Still on the fence about hiring an SEO? Here are 10 benefits that might persuade you to hire one.

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Are you still on the fence about hiring an SEO? Here are 10 benefits that might persuade you to hire one.

An SEO company can be of great help in increasing your site’s visibility and getting it to rank higher on Google page searches, plus, there are tons of other benefits to hiring a search engine optimization agency.

Check out these 10 advantages of hiring an SEO Agency before you make up your mind!


1) Increased traffic:

When visitors come from search engines like Google, they’re ready for conversion; when they come from non-search sources, then not so much. Search engine optimization is all about giving potential customers what they want when they need it most – which is now!


2) More business opportunities:

A strong website presence is good for business – it gives more opportunities to potential customers. According to research, 93% of consumers who searched on Google said they looked for more information before making a purchase decision.


3) Cost effectiveness:

SEO is not as expensive as you might think – especially if you hire an agency or consultant to do the work versus trying to learn about SEO yourself. Plus, outsourcing your SEO ensures greater accuracy and scalability. For some businesses, hiring an expert might even cost less than the resources they’d have to invest if they tried it themselves. Plus, when clients find you because of the SEO efforts, it pays for itself.


4) Improved website design:

Today’s best practices for website design are based on conversions rather than aesthetics, which can be different from what has worked in the past. Utilizing an SEO company can be especially helpful when it comes to designing any new content or making changes to your existing site.


5) Sharper business focus:

As an expert in search engine optimization, you’re not just focusing on the website – you’re focusing on what makes money for the business overall. You’ll see which products or services are selling best and where they need improvement, which will help improve customer retention levels over time.


6) Getting found is easier than ever:

Now more than ever, consumers start their purchase research with a major search engine like Google (82%) before doing further research online (79%). Plus, close to 75% of people believe that companies should make information available especially if they appear high in the search results. That means you’re reaching a huge market if your business is easily found on Google and other search engines.


7) Improved website performance:

Regular SEO audits can help improve user experience and site functionality – leading to better conversions overall. Your site might be slow, with old out-of-date content or broken links, which hurts your SEO efforts over time. A strong web presence starts with a website that works well for visitors and google bots alike!


8) You’ll know how your online investment is doing:

It’s important to track your website’s progress as it relates to SEO efforts because there are so many factors involved in rankings. Plus, it has been that an increase of just one position in rankings can have a positive impact on traffic, leads, and conversion rates.


9) You’ll know when you’re ranking well:

SEO companies will be able to share their insights with you about how your site is doing in organic search results – which keywords are working for you and what to focus on next. Having this information not only saves time but it ensures that your SEO efforts aren’t going to waste because they’re working toward specific goals and milestones!


10) It’s all part of the service:

An SEO company or consultant might offer additional services like website design, PPC management, reputation management, and social media marketing and can do those simultaneously – it’s just included as part of getting found online. Since these services all work together, it’s more advantageous for your business to have everything done by one company instead of hiring different experts for every job.



Hiring an SEO company can be one of the best decisions you make for your business – these 10 benefits are just a taste of what they can do! Still on the fence? Do some more research and see if an SEO agency is a right choice for you. Thanks for reading!

How do I know if PPC is right for me?

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With the proliferation of internet-enabled devices, there are more ways than ever before to advertise your business. One powerful option for any small business is Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC). This type of digital marketing requires a budget to be effective, but it can be an excellent way for small businesses to get their products in front of potential customers. PPC campaigns have five main advantages: they’re less expensive than ads on TV or radio; they target the right people; results happen faster; people spend more time looking at their screens; and you can use them in conjunction with other types of marketing like print media, SEO or social media.  Let’s look a little closer at these benefits.

5 Advantages for using Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC):


1) It’s less expensive than other forms of advertising.

PPC is cheaper than buying ad space on TV, radio, or newspaper ads because you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Television and radio ads have set prices, which can end up costing thousands of dollars for one commercial slot. Ad space in newspapers and magazines also has to be purchased as part of a contract that may take months or years to complete; this leaves no room for fluctuation during slow business periods. PPC, by contrast, allows you to adjust the budget as needed based on traffic levels: reduce your budget during slower times and increase it back up when demand picks up again. Not only is this more convenient, but it’s also more cost-effective.


2) It targets the right people.

PPC is an excellent way to target potential customers because you can choose keywords that relate directly to your business. This means that when someone searches for a term related to your industry, they see your ad. For example, if you own a bakery and wanted to target people who live nearby looking for a place where they could pick up something sweet, you would input “bakery near me” as one of the search terms for your campaign. A PPC ad allows you to hone in specifically on those who will be most interested in what you have to offer.


3) Results happen faster.

Another benefit of PPC advertising is that results happen fast. You get to see how many clicks you’re getting in real-time, so you can make adjustments on the fly if needed. If you want to increase your budget because of positive feedback from customers, there is no contract or approval process involved like with traditional print media advertising. Additionally, organic search results don’t work in real-time; when someone searches for a term you have listed in Google Ads, they may not click on your ad right away. This means that it could take weeks or months before you see any significant traffic. This is a great alternative in the meantime.


4) People spend more time looking at their screens.

PPC ads are displayed when people are actively searching for something online, so they are more likely to notice your ad than they would be with other forms of advertising. 67% of internet users are more likely to buy something after they have researched it online, so you are reaching people at the exact moment that they are most interested in your product.


5) It can be used in conjunction with other advertising methods.

Like any marketing campaign, PPC is most effective when used along with other types of ads. You may want to start by using only ads on Google or Bing, for example, while testing different keywords and ad copy to see what works best for your business. Once you know what kinds of campaigns get the most clicks and conversions, you can choose whether or not you want to try additional digital marketing tools like social media or email marketing.



PPC is a great way to reach customers in a cost-effective and targeted manner. The five main advantages of PPC are that it’s less expensive than other forms of advertising, targets the right people, results happen faster, people spend more time looking at their screens and you can use them in conjunction with other types of marketing like print media or SEO. If you’re still on the fence about whether or not this form of digital advertising is for you, feel free to reach out to us!


Shopify vs WooCommerce: Which Platform Is Right For Your Business?

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Shopify vs WooCommerce? With the advent of eCommerce, it has become easier than ever for businesses to sell their products and services online. However, there are many different platforms that offer similar services and pricing plans. With both Shopify and WooCommerce being two of the most popular choices out there, this article will break down some key differences between these platforms so you can make a more informed decision about which one is right for your business!

1. Shopify

2. WooCommerce

3. Pricing Plans

4. Security Features

5. Integrations

6. Key Differences between the two platforms


Shopify is a popular online platform that provides everything you need to run an eCommerce business. Shopify includes many different features including the ability to use sales-specific apps, store/product pages, customer accounts, shipping companies, taxes, VAT, and more. In addition, Shopify provides a checkout system. When you add products to your store’s catalogue, it automatically calculates sales tax and VAT depending on your location so you don’t have to worry about the hassle of doing this yourself!

In comparison with WooCommerce, Shopify is a much simpler platform that has less customizable features. It also doesn’t offer an open-source code which means updates are done centrally by Shopify, not by users themselves. One big benefit of going with Shopify is their 24/7 customer support which makes them a great choice if you’re just starting out and need help getting everything setup!


WooCommerce is another popular eCommerce platform allows businesses to sell both physical and digital products online. WooCommerce is an open-source platform which means it’s free to use and customizable. You can also add extensions or plugins to your store with ease! Some of the key features of this platform include inventory management, shipping companies, built-in checkout pages, product reviews/ratings, SEO optimization tools and more.

WooCommerce offers many similar benefits to Shopify including 24/7 customer support, automated taxes/VAT calculation, shipping integrations and so on. One huge benefit is that it comes with an open-source code so you’re not limited by what the developers have created for you – you can completely customize your eCommerce website any way you’d like!

Pricing Plans

When it comes to choosing an eCommerce platform, the pricing plans are a huge factor. Shopify offers three different pricing plans while WooCommerce’s pricing is based on which extensions or plugins you choose to use.

Shopify Plan Comparison

One of the major benefits of using Shopify is that it offers payment integration with all major credit cards and payment processors including Braintree and Stripe!

Bottom Line: If you’re looking for a more advanced eCommerce site that has many customizable features but still want access to customer support then WooCommerce might be the best choice for your business! However, if you want a simple website with less customization options and integrated payments, we would recommend going with Shopify.

Security Features

When it comes to security, both Shopify and WooCommerce offer SSL certificates. Shopify encrypts data during checkout while WooCommerce allows you to add your own custom security features such as captcha verification and geotracking.


Last but not least, integrations are another key factor when it comes choosing an eCommerce platform. Both platforms offer some built-in integrations including: MailChimp, PayPal, ShipStation and more! However, if there is a particular integration that you need but don’t see on the list then it’s likely you’ll have to choose a third party plugin or app to meet your needs.

Bottom Line: As far as integrations go, both Shopify and WooCommerce do well with what they have to offer. If you have a specific app or software that you need to be integrated with your eCommerce site then Shopify might be the better choice as far as available integrations go!

WooCommerce Extensions/Plugins

The more advanced platform of WooCommerce gives users more control over their eCommerce website and comes with many different extensions and plugins that can be added for customization. One major downside is that these apps are not supported by WooCommerce themselves so if something goes wrong, there’s no one to contact for help.

Shopify vs WooCommerce: Which Platform Is Right For Your Business?

Both Shopify and WooCommerce boast advantages and disadvantages – it really depends on what features you looking for in an ecommerce platform and your budget. If you’re looking for a more simplified website that still has many features then Shopify might be the better choice for you! However, if you want to build a fully customized eCommerce website and don’t need (or want) customer support then WooCommerce is your best option.

And of course, if there’s a specific app or integration that you absolutely can’t do without then it’s important to consider which platform offers those integrations as well!


Both Shopify and WooCommerce are great options for ecommerce websites. If you’re still not sure which one to choose, let’s review some of the key differences between these two platforms so that you can make an informed decision about what is best for your business. While both services offer a wide variety of capabilities out-of-the-box, it’s important to note that each platform has different benefits depending on your specific needs. For example, if you need more control over design or want access to additional features like discount codes or coupons, then WooCommerce may be the better option for you. On the other hand, if security is at the top of your list when choosing an eCommerce solution (e.g., PCI compliance), then Shopify may be the wiser choice.

Key differences:

* Designed for web designers or marketing agencies, WooCommerce is a self-hosted open source platform that you can install on your own website and manage yourself. This option has more flexibility than hosting with Shopify because you have the ability to customize every aspect of how your ecommerce site looks and functions, but it requires a bit more technical know-how.

* The design of both platforms is similar in that they each come with pre-made templates that are easy to customize via simple drag-and-drop tools within the admin panel. This means you’ll spend less time designing and developing your site compared to other solutions like Drupal .

* With WooCommerce, you have the option to integrate with WordPress. This lets you take advantage of existing plugins for ecommerce, marketing, analytics and more. Shopify does not offer this capability because it is a standalone platform where all functionality is included out-of-the-box.

* When it comes to payment options, both platforms accept major credit cards as well as PayPal/other online wallets.

Key Advantages & Disadvantages:

* Shopify has many advantages in terms of ease of use and time savings compared to WooCommerce . It’s faster to develop new features and launch your site because everything is self-contained within its environment – no need for additional installations or updates via FTP (though there are dedicated apps available).

7 Things Every New Website Design Needs To Have

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A website design using WordPress or another platform has the potential of thousands of plugins and features.  While that is definitely a good thing, it can be difficult to choose the right ones. WordPress does not come with every feature you require in your site design. That is why we put this resource together.

Here are the seven things every website design needs:


1)  A well-designed logo

While a quality logo might not be the most important factor in your website design, it will still create a strong first impression. If people like your logo, then they are more likely to come back to visit your site again later on. A unique logo shows that you put some thought and effort into your site design.


2)  Unique content

Creating original content is extremely important for your site design. Without it, your website will not be able to stand out from the competition. Write articles about the latest news in the industry or advice on how to do something. Not only will your users love you for it, but Google prioritizes sites that add value to their users. You can also write about trends that are currently popular at the moment. If you are not confident in your writing skills, hire a writer. Provide your audience with unique content by writing about topics they are interested in.  If you are able to do this right, then they will continue visiting your site to learn more. Content is the king when it comes to having a successful website design.


3)  Easy social media sharing

Nowadays, it is more important than ever to have social media sharing buttons on your site. People are always looking for new ways to interact with others online so including these features is crucial for any website design. If people cannot share the content they enjoy on various platforms, then you’re missing out on potential word of mouth traffic. You can also implement social media buttons so that people can follow you on various platforms. The more followers you have, the bigger your audience gets. This enables you to grow your site design and attract even more customers in the future.


4)  A great testimonial page

If you want more customers, then you need to show them that you are confident in your product or service. You cannot do this if there are no customer reviews on your site.  Showcase your success by adding a testimonial page and allow people to read about how great your company is.  This will show your audience that you are dependable and trustworthy. It might even convince them to purchase from you if they have been thinking about it for a long time.


5)  Clean, simple design

Your website design should be easy to navigate. It should be a clean and simple design. This can be difficult to achieve especially if you do not know what you want your website to have or do. If there are too many popups, ads, social media buttons, or other elements on your page then people might get confused as to where they should look first. Ensure that your site is easy to navigate so that people can find the information they want without any obstacles getting in their way.


6)  Responsive web design

If your site is not responsive then it will be difficult for people to interact with you on mobile devices. This can quickly become a huge problem because more of us are relying on our phones these days. Your site needs to provide the same user experience regardless of what device is being used to view it.


7)  SSL Certificate

Nowadays, an  SSL certificate is crucial. It helps protect all of your private information. It will encrypt any sensitive data that is sent through your site. That way, no one will be able to get their hands on it and use it for their own purposes. I know that finding new customers can be tough but you would not want someone else using your website design to steal them instead!



A website design can be successful if it includes 7 basic things: a well-designed logo, original content that engages the users and keeps them coming back for more, social media sharing buttons to allow people to share your content on various platforms, testimonials of satisfied customers who have used your product or service in order to show confidence in what you are selling, an easy-to-navigate site design that is simple yet elegant. The last thing every website needs is an SSL certificate that will help protect any sensitive information being sent through it. If you want assistance with creating a great website design then let us know! Our team is here waiting to partner up with you so we can help create a stellar plan together.


What’s New In The Digital Marketing Space for 2021

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Digital marketing is kind of like a moving machine made up of various gears and pieces that work in unison to get things rolling. For example, you can utilize SEO to get more visibility, and you can incorporate ads for traffic. Digital marketing is also at the forefront of some more modern technologies, making it an essential tool for your business now and in the future. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you are going to need to focus on your digital marketing strategies and implement some of the digital marketing trends of 2021. 

So here’s what’s new in the digital marketing space every Ottawa website owner should know.


1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This is quickly becoming one of the biggest trends of 2021 and beyond. Smart machines that can carry out simple tasks increase productivity and make life a little easier. For the digital world, AI is popping up in the form of chatbots and analytics. For example, you might opt to have a chatbot on your site who can help new and existing customers with common problems on orders or with finding valuable information. Not only does this increase your site’s user experience, but it frees you up to manage your site and develop content. 


2. Social Messaging Apps

Did you know that Facebook Messenger has over 1.3 billion active users? WhatsApp has 1 billion active users, and over 55 billion messages are sent over the program daily. People want communication apps. Not only that, they want to know that the businesses and organizations they are backing are also reachable on these kinds of apps. Simply having accounts on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or a similar messaging app will make 63% of online consumers more likely to return to your site. 


3. Video Marketing

Because smartphones are so commonplace these days, video marketing continues to dominate digital marketing. One of the reasons is the difficulty some people have with long form content, sales pages, and emails on their phones. Video is easier. It’s quick. And it plays into humanity’s short attention span. Having videos will improve retention, increase brand awareness, and even increase your conversion rate. Video continues to bring more and more to the world of digital marketing. 


4. Personalization

More and more, people want to feel valued by the businesses they support. That is why personalized content, such as emails, product suggestions, song recommendations, and more has become one of the top digital marketing trends of 2021. If you haven’t started putting customer’s names in your promotional content, you are missing out! After all, no one likes generic advertisements anymore. 


5. Interactive Content

Yes, this has been around for some time, but 2021 has refreshed and rejuvenated the idea of interactive content. Marketers have realized how valuable such content can be to a user. Things like contests, quizzes, giveaways, and videos can truly increase your following, brand loyalty, and gain you more traffic. A bunch of interactive content builders are available, including, Outgrow, ContentTools, and Zembula. 


6. Voice Search

2021 is all about innovating technologies that have existed for a few years, like smart speakers and voice search. Convenience is the name of the game with voice search, and it’s something you need to consider if you want to be successful at digital marketing in 2021 and beyond. Audio advertisements have become more prevalent as a result of voice search. For example, if someone asks Alexa to search for something, she might answer back in the form of your ad as a “word from a sponsor.”


7. Stories

Although stories didn’t emerge in 2021, they are more popular and influential than ever before. Snapchat started the idea of story clips back in 2013, and since then Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and other social media platforms have implemented similar ideas. But why are stories such a beneficial feature? Because you can engage with your followers at the push of a button in a cost-effective way. Think of Stories or Reels or little clips as a simple advertisement that helps you interact with your audience. 


8. Featured Snippets

When someone has a question, they Google it. Google then crunches that data and provides an answer. Sometimes the results page is crowned with something known as the Featured Snippet or Position Zero, which is a distinguishing place of honor. Why? Because it provides the information you need without you having to select anything. You just get what you came for. 

Many businesses are vying for Position Zero, because it means maximum visibility. Readers are enticed by the information provided, and they often want more. In short, if you aren’t trying to get the Featured Snippet position, you could be missing out on traffic. 


9. Customer Segmentation

So, this might not be 100% new to the digital marketing space in 2021, but it is more necessary. The idea is simple—you target a very specific niche or audience with smaller campaigns rather than launch multiple campaigns for a larger group. 

With a number of ways to content with people these days, such as video, voice, interactive content, and more, customer segmentation can help you analyze precisely who you want to target and how. It will save you some money and time, too. 


10. User-Generated Content

For those who wish to target Gen Z and millennials, user-generated content is a valuable tool. It’s a simple tactic: simply encourage your users to share their content with you on their social media accounts. You can also provide an incentive, such as discounts to a product or a giveaway. Since there are a lot of visual platforms these days, user-generated content is a cost-effective way of getting people to advertise your product for you. In fact, 90% of online shoppers are influenced by user-generated content



Although there hasn’t been a lot of new trends popping up in the digital marketing world for 2021, there is a number of improvements on past trends. For example, video marketing, voice search, and web responsiveness keeps evolving to make smartphones more and more beneficial to advertising. Keep your eye on these trends to see how you can use them and guide yourself towards success. 

10 Tips For Better Book Designs

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Creating a book or textbook is a production that requires time and patience. In order to make a better book that engages the reader, you need to think about a number of things, such as the visual appeal of the book and making it more readable. Not only is the book design of great importance, but as the graphic designer, you have to be ready to discuss design points with the client and editor to make a book of the highest quality.

In order to publish a book or stunning book design that everyone loves, here are some tips for you:


1. Simple and Clear Numbering

Make sure you are using page numbers and chapter numbers in such a way that people understand where they are in the textbook. Readers should be able to figure out the page they are on easily and navigate without issues. You may also want to consider how you number prologue or introduction pages to separate them from the main text. Some people use Roman numerals (I-X), but Arabic numbers (0-9) may be more clear for certain age groups. 

Relevant: Top 10 Mistakes Ottawa Businesses Make on Graphic Design Projects

2. Running Heads

A running head is common practice. What this means is that, on the left page, you will see the title of the book; the right page contains the chapter number and/or chapter title. This is more than aesthetic. Readers can use the page number, book title, and chapter title to find information in the book. If the text gets photocopied or split up as a PDF, it’s easy to cite the information, too. 

3. Word Spacing

No one wants to read paragraph after paragraph when the text is either smashed together or spaced too far apart. Consider word spacing very carefully. Since nearly every font has its own unique spacing, you will have to adjust accordingly. A general rule of thumb is reducing the word spacing to around 90% for a tight line and less gaps in a single sentence. 

4. Make Gutters Right

Think about all those times when you were given a handout or opened a textbook that had been bound so closely together that you couldn’t read the words at the crease. This often happens because the right hand (recto) or left hand (verso) side of the page is too close to the gutter. How do you avoid such an issue?

You make sure that the gutter is wide enough. For a perfectly bound textbook, make the gutters no less than 25mm on either side. The other factor to consider is how the book is being bound. For example, if a book is bound with cold melt glue, the book will lay flat, making text easier to read. A hot melt glue, on the other hand, dries stiff, making it more difficult to open the gutter and read the words. 

5. Character Spacing

Similar to word spacing, you also want to think about the proximity of every character in relation to one another. Again, this depends largely on the font you’re working with. Avoid squishing letters too close together, making the words look too dark from a distance. If you’re working with Adobe InDesign, aim for -3%; use 0.6% for QuarkXPress.

6. Easier-to-Read Tables

The best method for creating an easily legible table is to space horizontal columns with about 5mm between them and no less. Doing so makes horizontal tables less confusing to read. People will be able to link the information from one page to another, as well. 

7. Paper Choice

Despite being in the age of electronic publications, many people still love the feel of paper pages between their fingers. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to consider how the pages feel. Bright white pages are less appealing than off-white paper. Plus, it is easier for people to focus on the text. 

8. Contrast

As we started mentioning in the point above, you want less of a contrast between the color of the font and the paper. However, if you plan on targeting the population with visual impairments, the opposite holds true. You will want more contrast to help people see the shapes of the letters. 

Yet, this isn’t necessarily true for the dyslexic population. A high contrast makes words look blurry and harder to discern. Because of this, dyslexic individuals often use a colored acetate overlay to read printed text. 

9. Make Suggestions to Clients

Any design is a collaboration between the client, the designer, and other team members. Some clients are far more open to suggestions than others, and you may have to develop a relationship with the client before they listen to you. That said, you should openly discuss your thoughts and feelings about the design. If you are unsure of something, ask. It would be disappointing for the book to be published, only for there to be a design problem that hinders its success. 

10. Ask for Feedback

Although designers often want to let their creativity go when it comes to books, so many of them are published in a cookie-cutter fashion. Because of that, more books get seen by the editor, designer, and producers but never get discussed or tested by those who matter most—the readers! 

If you want to create an amazing book design, you should consider the individuals most likely to pick the book up in the first place. Ask a small test group what they think of the design. What would they change? Have them send you feedback. 

You never know how people will respond. Sometimes, you get very detailed and helpful feedback that could make the book all the more successful. 


Textbooks—and all books—are just as difficult to construct and publish as works of fiction or poetry. There are many factors to consider when you start designing a book, including readability. You want to make sure that things like wording and kerning are dealt with long before production. Keeping such things in mind will help you create a better book.

Top 10 Mistakes Ottawa Businesses Make on Graphic Design Projects

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There is always that one design faux pas you and many Ottawa business owners wish you could forget. Either you were rushing to finish a marketing brochure or you overlooked proofreading or you just didn’t know what to do. These are common mistakes Ottawa companies make on graphic design projects that can easily be avoided if you understand some basic principles. Though it’s always a smart move to hire a professional, knowing what mistakes to avoid will make life a lot easier.

That said, here are the top 10 mistakes Ottawa businesses make with graphic design:

Poor Font Choice

You might see a font that you absolutely adore and want to integrate into your designs. But there is a chance that it could be a poor choice or mismatch for your brand. Remember, there are many fonts out there, but only a few are going to fit the vibe you’re looking for. Also, you want to make sure that you aren’t using too many fonts at once. Having too many fonts on a single page will create visual dissonance. The project will look messy and unprofessional, which isn’t the result you’re going for.

Keep 2-3 font types that are related to one another. One of the best tricks is using one font type but different weights and sizes. It will look cohesive but also pop. Also, avoid certain fonts. Papyrus, Comic Sans, and in some cases even Helvetica will detract from the graphic design.

Also read:

The Top 20 Fonts to Use For Branding – Logos and Graphic Designs

Overly Wordy

Humans have short attention spans. There’s no denying that fact. It’s why people can’t sit through a 20 second advertisement without wanting to skip it. And it’s also why people will lose patience with designs that have too much information. Many graphic designers and businesses tend to make the same mistake on their first few projects—they choose far too many words.

When there is too much text, people are going to say it’s too long and pass it by. Instead, try for brevity. Minimize the text down to the very vital bits then let imagery play a key role. Try to stay below 50-60 characters in a single line.

Poor Colour Combinations

Choosing the wrong colours and complementary (opposite on the colour wheel) shades spells trouble. You want to choose a palette and stick with those colours throughout the entire project. Don’t stray from the shades you choose, because it could ruin the cohesiveness of your work. Also, pay attention to how the background colours work with the font weight and colour choice. You don’t want to lose any of the information you’re trying to highlight.

Secondly, consider how the colour choice will affect the psychology of the viewer. If you choose the wrong colours for a brand, they could end up perceiving your business as cold or clinical instead of welcoming, for example. You will need to find proper balance between all colours, fonts, and images.

Poorly Written Brief

One of the biggest mistakes in graphic design happens before the project even begins. It occurs when the designer doesn’t even understand what is expected of them. Usually, this is due to a badly written creative brief or a lack of communication between the graphic designer and the business. Many businesses expect the graphic designer to comprehend what is desired from a few instructions or an idea, but the truth is that the graphic designer can’t deliver great work unless they have a total understanding of the expectations.

The good news is that it’s an easy fix. For every project, write up an in-depth briefing for everything. Detail the kind of colour scheme, the targeted audience, your branding, and so on. Also, communicate with the designer regularly.

No Responsiveness

Although this is more web design related, graphic design also carries over to the overall look and feel of a website and its media. If you are implementing special vector designs, images, animations, and so on, you are going to want to make sure all that stuff works across all platforms. If the desktop version of a website functions well but the mobile-version has sizing issues or doesn’t respond, it will impact you negatively.

Stale, Overused Content

So many businesses make the mistake of following graphic design trends. Unfortunately, recycling what’s popular could backfire. Your project might look stale or outdated, and it could reflect poorly on your business. While it’s fine to incorporate some trends, creativity is more important.

Using Stock Pictures

You might think that using a free stock photo for your website or blog or flyer is going to save you some money. In reality, it is not always the best idea. If you want to rise above your competition, try to go with original photography rather than using a stock photo that has already been used hundreds of times. You want to minimize duplicated images whenever possible. Having an image designed strictly for your business shows creativity and will even be more advantageous for branding.

Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Sometimes you get blind to your spelling and grammatical errors. That is why it’s so important to have someone review the work before printing it or launching it on social media. Even a small mistake could have a large impact on your business, especially if the information gets skewed. Others may perceive the error as negligence and wonder about the integrity of your brand. People might even discredit your products and services and head to the competition instead. You don’t want that.

The bottom line is that you need to not only be careful with the language and fonts you choose but also the way you communicate through the graphic design project.

Crazy Kerning

Kerning is when the space between letters is adjusted to make text more appealing and legible. Doing so is a delicate procedure. Go too much one way, and your letters could be so smashed together or so far apart that your project loses all meaning. This is bad for branding and bad for your image. When in doubt, have a professional graphic designer work on the kerning for you.

Improper Formats

While most designers will automatically save their work as a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) or as a Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) or something similar, deciding which one is right for the project can be a challenge. Basically, you need to know how you’re going to be using the final project before you begin.

You can ask the graphic designer for their recommendations. They will generally consider whether the image is going online or if it will be printed then go from there.

Final Thoughts

Graphic design is more than just selecting colours and images. It takes some practice and creativity to make projects into masterpieces. Now that you know some typical mistakes, you can avoid those issues and start creating amazing designs.

Graphic Designer Near Me: 5 Ways to Tell if They Are Worth Hiring

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When you are searching for a graphic designer, you will find that there are plenty of choices out there. However, you need to know what makes a graphic designer a good one. How do you spot a professional graphic designer? What are some traits they would show?

Today, we’re going to discuss 5 ways to tell if the graphic designer is worth hiring for a job. 

Decide Between Freelance and In-House Graphic Designers

Before gathering up a pool of candidates for your project, you should consider what kind of graphic designer you want. Freelance graphic designers and in-house designers can both have the same amount of education and experience, but there are also places where they differ greatly. An in-house graphic designer is a great choice for brands who need a designer’s full attention. The downside to hiring an in-house designer is that you need to pay them even when you don’t need their skills. They also have a set capacity and are often specialized. 

Freelance graphic designers are usually far more flexible with what they can do. You can hire them whenever you need them, but they will be less familiar with your brand and marketing than an in-house designer. Unlike an in-house graphic designer, a freelancer may not always have the flexibility to expedite your projects. 

Know What You Need When Hiring 

Setting your expectations too high could make the hiring process much more stressful. So, first things first, understand what a graphic designer does for your company. Graphic designers are not web designers or developers in most cases. While they excel at crafting the feel of a brand with imagery, they will not code. Furthermore, graphic designers are not meant to shape your brand. They need your guidance. You may be lucky and find a graphic designer who is also a creative director or web developer, but you should assume that most will need input from you. 

Because of this, you need to have a firm idea of what kind of graphic designer you are looking for before you even begin interviewing. You won’t hire a logo designer if you need a brand book. Understand your brand identity—the color scheme, fonts, images, targeted demographics, etc. When you start searching, you will know which graphic designer is worth hiring based on their resume or CV and how well it matches your needs. 

Ask The Right Questions

So you have several graphic designers lined up. How do you choose the best of the bunch? You interview them. Ask questions about their experiences and their education. Some graphic designers might have excessive experience without ever receiving formal education, while others could have freshly graduated from university but a limited portfolio. Again, it depends on what you are looking for. 

Candidates should have proficiency in proper tools, namely Adobe Creative Cloud or similar software. If they don’t have experience with Adobe, they should display signs that they will quickly pick up the proper skills to do the work. 

Also learn about their adaptability. Ask them to give an example of a time when the scope of a project suddenly changed. A good graphic designer is one who can go with the tide. They cannot be too protective of the original idea in their head. Keep an eye out for candidates who seem resistant to changing or who struggled with the notion of adaptability. 

If you decide to go with a freelance graphic designer, ask them if they can handle two projects at once. A professional will include their time management techniques within their response. You want to know your graphic designer isn’t going to fumble the ball in times of stress. 

Evaluate Their Portfolio

The right designer for your brand or business may not always be the one with the most education. Sometimes, you will like someone based on their interview answers and quirkiness. That is why you should consider the interview only half of the whole hiring process. The next part is evaluating the portfolio. A designer worth hiring is always going to have a portfolio of samples. The pieces that they share will give you a clear idea of their personal aesthetic, their strengths and weaknesses, and how they interpret instructions. 

Evaluating a portfolio can be a bit challenging if this is your first time, so look for three things: relevant samples, design aesthetic, and experience. 

Relevant samples help you find the designer that is strongest in skills befitting your project. For instance, you wouldn’t choose a logo designer for a marketing ad. Some graphic designers might be good at it all, but others specialize. Always compare oranges to oranges. 

From there, take in their design aesthetic. Edgy brands are going to need edgy designers over those who prefer a toned down look. A whimsical designer won’t match a sophisticated brand, either. Another thing to look for is whether they keep up with the trends. Designs that look outdated could mean that the graphic designer is not continuing their education or in tune with design advancements. 

Lastly, the samples you see will show just how much experience someone has. If you are making a logo for a coffee shop, it helps to work with a designer who has worked with the restaurant industry. They will comprehend your needs better than someone with less experience in your field. 

Try a Small Project Before Committing 

After looking over a graphic designer’s portfolio and learning about their experiences, you will definitely have candidates. The next step to figuring out whether or not to hire them is to see what they can do for you. Give the graphic designer a small project. See how they listen to the instructions, use a specific drawing style, take criticism and feedback, and how well you communicate together. If they produce a satisfactory result without any mishaps, then you know you have someone you will enjoy hiring.

Unsure about what kind of small project to give them? The best is something that has already been designed, such as your business logo or a marketing piece. See how they revise the piece.

Wrapping Up

Finding a graphic design that suits your brand isn’t as hard as it seems at first. Keep these tips in mind! Have some questions ready to ask the candidates then evaluate their previous work. From there, you should have a good impression of one designer, especially when they match your brand aesthetic. 

SEO Tactics and Trends for Websites in 2021

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Every year, the SEO landscape evolves to meet the needs of algorithm updates, user demands, and other technological advances. Does that mean 2021 is going to introduce a lot of changes? Probably not. You will find that much of 2021 is going to reflect SEO trends from 2019 and 2020. That said, there are some trends that continue to hold strong, such as the saying “content quality is king.” 

To make your content all the more relevant, however, you need to fine tune your SEO strategy. Lucky for you, we have put together information on several SEO tactics and trends to get you ahead of the competition in 2021. Check them out. 

1. Your SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) is More Important Than Ever

One thing that many are noticing is the continuous fluctuation of search rankings. Whenever Google releases an algorithm update, your website’s ranking is going to be affected. Your ranking may move several spots. It is rare when a website’s SERP remains in the same spot. 

But that doesn’t mean you should ignore SEO and SERPs. Once your rankings have improved, website traffic will increase. 

Your position on that first result page is so, so crucial. Sometimes, there are less than 10 spots, depending on the ads and snippets and other information. If you aren’t ranking for a topic, you need to reconsider your SEO strategy. 

That’s the first step you should make: review your strategy for 2021 and figure out what is obsolete. 

2. The User Experience (UX) Must Be Emphasized

The user experience (UX) has swiftly grown in importance throughout the past couple of years. That is because Google has begun measuring UX and, if your site doesn’t have enough of it, the algorithms will keep you from a top ranking SERP. 


But why is UX so pivotal in your site’s success? Consider this: a user who we’ll call Tom visits a website after making a query through Google. Within seconds, Tom decides to return to Google. Then, he checks a second website and never has to return to the search results. Google will notice how Tom reacts to both websites and will decide that the second site is much more satisfactory. 

This action between Tom, Google, and the websites is known as “pogo sticking,” where a user will visit a couple of sites before finding one that they stick to. To Google, it’s a display that says the user wasn’t satisfied with something on the sites they left. And when users aren’t appeased, Google isn’t either. 

So, how do you increase the user experience for 2021? Here are some tips: 

  • Add mobile-friendly elements. If the site doesn’t look good on a smartphone, you are going to get a lot of users ricocheting off and going back to Google within seconds. 
  • Make sure links and buttons all go to the correct destination. 
  • Increase the page load speed. A slowly loading page is the main reason someone returns to Google. 
  • Make sure of analytics, A/B testing, and heat maps to understand user behaviours. The more you understand their interests, what they search for, and why they leave, the better you can appeal to them. 

All of these are part of something called Core Web Vitals, or standards of website development. The more you fine tune your website design to meet those standards, the better off the UX will be.

3. Focus on Passages

Google recently announced in October 2020 that it will now index passages, not just web pages. This means that a web page with multiple paragraphs now has a chance to rank for every single piece of content rather than the emphasis being on the first sentence at the top of the page. 

Google described this new feature: “By better understanding the relevancy of specific passages…we can find that needle-in-a-haystack information you’re looking for.” In other words, if the final paragraph of a 20-paragraph page has relevant information, Google can now pinpoint that and show it as part of the search query result. 

What does this mean for you? It simply means you can develop your ideas more fully and not have to worry about cramming all kinds of information into the beginning of a web page. 

4. Featured Snippets

What is a featured snippet? You have seen them before—those little blurbs of text at the beginning of the SERPs that aim to answer your question. The content is automatically pulled from pages that are indexed by Google. Consider the featured snippet as #0, because it is above even the treasured #1 spot. 

Landing the featured snippet is highly advantageous. Not only does that give you a spot well above the competition, but you get seen. Sure, people might not click on the featured snippet for more information. It doesn’t matter. Your visibility increases dramatically, leading to more click-throughs. 

So, you should do some keyword research for a topic then create a set-up that would put you in the running for the featured snippet position. 

5. The Long and Short of It

Throughout the years, the best length for blogs and other content was always a point of contention. Some people said that longer content was better, while others claimed that short bits of information are more appealing. The answer as of 2021 is that it depends. 

It depends on the reader, the demographic, the keywords, and the amount of information it takes to answer all the questions someone could potentially have. You also have to ask yourself, “Do I really need a 3,000 word article when a 5-minute quick video has the same result?” There are some cases when a longer, more thorough discussion is going to be beneficial, but you can balance it out with shorter clips of information that are easily digestible. 

There is one thing you don’t have to worry about so much now, though. Google has stopped paying so much attention to the keyword densities and word count. Now, you can focus on the content and providing clear, concise information. That will help you rank more than fluffed up content ever will. 

6. Check Your Page Titles

The overlooked page title is more useful in 2021. Many lack optimization, and it ends up dragging you down in rankings. There are many ways to vary your page titles to draw more attention to them, such as dashes, complete sentences, and vertical pipes. 

For example, the title “The Best Hops for Homebrewing Beer,” can also be written as: 

  • Hops – Homebrewing – Beer 
  • Hop Varieties | Home Brew | Beer
  • and so on

You may have to test for which variance is most effective over a span of weeks. It may seem a bit difficult at first, because you might lose some ranks if the keyword relevancy doesn’t work as well as other variations, but you won’t know until you try. 

The key is to zone in on a keyword or long tail keyword then make multiple titles revolving around that keyword. You may add in a brand name or other details to help pinpoint a specific group of users, too. 

7. Check Your Content Headers

Similar to page titles, you can also adjust the headers throughout your website. Your instinct may be to over-simplify certain things, such as information about shipping and handling on your website. If you write a blog about it, you wouldn’t just call it “Shipping.” You would want people to know how certain elements of the shipping works, how orders are processed, what certain statements on their account mean, and so on. 

In the end, you might come up with a header like, “What You Need to Know About International Shipping and Handling.” Again, you can try multiple approaches to see which header is most favoured. 

8. Organic Backlinks

Recently, the quantity of backlinks leading to your page is far less important than the quality of those links. In fact, if you acquire far too many backlinks at once, Google will actually counter that attempt to rank quickly and hold your page back. One of the reasons for this is the black hat practice of buying links. 

So, in 2021, the best method for retrieving backlinks is to not concern yourself with them right away. Publish your content and focus on organic growth. Once your content has been live for a few months and has drawn some attention, you can then look for link prospects. It is more organic, and you will see more growth because of it. 

9. Optimize Alt Text, File Names, and Images

This is an age-old tip, but it certainly continues to influence rankings everywhere. If you want a better user experience, then you need to look at your images, files, and alt text. Faster load times can be unlocked if you decrease the size of image files. If you don’t know how yet, you can use an online tool called ImageOptim, which will get the job done quickly. 

You also want to name any files with keywords or something that will complement the alternative text. For example, if your blog is about the different kinds of cakes in the world, then you might have an image titled “Egypt-basbousa-cake.” You will then have alt text that states something like, “A sweet cake called basbousa from Egypt.”

10. Accessible Videos

Videos are an excellent way to boost website engagement, especially when you are posting them to social media. However, while those videos will get people interested in your brand and message, they are not always going to directly optimize your website. One useful hack that also adds to a page’s SEO is to provide a transcript. Not only does the additional text make your video more accessible to some users, but that content will help Google and other search engines zero in on the subject matter. 

You can automatically generate the transcript with services like Speechpad. Just clean it up before posting, and you have an easy, accessible post. 

11. Optimize Your New Content Immediately

By now, you should realize that every new page is a new chance to appease SEO standards, play up to UX, and work towards ranking on the SERPs. Whether you are making a single page or posting an entire cluster of information, you need to think about everything as having some kind of purpose. From the page titles, headers, subheaders, alt text, keywords, image names, captions, and so on, everything goes towards SEO. 

Don’t forget about any facet of your website. You should be doing long-tail keyword research, since that will give you a chance to tap into a specific demographic. In other words, your content should be answering questions, from top to bottom. Use those long-tail keywords to fine tune the content, potentially earning you more traffic, conversions, sales, and engagement. 

12. Embrace Voice Searches

Even if the technology has not yet been fully embraced, there are people who absolutely love to say, “Hey, Google,” and “Hey, Alexa,” somewhere close by. The reality is that voice searching can be a lot easier when your hands are full, and people are going to use what is available to them. Since devices like Echo and Alexa have grown in popularity, that means that voice searches are also increasing. 

While voice searches are no different from a regular search query done on the phone or computer, it does mean you have to consider how someone might naturally ask a question. Again, this is where long tail keywords come into play. People aren’t just going to say, “Buy space heater” to their Echo Dot, they’re going to speak as if talking to someone else: “Hey Echo, where can I buy a space heater?” 

Keep that in mind while making content! 

Final Thoughts 

With these tips and trends for SEO in 2021, you should be able to unleash more potential and absolutely dominate the search engine result pages. Quality of content will continue to hold sway over keywords and everything else you do. So commit fully to the user experience and entice people to stay longer on your site. From there, your rank should rise. 

5 Questions To Ask an Ottawa Graphic Designer Before You Hire Them

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Many Ottawa companies these days are hiring professional graphic design firms or freelancers to absolve some challenges behind branding, but they do not always hire the right person. Since graphic designers are all unique—some with university degrees, some self-taught—you have to look through a lot of profiles before finding the one. 

It’s a little like dating! Fortunately, you won’t have to go on a million blind dates. All you have to do is ask the right questions during the Zoom conference or phone call. Aside from interviewing a graphic designer and getting them to tell you little tidbits about themselves, in creating rapport, you should consider the following questions:

Question #1: Can I See a Portfolio and References?

Any designer in Ottawa worth your time should have a professional portfolio with previous work. They should provide you with samples of styles they are adept in, as well as projects that are potentially similar to yours. As you peruse the portfolio, look at the aesthetic, the use of colours, and the composition. Ask yourself if it is what you want. 

At the same time, you should ask for references or any proof of reviews or testimonials from previous clients. Take both positive and negative feedback into consideration. How the professional handles the worst reviews is going to tell you a lot more than how they replied to a good one. 

Question #2: How Long Does It Take to Develop a Design?

While time is relative to the intricacies of the design and how many people are working on it, an experienced designer will be able to estimate a turnaround time. This is a good indicator of competency. 

Going with a freelancer? Then you should know that they probably have multiple projects going on and are doing so on their own unique schedule. You have to make sure you are both on the same page. Make sure they are going to be responsive to your emails and calls and that they confirm when they can deliver. 

Question #3: Can You Tell Me About You/Your Team’s Design Process?

Even if you don’t know anything about graphic design, the professional should be able to describe how the team (or the individual) comes up with their ideas and develops them. There is usually a system in place to help graphic designers produce quality work. Regardless of the complexity of the project, a trustworthy graphic designer will have steps they take that are easy to understand and logical. If they have trouble discussing this, they probably are not skilled enough to complete the job. 

Question #4: Who Owns The Copyright After Design Completion?

Never forget the all-important licensing and copyrighting. Sometimes, graphic designers are not happy to surrender their right to original work. Others will not have issues with it. This is up to you, but if you plan on making changes to the digital work in the future but may not want to use the same graphic designer, make sure you both agree that you receive the copyrights and licensing to do so. 

Question #5: Can You Work Within Our Budget? Or How Much Do You Charge For Services?

Some graphic designers have a fixed rate for a project. Others charge by the hour. Factors can alter the price, such as the number of designs you order, revisions, planning, licensing, and so on. All these impact the price. A graphic designer who is reliable will be honest and transparent about their charges and include that in any contract you sign. 

In short, hiring graphic designers for a project is much like hiring anyone else. You need to gauge their personality and their skill before giving them the green light. By asking these 5 questions, you will find the right person for the job in no time.