Bulk Data Inserts – From File or Memory

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Recently made a decision for an app I'm working on to accumulate data in batches AND THEN to insert it into the database with one statement rather than adding 1,000 records through one thousand separate inserts.

Is this done better through file or memory? If I write the segments of the bulk-insert statement to a file and then execute from the file, the security people will complain and say that I'm writing self-modifying code.

Yet, if I try to assemble the individual segments in memory, I run the risk that one of my end users will try to feed it too much data at once and that the thing will choke.

What's the lessser of two evils here? I think I might just be better off long term equipping the software to detect big batches and to break them up followed by execution from memory?

Python – Optimization

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Hey Gang!

I'm hitting a point with my (python/mysql/linux) app for processing large amounts of network records where I need to make a design decision.
I definitely want my app to have high performance. Because optimization as a skill set is so rare there is no reason not to employ it if you have it. No one can copy you because innovation is not what most tech start-ups do and they grew up coding on pay-per-flop architectures.
My methodology is to get the data into the database and to let the database do database things. I got very good advice here at Dani Web to switch to MySQL. This has been a tremendous time saver!
And yet some things I can rely upon python and python alone to do.
I am trying to minimize those things. For example, I plan to hand-write warehousing drivers in ANSI-C to get the data into the database without python.
And yet not everything can be accomplished in C.
Do any of you have any general advice about python optimization? I have tried all of the obvious things like optimizing the interpreter, things that have always worked with perl or ruby. Python has been less than cooperative.

create a database-specific table in postgres?

Category Image 101

How do I create a table in postgres that's associated with a specific database?

Obviously from the command line one can do

Create table tablename ();

But how do I make sure that the table is associated with the correct database?

CREATE table dbname.tablename();

is giving me the error:

ERROR:  schema "dbname" does not exist