I want to make TextBox into array and adjust it with buttons.

Private Sub Plus_Btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles A_Plus_Btn.Click, C_Txb.Click
    Dim Txb As TextBox
    If x < MAX Then
        x += 1
        x = 5
    End If

    For i As Integer = 1 To x
        For j As Integer = 1 To x
            Txb = New TextBox
            Txb.Size = New Drawing.Size(100, 20)
            Txb.Location = New Point(10 + 100 * i, 10 + 25 * j)
            Txb.Name = "Txb" & i & "," & j

            AddHandler Txb.TextChanged, AddressOf TextBox_TextChanged
            boxes(i) = Txb
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim box As TextBox = DirectCast(sender, TextBox)
Me.Text = box.Name & ": " & box.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Minus_Btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles A_Minus_Btn.Click, C_Txb.Click
    Dim Txb As TextBox
    If x > MIN Then
        x -= 1
        x = MIN
    End If

    For i As Integer = 1 To x
        For j As Integer = 1 To x
            Txb = New TextBox
            Txb.Size = New Drawing.Size(100, 20)
            Txb.Location = New Point(10 + 100 * i, 10 + 25 * j)
            Txb.Name = "Txb" & i & "," & j

            AddHandler Txb.TextChanged, AddressOf TextBox_TextChanged
            boxes(i) = Txb
End Sub

I want to make TextBox into array and increase/decrease with buttons.

ex) dim x=1 [+] [-]
x = 1:

x = 2:

x = 3:

But it's made with the code I wrote above, but it doesn't remove.
And it's not array system, it's hard to manage.

how to change buttontext in vbnet using code


I tried using this code(below) to change the button text when i run the code from "Button1" to "Click" but when i run the code the name still remains "Button1" and if i click the button the name then changes to "Click". I want the code to show "Click" on the button when i run it not when i click it. Please, how do i do this? And would it work for other tools like label?

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Button1.Text = "Click"

End Sub

End Class

how to disable today date on datepicker that follow the time zone.


Hi everythings,

I have a question regarding on disabling today date on datepicker, i got this code from internet and it seem like working , but then i realised its starting disable today date from 08:00 am onward and not disable from 12:00 am, seems like its has problem with time zone, i guess.

format: 'dd-mm-yyyy', 
startDate: '+1d',
endDate: '+5m',                              
beforeShowDay: renderCalendarCallback               

Does anyone can explain me why this thing happen? TQ in advance.

How to handle “statement label must be unique” in Marie assembler


here is my code...

JnS Print

Print, HEX 2
PrintString, Load PrintName
Skipcond 800
JumpI Print
Load PrintName
Add Increment
Store PrintName
Jump PrintString

PrintName, DEC 0
HEX 043
HEX 048
HEX 045
HEX 041
HEX 048
HEX 030
HEX 030
HEX 030
Increment, DEC 1
Load PrintName
Store Print_Arg
JnS Print
PrintName, hex 04A

Print_Arg, DEC 0
Print, Hex 0
Load Print_Arg
Skipcond 000
JumpI Print
Load PrintName
Add Increment
Store PrintName
Jump 0

Increment, DEC 1

read a closed Excel.xlsx file


I wish to read from a closed excel file, a few years ago I found a website using ADO and it worked
but now I cannot find this website I have tried over 100 with no success

please help

Countdown timer using LC3 Assembly Langugae


I want to make a timer that will countdown from a number that a user will give such as 20 min. If it is easier I could use the timer as a set amount each time. I want the timer to countdown from 20:00 down to 00:00 (min:sec). I want users to be able to pause and start the time by pressing a s for start and a p for pause. If you have any questions let me know, any help will be greatly appreciated.

May I Know where is my mistake

using namespace std;
int main()
  string weekday;
  weekday= {"Mon","Tue","Wed", "Thu","Fri"};
  cout<<"\n Please select day of booking:";
  cout<<"\n Day of booking:";

  return 0;

A simple encryption scheme


Basically this scheme uses variable offsets, but it generates the bytes on the fly. They aren't truly random, but there aren't any obvious patterns and the output passes all the NIST tests.

Since a simple password can be used to do the de/encryption it is much easier to hand off to the recipient and any good password generator can create one.

Since only part of the generated sub keys are used, it becomes very difficult if not impossible to reverse engineer the sub key to find the previous or next sub key.

Output a shape that is a mirror image of itself , BUT, only 3 loops allowed


So we can't just do the top half of the shape, then do another bunch of loops as the opposite to output the second half of the shape. This is what i did, but i'm told it can be done in no more than 3 loops. I can't quite figure out how though and i'm intrigued!

This is how it should look:


    void draw3c()
    for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++ )
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
            cout << " ";
        for (int s = 0; s < 9 - (i * 2); s++)
            cout << "*";
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
            cout << " ";
        cout << "\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3 - i; j++)
            cout << " ";
        for (int s = 0; s < 3 + (i * 2); s++)
            cout << "*";
        for (int j = 0; j < 3 - i; j++)
            cout << " ";
        cout << "\n";

the code please


Mr.Sadik and Ramadan are competing together, both of them wants to become expert on Codeforces first.

You will be given two numbers R1 and R2, where R1 is the current rate of Mr.Sadik and R2 is the current rate of Ramadan.

Can you determine who will become expert first after adding X1 to Mr.Sadik rate and adding X2 to Ramadan rate.

Note that the rate must reach 1600 to become an expert.

You will be given two lines. The first line will be current rates R1 and R2 where (0R1,R2106).

The second line will be additonal rates X1 and X2 where (0X1,X2106).

Print Mr.Sadik if he became expert first otherwise print Ramadan.

If they both became expert print the one who has higher rate.

If none of them became expert print None.

I would like to know if someone can help me with this !


I would like a help from someone who knows how to ...

I want a PHP Search that does sarch for a specific keyword or something inside a directory with full of .txt files and gives the output of all Searched files with matched words with a Link where you can vist ! if someone has the time and willing to help me thank you very much in regards :)

How I can web scrape data from 2 different website


I want to make sqlite table like this format:

| Matric | Name                        | GitHub Link               | Status |
|--------|--------------------------   |---------------------------|--------|
| 243340 | Yu Zhixiong                 | https://github.com/abcde  | Yes    |
| 250634 | Ahmad Afham Bin Noor Azizan |                           | No     |

I get two link is first link is about student who have submit the githublink,the second is about matric and name.and the status is not given the two of link

Now I already get second link information and I do not know how to get githublink and the status because the githublink is not everyone have the githublink.So how i can identified it and connect it like a table?


help me to write this code?


Write a program that reads a telephone number from a file phnum.txt (available in lab folder) in
the form xxx-xxxx. The first three digits represent an area code and the next 4 digits represent
the phone number. Your task is to print these numbers into another file (outFile.txt) without any
space or - between the area code and the number. Your program should define a function that
has input and output file streams as arguments.
For example,
If the phone number is 042-5610, the output should be 0425610.

Splitting string into individual variables


Hi Group,

I'm using the split function for the very first time. I understand what it's doing. However I don't know how to output each individual word into a specific variable.

As an example, the string is "Dickerson Tile Company". I have defined 7 variables to accept up to 7 word splits.

Dim Search1, Search2, Search3 ...... Search7

Ultimately I want to output the split into

Search1 = "Dickerson"
Search2 = "Tile"
Search3 = "Company"

My code is currently

Dim s As String = tbxCustomerName.Text
Dim words As String() = s.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 'words are delimited with a space " "

This is where I'm struggling: How do I get my output into the individual buckets? My assumption is I would use an array or For statement. However I can't seem to find the correct syntax to create the name of the variable (Search1, Search2, etc.) and then to get the individual word into each variable. Can you help?

Thanks for your assistance.

Papa Don

Split a string into individual words


Hi Group,

I'm using the split function for the very first time. I understand what it's doing. However I don't know how to output each individual word into a specific variable.

As an example, the string is "Dickerson Tile Company". I have defined 7 variables to accept up to 7 word splits.

Dim Search1, Search2, Search3 ...... Search7

Ultimately I want to output the split into

Search1 = "Dickerson"
Search2 = "Tile"
Search3 = "Company"

My code is currently

Dim s As String = tbxCustomerName.Text
Dim words As String() = s.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 'words are delimited with a space " "

This is where I'm struggling: How do I get my output into the individual buckets? My assumption is I would use an array or For statement. However I can't seem to find the correct syntax to create the name of the variable (Search1, Search2, etc.) and then to get the individual word into each variable. Can you help?

Thanks for your assistance.

Papa Don

Check if there is a duplicate username in MySQL database


Good day! I am new in vb.net and I want to detect if there is a duplicate of the record that a user will try to add. If the user adds an existing username from the database then it will show an error that the username has already been used.
Here is my code:

        Dim qadd As String = "INSERT INTO tbl_user (uname, pword, ulvl) VALUES ('" & txt_uname.Text & "' , '" & txt_pword1.Text & "' , '" & txt_pword2.Text & "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE uname = ' " & txt_uname.Text & " '"
        Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand(qadd, conn)
        Dim data As MySqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
        MsgBox("User has been added!", MsgBoxStyle.Information)