Change Trigger Link Add To Cart Woocomerce

Hi guys, its there any way to change the trigger of this button "add to cart" to run this link? I keep trying to figure out how to edit but it dosent work. :(.

Buttton: <button type="submit" name="add-to-cart" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $product->get_id() ); ?>" class="nm-simple-add-to-cart-button single_add_to_cart_button button alt">text1</button>

Link that i want to trigger from that button insted going to shop cart: `<a href="javascript:void(Tawk_API.toggle())"``

I really appreciated if I can be helped please, i know it is a simple code but i can't solve the code.

Block malicious links via robots.txt

Hello guys,
Recently my site was infected with malware, which caused me a lot of problems. In particular, many spam links have been created and indexed. I managed to get a lot out of them with Google search console, but it still appears in some key searches. Is there any chance of blocking the link prefix in robots.txt to deleting itself from google?


I want somehow to block indexing all links

I know i can block like this:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /product/categories

But this one is different, its not like a parent page/category. I would appreciate very much if you can help me, cheers!

Bad CSS only for Firefox & Internet Explorer.

Hello guys, recently i've update my website to php7.0, I'm runing some low minify CSS and JS. I encounter some css problems in Firefox & Internet Explorer with the all UI.
Any idea what causes this problem and how can be solve it please? With Chrome broswer works perfectly. Cheers, really appreciate ur help.

The website its:

Woocommerce Filters, Category, Subcategory.

Hello guys, unfortunately it looks like I'll have to use your help again. I'm struggling for few days to configure some filters in woocomerce and I can not do it at all.
I'm trying to configure some filters to appear only in subcategories, and a main filter only in the main category.

Here is an exemple how i would like to configure this:

Sunglasses | Sunglasses 1 | Sunglasses 2

Subcategory (Just 1 Filtre)
Boys | Girls

Boys | Girls

Color | Model | Brand | Etc.

Any idea how to make this possibile? I would really appreciate if someone nice can help me :(. Cheers.
The problems is that all filters are showing up on all pages.

Hello daniweb community :)

I have an annoying problem on my website, I have been struggling for a few days to fix it and I can not do it at all. On my site here each time i load a new page, the scroll position stays same as it was on the previous page. I want to force reset the scroll position (top) each time page is reloaded. This problem happen only on mobile sizes (responsive thing).

Does anybody know some code, html/css to force the page to load at the top each time it is refreshed? Would really appreciate that. I’m a newbie to coding.

Few topics about this that ive research and didnt work :(