Protect Active Directory Logins to Secure Remote Working

In the past few weeks, the majority of businesses were forced to shift to remote working. This situation is seen as a great opportunity for hackers to find new vulnerabilities to exploit. When a remote employee logins to the corporate network, it actually creates an access point that can be exploited.

Active Directory (AD) is the core identity and access platform for organizations all around the world. The best way to secure your network is to protect the remote use of these AD credentials.

Four Misconceptions About Multi-Factor Authentication

It’s important that companies realize that without Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), they are wide open to attacks if their employees fall for phishing scams or share passwords, which happens all the time.

There is no doubt that compromised credentials constitute one of the biggest security threats today. The challenge with compromised credentials is that the attacker is in possession of valid and legitimate corporate details. This means that it is very difficult to detect because all of the security tools you might have in place consider that the person who is logging in is precisely who they say they are.