Graph Databases: How Do They Work?

To understand how graph databases work, let’s define it first. A graph database is a type of NoSQL databases which stores nodes and relationships instead of tables or documents. The data is stored without restricting it to a pre-defined model giving flexibility. Abovementioned NoSQL databases are often perceived as “no SQL” at all but it’s actually “not only SQL.” In SQL databases, the data is only stored in tables. Using NoSQL, you can store four types of databases: document, key-value, wide-column, and graph. 

  • SQL database examples: MySQL, PostgreSQL, OrientDB, MariaDB, CouchDB, and more.
  • NoSQL database examples: MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Neo4j, Redis, DynamoDB, HyperTable, and more.

In fact, there are so many databases now that it’s difficult to choose. However, there are lists of best or top databases that have descriptions of functionality and use cases.

Is Python Effective for Microservices Architecture?

Python is one of the options when choosing between programming languages suitable for microservices architecture. It has perks like an active community, better prototyping, and popularity among developers. It has some limitations, so other languages can be used to avoid them.

Quick Development Architectural Style Review and Statistics

Two main development architectural styles are monolithic architecture and microservices architecture. Monolithic has an all-in-one principle and functions as an integral structure, which works best for small development projects or start-ups. When a platform grows and a business needs complex applications, it'll be reasonable to split it into a microservices architecture. 

Top Blockchain APIs for the Developer

Blockchain technology is applied in many industries and is steadily gaining support and users' trust. Many start-ups and businesses try to develop unique web platforms or mobile apps with a wide range of blockchain usage. As the blockchain and crypto markets thrive, developers have many opportunities and projects to develop, like trading bots, payment applications, or business settlement solutions. In this article, we'll figure out how API is used for blockchain and how API integration might benefit the app. 

What Is Blockchain API?

Application Programming Interface (API) integration is used to communicate with blockchain nodes or client networks. By doing so, it gets data and displays it to the user. APIs can be used for transactions, managing accounts, crypto trading, making analytics, and providing security. Top blockchain APIs are considered secure, easy to use, and reliable in the long run. Distributing data securely might be along with blockchain technology, but it's safer and more convenient. Choosing one is no easy feat, as the diversity of APIs is truly impressive.

How Does Synchronization With Asyncio Look Like

The most general view of program development approaches claims we have two basic coding options. The first one, synchronous code architecture, works step-by-step, and all the processes run the same way. For instance, each process performs data input and receives output from the server. Consequently, if we have operation one and process two, as well as input/output one and input/output two, input two starts only after output one. 

In asynchronous code, the architecture is not that strict and hierarchic. Our example with two operations looks different, as both operations can be performed simultaneously and remain independent. It is also called concurrent code. 

Ways to Apply Custom User Authentication

Applications that require server-side implementation often require the clients (mobile apps or web browsers) to authenticate themselves to the server. For instance, when someone uses Chrome to access Facebook after logging in before, they communicate specific information to the Facebook server proving their identity. Logging with social media is just one way of user authentication. But I should also mention the authentication through Gmail, with other services/integrations, that are related to the initial app, or generally with Operation System recognition. In both cases, the custom user authentication needs to be set up, so we are going to define the major ways for the developer.

Ways To Build Custom User Authentication

The software can implement bespoke user authentication in a variety of methods. Some of them require full custom coding, and others are easier to apply.

AWS Cognito Overview and Step-By-Step Integration

When an application needs server-side implementation, clients (such as mobile devices or browsers) must authenticate to the server. For instance, when someone uses Gmail to log into Facebook after having logged in before, they transmit certain identifying information to the Facebook server.

User authentication for your application might be established in several different ways. However, the most suitable option, in our opinion, is to use AWS Cognito.

Blockchain Case Using Kubernetes

As an illustration of how Kubernetes is being used, I propose to consider one of our cases. We are going to talk about the application that was developed for the cryptocurrency market. Yet, the technologies used for this app are utilitarian and can be used for other projects as well. In other words, a tech task is a very general solution and mainly adjusted specifically to the Kubernetes and can be used in other industries as well.

Technologies That We Used

The project started as a start-up and had a limited budget. The client paid attention that we will have regular demos for investors where we should regularly show progress in developing new features. Thus, we decided to use such technologies as:

Top Alternatives to Django for Web Development

One of the steadily growing popularity frameworks is Django. It has proven to be among the best web development means for developers. And in our development team, it is also a common part of many cases’ tech stacks. Thus, I’ve decided to overview what are the top alternatives to Django on the market and which of them could bring more productivity. 

Let’s have a look at Statista research. They made a sum-up to conclude how the rank for most popular backend frameworks changed throughout the 10 years gap. And as we can see, Django was in the top 5 all the time, aside from 2018. Currently, in 2022 it is recognized as almost the best one among competitors, and I think Django’s worth it. Here are a few reasons why:

Top 3 OWASP Vulnerabilities and How to Deal With Them

As you probably already know, Open Web Application Security Project addresses many threats and vulnerabilities in the cyber security environment. In order to carry out its purpose, OWASP offers forums all around the world as well as an online library stocked with books and materials for education. Basically, they’ve created a list of vulnerabilities that are worth your time taking care of. This list includes lots of threads, but all around the web, you can easily find the top 10 of them, including Broken Access Control, Critical Data Disclosure, Injection attacks, Broken Authentication, XML External Entities Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, Incorrect Security Configuration, Insecure Deserialization, Insufficient Logging, and Monitoring, as well as Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities. 

Each cyber vulnerability has its own way of solution. So, I’ve decided to overview the top 3 vulnerabilities mentioned above since they are the most widespread. Let’s break them down by examples, descriptions, and options to prevent.

Types of UI Design Patterns Depending on Your Idea

Nowadays, UI and UX design are essential for almost every business. Without these technologies, every device or software usage would be unattractive or even impossible. But what are they, and why are they important?

UI vs. UX What Is the Difference?

First of all, why could they be met together? All of us at least once saw the UI/UX phrase. They are two parts of one process. UI stands for User Interface, while UX is user experience. The combination of the UI and UX provides the best final result. To understand why we should take a look at both of them separately.

Choosing Between GraphQL Vs REST

REST has long been a popular architectural paradigm for creating APIs, but GraphQL's rise in popularity in recent years has put REST's reign in jeopardy.

When it comes to establishing or leveraging API architecture design, the debate between GraphQL and REST is raging, and most firms are split between the two. While REST is generally recognized as the industry standard for creating APIs, GraphQL has been heralded as a new technology capable of overcoming REST's limitations. REST and GraphQL are two data retrieval technologies. The main distinction between GraphQL and RestAPIs is that GraphQL is a query language standard, whereas REST is an architectural idea for network-based computing.

What Features Are Crucial in Customized Virtual Classroom Software?

When you decide to expand your Online Tutoring Platform or launch the tool for the University’s/School’s extra operations, there are always two options on the table: choose the all-in-one solution or develop a customized product adapted to your needs. Indeed, such a decision depends on many factors, including the list of expenses, the variety of functionality, and the deadlines. And if after the full consideration of details, you pick up to create a customized Virtual Classroom Software, you must be wondering: ‘Where to start?’, ‘How much will it cost?’, ‘Where to find a development team?’, and finally, ‘What features to add?’. The first ones necessitate a more in-depth examination of your specific approach and concept. However, after reading this article, the last question wouldn`t be a burden for you since we will sort out what features are the most crucial for the user-friendly, profitable Virtual Classroom Software. But first, let’s find out the buzz around such solutions and what the audience demands from them.

Why Does the Market Need Virtual Classroom Software?

The innovative teaching method extends beyond classrooms and training facilities. As shown in the 21st-century campus study, 61 percent of colleges and universities provide virtual learning, while 53 percent of students have taken virtual learning sessions. This is the reality of current society, current circumstances, where studying is constantly shifting from online education to offline and vice versa. So all the institutions and platforms must adapt and have a solid solution for the convenience of lectors and learners.

Cloud Computing Architecture for Healthcare

Due to the changing environment of technological innovations and its transition to cloud computing architecture, the demand for exploring its possibilities within various industries and markets emerges. It is a valuable tool for dealing with various operational, managerial, and research issues. Delivering such benefits, cloud computing architecture became a desirable target for diverse on-premises applications to switch from a traditional model. And the healthcare industry, with its online patient care, clinical applications, and medical records analysis, is not an exception. Continue reading to learn more about cloud computing, the several types of cloud computing services, and how healthcare SaaS platforms may help modern society.

How Can Cloud Computing Architecture Initiate Beneficial Changes?

Let’s take it from the top and define what cloud computing is. It refers to data centers accessible over the internet to many users and is spread across various locations from a centralized server. Cloud relates to providing computer system resources such as data storage and processing power at request. Its architecture enables robust and scalable computation-intensive capabilities through on-demand delivery and the pay-as-you-go model. So, what is so beneficial about cloud computing architecture? Would it be any different for your business if just the internal structure were changed?

Cloud Migration Manual: The Adjustment to SaaS Model

The cloud-based SaaS model eliminates the need to build, set up, and manage the system, allowing users to just purchase the desired program for a certain length of time. And to migrate to the cloud you need to set up a roadmap, prepare to change app architecture, pick up a SaaS hosting provider, and lastly delineate the data migration process.

Before the gaining growth of SaaS software popularity within the development, IT solutions were pretty obvious: businesses had on-premises applications, which operated on particular servers with a certain volume and other limitations. And developing ones, companies went along with the high fees on maintenance, expenses on manual labor, as well as challenges regarding updating.

Tutorial on Voice Technology Implementation

Perhaps you’ve heard about AI and Machine Learning’s popularity, as well as how these two techniques are addressing different markets as the future develops. Going further, as a part of AI and Machine Learning, there is Voice Technology, which is rising in demand. If you’ve been considering whether voice technology is worth paying attention to or if it’s just a trend, you’ll find this article useful. Even the most ardent doubters must admit that voice-based solutions are gaining popularity faster than many other advancements, which is highly questionable.

To dispel any doubts, let’s discover the statistics. According to projections, the number of voice assistants could hit 8.4 billion by 2024, surpassing the global population. Besides, Statista estimates that the worldwide voice recognition industry is expected to expand from 10.7 US$ in 2020 to 27.16 billion US$ in 2026. That being said, we can notice the huge expansion of the market, and that could trigger the majority of apps to correspond to the level and undertake an upgrade.

How To Utilize NoSQL DB: Graph Database Examples

Since NoSQL Databases are widely used and preferred among developers, because of their close relation to the Agile methodology, we decided to focus on their functionality in this article. At first, we need to define how we see NoSQL abbreviation, considering that there are several different versions for that. In the battle of the meanings, we have literally the database without SQL usage, and "not only SQL." Surely, we’d prefer to cognize the second option, but not anti-definition, given that SQL is running in any backend and traditionally is not eliminated.

The NoSQL databases create more intuitive methods of storing data, allowing to model the structured linkage that will be closer to the application’s form. They require fewer transformations when saving or retrieving with NoSQL APIs. Furthermore, NoSQL databases can fully utilize the Cloud to ensure minimal outage. As you can notice, NoSQL DB seems to be beneficial and more flexible than traditional storing. Let’s discover this difference in further detail.

Microservices Communication With Apache Kafka

When developing a new product, the first thing that comes to mind is how to structure code. There is a battle going on in this regard: monolithic vs microservices. It has been going on for a while because software developers and company owners are still trying to figure out which architectural style is ideal for their applications. The scalability, efficiency, and competitiveness of the product are determined by the strategy used – monolithic vs microservices. While monolithic systems have been used for a while, microservices are a comparatively modern form of software system structure. Indeed, a slew of technologies emerged under the DevOps mindset, allowing us to design scalable, distributed systems based on microservices.

One of the main advantages of a microservice architecture is that it makes it simpler to select the technological stack (programming languages, databases, etc.) that is most suited for the desired functionality (service) rather than being forced to take a more conventional, one-size-fits-all approach.

DevOps Services Pricing: AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

Cloud computing has rapidly become a strong driving factor for companies worldwide, as software is transferred out of in-house data centers in an effort to modernize, reduce costs, and boost agility. Businesses more and more use it as an all-in-one solution, a model in which a third-party supplier comprises and manages a customer’s fundamental infrastructure.

Among the most used and popular DevOps services, namely Amazon Web Services, Azure DevOps services, and Google Cloud services, there is a battle going on in the market. Based on Statista analytics, Amazon Web Services, the most prominent provider in the cloud computing industry, held 32% of the total market in the 3rd quarter of 2021. Microsoft Azure comes in 2nd place with a 21% market share, followed by Google Cloud with an 8%. Therefore, in the 3rd quarter of 2021, these three cloud suppliers are undoubtedly leading within the statistics.