Create a Drop Down Menu with Search Box in CSS3 and HTML

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This post is originally published on Designmodo: Create a Drop Down Menu with Search Box in CSS3 and HTML

Create a Drop Down Menu with Search Box in CSS3 and HTML

Topic: CSS3 Difficulty: Intermediate Estimated Completion Time: 45 min In this tutorial, we will be creating a flat style navigation with a search box and dropdown menu from the Square UI. Slides: HTML Static Website Builder Search Bar with Dropdown …

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Create a Product Page with Interactive Colors in HTML, CSS3 & jQuery

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This post is originally published on Designmodo: Create a Product Page with Interactive Colors in HTML, CSS3 & jQuery

Create Product Page with Interactive Colors in HTML, CSS3 & jQuery

Topic: HTML / CSS3 / jQuery Difficulty: Intermediate Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes In this tutorial, we are going to create a website product page using HTML, CSS3 and jQuery. You can use it for product presentations on your shop …

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Help choose the syntax for CSS Nesting

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CSS Nesting is making the rounds yet again. Remember earlier this year when Adam and Mia put three syntax options up for a vote? Those results were tallied and it wasn’t even even close.

Now there’s another chance to speak into the future of nesting, this time over at the WebKit blog. The results from the Adam and Mia’s survey sparked further discussion and two more ideas were added to the mix. This new survey lets you choose from all five options.

Jen Simmons has put together a thorough outline of those options, including a refresher on nesting, details on how we arrived at the five options, and tons of examples that show the options in various use cases. Let’s return the favor of all the hard work that’s being done here by taking this quick one-question survey.

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Help choose the syntax for CSS Nesting originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Migrating Book Accounts

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Heads up! We’re migrating all book accounts to the new bookstore at Perishable Press Books. This will make it easier to manage everything under one roof. To transfer your account to the new site, send a quick email and let us know 1) the site/URL where you purchased the book (e.g.,, and 2) your registered username or email address. Thank you!

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State Of CSS Survey: Influence The Future Of CSS

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This year, I joined the team and helped design the survey together with the community which led to a number of improvements. If you write CSS frequently, investing a few minutes to fill it in could come back to you hundredfold, since implementers make decisions on what to work on based on the developer pain points identified through the survey every year. In fact, Chrome is funding work on the survey for this very reason.

Past Surveys

So, how did past surveys help web developers? Let’s look at the impact in Chrome, as described to us by Nicole Sullivan, Product Manager for Chrome at Google:

“I showed the ‘Missing features’ section to my team before the pandemic and we got to work on it. Several things on that list are underway.”

Indeed, literally everything in that list is now being worked on or finished unless there was no (stable) specification for it:

  • Container queries
    Size queries have shipped in Chrome 106 , style queries behind a flag.
  • Parent selector/:has selector
    Shipped in Chrome 105.
  • Nesting
    Currently underway, delayed a bit due to discussions in the CSS Working Group about last minute changes to the syntax.
  • 🟡 Functions
    No specification to implement yet, but is being worked on in the CSS WG.
  • Scoping
    Experimental implementation in Chrome 105 behind a flag.
  • 🟡 Mixins
    No specification to implement yet, but ideas are being explored in the CSS WG.
  • Subgrid
    Implementation underway.

Let’s look at the corresponding section in the 2020 results. A lot of overlap, but some additional items:

The 2021 corresponding section includes roughly the same items, with one new thing: color functions. And lo and behold, the color functions for which there is a stable specification are being implemented in Chrome as we speak, and Chrome has funded specification work on the rest.

And it’s not just Chrome. The focus of Interop 2022 was largely shaped by these results.

What’s Next?

We’re taking on the world of styles and selectors to try and identify upcoming trends, and figure out what featurs and tools to learn next. What’s more, the survey results will also help browser vendors prioritize their roadmaps and work towards better compatibility between browsers.

What do you want to see more of in CSS? Better typography? New responsive layout features? New features to improve maintainability? Layout? Components? Something else? The sky is the limit! Make sure to share your CSS dreams with us in the survey, and they may well start coming true.

State of CSS 2022 Survey Now Open

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The State of CSS survey recently opened up. Last year, the survey confirmed everyone’s assumptions that TailwindCSS is super popular and CSS variables are mainstream. It also codified what many of us want from CSS, from Container Queries to a parent selector. (Spoiler alert, we now have both of ’em.)

While I wouldn’t say the results have been super surprising each year, this time I’m excited to start seeing more historical trends reveal themselves. The survey has been running since 2019, so that’s going to be four years (ancient in front-end years!) of data to see if certain frameworks came and went, specific features are gaining momentum, what general learning practices are out there, and just plain more context. It takes time for stuff to build up like this, so kudos to Sacha Greif for keeping this thing going.

And speaking of the team behind the survey, Lea Verou is new to the bunch and lead this year’s edition. Lea made some nice additions, including more open-ended comments, questions about browser inconsistencies, and a question that compares the amount of time you write CSS versus JavaScript.

Browsers actually use this stuff to help prioritize what features to work on — so definitely add your voice to the mix! The polls close on October 20.

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State of CSS 2022 Survey Now Open originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets

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The latest spec:

style rule is a qualified rule that associates a selector list with a list of property declarations and possibly a list of nested rules. They are also called rule sets in CSS2.

Louis Lazaris:

As the above quote from W3C indicates, it seems like the W3C considers “rule set” to be a bit of an outdated term, preferring the term “style rule” (or possibly “rule” for short).

I never noticed that! “Rule set” is so gosh darned branded on my brain that it’s gonan take losing a lot of muscle memory to start using “style rule” instead. I didn’t see a specific note in the spec’s Changes section, but you can see the change in the table of contents between versions:

Side-by-side screenshot comparing the table of contents for both the CSS 2 and CSS 3 specifications.

Louis nicely sums up the parts of a style rule as well:

/* Everything below is a style rule (or rule set, or just rule) */
section { /* Everything between the braces is a declaration block */
  margin: 0 20px; /* This line is an individual declaration */
  color: #888; /* Another declaration */

I know nothing of the context and, at first, I was gonna poo-poo the change, but “style rule” really makes sense the more I sit with it. If the property:value pairs are declarations that sit in a declaration block, then we’ve got something less like a set of rules and more like one rule that defines the styles for a selector with a block of style declarations. 👌

Once again, naming things is hard.

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CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Committing CSS Crimes

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The time for CSS-Tricks is over. Now is the time for CSS Crimes!

In this current landscape of content service providers, users are often limited to expressing themselves in text, links, and images. Sanitization rules tend to strip out HTML, JavaScript, and various attributes.

Social media service Cohost allows users to have greater freedom with markup and inline styles than we may be typically used to. Some users have taken advantage of this freedom to commit CSS Crimes! It has resulted in creative recreations of familiar interfaces and interactive games by using properties in unconventional ways.

Blackle Mori created a contraption where pulling a handle slowly turns a series of gears, pulleys, and chains. Eventually an aperture opens to reveal the site’s mascot (“eggbug”) and the proclamation “Good Job!”. I have stared at this in Developer Tools and it is an amazing combination of grid, resize, transform, and calc(). I ended up adding a border to all <div>s to try and get a better understanding of how each individual element moved.

There have been situations in the past where I have been restricted from using the full toolkit of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. There have been many instances of using decorative CSS shapes to get around images. I have used :hover as a workaround for mouseenter and mouseleave. I have used input:checked as a sibling selector for toggling.

While CSS Crimes are probably not something you would want to employ on a regular basis, we should embrace experiments within constraints that can foster creative solutions.

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Committing CSS Crimes originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Help Shape the Future of CSS-Tricks!

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Hey, so it’s been a minute since we announced that CSS-Tricks is now part of the DigitalOcean family. Things are pretty much business as usual and hopefully it feels that way to you, too. Now that we’re getting settled, we’re eager to start poking at the future of this site.

What sort of things are we poking at? Well, that’s where you come in. You see, there’s no shortage of ideas for CSS-Tricks, but we only want to work on things that continue to make CSS-Tricks one of the spots you come to time and again for all things front-end (including actual CSS tricks).

So, we put together a short little survey for you. Nothing crazy, just a few questions to help us vet those ideas and ultimately shape the future of CSS-Tricks.

Thanks so much for your help! And while I have you, thanks for continuing to hang with us. In the seven years I’ve been working here at CSS-Tricks, I know this site wouldn’t even be here today without y’all. Here’s to the future of CSS-Tricks and learning together!

CSS-Tricks Newsletter

Oh, and one more update for all of you who miss the newsletter: it will be back! But we had to drop a ton of you off the list (seriously, like 80% of all subscribers) to be compliant with legal stuff that’s over my head. No worries, though, because you can re-subscribe right down here with your email address.

Help Shape the Future of CSS-Tricks! originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.