4 Ways Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning are Redefining CRO

Although conversion rate optimization (CRO) is nothing new, adopting new technologies to better enhance your CRO practices can seem a little unfamiliar and challenging. However, when it comes to utilizing predictive analytics and machine learning, the benefits to your conversion rates can be significant.

Through analyzing user behavior and entrusting technology to make educated decisions about your website’s and funnel’s performance, it’s possible to provide a massive boost to your funnel. This can be particularly important for businesses as we begin to transition towards the era of the ‘new normal,’ away from the COVID-19 pandemic and the long periods of social isolation that affected business models worldwide.
Survey of Challenges With CRO

Google Analytics 4: 7 Biggest Pitfalls of the Revamped GA

With the launch of Google Analytics 4, Google has delivered its biggest alteration to analytics in the company’s long and successful history. But with the removal of core features and a complex new interface, is GA4 really ready to start driving the growth of businesses?

The new system has been developed to unify the measurement of apps and websites and is intended to offer marketers a much deeper level of understanding regarding their campaign performance.

Will 2021 See AI Grow Into The Crypto Landscape?

After years of unprecedented growth, both worlds of cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence appear to become deeper intertwined in 2021 with the emergence of AI-driven crypto exchanges and wallets.

The crypto market place has been known to create unlikely millionaires virtually overnight. With heavy levels of market volatility and huge volumes of data produced with every movement, the utilization of intuitive analytical software can be hugely beneficial for investors and market analysts alike. However, the future roles that AI can play within the world of crypto can extend way beyond smart market analysis.

Why You’ll Probably Have to Drive Your AI “Self-Driving” Car

Self-driving cars look set to become the future of motoring, but for many drivers - both in Europe and around the world - who dream of reading a book or navigating social media while on their morning commute, the reality of autonomous vehicles may not be so simple. 

The technology and quality of sensors used in autonomous vehicles may not reach the level where drivers will have the security needed to take their eyes off the road completely for decades at least, and even if they do, there’s plenty of regulations that currently prohibit drivers from giving up full control of their vehicle while driving. 

How AI Is Bringing Convenience to the Art of Building Presentations

We’re living in a time of unprecedented convenience. Today, automation has brought unparalleled ease to how we conduct our business and studies online.

Although the art of giving presentations has remained largely unchanged since the early incarnations of Microsoft PowerPoint hit our computers back in 1987, the likes of AI and Machine Learning have begun to make their marks on the industry — empowering us to build engaging content along the way, despite an increasing fear of AI replacing the jobs.