Secrets Management

Today's digital businesses are expected to innovate, execute, and release products at a lightning-fast pace. The widespread adoption of automation tools, when coupled with DevOps and DevSecOps tools, is instrumental to these businesses achieving increased developer velocity and faster feedback loops. This eventually helps in shortening release cycles and improving the product quality in an iterative manner.

Though the shift to microservices and containerized applications and the adoption of open source are helping developers ship faster, they also pose challenges related to compliance and security. As per the Hidden In Plain Sight report from 1Password, DevOps and IT teams in enterprises continually face challenges posed by leakage of secrets, insecure sharing of secrets, and manual secrets management, amongst others.

Most Common Web Accessibility Problems to Solve For

People’s experiences with the www (World Wide Web) aren’t equal. Web accessibility has truly become highly relevant than before. For specially-abled or those with physical disabilities, accessing sites isn’t always trouble-free. As per the current report to World Bank, 15% of the worldwide population lives with a disability, of which two to four percent face problems in functioning. In fact, World Health Organization’s current studies also mentioned that 1 billion folks live with a few forms of disability. In simple words, web accessibility is not given the major concern for everybody that it should be.

Hence, business or technology enablers (e.g., service providers, app developers, product enterprises, etc.) need to concentrate on accessibility tests more than ever before. That is where web accessibility comes in. Web accessibility means making sure that folks of all capacity levels and several techniques of access can interact, comprehend, and enjoy using a site. With an accessible site, no one feels left out. Of course, there are several other reasons why organizations need to concentrate on accessibility while designing their site. 

Selenium Test Automation— Critical Things to Avoid When Writing Test Scripts

Automation testing plays a significant role in overcoming the shortcomings or drawbacks of manual tests, plus broadening the scope for extra layered testing. Current studies have forecasted that the progress of the Global Test Automation market to hit USD 109.69 billion by the year 2025, which means that QA testing is growing and evolving rapidly. The influence of Selenium Testing is such that it has become a game-changer in the Quality Assurance and Software Testing world. Automated test has become more demanding as the high level of accuracy that is accomplished is saving loads of time for the testing team as well. Besides, automated testing empowers enterprises or businesses by boosting their software quality and making the entire tests process more reliable, faster, and resource-efficient. 

Selenium is one of the top lists in the testing arena because of its plentiful advantages. It has contributed to loads in bringing this exponential transformation in the testing world and continuous development and delivery procedure. Testing automation with Selenium has quite become popular with ongoing developments in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. It has initiated noteworthy transformations by opening up numerous unprecedented avenues in test automation. 

Compatibility Testing: Checklists and Crucial Things You Need to Know About It

Development and designing are crucial, yet equally significant is making sure that you have developed the software product as per the necessities. In QA and software testing world, a compatibility test is a kind of test performed to scrutinize whether the software or app is competent of running on multiple OSs, mobile devices, browsers, applications, network environments, and more. Put simply, the compatibility of the software is checked for distinct environments and platforms. This non-functional testing can be conducted either through automation tools or can be performed manually. 

What Is the Compatibility Test?

A Compatibility test deals with delivering software so that it functions perfectly across distinct configurations, platforms, as well as versions based on user requirements. Compatibility is the Non-Functional Requirement (NFR) and hence concentrates on delivering superior-quality and consistent performance. In nutshell, Compatibility Test is a kind of Software test to confirm whether your software is competent enough of running on various Mobile devices, operating systems, hardware, applications, or network environments  

Regression Testing: Significance, Challenges, Best Practices and Tools

Minor changes can have huge consequences. As the wants and choices of customers and markets are dynamic, so is expected the software to progress in parallel with the varying trends. In a few cases, the changes or even slight modifications in the back-end can often cause a diversion from intended use and functionality. To evade such anomalies in software, the QA specialist team performs regression tests (with the assistance of regression test tools). 

Tester teams should make certain that fresh code doesn’t conflict with older code and that unchanged code continues to function as expected. Software products, once designed, are frequently changed to ensure the right incorporation of sophisticated and unique features. This form of testing makes certain that the app’s earlier functionality is still functional and that the latest alterations haven’t introduced new bugs. 

Top 7 Automated Testing Trends of 2022

In the past few decades, the QA testing world has witnessed great changes. Automated testing has evolved to accelerate speedy software releases at the highest quality. 

Test automation has always been an eye-catching trend, as it lowers the effort required for testing. The automated test arena is gaining paramount significance in the QA world, and for good reasons. It has proven to be a smart game-changer by enhancing QA procedures and scaling up software development productivity. Besides, with concepts such as Scrum, DevOps, Agile, and continuous delivery, the QA test has reached wide adoption levels. Rapid growth in technologies and automation testing services led to the blending of automation and artificial intelligence, a concept referred to as intelligent automation.

8 Penetration Testing Trends You Should Know in 2022

As a result of the pandemic’s transition to remote work, the year 2022 is also considered a year of fresh challenges and transformation. The rising demand for the safety of software-based properties like web and mobile applications is projected to enhance the growth of the global pen tests market. Moreover, the growing usage of cloud-based security services is anticipated to fuel the demand for penetration testing. Additionally, the ever-increasing digitization in developing countries is projected to boost the trend of the Internet of Things-based connected devices. This, in turn, boosts the need for pen-testing. Companies have become more prone to malicious assaults and attacks. The rising number of cyber-attacks, coupled with the increasing necessity to meet the compliance measures, is estimated to be a driver for the global pen-testing market during the estimated period. To combat such malicious attacks, penetration testing company must have to keep a close eye on growing cybersecurity trends.

In the year 2022, we will undeniably continue to see attacks on the Internet of Things devices. Edge computing gadgets – where data and information are operated on as close as possible to the point it is gathered – besides centralized cloud infrastructure is all vulnerable. Once again, awareness and instruction are two of the most valuable tools when it comes to protecting against these vulnerabilities. Any cybersecurity approach should always take account of a thorough audit of each and every device that is given access to a network or is connected and a full understanding of any vulnerability it may create. As 2022 gets underway, it is the perfect time to evaluate the tech trends presently shaping the future of pen-testing, and how it will persistently go forward.

Few Warning Signs Your Company Needs QA Consulting Services

In a software testing world, the competition is too high to handle and when we talk about the significance of QA there is no room for error. The worldwide automation test market is likely to raise from $12.6 back in 2019 to USD28.8 billion by 2024 .Delivering superior quality software is the top-most priority of any business. It is prudent to pay attention to software development and testing before it reaches the marketplace. Yet, the handful of companies still lack to comply with few basic standards, specifications, and guidelines of the QA procedure audit due to several reasons. 

Unfortunately, not every enterprise is ready. The core major challenge lies ahead if businesses don’t have expert and strong QA professionals on their payrolls. The comprehensive test results in unearthing errors in the software product and such hidden issues might start looking like a time consuming bomb. Remember, it is a contest against time!

11 Core Reasons Why Software Testing Has a Better Future than Development

Even though there is a long-running debate on which one amongst these two holds a better future, it seems that tests hold great possibilities. There has been always been a conflict between the two prevailing roads in software science – software tests and software development. Persons

are time and again left confused while choosing either of them for their profession. The reason; there are several misconceptions on both these career choices that over weigh one another.

Predictions of Future Trends in Accessibility Tests

The mobile app is projected to account for a great market share as a result of the increasing penetration of mobile gadgets around the world. Therefore, along with the rising growth of smartphones, technology providers are concentrating on executing enhanced accessibility software for disabled persons. The higher demand for accessibility tests is expected to observe very strong growth in the upcoming years. 

Statistic Scenario

Crucial Benefits of Automated Testing in Manufacturing Industry

As the global market is preparing to slowly and steadily return to a comparatively normalized world, the manufacturing vertical is not left behind. Such a sector not only has to execute measures to recover from the trouble caused in this pandemic time but also has to take strong actions for facilitating business continuity. According to a current study, about 65-70 percent of the manufacturers are concerned about the financial collision, yet 41 percent are worried about the effect on their manpower and reduction in productivity, whereas almost 30-40% has concerns over decreased consumption which may result from a reduction in customer confidence. 

The lone way to keep pace with fast development cycles whilst managing business continuity is with automation. Typically, enterprises whose major product(s) is not software are afraid to expense in automated tests fearing that the returns won’t be acceptable or if there will be a positive return at all. The technological disruption during the Covid situation has resulted in the introduction of a series of intelligent software and programmable automation into the manufacturing procedures. However, the inadequate experience with automation, lack of proper tools, DevOps practices, and AI & IoT, and having legacy infrastructure can make the conversion from traditional procedures to DevOps-centric automation quite challenging. In short, the manufacturing sector is still in a nascent phase on its digital transformation journey with most of the smart factory initiatives and Industry 4.0 at the beginning stage.

What are the Significant Advantages of Crowd Tests?

Crowd testing is a growing technique QA (Quality Assurance) test which leverages a dispersed, short-term workforce to test apps effectively and rapidly. The Crowdsourced Test Market is anticipated to register a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 10.7% over the prediction period 2021 - 2026. Whilst traditional methods of software tests are performed within the organization, or through an outsourcing contractor or QA consultant, crowdsourced software testing is executed by various individual testers in distinct locations. Furthermore, it enables the user to rapidly outsource software tests to a global pool of expert testers, saving both money and time. 

What is Crowdsouced Testing?

Who Can Benefit From Microservice Testing?

Microservice can deliver a series of benefits in the development arena and help developers work to create big, more complicated apps. It is crucial to bear in mind, however, like any technical strategy or technology, their use is not suitable for each project or each company. Testing is a tedious and arduous part when it comes to selecting microservices as a prime architecture model. Every microservice has its own database schema, codebase, as well as dependency management.

What is Microservice?

5 Types of Tests To Perform On Your APIs

API Test is crucial for the software systems to function at high quality. Every app you build nowadays completely relies on Application Programming Interfaces. Application Programming Interface acts as the center level between the database and presentation layer in the software development procedure.  It is mainly the channel that links the client to the server, drives business procedures, and gives the services which give worth to users.  They allow data exchange and communication from one to another software system. That means it is critical to thoroughly verify and test Application Programming Interfaces before rolling out the product to the end-users or customers. 

What is API Test?

API test is a series of QA activities that comprise sending calls to the API, getting the result, and validating the response of the system against the definite input parameters, in precise, HTTP status codes, the data’s accuracy and data’s format, and error codes. Generally, API test is executed on Application Programming Interfaces generated by the in-house development team. We do not text 3rd party Application Programming Interfaces; however, we can test the mode our software accepts their requests. The approach to the Application Programming Interface test principally depends on the form of API. There are web Application Programming Interfaces, aka web services, database Application Programming Interfaces that connect apps with database management systems, OSs Application Programming Interfaces, and remote APIs to access resources placed outside the device demanding them.

7 Best Performance Testing Tools to Look Out for in 2021

The system could work efficiently with a specific number of concurrent users; however, it may get dysfunctional with extra loads during peak traffic. Performances testing helps establish the scalability, stability, and speed of the software application. Numerous kinds of performance testing imitate several possible user scenarios and know the behavior of the apps. With rising competition in the digital world and the requirement to be present in the top rank of the category, makes performance tests crucial for companies. Performance testing is mainly a subset of Performance engineering and is also referred to as 'Perf Tests.' Confirming scalability, dependability, stability, and speed of the app is crucial. An app is built with some expectations and is supposed to provide firm results. For example, the gaming app has to present definite actions to bring the right experience.

Performance testing does not essentially display imperfections with an app, yet it needs to ensure that the app function as expected despite the bandwidth availability, network fluctuations, or traffic overload. It is almost a part of the wider performance engineering portrait, concentrating on performance glitches in the architecture and design of any software. Therefore, designing and implementing such tests are crucial to ensure the stability of the website.

What Are Different Strategies for Security Testing?

In this modern interconnected world, the software application is considered the “front door” for several people worldwide through which to enter into your business. This assists enterprises to reach broad audiences and gives them the chance to rapidly grow their overall business. However, such development of technology increases the cloud, the Internet of things (IoT), web software product’s intricacy and enhanced the possible threats to hackers from varied endpoints with the system. Each year SMEs to reputable companies also face myriad type software security problems and these incidents straight impacted the brand reputation, business, and client trust in the software products.

In the current era companies are started expending extra resources, costs, and time to make Software Security Testing Services the number one IT (Information technology) priority. In software testing services, varied types of security testing have to be done before the app reach the planned end users, lie security scanning, vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, security auditing, risk assessment, posture assessment, and ethical hacking. Software security testing comes under non-functional testing, in this method software tester test the app and confirm it is secured or not with varied possible attacks.

A Complete Guide to the Stages of Penetration Testing

As per the new study, 95 percent of all successful hacks in the companies worldwide are the result of spearfishing. This is a kind of an email spoofing that targets a particular company or individual for stealing steal sensitive information or gain a grip on the network. 

As per the Statista, fig shows the nations majorly targeted by phishing attacks globally during 1st quarter 2020

7 Web Application Security Best Practices

Web Application Security has been one of the most significant parts when it comes to web app development. Developers need to make sure the security of apps as there is a substantial rise in the number of cyberattacks such as DDoS attacks that have been affecting the entire health of any site.

Factors like the rise of cloud platforms, use of open-source tools and technologies, complications of web apps, the increment in data processing needs, and an augment in the sophistication level of cyber attackers have led to an tremendously complex and challenging environment for IT security in any organization. As per Security Magazine, a cyber attack happens somewhere in the globe every 39 sec. As hackers are more interested on people’s confidential data and the cases of cyberattacks increase, it is crucial to make sure reliable security of your web application.