How Can Data Professionals Increase Conversion Rates in 2024?

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We all have mastered the science of maximizing outputs from the given data in the last decade. However, converting that data into meaningful insights is the real challenge and opportunity! Over the years, a swaddle of 3rd party products has claimed higher ROI, either by optimizing ad spending, improving data analysis strategies, or overhauling the backend. And yet, the website conversion rates across all sectors haven’t crossed 2.5% in 2023

If the average user appetite to purchase has increased and the internet bandwidths have improved, why have the conversion rate numbers not improved? This post discusses often-overlooked strategies to improve website conversion rates and how data professionals can help.

Mastering Data Integration: Enhancing Business Efficiency

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With more data comes greater responsibility for managing it optimally. After all, it's the heartbeat of any surviving business. A data integration strategy involves collecting, managing, and consuming it for analytical success. That being said, it's not only about piecing the data sets together. Rather, it’s the official roadmap of disparate sources communicating with each other to produce valuable insights. 

The right data integration strategy is essential for locking consistency, accuracy, and reliability, enabling futuristic decision-making. Without the same, enterprises fall prey to inaccurate data that can have critical implications for the business.