Top 10 Free Cloud Storage Services

Cloud storage has become a primary tool for anyone who, like me, works with professional documents in digital format every day. I am sure that if you are an independent employee, you have many projects for different clients, for which you need a functional and reliable option for cloud storage. Likewise, if you work for a company, it is quite common today to have access to shared folders with other departments or colleagues. 

What if you're just a private internet user? In that case, it is also advantageous to have a free cloud storage unit capable of saving backup copies of critical personal photos or (ONTD) documents.

7 Reasons to Learn Python Programming

If you have doubts about which programming language to use for your web development, we’re giving you 7 reasons — although there are many more — to program in Python. 

1. Python Is a Great Multiple

Python is an interpreted programming language, so it works on any system that integrates its interpreter. In addition to this advantage, Python offers us well-known dialects like Jython, which are used to write in Java.