Top Front End Development Trends You Should Know in 2022

New trends that appear in the software world become further popular when prominent organizations adopt them or when there are promising and decisive incentives for adopting trends. 

Front-end development is the creation of a web portal user interface using coding and other applications such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This section describes the Front-End Development Trend forecast for 2022.

Why Choose Node.js for Backend Web Development in 2022?

Stepping into the software development world is important for every growing business. However, it’s also essential to choose the right backend web development based on the objectives and goals you have established.  

One of the technologies widely in use today is Node.js development as modern application development. In recent years, it has been adopted by many companies to develop backend web applications. 

IT Staff Augmentation: A Smart Way To Hire Top Talent in 2022

Technology is being so essential in today's world that it can be referred to as the "Lifeline of today's survival". This dramatically increases the demand for expertise, qualification, specialization, and professionalism in the field of software development and IT staff augmentation. 

Staff augmentation generally refers to having an outsourced company for hiring workers and employees for the knowledge or research purpose that makes the company or organization focus on the core activities for both long-term and short-term purposes.

IT Staff Augmentation vs. Managed IT Services

The current digital transformation is tough in terms of the demands that organizations need to meet. More companies are searching for IT outsourcing services. Finding and hiring in-house IT staff can be time-consuming, costly, challenging, and inconvenient for a limited time period. 

There are two IT outsource models: staff augmentation service and managed IT service. These two models are widely accepted by custom software development companies worldwide. Both the models are strong alternatives to making the full-time hires in-house, but the IT outsourcing models depend on the scale and type of your project. Don’t worry, a perfect approach to the issue and a clearly defined understanding of the difference between the models will help you to choose an optimal solution.

Staff Augmentation vs Outsourcing vs Hybrid Approach: A Detailed Comparison


IT companies must deliver projects on time with quality. However, the needs in software development are ever-changing. As a result, it becomes impossible for one company to possess all the skill sets needed to deliver challenging projects. This is where the three IT models become important, namely,

  • Staff augmentation 
  • IT outsourcing services 
  • Hybrid approach 

Is one model better than the other? What motivates companies to choose one over the other? Let us discuss. 

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

With the competition heating up in the public cloud service vendors, the addition of new features and a regular drop in the price will decide who the winner is. In this article, we intend to throw light on the mounting competition between AWS, Microsoft’s Azure, and GCP. AWS already has a head start of years over the others, but there is no denying the other two public cloud service providers are not far behind. It is important to compare them to understand which one suits your project the most.

A Detailed Comparison

Our comparison guide is a thorough take on all the three cloud service providers based on parameters like:

Google’s New ML-Powered Voice Recording App

Google is heavily investing its resources in AI and machine learning research intending to shell out products and services for the future. So whether it has to do with computational photography or email suggestion features, Google has always been active on this front. Recently, Google also launched the famed “Google Recorder”. You might wonder that there are several voice recorder apps in the market so why this? But we all know it, if it is from Google it has to be a contender for the top slot! 

Before we explore further, let us see whether Google reads the race or not! And, yes we see right there that Google has done a great job when it comes to AI-based research and launches. 

React Native vs Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development

React Native vs Flutter can be a good foundation for further analysis and research. In considering which framework to use for cross-platform app development, it will be wise to ask two questions.

  1. Are you looking at developing your apps at a rapid pace? 
  2. Are you looking at reducing the cost of cross-application app development? 

If the answer to both these questions is a confident yes, then the comparison we provide will help you decide which framework to choose for your cross-application app development.

Purpose and Role of DevOps in Custom Software Development

Do you have any system of checks ensuring all the coding and testing principles are followed to the core? 

As important as this question is, equally important is seeking answers for it. If your answer to this question is a No then remember your custom software development project is at stake. 

Top 10 Custom Software Development Methodologies

Custom software development has become a pressing need for many organizations. Earlier it was not a necessary call, but today, with technology finding its way into our lives, it has become an essential part of the overall strategy. Custom software development cannot happen overnight. It has to be planned with goals, objectives, budget and time span that you need to execute the project. After factoring in these aspects, a development methodology is selected.

The decision to decide on development methodology is incumbent on every single aspect of the project. Let us discuss some of the most popular methodologies and see for yourself which will go well with your project.

Virtual Reality With React 360

Get a '360' view with virtual reality!

The revolutionary development of technology and the boundless use of mobile smart devices has holistically changed the way customers used to explore services and products before buying. To ensure worth every penny to be spent in buying a product or service, customers make sure they have some real-like experience exploring the same. This has been made possible by the most trending technology — Virtual Reality (VR).

You may also like: ReactVR/react-360 Is Great, but Maybe Not Quite There Yet

How to Make a Chatbot With AI

The world is slowly moving towards intelligent business systems that can make important decisions or perform vital actions on behalf of humans while offering a personalized experience. AI Chatbots are the latest rage in the current business technology scene ranging from e-commerce systems to hospitality management systems. The key advantages are anytime and anywhere interactions, which give the business global access to potential customers.

These intelligent software systems analyze previous conversations and study patterns using what is known as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to exhibit a more human-like response to queries. Some chatbots even flash the current user’s preferences based on previous conversations to give a more realistic touch to the interaction. Using a combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Vector Machines, Heuristics, and ANN, chatbots are designed to respond like intelligent humans.