Daniweb security breach

I have used "';--have i been pwned?" and it seems you have had a security breach and peoples emails & passwords have been stolen from your (daniweb) servers. I have tried changing my password but just get an oops error.
I assume you are having issues so would you kindly remove my account including ALL detals from your servers & website.
Maybe i will create an entire new account.
Thank You


Cosmetic item. Not a big deal. Browser tab randomness?

Here's the screenshot:

Notice the browser tab showing a tag. Here's one that does not work like that:

The link is https://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/threads/533760/please-i-want-to-change-c-to-c

I don't see a tag being called out in all tabs so there's something of a randomness there.

Not a big deal and you have much bigger areas to work.

I’m Out of Here

I've been a member of Daniweb since 2010 and a moderator for most of the last ten years. I had the great pleasure of meeting our illustrious founder and leader in 2015. I've enjoyed many interesting discussions, particularly the ones which caused me to re-evaluate some of my own opinions. I've had a great time answering questions, and hopefully I've managed to help a few people. But it seems there is nothing left to do on Daniweb but whack spammers so I'll be saying goodbye. If anyone has announcements, or if you just want to drop a line from time to time I can be reached at rjdegraff@shaw.ca.

It's been fun but nothing lasts forever.

Good luck and stay safe,
Jim de Graff

Markdown strict mode

Just a little notification that our markdown parser is now in strict mode. That means that, when posting headings, there has to be a space after the initial hash symbol. In other words:

#This won't work

# This will work

Hopefully it will stop everyone who doesn't properly indent their code having #include<iostream> stop showing up as


Archived DaniWeb

Ever wonder what DaniWeb was like way back in the day?

Well now you don't have to guess.

Forums and tags have a new filter in the dropdown to list all Archived topics.

Start new topic bug

I started my previous question with the title "Filter by" . I typed my question, clicked go to the next step. After that I clicked "Free" and only after that I got turned back to my question indicating that the title was too short. Shouldn't it say that before continuing to the next step?

Filter by annoyance

The "filter by" at the top of a forum is by default set to "recommended". I'd love to have it remember (at least for the duration of my session) that I want a different filter (or none), prefarably one filter setting for all forums. Everytime I switch to a different forum "recommended" is back on. I already found the thread where you answered "no" to this, but I want it anyway.

Bug in profile – Professional networking

I just updated my professional networking profile. The skills and interests textbox was prefilled with php, mysql, javascript, web-design and asp.net presumably from my post history. I've updated this to c#, .net and sql. This is visible in my profile page. When I go back to edit my professional networking profile, then the skills and interests textbox is again prefilled with php, mysql, javascript, web-design and asp.net.

Javascript and CSS broken earlier today

So sorry for brief periods of the CSS and Javascript files not being properly loaded earlier today.

However, on the bright side, we now have CSS/JS versioning properly set up again, which means I'm going to stop asking you guys to clear your browser cache whenever I release a new feature.

New homepage and more changes

Lots of CSS changes over the past two days (clear your browser cache to experience them!) and a new homepage to boot.

Whatcha think of the homepage changes? Does it do a good job explaining what DaniWeb is all about?

Mark topics read

Someone had posted recently (can't find the thread right now, I think it might have been via private message) asking for the ability to mark topics read through the cog dropdown when viewing the list of topics.

If you clear your browser cache to freshen the javascript files, then you should now have access to this feature. It only shows up for topics that currently have unread posts.

Double your reputation power

To incentivize potential answerers, sponsors now enjoy double their reputation power ... in other words, how many points you can influence someone else's reputation by.

The goal is that people will be more motivated to answer questions asked by sponsors, because when sponsors vote up their posts, they carry double the weight.

Social Distancing

In light of the current world we live in, and an age of social distancing, what can DaniWeb do to do a better job of connecting its members? It was always my goal of Dazah / DaniWeb Connect that it be used to connect people who work from home or are solo-preneurs and miss the social aspects of being in an office environment. What can we do to be doing a better job of that?

Thoughts about current Social Media and SEO landscape. Ruins everything.

The current system of say Facebook, Google (YouTube, Search Engine Optimization) and just about no one else has lead to what I see as a possilbe break from these masters or owners. It will take time and effort by all and so far, just peeps (noise) from governments.

I'm hoping Dani Horiwitz will weigh in here since this is not my field. My thoughts on this go back years as privacy was something we all had a lot more of a few decades ago. But here we are and it's a new world but one controlled by the few as in the two companies (rule of two) it seems.

Some want us to capitulate to our new masters. But it does seems to be a new federation of networks is out there. By that I mean Mastodon and similar but for now it seems from my limited view it's Mastodon. Right now there are YouTube, Instagram and Twitter alternatives so some work is underway.

It's not as if they are working to kill off the younglings. Or are they as Adam Conover interviews and more at https://www.earwolf.com/episode/the-internet-the-business-of-tech-and-happiness-with-scott-galloway/ The title there is "Big Tech, Workism and Killing Companies in the Crib with Scott Galloway, Factually! with Adam Conover #6 July 2, 2019."

After that I get the feeling that "Evil Will Always Triumph Because Good is Dumb". Well maybe that's a bit much but here we are with only two(?) companies running the big show.

So with that I will, when I can, DuckDuckGo and try spending time with a Mastodon and it's tribe.

Control panel changes

I know its been a long time coming, but better late than never. In your control panel, you can now choose to hide your location from others in your member profile.