Meet This Year’s Top Committers

Today we complete our trilogy of interviews with the Individual Eclipse Community Awards nominees with the Top Committer nominees. 

The award is to recognize an Eclipse committer who best exemplifies support for the community through newsgroups, Bugzilla, white papers, conference presentations, blogs and other forums.

This year's Top Committer nominees are:

Making A Good Thing Even Better: Google Open Source WindowBuilder and CodePro Profiler

Back in September, when Google announced they were to make the Instantiations tool suite free for all, I thought things couldn't get better than this for Java developers. Well I was wrong, today Google trumped that announcement with their latest plan to open source both WindowBuilder and CodePro Profiler. Google is donating the source and the IP for both of these former products to the open source community through the Eclipse Foundation, and creating two new Eclipse projects. All in all, this is a value of more than $5 million dollars worth of code and IP.

For those unfamiliar with the products, WindowBuilder provides the best available Java GUI Designer available, integrated into Eclipse allowing you to build Swing, SWT, RCP and GWT interfaces. CodePro Profiler helps you to identify performance issues in your Java code. 

Keeping in Touch With EclipseCon 2009

 There's only one weekend left until we get to EclipseCon 2009 - and I can't wait! You'll have already seen what talks I'm looking forward to. We'll have lots of coverage of the conference here at EclipseZone. Another really easy way to follow the conference is by using Twitter to follow EclipseCon people. All you need to do to find these people is head over to the EclipseCon Birds Nest.  There's four different ways to partipate - as a standard
follower, as a speaker, an exhibitor or an attendee. 

There's going to be a Twitter monitor in the lounge area for people to watch what people are saying about the conference. Twittervision - how cool is that?! Ian Skerrett is also planning a tweetup on Sunday night.

Over the last few weeks I've become a Twitter addict myself - it's a great way to keep in touch with the latest goings on. (If you want to follow me, just go to my profile as dzonejames.)

In other EclipseCon news, Sun Microsystems have become a Gold Sponsor for the conference. They will be showing their Eclipse support for JavaFX, GlassFish and Solaris. It's good to see Sun there. 

If you haven't registered yet, there's still time for advance registration, ending today. Make sure to use your DZone coupon to get 10% off, using the DZONE10 code. Otherwise you can register on site. 

So, if you want to stay in the loop for EclipseCon, become part of the Birds Nest , follow me around on Twitter and keep visiting EclipseZone.

JavaFX Goes Mobile

Today sees the release of JavaFX 1.1, allowing developers to put their JavaFX RIA applications on mobile phones, as well as the desktop. I talked with a few of the folks at Sun, including Param Singh, Senior Director of JavaFX at Sun, John Burkey, JavaFX Architect and Mandini Romani, who runs the JavaFX platform.

In this article I'll go through what's included in this release, as well as ask find out a little more about the things in JavaFX that I've wondered about - mostly the integration between Swing, or SWT, and JavaFX.

JavaFX Gets Video Capabilities

Get ready for high quality video on the screens of your life. Sun has entered into a multi-year agreement with On2 Technologies, to provide immersive media and content on your JavaFX applications.

"The JavaFX runtime environment is designed from the ground up to support high fidelity media, empowering content authors to deliver media-rich content and applications across all the screens of your life. On2 shares Sun's vision of driving video convergence across desktops and mobile devices and we look forward to working with On2 to deliver this capability as part of the JavaFX family of products," said Rich Green, executive vice president, Software at Sun.

RIAs written in JavaFX will be able to use the On2 video codecs from Fall 2008, at the same time as the 1.0 release of JavaFX desktop (an early access release is expected in July). We'll need to wait until Spring 2009 for JavaFX Mobile and JavaFX TV.  The same high resolution video will run across all of these platforms.

Creating Live Dashboards With QuickSight

For many enterprise-grade applications, providing a point where you can access in-depth analysis about your data has become a crucial feature. There are many approaches to this — you can build your own web application and backend that has views allowing customers to filter and analyze data. Alternatively, you can use the embedded analytics capabilities of Looker, Tableau, or Sisense — all of which are large business intelligence tools, with a host of features and connectors into all sorts of data sources.
But if you’re already on AWS, then it really is worth considering QuickSight to present analytics in your web application.

This series will guide you through the intricacies of creating a multi-tenant solution with QuickSight, dealing with data security across customers and within organizations. We’ll need to go beyond to AWS console and dive into the CLI/API commands that you’ll need to manage all of this.

Container Images for AWS Lambda With Python

One of the best things about AWS Lambda is the variety of ways that you can create a serverless function. For example, you can dive right into the console, or use approaches like Chalice or the Serverless Framework, to name a few. For me, the latest way, announced at re:Invent 2020, is the most efficient way of testing your serverless function locally and dealing with large or awkward dependencies in your code. As you’d expect, this works perfectly with AWS SAM. This post will give you a quick start on what you need to do to build a container-based function using containers and Python.

In my case, I was building a function that would read data from Firestore in Google Cloud, run a data transformation and store the result in S3. I used to swear by Chalice, and built my application but found that it couldn’t bundle the GRPC dependency - I would have to build it myself. While the solution to this is just to build the dependency and package it up in the vendor directory of my Chalice application, I used the opportunity to finally try out container support.