3 Unexpected Benefits of Talking About Technical Debt

Did you know talking about technical debt can help you win at work? Technical debt conversations are not usually a path to promotion. They are more likely to be frustrating and filled with complaints. Many such conversations end with a realization that not much will change. Despite that, there are 3 unexpected benefits of talking about technical debt.

When you talk about technical debt more often you do three things:

How to Explain Kubernetes to a Business Team

Kubernetes gets a lot of attention in the tech world. But it is almost completely unknown to anyone in the business world. This situation isn’t unusual. Technology is moving so fast the business teams are less and less familiar with the systems they rely on.

This makes it much harder when you need to talk to the business about a particular technology. So how do you explain something like Kubernetes to a business team?

3 Reasons You Should Talk About Release Schedules More Often

Release schedules drive many of the processes for IT teams. The problem is, business teams, don’t like release schedules. Maybe it’s because they don’t understand the need for the formal process or they feel release cycles slow down the delivery of new features and fixes. 

Whatever the reason, if you work as a developer or in DevOps, talking about release schedules with your business stakeholders is important.