Building a QR Code Generator with Azure Functions

Here's a fun project if you want to learn how to build Azure Functions. This project is going to be a little silly but educational.

We will build a QR Code Generator that runs 100% within an Azure function. There are thousands of QR Code generators on the internet, so this is a silly exercise, but I wanted to push the limits of what an Azure Function can do, show you how cool they are, and inspire you to build cool stuff with them.

Building an Application With Go and SQLite

Today we're going to learn how to use SQLite with Go. By the time you finish this tutorial, you can easily build CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) applications with Go.

Go is one of the hottest languages in development right now, known for its simple structure and blazing performance. SQLite has been trending among developers for its ability to host small data very quickly, safely, and contained in a single file.

What’s the Best Way To Optimize Images for the Web?

Want fast loading web pages?

You probably aren’t optimizing your images enough. Image optimization is frequently overlooked because it’s only a small difference and takes some time to do, but a series of small changes will lead to a screaming fast website. It’s worth it. Your pages will load faster.

Split Testing With Netlify

Split testing is a feature you aren’t using enough. It’s a great way to test changes with your visitors without minimizing risk. In this tutorial, we’ll learn what split testing is, why you need it, and how to set it up with Netlify.

What is Split Testing?

Split testing is the idea of creating another copy of your website that you can send users to, so you can test new features. Let’s say you have a new design you want to try out. Rather than push that new design to production where everyone can see it, you can test it with a few people.

7 Places to Host Your Jamstack Site

The Jamstack architecture is rapidly gaining popularity with web developers everywhere. Jam stands for “JavaScript, APIs, and Markup.” Jamstack sites are static sites built with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS; they’re text files, so they can be served up fast without requiring the overhead of traditional compiled or interpreted architectures.

Tim Berners-Lee created the first static website in 1991— in fact, it was the first website ever built. In the decades after, developers have moved to using interpreted and compiled code for websites and applications, requiring complicated configuration and additional overhead.

Shaking Down the Raspberry Pi 400

I recently got my hands on the Raspberry Pi 400, the "$70 desktop PC," and I have now had the chance to try it out for a few days. As someone who has tinkered with Raspberry Pis since the beginning, I am always excited about new products. This one is drastically different from the others. Here are my thoughts.

What Is the Raspberry Pi 400?

Building a Go Web API with the New Digital Ocean App Platform

Recently, Digital Ocean announced they’re entering the PaaS market with their new application platform. They’ve hosted virtual machines (droplets) and Kubernetes based services for years, but now they’re creating a platform that’s a simple point and click to get an application up and running.

So I decided to try it. In this tutorial, we’re going to build an application on that platform. I will use Go to make a small web API and have it backed by an SQLite database. I’ll show you the steps required, and we’ll see just how easy it is (or isn’t) to deploy applications on the platform.

Optimizing String Comparisons in Go

Want your Go programs to run faster? Optimizing string comparisons in Go can improve your application’s response time and help scalability. Comparing two strings to see if they’re equal takes processing power, but not all comparisons are the same. In a previous article, we looked at How to compare strings in Go and did some benchmarking. We’re going to expand on that here.

It may seem like a small thing, but as all great optimizers know, it’s the little things that add up. Let’s dig in.

Shaking Down the Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera

I picked up the new Raspberry Pi High Quality camera last week. It’s pretty impressive. In this article, I’ll show you some ways to interact with this camera and do some cool stuff with it.

This is my current setup for this article. I built little stage with Mario, and I have the camera with a lens, into my Pi, and a temp/humidity sensor hooked to it. It’s the same I used in my previous live stream with this camera.

The Tech Challenges of Moving K-12 to a Distance Learning Model

The global shift to home isolation has unique implications for public education. The era of slow and steady plans to virtualize education was given a donkey kick by this virus and the quarantine, and here's what I've observed.

I'm one of the directors on my local school board, and part of a group of technologists called in to discuss and help with “distance learning” and implementing it in our district. Though some of our problems are unique to our area, many of these problems are facing schools around the country, and possibly worldwide.

Using a Raspberry Pi as Your Development Server

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up a Raspberry Pi 4 as a development (or testing) server. You can use this as a place to push your code and test it in a web browser. For the demo, I’ll use a React application, but with a few modifications, you can build just about anything with it.

For this project, I’m using a Canakit Raspberry Pi 4 Complete Kit. This gives you everything you need to get going, including a case, power supply, and SD Card.

Reusable Code: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Reusable Code Libraries in Real Life

The mythical "reusable code" idea has existed for decades. It showed up shortly after the first lines of code were written. We preach reusability and sometimes strive for it, but it rarely becomes a reality. I've seen various levels of success with this over the years. Everything from "we have a reusable library that 75 percent of us use" to "we have shared code libraries here, but never use them in your projects."

A recent discussion led me to think about this: Why don't more software development organizations have shared code libraries? Is it the pointy-haired bosses preventing it? Team conflicts? Or is it the developers themselves?