How to Properly Add Images in WordPress (Step by Step)

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Are you looking for the right way to add images to your WordPress website or blog?

By adding images in WordPress correctly, you can improve the visual appeal, accessibility, and SEO of your website. You can even allow users to upload their own images and use them on your site or in your competitions.

In this article, we will show you how to properly add images in WordPress.

Add images in WordPress properly

The Importance of Correctly Uploading Images in WordPress

Sometimes, users directly copy an image from the source and paste it into their website content. Unfortunately, this can cause problems like slow pages, poor user experience, and poor SEO.

When you add images to your WordPress website, it’s important to do it properly. This means using the right file format, file name, and alt text.

We recommend naming your images with descriptive words separated by dashes. For example, you might use the file name ‘bali-vacation-photo.jpg’ for an image on your travel blog.

Properly adding images also means resizing your images so that they load quickly and look good on all devices. For example, some image formats like JPEG, are more compressed than others, which means that these images will take up less space on your server and will take less time to load.

By using these formats, along with an image compression plugin for the images on your WordPress blog, you can improve the user experience of your website.

Similarly, by using the Image block in WordPress and properly optimizing your images for SEO and alt text, you can make it easier for search engines to index your images.

This can increase your website’s rankings and improve the accessibility of your website for people with disabilities.

That being said, let’s see how to properly add images in WordPress. We will cover several methods, and you can use the quick links below to jump to the different sections of our tutorial:

How to Add Images in the Block Editor (Gutenberg)

You can easily add images in the WordPress block editor by using the Image block.

First, you need to open the existing or new page/post where you want to add an image.

Once you are there, click the ‘+’ button in the top left corner of the screen to open the block menu. From here, you must find and add the Image block to the post or page.

Add image block to the post

Once you have done that, click the ‘Media Library’ button to launch the ‘Select or Upload Media’ prompt on the screen.

From here, you can switch to the ‘Upload Files’ tab if you want to upload an image from your computer.

However, if you want to add an image from the media library, then you can also do that by switching to the ‘Media Library’ tab.

Select image from the media library

Upon adding an image, you will need to add alt text for it in the left column. This alt text is crucial for image SEO as it helps search engines understand the context of the image. It also allows people with screen readers to see this information about your images.

You can also add a title and caption describing the image in the right column. Captions are the visible text descriptions of your images, while the title will appear when a user hovers their mouse over the image.

For details, you may want to see our beginner’s guide on how to add captions to images in WordPress.

Next, just click the ‘Select’ button to add the image to your page or post.

Fill in image details

Now that you have uploaded an image, you can further customize its size, dimensions, border, and style from the block panel on the right.

For details, check out our tutorial on how to add and align images in WordPress.

Images settings in the block panel

Finally, click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to store your settings.

You have now properly added an image in the Gutenberg editor.

How to Add Images in the Classic Editor

If you are still using the old classic editor in WordPress, then you can use this method.

First, you need to visit the page or post where you want to add the image from the WordPress dashboard. Once you are there, just click the ‘Add Media’ button to launch the media library.

Click the add media button

After that, you can switch to the ‘Upload Files’ tab to upload an image from your computer.

Alternatively, for adding an image from the media library, just switch to the ‘Media Library’ tab.

Upload image file in the classic editor

Upon adding an image, you will need to add alt text and a title for it. You can also add a description and caption if you wish.

You can simply describe the image for all these options. This will help search engine index your image and increase your website’s visibility.

Next, go ahead and click the ‘Insert into Post’ button.

Configure attachment details in classic editor

Now, the image will be added to your WordPress post or page.

From here, you can change its alignment by using the alignment icons above the image. You can also further edit an image by clicking on the pencil icon.

Click the Pencil icon to edit an image

This will open the ‘Image details’ prompt on your screen, where you can change the size and add image title attributes, CSS classes, alignment, and more.

Once you are done, just click the ‘Update’ button to save the changes you made.

Edit image in the classic editor

After that, simply click the ‘Publish’ or Update’ button to save your post.

How to Add Images in the Media Library

If you want, you can also directly add an image to the media library. Keep in mind that after adding an image to the media library, you will still need to open a post or page and insert the Image block.

To add an image from the media library, you must visit the Media » Add New page from the WordPress admin area.

Once you are there, click the ‘Select Files’ button to upload an image from your computer. Then, click the ‘Edit’ link next to the image.

Add Image in the media library and click the Edit link

This will take you to the ‘Edit Media’ page, where you can start by changing the title for the image. After that, you can add alt text, a caption, and a description by scrolling down.

Once you have done that, you can also click on the ‘Edit Image’ button.

Click the Edit Image button

This will direct you to another page, where you can crop, scale, rotate, or flip the image according to your liking. For detailed instructions, please see our beginner’s guide on how to do basic image editing in WordPress.

Once you are satisfied, just click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

basic editing features in WordPress

This will take you back to the ‘Edit Media’ page, where you have to click on the ‘Update’ button again to store your settings.

You have now successfully added an image to the media library.

Next, visit the post where you want to add this image from the WordPress admin sidebar. Once you are there, click the ‘+’ button to add an Image block to the post.

Next, you need to select the ‘Media Library’ button.

Image block

This will launch the ‘Select or Upload Media’ prompt on your screen, where you will notice the image that you uploaded in the media library at the top.

On selecting the image, you will see that its title, alt text, caption, and description have already been added to it from the media library page.

Now, simply click the ‘Select’ button to upload the image to the block editor.

Add image from the media library

Finally, click the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ button to store your settings.

How to Optimize an Image for WordPress SEO

Once you have added an image to a post/page, it is also crucial to optimize it for search engines. Unfortunately, WordPress does not offer any built-in advanced SEO features for images.

This is where All in One SEO for WordPress (AIOSEO) comes in.

It is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market that makes it super easy to optimize your content, including images, for search engines.

First, you need to install and activate the AIOSEO plugin. For more instructions, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: AIOSEO also has a free version. However, you will need the pro version of the plugin to unlock the Image SEO feature.

Upon activation, you will have to configure the setup wizard.

For more details, see our guide on how to set up All in One SEO for WordPress correctly.

AIOSEO setup wizard

Next, head over to the All in One SEO » Search Appearance page from the WordPress admin sidebar and switch to the ‘Image SEO’ tab.

After that, scroll down and click the ‘Activate Image SEO’ button to unlock the feature.

Activating the Image SEO Module in AIOSEO

You will now be able to see the Image SEO settings. Here, you will notice different tabs for the title, alt text, caption, description, and filename.

Configure Automatic Image Titles

Once you switch to the ‘Title’ tab on the Image SEO page, you can start by creating a title format for your images using smart tags.

These smart tags will then automatically generate title attributes for your images. This is what a visitor will see when they hover their mouse over your images.

For example, if you want each image title attribute to use the image title and the site title, then you can add these smart tags in the ‘Title Format’ field.

Add smart tags to configure title SEO

After that, you can also enable the Strip Punctuation option if you want AIOSEO to automatically remove some characters when creating an image title from the filename.

For example, if you use dashes when saving an image file like ‘an-example-image’, then you can choose the ‘Dashes (-)’ option in the ‘Characters to Convert to Spaces’ section.

Once you do that, AIOSEO will automatically remove these dashes and turn them into spaces, making the image title ‘an example image’.

Configure strip punctuation and casing options

After that, scroll down to the ‘Casing’ section.

From here, you can choose a casing option for your title. We recommend picking sentence case or title case to make your titles more readable.

Configure Automatic Alt Tags

After configuring title settings, switch to the ‘Alt Tag’ tab from the top.

From here, you can use the smart tags next to the ‘Alt Tag Format’ option to automatically generate alt text for all your images.

After that, you can also enable the Strip Punctuation setting if you want characters like dashes (-) or underscores (_) to be converted into spaces.

SEO settings for alt tags

Similarly, if there are characters like numbers or plus signs (+) that you don’t want AIOSEO to strip when creating the alt text, then you can check the boxes for these options in the ‘Characters to Exclude from Being Stripped’ section.

You can also select a casing for your alt text.

Configure Automatic Captions and Descriptions

To generate automatic captions for your images, switch to the ‘Captions’ tab.

From here, make sure that the ‘Autogenerate Caption on Upload’ option is enabled. You can then select the smart tags that will be used to generate captions for your images.

Enable Captions toggle and configure its smart tags

Next, you can also use the Strip Punctuation feature to exclude or include characters in the captions and choose a casing for them.

Once you are done, you need to switch to the ‘Description’ tab from the top.

From here, make sure that the ‘Autogenerate Description on Upload’ option is enabled. You must also select the smart tags you want to use for generating automatic image descriptions.

Enable the Description toggle and configure its smart tags

Next, you can also use the Strip Punctuation feature to include/exclude characters like underscores, apostrophes, or numbers in the description.

After that, simply select a casing for your image descriptions.

Strip punctuation and casing settings

Configure Automatic Filenames

As we mentioned earlier, we recommend giving your image files SEO-friendly file names. You can do this before uploading your images, or AIOSEO can do it for you automatically.

Once you switch to the ‘Filename’ tab from the top, you will notice that AIOSEO has already configured the Strip Punctuation setting for you.

However, if there are any more characters that you want AIOSEO to delete from your image filenames when creating titles or alt text, then you can type those characters into the ‘Words to Strip’ box.

AIOSEO settings for Filename

After that, you can also select a casing for your filenames.

Once you are done, don’t forget to click the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your settings.

You have now successfully optimized your images for SEO, and AIOSEO will automatically generate titles, alt text, captions, and descriptions for all your images.

For more detailed instructions, please see our beginner’s guide on how to optimize images for search engines.

Bonus: Allow Users to Upload Images in WordPress

You may also want to allow your users to upload their own images to your WordPress website. This can come in handy if you are hosting a contest or running a photography website that accepts user-generated images.

For this, you can use WPForms, which is the best contact form plugin on the market. It comes with a drag-and-drop builder that makes it super easy to create any kind of form you want, including an image submission form.

First, you will need to install and activate the WPForms plugin. For details, see our instructions on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to the WPForms » Add New screen from the WordPress dashboard to launch the form builder.

From here, you need to type a name for your form and then click the ‘Use Snippet’ button under the ‘Simple Contact Form’ template.

Select contact form template

This will load the form template in the form builder, where you will notice its preview on the right and the available fields in the left column.

From here, go ahead and drag and drop the File Upload field onto the form and click on it to further customize its settings.

Add file upload field

From here, you can change the label and description of the field and even specify the extensions that are allowed.

For example, if you want to allow JPEG and PNG files only, then you must type these options into the ‘Allowed File Extensions’ field. Keep in mind to separate each extension with a comma.

After that, you can also configure the maximum image file size and number of uploads in the left column.

Configure field settings

For more detailed instructions, you may want to see our tutorial on how to allow users to upload images in WordPress.

Once you are done, just click the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

Next, open the page/post where you want to add the image upload form. Once there, click the ‘+’ button in the top left corner of the screen to open the block menu

From here, you need to add the WPForms block to the page/post.

Locate and add the WPForms block

Just choose the image file upload form that you created from the dropdown menu.

Finally, click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to store your settings. Now, you can visit your WordPress site to view the form in action, and visitors will be able to submit their images using the form.

We hope this article helped you learn how to properly add images in WordPress. You may also want to see our beginner’s guide on how to change the block height and width in WordPress, and our expert picks for the best WordPress themes for graphic designers.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Properly Add Images in WordPress (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

What Is Google Knowledge Panel + How to Claim It With WordPress

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Are you wondering how to claim a Google knowledge panel?

When you are looking at a search engine results page (SERP), Google often displays informational panels about people, organizations, and products with the most important facts in one convenient place. This is known as a Google knowledge panel.

In this article, we will show you what a Google knowledge panel is and how to claim it for your business with WordPress.

What Is Google Knowledge Panel + How to Claim It With WordPress

What Is Google Knowledge Panel?

Sometimes, when you are searching for information on Google, you will see a panel containing relevant information on the right side of the screen. This is called a Google knowledge panel.

It is designed to quickly summarize information about a topic to help users understand more about what they are searching for.

These panels are created on the fly using information from Google Knowledge Graph. This is a giant collection of information that Google scrapes from the web, similar to an encyclopedia.

Knowledge panels about organizations show the company’s name and logo and a quick summary of the company taken from Wikipedia.

Example of an Organization Google Knowledge Panel

You can also find a link to the company’s website, contact details, some historical and financial information, and a list of their popular products.

Knowledge panels about people are similar. They have a link to the person’s website, a quick biographical summary, as well as a list of important facts.

Example of a Person Google Knowledge Panel

If a knowledge graph hasn’t been claimed yet, then you will see a ‘Claim this knowledge panel’ button at the bottom. We will show you how to claim your knowledge panel later in this article.

If Google Knowledge Graph contains a lot of information about a person, then there may be an additional knowledge panel at the top of the page.

Example of a Person Google Knowledge Panel

There are also knowledge panels for products. These can’t be claimed by one organization because they feature a variety of online stores that are selling the product.

They show an overall rating for the product, buttons to pop up Details, Reviews, and Stores, and a shopping section that offers a price range and links to different stores.

Example of a Product Google Knowledge Panel

Google knowledge panels are helpful to the user because they provide relevant information that is presented in an easy-to-use way. They are also useful for website owners.

How Do Google Knowledge Panels Help Website Owners?

Google knowledge panels are very visible in the search results and can display a lot of useful information about your business. They make it much more likely that users will click on a link and visit your website. This is great for your website’s SEO.

Like Google answer boxes and featured snippets, knowledge panels make your website stand out on search engine results pages (SERPs) and are likely to be the first thing users look at.

You can claim your business’s knowledge panel to verify that it belongs to you. This gives you some benefits, such as being able to choose a featured image and suggest edits to Google.

If you have an online store, then it’s also worth trying to be featured in product knowledge panels. This allows users to compare your prices and click on a link to your store.

Google knowledge panels are also great for brand visibility. Since these panels contain a business’s logo and other branding elements, they can introduce your brand to more people.

With that said, let’s take a look at how to claim a Google knowledge panel with WordPress.

How to Claim a Person or Organization Knowledge Panel

Google allows you to claim a knowledge panel about a person or organization. However, you can’t claim a product knowledge panel.

To be featured in a product knowledge panel, you will need to add your products to Google Knowledge Graph using product schema, which we will show you how to do in the next section.

For now, let’s take a look at how to claim a person or organization knowledge panel.

Claiming a Person or Organization Knowledge Panel

First, you need to sign in to a Google account to claim your knowledge panel. You should use the account you use for your business needs, such as your Google Business account or business email address.

Now, you can search for your business name (or your own name) and look for the knowledge panel on the right. Make sure that the panel isn’t about a different business or person with a similar name.

Click the 'Claim This Knowledge Panel' Button

You should notice a button near the bottom of the panel that says, ‘Claim this knowledge panel’. Go ahead and click the button now.

Note: If you don’t see a knowledge panel for your business, then it may not have made it to Google Knowledge Graph yet. You should see the next section on how to add your website content to Google Knowledge Graph.

You will be taken to a page that describes how you can enhance your presence on Google. You need to click the ‘Get Verified’ button to verify that you are the owner of the business.

Click the 'Get Verified' Button

This will take you to the ‘Get verified on Google’ form. You will be asked to confirm the name of the business or person you are trying to claim.

After that, you will be asked a series of questions that demonstrate you have the right to claim the knowledge panel for that business or person.

The 'Get Verified on Google' Page

Google may ask you to upload a photo of yourself holding a valid ID. It may also ask you to provide screenshots of your online profiles, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Once you have finished, you will need to check the box next to the agreement at the bottom of the page and then click the ‘Submit’ button.

Click the 'Submit' Button

On the final page, you will be thanked for the submission and told that Google will get back to you soon. You can expect to receive a confirmation email in several hours or the next day.

Suggesting Edits to a Person or Organization Knowledge Panel

Once you have claimed your Google knowledge panel, you can choose a featured image and hide personal information that you don’t want to be displayed, such as your date of birth or marital status.

You can’t change the content of the knowledge panel, but you can suggest edits.

Simply make sure you are logged into the Google account that claimed the knowledge panel, and then you can click the ‘Suggest edits’ link at the top or bottom of the panel.

However, before you suggest an edit, remember that Google found the information somewhere else on the web. It’s much better to find the source of the information and ask that source to change it. If you are unsuccessful, then you can suggest an edit to your knowledge panel.

How to Add Your Website Content to Google Knowledge Graph

The information contained in knowledge panels is automatically created using information from Google Knowledge Graph. While you can’t pick what content is displayed, you can make sure that Google can find and understand information from your WordPress website.

The best way to do that is to use schema markup to structure your website. This is a special type of HTML code that gives search engines more information about your website and its pages.

You can easily add schema to your site and individual pages using All in One SEO (AIOSEO), which is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market. It automatically adds schema support to your site and offers many ways to optimize your content for higher search engine rankings.

Note: For this tutorial, we will use the free version of AIOSEO since it lets us add schema markup. However, there is also AIOSEO Pro that offers many extra features to help your website rank higher.

You can learn how to install and configure the plugin in our complete guide on how to install and set up All in One SEO for WordPress.

Adding Knowledge Graph Schema to Your Website

You need to go to the All in One SEO » Search Appearance page and scroll down to the ‘Knowledge Graph’ section. This is where you can let search engines know some basic information about yourself or your business.

First, you need to add the name of your website. This can simply be the name of your business or something more specific, such as ‘My Awesome Business Blog’. Optionally, you can type an alternate name for your website, like an acronym.

AIOSEO's Knowlege Graph Settings

In the next section, you need to click on the button to choose whether the website is for a person or organization. This will determine the type of knowledge graph your website information will be displayed in.

Next, you can type your organization name and phone number. You can also select the phone number’s team or department from a dropdown menu.

AIOSEO's Knowlege Graph Settings

Finally, you can add the logo you would like displayed on the knowledge panel. Make sure the image is no larger than 112 x 112 pixels in size.

There is also a button you can click to add local SEO settings. For more details, see the local business SEO setup section of our guide on how to set up All in One SEO.

AIOSEO's Knowlege Graph Settings

Once you have finished, make sure you click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the screen to store your settings.

Adding Product Schema to Your Online Store

You can’t claim your products to make them appear in product knowledge panels. Instead, you need to add the right schema markup so that Google can consider your online store when displaying places to purchase different products.

Luckily, All in One SEO supports Merchant Listing schema markup, which will give Google the information it needs to include you.

When you edit any product in WooCommerce, you will notice that All in One SEO has automatically added a new ‘AIOSEO Settings’ area below the product editor.

AIOSEO product settings

You can use this section to customize the way your product title and description will appear on search results pages. You can see a preview next to ‘Snippet Preview’.

Now you should switch to the ‘Schema’ tab, and you will notice that AIOSEO has already added Product schema for you.

Product schema

You can add more information about your product by clicking the ‘Edit Schema’ pencil icon.

If you like, you can autogenerate fields based on the product data from WooCommerce. Now, you should fill in as much information as possible for each product, including the brand, material, identifiers, and more.

Edit product schema in All in One SEO

This product information will be added to Google Knowledge Graph so that Google has the option of adding it to product knowledge panels.

For detailed instructions, you can see the optimizing WooCommerce SEO section of our guide on how to set up All in One SEO.

Adding an About Page in WordPress

Google may also look at your About page when displaying information about your business in a Google knowledge panel.

You will want to make sure your website has an About page and add it to your navigation menu.

The page can let users know about the purpose, mission, and values of your business, and it’s also a good place to introduce your team.

About WPBeginner Page

You can learn more in our guide on important pages that every WordPress blog should have.

Bonus Tips for Getting Your Business Information Into Google Knowledge Graph

Of course, your website is only one source of information about your business that Google can use in its knowledge panels.

Here are a few more ways you can get the word out about your business and increase the chances of that information being added to Google Knowledge Graph.

Optimizing Your Social Media Presence

Google scrapes social media platforms for information it can use in knowledge panels.

That means it is essential to set up social media profiles for your business on major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. You might also consider adding your business to

After creating your social profiles, you need to navigate to All in One SEO » Social Networks. Here, you can paste the URLs to the profiles that you created.

AIOSEO's Social Profile Settings

This will let search engines know about the social profiles that are associated with your website, and they may be included in your Google knowledge panel.

For step-by-step directions, you can see the section on setting up social media optimization in our social media cheat sheet for WordPress.

Become Featured on Wikipedia and Wikidata

Google also scrapes authoritative websites like Wikipedia to use the information in knowledge panels. That makes being featured on Wikipedia very valuable.

Wikipedia’s rules prevent you from creating a Wikipedia entry about yourself or your business. That is to make sure that all entries are unbiased.

However, you can add your business information to Google Knowledge Graph draws information from this source, and it is also a source of useful information commonly used by Wikipedia authors.

Make sure you link to any third-party sources that can verify the information you add. This adds credibility to the facts you claim about your business.

Get Your Business Featured on Other People’s Websites

You might also be able to place information about your business on other websites. One of the best ways to do that is to look for blogs that accept guest posts.

Writing guest posts on other people’s websites can help you get valuable backlinks to your website, boosting your SEO. It can also give you the opportunity to talk about the history of your business or the products and services you offer.

You can also use websites like Help a Reporter Out (HARO). This is a website where reporters ask for information on a topic, and they may choose to publish your answer along with a link to your website.

You could also interview other people in your industry and post them on your website. Those people may then link to the interview on your site. Other ideas include being a guest on a podcast, writing an expert roundup that covers your industry, and speaking at events.

FAQs About Google Knowledge Panels

Here are some of the questions our readers ask us most often about Google knowledge panels.

What is a knowledge panel in Google?

A Google knowledge panel is a useful summary of information displayed on the right side of a Google search results page. This panel may be about a person, organization, product, or location.

The information is automatically pulled from Google Knowledge Graph. People and organizations can claim their knowledge panels.

How do I get a Google knowledge panel?

A Google knowledge panel is displayed automatically when someone searches for your business, as long as the Google Knowledge Graph contains information about your business.

If a knowledge panel isn’t displayed after searching for your business, then the best thing to do is add schema markup to your site to make it easier for Google to understand.

If a Google knowledge panel is displayed about yourself or your business, then you can follow our tutorial to claim it.

What does claiming a Google knowledge panel do?

There are a few benefits to claiming your Google knowledge panel. It will show Google that the business is yours, allow you to choose a featured image, and allow you to suggest changes to the content.

How much does a Google knowledge panel cost?

Google knowledge panels don’t cost anything. Google creates them automatically when it knows something about your business. Even claiming your Google knowledge panel is free.

Can I create my own Google knowledge panel?

No, Google knowledge panels are generated automatically, and you cannot make your own. However, the knowledge panels contain information found on the internet.

That means you can influence the contents of your knowledge panel by adding useful information to your website using schema markup and by claiming your knowledge panel and suggesting edits.

You can also influence its content by adding information about your business to social media platforms and third-party websites.

Why don’t I have a Google Knowledge panel?

If a knowledge panel isn’t displayed when performing a Google search on your business, then most likely, there isn’t enough information about your business in the Google Knowledge Graph.

You can help Google learn about your business by using schema markup on your website, being active on social media, and getting your business featured on other people’s websites.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to claim your Google knowledge panel with WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to track website visitors or our expert picks for the best social media plugins for WordPress to grow your audience.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post What Is Google Knowledge Panel + How to Claim It With WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Fix WordPress Redirecting to Old Domain After Migration

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Do you want to fix the issue of redirecting to an old domain?

When you migrate a WordPress website to a new domain, there is a possibility that users will be redirected back to the old domain.

In this article, we will show you how to fix WordPress redirecting to an old domain after migration.

How to fix WordPress redirecting to old domain after migration

What Causes Redirection to Old Domain After Migration Issue?

When you’re moving your WordPress website to a new domain, it is important to set up redirection. This way, users automatically land on the new location, and you get to keep your keyword rankings and traffic.

However, redirection to a new domain may not work properly, and your visitors would be redirected back to the old domain.

One of the main causes for this issue is that your site URL and home URL values are different in the WordPress database tables. You need to make sure that both these values lead to your new domain.

Besides that, DNS issues can also cause users to redirect to the old domain after migration. If the DNS server is not responding or DNS records haven’t been updated, then your visitors won’t be able to view your new website URL.

That said, let’s see how you can fix WordPress redirecting to the old domain after migration. We will cover different methods, so you can click the links below to jump ahead to your preferred section.

Method 1: Update the Site Address in WordPress Settings

The easiest way to fix this issue is by ensuring that the WordPress address and site address is the same in your WordPress settings.

If your Site Address (URL) still shows the old domain, then users will be redirected to the previous URL after migration.

To fix this, simply head to Settings » General from your WordPress admin panel. After that, enter your new domain under the ‘Site Address (URL)’ field.

Site address URL

Once you’re done, simply save your changes and visit the new domain to see if the problem is resolved.

If, however, the URL fields are greyed out and won’t let you type a new address, continue reading and use one of the other methods to redirect your domain.

Method 2: Changing Site URL in WordPress Database

Another method of fixing the redirecting to the old domain issue is by updating the site URL in the WordPress database tables.

You can easily access the database using the cPanel provided by the WordPress hosting service. For this tutorial, we will be using Bluehost as an example, but the process is similar for other hosting companies like Hostinger, SiteGround, etc.

First, you’ll need to log in to the hosting service control panel. After that, simply click on the ‘Advanced’ tab from the menu on your left.

Bluehost's PhpMyAdmin tool

Next, you can scroll down to the Databases section and click the ‘phpMyAdmin’ option.

You will need to wait for a few seconds until phpMyAdmin opens.

Once it opens, you will need to go to the wp_options table from the navigational panel on your left.

Do note that each hosting service has a different naming convention for database tables. However, the one you’re looking for will always end in ‘_options.”

For example, in this tutorial, we will click the ‘staging_45f_options’ table in Bluehost’s phpMyAdmin.

Open the options table

Next, you will need to edit the ‘siteurl’ and ‘home’ options.

First, go ahead and click the ‘Edit’ button for ‘siteurl’ option.

Enter siteurl

After that, you will need to enter the new domain name in the option_value field. Once that’s done, simply click the ‘Go’ button.

Now, you can return to the main wp_options page and edit the ‘home’ option.

Enter the home field value

Next, you will need to enter the new domain in the option_value field.

After entering the value, click the ‘Go’ button.

Method 3: Flush DNS Cache on Your PC

If you’re still unable to resolve the issue of the old domain redirecting after migration, then you should check the DNS settings.

At times, it can take up to 12 to 48 hours for the change of domain name to take effect. As a result, internet providers that don’t have updated DNS records will redirect users to the old domain.

You simply flush the DNS cache so that it gets the latest information and the new website URL. This also helps resolve the DNS server not responding issue.

For more details, please see our guide on how to clear your DNS cache on Mac, Windows, and Google Chrome.

Pro Tip: Use SEO Plugin to Perform Full Site Redirect

When you manually perform redirection to a new domain, then there is always a chance of errors. As a result, users would still be redirected to the old domain.

An easier way of setting up redirection is by using an WordPress SEO plugin like All in One SEO (AIOSEO). It offers a powerful redirection manager that you can use to redirect your entire site to a new domain without any issues.

Full site redirect in All in One SEO

This tool was built by our team, and it is what we use when we’re migrating websites to a new domain or merging two sites into one. You can learn more by following our step by step guide on how to properly do a full site redirect in WordPress.

We hope that this article helped you learn how to fix WordPress redirecting to an old domain after migration. You may also want to see our guide on the most common WordPress errors and how to fix them and our expert picks for the must-have WordPress plugins for business sites.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Fix WordPress Redirecting to Old Domain After Migration first appeared on WPBeginner.

Introducing Broken Link Checker – Never Have Dead Links On Your WordPress Site Again

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Are you tired of finding and fixing broken links on your WordPress site?

Have you ever wished there was a foolproof method to periodically monitor all internal and external links easily WITHOUT the high costs?

If you’re like me and most other smart website owners, then you have at least wished for this solution a couple of times in your WordPress journey.

Today, I’m excited to announce my new product, Broken Link Checker, which works silently in the background on your site, giving you peace of mind.

We built this tool to help you quickly check your site for broken links and easily fix them to improve search engine optimization (SEO).

introducing broken link checker for wordpress by aioseo

What is Broken Link Checker?

Broken Link Checker is a powerful WordPress plugin that crawls your website periodically and checks every link to ensure it is not broken.

It is built as a SaaS service, so it never puts load on your WordPress hosting server or slow your website down.

The Broken Link Checker plugin was developed by the same team behind AIOSEO (All in One SEO), the best SEO plugin for WordPress.

When broken links are found, the plugin makes it easy for you to fix them right from within the plugin without even having to visit individual pages where those links were added.

Why Do You Need Broken Link Checker?

Broken links can frustrate your website visitors and cause them to leave your site. They can even hurt your website’s SEO, conversions, and sales.

On WordPress sites, broken links typically occur when moving a site to a new domain name, or when deleting a post or page without proper redirection.

Sometimes broken links can also happen due to a typo, and they can go unnoticed for months if not years. But worse, if you ever link to an external website that’s not yours, and they change the page, delete it, or shut down the site, then your site will have broken links.

This is why monitoring broken links on a regular basis is important for your WordPress website.

While there are SaaS broken link checkers in the market, most are either crazy expensive or not built specifically with WordPress websites in mind.

So I decided to work with my team to finally create a beginner-friendly broken link checker for WordPress.

With Broken Link Checker, you can…

  • scan all links on your site every 3 days
  • detect valid links, broken links, and redirects
  • set which post types (posts, pages, or custom post types) and statuses (published, draft, and so on) to monitor
  • exclude certain URLs from being checked

… and a whole lot more.

If you’re serious about your website and want to grow your online business, then you know how important it is to offer a seamless website browsing experience to your visitors.

The last thing you want your readers to see is a big 404 page not found error message serving as a dead end on your WordPress site.

How to Use Broken Link Checker in WordPress

The first thing you’ll need to do is install and activate Broken Link Checker on your site.

aioseo broken link checker

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Next, you’ll need to connect the plugin to your Broken Link Checker account.

Upon connecting the plugin with your account, you can turn the toggle on to stop search engines from following broken links. You can even set it not to update the modified date for a page/post when a link is updated via the plugin.

link tweaks broken links tool

When you click the Broken Links tab, you can see that the plugin has automatically scanned the entire site, and links are categorized into broken, redirects, and dismissed.

The Broken Link Checker plugin lets you fix broken links quickly and easily right within your plugin. To replace a broken link, simply click Edit URL.

Alternatively, if you want to remove the link, just click Unlink and the link will be removed from the page.  

edit url in broken link checker

After updating the link, you can recheck if the link is still broken by clicking the Recheck option. If you want, you can even dismiss the message from the plugin.

Get More Details About Each Link

Broken Link Checker gives you additional details for each link, like how long the link has been broken and response header information, HTTP Status code, and more.

get status details for broken links

Control Which Types of Pages are Scanned

Another important Aspect of Broken Link Checker is its advanced settings, which give you full control over which pages get scanned. Within the plugin, you can set which post types (posts, pages, or custom post types) and statuses (published, draft, and so on) to monitor.

You can also exclude certain pages from being checked.

advanced settings of broken link checker

This helps you better manage the crawl budget, so you can ensure you’re not wasting the link scan credits.

Scanning Your Site the Right Way

Broken Link Checker scans both external (links from your website to others) and internal links (links from one page on your site to another page) on your site.

Unlike other WordPress plugins, Broken Link Checker uses an external private server to scan (or, in other words, ping) for broken links on your site. That’s because repeatedly pinging external sites from your servers can make your site look suspicious to internet service providers, putting your sites at risk of being blacklisted.

This is why most WordPress hosting companies put traditional broken link checker plugins in their block list.

Since Broken Link Checker uses an external private server for pinging external links, you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands.

What’s Coming Next?

Broken Link Checker is a product by my AIOSEO team which is a leading WordPress SEO plugin with over 3 million installs.

Our goal is to continue to build best-in-class SEO tool to ensure your website is always outranking your competitors.

Broken Link Checker is just one of the new tools that we’ve launched.

We have an exciting roadmap ahead of us to make this plugin even more powerful, and I am very proud of our team.

If you have ideas on how we can make the Broken Link Checker platform or other SEO tools more helpful for you, then please send us your suggestions.

As always, I want to thank you for your continued support of WPBeginner, and we look forward to continue serving you for years to come.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

P.S. Want us to acquire or invest in your WordPress business? Learn more about the WPBeginner Growth Fund.

The post Introducing Broken Link Checker – Never Have Dead Links On Your WordPress Site Again first appeared on WPBeginner.