Template-based PDF Document Generation in Java

In my previous article, I wrote about how we can seamlessly generate template-based documents in our javascript application using EDocGen. 

As a Java developer, I have worked on creating backend applications for e-commerce and healthcare enterprises where the requirement for document generation is vast. And they have mostly done in java spring boot application. This made me think, why not write an article on the Template-Based PDF Document Generation in Java? 

Template-based PDF Document Generation in Javascript

Document generation is a very common requirement in the life of a developer. Whether it is an e-commerce site, Management app, or anything. It can be invoice generation, insurance document preparation, doctors prescription, HR Offer generation, Payslip generation and you could think of tons of use cases.  There always will be a need for document generation.

From a developer's perspective, there are a few common approaches to getting this job done. 

Future, A Token of Task Submission

Future, A Token of Task Submission

I believe, the title is very abstract but clearly explains the purpose. The concurrency package is the boss when it's come to asynchronous programming. Of course, this is the continuation of my previous articles on asynchronous programming.

We have seen creating Threads and make use of Executor Framework for the Thread management. Also, We look at how to submit a task and how is it processed internally in the executor. But we haven't seen how to check the status or getting the result etc.

Async Programming in Java: Part I

As a backend engineer, we face situations to process the data asynchronously. Today let's see how it's done in java and various way to do it.

Starting from Thread, Runnable, Callable<T>, Future<T> (and its extended ScheduledFuture<T>), CompletableFuture<T>, and of course, ExecutorService and ForkJoinPool. We will see all of them, but one by one.