How to Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04

In this article, you’ll install and use Docker Community Edition (CE) on Ubuntu 18.04. 


  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit operating system.
  • A user account with sudo privileges

Installing Docker

The Docker installation package available in the official Ubuntu repository may not be the latest version. To ensure we get the latest version, we’ll install Docker from the official Docker repository. To do that, we’ll add a new package source, add the GPG key from Docker to ensure the downloads are valid, and then install the package.

Implement CI/CD for Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkins

Making multiple branches with Jenkins.


Jenkins is a continuous integration server that can fetch the latest code from the version control system (VCS), build it, test it, and notify developers. Jenkins can do many things apart from just being a Continuous Integration (CI) server. Originally known as Hudson, Jenkins is an open-source project written by Kohsuke Kawaguchi. As Jenkins is a Java-based project, before installing and running Jenkins on your machine, first, you need to install Java 8.

The Multibranch Pipeline allows you to automatically create a pipeline for each branch on your Source Code Management (SCM) repository with the help of Jenkinsfile.

Jenkins Configure Master and Slave Nodes

Take a look at master and slave nodes in Jenkins.

Jenkins Master and Slave Concept

A Jenkins master comes with the basic installation of Jenkins, and in this configuration, the master handles all the tasks for your build system.

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If you are working on multiple projects you may run multiple jobs on each and every project. Some projects need to run on some particular nodes, and in this process, we need to configure slaves. Jenkins slaves connect to the Jenkins master using the Java Network Launch Protocol.

Jenkins: Changing the Jenkins Home Directory

Home is where the configurations are.

What Is the Jenkins Home Directory?

The Jenkins home directory contains all the details of your Jenkins server configuration, details that you configure in the Manage Jenkins screen. These configuration details are stored in the form of a set of XML files. Much of the core configuration is stored in the config.xml file.

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The Jenkins home directory contains a subdirectory for each Jenkins build job being managed by this instance of Jenkins. Each job directory, in turn, contains two subdirectories, builds and workspace, along with some other files. It contains the build job config.xml file, which contains, as you might expect, the configuration details for this build job.