Comparing 9 Code Quality Tools

As the adage goes, in software development, your code speaks for you, and that's why it is essential to write concise yet readable and performant code (there are certainly the odd exceptions to this rule, but in general, it's always better to be safe than sorry). It's always a good idea to have good code quality tools in your developer toolbox, helping you manage technical debt by writing clean and maintainable source code. In this article, we will try to list out a few interesting options you should consider. While this list is based on my subjective opinions, I hope you find it useful!

1. DeepSource

DeepSource is a static analysis tool that intelligently runs your code through tests that help you figure out issues in critical areas such as performance, anti-patterns, bug-risks, security vulnerabilities, style, and documentation issues.

Top 7 Static Code Analysis Tools

What Is a Static Code Analysis?

Static code analysis or Source code analysis is a method performed on the ‘static’ (non-running) source code of the software with static code analysis tools that attempt to highlight potential vulnerabilities. Static code analyzers check source code for specific vulnerabilities as well as for compliance with various coding standards.

Why Use Static Analysis?

  • Get code insights before execution
  • Executes quickly compared with dynamic analysis
  • Code quality maintenance can be automated
  • Search for bugs can be automated at early stages (although not all)
  • Finding security problems can be automated at an early stage
  • You already use static analyzers if you use any IDE that already has static analyzers (like Pycharm uses pep8).

Now that we are aware of static code analysis, we must know the tools that are already leading the market. Without further ado, let's have a look at the tools that are popular for static code analysis:

Test Your Website on All Mobile Devices Using These 10 Tools [Updated]


Say goodbye to all your virtual machines and device laboratories. CrossBrowserTesting is a one-stop solution for all of your testing needs. The tool is quite exhaustive and robust with more than 1,500 real desktop and mobile browsers on its availability list. You can easily execute all of your manual and exploratory test cases on real iOS and Android devices, just like your clients and end-users are going to do. The tool has excellent support for visual testing too and comes equipped with native debugging tools as well.


Test your website on any mobile device quickly using the AI-enabled cloud testing solutions by Functionize. The Functionize online testing cloud lets you flawlessly perform visual testing, cross-browser testing, and performance testing along with mobile testing. Use the tool to easily scale from one to many mobile devices. Get access to a large range of Android and iOS versions and smoothly maintain your mobile test cases using their root cause analysis engine. Apart from that, the tool has commendable support for test creation, test maintenance, performance, and analytics.

Reasons Why Startups Must Invest in Cross-Browser Testing

Hassle in a startup is not a new thing. Most startups struggle to grow. They try everything and make sure to deliver the best things on time, however, some things are underrated or are confused to be of less importance. Cross-browser testing in a startup is one such thing.

Cross-browser testing is testing your website or web application in different browsers or browser versions or devices and operating systems to make sure that the web app or website works perfectly in all of them.

The Edge of Test Automation: DevTestOps and DevSecOps

Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge.

The state of software development is evolving rapidly as software developers and testers have started moving to DevOps. In the beginning, organizations used to have a simple process for development and operations, but now users demand a more enhanced and improved experience with every product, which requires proper testing, security, data, AI, and more.

Top UI/UX Design Trends That Gonna Dominate 2020

UI/UX Trends to watch out for!
You may also like: UX Design Trends to Look For In 2020

User interface and user experience are the roots of software products. Whether it’s a web app or mobile application, if you’re not providing a good user experience to your visitors, you might end up losing all your traffic soon.

The UI/UX of your website is the first thing that strikes the eye of your customer; it works as a ladder to reach your consumer’s heart and mind by showing them engaging visual content. But, keeping up with UI/UX trends is not that simple as it seems to be.

Selecting a Programming Language for Selenium Automation Testing

So many language to learn, so little time.

As people are shifting to automation from manual testing, they prefer to go with the best-suited testing framework for them. When we talk about a popular automation testing framework, most people immediately think about Selenium. Selenium is one of the most reliable, portable software testing frameworks for web applications. It comes with one test domain-specific programming language Selenese for writing automation scripts, but it also supports other programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript, PHP, and C#, which makes it a good choice.

While moving to automation testing with Selenium, everyone who tests has to face a question: Which programming language should you use for writing test automation suits?

Selenium Automation Testing With LambdaTest

Automation testing has become a basic need for organizations that run their businesses online. It is a testing technique that is used to ensure that a web application works fine across all browsers, operating systems, and devices in terms of functionality, speed, and accuracy. There are multiple testing platforms and tools that can be used for automation testing like Robotium, TestComplete, SoapUI, and Ranorex.

But, there is no match for Selenium. It is the most recommended tool for automation testing by large as well as small organizations. So, if you’re starting out with automation testing and don’t know what selenium is and how it is beneficial for automation testing?

Web Testing Challenges Testers Will Encounter in 2019

With the introduction of the agile methodology and transformation into the digital world, the software development lifecycle is changing rapidly and increasing the need for better software testing capabilities. And software testing is being forced to be reinvented every day due to the introduction of new technologies like artificial intelligence, virtualization, and predictive analysis. This disruption in development flow and high demand for testing raises many challenges for software testers who test a website or web application. In 2019, we are expecting a lot of new changes in the web and this further poses a challenge in the testing cycle.

Let’s have a look on major challenges that testers might face in testing in 2019.