Build an AI Chatroom With ChatGPT and ZK by Asking It How!

Recently, ChatGPT has become extremely popular. People ask ChatGPT to help them with their essays, homework, or even how they can make money. With a similar idea, I think it would be interesting to build a chatroom application by consulting with ChatGPT.

To start with something simple, I plan to build a chatroom web application that allows users to input their messages and have a conversation with ChatGPT. The resulting app will look like this:

Implementing Web UI Patterns in Java: Getting Input, Part 1


Speaking of software engineering, when implementing a feature, experienced developers will follow a design pattern because they are well-known, well-designed, and general solutions to common problems. Reusing design patterns brings benefits such as easy to maintain and bringing consistent and proven experiences to users. The same rule applies to UI design; when we build a web UI, we don't need to reinvent our own wheels for everything. Following well-known UI patterns makes it easier for developers to maintain and for the users to use.

There are several resources on the web talking about UI patterns, such as UI-Patterns, UX Library, and These sites provide insights on web UI patterns that best match a specific set of requirements in terms of usability and user experiences. However, these sites seldom cover how you can actually implement these patterns. 

How I Visualize My Spreadsheet Formula Dependencies in a Chart


The formula is the heart of an Excel file. And of course, we all want to do correct calculations and deliver accurate results. When there is something wrong, we want to trace back to those referenced cells to find the root cause. Excel natively has a built-in convenient formula dependent/precedent trace feature, it highlights the dependent/precedent cells and displays arrows to indicate the relationships. This helps users to trace back and find any error formulas easily.

Now, when bringing the spreadsheet online, we can do more. We can display the relationships in a custom way that is most useful according to the application context, or bring them to a different service or application for doing the validation programmatically.

3 Steps to Give Your Spreadsheet a Modern Touch

Spreadsheets are no doubt the most popular business application – they are heavily used in all fields, favored by users from finance experts in Wall Street to top scientists in NASA. Spreadsheets allow users to calculate, organize and store data, and most important of all, analyze data without having to program.

Nowadays spreadsheets extend their reach more – they no longer sit inside a user’s Excel desktop application, they are now widely used online, either being embedded inside applications or run on an online platform like google sheets. But when a spreadsheet goes online, can we do more than just duplicating Excel’s functionality into the browser?

Embed a Spreadsheet Into Your Web App

Having an Embedded Spreadsheet Is Handy

Spreadsheets are used everywhere. There's no doubt that a spreadsheet application like Excel is one of the most popular business applications in the world. It is so easy that anyone can use it, yet it is so powerful that it enables experts in different fields to “code” their business logic in the simplest way possible.

A standalone spreadsheet is great for personal use, but it's hard to share. That is why Google Sheets was born. With Google Sheets, it becomes much easier to share and collaborate. But people want more — they want to have the sheet directly on their web pages; whether it is a web application, a wiki page, or a company website.

Build a Web Application Based on Your Excel Files

Many companies have operated their business with Excel for decades. It is powerful yet easy to use, however, one of the biggest issues with Excel is that it is hard to integrate an Excel file with other systems and services, especially with a database. If you upload an Excel file as an attachment to a system and have to download it and open it up in Excel whenever you need to edit the file, you are just using Excel in a standalone manner. This is not an integrated solution.

In this article, I will show you how you can make your Excel file work seamlessly in a database-driven web application.