need it asap ;-;

  1. Methods to search for a book
    If the user chooses that option he should be asked of he wants to search for it using the books title (or part of it) or using the name of one of the authors (or part of the name)
    Depending on that search the user should go through the Library.txt file and print all the books matching that certain criteria. And if none was found an appropriate message should be printed. (the search needs to be case sensitive as the user can search using lower case letters or upper case one)

Forking Processes


You are provided with a text file containing randomized integers from 1-10000 called randomNum.txt. Write a program to sort these integers. You will have to create 5 separate processes for this, which will work in parallel to sort the integers. This means Process 1 will sort integers from 1-2000. Process 2 will sort integers from 2001-4000, and so on. Parse the text file line by line and assign each integer to its corresponding process. Create a 6th process that will put all the individual outputs together into one big file. Your output will be another text file called sorted.txt which will have all the integers sorted.

Input: As stated, for the input, read a file called randomNum.txt. This contains integers from

i really need help with this Q, and i’m comfused with kinda bit with this q


A number m is called a proper divisor of n if m<n and m divides n. A positive integer is perfect if it is the sum of its proper positive divisors. For example 28 is perfect because 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28 . 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14 are the proper positive divisors of 28.
Write a java program ask the user to enter any positive number and the program will find if this number is perfect or not;

develop a prototype system for the Norman Manley Airport


You have been contracted to develop a prototype system for the Norman Manley Airport that will assist the airline staff in processing persons who have checked in for their flights during the covid pandemic. The information being stored for each person are as follows:
There is no way of determining the number of persons who will check in daily, so your solution should implement an appropriate data structure that is able to handle this level of uncertainty. Each person has a Priority Level of either 1 or 2 that will indicate the urgency at which they are processed with 1 being the most urgent.
Processing Requirements

  1. Generate a random set of data representing customer arrivals at time t=0, t=1 and t=2. The number of arrivals can range from 1 to 6. (Assume single travelers for simplicity)
  2. Display an appropriate heading to represent the passing of time and display the data that was generated by using the following format: [trn, name, gender, flight, priority]. Each data item is to be placed on a newline.
  3. Add each person to the list in order of arrival and according to priority level. (note: persons with priority 1 are to be placed before persons with priority 2. A new priority 1 person is to be placed behind existing priority 1 individuals)
  4. Display the list to ensure that the order of arrival and priority levels are being maintained.
  5. Produce the following reports from the list:
    Number of level 1 males on each flight
    Number of level 1 females on each flight
    Number of level 2 males on each flight
    Number of level 2 females on each flight
  6. Process the list by generating a random number between 3 and 5 that will indicate how many persons to remove from the list. Persons are removed from the front of the list and the state of the list is to printed at each interval with an appropriate message to indicate the passage of time. The program should terminate when the list is empty.

Who Are We Helping?


It’s hard to deny the truth that for a lot of us “difficult” means “good,” and “more difficult” is “even better.” From video games to exercise to music to cooking, if someone accomplishes something perceived as hard to do, it’s a clear indication of their skill. Conversely, saying something is easy or simple is often a veiled insult, an insinuation that anyone could do it and therefore the thing is therefore barely worth acknowledging.

And, while I don’t want to discount the system upon which so much of our leisure activities are based, I think this is a lesson we in IT have taken too much to heart. I’m writing today to ask us to all consider shifting our thinking in the direction of “easy can also be good.” In fact, things which are easy are often better overall than things that require a greater level of individual virtuosity.

How to make a calculator?


I am making a calculator in Virtual Basic for almost a week. I am encountering a problem when using the equals sign. When I type problems like 4 + 6 = 10 it answers correctly. When I press the equal again immediately after the calculator answers 10. It should enter as 10 + 6 = 16 but it does not work like that. How do I create a calculator that when users press again and again they will have a loop of + 6? Please help me. This is the code I used for my equal sign button.

Activity 4: Create 2 lists: 1 list for username and 1 list for password.



username = ["John", "Peter", "David"]
password = ["abc123", "123abc", "a1b2c3"]

Passwords and username are paired by index. (i.e., Johns password is abc123, etc.)

Then make the user input a username and password, then check if the input matches the pair of username and password. If account exists, display Welcome, [username]!. Else, Account not found.

Use 1 for loop.

On the first line of your output, print a Submitted By: line.

A sample screenshot of the expected output is shown below. Take note of the differences in output when the user provides a wrong answer and when the user provides a correct answer.

I attach picture, so the out is like that same as in the picture.

Analyzing iMessage With SQL


SQLite is an often overlooked flavor of SQL engines. Some have suggested it is the most prolific SQL engine in existence due to its highly flexible nature and ability to run on almost any platform with limited resources. Unlike other SQL engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, or Oracle, SQLite runs without a server. SQLite does not rely on a data directory or a constantly running daemon: a database is encapsulated in a single file.

SQLite and iMessage

iMessage is one of the most popular messaging platforms today, largely because it is built into iOS and Mac devices. Since its release, it has evolved significantly. But, at its core, it is simply an instant messaging platform. iMessage uses SQLite in the background to store relational data about messages, conversations, and their participants.

Number of characters in a string – MIPS


Hello, I am trying to count the number of characters in a string $a0 that return a 1 when passed to the function, otherwise return 0. Heres what I did: I dont have the correct answer __ output format must be 3, I have 11

        .globl __start
__start:                # execution starts here  */

        la $a0,ans
        li $v0,4        # print out string

        la $a0,str
        jal strchk      # call strchk function

        move $a0,$v0
        li $v0,1        # print out returned value

        la $a0,endl     # system call to print
        li $v0,4        # out a newline

        li $v0,10
        syscall         # au revoir...

# checkch is a function which takes a character
# in a0,  and returns either 0 or 1 in v0,
# depending on the result of some test.
# Do not rely of the particular operation performed
# by checkch or the registers used.
# These will be different in other mipsmark cases.

        li $v0,0
        beq  $a0,'a',yes
        beq  $a0,'e',yes
        beq  $a0,'i',yes
        beq  $a0,'o',yes
        beq  $a0,'u',yes
        jr $ra
yes:    li $v0,1
        jr $ra

#/* Any changes above this line will be discarded by
# mipsmark. Put your answer between dashed lines. */
#/*-------------- start cut ----------------------- */


        sub $sp, $sp, 16                # adjusting a stack pointer to store an address of string and return an address
        sw $a0, 0($sp)
        sw $s0, 4($sp)
        sw $s1, 8($sp)
        sw $ra, 12($sp)

        li $s0, 0                       # for total vowel count
        move $s1, $a0                   # move address in $a0


        lb $a0, 0($s1)                  # load char in $a0
        beqz $a0, done                  # if null char, branch to done
        jal checkch                     # jump to checkch
#       add  $s0, $s0, $v0              # increment an address offset
        addi $s1, $s1, 1                # add vowel counter
#       j loop
        bne $a0, $v0, jump


        add $s0, $s0, 1
        j loop


        move $v0, $s0                   # use $v0 for result
        lw  $a0, 0($sp)
        lw $s0, 4($sp)
        lw $s0, 8($sp)

        add $a0, $0, $s1

        lw $ra, 12($sp)                 # retrieve a return address
        lw $a0, 0($sp)                  # retrieve value in $a0
        add $sp, $sp, 16                # adjust stack pointer
        jr $ra                          # jump to calling

        j __start       #nasty loop if mips program not exited */
#/*--------------  end cut  -----------------------
# Any changes below this line will be discarded by
# mipsmark. Put your answer between dashed lines.

#                                               #
#               data segment                    #
#                                               #

        .data                   #*/
str:    .asciiz "aei0956xyz\n"
ans:    .asciiz "number of characters that pass test = "
endl:   .asciiz "\n"

assistance in the topic


Create a program that displays the result of a sales transaction. The calculation requires three numbers. The first number represents the product price. The second number is the salesperson commission. These two numbers should be added together. The third value represents a customer discount; subtract this third from the result of the addition. Create two classes, The first class, transaction contains the method to do the calculation. The three numbers are passed to this method by a statement in the other class. The display is in the class that calls the calculation method.
Submit both code (soft copy) and output (screen shot

restaurant management system


It will be an interactive system where model restaurant will take order from its customer and
generate bill. System will also generate daily menu list based on the sales of veg and non-veg
items during last 15 days.
I am unable to figure out second part of generating daily menu.
Please help out

Writing to 2d array with fscan


Im trying to scan in a txt file with a string of numbers.


<#include stdlib.c>
<#include stdio.c>
<#include string.h>

int main{
char grid[3][3];
int i = 0;

File *f = fopen(t.txt, r)

while (i != 3){
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
fscanf(f, %1c, &grid[i][j]);


But it prints a segment fault.