How to Handle Login Pop-ups in Selenium WebDriver Using Java

Have you ever been asked for credentials while accessing a website on a browser? Let us understand why we are asked to fill up the credentials while accessing a few websites. This article mainly focuses on the introduction to authentication pop-ups on the website and the different ways to handle them using Selenium. Before we dive in deep and see how to handle login pop-ups in Selenium WebDriver, let us first take a look at how the authentication pop-up looks on a website.

Let us navigate to a sample website. While accessing the website, the user would be prompted with a login pop-up. The user has to enter the username and password to further navigate the site. Below is the screenshot of the authentication pop-up prompted on the website.

Running Selenium Tests in Jenkins

DevOps, an organizational approach that has been used immensely for quicker development and deployment of applications, has been the latest technical buzz. Today organizations are adopting DevOps, as it promises to provide best practices starting right from planning and testing to deployment and monitoring. CI/CD tools like Jenkins play an integral role in allowing organizations to implement DevOps, and Jenkins integration with Selenium makes the entire process of Selenium test automation so much easier.

In this article, I will take you through a quick introduction to Jenkins & Selenium, followed by the method to integrate Jenkins with Selenium WebDriver. If you are already familiar with the concepts, you can jump to the section explaining Jenkins integration with Selenium directly.

10 of the Best Chrome Extensions to Find XPath in Selenium

Are you facing problems while trying to find XPath in Selenium? Well, you are not alone! This is among the most common challenges most developers face while using Selenium for web testing. But not anymore, as we have picked 10 of the best Chrome extensions to make it easier for you to find XPath in Selenium.

Before we begin, we think it’s a good idea to point out what XPath in Selenium is.

How to Use Thread.sleep() in Java With Selenium

Automating a web application optimizes work flow, helps minimize errors, and makes the product robust. An automated suite will be successful when a system's behavior is predictable. If a system is not predictable, there will be many automation hurdles that need to be handled carefully. Sometimes while automating a web application, we may face an exception, NoSuchElementException, which is thrown when the element that is being interacted with is not found. This may look weird when you can actually see the element on the webpage, but it has vanished during Selenium test automation.

The principal cause of this exception is that the element we're trying to interact with actually exists on the page but takes time to load and display itself to the user. As you can imagine, this can turn out to be a major issue during automation and can lead our scripts astray. This is where Thread.sleep() in Selenium Java comes into play. Before we look into the effective use of the Thread.sleep() Java function, let's take a look at the basics about Thread.sleep() in Selenium.

How To Test PDF Files Using Selenium Automation?

PDF documents are small-sized, highly secure files. Almost all businesses use PDFs for processing their files. The reason being a distinguishing feature of maintaining format regardless of the tool used to access PDF files. It’s no surprise that all our invoices, official documents, contractual documents, boarding pass, bank statements, etc. are usually in PDF format.

Even as developers, we come across scenarios when a PDF file needs to be verified or used to locate certain parts of data. You can either do this manually given that you have loads of time to spare or you opt for automation testing. When it comes to handling tricky components of such files using automation, it might seem a bit too tricky. But that’s not the case. Selenium test automation can make it really easy to test PDF file formats.