5 Recent Amazing AI Advancements

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AI advances continue to shape the way we live, both in big and small ways. Every industry in our society is impacted by artificial intelligence, and every facet of our society is affected by all new AI advancements. 

In 2022, the open launch and rise of ChatGPT created significant buzz among the general public about AI advances that intersect with daily life. But what do these incredible AI advances mean for us as a society?

Different Ways To Rename Database Objects

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This article explains different methods to rename database objects. We can rename database objects by using any of the following methods:

  • Rename database objects using SSMS.
  • Rename database objects using the sp_rename stored procedure.

To understand the concept with more clarity, I have explained the methods with simple examples. For demonstration, I have created a database named SchoolManagement. I have created a database schema using ChatGPT. There is an interesting article written on ChatGPT and how we can use it. You can read it here. The script to create the database and tables are following:

GPT-4 Demo Turns a Crude Sketch of a “My Joke Website” into a Functional Website for Revealing Jokes

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Here’s the clip from the original YouTube where Greg Brockman shows it off. Ultimately GPT-4 produced HTML output, which Greg copy-pasted into CodePen in order to show it off.
What a big release! Shawn Wang notes:
To use simple measures of how anticipated this was – GPT-4 is already the 11th-most upvoted Hacker News story of ALL TIMEthe Developer Livestream got 1.5 million views in 20 hours (currently #5 trending video on all of YouTube) and the announcement tweet got 4x more likes than the same for ChatGPT, itself the biggest story of 2022.
Certainly, this code-for-me angle is clicking with people!
I popped into GPT-4 and asked it:
build an html page where you click a button to go to a random wikipedia page
Which works pretty darn nicely actually:
I don’t know about that Arial choice there, but otherwise, well done. I was hoping to try the “sketch a drawing” thing first, but apparently, that’s not quite open to us yet. If you’d like to see more examples of ChatGPT having created good working code, we’ve got a Collection going here.

Creating ‘Crap’ Faster Isn’t an Improvement

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Over the last few weeks, there’s been a lot of chatter about ChatGPT, a writing tool built in OpenAI. So much noise, in fact, that everyone from CNN, the NYT, Forbes, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, the Guardian, BBC, TechCrunch, CNet, and approximately a half billion techbruhs on YouTube had to sound off on it. All in the last two weeks.

The opinions range from incredulous to breathless to skeptical — albeit carefully so. Nobody really knows what the next few weeks will bring, and therefore nobody is willing to declare ChatGPT entirely one thing or another.

Everything You Must Know About ChatGPT

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ChatGPT has become a global phenomenon and has brought in an era with AI-driven AI assistants.

All over the world, people use ChatGPT in exciting ways to earn money, create courses, write film scripts and improve their productivity, increase their creativity, etc.

How To Create Your Own ChatGPT (Ish) In 5 Minutes

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Most developers are probably aware that OpenAI provides an API at this point. By intelligently using this API, you can actually “create your own ChatGPT chatbot.” Your own private ChatGPT that answers questions the way you want it to answer questions. To see an example of this, check out our ChatGPT chatbot. If you’re too lazy to click the link, there’s a screenshot below.

The basic idea is really simple. You point it at a website, our system scrapes your site, and you get your own custom ChatGPT version that knows everything about YOU and YOUR COMPANY and only speaks nicely about your services. Watch the video below to understand the process.

Vector Databases Are Reinventing How Unstructured Data Is Analyzed

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Unstructured data is a complex challenge but a huge opportunity in any organization’s pursuit of data excellence. Unfortunately, it remains untouched due to the complexity of sorting, managing, and organizing the load. Interestingly, the OpenAI initiative, ChatGPT, has emerged as a winner in manipulating unstructured data into a structured format. However, ChatGPT isn’t the only one making inroads to streamlining the analysis of unstructured data: Enter vector databases. 

Difference between structured and unstructured data.

ChatGPT to answer Question Hub

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As you may know, Google Question Hub lets you type in keywords or topics you wish to write about on your site, and you're presented with a list of questions that Google wants to encourage you to write about. For example, I typed in PHP and was presented with questions such as:

  • What is shell script in PHP?
  • Where to test PHP code?
  • How to make PHP work?

I assume that these are search queries that a non-negligible number of people searched for on Google, and Google detected the content that exists out there for them to be sub-par. Therefore, they want to encourage high quality writers to provide better content so they can provide better results for their searchers.

As of January 5th of this upcoming year (just a few short weeks away), Question Hub will end and instead be migrated into Google Search Console as an experimental feature named "Content ideas". It's yet to be determined if this is going to happen for all search console users, or just certain ones (perhaps ones who have consistently demonstrated a history of high quality content on their site?)

Either way, it got me thinking with the recent popularity of ChatGPT. Imagine just how easy it would be to plop each of these Google-sourced questions straight into the popular A.I. content creator. If there's no existing quality content answering these questions already that Google could find, imagine ChatGPT taking a go of it. It's probably one of the reasons that Google is announcing all ChatGPT content is against their search quality guidelines.