Learn how to add a podcast to your WordPress blog.

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A podcast is a combination of iPod and broadcasting. It is a medium that allows individuals to distribute audio content to a wide range of listeners. This innovative form of communication has gained immense popularity in recent years. It provides a unique platform for individuals to share their thoughts, ideas, and stories through captivating audio […]

How to Start a Photography Blog: From Zero to Launch

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how to start a photography blogA photography blog can be a great way to share your love of photography, build a community with other photographers, and promote your photography business. In this guide on how to start a photography blog, we’ll take you from zero to launch in the time that it takes your shutter to close during a long exposure shot. So get your tripod ready, set your aperture, and let's get started.

How to Hire a Proofreader for Your Blog

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hire a proofreaderIf you run a blog, it's always a good idea to have a second set of eyes look over articles before you publish them. In this article, we're going to talk about what proofreading involves and when you should consider hiring someone to help you do it. Then, we'll go over some steps to help you hire a proofreader for your blog.

Main Benefits of a Technical Blog

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This blog is a special edition because it is my 100th blog! I will explain what this blog has given me in the past five years. If you are planning to start a blog of yourself, you may use this list of benefits in order to get you motivated to get started.

1. Introduction

In the beginning of September, I already celebrated the fifth anniversary of my blog. Now I publish my 100th blog and I am pretty proud of it. It seems not so long ago that I started my blog, but on the other hand, it also feels like I am doing this for a long time. At least, I cannot imagine a life without my blog anymore. In the beginning, I really suffered of the imposter syndrome: I posted blogs, but did not let anyone in my direct environment know that I had a blog. After a few months, I let this feeling behind myself and let the world know that I write technical content. In those five years, I only had one or two negative comments, but many positive comments and I really do not bother about the negative ones. In the next section, I will try to list some of the benefits of a technical blog and if you would like to start with a blog yourself, do read Why Start a Technical Blog. Enjoy this post and up to the next five years!

How to Get Your WordPress Blog Listed in Google News

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How to Get Your WordPress Blog Listed in Google NewsDo you run a WordPress blog and want to skyrocket your daily readership? You’ve probably jumped through plenty of hoops thus far just to get where you are: social media strategizing, bookmarking, and getting mentioned in blog directories are likely just a few of the methods you’ve used to make your blog a success. But […]

The post How to Get Your WordPress Blog Listed in Google News appeared first on WPExplorer.

7 Strategies to Grow Affiliate Sales for WordPress Blogs

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Strategies to Grow Affiliate Sales for WordPress BlogsYou may have started your blog with the sole intention of helping the community by providing much-needed information and answering questions around a given subject, but now you’re thinking you deserve to get some money out of it. Maybe you’re looking for new ways to make a little extra money on the side or you […]

The post 7 Strategies to Grow Affiliate Sales for WordPress Blogs appeared first on WPExplorer.

If I work really hard on my Open Graph images, people will share my blog posts.

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Zach did that thing where each of his blog posts has a special URL with the design of social image card that is screenshat by a headless browser (like Puppeteer) and used as a true meta Open Graph image, meaning it’s displayed on Twitter, Facebook, iMessage, Slack, Discord, and whatever else supports that card look.

I like it. Even though I’ve got a pretty good solution cooking now (for WordPress), the templates aren’t controlled with HTML/CSS like I wish they were.

As bit of yang to the ying here, Jim has some thoughts on the not-so-great Aspects of Open Graph images:

I feel like they’ve been hijacked by auto-generated computer imagery serving as attention-grabbing filler more than supportive expression.

Jim Nielsen, “Quibbles With Social Share Imagery”

It’s kinda like… we can add Open Graph images, and we essentially get a totally free massive clickable target for hungry fingers, so we do add Open Graph images — even when that image is, well, boring. Just auto-generated computer barf of title text with branding. Jim’s post has examples.

I get where Jim is coming from, and I suppose I’m guilty to some degree. I feel like we’re a cut-above on CSS-Tricks though, if you’ll pardon a taste of defensiveness, because:

  1. We have a variety of templates to choose from to switch it up, like a quote design.
  2. We incorporate custom imagery into the final card, meaning most cards are somewhat visually unique.
  3. We don’t just brand the cards, we usually incorporate the author for a little extra high five for the person, rather than just our brand.

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