WordPress Performance Team Puts Controversial WebP by Default Proposal on Hold After Critical Feedback

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WordPress’ Performance team has put its WebP by Default proposal on hold after the community voiced critical feedback and significant technical concerns. The new feature would generate WebP images on upload by default for new JPEG uploads and would use WebP images by default for website content. WordPress’ Performance team proposed this update for the upcoming 6.0 release.

“The performance team has heard the feedback and takes the community’s concerns seriously,” Google-sponsored contributor Adam Silverstein said in an update on the status of the proposal. “With the help of the community, we will work on conducting additional data-driven research. Based on our findings, we will reassess our proposed approach to enabling WebP by default.”

Vocal opponents to the feature characterized it as “heavy handed” and pushed for it to be “opt-in” only or introduced with a more user-friendly way to disable it. One of the chief concerns is that the proposal has the potential to double the amount of disk space used for images, as it would generate WebP thumbnails in addition to the JPEG sub sizes.

Viktor Nagornyy summarized storage concerns in a comment on the proposal:

This is not just about image formats. You’re going to drastically increase disk space usage by generating more images. This will affect anyone hosting WordPress on managed hosts with storage limit, their own servers with limited storage, anyone offloading images to S3, etc. This is why there needs to be an option to disable this under Media options. Hidden images generated by WP because of plugins and themes already cause problems. I’ve seen a site generate 20 images for every uploaded image. Uploads directory was 20GB. Can you imagine adding webp images in addition to this? 

This directly affects hosting cost. You will cause a lot of billing issues.

The Performance Team said they are working closely with the hosting community but this change directly benefits hosts that sell plans with tiered storage space limits.

“There are also significant conflicts of interest,” WordPress agency owner Andrew Wilder said. “WebP is a format that Google Created — and it’s Google Engineers who are leading the Performance Team. WordPress agency owner Andrew Wilder said. “This proposal is designed to serve Google’s interests (making it easier and cheaper for them to crawl the web). And the increased cost for all the additional storage space needed will be borne by site owners, not by Google.”

Hosting companies may also experience complications as the result of enabling WebP by default that may not be worth the increased billing for customers who are forced to upgrade. Charles Smith, Managing Director at WordPress hosting company WPopt AB, articulated a litany of these concerns for hosts in a comment on the proposal, especially as it relates to support and backup costs:

Disk space – a vast majority of our users have very large image libraries. While they might not be hitting limits yet, effectively doubling the media library size is going to cause issues for many people. I can see that ending in one of several ways – either they’ll ask us to delete the webp files (so, more work for us, thanks!), or they’ll be forced to upgrade (so, higher fees for them), or they’ll get upset that we don’t offer more disk space for free, and then potentially leave us

Backups are already one of our major expenses. We invest in multiple solutions, and multiple storage locations. A decision like this will *directly* increase our costs. It will also make account restorations, account migrations and similar actions more time consuming.”

In the most recent update, Silverstein said the Performance Team’s primary objective in enabling WebP by default is to bring WordPress’ image processing to the level of its competitors.

“The main goal of this feature is to set the foundation for WordPress to be able to process and deliver more performant formats in the same way other CMS like DudaWix, and Shopify are already doing,” Silverstein said.

This reasoning is grossly disconnected from the concerns voiced by people who are in the trenches supporting and maintaining WordPress sites. The team’s initial approach at selling the benefits of WebP, without adequately addressing the disk space issue, has generated significant community pushback in a short amount of time.

As Performance Team representatives responded to concerns in the comments of the proposal, several participants in the discussion grew more irritated, saying they felt proponents of “WebP by default” do not fully grasp the real-world implications of the proposal for users. The timeline for bringing it into core also seemed rushed and premature, given that WordPress already has support for WebP images for those who choose to use them.

“Bottom line is pretty simple,” WordPress agency owner Sergio Scabuzzo said. “We are being asked to double the number of images for no good reason.

“There is a small bandwidth benefit in forcing all images to have a WebP version. But we will then have a crap show on our hands in the back end. How manageable are media libraries now? Cool, now double that with another media format. Oh, wait, let’s add AVIF later too…

“This is a problem looking for a solution, not a decision. This change is great only from a web crawler, search engine, supported device/medium. But for the WordPress ecosystem, it will create a huge headache in maintenance and hosting costs.”

The Performance Team is now reassessing its approach and seeking to bolster its case with more data and research. Silverstein referenced two GitHub issues where the team is tracking research on the impact of enabling WebP by default:

  1. Research: Impact of additional WebP images on upload [Issue #289]
  2. Research: WebP compatibility [Issue #290]

“Once we have completed our investigation and determined next steps on these two issues, we will work with the community to reassess two other concerns that were raised – having the feature on/off by default, and having a UI-based control to turn the feature on/off,” Silverstein said.

German Court Fines Website Owner for Violating the GDPR by Using Google-Hosted Fonts

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In late January, a Munich regional court ruled that a plaintiff was entitled to injunctive relief and damages of 100 € from an undisclosed website owner for passing on the visitor’s IP address to Google through the use of Google Fonts.

Since it is possible to use the fonts without connecting to Google, the court deemed this a violation of Europe’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) because Google Fonts exposes the visitor’s IP address:

The defendant violated the plaintiff’s right to informational self-determination by forwarding the dynamic IP address to Google when the plaintiff accessed the defendant’s website.7

The automatic transmission of the IP address by the defendant to Google was an inadmissible encroachment on the plaintiff’s general personality rights under data protection law, since the plaintiff in this encroachment was undisputedly not in accordance with Section 13 (2) TMG old version, Art. 6 (1) a ) GDPR has consented.

Google Fonts FAQ discloses the data collection under a section about user privacy and states that it caches responses to minimize requests and serve the fonts faster. It does not specify exactly what data is collected but seems to imply that the information it collects is necessary to serve the fonts:

The Google Fonts API is designed to limit the collection, storage, and use of end-user data to only what is needed to serve fonts efficiently.

The German court’s ruling threatens a fine of €250,000.00 for each case of infringement or, alternatively, six months imprisonment, if the site owner does not comply and continues to provide Google with IP addresses through their use of Google Fonts.

More than 50 million websites use the Google Fonts API. Many site owners may not even know they are using them.

In consideration of those who may be subject to European courts, WordPress plugins and themes that use Google Fonts should offer a user-friendly option to self-host the fonts. If you want to continue using Google Fonts in a more privacy respecting way, there are many tutorials for self-hosting the fonts instead.

How to Clean iPad Screen & Device

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The iPad is a crucial piece of electronic equipment that contributes to technological advancement in various sectors of the economy today. Illustrators, artists, teachers, graphic designers are the primary users of apple pads in their workstations. But why? With an iPad, you have a smartphone, a computer, sketching tool, and e-learning device; anyone can use...

The post How to Clean iPad Screen & Device appeared first on DesignrFix.

WordPress 5.9 to Fix Lazy Loading Performance Regression, Resulting in 30% Faster Page Loads in Some Cases

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WordPress sites may soon see a slight performance improvement on page loads, thanks to a fix for a performance regression in the core lazy loading feature. An analysis published in July 2021 showed that lazy loading applied too aggressively can have a negative impact on performance and that it’s better to eagerly load the images within the initial viewport.

WordPress’ default of lazy loading all images was causing slower performance on the Largest Contentful Paint metric (LCP) metric, which Google defines as “the render time of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport, relative to when the page first started loading.”

Google-sponsored WordPress contributors wrote a fix that avoids lazy-loading images above the fold and thoroughly tested it as part of their efforts to evaluate the impact of various past performance initiatives. The delayed LCP will be fixed in WordPress 5.9.

“This can be improved by skipping addition of loading='lazy' for the first content image or iframe, which in the vast majority of cases will appear within the initial viewport,” Felix Arntz said in the dev note. “WordPress can only make educated guesses around that and not be 100% certain, but an analysis taking into account 50 popular themes showed that the enhancement brought LCP improvements across the board, up to 30% faster page load.” 

In the future, this implementation may be able to drill down further into the block content on the page and eagerly load whatever images the theme identifies as being within the viewport.

“Have you thought about how we could have more precise heuristics going forwards that can take the semantics and structure of blocks into account to get a sense for what is actually deferrable?” Matias Ventura commented on the ticket in process. “For example, an image block or a site logo used in a header template part would be strong indicatives of being above the fold. ‘The first image of the content’ seems instead like a rudimentary measure, that varies a lot depending on preceding layout. With block themes we should have some ahead-of-time awareness of layout which we can use to produce more meaningful instructions.”

Felix Arntz said he already has detecting the header template part on his radar and is willing to refine the implementation as the world of block themes expands.

“The refinement of the lazy-loading implementation should notably improve LCP performance for most sites that rely on it, while not having adverse effects for sites where the default heuristics described above do not apply to,” Arntz said. “That is only a solid starting point though. In the future, specifically with the more semantic content specification that block-based themes will facilitate, we will be able to further fine tune the lazy-loading implementation by using the available block information.”

How To Implement the Audio Source Separation Function

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HMS Core audio editor kit provides the audio source separation function, which allows you to separate human voices, human voices from accompaniments, and human voices from musical instrument sounds. The image below shows the accompaniment separated from Dream it Possible

Let's see how to implement this function. 

WordPress Polyglots Team Launches New Monthly Newsletter

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WordPress’ Polyglots team has published the first edition of a new monthly newsletter aimed at helping contributors stay informed and engaged with the team’s activities.

WordPress has been translated by volunteers for more than 15 years since version 1.2, with the earliest contributions from the Hindi, French, Japanese, and Norwegian communities. Since that time the Polyglots team has grown to include the work of 55,427 translation contributors. They have also adopted more efficient tools like P2 and Slack to stay connected, but some translators find it difficult to follow the constant stream of posts and meetings.

The monthly newsletter was launched to provide a short-format digest of all the significant happenings and discussions in the translation community. It will include news related to upcoming releases and Polyglots tools, condensed so contributors don’t have to keep a close eye on the team’s P2 blog, Slack channels, or RSS feed.

The first edition features a brief summary of the month-long WordPress Translation Day 2021 event, which brought in 697 new translation contributors. Altogether the contributor teams submitted 518,710 approved translation strings during 22 local and six livestream events.

The majority of people using WordPress are using it with a translation. As of October 2021, 55.36% of WordPress sites are running a translated site. That figure is slowly inching upward as WordPress adoption grows in the non-English speaking world.

Even if you’re not a member of the Polyglots team, this newsletter is a good way to stay up-to-date with the exciting frontier of WordPress translations. Subscribers can sign up to receive monthly Polyglots updates directly via email.

Why is the PayPal Checkout page greyed out?

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It seems this fault has been going for years, PayPal don't know why it is and say it's our fault.
I think the checkout page is hosted somewhere else?
My regular customers don't have this problem, it's the NEW customers that can't pay. I suspect PayPal save their details so checkout is faster or pre-filled?
Does anyone have this problem?
Did anyone solve it? Ta everyone, Steve

55+ Big Name Brands That Use WordPress (2021 Edition)

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Big Name Brands That Use WordPressPeople will say anything to keep their buzz going, and WordPress – just like any other human-made project – has received its fair share of bad-mouthing. People (who don’t know so much about WordPress or its potential) say all manner of things against the platform. For instance, it’s not that hard to come across comments […]

The post 55+ Big Name Brands That Use WordPress (2021 Edition) appeared first on WPExplorer.

<how to solve this question>

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I have a problem to do price data and i don’t know to insert it into the coding

this is question

this is the coding that i have made


$page_title = 'Yoho Express!';

include ('includes/header.html');

<form action="q2.php" method="post">
<p><h1><fieldset><legend>Enter your information in the form below:</legend></p></h1>
<p><b>Departure day:</b> 

//This programme is display in an array.
$day = array (1 =>'Select',
//the programme is display using the pull-down menu.
echo '<select name="day">';
foreach ($day as $key => $value) {
echo "<option value=\"$value\">$value</option>\n";
echo '</select>';

<p><b>Departure time:</b>

//This programme is display in an array.
$time = array (1=>'Select',
//the programme is display using the pull-down menu.
echo '<select name="time">';
foreach ($time as $key => $value) {
echo "<option value=\"$value\">$value</option>\n";
echo '</select>';
 <b><p><div align="left"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Book" /></div></b></p>

// Validate day
if (!empty($_POST['day'])) {
 $day = $_POST['day'];
} else {
 $day = NULL;
 echo '<p><b><font color="purple">You forgot to enter your departure day!</b></p>';

// Validate time
if (!empty($_POST['time'])) {
 $time = $_POST['time'];
} else {
 $time = NULL;
 echo'<p><b><font color="purple">You forgot to enter your departure time!</b></p>';

// Validate price
if (!empty($_POST['price'])) {
    $price = $_POST['price'];
   } else {
    price= NULL;

// If everything is okay, print the message.
if ($day && $time  && $price) {
 // Print the submitted information.
  echo "<b><font color='purple'>Below are your bus ticket details </font></b></p>
 <br /><b>Day:</b>$day
 <br /><b>Time:</b>$time
 <br /><b>Price No:</b>$price";
} else {
 // One form element was not filled out properly.
 echo '<p><font color="red">Please go back and fill out the form again.</font></p>';


Microphone issue – Samsung Tab A

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Microphone no longer works in apps after June Samsung update has been installed to the Samsung Tab A tablet. Tried changing mic permissions but same result. Is there a setting or something I can do so the microphone will work in Google Meet after the latest Samsung update has been applied to the tablet?

I have been able to do this for Zoom

  1. Open Zoom

  2. Settings -> Meeting

  3. Scroll down to "Use Original Audio" and make sure it is Toggled On

  4. While in the meeting select the three dots on the far right and click "Enable Original Audio."

RPA Use Cases in The Field of Healthcare

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Many large healthcare organizations are adopting RPA leading to digitalization which can lead to healthy competition between medical services. The use of disruptive science and technology can make the healthcare industry more efficient. Using RPA can perfectly automate the query tasks of Electronic Health Record data, partner ecosystem, financial and accounting systems, and payment personnel letter, thereby reducing the workload of medical personnel.

In different industries, RPA is considered to be an exploratory step for enterprises and organizations to move into the world of artificial intelligence. According to the recent RPA report, increasing productivity and improving customer experience are the top priorities for organizations to adopt RPA.

Find Google Sheets Linked to your Google Forms

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When a user submits your Google Form, the response can be either saved in the Google Form itself or it can be written as a new row in a Google Spreadsheet. Multiple Google Forms can be associated with a single spreadsheet and their responses will be…

Create your next Web API in SQL

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My CTO is a kick ass SQL guy, but he doesn't know much C#, so wrapping his SQL into a Web API is difficult for him. Every now and then he throws me some SQL statement or Stored Procedure in our Teams chat, and asks me to wrap it into an HTTP endpoint for him, because one of my colleagues needs it for our frontend parts. The process is almost the exact same every single time.

  • Wrap the SQL into an SqlQuery invocation using Entity Framework
  • Create some sort of view model matching the return from the Store Procedure
  • Choose which roles are allowed to access the endpoint
  • Parametrise the SQL invocation
  • Execute the SQL and return the content as my view model

Realising I could completely automate this process using Magic, providing high level UX components doing the entirety of the job, resulted in the following click button solution.