Virtual Tour Is the Biggest Project Yet for the New Java Community Platform, Foojay

Fifteen events are already confirmed in an ambitious virtual tour of Java User Groups across the globe, marking a strong start for the new Java community platform Foojay. was founded last year as a vendor-neutral platform for developers who create and run applications on top of Java and OpenJDK. It is designed to provide free information on all things Java with updated analysis, highlights, OpenJDK update release details, and command-line arguments hosted on its website.

Cloud Myth: Ahead of Time Compilation Will Save You Money

There is a lot of interest in the server-side Java community around using ahead of time (AOT) native compilation provided by Graal Substrate VM to drive down memory usage and cold start times of Java microservices. While these frameworks are technically interesting, the claim is if you spend time rewriting your Jakarta EE applications to utilize these new frameworks, then you will substantially reduce your cloud operational costs. First, by enabling the adoption of a serverless deployment model and second, by reducing your containers' memory usage. 

Cold Starts Mean You Need AOT to do Serverless

Some History

If you were developing web applications in the early 1990s, you used CGI scripts to build data-driven and interactive web applications. The execution model of CGI was:

MicroProfile and Jakarta EE Technical Alignment

The transition of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation is now complete with the release of the Jakarta EE 8 Platform Specification and the compatible implementations, including Payara Server. The release plan for Jakarta EE 9 is also approved, and will move all the Java EE APIs to the jakarta namespace - providing a future platform for Jakarta EE 10 and beyond.

Jakarta EE has a clear roadmap and open-source future. Attention is now turning to the relationship between Eclipse MicroProfile and Jakarta EE. I won't go into the history of MicroProfile, but both MicroProfile and Jakarta EE are initiatives at the Eclipse Foundation. Both seek to specify server-side Java APIs for building enterprise applications that can have multiple independent implementations, and both initiatives have many of the same participant organizations.

Payara Server Is Jakarta EE 8 Compatible!

Payara Server 5.193.1 is now Jakarta EE 8 Full Profile compatible!

We are very happy to report that we've successfully passed all of nearly 50,000 test suites of Jakarta EE 8 TCK, and Payara Server 5.193.1 is Jakarta EE 8 Full Profile compatible!

You may also like: Jakarta EE and Beyond!

The Payara team is extremely proud to be among the first to achieve Jakarta EE 8 Full Platform Compatibility, starting with Payara Platform 5.193.1. This is a significant milestone for Payara, and the team has done a huge amount of work to get this done. I think this is a great adoption story for Jakarta EE, in general, as Payara Server is not a Java EE 8 implementation. Furthermore, this shows that Jakarta EE is an open standard and can bring in new organizations and implementations.