Is Your Email Security Built to Withstand Determined Intruders?

We take great care to safeguard our homes and valuable assets with numerous methods of defense. We employ layers of protection, with double locks on external doors, alarm sensors on windows, and strategically placed motion-activated cameras and signs in the yard to deter intruders.

Many of us place valuables in secure home safes, discreetly camouflaged from the casual observer and determined burglar. It’s just a common-sense inclination to protect our property and treasured possessions.

Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

XDR is an alternative to the reactive endpoint solutions that provide only single-layered visibility over specific points. Though these layer-specific solutions are quite effective, they deliver a large volume of alerts that require a considerable amount of time in their investigation, response, and management.

XDR is a solution environment that takes EDR to the next level. XDR provides a multi-level approach to monitoring and reacting to an organization's cybersecurity infrastructure through filling gaps and integrating deployed solutions into a common reporting platform.

Video Recording Is the Next Step in Privileged Access Management

Cybersecurity companies constantly work to outmatch the latest security threats by implementing new features to various cyber technologies. Companies update their privileged access management solutions, for example, to better catch and contain malicious actors. Some privileged access management tools, however, are difficult to use and, as a result, are ignored by employees. To provide enterprises with the most useful and up-to-date technologies, security companies must ensure that privileged access management solutions are easy to deploy, simple to use, and efficient to maintain. Video recording is also a must to ensure a privileged access management solution is complete. Here are a couple of reasons video recording is a necessary next step for privileged access management software.


Enterprises face a mountain of compliance needs (HIPAA, FFIEC, SOX, etc.). To help meet these requirements, organizations need a centralized system that collects and reports on privileged access activity. Without a unified dashboard and integrated approach to privileged access management, passing the next security audit (internal or external) could be extremely complex and time-consuming.

5 Tips to Overcome the Cybersecurity Challenges of Remote Work

The remote workforce that the world is encountering has brought benefits and risks for companies and their employees. Some of the benefits are lower business expenses, employees' ability to work remotely, a more flexible schedule, and many others. Unfortunately, working remotely also comes with risks.

One such risk of remote work is a new cybersecurity threat landscape – the remote endpoint. Cybersecurity issues can be quite challenging and risky for employers and employees, especially if they lack the proper tools to mitigate them. As important as it is to have the correct remote work applications available to employees, it is equally essential to ensure that remote endpoints are appropriately protected. The most common problem that remote workers run into is cybersecurity threats. Cybersecurity issues can be quite challenging and risky for employers and employees, especially if they lack proper measures to prevent them. For starters, you might want to check out this list of remote work software to manage your virtual teams.

The Growing Importance of Endpoint Security

What to make of this world driven by technology? Is it a benefit or a problem for society? The truth is, it’s both.

While technology is the backbone of greater innovation, growth, and efficiency, it also opens the road to potential security breaches and other types of cyber attacks.

The Biggest Endpoint Security and Deception Software Trends

Technological advances in interconnected devices are pushing companies to operate more efficiently and are making global cyber threats increasingly prevalent. As technology advances, companies should ensure they have a complete suite of cybersecurity products that includes proper honeypot security, endpoint security, malware prevention technology, and more. Here are some cybersecurity trends that will help enterprises better protect their systems in the months and years to come.

Vendor Reduction

On average, it takes over 250 days to identify and stop a network breach. The average cost of security breaches in the United States was $8.19 million in 2019 and this cost increases each year. In 2021, it’s estimated that cybercrime will globally cost enterprises at least $6 trillion in damages.

Why USB Security Policy Matters

Honeywell released a report that over 40% of USB portable storage devices contain at least one risky file and over 25% of those threats could lead to operational issues. In 2018, IBM’s chief information security officer, Shamla Naidoo, released a statement focused on digital hygiene and IBM’s steps towards banning portable storage devices, including USBs. Similarly, the French National Assembly has worked to raise cybersecurity awareness with a similar aim to ban USB sticks during their meetings. With companies, and even countries, working to ban the use of USBs, it can be difficult for enterprises to know what decision they should make when it comes to USB policy. One way or another, enterprises need to address the issue and strictly enforce these policies to avoid catastrophic breaches. Recent security breaches and mishaps with USBs should serve as a warning to enterprises still using them freely and without restrictions.

Edward Snowden

In recent years, the way the US government handles sensitive documents has come under scrutiny. This enhanced scrutiny comes, in part, from the actions of Edward Snowden, a systems administrator contractor for the NSA. Using simple USBs, Snowden was able to copy sensitive information about a government surveillance program called Prism and leak it to the media. Snowden’s case serves as a lesson for companies around the world. Without proper endpoint security any company or organization could have sensitive data lifted with something as simple as a USB.