP to work on Core as part of their Core initiatives.

In the podcast today Paul talks about the many ways in which it’s possible to work within the WordPress ecosystem. He’s tried many of them out over the years.

Many of the jobs in and around the WordPress space require only a few things, access to power and internet and a computer. The geographical constraints for work are often non-existent. If you have the skills, can get online and put in the hours, then you might be good to go. The pandemic brought this distributed working model to the masses, as more and more organisations realised the benefits that working in this way affords.

Paul talks through some of the different ways that you can work and draws out the benefits and drawbacks that they have. How can you find the work and what can you do to make sure that it’s as stable as it can be?

If you’re already a remote worker, much of this conversation will resonate with you, but if you’re not, but are curious about your options, this podcast will be of interest.

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air-conditioning. In this episode both Paul and I wore face masks which you can also detect. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things, WordPress, the people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case how WordPress can enable you to work and live in different ways.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice, or by going to WPTavern dot com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy that URL in to most podcast players. If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m keen to hear from you, and hopefully get you all your idea featured on the show. Head over to WPTavern dot com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox. And use the form there.

So on the podcast today we have Paul Bearne. Paul is a WordPress enthusiast who loves to come up with ways to make WordPress do things it doesn’t normally do. Having engaged with WordPress almost from the start, he specializes in the creation of highly performant, scalable, accessible, and SEO friendly code.

He has contributed consistently to WordPress Core since version 3.9, as well as setting up a local meetup and speaking at WordCamps. He’s currently being sponsored by XWP to work on Core as part of their Core initiatives.

In the podcast today, Paul talks about the many ways in which it’s possible to work within the WordPress ecosystem. He’s tried many of them out over the years.

Many of the jobs in and around the WordPress space require only a few things, access to power and internet, and a computer. The geographical constraints for work are often non-existent. If you have the skills, can get online and put in the hours, then you might be good to go. The pandemic brought this distributed working model to the masses as more and more organizations realized the benefits that working in this way affords.

Paul talks through some of the different ways that you can work and draws out the benefits and drawbacks that they have. How can you find the work and what can you do to make sure that it’s a stable as it can be?

If you’re already a remote worker, much of this conversation will resonate with you. But if you’re not, but are curious about your options, this podcast will be of interest.

Typically when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air conditioning. In this episode both Paul and I wore face masks, which you can also detect. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable. I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WPTavern dot com forward slash podcast, where you’ll find all the other episodes as well. And so without further delay, I bring you Paul Bearne.

I am joined on the podcast today by Paul Bearne. How are you doing?

[00:03:52] Paul Bearne: Thank you. All right. It’s been a hectic WordCamp, and feet haven’t touched the ground, but yeah, it’s good to be here.

[00:04:00] Nathan Wrigley: What have you mainly been doing over the last couple, well, I say a couple of days, maybe you weren’t here for contrib day.

[00:04:04] Paul Bearne: I was here for contrib day, because I’m a core contributor. I’ve been working on the performance plugin. I’m lucky to be sponsored by XWP to work on core projects. And we’ve been focusing on the performance enhancements. So in the last release, we got five queries out of a standard homepage load. You imagine what that’s done to a million sites. And the performance add-on, I’ve been working on the dominant color feature, which is coming in the next block.

That’s gonna be interesting to see the reaction of that in the community as that comes out. Cause that’s a visual change. And the WebP stuff. So I’ve been working, busy doing that, as well as running my own premium plugin, business. And it’s really nice to be able to work part-time for one of the big agencies.

[00:04:48] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, we’ll come onto that in a minute. You’ve got a talk here though, which kind of anchors us to what we’re gonna talk about. How did it go?

[00:04:55] Paul Bearne: I think it was well received. A lot of people said it was really good value for them. Yeah, I think it went down really well.

[00:05:03] Nathan Wrigley: Just broadly outline what the topic was that you covered.

[00:05:05] Paul Bearne: It’s a lifestyle talk. basically trying to expand and give people confidence that they can create a lifestyle, whatever lifestyle they want with WordPress. You know, whether they want to be a digital nomad whether they want to live in the countryside or live in the center of a city. There is employment available in all of those places. And you need to look at yourself, see what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Are you a city or a country person? Are you self-directed or do you need to be managed? What’s your timekeeping like? Can you do sales? Can you do administration of doing invoices and tax returns and things like that? Cause if you can’t, you can’t be freelance, or not, not easily.

I’m lucky that my wife is good at the sort of administration stuff. So I’ve been able to do more freelance work than really I should be able to. But now my life’s changed a little bit and having been able to work full time or be paid by XWP to work on core, which is like a dream job for me. It reduces the amount of administration my wife has to do, and I haven’t gotta go chasing freelance work. It’s coming to me. The work is being found for me, and it’s interesting work. You can create whatever life you want. There’s a niche in WordPress.

[00:06:29] Nathan Wrigley: Presumably, if that’s the case that you’ve been through a whole cycle of different types of work, maybe you work for an agency and a…

[00:06:37] Paul Bearne: I went through the various types of agencies. We looked at multinationals, we looked at small agencies, big agencies, government digital services, media companies, high end design agencies in the center of cities, and then the distributed agencies, and touched a little bit on what it’s like to have a plugin, a premium plugin. What it’s like to be as a freelance person, because I’ve done all of those in my career. So I was able to give some, hopefully some insight to what it’s like to do those. And what’s the pitfalls and the bonuses of working in those different environments.

Second half the talk I tried to give some career advice and some, you know, you can do this. This is gotta get noticed. How do you stand out in the crowd? How do you price yourself as a freelance person, and a few things like that. Try to set some reasonable expectations of what the market, what you need to charge to actually be viable.

[00:07:33] Nathan Wrigley: If you look back on your life was it a series of trying things out and then ultimately dissatisfaction with the way that you were working and then try something new? Eventually find that that was not satisfactory and try something else and ultimately where you are now. And it sounds like at this point in time, you’re really happy with where you’re at.

[00:07:51] Paul Bearne: Yes, of course you have to take what comes. I talked in my talk about, details are okay. The trick is to fail fast and learn. So if you get into a situation where it isn’t right, don’t hang around. There is lots and lots of good freelance or good WordPress work out there, or just development work. You don’t have to put up with bad environments, horrible bosses, stupid hours. Not unless you are getting a reward.

And if you’re, if you are in a high end design agency, it’s a young game, and the burnout is quite high but they’re gonna pay you a little bit more. You’re gonna be working on really leading edge work. So you’ll put up with the hours. And you’ll be happy to go out and socialize with the team after work, because that’s part of the culture. But if that’s not what you want then there is other choices.

Maybe that’s a young person’s game and then you mature into a slower agency, a local agency, or a distributed agency, or you go freelance. You get a few clients and you run freelance. Or maybe you do partly your own freelance or partly on the freelance platforms like Codeable, and you work that way.

[00:09:13] Nathan Wrigley: I know that you said that failing fast is a desirable way to go about it. And I can see what you’re saying there in, in the sense that you’ve got a quickly figure out that this isn’t working, because then you need to quickly find something which is working. Presumably there’s gonna be a raft of people, anybody listening to this, there might be a load of people saying, yeah, that’s okay Paul, but I’ve already got the mortgage, and I am living hand to mouth, month to month. And I guess that plays in a little bit. You’ve gotta be a bit conservative in some regard.

[00:09:40] Paul Bearne: Yes of course. Okay, so there’s a number of scenarios that are out there. So say you are working for a small agency serving the local community, which I think is the hard end of the business. Because you have to be a Jack of all trades. you have to do whatever work the agency finds, yeah. There’s no real picking, you know, they ain’t fussy about what jobs they take on, and they’re gonna be small and bitty, and not spectacular. But you want to break out from that.

So you’ve got things like, you could go freelance or semi freelance with the platforms. Codeable platforms, finding new work. But if you go freelance, you’ve gotta have enough money to pay for a laptop and have a space to work. You can’t do long term freelance from a coffee shop.

So there is a little bit of a, you know, can you actually even afford to do freelance, to start up? Because a modern Mac isn’t cheap, or even a modern good laptop isn’t cheap, PC laptop. So that’s the dilemma and I understand that dilemma, But there are choices. The amount of stuff that’s remote, you know, look at a remote agency.

If you are competent as a WordPress developer, you can be hired by a remote agency in no time. They are looking for people who are prepared to work, and they’re more interested in the attitude than your skill set. If you are, can get work done, they’ll hire you. And if you need to train up for a particular type of section of skill, to learn a bit more performance, you need to learn a bit more Gutenberg or whatever the flavor is. Yhey’ll train you. The good ones will. So you don’t need to stay where you are. There are options.

[00:11:22] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. It’s interesting that you say that, you mentioned competence. I was kind of assuming that the competence would come before the attitude, but you’re saying it’s the other way around. Looking for people with a certain approach to work, who they can then up skill.

[00:11:33] Paul Bearne: I’ve hired people. I’ve hired students for year placements. I’ve hired people to work as colleagues. And when I do interview questions, I will start going down a technical tree somewhere. Cause I’m a geek. And I’ll keep going down a rabbit hole until they don’t know the answer. And then I explain the answer to them and I want to see a light bulb go off in their head. Oh, yes that makes sense. I understand what that was. And that’s what I’m looking for.

Cause I can train that person. I can teach them. They will learn. Cause as a web developer, I will never, ever finish learning. Every time I open up a piece of code I will learn something. One of the things I do in Core is I write unit tests and so I’m looking at functions that I’ve never seen before. I learn what the Core of WordPress does, function by function. And there’s stuff in there that I, say, whoa, that’s interesting. Oh, that’s clever how they did that. So you never stop learning. And if you stop learning, especially if you stop learning in some environment, time to go.

[00:12:42] Nathan Wrigley: There must be drawbacks and there must be benefits to this whole approach. Let’s go with the good first. And that may be the time of day that you can work, the amount of money that you can earn, the location that you can put yourself in and so on. Over the course of the years that you’ve been changing things up, what have been some of the things that you’ve looked back and thought, uh, that aspect of that job was really good. And that aspect of that job was really good. Basically. What are the benefits of becoming a freelancer, I guess?

[00:13:05] Paul Bearne: You get to be your own boss and get to pick the clients and the work. You should pick the clients and the work. Don’t take everything that comes at you, because you need to pick work that you are an expertise in. Because if you are doing stuff where you are an expert, you can charge more.

The downside is you gotta find it. It tends to be feast and famine in freelance. You’ve got too much work and then there’s no work. So you’re stressed because you can’t get the work done. And then you’re stressed because you’re looking for work, because you have nothing. So that is one of the major dilemmas of freelance. But you should earn more.

In my talk, I talked about, if you expect your hourly salary to be say $60 an hour, talking universal currency of dollars, the freelance rate minimum is 120, 150 will be nice. That’s really what we’re aiming for. Because if you don’t charge enough, two things will happen. You will not be valued by your client, because, they’re cheap, they can’t be any good. And you’ll get crap work. I have a line in my slides, superstar prices get superstar contracts.

You get better work if you charge more. It’s not a case of more work, better work. Better work pays better. You can have a better lifestyle because you’re not working 14 hours a day. You’re working five hours a day to get that contract done. And you’ve got three hours to do your administration and look for your next contract.

[00:14:44] Nathan Wrigley: So the flexibility’s there. You mentioned the downside of the fact that you’ve gotta create that work or somehow have it created for you. Any other downsides that you’ve figured out over the years?

[00:14:55] Paul Bearne: Freelancing can be lonely because you are one per, one person shop, effectively. You need to work at that not being a problem. So if you are in a, a reasonable metropolitan area, look for meetups, peer groups. Come to conferences. Remember, you gotta pay for them and you gotta manage the time off for that. Your clients aren’t paying you while you’re away. Your company doesn’t earn. So you gotta budget for that.

[00:15:20] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. There may be other additional things, you know, like pension and healthcare and…

[00:15:24] Paul Bearne: You won’t have any healthcare cover. You may be able to insure yourself, but you’re taking the risk on yourself. Pensions, if you’re charging properly, you can push money into your pension, because you’ve got spare cash coming in. You’re cash rich because you’re charging properly.

[00:15:39] Nathan Wrigley: Do you need to be more self-disciplined? In other words, if you’re turning up to an agency at nine in the morning and you’re leaving at five and the work is handed out on plate and you’ve got briefings in the morning and then the briefings and blah, blah, blah. With this, you’ve gotta be a Jack of all trades a bit, but you’ve gotta be mindful that, you know, you, aren’t just sitting down having a coffee in front of the television, letting the work drift and drift and drift.

[00:16:02] Paul Bearne: Yeah, I have a friend in Canada he’s freelance business shall we say suffered? He let clients down badly. I picked a couple of clients up. He saw that I was linked to him on LinkedIn. They were chasing him and he was just got quiet on them. Awkward situation. I was able to pick some clients up because he wasn’t delivering. So you do need to have self discipline to be a freelancer.

If you’re not, then look at the other choices. If you want to be remote, look at what are the remote agencies, and they’ll do it. If you want to be in an office, are you compared to travel into the city center? Then look for one of the big design houses in city center. If you are up for the pace. If not, maybe there’s a local agency who’s servicing the local community, that feels right for you. Because they tend to be nice and friendly and family like, yeah, they’re cozy. But the work won’t be stellarly interesting.

[00:17:00] Nathan Wrigley: I guess you’ve gotta be a bit, not just disciplined, you’ve gotta be self-motivated as well. You’ve got to be the kind of person that can incentivize themselves, because if you’re working for the man, as it were…

[00:17:10] Paul Bearne: Who will drive the direction and push you forward. Being self-aware of where your strengths are, is the most important thing you can acquire. If you can get that self-awareness and be honest to yourself about where you are, what sort of personality you are. You may need to work for somebody, in order to actually get anything done, and that’s not wrong. In fact, being honest about that is a really powerful thing, and it makes your life less stressful.

When I worked for corporate in multinationals, it was a doddle. Nine to five, ate in the canteen, endless coffee supply, projects took forever. Downside is our server was IIS, yeah. But when I had to go to the US I had to fly business class, you know. There are pros and cons to all environments,

[00:18:11] Nathan Wrigley: The WordPress ecosystem, obviously you are into the code, but you only have to look at the speeches that are on this weekend, and the presentations that are on to realize that code is a tiny fraction of the WordPress ecosystem. We’ve got SEO experts, and we’ve got copywriters and so on and so forth.

Did you ever stray into a different territory or have you always been code all the time and therefore sort of increasing your portfolio and your CV, if you like, one job after the other.

[00:18:35] Paul Bearne: I actually for a while ran social media for corporation. I got there because I realized that we needed to own the brand names and I stepped ahead above the parapet and said, oy, Mr. CTO, we need to own these. Shall I go and get them? Had a fun story around corporate name changing, but, I went out and registered all the, the corporate brands. And for four years, before marketed caught up with me, I was the owner and access gatekeeper to all of their social media accounts.

We have wandered around a little bit but I am primarily a coder. That’s where my strength is. I understand by strength. That’s why I didn’t stay in social media. I’m not a writer, I’m not a content person. And so that’s part of me understanding my strengths and weaknesses.

[00:19:29] Nathan Wrigley: I kind of wonder if people who may be listening to this who figure, actually, I just wanna throw all the cards up in the air and see where they land. In other words, I just wanna try something new and everything that you’ve described so far fits that picture really nicely, you know?

[00:19:43] Paul Bearne: Yeah.

[00:19:43] Nathan Wrigley: All of this would work in, well, pretty much any industry I’m imagining.

[00:19:46] Paul Bearne: Yep, and detours are okay. Throw your ears up. You hear a sniff of something. Go knock on the door. Have a look in. Go and talk to people there. Go on interviews. I love interviews. I’d almost do it as a hobby, go on interviews. Go and see what they’re doing. And if it feels right, go and join them. If you don’t ask the question, it’s impossible for someone to say yes.

They might have to say no, but people actually like saying yes. So go look. Take a Friday afternoon off and go for an interview somewhere. If you just chalk it up as interview practice, you are not that serious. You get to look behind the curtain a little bit. You get some reference points about what an alternative life would look like. Think about moving to the countryside. Think about moving to the city moving to another country.

You can go and visit them. I emigrated from the UK to Canada in my fifties. I visited Canada a couple of times, found I liked it and then went through the immigration process. Uh, it took a couple of years to do that, but you get there.

[00:21:04] Nathan Wrigley: You mentioned earlier about, well you said the words feast and famine or something To that regard, and I’m just wondering, okay, so I’m not talking about the money where the money may go up and the money may I go down? I’m talking more about the pipeline of work. Have you ever struggled with that? Have you ever had periods where, there really is nothing on the horizon. What have I done?

[00:21:24] Paul Bearne: Oh totally and my solution in fact is to use Codeable. When I was freelancing, I was a member of Codeable from almost day one, very early joined there, and I’ve never done it as my full time gig. Now there are people who all the work comes through Codeable, but I’ve used it as my back fill. Whenever I’m a little bit short of work, I will go on a Codeable. I will bid for one of the contracts. Find a contract, get a contract and then do that project, because they’ve got so much work there.

You could go and pick a contract up really easily. And you could find one that fits your skill set and your knowledge base. Yeah, so I’m an expert in sort of job boards and things like that. So I would always go and look for something in that space, because I can provide skills and knowledge in that space, and it becomes easy for me to complete the task.

[00:22:14] Nathan Wrigley: So you are kind of running those two things, not quite in parallel, but they happen concurrently. But you’ve got your work, which is the desired outcome, the stuff that you’ve put in place for yourself.

[00:22:25] Paul Bearne: I will get more income from that.

[00:22:26] Nathan Wrigley: And then the Codeable is when the gaps appear.

[00:22:29] Paul Bearne: Yeah. When the gaps backfill. If I’m short off work, I’ve got nothing to do for the end of the week I’ve got four hours. I can find a job on Codeable. Or I’ve got two days of spare capacity. Because everybody wants it done now on Codeable, brilliant. Rock up, log in. Go and see what the current list of open jobs are. Find a job that’s in your space that you can present value to. Don’t just go and do anything. And then go and fix that problem for that client.

And I’ve had repeating clients who’ve kept, effectively become part of my freelance stable, still through Codeable, I’ve done ongoing contracts with them. So it works really well. And the Codeable guys are really, really nice. You know they have a lovely active Slack channel. They do regular meets and training. They almost feel like a distributed agency. That hybrid space. And that everybody there is competent WordPress designer, editor content, it’s not just code at Codeable. Remember that, so there’s other skills that could, people will hire you for there.

[00:23:39] Nathan Wrigley: Would you therefore suggest that’s possibly a good place for somebody to just begin? If they’re tentative and they’re you know, they could slot a bit of that into their weekend with their regular job.

[00:23:48] Paul Bearne: They’ve got a regular nine to five job and they want to start learning, doing some freelance, it’s a really good place for them to get their feet wet, a little bit. In a very safe environment. Cause the money’s being collected by Codeable. It’s in the escrow. So you know you’re gonna get paid. If there’s a problem with the client the staff will wade in, and they’ll help you out. And if you get really, really stuck you can reach out to staff and they’ll find one of the other experts to come and help you. And if you get a problem, you could ping the Slack channel, say, how do I do this? And one of the other experts will wade in and help you. Very friendly.

[00:24:29] Nathan Wrigley: Is it difficult to differentiate yourself, to make yourself stand out? It’s just you pitching for work. Presumably on Codeable you’ve got a set number of fields that you’ve gotta fill out to demonstrate how good you are at a certain thing. And, and everybody else has got those same set of fields and…

[00:24:43] Paul Bearne: Yeah, yeah it is slightly difficult. They are quite good about saying no more than five experts should reply to a client’s inquiry. So you don’t get millions of people trying to bid for piece of work. And they don’t do the lowest price wins. They average out the price bids. Someone puts a, a thousand dollars in for a project and someone else puts in 800, the client’s gonna get told 900. They take a commission off the top, or they add a commission on top of that price and they charge the client to that. And then you get your money out in USD.

[00:25:20] Nathan Wrigley: One of the things that always attracted me, but I never managed to kind of make the leap, was this idea of being a digital nomad. So everything that you’ve just talked about, all of these rungs on the ladder of how to get work and how to manage your relationship with clients and build up your portfolio and all of that, all of that’s happened. And then you just don’t live in the same place for any great length of time. You flit about. You’ve sort of done that, you’ve moved a country. Do you know any people who do that?

[00:25:45] Paul Bearne: I have a good handful of friends who do that. Within XWP, I think have probably 20 or 30 people who are digital nomads within the company. I don’t think Codeable people tend to do that as much, because the infrastructure stuff that you need to do in addition to charging and billing and things like that, becomes difficult as you flip around the countryside and do stuff. Freelance people tend to hire local freelancers a little bit, so it tends to lock you into a country. And if you suddenly move, there’s some dynamics there.

My recommendation, if you wanna do proper nomad work, go and talk to one of the distributed agencies, you know, Human Made, 10up, XWP, you know, that level of company. Especially if you are skilled as a WordPress developer. All of those are actively looking for people. I will personally recommend XWP. I do work there, but I’ve also worked at a few of the others.

They’ve got it right. They’ve learned over the years how to do remote web development and manage the culture and the team so well. And it’s art, and I think they’ve nailed it because they’re based in Australia, you know, the corporate HQ is over there. So all of the European staff they’ve got here, they’ve got 60 people at this WordCamp or something. They’re all of remote. There’s only about two or three have flown all the way over for Australia. And so, because they’ve done it, it just, they just nailed it.

[00:27:22] Nathan Wrigley: Final question, did you ever, do you ever, sort of pinch yourself and reflect on how incredibly lucky you are? I say you, you, as in, all the people who have careers in the same manner that you do.

[00:27:38] Paul Bearne: Hey, I’m a guy who started as a tea boy on a building site, my first job. I now have a house on a lake with a motor boat tied up at the bottom. I would never have dreamt of that when I was a young lad. You really now in this day and age can work from anywhere. And as you know, Starlink and things like that are coming online, you really can go out into the sticks and work from anywhere.

Anywhere you can get decent internet is now fair game as a location to do web development work and design work and other services. I’m a developer, so I tend to think developer first, but there’s PMs, there’s sales, there’s HR, there’s marketing, there’s video production, there’s design, there’s content writing. All of those can be done remote.

Unless you are physically manufacturing something, and even some of that can be done remote in small batches now. Anything in this sort of digital space can be remote and often better done that way. Unless you really doing high cycle stuff, I think remote is the way to go.

[00:28:55] Nathan Wrigley: Paul Bearne, thank you for chatting to me today.

[00:28:58] Paul Bearne: My pleasure.