Test-Driving Kotlin in ZK

Every now and then it's time to learn something new — especially for a software developer. Be it just to keep in touch with recent developments, to challenge yourself by getting out of your comfort zone, or to widen your perspective and get fresh ideas on something you already know.

Very often, this means trying out the latest framework or a new platform. Sometimes, you work on an existing project and several decisions are already set in stone.

Handling RxJava Observables in a Web UI

Before we dive into the meat of this article, let's start with some definitions.

RxJava: A Java VM implementation of Reactive Extensions: a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. It is popular, as it addresses the concerns about low-level threading, synchronization, thread-safety and concurrent data structures.

Using ZK With Spring Boot

In recent years, Spring Boot has become a more and more popular alternative to building and deploying web applications. Following that popularity, questions arose whether existing or new ZK applications can also integrate with Spring Boot instead of building a classical war file.

The answer has always been "yes." At the same time, the transition from web.xml configuration into Java configuration has proven to be inconvenient, error-prone, and full of questions. That's why we at ZK decided to provide the zkspringboot integration module containing default and adjustable autoconfig and a starter dependency.