10 SEO Tips for Effective Websites: Non-Obvious Tips Proven to Work

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If you have a website and want it to be found online, you’ll have to utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO) sooner or later. Chances are you’re already familiar with the concept of keywords and Google bots. However, with the ever-changing digital landscape, it’s hard to find relevant and trustworthy website SEO tips.

3 Scripts to Help You Collect on Unpaid Invoices

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Learning how to collect on unpaid invoices is an invaluable skill for freelancers and small business owners alike. At some point, you’ll likely run into difficult clients who try to test your professional boundaries. If you don’t take effective countermeasures, late payments can impact your bottom line.

How to Raise Your Rates, and Not Lose Clients in the Process

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As you gain more work experience, it's only natural you will want to raise your rates. With a regular job, wage increases are usually part and parcel of employment. However, this takes on a different scope if you're a freelancer or self-employed. As such, you'll need to negotiate raises directly with clients, which sometimes might mean losing them.