Signs and Portents for 2022

In this post, Head of Learning at Instil Software, Garth Gilmour, will make predictions for the tech industry in 2022.


Back in ye olden days (circa 2015), I first wrote a December article that made unreliable and vainglorious predictions about the future. What started as a yearly custom soon became an annual tradition. You might like to review my 2020 effort to see how reliable my crystal ball is.

From TDD to PBT via Kotest

In this post, we see how to integrate PBT into your Kotlin tests.


I’ve been a big fan of Property Based Testing for a number of years, based on my experiences with ScalaCheck. It’s always been an annoyance that Kotlin did not support this testing style, at least to the same extent. There was some functionality in Kotest (formerly KotlinTest), but it paled in comparison to what was available in Scala, F# and Python.

The Truth About the 10X Developer


We’ve all heard of the concept of a 10X Developer. Most likely, when you first encountered it, the context was that of a myth or urban legend. I don’t agree. As a reformed psychologist I’m fascinated by legends that are “sticky.” No story hangs around for as long as this unless it contains an element of truth. Or perhaps addresses some deep seated need. In this article I would like to convince you that the 10X Developer is a real, if very rare, individual. More like a Rhino than a Sasquatch.

The Really Real Developers

If I rate myself honestly as a developer, from a scale of one to ten, then I’m about a six. I peaked at seven in my mid-thirties and have been in gradual decline ever since.