Generate a receipt


I need help for this a program that will generate the receipt of the merchandise shop The Blue Blood Shop. The items available on their shop are as follows:

Item Description Price (in Php)
Deathnote Notebook 200.00
Bleach S10 Wristwatch 510.00
Pokemon Cards (Pack of 30) 35.00
Cardcaptor Sakura Mousepad 50.00
Zenki Neck Pillow 150.00
Azumanga Daioh Sling Bag 150.00
Tony Tony Chopper Bagpack 325.00
Luffys Hat 228.00
Mojackos Plushy 100.00
Naruto Mug 175.00
Vampire Knight Necklace 110.00
Shingeki no Kyojin Badge 90.00

Output receipt should also include the shops name, address, date of purchase, contact number and customers name. Compute also the VAT amount and VATable Sale by applying 10% VAT rate. Consider all constraints and scenario.

Sample output is this:::

The Blue Blood Shop
649 corner st Mayaman Road,Balaka City Philippines
Contact No: 8893-7111

Customers Name:

Itm Dscpt Qty. Price

Deathnote Notebook 1 200.00

Zenki Neck Pillow 1 150.00

Mojackos Plushy 1 100.00

Subtotal: 3 450.00
Amt Tendered 500.00
Change 50.00

VATable Sale 405.00
VAT Amount 45.00

Thanks for shopping with us!
Come again to The Blue Blood Shop where we make your fantasies come true

how can I add a counter variable loop for n?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int a, b;
    char c, d;
    cin >> a >> b >> c >> d;

    for (int row = 1; row <= a; row++ ){
        cout << c;
        for (int cols = 1; cols <= b; cols++){
            cout << d;
    cout << c;
// this code outputs 
Sample Input 
10 4 | -
10 is the number of interval
4 is the width of an interval
/ is the major mark
* is the minor mark
Sample Output 

I want to add another loop that when you type 'n' as a major mark
the output would be:
Sample Input
3 2 n x
Sample Output

'n' value are numbers from 0, 1, 2, 3... and so on.

Setting background color of cell always show black


i have this line to set the background color of a cell but instead of the color i specified it set the cell to black.

Tried with diferent colors to check and it always set it to black.

why is that and how to fix it?

ws['A1'].fill = PatternFill(fgColor="7FFFD4", fill_type="solid")
ws['A1'].fill = PatternFill(start_color="8a2be2", end_color="8a2be2", fill_type="solid")
ws['A1'].fill = PatternFill(start_color="8a2be2", fill_type="solid")
ws['A1'].fill = PatternFill(bgColor="7FFFD4", fill_type="solid")

Anyone know why this is not adding borders to my sheet


Anyone know why this is not adding borders to my sheet?

        thick = Side(border_style="thick", color='FF0707')
        ws['F1'].border = Border(top=thick, left=thick, right=thick, bottom=thick)
        for row in ws['A1:D10']:
            for cell in row:
                cell.border = Border(top=thick, left=thick, right=thick, bottom=thick)

How do I find the two largest elements in an array?


I'm having trouble in my assignment
Assignment :: TwoLargestElements
Complete the following program so that it computes and writes out the two largest elements in the array.
It always display "12" on both largest and largest2

import* ;    
public class TwoLargest  {      
 public static void main ( String[] args ) 
                     throws IOException    {      
 int[] data = {3, 1, 5, 7, 4, 12, -3, 8, -2};            
 int largest = 0, largest2 = 0;                       
  for ( int index = 0; index < data.length; index++)      
  if(largest < data[index]) {
  largest = data [index];
  for ( int index = 0; index < data.length; index++)
  if (largest2 < largest) {  
    largest2 = largest;
  System.out.println("The largest number in the array is: " + largest);
  System.out.println("The second largest number in the array is: " + largest2); 

Jumble word through user input


(Jumble word program) (plz guys help me to make this program)

user enter few characters randomly, then press enter, (your program stores 50 names of your class fellows)
if by rearranging your entered characters it matches to the names stored,
then it will show it, otherwise it will show that name does not exist.

for example.... user enter llohe
correct name already declare (hello) program show this name

I need help to make this code to run please!! hsa.Console


Hello, I need help to make this code to run please. this is just a part of the code.
I have the imports below, but hsa.Console is not imported, I have tried to download de jar files for it but cannot find it. Is there a way I could make it work?

import hsa.Console;

Console c;
Console d;

private void askData ()

  d.setCursor ((selection == -1) ? (2): ** // d.setCursor shows an error that says: cannot resolve method "setCursor" in "Console"**
     (3), 1);

  d.println (); **// same error here**

  if (selection2 != -1)
     d.setCursor ((selection == -1) ? (2):
        (3), 1);

     d.clear(); **// same error here**
     d.setCursor (2, 1);

  if (selection == -1)

     d.println ("Please enter the first tower.");
     userInput = d.getChar (); **// same error here**
     if ((userInput - '0' > 3 || userInput - '0' < 1) && userInput != 'e' && userInput != 'E' && userInput != 's' && userInput != 'S')

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Error! Invalid range! The range must be between 1 and 3!");
        askData ();

     if (userInput == 'e' || userInput == 'E' || userInput == 's' || userInput == 'S')
     d.println ((selection = (userInput - '0') - 1) + 1);

  d.print ("Please enter the destination tower.");
  userInput = d.getChar ();
  if (userInput - '0' > 3 || userInput - '0' < 1 && userInput != 'e' && userInput != 'E' && userInput != 's' && userInput != 'S')

     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Error! Invalid range! The range must be between 1 and 3!");
     selection2 = -1; //Here.
     askData ();

  if (userInput == 'e' || userInput == 'E' || userInput == 's' || userInput == 'S')
  d.println ((selection2 = (userInput - '0') - 1) + 1);
  if ((highlightIndex (selection, false, false) != -1 && highlightIndex (selection2, false, false) != -1 && board [((difficulty - (highlightIndex (selection, false, false)) == -1) ? (0):
     ((difficulty - highlightIndex (selection, false, false))))] [selection] > board [(difficulty - (highlightIndex (selection2, false, false)) == -1) ? (0):
     (difficulty - ((highlightIndex (selection2, false, false))))] [selection2]))

     selection = -1;
     selection2 = -1;
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Error! Invalid choices! You cannot place a big block over a smaller block.");
     askData ();

Variable not recognised


From the below, how can I make the variable $new_status recognisable within those brackets?

$sendData = '{ "messages" : [ { "content" : "Your order is $new_status.", } ] }';

Problem: The above sends out text message successfully on status update, but the variable $new_status does not get updated.

I think within the those brackets php is not recognising the $new_status as a variable. I notice that if i insert one apostrophe (') just before $new_statusn like this '$new_status the variable turns green meaning it is recognised, however i get error in php that says Unexpeted T Variable

php variable issue


I need to add variable called $new_status, but its not being recognised on php, any suggestions.

$sendData = '{ "messages" : [ { "content" : "Your order is $new_status.", } ] }';

Does Anyone Know of a PHP Content Locker Script?


Trying to have a script built that locks the content until user refers a friend to signup, then they are granted access. They have a set amount of time, as a timer counts down or their account is deactivated. Its for a game we are creating and want to use this type system. Is there anyone who has done this?

I have hired someone to build it but i see lol he doesnt know what he is please.

How can I create an automatic numerical progression in HTML …?



How can I create an automatic numerical progression from 0 to 500,000 in html?

The code I was given is this:

<p><span style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;"><span style="text-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) 0px 3px 2px;"><sup>437</sup></span></span></p>

how can i make the code progressive and automatic every three minutes?

The progression I have to make it for the university I am still a beginner. Help me !!! Thanks for the reply :)

how can this code be written


hey guys
i have this question that i am finding difficulity in help will be appriciated
Modify the Wombat 1 computer to Wombat 2 by adding Stack. Stack is a memory which
has only one opening where the values are pushed into or popped from stack. The values
pushed into the stack will settle down on top of other value. The last value pushed into the
stack will be the first one to come out and similarly the first value pushed into the stack will
be the last one to come out of the stack. The stack has two operations: which are Push
and Pop. Add a stack, a new stack pointer register, push and pop machine instructions to
make Wombat 2 computer. Please note that the push operation will push a value from the
main memory to the stack while the pop operation will pop a value from the stack to the
main memory.
Also, add call and return machine instructions. call instruction will allow the
subprogram to be called (which means start executing the code for the subprogram)
whereas return instruction will allow the subprogram to end and return to main program
(start executing the main program from where function call was made).
Write a complete Wombat 2 assembly language program. The main program should take a
positive number as input and call first subprogram to calculate the radix 4 representation
for that number and the second program will display the result. The radix 4 calculation
should use stack.

assembly langguage


helo! im an comp engineering student and i need ur help. i have to do a Reminder system using assembly language
|-ask user key in input |-clock system |-timer system |-output.
thats the basic idea that i have for now. we are using the emulator x86, here the link
so the input is only keypad and the output is on/off light