Get a Jump Into GitHub Actions

On January 27, 2021, Angie Jones of Applitools hosted Brian Douglas, aka "bdougie", a Staff Developer Advocate at GitHub, for a webinar to help you jump into GitHub Actions. You can watch the entire webinar on YouTube. This article goes through the highlights for you.


Brian Douglas and Angie Jones infographic.

Angie Jones serves as Senior Director of Test Automation University and as Principal Developer Advocate at Applitools. She tweets at @techgirl1908, and her website here

Thunderhead Speeds Quality Delivery With Applitools

Thunderhead is the recognized global leader in the Customer Journey Orchestration and Analytics market. The ONE Engagement Hub helps global brands build customer engagement in the era of digital transformation.

Thunderhead provides its users with great insights into customer behavior. To continue to improve user experience with their highly-visual web application, Thunderhead develops continuously. How does Thunderhead keep this visual user experience working well? A key component is Applitools.

Fast, Efficient, and Effective Cross Browser Testing

What do you think about cross-browser testing?

Developers likely develop on only one browser – and maybe only one operating system. How does an app maker ensure that defects on other browsers will not affect their user base? In theory, cross-browser testing can help companies catch product defects before products get released to customers. But the legacy approach – setting up a bunch of parallel devices and running tests across each – incurs significant engineering skill and resource cost.

9 Test Automation Predictions for 2021: Automated Visual Testing

Every year, pundits and critics offer their predictions for the year ahead. Here are my predictions for test automation in 2021. (Note: these are my personal predictions)

Prediction 1: Stand-Alone QA Faces Challenges of Dev Teams With Integrated Quality Engineering

Teams running Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CICD) have learned that developers must own the quality of their code. In 2021, everyone else will figure that out, too. Engineers know that the delay between developing code and finding bugs produces inefficient development teams. Companies running standalone QA teams find bugs later than teams with integrated quality. In 2021, this difference will begin to become painful as more companies adopt quality engineering in the midst of development.

Best Practices for Testing Drupal Websites — Automated Visual Testing

Drupal is an open-source content management system used to build websites and applications. Drupal has great standard features, like easy content authoring, reliable performance, and excellent security. But what sets it apart is its flexibility; modularity is one of its core principles. Its tools help you build the versatile, structured content that dynamic web experiences need. In this article, we'll show you how to effectively test Drupal websites and applications using cutting edge vision-based technology.

Why Do People Prefer Drupal Over Other Open Source CMS's?

  • Reliability and scalability
  • Security
  • Easing out the complexity of the site
  • It is multilingual
  • Flexibility of Drupal
  • Easy for SEO

Refer for more information on above.

Five Data-Driven Reasons To Add Visual AI To Your End-To-End Tests

Do you believe in learning from the experiences of others? If others found themselves more productive adding Visual AI to their functional tests, would you give it a try?

In November 2019, over 3,000 engineers signed up to participate in the Applitools Visual AI Rockstar Hackathon. 288 completed the challenge and submitted tests — comparing their use of coded test validation versus the same tests using Visual AI. They found themselves with better coverage, faster test development, more stable test code, with easier code test code maintenance.

Whole Team Testing for Continuous Delivery

I just completed taking Elisabeth Hocke’s course, The Whole Team Approach to Continuous Testing, on Test Automation University. Wow! Talk about a mind-blowing experience.

Mind-blowing? Well, yes. Earlier in my career, I studied lean manufacturing best practices. In a factory, lean manufacturing focuses on reducing waste and increasing factory productivity. Elisabeth (who goes by "Lisi") explains how this concept makes sense in a continuous delivery model for software.

Complex Functional Testing, Simplified

A different view on functional testing.

How does functional testing with visual assertions help simplify test development for complex real-world apps? Like, say, a retail app with inventory, product details, rotating displays, and shopping carts?

My special blog series discusses Modern Functional Testing with Visual AI, Raja Rao’s course on Test Automation University. I arrived at Chapter 6 – E-Commerce Real World Example. In this review, I hope to give you an overview of Raja’s examples and how they might apply to your test challenges.

A/B Testing: Validating Multiple Variations

Can you spot the difference? Is there one?

When you have multiple variations of your app, how do you automate the process to validate each variation?

A/B testing is a technique used to compare multiple experimental variations of the same application to determine which one is more effective with users. You typically run A/B tests to get statistically valid measures of effectiveness. But, do you know why one version is better than the other? It could be that one contains a defect.

Data-Driven Testing With Visual AI

Data-Driven Testing With Visual AI

Let's be honest: if you're using legacy test approaches, you spend a ton of time maintaining your data-driven tests. And that time slows you down when you're trying to keep up with a dev team that thinks, "We're coding to standards — it should all run everywhere."

Think about the most difficult parts of coding and maintaining your test infrastructure. The simplest part involves writing the initial tests. You use what you see and your understanding of expected behavior to drive the tests. Test maintenance costs can drive you crazy.

Web Element Locator Strategies [A Student’s Experience]

I wanted to know about web element locators. In my free time, I am taking courses on Test Automation University, sponsored by Applitools. We are getting some of the best minds in test automation to present their approaches to testing web software. You may have read my review of Amber Race's course on API testing.

I took Andrew Knight's course on Web Element Locator Strategies to learn about how locators play a huge role in test automation — or just testing in general. Andrew is also a star teacher, consultant, and practitioner in the areas of software development and testing. You can read his blog at

What Is Visual Testing? A Definitive Answer [and Approach]

What Is Visual Testing?

Visual testing is how you ensure that your app appears to the user as you intended.

In today's world, in the world of HTML, a web developer create pages that appear on a mix of browsers and operating systems. Because HTML and CSS are standards, front-end developers want to feel comfortable with a 'write once, run anywhere' approach to their software. Which also translates to "Let QA sort out the implementation issues." QA is still stuck checking each possible output combination for visual bugs.

Test Your Service APIs Through Test Automation

You need to test your service APIs. You may expand your application into a service API. Or, you may consume someone else's service API. How do you guarantee the behavior of your own service API? And how do you ensure that your application which depends on a third-party service API? Whether you develop your own service APIs or depend on others, learn to test your service APIs.

This imperative lies at the heart of the Test Automation University course, "Exploring Service APIs Through Test Automation," with instructor Amber Race (Twitter: @ambertests). We're offering courses like this to help engineers like yourself think about and improve the quality of your services through test automation.