Recover Distributed Transactions in MySQL

Distributed transactions, also known as XA transactions, emerged to address the complexity of coordinating transactions across multiple databases or systems in a distributed environment. Imagine you’re conducting an orchestra where each musician represents a different database or service. Just like ensuring harmony in music requires precise coordination, maintaining transactional integrity across distributed systems demands careful orchestration.

This is where a two-phase commit (2PC), a vital aspect of XA transactions, steps in. 2PC acts as the conductor, ensuring that all musicians (or database participants) are ready to commit before the final note is played. Just as every instrument must be in tune before a symphony reaches its crescendo, 2PC ensures that all components of a distributed transaction are in sync before proceeding, thus guaranteeing the integrity of the transaction across the distributed landscape.

Message Throttling Implementation With Buffering


Software engineers spend a great deal of their time improving the speed and throughput of their systems. Scalability is also a big concern nowadays, usually tackled by building scale-out capabilities. There are times, however, when we have to slow down the system's rate. It may be due to a limited resource that is very hard (or very expensive) to scale or even a dependency on a third-party service that imposes a fixed rate for billing purposes (i.e., speed tiers). How can you add such throttling capability to a scalable system that may span to hundreds of servers? Furthermore, how do you implement such a bottleneck with proper overflow handling so it can gracefully handle spikes without messages getting lost?

Problem Definition and Constraints

For the purposes of this article, we assume that there is a need to limit a message delivery rate because a downstream provider imposes such a limit. This provider can support higher rates but at an increased cost. Since the upstream clients only occasionally exceed this rate, there is no business justification for upgrading the speed tier. Also, let's assume that the provider will drop any messages arriving at a rate greater than the speed tier rate.