How To Highlight Similar Item/s and Fix Bugs in VB (Search ListView)


So my problem is that when I type for example "prod" in the SrchTBox and then click SrchBtn, it will only highlight "Product 2" but not "Product 1" even though they both have "prod" in their item name, how can I highlight any 2 or more relevant items? Also, how can I search items without the problem of worrying about case-sensitivity? That happened when I typed "prod" and it highlights the last item which is "Product 2" but not "Product 1." How can I also fix the bug where the program cannot read the text that I typed? (For example, I typed "rod" in the SrchTBox and a pop-up message shows up and it said, "No match has been found.")

NOTE: The problem is in SrchBtn.

Dim prdt As String() = New String(3) {}
Dim slctprdt As ListViewItem

Dim prdtName As String
Dim price As String
Dim qtty As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    ProductListView.View = View.Details
    ProductListView.GridLines = True
    ProductListView.FullRowSelect = True

    ProductListView.Columns.Add("Product Name", 126)
    ProductListView.Columns.Add("Price", 93)
    ProductListView.Columns.Add("Quantity", 93)

    prdt(0) = "Product 1"
    prdt(1) = "100"
    prdt(2) = "10"
    slctprdt = New ListViewItem(prdt)

    prdt(0) = "Product 2"
    prdt(1) = "200"
    prdt(2) = "20"
    slctprdt = New ListViewItem(prdt)

End Sub
Private Sub SlctBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

    If ProductListView.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox("ERROR: No items selected")
        prdtName = ProductListView.SelectedItems.Item(0).SubItems(0).Text
        price = ProductListView.SelectedItems.Item(0).SubItems(1).Text
        qtty = ProductListView.SelectedItems.Item(0).SubItems(2).Text

        MsgBox(prdtName & " " + price & " " & qtty)
    End If

End Sub
Private Sub AddPrdtBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

    Dim prdt As String() = New String(3) {}
    Dim slctprdt As ListViewItem

    If PrNTBox.Text <> Trim("") And PTBox.Text <> Trim("") And QTBox.Text <> Trim("") Then
        prdt(0) = PrNTBox.Text
        prdt(1) = PTBox.Text
        prdt(2) = QTBox.Text
        slctprdt = New ListViewItem(prdt)
        MsgBox("ERROR: Incomplete textboxes")
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub SrchBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SrchBtn.Click

    Dim srchTxt = Me.SrchTBox.Text

    If srchTxt = String.Empty Then
        MsgBox("Please enter the search box first.")
        Dim strtIndx = 0
        Dim prdt As ListViewItem = Nothing

        If Me.ProductListView.SelectedItems.Count = 1 AndAlso Me.ProductListView.SelectedItems(0).Text = srchTxt Then
            strtIndx = Me.ProductListView.SelectedIndices(0) + 1
        End If

        If strtIndx < Me.ProductListView.Items.Count Then
                prdt = Me.ProductListView.FindItemWithText(srchTxt, False, strtIndx)

                If prdt Is Nothing OrElse prdt.Text = srchTxt Then
                    Exit Do
                End If

                strtIndx = prdt.Index + 1

                If strtIndx >= Me.ProductListView.Items.Count Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End If


        If prdt Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox("No match has been found.")
            prdt.Selected = True
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Visual basic 6 and Login processing


Hi, want to ask the following

if rs.fields(0).value=text1.text and rs.fields(1).value=text2.text then

As you know, above code is part of Login processing. There are two text boxes for user name and password entry. Number (0) and (1) (in above code) refers to access database fields that user names and passwords are stored there. above code works fine for one user only.

Wondering, how to set for more users and how to extend this code so that anyone whose name,pass is in db, can access to main form. I tried adding fields in db for more usernames but from login form could not refer to them either by field number or data type so, not responding positively.
Thanks in advance

problem with zuEuz server


Hello ..

i have created an asp net web app (.Net FrameWork ) website local "which has connection with my local sql database " on my device and i want some other client to work on it remotly ... i have tried to get IIS but faced different some problems in it ...

so i have used zuEuz server instead ... but still facing same problem in accessing it remotly however i have managed to get it work on my pc and my devices connected to same network ...

i have done the followig ::

assigning firewall port for it ..
changed my router port to allow it ...

but when someone tries to access it remotly it gets thet page that it took long time to reposne how to solve that ...


Visual studio – Add static string to text in a cycle


Hi, all I've a question, i have a series of links and need to put it in a specific point of a static string, that will need to stay with every cycle and don't want to lose it I make this one till now:

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        For Each line As String In TextBox1.Lines
            TextBox2.Text = "[link ]" & "(" & TextBox1.Text & ")" & vbCrLf
    End Sub
End Class

The problem I'm encounting it's when i put text in the first one textbox (That I use as input for after convert with a button and on the other one textbox2 will give me the result) for ex:
Textbox1 text
https first link
http second link
but the result will be that, only the first line, link will be correctly inserted inside of it. How can I fix it, keeping that string also for others too, because there are a lot of it, and also it's possible to make sure that if I'll put ex:
google - https first link
yahoo - http second link
The program find by itself the link part and add this static string ? ex:
google - (link ) (https first link)
yahoo - (link) (https second link)
Thank you in advice.



this is the task given to me guix i hope you can help me
Create a program that will read the data from a file and save the output in another file
1.Create an input file named CS122Grades.
2.The contents of the input file should be the names,midterm grades and finalterm grades of 5 students (grades are from 0-100)
3.Create a main program named FinalGradeCalculator.
4.The main program will read the names,midterm grades,and finalterm gradesof the 5 students and compute the final grade (50% midterm+50%finalterm)and determine the remarks whether the student passed or failed (passing grade is 75)
5.The man program will save the outputin a file named CS122FinalGrades.The content of the output file should be the name of the student, the final grade and the remarks with labels.
6.The program shoundappend new data to your output file.

Random numbers 10 in a row .HTML/JS


I have been trying to figure out how to generate 10 random numbers in a row with this :
The code should include:

var text = " ";
var number ;
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
text = text + number
if (i % 10 == 0)
text = text + "<br>"

number = Math.round((Math.random() * 9998) + 1);

How can I make my code work using these?
I am a total beginner so mostly everything is new to me :D. Thank you in advance.



Design a program to compute the gross pay of worker named michael bryan given that michael bryan worked 80hours to php67.97 per hour

DataSet’ is a ‘namespace’ but is used like a ‘type’


Error 1 'AdvoDiary.DataSet' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type' D:\AdvoDiary\AdvoDiary\ReportViewer\rptBilling.cs 25 9 AdvoDiary

namespace AdvoDiary.ReportViewer

public partial class rptBilling : Form

    Common sCom;
    DBHelper myDB;
    string sOLE;
    clsGlobalVar objGlob;
    OleDbConnection cn;
    OleDbDataAdapter sDA;
    DataSet sDS;
    OleDbCommand cmd;

an assignment that i am having trouble with coding


Write a program that prompts the user to input (word/statement), Accepts only letters. The program then: 1.Remove all the vowels from the (word /statement) then output the (word /statement) without vowels. 2. Outputs the number of vowels. 3. Convert the lowercase vowels letters to uppercase and vice versa. Conditions: 1. Use only (while Or do-while loop). Do everything outside the main function except declarations.