“41% of all code on GitHub right now is AI generated.”

This just in from an AI researcher.

Given the impact GenAI has had, it's been odd to see how unwelcome discussions about GenAI are here and other places.
Then again, it is an existential threat to new and old programmers that don't add these new tools to their repertoire or skill set.

Also, AI/ML has created no end of angst in Hollywood. Last month a company that makes audiobooks reduced its workforce because the AI tool to make audiobooks costs 20USD a month. Everyday voice actors at this point are going to have a rough time going forward except for the big names.

I have stories about the use of AI/ML/GenAI in the circles I run. All use has resulted in higher productivity. Which is good for the company, not so much everyone else.

Google as a tool to search for information is getting worse.

I f***ing hate Google anymore. 5 years ago you would have searched that and found a definite answer and guide on how to find your password. I'm gonna guess you got a bunch of poorly written articles from strange websites that weren't actually helpful?

I'm not the only one seeing Google's decline as a search engine or place to find information.
Not to pull any punches here, ChatGPT is blowing up the idea you go to ye olde link purveyor along with Reddit doing what they do as well.

The fallout from this is enormous as it threatens to tear up the ideas of SEO and ranking. Why bother with a google search when you have alternatives? Yes I've read where humans, AI, Reddit can get it wrong but Google has been moving away from being a good way of finding information for over a decade.

If there's anything good about ChatGPT is that it has the Google founder's attention as a credible threat and they are back at work.
Too bad their first reveal (Google Bard) was a flop.

So AI content, even examining and comparing might hurt SEO. What about?

What about a video such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pspsSn_nGzo where we see about turbocharging our programming with AI.
Again, I feel that it's not acceptable in this site to name a specific AI/ML tool so besides the unnamed tool I'll mention that Tabnine has implemented generative AI/ML into their products.

So AI content/tool review seems to be verboten here but let's skip past that and what about YouTube reviews. Do you think the SEO there will slam such reviews?

DevOps isn’t for every project.

Over the years I've seen so many solutions to development but not one is a panacea. Example: I had a 28 day embedded project that would have blown its 28 day limit if there were any attempt to force DevOps onto the plan. This was 28 days from start to finish including a custom printed circuit board, circuit design, software coding and final delivery. We made thousands of these boards as well as outsourcing the remote control for the system.

The speed of development was a bit hard on management but we got it done and moved onto the next project. Even the DevOps people in the company were caught flatfooted by the short cycle from start to finish. There was no need to update the software over time so it didn't fall into their DevOps way of how things work.

The second problem I've run into DevOps is lack of financial commitment. All the DevOps I've seen was costly and management I've had is very focused on costs. So the dance continues to be to automate what you can and watch that budget.

How do I delete duplicates on the Daniweb front page?

The front page seems to fill with duplicates. I'll paste what I'm seeing but here I am again finding the front page a place that I only check out to see if there's been any change for the better. Today, it's a reminder why I don't go there.

Cosmetic item. Not a big deal. Browser tab randomness?

Here's the screenshot:

Notice the browser tab showing a tag. Here's one that does not work like that:

The link is https://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/threads/533760/please-i-want-to-change-c-to-c

I don't see a tag being called out in all tabs so there's something of a randomness there.

Not a big deal and you have much bigger areas to work.

After watching “The Social Dilemma” it appears to be successful you must..

Watched most of The Social Dilemma ( https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11464826/ ) it appears to me to be successful you must learn certain, let's say, deep physcology and think about how to sway your followers using all the tools noted in the movie. This is a drama documentary but what you see there does remind me of what methods I've seen before.

Yes, they do paint a dim picture but if you don't, your site and presence on the web appears to be diminishing.

Worth a watch.

Comment if you feel that pull to "The Dark Side."

Thoughts about current Social Media and SEO landscape. Ruins everything.

The current system of say Facebook, Google (YouTube, Search Engine Optimization) and just about no one else has lead to what I see as a possilbe break from these masters or owners. It will take time and effort by all and so far, just peeps (noise) from governments.

I'm hoping Dani Horiwitz will weigh in here since this is not my field. My thoughts on this go back years as privacy was something we all had a lot more of a few decades ago. But here we are and it's a new world but one controlled by the few as in the two companies (rule of two) it seems.

Some want us to capitulate to our new masters. But it does seems to be a new federation of networks is out there. By that I mean Mastodon and similar but for now it seems from my limited view it's Mastodon. Right now there are YouTube, Instagram and Twitter alternatives so some work is underway.

It's not as if they are working to kill off the younglings. Or are they as Adam Conover interviews and more at https://www.earwolf.com/episode/the-internet-the-business-of-tech-and-happiness-with-scott-galloway/ The title there is "Big Tech, Workism and Killing Companies in the Crib with Scott Galloway, Factually! with Adam Conover #6 July 2, 2019."

After that I get the feeling that "Evil Will Always Triumph Because Good is Dumb". Well maybe that's a bit much but here we are with only two(?) companies running the big show.

So with that I will, when I can, DuckDuckGo and try spending time with a Mastodon and it's tribe.

Here are some top topics recommended just for you recommends deleted thread

Long Title: "Here are some top topics recommended just for you" email recommends a thread deleted two months ago.

"what are the feature of window 10" was in my email and that looks to have been removed two months ago. As a moderator I can get to it but is the code behind this in need of a little update to not recommend content that was removed? What about folk that don't have this superpower?

I'll forward this email back to you via email with comment.

In short:

  1. Received email from DW on 11/20/2019.
  2. Thought I'd read an item but discover it was apparently removed 2 months ago.

For a moderator, if this is how it works I won't complain (this is not complaining.) But if this happens to others they may wonder.

Agile does not mean you let process rule over getting it done.

I like Agile, I really do but a few times it has me walk out on the process as a few think that everyone must "buy in." That's just part of the problems I've run into and kind of glad I'm no longer on such teams. In fact if a company does go "all in" on Agile I may want to short their stock. I think it works until they try to forget what the real goals are.

The real goal is to get the product out the door. Some folk love to get wrapped up in the process. The process to them is all that matters. Someone made a funny albeit dark meme about it.

The full meme is over at https://imgur.com/gallery/23mdpAa and fair warning the end is very dark.

The SIM SWAP STORY. If you use your phone for email and more please read.

For those very new to this area, please google SIM SWAP and discover a very nasty security issue with all phones we use today. At first glance the new security researcher might think I'm exaggerating. Do your own research and tell me you don't find this to be one of the most foul, nasty exploits I've seen in years.

This exploit was recently used to highjack a writer's phone at https://www.zdnet.com/article/sim-swap-horror-story-ive-lost-decades-of-data-and-google-wont-lift-a-finger/
His case is still developing with loss of accounts, tax returns he stored on the Clouds, and a 25,000USD Bitcoin purchase.

And we're not talking thousands of dollars in losses but millions. Take for instance an over 23 million USD dollar loss at https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pawwkz/bitcoin-investor-sues-att-23-million-sim-swap-hack

The current state of affairs appears to be DENIAL by the carriers that this is a problem. You can do your research and if you are like most I've talked to about this, it will shake your faith in all things smart phone and cloud based. So many are using their phone as their wallet and for now, until there are lawsuits that cost the makers of this disaster lose a few billion they won't see a reason to fix it.